Church Services To-Day. J. S. HAMPTON, City Editor WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Feb. 2. For North Carolina, lair weather, with slightly higher temperature. r : t ? i hi 1- Greensboro-Almanac. Sun rises 6:41. Sunsets 5:46. Moon sets 9:26. e f Morning News lone week only 10 cents. for : -M31d newspapers -for. sale at office for 25 cents a hundred. this The Morning News is kept on sale at the Dike Bqpk Co.'a News Stand, t Let this day be properly observ ed by all. O&j: We are indebted to Senator Vance for a batch" of public documents. The Greensboro market is now well supplied with eggs. r Merchants report good trade dur ing the week; notwithstanding the unfavorable weather. 1 ' . People are looking to the new coal mines for cheapened coal, near Egypt, say a reduction to $4 per ton. Those who have building lots to sell could riot do better than adver tise them in the Morning News. The Russell gold mine is begin ning to' be worked. It promises well, and we hope it will pan out accord ing to promise. Services will be held to-day as fol lows: ; ; ' , 'V Presbyterian church Sermon at 11a. m., by Rev. Wm. Lacy, from Mtt. 29:54, "Truly this was the Son of God,' ' followed by the communion. Children's meeting and baptism at 4, p. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. E. AV. Smith, lrom Luke, 13:7. f,Be hold!these three years. I come seek- in? fruit on this fie: tree and find none." " , Presbyterian Chapel, at 4 p. m., sermon by Rev. Wm. S. Lacy, from Matt. 19:27, "Behold we have for saken" all and followed thee ; what shall we have therfore ?" Preaching at West Market street (Methodist) church at 11, a. m., and 7:30, p. m. Young People's Meeting at 3 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at Centenary Methodist church to-day at 11 a. m., by the pas tor, G. P. Smith. Sunday school at 3 p. m., J. R. Mendenhall, superin tendent. Prayermeeting at 7:30 p. m. Preaching in Bogart Hall to-day at of the new Reichstair stand 220 to 177 Alsace and Lorraine (taken from tne French in the war of 1870) remain true to France, and elected every member opposed to annexation and Bismarck. Tho Beautiful Lifo and Death. ; I WORDS OF WISDOM SHOES HSNHORS CIGARS. OmCE OF SUPERXTEXLt Wilmington. N. C,ScpLl CHANGE OFSCHEDUlr . On and alter this date, the IJ Schedule will be operated on road. Beautiful faces are those that wear It matters little if dark or fair-Whole-souled honesty printed there. Beautiful eyes are thosu that show, Like crystal panes where health fires glow, Beautiful thoughts that barn below. Beautiful lips are thosewhoso words words Lap from the heart like the hearts of birds Yet whose utterance produces girds. Beautiful hands are those that do Work that is earnest, and brave, and . true, Moment by moment, n . long life through. - Drive thy business, let thee. 9 not that drive EAbbtrt.tK. MAIL AND Py. 1 K AIW . UAILY EXCEPT O-CL- Drink Old Everglade Rye Whiskey. N Beautiful feet are those that go On kindlv ministries to and fro- Down lowliest ways, if God-wills it so Beautiful shoulders are those that bear Ceaseless burdens of homely care 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by Rev. W." With patient grace and daily prayer. R. Gwaltney, pastor of the Baptist church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. On to Canada v. X Up rose the bold McGinnis. 'Ho, comrades !" thus he cried, "Let's strike while hot's the iron A blow at British pride. I go to sack Toronto, To scuttle Montreal, To kidnap in his castle, The governor general. Ho ! fill your flasks with lightning ; -There's no such word as'fall. He best shall serve his country Who twists the lion's tail." Beautiful lives are those that bless Silent rivers of happiness. Whose hidden fountains but rew may guess. Beautiful twilight at set of sun, Beautiful goal with race well won. Beautiful rest with work well-done. Beautiful graves where grassses creep. Where brown leaves fall, whero drifts life deep 9 Over worn-out hands oh, beautiful sleep. UEHaJTGED niJUSELF. SamesHeasor, a Lunatic, Ends His Life TTith a Trace- Chain. Louisville, Feb. 26. Several days T3TT. T, HT? 1? D T3 T(f ago an inquest of lunacy was held upon JJJLJtaLJU. WA JL Jl1.UL.AJL James D. Reasor' a young man twenty five years old, who lived with his parents A subscriber writes to inform us that three guano' warehouses, in the heart of the city, has just been re filled." - -J-It is rumored that Mr. Josephus ; Daniels, bf the Raleigh Chronicle, and 1 1 printer to the State, was married yes- fprrlflv. ' ; near Galena (seveh