THE MORNING NEWS j. S. HAMPTON, Proprietor. Published Daily, ExcEpr Monday. RATES OF Sl'BSCRIPTIOX, IN ADVANCE : One Year by Man, Postage paid, $ 4 00 six Month, ;; ;; Three Months, 100 Two Months, " f u 75 One Month, " 40 To city subscribers, delivered in any part of the city at 10 cts per week. TUBLISHEBS' ANNOTOCEMENTS. Ho advertisements inserted in Local column at any price- An extra charge will be made for double-column or triple-colu Tin advertisements. All announcements and recomendations of candi. dates for office, will be charged as advertisements. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each insertion. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements' will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Remitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the pub lishers. Under the head of "Special City Items," business .:. win np nisei icu ai urc - vj k r r-k a a irca jtT w re line or every insertion. THE RAILROADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Arrives from Richmond at Q-43 a m " 8.55 p m Leaves for Richmond at 8.32 am Q.55 Pm NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8.22 am 11 Q-47 p m Leaves? for Charlotte at 9-43 a m 11 ..9.05pm 'Arrives from Goldsboro at o-3o P m 11 H 10.20pm '-, ' ........... 7.40 am Leaves for Goldsboro at 9-5 am u 6.00 a m ! 9-5 P NORTH-WESTERN N. C . RAILROAD. Arrives from Salem at '. 8.00 a m I 11 8.24 pm leaves for Salem at 10.00 pm 14 ti 10.00 p m C r. AND Y. V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayetteville at.... 6.15 p m Leaves for Fayettevilje at .10.00 am THE POSTOFFICE. Mails for the North close at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. Charlotte " 9 9 " Raleigh " 900 Salem " 9 00 9 Fayetteville " 900 The money order and registered letter office will nly be open from 9.00 a. m. to 6 p. m. . General Delivery is open from 7 a. m. untu p. m. xcept when opening mails. Also, half hour after i ODeninz the Southern night mail. I Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m. for hour ; and half hour after the opening of the salts iram both North and South. Tfye looViboxes ar accessible at all hours. RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Presbyterian: Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St. Rev. E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : i .Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. ' Q, F. Smith, S. Greensboro, ethodist Protestant : Rev. T. L. Michaux, N. Greene St " J. R. Ball, Spring St. piscopal : Rev. A. H. Stubbs. N. Elm St. PRODUCE MARKET. Apples green, per bu. i.ooai.50 .......39 ......5a8 ....iSa25 ......ai8 cqnThfig rqwid. , . , t , atter ., aeeswax -hkkens old I5a20 spring.... ioai5 new .....aso porn Meal. a6o tried Fruits Blackberries. 6 1-2 Cherries............. ...........7 1-2 Apples. ......2a3 Peaches, un pared 1-2, 2 i-a un parea 1-4, a a Pared.... 59 fr--, ; Feathers. vi. " " flaxseed. .75 lausKamily. ... Superfine,. M 00 tons..................... ooaso s oa4S k ..-.. 6a7 Peas - .... . fioa?e htoe?h-irbh 60 I Sweet. co Aaga Cotton................................ t F-Oow .. ....6 Wool washed 3q unwashed ......20 $iai 25 f prices of grockries. acon Side IO ' Hams .".."...!.. V. ".i5 shouiders ....!1"".8 Jese offeo-Rio ; .,93.8 - 1 t ii 1 - f. , . -, . DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY OP GREENSBORO. Vol. 1 THE LATEST NEWS. Two Experts Relieve a Chictti Sporting Jlan. landed at the Union Depot yesterday .mornuiir from Memnhis with th general appearance of havinsr been - - I thoroughly cleaned out. He report ed at the police headquarters that while sleeping in the ear Sentinel'' he was robbed of a lot of diamonds which he had secreted in his vest under the pi"ow of his berth. The articles lost were four pair of dia mond ear-rings, one pair line carat, the others seven and others three carat, three diamond rings, one sap phire and diamond ring, and several valuable diamond, ruby and pearl he estimated at $2,000, besides $20 in change. The haul is suDnosed to havelseen made by two slick fellows who entered the car at Memphis with two excursion tickets sold at Detroit, Mich., via Chicago and St. Louis. The tickets were sold to H. M. Howard by C. A. Warren, asrent F 1T: iri. t-i" !i mo vjiiiuii iicKet omce. ueiruiu --.- ."Vu 111. 