OtTR I1EGISI1ATTJBE . Raleigh, March 2. Senate: Amendment to strike out tax on nurseries; wav , last ; also, amendment to exempt from tax brandy made fruit was adopted. HOUSE.-Bills passed third reading. f To charter High Point, and al low " it to: subscribe to capital stock of High Point & Randleman To regulate municipal elections in cities and towns The bill relating fo the, univer sity (reducing its appropriation from $20,000 to $12,500) was tabled on motion of Mr. Shaw. Bill to amend the divorce law was tabled. .. The house concurred in the Sen ate amendmens to the bill regu lating the sale of seed cotton. THE INSANE ASYLUMS. The special order was take n up5 being a bill to make appropri tionsto the insane asylums. This created much discussion. The part of the bill allowing $38,000 to build new wings to the Raleigh asylum was stricken out. The amount appropriated to the Wes tern, asylum ' was reduced from $90,000 for 1887 to $65,000 and trom $80,000 for 1888 to $60,000. The bill'as thus amended passed its second and third readings. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Woodite is a neV' material, said to be non-inflammable,impervious to water and as elastic as rubber. Charles Johnson, of Griffin, Ga., says that he has a cat that turned from jet black to gray from grief at being separated from its chil dren, to whom it vas greatly at tached, x . . ., , i 'Mrs. Logan has selected the; centre of the circle at the north', end of South' Park, Chicago, for- the burial olace of herself andTYe fW T ncran and the site for thel"' n trains 52 and 53. Pullman Buffet Lren. .UOgan, ana tne Site lor tne sieener Monttromerv and Wash ntrtnn monument .to Gen. Logan. The success of cultivating tea at the Government's farm at Sum merville, S. C, is a great success. Senator Butler writes to the Charleston fiews & Courier that it is equal to the best and of the highest grade. : . Uncle Tommy Sterett, of Harris ilton, O., who has just celebra ted his 77th birthday, is nowlivirig happily with his fifth wife. ,By his first wife he had eightee'n children; by his second, one'; by the third, five, and by the fifth, one, making just ; twenty-five , in au. y K 1 . , v Some night fishermen near East Liverpool, Ohio, were con siderably astonished recently at the tremendous bite they-, sot. TKey hauled away, however, aniJ withj much difficultv landed a snnnn fish seven feet and a half long, with' a spoon bill over .three feet long. ; - There will be displayed at the Americah exhibition in' London next May a house, forty-two by fifty f eet,of which the foundations, timbers; flooring, every thinly irir deed, including the chimneys, will be made of straw., ;The house is now being built in . Philadelphia. tid bits: Family jar,s often grow, out of family jugs v - ; V - Much adieu about nothing. The parting of society girls. The ; tree of deepest root is fround least willing: to ; quit the gound. ' t v5-? y What kind of - robbery,., is not dangerous? A safe , robbery, of course. , ' Although ii6t : much1 'talked u) V51 !3 n" every DQdys tongue. fr v U Isn t it - paradoxical that the best way to keep a young lady's affections is to return them ? An eight year old hen died in Iowa; the other day. Her final words were: ; "At last I shall i,D T , latest article, is on .Books that have influenced me." Gladstone is English, you kn ow. a ?an do no wrong; but if it were an American politician, now, he would write on 'Pocket-books that have influenced me." RICHMOND AND ; DANVILLE 'ROAD. RAIL- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS RUN BY MERIDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOING SOUTH Dec. 19th, 188G. No. 50. Daily. 12 15 ut 3 50 am G 45 a m 9 00 am ' 1 45 p m 4 05 pm 7t5 pm No. 52. Daily. 3 A0 pm 5.42' pm 800 p m Leave New York . ...... Leave Philadelphia Leave Baltimore. ...... Leave "Washington Leave Charlottesville. Leave Lynchburg Leave Danville 11 00pm o UU a m I 5 15 am 8 05 am 2 30 a m 5 00 pm Leave Richmond. . . . . . 1 30 p m Leave Goldsboro Leave Raleigh; t.. Leave Durham Leave High Point. Leave Salisbury,. ...... Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Spartanburg Leave G reenville ...... Arrive Atlanta 11 50 am 4 35 pm 5 42 pm 9 37 pm 1100 pm 11 45 pm 1 39 am 10 1G am 1123 am 100 pm 12 45 nm 3 33 am 4 55 an? 334 pm 4 48 pm 11 40 am 10 40 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. 'Dec. 19 th 1886: Arrive Charlotte. ...... Salisbury ...... " High Point .... ' Greensboro No. 51. Daily. 5 05 am G 41am No. 53. Daily'. 