York's' Sing j fiing"( BelcsatTon. fr.s- . . ' - . Cowles, the book-keeper of Claflin & Co.. who killed a hack man, keeps books in the "shoe departrnent.,.,.. --vr--'-, TJngeV'ttie murderer and' De Leon. the astrologer,: are em ployed in cleaning cells, there bein? nothing else Jnr them to do. William f poet, has :com dieted jhis transla tion of the Odlssey, and it is an nounced for early publication. Ex - Alderman - Jaehne -has packages. His demeanor is quiet and cneenui. . ' " f - .... J" Ferdinand Ward runs a little 5ltt4 J'. nfc Wtlllkg cigar and t bbacco w labels; 3 He has a perpetual sneer on his face, and is regarded as Hourly,, disa greeable fellow. ; Ex-Alderman McQuade is counting t shirts,, jn? the laundry; department. .CHis face, wears a half comical expression of patient resignation. He has grown fatter since his incarceration. Police-Sergeant Crowley'- has charge of the nickel plating in; the oil-stove r66iii-lUi,He.-has' become an expert workman. His fat, sensual face is fatter and more sensual in expression than ever. Ex-Alderman O'Neil :- and Po lice mait RourkeV4the murderer are working together in the shoe department; Themfdrmer is modest and cheerful, while the latter is hilarious and boisterous ar rimes. . .. Buddenseik;?the frnudmortar builder, , occassionally trundles a wheel-barrow anddqes a little cleaning. -"He 4s&foof old1 to do any hard work, and - although looking hearty, is hardly likely to survive his-sentence. v "- I fierebv erive notice that I ' am Dre pared to do all kinds of Plain, Fancy and Ornamental CIQOO 8 IG2T PAINTING, ana will ao my work to suit my custom ers. Also, gild with gold leaf. I guarantee all my work, and only ask lor trial of my skill. rV n ? y ' , R. W. THOMAS. Greensboro, March 1 6, 1887. . tf. THE ;MOBNI(GktSTAR. 1 ' -- A First-Class 'Democratic mper. ; PUBLISHED DAILY At$?k)Olper annum, 1.00 six monvns. TEE. OLDEST DAILY IN TEE STATE. $130 airxeajir $llO0tt6mos. Fall and Reliable Market Re- ports. W'Mi-'V' The latest News, Political-an4 General, trom all parts ot the World, Con densed and Arranged.. in. -the , most Attractive -Fbrmi -1 ' Advertising. 'cBktis -Reasonable. AddresVUVAOv.il.rv.V VVM. H. BERNARD, v ' r "fv Editor & Proprietor. . - . . WILMINGTON. N. C InvehtofiKd aehtees and all hav nsr business with the U. S. Patent Oi- phrp invited to communicate with me With confident reliance upon my fidelity o their interests. .. m New inventions patented. Old inven ions improved, and reiected applica- ions revived.- Caveats filed. Trade- rnarks registered. ' -ncr i 5 y-vjiC V. I Prompt attention. Skillful service. Moderate charges. - Send model ' or sketch for tree reporfas to patentability; I Preliminary information cheerfully burnished. , , .. ' r ; ; . . ? I - ;.V;4 ''ABjlYANTIS,'': jolicitor of American and Foreign Pat 5nts 86 F Street, N. W.! Washington, 0. C. Agent$,Nf , Ranted Tor EJNERS graduated from he laundry and . U nbWj frappin Tobacco OF THE " - mi 111 T - ' 1 I J. J. Illll I p-n iriuiuies. pons, And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, impoverished Impure condition of the blood. Ayer Sarsanaril'a -r cures these eruptions and painful tumdn. raw .f v iuU1m3 meir cause; the only effect ual way of treating them. nl?x' Saaparilla has prevented the usual course of Boil, wbich have pained ana distressed rae everv season for several yean. Geo. Scales, l'lainvilie, ilich. - -1 was badly troubled wiih Pimples on the face ; also, with a discoloration of the n. which showed itself in ugly dark patches. - No external treatment did more riffeffeUd"7 g0Od" f7"' SarsaPa- A Perfect Cure, 1 Ihave not been troubled since. T. W. Boddy, Itiver St., Lowell, Mass. 1 was troubled : with Boils, and my health was much Impaired. I began using Oyer's Sarsaparilla, and, in duo time, the eruptions all disappeared, and my health was completely restored. JohnR. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on mv face in usrly Pimples and Blotches. Ayes Sarsapa rilla cured mc. I consider it the best blood purifier in the world. Charles II. Smith, North CrafUbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists and dealers In med Icine. Ask for Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla, and do not be persuaded to take any other. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., LowtH, 1 Prioe SI ; six bottle, 93, READ ! READ ! READ ! T. S. SHELTOH'S - OF FAM -! . CANNED GOODS. Tomatoes, Corn, Lima Beans, Early June Peas. White Reath, and Yellow Peaches. . Pineapple, Preserves and Jellies in Buckets and Glasses. B Off LED OOODSV ' Eeimfs Plain and Mixed Pick les, . such as Pickled ' On , ions, 'Chow Chow, Celery Sauce, , Chili Sauce, Table Sauce, Pre pared ) Mustard. Also - : Heinz" s Plain and- Mixed Pickles ' in Barrels w retail by the dozen and quart: . Canned and Potted Meats, One, two, and four pound. Cans Corn : ed Beef, Deviled Earn, Totted Earn, rouea ux Tongue, Tesn i'ai mon, Mackerel, Lobsters, -Imported and Domestic Sardines. ' ' i " Teas and Coffees. : The celebrated "Dixie" and "Chal - lenge" Roasted Coffee, niiW Breakfast, Gun Powder, Young Eys'on, and the Celebrated : y "Eeno" Tea:. : " " Hificellaneons Oat Meal; Rolled Groats, r Cracked Wheat. Tapioca, Cocoa, -Baker's Chocolate,- the best brands Roller Paten t Flour, Sugar Cured Earns and Break fast Bacon. Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Citron, Dried Sugar Corn, Dried Lima Beans, Buckwheat Flour. A stock of Northern "Goodrich" and "Early Rose" Irish Potatoes for . Seeding and Table'use. Afresh lot Mackerel in Barrels and Kits. - . Call and examine goods and get prices. Respectfully, : ' T. S. SEELTON. NEVER FAIL TO CALL ON V - GREENSBORO, N. C.t- ? V WHEN IN WANT OF HARDWARE Wholesale or Retail. They can supply ybu with anything yop want at bottom prices for cash. Agents for the IZoyal St. John Stiring JIachine that sews the same with the machine running backward or fortrard. Warrented five years. V. H. WAKEFIELD & CO. BILL. TTTILMIXGTON&WELDONRAIL . YV ROAP COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. i4, S6 Lv Weld on No. 48 Daily. No. 40 I No. 4 Daily. Daily 3 15 pm 2 33Pm 5 35 P m i 10 a m Ar Rocky Mt rr i arnnm 4 50 p m Lv Tarboro. 1 1 30 pm Ar Wilson.. 4 05 p m Lv Wilson.. 4 15 p m Ar Selma... 5 40 p m Ar FavMt 6 58 p m 3 07 a n . . . . LvGoldsboro'4 54 p m Lv Magnolia 609pm Lv Burgaw.. 7 00 p m Ar Wilming. 7 50 p m 7 40 p m 3 58 a m 5 18 a m 613am 3 3pm 9 55 pm 700am TRAINS' GOING NORTH. No. 45 No. 47 No. 43 Daily. Daily. 1 1 40 pm 12 52 am 1 55 a m Dailv. Lv Wilming. Lv Burgaw. Lv Magnolia Ar Goldsbor. Lv Faycttev. Ar Selma... Ar Wilson.. . Lv Wilson . . Ar Ro'kyMt Ar Tarboro. Lv Tarboro . Ar Weldon. . 8 50 a m 8 52 p m 9 50 p m 1042 pm 11 58 am '9 34 a m 1023 am 11 35 am 7 00 a m 9 58 a m 1 1 25 am 1225 Pm 1 00 p m 2 32 a m 12 51 am 1 27 a m 2 45 a m 4 50 p m 11 30 am 4 05 a m 2 1? d m c Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm.. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. Trains leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except Sunday, 6 pm.; Sunday 5 pm.; arrive Williamston, N. C, 8 10 p m, and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves Williamston, N C. Daily except Sunday, 8 00 a m. Sun day 9 50 a m, arrive Tarboro. N. C, 10 05 a m, and 1 1 30 a m. Trains on Midland N.- C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 pm.; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith field, N. C, 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro, N. C. q 00 a m. -Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet- No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes close connection -at Weldon for all points North daily. AH rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. . Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. - - - All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, ' ; . General Sup't J. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Office of Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 19, 1886. ( CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' -On arid after this date, the following Schedule will be operated oh this , Rail road. . . PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. ) Leave Wilmington at . . 7.40' p.m No. 1 V Leave Raleigh at 7 00 pm ) Arrive at Charlotte. . . .6 55 a m . ) Leave Charlotte at. . ..845 pm No. 2 V Arrive at Raleigh at. . .9 00 a m ) Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 am Local Freigh Pass. Car Attached Leave Charlotte at.. ......... .7 40 am Arrive at Laurinburg at 5 45 p ra Leave Laurinburg at... 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at 6 25 am Arrive at Laurinburg at. .... .4 25. p m Leave Laurinburg at... c 15 a m A trive at Wilmington at...... 8 35 pm . Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weeklv leaving Wilmington on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at- regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's TiraeJTable. Shelby Division, Passenger; Mail, Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte. 7 35 a m No. 3 Shelby 11. 10 a m Arrive EUenboro....i2 00 m Leave Ellenboro 1225 pm No. 4 Leave Shelby.. 1 25 p m Arrive Charlotte...... 5 25 pm Trains No. i and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. - Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations Western N. C. R. R., Asheville, and points West. Also, tor Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South- kwesf. L.C JONES, Superintendent. ,F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger AgenL t ! To Amend tho Charter cf Lb'o City of Greensboro. 27orth Carolina. ,1 " THK SUCtjlL ksct: AMMMVt OF OU CAROLS to toro t amaajed Muto d 1 tbrrto; lu th ettr miinbered revpectil, tmU BTiraUr 1, 2. 3 Et j That wrd iumbr one (1 J hiTl mbric ill Out swhcb ox ux atr UitKt uftrth of Hxrtu; T Ml W n A m 1 a trMt and a conUau!oa thmof b Uwmm-O' rctlo to th northern bonUrr oC. tt dir. That ward number twop) hxll mbrae ll tl trt.an4 tut of a lit marked by SerO Uax ff,ld ftiiixutVoa tcrrcf ta IK am dl rv Uon to Uie northern boonSx7 of Cia dir. Thar S Uii(Sahaa cobras aU Cut por. J. !5!t.nittEia Urt- That vard rambf tout HJ ahall axahrac ail U:t, ptloo, oX U ctty MdtrlTcoomiMloDeti.lhm ftom each ward, who aaall hold n .ni .v- r U bT qualiflad -rote of - - - . t Brc. lThat the boaid cf eommUalonera ara hetThT anthorlxed and aiDpowared U lwn from Ua 10 time, to an amount not axeeedin oo hun dred thousand dollar., bond la tha maaa of tba cixj ot ureenaboro. in inch denomination attd fona. ?yb.l l V1 Pl" n1 out tunolnc J'! 1 thln? J. r mora than iilr yeara, and btxTiUg inureat at no treater ta thtu ai per eentum ir annum, aad parabW ananallr. f.?.,,jr's-d tard of .eoinxnia.onra may determtna. ; , 8k. 4. Thatpooaof aaldbonda ahall b laue4 unttl approred by a majority of tha oaaliflad rotara of aald city, at a pubUo election to ba bald at tuch Umaor tlmea, and under tuch regulation a the board of commiaaioner may prescribe, at which election thoae faTortng the luue of bonda ahaU Ttu "Iaaue and thoae oppoalnj it ahall rot - I, toe," r The board of commiaaioner aball proTlda a.' ipecial regiatraUon of the quail Sed otere of the city, to be mad for said election, for wkLcfc no prepayment of taxea ahall be renuired a a ouallA. cation to reicleter or vote. ... . 