111V.. IIUXIA DUlUVi HIIV-IK I between Montesanrr Snrins and Carondelet. The detectives have good descriptions of the men and will get uiem ii tney put in an appearance, A XI , . I conn, who is a racing man, says tnat TrlP TTIor nmcf hovo i r rTx ii lni oc I he exhibited the diamonds to the iiiuju jiu.v, .w.vv President of the Jockey Club in a sa loon at Memphis while a number of strangers were present. ETUIC1L, JLESSOYS. Deductions fro ax Indent His tory Applied to Jflodcrn Life. St. Louis, Mar. 3: The course of miblic lectures under the auspices of the Post-Graduate Society ot the St. Louis University opened most lavorably last niht at Pickwick. Rev. Thomas Hughes, S.J. , kept a large, intelligent and fashionable audience entranced listening to his discourse on "Human Historv and its Ethical Lessons." Alter a brilliant introduction, he described the moral of ethical faculty within man, concluding : "It is said that the heart which goeth two ways doth not prosper. No doubt, if our race has not at all times DrosDered. it is because its heart has sometimes gone two ways. Dwelling brletly on prehistoric times, he said : "Take note of the meaning- of this term. There is such a state ot things, we know, as barbarism. Now, barbar ism can result any day irom two com ponent factors human beings to be come barbarous and a desert land to make them so. The more luxurious has been the civilization ot those human be ings .before the more utterly incom petent will they be found to provide for themselves when reduced to destitution ; and while they themselves sink into misery their children are born and bred into barbarism. Now, the same factors sro to make ud the prehistoric." In later times evidences ot this were iound at the Cape of Good Hope, Iceland, t "Ar 1 I ontain, uaui, pans 01 ucrraany, etc. iuimug w me niuic x tmitu, 1 iv. Babylon, Greece and Rome, from which to point morals, iiabyion s only legacy i . 1 . 1 i 1 10 me country, aooui was uric- nu dust. Greece he treated as an example of intellectual grandeur ; Rome as one of national character. But Rome's fam- ilies were extineuished by domestic vice. As a matter of fact, she was permeated with slavery Irom the highest to the low - est. Yet the reverend lecturer spoke kindlv of manv ot the ancient philoso- phers, but the world remained heathen, and. thoueh some tried to live aright, . . . . there was no recognized society tormor- al reformation. He dwelt on all Christ- I . . IV . , t"1 " U"C and spoke severely of I the unfortunate discord of the sixteenth which had split Christendom I into tragments, and left nations armed to the teeth against each other in the supposed reign of universal peace. Foreign. Rome. March 3. The correspon- dent here of the Associated Press is Ameri authorized to state that the can bishops take a favorable view of the organization known in the Uni ted States as Knights of Labor. Car dinal Gibbons has placed before the Vatican a formal statement as to the nature of the K. of L. organization and a 1 1 t -a a T me aituuae toe cnurcn snouiaaaopt- towards it. The Cardinal says in this that he considers that anycon- demnation of the Knights would be not only useless but highly inoppor- une, and thayt might alienate the Greensboro, N. C, M&r. 4, sympathy of the American lahnrint- classes from the church and mirht hamper the mission of the church to the above"Sosrn r , ?. uiu mooring poor, in addition to the statement of Cardinal Vif itnnn.An . I the Primate treats the alarmist theo- ormnizjitinn ?,.kh nS,; 7i. "I rT"".'"' "wwvv.liut 1.1113 L1I 1L lilt' ' 1 VVl U. ciation is a secret order the Cardinal says it is not a secret society in the sense condemned bv the church, and is consequently exemnt from ennoni- cai censure. In Canada the case is different. Cardinal Gibbous further says he considers the organization of the Knights of Labor, in the United States not only harmless, but that it win possibly be beneficial as assist ing in the eventual settlement of the great question of the proper relations between labor and capital. Sax Francisco. March 2. The steamer Gaelic, from China and Jap- uu, which arnvca vesrprfinv. ronnrts mat a umnese lunK. bound irom . m - - . i Hiawa for Siam. has been wrecked. auu mat ouc oi six hundred nersons nM,lXl A. A. comprising ner passengers and crew, ... onlv six are known to hsivn omrvl " i C - . Second Baiiots in Germany. Berlin. March ft Thr voto in , ' - . . I " to-uays second ballots for the mem- bers of the Reichstag is very heavy ir flu mtt Knf o.w. C 1. n f I I a i iuio v. t.j , uui, cuuju ui uiu iiuuuuni i liberals are not voting. Abilene, Kan., Mar. 2. The CVb- zette's special from Wallace in regard to uie ugni ai .oroncia, says : "A num ber of armed men have started Irom mill v.wtitii3 IU UllUV UilkH IUC UCdUl The latest news from the scene was tj the effect that the dead were lying in me streets ana me outlaws would not permit any one to touch them. No g- . a iurtner aeveiopments are expected to day." w5 llcat for a Cent !' New York, March 2. The Board of Aldermen to-day, by a vote of 17 to 3. passed over Mayor Hewitt's veto the or dinance permitting Mrs. La Madrid, a benevolent woman, fo erect booths in the streets for the purpose of furnishing meals to the poor at the rate of one cent for each article ot food. .1 Jisit to the "JTIodcl Home" CommunicaLed. We chanced to visit that institution on Wednesday, March 2 and found the trip a pleasant one. We were cor: diallv met bv Mrs. S. D. Snow, who is in charge of this school, and her whole neart ana soul seem to oe wrapped un in the work of training the ycrune; ladies for the creat duties that await them. We were next taken through the build ; ? . mg, visuing every 100m, wnicn we found nicely kept and neatly arranged. Ht. I I . 