J. S. HAMPTON, City Editor. - t J WEATHER INDICATIONS. C 1 Washington Feb; 22. For North Caroima; iair weather; slightly colder. ' ; 't ' ;;;f -' "'. Greensboro 4 Almaxac.- Sun rises 6:46. Sun sets 5:42.' 'Moon rises 6:34. ! 5 r4y;Vu -;" ' ' " ... gentleman of means ancU comes to enter into business and make Greens boro his home. Last Monday Mr. Thomas Vernon made complant to the city authori ties that some one had broken his gate and torn down his fence. This jtf $7,00 per . annum, 1.00 is not the first case of this kind tnat SIX momns. Vina Korn htvmrli. im nnrl Vif Tinnnr a hTJn 4 mSans to find THE OLDESTDAILY M THE STATE. THE HORNING STAR. A First-Glass . Democratic ... 'Newspaper.' v PUBLISHED DAILY Mobntng News one week for out the offenders, and if found they ;only 10 cents. will be severely dealt with. One of High .Point's grandest business institutions is the Sash, Door and Blind factory of Messrs. E. A. Snow & Co. The books of this firm show a business, for the past six : . The Greensboro Tobacco Associa- dollars per day and it is rapidly on uon now numbers twenty-one mem- the increase. This is the esiablish- .5 -rQld newspapers .for sale at ; this office for ,25 cents a- hundred. ! t- '" ; i ; ' ' ; - -I V ' . , The Morning News ,is kept on sale . at the Dike Book Co.'s News Stand. k; . hers. A larger black horse belonging to Mesrs. Peters & Tatum was found dead in his stall yesterday morning. See Mr. Chas. Emerson's adver- ment in which the popular Frank Dalton, late of thi3city, recently pur chased an interest. A number of young men were brought before his honor, the tisement of furniture for sale. A fine mayo', last Monday on charge of dte- THEWEEKLY STAR. " $1.50 a Year, $1.00 6 mos. Fall and Reliable Market Re- ' ports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts of the World, Con densed and Arranged in the most Attractive Form. Advertising Bates Reasonable. -co S5 CC Add res, , WM. H. BERNARD; Editor fr Proprietor, . v . . wiLMiKCTON.KC H S IN S riAROLINA CNTRALRATt Office of Surcuttrrctntxr Wilmington, N. C, Sept. ittfA CHANGE OF SCHEDUrr Schedule will be operated on tM. JX road. I 1M i i-caxc umingion at. .7. . 1 V Leave Raleigh at 700 J Arrive at Charlotte.... 6 c; J PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPtr-. TRAIN. Daily ExajT-SrvVr? --"AT. ) Leave Charlotte at.... 8 19 . ) Arrive at Wilmington.7 4J t J Local Freich Pass. Car Attache jryTI I Leave Charlotte at 7 KUJL I Arrive at Laurinburg at. 5 9 Arrive at Charlotte at 4 4? a I Leave Wilmington at 6-t ,! opportunity to get . elegant new fur niture at a reduced price. Those who wish to buy anything, or those! who wish to sell anything, to the people of Greensboro or High Point, have only to advertise in the Morning NEWS; ' " ; , -Mr.' Frank Trogden and the Messrs. Mitchell will open a grocery store, in Hhe room next to Messrs. Irving. & Weatherly, on West Market street; -" .t ' ;. - . r Br. Freeman, the expert spe cialist, arrived in the city last night orderly conduct on the streets, and of fireing pislols. They were all dis charged except two, who acknowl edged that they had moved some signs. They were discharged on pay ment of costs, with the understanding that they were to he guilty of no more "funnv busines 1887. . . 1887 A. YEAR : S 3 .5 Wednesday night some scoundrel attempted to break into the residence ot police officer Don Andrews, by trying all the doors and windows. It was evi dently some one who knew that Mr. Andrews' duties as a policeman kept him from home at night. Mrs. Andrews, I J I THE DAILY WHIG J H .9 sjS1 S N Hal CO THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. amount ol deviltry that is now going on in this community is something appall- and took rooms at the Benbow, where Qf course, was greatly frightened. The iuuac witu ueeu ins services may con sult nim. ! Capt. G. SWynn, of Asheboro, '".Vcifyyesterday, and left for .