miles north ot New -Tne nurseries hereabouts are just Aioany,) ana ne was declared insane. now sending out great quantities of The orde.r for his admission to the in- . - . , , sane asylum was received Tuesday eve- young fruit trees. Great bundles ningf ad Constable Cannon went to his are seen at the depots, on drays and home for the purpose of carrying him to deposited about the streets. A great New Albany, in order that he might be , industry, in this section. taken by the Sheriff to Indianapolis. , When he reached the home ot the insane Fridav nisrht a number of "solid7 man's parents he learned that Reasor tti pti fmm th a -NTm th efhmiml nt iht had leit home, and he was McAdoo House. It is said that they ortW ater th. offirpr ... . ft thR are prospecting for an opportunity to lunatic returned home, went to bed and READ ! READ ! READ ! .T. S. SHBLTOH'S Sloth makes all things difficult, industry easy. Smoke Pamina Havanna Cigars , . Diligence is the mother of good luck. D3INS BASS' ALE ASD GroUTES STOUT. .Creditors have better memories than debtors. . Snoio Duka's Caaea Cigarettes, t Early to bed and to rise, makes cs healthy, wealthy and wise. . Drink Budweis & Bohemian Export Beer. Work to-day for you know not ol to morrow. Smoke Margarita Gigars. Improve-every hour, no morning sun lasts all day. Chew Fine Sun Cured DURHAM TOBACCO; Experience is a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. Drink Fine Old Pencil And Apple Brandies. Necessity is :he mother of invention. Buy of E. G. NEWCOMB, ) Leave Wilmington at . ! Jo. i V Leave Raleigh at. I43 1 . J Arrive at Charlotte, i! I ic wiAnoiic at.. 1 1. No. 2 V Arrive at Raleigh at 4i J Arrive at Wilmingtoa J. Local Freich Pass. Car Atul ' Leave Charlotte at j Arrive at Tnnrinftirrr - "'l- 5i; Leave Wilmington at l t Arrive ai i-aunnDurjr at.... i Leave Laurinburt at . A i Leave Laurinburgat ".".".6i"; Arrive at CVar!ntt at J. at i No. 3 No. 4 T Odcll Building. CAUSED GOODS, Tomatoes, Corn, Lima Beans, Early June Peas. White Beath, and Yellow Peaches. . Pineawle. Preserves and Jellies accordingly in buckets and Glasses. BOTTLED Q00DS. fQ. CO put some of their "rocks" into manu factureJ iera or hereaboiite. ; Yesterday afternoon, jwhiie Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were in Farrior's shoe store, their, horse, attached to a siept soundly until yesterday morning. fotheothe? Beings' Plain and Mixed Pick- ne wisnea io go io one oi tne. Dunaings SUUn dis JflCKieCL Un- on the farm. He was given the key and 7nno phnjrr Phnnr departed. After waiting his return for 10n 1bI10Wc, 0il0 covered buggy, which they left stand- proceeded to the building and phili Same. Table Sm Pre- Eeinz?8 Plain and Mixed Pickles in Barrels to retail by the dozen and quart. co took and started on a run toward the depot He was stopped, without damage, in front of Mr. West's store. Mr.' M, G. Newell the; enterpri sing and . attentive young merchant of South Greensboro has recently openediri connection with his gro- 2 by a trace-chain and quite dead. He was taken down and efforts were made to rususcitate him, but they were of no effect. Coroner Starr held. an inquest yesterday evening, and returned a ver- uict oi suiciae. g . Congressional. Washington, . Feb. 2G. In the eery a complete, stock of dry goods Senate yesterday a bill to amend tho and notions. Tins supplies a long- ct; want in South ; Greensboro, and no doubt will be a grand success. Country produce, such as eggs, poultry, potatoes, &c. , is command ing hisrh prices on account of the bad resolution was adopted callinsr for a mndition nfthA mads; Qliftn kt the statement from the Treasury Depart- city people and the Arthur Kill act was reported adverse ly. Senator Ingalls was elected President pro tern. Mr. Hoar's reso lution opposing joint investigation with Great Britain of the dimculties with the Canadian Provinces was re ferred to the Finance Committee. A. ment whethp.r fho Whislrpv Rini hnH country people been allowed to evade tne revenue take hold and build good roads lead ing out. from town in every direction; that the farmers may come in at any time with their produce. The 27ew$ and Observer says petitions ito' the counsy commissioners to order laws. 