81c. 6. That aald bonda ahall In no cam b acJ, hypothecated or otherwla diepoaedef. for a Ua autn than their par ralue. , r-. 8X0. 6. That the money arUin? from the aale ii thea bond ahall be uaed for puhlie lmproTetoenU' In aald city of Orrenaboro. , 8rc. 7. That the board of commlsaloner of the city of Oreenaboro la hereby aulhcrixed and em powered to erettauitable frradtd achool bullcUnre, in inch paxt of the city aa they may eelecU to rrad. the city and lay out atreeta, to. make , local um. menu, to proride water aupplie for the city, either by erecting water-woika, or by contracting milh; other peraon or oorporaUona. to pro-rid a rroer ayatem of eewerage for the city, and make all aucb other pubUo lmprorementa a the health of the dtlaen. and the aafety of property may . require . - Kxc. 8 That aald bonda and their coupon ahall not be subject to the city taxes until after they be cqme due. and the coupon on aald bot.de ahaU be receirable In payment of aald city taxea for any fis cal year la whkh they fall due, or thereafter, and If the holder of any of said bonda shall fail to pre. aent the axme at tha time and place therein named, he ahall net be entitled to more than Clteendaya Interest thereon, for the t me they bar been eaU etandin after maturity. . Sic 9. That for the purpose of psytng off. taking up and canceUing all the coupon on a-iy and ail bond Issued by said city, ea the same become due. It shall be the duty of the board of ccmzBisalooer and they ar hereby m powered to lery and collect, a auffleient special tax, each and erery year, or on all aubjects of taxtUon. which may be now or her, after embraced In the subject 01 taxUioo. under the charter of th city, and all tha amendments thereto, which taxes, so collected, ahall at ail time be kept separate and distinct. , . - , Bsc. 19, That th board, of oommlailsners may acquire, by gift or grant, lands, or eammenle there on, or righta of way orer th aama. or th riht to use springs, branohes, or water courses, toe the purpose of erecting and operating water-works or conducting the water to the city. - 8zc 1L If th board of commissioner cannot agree with th owner upon a price for th land and rights abor named, they ahall hsT th riht to hare the asms condemned, and compensation, uu imreiur, nuog tptuuoa in to Bop iw Court of Guilford county, (meaning the . clerk) against the owners of the land. r"Hpg them par. ties, as proTidcd to th Code, end setting f-yrta ail th facts snd describing, as near a may be. th lands, rights Dd easements necessary to b con demned, and making th summon rerurnabl In not less than twenty day, and asking that aild lands, tight and easements .may be condemned, snd compensation for th asm be aeae4; Oa the coming to of th aniwercr demarrer. or ca failure ot th parties to answer cr deznu. the clerk shall appoint three disinterested free holders' to Tiew the said land, and If they deeta tt necessary forth purpose ind caied. to condemn th earns, and asi.ee th damage, and report folly to tb' clerk, describing the land by metes and boundaries, and tho easement allowed,' a rums Mrpoesibl; Pro Tided, that th parties shall lav &T.days notice of the time and place of meeting of the com missioners, and it ahall be suClcieat to serre the. same 00 toe partlee or their attorney, trfll th same with the clerk. Th commissioner, bfor acting, ahall b a worn by a juetic of th peace, to mm mcir uuuti laiuuniiy ana nonestiy oe- iua iwniee. j. acj may nare witoeeees. ?Vyh.J 'power sv m wuro, mm pronae a tor oy law. juauoe 01 tne peace, or othsr person Jat lng pv to- aamtfileter an oath. The report, of th free holder or a majority of theta.tmles' good cans b hown m excepUon thereto, aha'. 