J. S. HAMPTON, City Editor. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Mar. 3 For North Carolina, warmer, probable rain. ... Greensboro- Almanac. Sun rises 6:32. Sun sets 5:53. Moon sets 2:20. Morning News only 10 cents. one week for Old newspapers for sale at office for 25 cents a hundred. this sidered in danger of losing his life. It is supposed that he set himself on fire with matches. ... It was rumored on the -streets, yes terday, that the postmaster would move into the new government building to morrow. He staled to our reporter, however, that he did not expect to gej in before the first of April. Rev: F. M. Jordan, of Asheville, preached a very practical sermon at Bo- gart Hall, last night, on the importance of being- an " Eminent Chistian.,, He gave it as his opinion that a Christian who was content to barely squeeze into heaven, would never reach there at all. -Three large cisterns are to be rte 13 a nne lo0KinS poruy man. pos- sunk at once one on South Elm, an- sessed of a stentorian voice, and deals other on North Elm and the other on sledge-hammer blows. His discourse West Market street. - was listened to with great interest, but. E. T. Dalton has resigned his we fear, with little comfort, by many place as a member of the city council present. -He will preach again at the and Capt. Neil Ellington has been same Place on unaay next. appointed in his place. Such has been f ho HoQi fx- There are now five papers, pub- rt-v-, J : ' J Ushed in Elizabeth City. They are the News for several days past that lhe Carolinian, the Economist, and the our editions havR mn on t ma pj' mnflnifl!. ua if fiaiWr (jruarde. The Abbe - - - mmm- w V va 4b II1U I M llUiiU. W I .C ; rV 111 .1 a tJllVrf MT l-V UL41 w I V and the Parish Register,, a monthly. Jam0,?a- ineJew- Mrotnr rmnri tnr.fl rnwn nr n.iiti i iinnii- fitvinll -v r-k A J 1 . I O - oiuan cawi tree in me yara oi ration, the McDonald house is now in bloom. So says the Elizabeth City Carali Probably, the first of the season. YeC ,w Tt. i er.irrmterl that we have peach trees have been known to about 5,000 population here in Greens bloom here in January, but proba- boro. And we have the PcUrioi, North bly did not fruit. State, Methodist Protestant. North Carolina Our attentive correspondent at Prohibitionist, weeklies ; Workman and High Point writes to us under date the MoRNlNQ News daiIv 5 and the of March 2 : "York, the barnburner CfoUege Message, a monthly, published at Brown's X Koads, laras caught at by the Female College folks. We Wartown yesterday and passed have already beaten the Carolinian through High Point to-day en route man, and yet hold in reserve the for Ashboro jail.'' Tobacco Journal, a weekly, the first B. M, Bees and SherifTWheeler, of number of which is now well under wav. Who, in view of these facts, WlilU W IA k A IJ V . rVM .111 I t.t I II LH II Uim IMW IIT1 IV 1 wwm. MVAVWJ "iT I ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, Mar. Stli The Young American Actor Mr. AIDM BENEDICT, SUPPORTED BY Sis own Powerful Dramatic Company, in the greatest drama of -the age from the most wonderful nov- el ever written, AliEXADEP. DUMAS MASTERPIECE Monte Gristo. SYNOPSIS ; Act I. Harbor of Marseilles. The Arrest of Dantes. The honor of a sail or of France.1 1 (A Lapse of Eighteen Years.) Act II. Scene 1; Dantes Cell in Chatoau d'If. Dantes and Abbe Faria. Deatu of Abbe. The Oath of Vengeance, villefort's Besolve. Es cape of Danes. "The 'Would is Mine !" Act III. Inn of Guarde. The Abbe i Words of wisdom SHOES - HEHHORB CIQARs. 2 . j Drive thy business, let not that drfi nice. tho Point du Busoni. The The Avenger. Morcerf The story of an One.' Act IV Salon de Banker. Albert's adventure. The Count' de Monte Caisto. Mereeedes. The living man with a dead heart. Startling Reve lation. Act The Death. "The vedgeance of Monte Cristo is no more. Peace and good will to all mankind. See our Dungeons of Chateau d'If nd Grand Transformation Scene. tReserved seats at Potcr & Tate's. READ ! READ ! READ ! lit t V. Forest oL Fontainb'eau. L i Denunciation. ''Two !" Duel to w Lh. Paid in Full. "Three l M-l the C. F. & Y. V. to take a job of work procured for them on the rail road by Judge Phillips. In other words, they have gone to "do the