-England last night, to return to this country in the early part of Ju-ie. -"-Last year over two million THE WEEKLY IAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED TO 73 Cents A Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB- "r- - LIS H ED.'" . ' ' Ei-ia ing. An experienced farmer says grow ers of tobacco are learning that it is necessary to produce the finest quali tv of leaf to insure nrofit. To do pounds of tobacco was handled by this. rank manures should he avoided. the dealer in this city, and we learn andthoso Gf a mineral character in that the indications thus far point to ,n :,t.. ua. . a larg6 increase for this year. 4 ' J. Xll pULcVOIl 111C1U IS clLA UUUCUai JJILT THE ;SiSf)HYISSUE 4 'and ." : WEEKLY BOITION LOTH FQR ONE YEAR, FOR $LBO. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and a weekly tor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. !.fe oftheState against Bev portion of ash left in burning tobacco. n A TT VQI7MT T7PT7T7 T WH W17T7WQ :3?.h: Garland, (col); which has been to grow the best it needs a liber- DAILYSENT-FREE TWO WEEKS Wee i it Pie I.Ioith Fuel A P. K ami S No. 3 Arrive at Laurinbufg at 4 2 Leave Laurin burs at $!S Arrive at Wilmington at 8 3: I Local Freight between Vi!.T.:r.J.J and Laurinburg Tri-Weckly-VaViT, and Fridays. Leave Laurinharr L Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday Passenger Trains stop at rrrt Stations only, and Points desijr.ri the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division. Passcxcer. Ul Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte. 7 35 ,8 Shelby 11. i0a, Arrive EUenboro....i2 00 a Leave Ellen boro l2$tj No. 4 " Leave Shelby..! 25 pt J Arrive Charlotte 5 25 n Trains No. 1 and 2 make close c nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Tni, to and frdm Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars Utweeattl mington and Charlotte and Raleigh 1 Charlotte. Tate Train No. 1 for SutejrZt Stations Western NrC R. R., Asheri and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Grecsri Athens, Atlanta and all points Sco. west. L. C. JONES, Superinicnic: F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Ar Cape Fear L Yailia Mij RaHrciTt CoSDEtJXD Scuxdulx Ko. 10. Taking effect 1X0 p. m., UandAj, FebVE TUA1N NuUili. ... j v .1 1- . UIO.VUUILS lUr iUO laSU year, WaS ol ennnhr nfnnfn in fl,o;i . - I LL1 JLAUUA V Ul IJViiiill AAA Llll. I A I a AT 4T dismissed yesterday, the defendant to V--v"Ti ; 1 i V v ; , ' in session ought to turn out in a body , t Tbe.editor cannot reirain from ex- and march through the principal-streets -pressing regret at-the shocking typo- ot this city, and then it they don't indict -vr,v,vi 1 -v I, the commissioners for neglect of duty, gmph calerrorsvhich crept into the Rethink his honor, the judge, should paper yesterday du ring his absence Irom send them home. -X-.the c)ty;( It it would help the matter he We don't know exactly how lar rand could shed tears. " - ' . ... .j, -u... ...: , ., . l juiy s puwci iu muni caiciius, uui 11 win -We. regret to; learn lrom the Ral- probably think twice before it attempts eigh. Visitor that Mr. J as. S. Harward to dictate to an incorporated town as to 'o that city dropped dead in the street Uhe k-nd of streets it shall have. It the ; pnesdayJasC; 'Poor Jim ; while he people want the streets paved, let them Editor News :-The grand jury now s d bne ccn: ,or "a tal and epecinn rtnnrnr tr t n m nut in hnnir I J . . order one or the other on trial. "ADDRESS THE WHIG, Richmond, Va. DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE was not perfect, he posessed many good qualities of head and heart and will be missed iriRaleigH. , v .