'The Pleuro-pneumohia bill was further discussed. The contested election conference report was agreed to. The Pacific Kaifroad resolution was considered. In the House the Agricultural Department bill, as amended by the Senate, was referred to the Agricultural Committee. Canned and Potted Heats. One, two, and four pound Cans Corn ed Beef, Beviled Mam, Potted Earn, Potted Ox Tongue, FreSh Sal man, ifockerel, Lobsters,'. . Imported hndDojnestic Sardines. ' " Teas and Coffees, : . The celebrated "Dixie" and nChal lenge" Roasted Coffee, "English" . Breakfast, Oun Powder, Young Eyson, and the- Celebrated ' "EentrTea. ' r . Hiscellanepiis, . .: s H r I 0 I CO .8. CO CO cc CO cc 8 CO cc CO CO ;iO:-;: as 9 Oat Mealf Rolled ffroats, Cracked Wheat Tapioca, Cocoa, Baker's Choco late, the test Grands Roller Patent 1 '"! IivMir timonimnw rno orvfi n c ortii I i ti -v-r: l Con if n t0i?w ti ferees on the Retaliation bill were ap- an election m Kaleigh on the local pointed. The Senate Agricultural option questions are being circulated Experiment Station bill was passed. bv the .fanti-prohibitionists.! If an The General Deficiency bill was re- .election is orderedBaleigh will have ""X, "thPMpnt murt Vma d Break ) ',w,-n .6-:, 0111 13 now ready for the Presidents -dmnn Vilai nntw. ; v aval Appropriation y"7 XT'-. TnZtZJ vT'.r uiu vu. jjrwu. Quxar wru. jjrwu Xiima Beans, Buckwheat Flour. A stock of northern "iiooaricrf' and "Early nose jsisn roiawes lor oeeaing ana Table use. Afresh lot Hackerel in Barrels and Kits. - , ' : Call and examine goods and get prices. - Respectfully, T.S.SEELT0E. w co Si, co 9 summer months over the muhipical bill was considered. The President , wand localbtion campaigns. signed the Chinese Indemnity bill. .cc v co co . 0 ? l &!?re.?i-; co co : R lj co - -1 Hanged for Rape. The farmers - are complaining a great deal, about the bad roads lead ing from their homes to the citv. Prrjciss Ann. Md.. Feb. 25.Jas. One said that although he only lived Stevens, colored, was hanged in the v - -i r . , jail yard here to-day. or having com- three miles from the city lit good an outrageSu5 assault5 upon weather, it is fully ten miles when the person of Mrs. Trehearne. An agpd tne roaas are. ail mua. wnen people lady, living in me uudiih cilslcxJIl have suffered enough they will go earnestly to work and build good and permanent roads. If you have a .good thing it must be paid for. Julv 11th, 1880. He made no con fession and died with Btolidity, Bisnwckhas a big majority after alU At ia&t accounts the members 1 1: Leave Laurinburg at " , ' Arrive at Wilmington at j.iji Local Freight between and Laurinburg Tri-WeeklyjJL Wilmington on Mondays, Wedt and" Fridays. Leave Laurinb-X' Tuesdays, Thursdays and SatarSd Passenger Trains stop at Stations only, and Points desit the Company's Time JTable. j Shelby Division', Passlxcdl v ' . . Daily eicept Sunday. Leave Charlotte 7 v . ?;hiKv .: r3 Arrive EUenboro lion) Leave Ellenboro uj-J Leave Shelby.. i2 p Arrive Charlotte c?: Trains No. 1 and 2 makechsc nection at Hamlet with R. & to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars betwcaT mington and Charlotte and JuIeMt Charlotte. j Take Train No. 1 for Sur Stations Western N. C. R. R Asir and points West. j Also, lor Spartanburg, Grttr. Athens, Atlanta and all points west. 1 L. C JONES, j . Superum:. F. W. Clark. Gen. Passenger h Cape Fear k Yadkin Yallej Eji UoxDrsTO Schiovlz Ko. 13. Taking tZecl IJOQ p. xn.t Sunday, Fell Tii a in Noma. Ta. ltd Lcto IkcnttUville ArriTe Mm ton ArriTeFajetUtille.. Leave FoyeUTille. . .. Arrive Sanford Leave sanford Arrive Greensboro.. Leave G reenaboro . Arrive Iklew'a Creek 8 a rn 10 00 axa 12 03 ta 12 20 pa 2 25cal 10l5an 123C?a Dinner at San ford. K 4 W TRAIN SOUTH. It"3 Leave Belew'g Creek Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro. . . ArriTe Samord Leave S&nfcrd Arrive Fajetteville.. I Leave Fayetleville.. I Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton. Arrine Beonettavilla i . i 30 pa C .5 pa lOOOpa 1 SOpa 1 Wpa 4 10 pm 4 25 pa C 20 pa 6 30 pa 7 45 pn Frejgbt and Pa&secger Tran ro tveen Fajetteville and, Ifenaej Mondays, Wednesday and Fridijl. I Freight and Passenger Tri3 rsV FajeUeville and Greenaborj Ts Tharsdays and Baturdaja, asi Greensboro andFnyetteville headayi and Fridays. . I .PaaBeneer and Mail Train raci-. crpt Bun dart. The north bound Train xaakea nection at Maxton for all pcin'J J.W.FRY, General Superintended W. E. KYLE, (general Passecjtf i. . just mm A FRESH LOT Of M .tic Met I: ICC Pickles, &c, S'C ALSO A NICE LINE OF For the in that kind" of amusement. PI article pt Oil to wye you 14 f. subject, or any other, il voa C1 , I gri still in the Baking busir. Jbjectf or any other, ilyoa II. P. EASLET, Builder. & Contr, GREENSBORO. 5. I ccctr. I Dreoared to make buildinra of all Vinr!. frame Also, will, contract for the bridges &c. Satisfaction I and references riven whtn rc"