State some service." Fayetteville is to have electric lights. The machinery is now on the road and the house to contain it is going up. The 'Brush" apparatus willtkT used. It seems to us that if Fayetteville can afford to use electri city to light her streets that Greens- will dare people ? say we aie not a literarv The Morning Moon. T. S: SHEH'ON'S BILL OF FARE T An old moon with a waning breast Quietly lingers down the West, An old moon, worn and faint and sad; Over the East the Dawn climbs fresh ana , glad. She walks straight on before the Sun; Bars of amber and cinnamon Kindle and fu?e and separate; Then up the King rides through the flamy gate. " The old moon smiles above the hill, Kiirs toward her settinor. meek and still; Across the earth's morn-burnished brim CANNED GOODS. boro ought to be able to "follow suit." TUa brief .space, face to face, 8h looks on -Mr. John McCullough went out Roon thfi whole bhie i3 Boft1y paled. to Brown Summit, Wednesday and The perfect day moves gloiy-veiled Just as it comes, why mt-st the sweet moon gol obtained a horse and buggy to go further. The horse took fright, dashed the buggy against a tre and 0- turned our friend feet up and head down. He was rendered unconscious For her long patience of th e night, O Earth in her long patience bright. Swing slow and let the meek moon stay I Foolish I with her it has always been day I WKnf -fviT-.nfT cnlpTiflnr mnlcpR hpr fair but recovered, to find himself badly When your small night seems everywhere? i ihivh i, h win ill n uiw iinu jiiu nurt. , ' Across the skv. she always looks on Him! - Adeline D. T. Whitnej r We regret to learn that our towns- . . . T. . . Almost miraculous are some oi the met with an accident by wmch lie cures accomplisfied by the "use of Ayer's was painfully burned in the face. He Sarsaparilla. In the case -ot R. L. was engaged in repairing a pair of King, Richmond. Vas who suffered for . . , ,.f - . . , 47 years with an aggravated form of spectacles, and while using a blow- scrofula. Ayer's Sarsaparilla effected as- pipe, his lamp exploded, inflicting tonishmg results. injury as above stated. By the prompt use of proper remedies it is thought no serious injury will result. Everywhere you go in the city ifow you will see the ladies at work in their flower gardens, planting and transplanting shrubs for the' spring flowering. Already the hyacinths and some other early blooming kinds are beginning, to show their blades above ground, and blooms of the red and yellow jasmine, are out. Nothing tells more certainly of the refinement of a tpwn than an abund ance and variety of flowers. Mr. Drew is doing a most excel- For first class Groceries see iw. A, L. Kirkman. There are accomodations at the Mc Donald House for more boarders. Good board at reasonable prices, and there is no better place than the McDonald House in the city. One hundred yards west of the Depot. if. Tomatoes, Corn, Lima Beans, Early; June Peas. White Eeath, and Yellow . Peaches. Pineapple, Preserves and Jellies in Buckets and Glasses. BOTTLED GOODS. 0 Eeimfs Plain and Mixed Pick .les, such ' as Pickled On ions, Chow Chow, Celery Sauce, Chili'Sauce, Table Sauce, Pre pared Mustard. Also . Eeinfs Plain and . Mixed Pickles in Barrels to retail by the dozen and quart. Canned and Potted Meats, One, two, and four pound Cans Corn ed Beef, Deviled Earn, B)tted Earn, Potted Ox Tongue, Fresh Sal- mon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Imported and Domestic Sardines. Teas and Coffee :DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED - MONTHLY -MAGAZINE- The celebrated ' "Dixie" and "Chab lenge" Roasted Coffee, "English" Breakfast, Gun Powder, Young Eyson, and the Celebrated "Eeno" Tea. Willi Tywslj Cot Piprr Pitt, ms of jqar own itson ana ot any siz. Miscellaneou T Pubuots, One i Year, building. First broken rock is placed at the bottom, then it is evenly covered with a mixture of concrete, which is smoothed and marked off in squares over which a roller is driven with indentations, very much resem bling a rubber mat. whs composition becomes nara as arock and looks very much nicer. Yesterday morning Mrs. Annie Cator, on Church Street, heard her 'little son Freddie screaming ia an ad. joining room, and on going to him -found