6 25 pm 8 01pm 9 08 pm 9 47 pm 4 45 am 6 50 am 7 54 am 8 22 , m Durham.., ....i , Raleigh . ...... ' Goldsboro ...... Arrive Danville ' Richmond. ...... Arrive Lynchburg .... " Charlottesville . . . " Washington Baltimore Philadelphia. -New York.. 12 41am 1 50 am; 4 40 am 11 20 am iu iuma u pm J 45pm; b 40 am 1 uo pm z uu am 3 30pm 4 10 am 8 23 pm 8 30 am 11 25 pm 10 30 am a uuam i a pm 620 pm Sunday. 3 20 pm Daily except N W JST. C. RAILHOxYD. GoiKO south No. 50. No. 52. a m Lv. Salem ,-6 40 pm 6 30 ; , GOIKO NOKTH No' 51 . ja. Salem ll 28 nm " i2 V: SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Buffet .Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York, New Orleans and Washington via Dan- Aiken and Washington, via Danville. . .. 1 . ; z. j o On trains 52 and 53 Pullman Sleeper between Richmond'and Greensboro, and Greensboro and Goldsboro. for rates and mtormation apply to any Agent of the Company or to SOL HAAS, T. M. . M Jas; L.TAYLOR, ' Gen. Pass. Agent, : . Washington, D. C i lt Saved i Life" -wis a (Common expression, often heard from, those who. have realized, by per- . tonal "Use, the curative powers of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. ' I cannot say enough In .praise of Ayer's Cherry Fectoral, bc- 4 lieving as Itdo'that, but for its use, I .' ' should long since have died from lung . troubles. --E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I liad a severe Hemorrhage of -the Lungs, brought on by a distressing Cough, which deprived me of sleep and rest. I hail used van- oits : cough , balsams ' and expectorants, A friend ad- withQut.fObtainin'j xeli vised jno to try. ' .- , Ayer's Cricrry Pectoral. I did so, and am happy to say that it helped me at once, liy continued use , this medicine cured iny cough, and, I rain satisfied, paved my life. Mrs. E. ' CoburhrlS Second St., Lowell, Mass. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral . for over a year, and sincerely believe I . Should have been in my grave, had it ' rjLOt been for this medicine. It has cured jne of a dangerous affection cf the lungs, -Torwhich I had almost despaired of ever rinding a remedy. D. A. MeMullcn, Windsor, Province of Ontario. ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life:. ; Two year3 ago I took a very severe Cold which settled -on my lungs. I consulted ; physicians, and took the remedies they prescribed, but , failed to obtain' relief until I bsgan using Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Two bottles cf this medicine completely :restOTed Uf,y health, t-izzlut JL Alien,West iMRcivstur, Chig. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J.C, Aver & Co., T-owe!I,SraM 9old by all DrugzUu. iric 5 1 ; fcix Lollies. $a Inventors and 'patentees and all hav ing business-with the U. S. Patent 01 nce are invited to communicate with me with confident-reliance upon my fidelity to .their interests. - New inventions patented. Old inven, tions lrnprrjyed; and; rejected applica- ons reved. Caveats filed. Trade- marts registered. Moderate charges. Send model or sketch for Irec report as to patentability. Preliminary information cheerfully furnished. A. S. YANTIS, Solicitor of American and Foreicrn Pat- ents. 816 F Street N. W Washington, WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. - yp. ttju CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. 14. '86- No. 48 i Daily. 3 I5pm No. 40 Daily. 5 33 pm No. 4 2 Daily. 1 10 am Lv Wcldon.. Ar Rocky Mt 233pm Ar Tarboro. 4 50 p m 1 1 30 pm Lv Tarboro. Ar Wilson.. 4 05 p m 6 58 p m 3 07 3 m Lv Wilson . . 4 15 P m 5 40 p m Ar Sclma... Ar Fantpv 8 32 P m Lv Goldsboro1 4 54 P m 7 40 p m 3 58 a ni Lv Magnolia 00 p m! 3 38 p m 5 18 a m Lv Burgaw.-.j7 oopm.... 6 13 a m Ar Wilming.7 50 p m'9 55 p mj 00 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 45 I No. 47 I No., 43 Daily. Daily. Daily.' Lv Wilming. 1 1 40 pm 8 50 a m 8 52 p m 9 34 a m'9 50 pm Lv Burgavv Lv Magnolb 12 52 am 155am 1023 am,io42 pm 11 35 am 11 58 am Ar Goldsbor. Lv Fayettev. Ar Selma. .. Ar Wilson.. . Lv Wilson . . 7 00 a m 9 5a a m 11 25 am! 2 32 a m 1225 pm 12 51 am 1 00 p m i 27 a m Ar Ro'kyMt Ar Tarboro. 4 50 P ni .-. Lv Tarboro . 11 30 am! Ar Weldon. . 4 05 a m!2 15 p m,2 45 a m -Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 p m. Returningleaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. I rains leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except bunday, 6pm.; bunday 5 p m.; arrive wuiiamston, in. l.., a iopm, and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves Williamston. N C. Daily except Sunday. 800am, Sun day.o 50 a m, arrive Tarboro, N . C, 10 05 a m, and 11 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves .Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith- held, N. C, 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro, N.C. oooam. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet- tevnie urancn is ino. 50. JNortnwara is 11 1 . No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Kicnmona, ana aauy ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. Trams make close connection lor all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD VCOMPANY. Office of Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 19, 1886. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter this date, the following Schedule will be operated on this Rail road. ' PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. J Leave Wilmington at. .7.40 p.m No. 1 V Leave Raleighat 700 pm ) Arrive at Charlotte. . . .6 55 am ) Leave Charlotte at. .. .S 45 pm No. 2 v Arrive at Raleigh at. . .9 00 am J Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 a m Local Freigh Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at.. 7 40 a m Arrive at Laurinburg at 5 45 p m Leave Laurinburg at.1. 615am Arrive at Charlotte at.. 4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at 6 25 am Arrive at Laurinburg at. . . . . .4 25 p m Leave Laurinburg at.... 5 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 8 35 p m , Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weekly leaving Wilmington on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. l,eave Laurinburg on "Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop" at regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division, Passenger, Mail. Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday. L,eave .nanoue 7 35 a ra No. 3 Shelby.. ...... 1 1. 10 a m Arrive Ellenboro....i2 00 m i Leave Ellenboro 1225 pm No. 4 " Leave Shelby. ,135 p m Arrive ChajIciUe., . . , .5 25 pm . Trains. Io, 1 "and 3 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars buween Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. . Take -Train No. 1 for Statesville. Stations Western N. C. R. R., Asheville, and points West. Also, tor Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and all points South west. . L. C.JONES, Superintendent. J w. Llarie. oen. passenger Agent. NEVER FAII TO CALL ON 1 JakeSiSGo., GUEENSIJORO, N. C.f VT1IE2? IX WANT OF . Wholesale or Retail. They can supply you with anything you want at bottom prices for cash. Agents for the JZoyal St. John Srtrin? JIaclilne that sews the same with the machine running lacl-vard or fonrard. Warrented five years. W. H. WAKEFIELD & CO. A Sluggish Liver Causes tho Stomach and Bowels to b. come disordered, and the whole tystcm to suffer from dcbilitv. Tn ti cases Ayer's Tills give prompt relief. After ranch stiQYrin from T ,, Stomach troubles. I have finally hn - cured by takln- Ayer's Cathartic Pills. aiways nna tnem prompt and thoronh in their action, and their occasional dm Keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi tion. llalph A ecman, Annapolis, Md. Twenty-five years a-o I suffered from a torpid liver, which was restored to healthy action lry takin- Ayer's Pills, bincc that tnno I have never been with out them. They reculate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe tite, more surely than any other medi- cine. raul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. ' INVIGORATED. I know of no remedy qual to Aycr'a Pills for Stomach and Liver disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys-. pepsia, for eighteen months. My. skin was yellow, and rav ton?nift rn.ti t had no appetite, suffered from HU ache, .was plo nnd emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to perfect health. Waldo Miles, Obcrlin, Ohio. Ayer's Pills are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig orate tho digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de pression and despondency resulting from Liver Complaint. I have used these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac tion. Otto Montgomery, Oahkosh, Wis. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Uam. Bold by til DrocsbU aod IcIcrs la &Ic41cl&, V !- . jESIRi J 'J ft nr-rtnvM. i-r JUST ADDED, TO Webster's TJmtriiiged, A Kev G AZETTEER of tbe WORLD. ATcry valnable aJJition for nil who desire a concise Gazetteer of sil Countries. Zeal, labor, and great care hare ben tuted In preparing this Is'ew liazetteer. v Erery lino la tho Gazetteer pirea TaluaUo Information in a condensed form. Twenty-fiTO thousand titles In the Gazetteer and reliablo etalistics under each, Fjrtrcasuryof knowlcdee in regard to the whole JL world is found in this Gazetteer. TJlTcry item in tho Gazetteer has been jre JELi pared with much care to hare it accurst. Effort has Itcen made to Ket the most reliable information fur this Gazetteer. TH efrrenee has been had to lates t and best ao Juij thoritics ia preparing the Gazetteer. BEST FOR SCHOOLS. Onlr Dictionary that has been supplied tf Schools by State purchase. rlor Rfhoolii. recommended by Stat Bnp'ta cf 30 States, and by CO College rresta. BEST TOR ALL. fT Jhlrty 4wo thousand hsTe been put in the JL Puulic Schools of the United States. 