-. The folio wing prices ruled yes- vote aye on the proposition, which is With Tw!v Cut Papr Pattern of onr owi aictioa aaa or any aixa. N "terdayi; Cblekens, 20 to 25 rjeggs, 10 ;ioW PP!elfd';$U50-rabbit . iskih18c do24 potatoes,; sweet, 70 to 8u ? msn i .uu to 1 ; Dutter. 20 to jo4 i tnealf ,60 to" 70,' 7 rTheBtatesi'illefnmcaw has been prhaay'Aiuespiejand. soon to be submitted to them, to issue J BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, bonds for that purpose. I ro flEMORESrS U THE BES I Of all the Magazines. ONTAININO.Siori.t, Pont md UiirUdrt attraciioat, corabiaing Artiatie, Sciaatifio i As a toilet article, Ayer's Hair Vigor stands unrivaled. It cleanses the scalp and." removes dandruff, cures itching humors, restores ths original color to faded and gray hair, and promotes its growth. No other spring medicine has won lor itself such universal confidence as Ayer's SlP6?1 ot vegetable alteratives r -Aiiciuuuu.ui I ever onerea 10 ice puonc, ana is ac paperhas beenlchangeto the weeklv knowledged by the medical profession to t Vai, 'and continues to be republican. be best blood punher. Hootehold anattars. Illustrated with Ogtnnt Steel jE7ngrv n(7, PAototTrarxrra, Oil IHeture md fine Woodcut, making it the 21 ode I Jgagazlne of America, r7""Each Mayazino contain a COUPON ORDER- entltlinar tbo Loluer to the selection of ANY PATTERN illustraJ la XLut number. ana in aim y sik. The trial of Jim Boyd and Carter. Johnson, for- assaulting and robbing Mr. W. B.. Crump will, hot take place1 at Hhis Pterin -of court, as Mr. Crump Is not able to attend court, : attel it is hot qui te certain1 that he is "iQut of danger.' -J f ?.. x v The, following - ministers will "preach at ho A.f M ; i;.' cliurch next 5. Sabbath, Feb. 27th : , Rev& I. A. It is a fact and cannot be disputed. tW5n Ivernodle has the best beef on the mar ket and the finest and purest sausage and souce meat. 24-it. Kernodle says this is his week to keep the best meats, and he is doing it up right. 24-1 1 Good fat meats are scarce, but KerT nodle has' the finest ot beef, &c knows how to cut and handle it, too, m- It. A Dakota woman in the uooer ; :MurPhV that she v Nftwoer. areo-especuuijy invited wanted a fur cloak. She bprnn trapping mink and tanning the skins. These she sent fc to St. Paul, where they have just been made into a beautiful cloak for which. she was offered $125. " Form, the Largest in tTireiilit'on. nnd ttr? beat TWO Dollar Farcify Mainline tud. VX6 irJU Bo the Tw-entr'bconTcar -f )U iuLUcation 1 it U continually. trarrcrM'rwl e cxtemircly as ta place it In tha front mnX f Komllr Fcricdlcals. aacl rtiul to ruy uutirfizlr.a It contains 73 pfXTes.L.ryr'nrrtn. vxl!-' iorbca, elejrantly pr.nUl and fu'ly iaurtrwtvJ Pub lished br w Jnninir lmorct N-r Vorfc. spectfully f ; !tp come outand hear them. 1 -A:Frenchi horticul turists f recom-: xmlUQWls n;i thci v proporuon::of si 1 -pbundaof saltto twentv-six . gallons of iratOtT$xiTin-:Trcelo de- tfoy-mildew onroses'And - peach ' air. V. ,G. Salmonr formerly of --mcinaii anu more recently ot V lr- "'-ginmnas leasea tne: fjarr residence, beyond f J udgo Dick's residence, and 1 ?,vtill -.inpve(i3'foniily to this city , 'YUhin a few, days., Mr. Salmon is a San Francisco, Feb. 21. The Oak Jand DeU of Jan. 26 says: .A private letter received from Kemberly con tains an account of a terrible slaughter ot blacks in that district. A miner stole a young black. In retaliation a negro killed the miner and wounded his two companions. The latter -es-. cared, secured aid, pursued the blacks and outot a band of forty all but one of the blacks were .shot dead. . : , mm For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchi tiSjCroup, enza, Astlxma, Yhooping Cough, In apient Consumption and tor the re lief of oxasfinptive persons in' advan ced stages cftts PvztSt or byaUDrcgstsPrlcg, 9 'jCgsts, A Creaking Hinge Ii dry and turns hard, untlloll Is applied, alter which It moves easily. 