1 . 1 we learnea mai insieaa 01 earn vnnnr iafjy taking care of her own room that Miss. A. attends to room No. 2 which is Miss B's room, and Miss A stavs in room No. I. which is attended to hv I . J 1i$s uf and so on through the school, inus making it seem more nice house- keeplng for one's own self than anybody eise Herc the ladies who attend Ben- 1 , . nett seminary are trettmsr a traminc which will fit them for future usefulness anc enable them to fill the best paying places. Both races seriously need more I of these schools that educate the hands I as well as the heads. I Many of our lnenas have no concep- tion as to the amount of good work this I "Kent Home." which is its proper name. 1 . - ... 1 given it by Mrs. lent, ot Glennsville, N. Y. This lady cave for the erection one thousand dollars, hence its name. The money was given by different socie ties and individuals at the North, and I furnished very nearly in the same way. I God willl bless our benefactors for the I untold effort put forth by them lor our I a m elevation and progress, Let our friends turn out occasionally, and see the good that is being done in the "City of Flow- a a a . a ers, 00 ana see some 01 ineir iancy- work cooking. They also take almost nothing and make something out of it. Just received a lot of the Kenton Powders. The cheapest powders on the market I lb. cans, 20c, lb cans, loc, lb. cans, 5c. Every box guaran teed to give satisfaction or money re funded. Try it, at iw. A. L. Kirkman's. a- Seed Potatoes, seed Oats, Ship Stuff, Meal, Flour. Bacon. Lard, &c, &c, at iw. . A- l Kirkman's. AND OP THE STATE. 1887. No. 43 LAST NIGHT'S MAIL. Wilkes COUntV ha n CtlT'Kr'rtt'-.r. -.r 100,000 waiting IbTthS flwt S S that fcntfr hnr K-v1M TM. t I posed line from Winston will lw th " " "" wa.JVfa fc,af LATllI'VI I I 1 7 1 I 1111 1 I uh iu rraive me amount and open a . , - - u4, u inu Dcsi sections of North 1 ar NMAaroKAma . Carolina. Hep. by by the name of A. D. StaofTnier, when O turned unnn him the intimated nczro and struck him a terribb .blow in the lace With a brick, and mnr! h?c Mr. W. H. Bernard.ofthV Wilmmtrt a Star who has been confined to his house several weeks by sickness, is somewhat improvea.but is still too unwell to attend to business. THE HAMRTON FAMILY. Correspondence of the N'awv l accidentallv ran npTiint imnt! H. Hampton, vesterdav. I 1m rnrwl irom nim some facts about hlmPlf and the Hamptons which mav be of uiivivsi. uu is a resiGcni oi uuiironi cdunty. In conversation hi? vniri that his grandfather came from Penn sylvania and settled in old Stokes county His fathers name was Mar- tin li. He was born in 1S00. -Hr was a manufacturer of puns hnd tn. bacco, for which he found n mnrkot S r" r i iu vjuurgia, anu as a llltic OOV, oaniUCl accompanied his father on his jour neys into that State. On ont? of thcs journeys, in 1839, Samuel remained at Home. and. unfortunatolv. his father was killed by the running away of his team.. He was well known by the old people of Greens- Doro, lor ne moved from Stokes into our county and settled in what is known to this day as Deen River set- ticmcnt. Samuel was a member of the Sec oud North Carolina cavalrv in the late war. Dr. B. L. Colo was rjin- tain of Co. F.. to which mmnnnv ho a I belonged. Gen. Wado Hampton's aiiention was directed to the dex trous use of the saber by Samuel and asked who he was. He was informed that he was a namesake of his, and had him called to him. Thcv com pared family notes and the General informed Samuel that he and him- sen were uescenuants 01 the same a a. piogenitors. liiree brothers came to this country from Ireland two mw . settled in Pennsylvania and one in South Carolina, and that, probably. from these threo men descended all the Hamptons in the United States. Samuel was detailed by the General as his courier, and acted in that ca pacity iour montns. wnen ne was taken sick. Senator Hampton is the third general bearing the name of Wade i-'irvit, he of revolutionary fame: sec ond, he of the war of 1812; third, he of the late war, and now a benator in Congress. 