1 be eocflrxd and recorded and "Ju fija est ahaH W rtndered accordingly, vrom this Ju5gment. either party may appeal to the Superior Court, under like rules a In otuer cases: FroTided. that no sppeal aha3 bsukcu from salaterlocutoryotderUtheeanas Thefinaljadgmeatglreiby th court, if U LaUj condemn lands pr other ritts, mWX H tk, ltd, ment of tha comtensation fixed to th parti or to th clerk, bar the fore and ffert of deed or grant In conreylng to, and Testing aald laud and rights In th board of commissioners. .8EC; J- 1 hath board of commlsalooer of th city of Greeusboro ahaU hava th power, la, employ detecUTes snd attorneys, sad to offer reara for th capture and eonnctioo of criminals aa4 toexer .els Ilk power In th premise. In order to briog offender sgalnst tho bs of ths Stat and. city r dinancea when the crime la committed la the city limit. toJutic,andto us any fund belonging Bra 11. This act ahaii b la foice froaj'aad after IU ratification, ' Batified this; the SGth day cf February, JL. D.. 1 8 TATS OT XOCTII CxlIOOXXi . i . ornci ot sxcaxramT or rr srx. - , fuiui iarciica. ao r.ereuy eerUy the roregoicg (eltht shtst tab a tru orr from th records of this olc. , , Witness my kaadsnj cnclTjl ifU. oO.- at Esle hfh. ttla 12th day r Hare h'. Is7. I1-- VT. L. S-HTSUiiaj" '! Rocretary of Stal. tl, Builder p. easleV, & Contractor.' GREENSBORO. :X. C. Is prepared to mate contracts for buildings ol all kinds, frame or brick. Also, will contract for the buildinr ol bridges &c. Satistaction guarcntced. ana reierences given wnen required. AN ACT Talis- erect IXOtx, Zzzlxj, Ftb 1 Lt DxjaKrill. . i Amraj IUxtraxTJ.v. ArriTFAyttUTil! a. UaTnTayetUTille..'.; Arrira fur.for3.T,V. tr) tanfonl 77 -Irrira Greetboro-! tPnGrttuboroU. Arrira Btlew Creek 7 It) CO trJ ldCOa pa I r.i j Dinner at buifori w 11 40 t THAXN BOUTIL TT -ill! !n ki i .fnl'fv! LcaTO Belew'a Crotk i T" 5 vl Arrire Greecaboro.. lf ef GrwsubOTO.','. ICl0aa r A.rriT baiitoru I . 1 Sipra 2 00 run . Iioaro bonl&rcL. ... . . ArriTt FaTtlUriilb.: 1 zZvm 3 00 pa Clip , 60a gr;x 10 is aat 4.23 po 6 20 p3 6 S3 pa Arrive ilitoa... teate Mai ton: .... :.j Airiu BexmettrriUa Freight and FaAsengtr Trata .rata , W- SB. MBBBBSa V BBBSM MoodAji, WeJ&claj.and Fridijr; ... I i Freight and lxecger Tnia ruti betvea FnytltTlIa and Grectubon 1 Tcewdiji; Thartuajt 'axid;Baloxdar -ad4bettti Greensboro and Fujettetillu Mondayt, Wetl- crsdaje tad Fridaym ta ..t J - ' FasieMerTraia,riMUMxi tentbundsyi, , , ' I ' Tea north boend Train' kziuilW con . M nectloa at Max ton for all point icni:.t u 7 . ; i:JvYFRY t.. r. h .i .1 ,v;..' . Ocneral SapcnmcndcnL -1 K AIL KYXr IV 1; SJJ0KS-.KmmQBSCIGAR3i- j J nr,'iK I ;:!, i-rw, At liJi m Uu ot!f ,!U.f Use your owri bnung,! raiheFlhin InoU15' j . d,J 01 othcrxii Jn. .x Ciutica is.ths FAthcrof Scctiritve f Smoke Pamlna Hiina Clg? - ii at t enemies, layjiothintr.t H-cj llir Economy iatHs 4Uj.ekdr of fo1 acVvrx imz ALS JL17D Cmrj3rr. 11: If you post yguc sryanu upon, your .! 1 affajrs thcrwiorteday rcnToy. OMBiite&lIn!ig2iiBr:ili3 II y.ou ouIdkoowf.thq valuodoIJir,. ' t rV In VvArvnn. m m 4A fHA"n a AtMa "- 'i UaVn lcytHTnarid act lor yoursHV 1:1 r -tV-i ri,,i.'rll"iIii i:-r:; , v-rf Cnow-.TmB'-'Sun-'CuiGd A man ot' honor respects 1 his word is" he ' Jcyhiusx haarrio cMd'wh6' wifPnot' -1.'J '.,tl ."work fa fccatr uv -iT --rr b AndApplBr'andics. :-,:: 1 - A FRESH LOT or .rr.'V'i rt ill'-. ii iiiii i in n . i An'hoocbt triumpbbmes'fif Ut tb'aH TTrnr? i ifKT tt MM1 Vfi"' 1 i'rdr-T' i.'i'piR n:J(ll' v:j !il 1 tr;i also ?a.;.ick cf. i ri For the pleairi ct ;thsiciwJiO !nJl!c in that kind of amusernenL Thbcrt 1 1 article ol OU To gire vou light "oa this . subjtcT, cf any ciher. U yoa ce U ri 'hr t am sxxii-m me jiaKin pusmrss,- ,m . .l.i-THO'X. . HARPERTHPEROD'CALS; CO CO on o- T . r Harper's Bazar;. 4 1 1 a RrtR's Yo u s g FrjorLE I'i. HARix s FRANU:iqfAlE L 1 One Year (52,Ncmb;rs) j,. if e' :i3 I I