'a a n'ojrrapnlcal Dictionary of nearly 1S3 1 0.OOO Karnes. T.:ynvlopie and DeCnitlons fir In ad ranee JCi of thoe in any ether Dictionary. A NATIONAL STANDARD trjJT'ebj'ter's Dictionary Is otandard authority Ux VV the Gorernment Printing Ofllce. C-ily Dictionarr hTin Dlosrapblcal DIc ' tionary and Gazetteer of the World. I? caches the English- peak in people Tery Zr largely throughout the vorld. f v.t-?t edition is furnished with or without JL Dcnlson's Patent Index. ff -fines by 300O fine Exicrarincs. Pictare ZJ of Sh:p," pase 11&4. Ulustrates 21 Words. C & C MERRUM & CO., Iub'rs.SpHncHeld. 3Iaa .A EtucatM and rrtctirsi t rmm bow awert ia tnr inctto That I He fBrtbrr NsKh herds urn erown the earlier tbrir rrodaet will ke Vo ciltr ttua resr a tzl L34 btzndard VaUtoe. lilcei:nTilcc.t;Wh:lU.'uanOtji: lUam;C- lw, itaiu to iifton earuer iim i-an y 1 orx ; our Korui KUt YcL j Iest Corn vtUl Ukes tbe irad. and rstu to ).4tft -fcek earlier tvm tarl y 1 ck ; our icr lauiiT umou j si to arry : of onion ped. tnzuXor. .ko-. a roll line snd UrverTojx. a.1 srowTi fsrni. Ul far dock xl STCwtn on OCT :snd Direct Trade. JTerlden is IA quarter cftht wrU for Silrr-riatrl TTarr,amd ha the snesl cxislr faeiorU the eonmtrff fr ihm wuuuifartmrmofChandrZlrr, Lamp,TabU andrtxLtt Cutlery, Entrf Goods, JVrsss vndaffrratmrUtyefolUcr 2Tcr.MnCL STJLXDAJZD AliTICZTS for esrry d1 use, cost Us sriCM ordcrrtl cftis Clu is 1 ilmmrilff jaUr mss iiH Aiomal Ctakroo. .n T. 3f. ? L.TVA US. V . f J-vlN 1887. 18S7. FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE aiEATESl DAILY TXTUi IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS EEEX ENLARGED AND THE TRICE REDUCED TO 7o Cents A Tear. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY LI SHED. rArr.R run- THE SUNDRY ISSUE AND WEEKLY EDITION EOTII TOR ONE YEAR, IX)R The two are cheaper and better than a scmi-weckly, as you get one daily Is sue and a weekly lor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. DAILYSENT FREE TV0 WEEKS AND YnitT On Mcith Fin. Spend one cent for a nosfal card and order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS THE WHIO, Richmond, Va. THE MORNING STAF A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY At $7.00 per annum, 1.00 six months. TEE OLDEST BAIL 7 IN TEE STATE. THE WEEKLY STAR. $1.50 a Year, $1.00 G mos. Fall and Reliable Market Re ports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts o! the World, Con densed and Arranged in the : most Attractive Form. Advertising Bates EcosonsJblc Add res, . WM. H. DERNARD. Editor t I'mjrrictor, VILiIN7TONN.C Perfect Hair Indicates a natural and healthy eondl tion of the acalp, and of tbe lan da through which soariahment is obtained. When, In consequence of aje and dis ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and Cray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote its rapid and rigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness of youth. I hare used Ayer's Hair Vlor for a long 'tiro, and am conTincel cf its value. "When I was 17 years of age my hair bejran to turn pray. I commenced using the Vigor, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only restored the color to my hair, but so stimulated its growth that I hare now more hair than err r before. J. W. Edwards, Cold water, Miss. Ayer's Hair Vigor, . &ld i y a3 Droczlsts aad rerf user. Ir too a&x trrrxrixa from debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach is 01ft of order, or your mind confused; take Ayer's Sarsapariila. This medicine will x cstore physical force and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discoTered. For six months I suffered from lire r aud stomach troubles. My food did not nourish me, and I became weak and rcry much emaciated. I took six bottles of Arer's Sarsapariila, and wa rorrL Julius M. ralmer, SpriDgSeh!. Ia Ayer's Sarsapariila, rarsd Vy Dr. J. C A rrr h Co , I 1. V'i- Sold lj DrajxWu. Ime fl; n Uu i .V' HAUPER'S PER! ODICAL Per Year : Harper's Magazine 54 co Harper's 4 Harper's Baz.r 4 00 1 1 arper's Young Peo ple 4 00 Harper's Franklin Square Lilrarv One Year (52 Numbers) . to 00

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