1 no given name 01 ado is pre valent in all the branches of the fami ly, which would indicate that it was used anterior to the age of the Sena- tor's grandfather. Olu Man. L.ACONIES. Mr. W. B. Crump, is able to step around a bit. Ladies, remember your Presby terian Missionary Society to-morrow at four o'clock. Mrs. G. W. Alley went up to High Point yesterday and return ed last night. Mr. S. S. Brown is having a sum mer house erected in his front yard on Washington street. Captain Lee Hawkins fell down the steps at his home on Tuesday and was severely bruised but will pro bably be out to-day. Married, Tuesday night, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. J. R. Jeffrey's and Mis? Mary Jackson, Congratulations. Everybody and his nearest and farthest re'a'ive are complaining of what is termed spring fever. ell, it warm weather. Take a little red sas safras sissafrax? tea. Mis Lizzie Jack.son, daughter of Mr. William Jackson, of Greensboro, left for Canada, yesterday morning, where she will spend some time vis iting relatives in that section. The Salvation Army is now holding forth in Fayetteville. U has been there two days and the people seem to regard it very much ai uiey would a hhow, Maybe it will stop here soon. In Wilmington day before yeUer- ,A dwdnff with six rooms on South day Edward Stanley, colored, found lm street, south of Depot, well watered, inhumanly beating a colored lad &c lI nt lor 16I per cent, on in- was remonstrated with hv a whit. mn Thc houe 1 new and well- 1 r a a O a THE MORNING' NEWS. IATD OC Alrrtrmurc Od Spur Od Day,..- .. - TwoIKin Thr Ifeyt .... .. ...... . rr Day .......... Hlky ............ y - Two tLa 1 oo ' - Thrw Week. , oo Gmtr-act Adrvrti-rveata takes at rrtartio-tty low ratri. Tea Wi BoIiJ N'oop-rrU 1779 auk cm aoaar. special city items. Notice. Fin Pn-vi-- Wkt.l r t -W II 1 . . "m IH jnilV VltffwiMl & Co$ fine liter, fine Cltor at - . a - - rides & Jenkins. A. Barnln( finished, and will be sold at cost. J. A. HODCIM. Notice, You can always find nice family pro- cenes at E. M; Caldcleuh & llro. Plenty nice onion sets at Callumi Drug Store 5c quart. Old X . and Jamaica Rum at E. G. Newcomb's Nice clean onion sets 5c quart at Callums. Choice Sun Cured Tobacco and Havanna Cigars at E. G. Newcomb s Full size paper garden seed at Callum 2 jc paper. -Fine Old Apple and ieach Brandies EX G. Nrw comb's. at Don't pay 10c quart lor onion sets when you can buy them at Callums at sc. Choice Old Pennsylvania Rye Whis- ics at E. G. Newcomb 3 Any quantity onion sets at Callums Drug Store at 5c quart. You have to pay 10c quart for onion sets all over town; you can buy them a Callums at 5c h you want anything m the line o w . am Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking Powders or Tea. Call on J. w. Scott cc Co. Onion sets only 5c quart at Callums Druz Store. Budweis'and Bohemian Export Beer very tine fc- u. e comb s. Only $c quart for onion sets at Callums Drue Store. Nootner spring medicine has won lor itself such universal confidence as Aver's Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful comntnaiion 01 vegexaoie aiicraiiTc ever offered to the public, and is ac knowledged by the medical profession to be the best blood purifier. Even body charges 10c quart lor onion sets, Callum charges only $c. ITorJSiilc. A farm ot 25 acres ( of a mile south east of McLennsville in Guilford Co., on the X. C. R. R. The improvements consist of a dwelling with 7 rooms, smoke house, framed bim and all other necessary out houses. Apply to D. E. Sherwood, Greensboro, N, C. or A. P. WnnrtxcTON', McLeansville, N. C. LaclicM You need not trouble yourselves to send North for embroidery roods when vou can go to i-evi jiousions rLmc store ard select anyming in mai nnc you wish, and get it much cheaper than you can North. Tito Aromatic Steam Cooker is The Greatest Wonder of The Age. A simple and convenient method ot cook ing. Your lood is cooked by steam, thus retaining the delicious aroma- You can cook one, or as many different arti cles of food at the same time as you like, on only one hole, on any kind of a stove, coal. wood, oil, ras, or gasoline, and the food cannot bum. You can cook onions next to pudding and not flavor the pudding. Ren-ember that, this is the only practicab'c steam cooke out. and it is the cheapest. We do not ask you to bey one until you have tried iu We have boujbt the right to three counties: Guihord, Mecklenbcrg and Forsvth. Oar circulars will show yo the cuts and give lu'l directions as to the use and management of the steam er. Look out for our big ad. in another column in a tew clays. Manufactured and sold only in this territory' by C H. DOUGHTY.

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