'When the Joints, or hinges, of the body arc stiffened and inflamed by Rheumatism, they can not bo moved without causing the most ezcruclatin; pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by Its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores tbo Joints to good working order. Ayer's Sarsaptrllla has effected, in our city, many most remarkable cures, a cum ber of which baffled the effort ot the most experienced physicians. TVcre It necessary, I could give the names of many Individuals who have been cured bv taking this medicine. In my own cas it lias cer tainly worked wonders, relieving me ot Rheumatism, after beln troubled with It for years. In this, and all other diseases ariinjf from Impure blood, there Is no rcmctlv with which I am acquainted, that affbrdt such relief as Ayer's Sanaparilla. It. II. Lawrence, 11, tr., Baltimore, lid. Ayer's Samptirim cured me of Gout and Rbeumatim, when nothing c!e would. It has eradicated everr trace of , disease from my system. It. II. Short, Manager Hotel lie knout, Lowell, Man. I xvas, durln manv month, a sufferer from chronic Khcumatiin. The diao afflicted me prlcvomly. In imltc of all the remedies I could find, until I commenced usin Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 took several bottles of this preparation, and was speed- 117 rcsborcu 10 ocaiui. w. rcaia, inde pendence, Va. Ayer'c Sarsaparilla, old ky ail t)riU. . Xrk f I ; Ht Uvd X V --Inventors and -patentees and all hav ing business with the U. 8. Patent Oi- nccarc invuca to communicate with me With confident reliance upon my fidelity to their interests- . . J New inventions patented. Old inven tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats filal. trade marks registered. Prompt attention. Skillful service ??TlC ,cUar- Send model or sketch lor Iret: report 113 to patentability. luSshed ,n,ormali cheerlult; Solicitor ol Amidcaand Fo JnPat- w.w . , w Washington, Leve Dcx.ntUille.. Arrive Mai ton. ArriveFayetUrille. . xuve Fayctteville. . .. Arrive Sauford.;... Leave sanford ...... Arrive Greensboro. . Leave G roensbcro . . . Arrive Iklew a Creek I !'. and 10 00 am 12 05 tmi 12 29 pm 2 25pm 2 45pm C 15nm lOlSjta .l230pa Dinner at Siufor.t Irrn 4 U iaus TILV1N SOUTH. LeaveIVl9's Creek Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greennboro... Arrive Santord I Leave Sanford Arrive Fityelteville.. I Leave FayeUerille.. I Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton. Arrine Bennettaville MaiL 4 20 pm C 5 pm 1000pm 1 30pm lbopxa 4 10 pm 4 25pp 6 20 pm C30pm 7 45 pm 7c 645P 6D0c 9 at 10 lie, Pi 1 10 is j US Frtight and pAenger Tram tos tween Fayetteville and llennaUTiHi f, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridaya, I Freight and Passenger Train runbetvj Fayetteville and Greenaboru Tzc&? Thursdays and Satardara, and t"T Greensboro and Fayetteville Mondayi,, nesdays and Fridays. Passenger, and Mail Train mai dii'j ct pt Sucdavv. The nortb bound Train makes claw ej section at Maxton for all poinU J. W. FRY, General Superintendent W. E. KYLE, General Passcnscf JWTECEIVED"" A FRESH LOT Of SrtMS'W intend The &die all trade with them. iw III.! IPC. PicJcles, &c., &c. KLSO A NICE LINE OF or the pleasure ol those who I-; mrthat kind of amusement. Tt anicleot Oil to Rive you light ca s subject, or any other, il you use bT( I am still in the Caking busines?. " flTT; EASLEYf Builder & Contract. GREENSBORO, K.C- Is prepared to make controls buildings ol all kinds, frame J Also, will contract lor the bcu 1 bridges &c Sauslaction and relercnccs given when rcq- j