the child in flames. She im mediate wrapped him in a blanket and poured water on him and extin guished the flames. On examination i . j ii j. i . i n i -I contain - 72 ikitcs'. ii was iouuu inat ne was oauiy ourn- 2ienri5 PV5iVted sha fv.y iliusttasci- i uv ea tn tne leic siae. iie is nor con- i -- ."x j . v "n,a ',w- .vr $Z50 (TWO FIFTY), EMOHESPS Of all the Magazines. Tn a fpw daw 1 fSONTAININQ Stories, Poem and clhar Lilert; W r 19 attractions combinm3 Artistic. Scientifia 10 - Household matters. Illustrated tlth Original Steel Engrav ings, PhotnyravurrSt Oil Victttrra and fine Woodcut, nmkina it the Jtlodcl -, Magazine of dttierica. . Each Magaziae containa a COUPON ORDER- entitling tho adder to the selection of ANY PATTEIttf illustratcti La tkat number, and in ANY SIZH. j?8 World's Model Jlairazlne. . i'l.c lamrrft in Ew,.Jbe LarT-tia Clrculr.t'.cn. ted ti e t-eet TWO JJCZZT F:ui'7 f:f r-sio J??zcd IfC will -jbe ths TwcuTV'oonl jor.r f its jfMkTticr : jti3cntiau;nijr toii rcr'vl and ro crterEivriy as to place it 13 A.r.t tlxh a 1 x-i;v Pcricucals. and cqu&i 4 ,fc rzr.rrzr.r. . It Oat Meal, Rolled Gmtc, Cracked Wheat, Tapioca, Cocoa, Baker's Chocor late, the best brands Roller Patent Flour, Sugar Cured Earns and Break fast paeon. Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Citron. Dried Susa'r Corn. Dried Lima Beans, Buckwheat Flour. A stock of Northern "Goodrich" and ''Eqrly Table use. Afresh lot Mackerel in Barrels and Kits. Call and examine goods and get prices. Respectfully. T. S. SEELT0N. -dlW, JOHN F. STRATTO!!, TtZdZJ'l Importer k Wholesale Wm A0C0RDE0H8, 33 and all kindsof Uasical Merchandise, Baasiaa Out . Violin Strings. Cad Tastruznents. Send for eatalofo. 40 Drink Old Everglade Rye Yhijkey. Sloth makes all things difficult, indyUrr easy. Smoke Paminii Hayanna Cigars Diligence is the mother of good luck BJLS3' ALS JTD v.icunor nave uctier memories than debtors. Sacko Dnke's Caaea CLrarfiti Early to bed and to rise, makes m ncaiiny. weauny ana wise. DnnlBotais&BoliiiaiiEiprlfe- Work to-iay for you know not ol to- 1 morrow. Smoke Margarita Gigars. Improve every hour, no morning iQa lasts all day. Chew - Fine Sun Cured DURHAH TOBACCO. Experience is a dear school, but looli will learn in no other. Drink Fine Oltf Peach And Apple Brandies. Necessity is the mother ol invention. Buy of 'J E. G. NEWGOMB. : ' : ' ' Odell Building. ' ; Cape Fear 4 Yadkm Vallej BaHrodTi. COXDEXKTD SCHTDLXX Ko. 19. Takicg effect 1D0 p. m., Sunday, Feb 2VS7. TKALN XulvnL J Leave Iknntf.vtnA A TT1 VA favfvn w AAA ArriTeFajetteTille.. xave FoyettTillft. . .. Arrive tJanford..... LeaTO Banford Arrive Greensboro.. xeaTe Greensboro... Arrive Belev'i Creek Tai-a. aad MaiL 10 00 am 13 05 pm 12 20 pm 2 23pm 2 45pm 415pm 10 m 1230pm Dinner at Sanford. aad fasi TSOpa mooca 246pa - 2J0pa OOOpa 59 55 TRAIN SOUTH. 4, Leave Belew'a Crek Arrive Greensboro. . Leave Greensboro... Arrive Santord,.... Leave Banford. . , . , , ArriTe FayetteriUe. . Leave FayetteriUe.. Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton. Arriue BennetUville fass. and , MaiL 1 30 pa 1 6 5pm I 1000am 1 1 30pm 1 55pa 4 10 pm 4 25 pm 6 20 ma 6 30 pm I 7 .45 pm I soopa 300 pa 6 45 pa 6 00 a 1015aa 12 20 pa e Wall? s CO ' Freicht and Paaaencer Tram rnna t tween Favetteville and BennttLtTllle oa Mondaya, Wedneaday and Fridays. reigni ana rassepger Tram rnnt pt (TPS Fayetteville and Greensboro Turnip, Tharsdaya and Satnrdaya, and betveca Green&boro and FavetUrifla Honda y neadaya and Fridava. raasenffer and Mail Train run daily ex cept Sunday. The north bound Train rnVf cloae eoo nection at Maxton for all points scuta. J. W. FRY, General Superintendent ' JUSrEECEiVBD ' A FRESH LOT OF ibs, 116,; Bab, ' lfr;'i, Pichcs, &c, &c. ' ALSO A NICE LIKE OF mi r. , WT3a.Ja.mt For the pleasure of tfio3e Wno indu!i; n that kind of aciii3enient:,"The best article ot OU to give you light oa jubjeptr or any other, it you pxe it V& I araijijl jn the Raking business, , ITp, easley, Builder & Contractor, GREENSBORO. JJ.'c. ... Is prepared t6 make coa tracts W "umuiujjj ui U11 aminos, iraznc or , .Also, will contract lor the buUdir.jJ1 bridcres .&e. .aticfitn niirenicec I and references given when required.

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