Tlie Dervish H A ..i h.-vo fasted still h' ,v rs'on bi- a l ni water, till answer:- -r asunjj mou His threshold reach by v to Gw'. rer. fnt hi--' wpv, and In six years fisU anie luck. i- i nrn Pti im ii u (ihv nun 7 . it. j a on Medina, and hi eight moaue of mucti ty ; wim tears .,i '"-rimiiKe." to each spot faule;' bul Oou-I found Him not." ;ce then kindly answered mm: "By kvpr 1 of ftiv&t Allah do we win, peMi' - . t doth lead ua ln kV His glorious presence there, thou flndest Allah len findC-t ttiy pool OUUUUljj Ibllun-ulCU. .- nnffninfvfallAnF.iMAH 99 iah heard the word, and turned to go. iVedand grievea ne louea aiong tne a- cirnf that eharitv bf stnwfWl K, .hat I have to bestow. feb wean offering given for His sake?" tn hour a crippled temr came f"Jt hie hand a charity to crave: . j bis coarse browa loaf the Dervish f 'have. friend ; take it in God's name." iid(ienlv around about him there jhty splendor dazzled all the air. Irish bowed bis head. A light divine -rerflow him from a heavenly place. eW it was the light of Allah's face, need I seek no pilgrimage nor shrine, never one poor soul asks alms of me, n and. even there 1 can find Thee." rtantina E. Brooks, in Harper's Maga- flue. Saved by His Horse. snpaKliiir lu mi uiu. uuisu-iraiuer 1 T. t 1.1 1 4- i fcit time ajo aooui, one oi ni3 . - T . 1 Uip animals he soon became warm ie subject, and ave it as his opin- hat the saving, "Women first of was a mistake, ami the inventor i i . . -i he savm'C Had never seen a gooa or he would have been ashamed raseir. ir t -. hlv old favorite horse, Duke," he limied, "had more sense than half j people, and I never saw him ex- l in my life. I could., always rely jolil Duke in time of trouble. There I a time in the country when it was 1 safe for any one to travel, espe- alv if he was known to be a, man it usually had money, but, while I not mean to say that I always had at pleasure, yet. i was considered a hneymaker. It was the custom in f)se days to go from town to town, til as Duke and I were going through ' country one evening I stopped at Rountrv inn and asked for lodging. vas informed that they could accom odate the horse, but I was one too any. It was then growing late and concluded to make the best of it, and treed to share the bed with Duke in he log stable. I had, hardly lain down Wore I was sleeping soundly, and did jot hear the noise on the roof ; but my V friend did, and, no doubt, used iveiT possible means to awaken me, put failed. When I awakened, however, I was lie worst scared man that ever lived to tell a storv. There was Duke down non his knees. snortinr and nawinof L C? JT - - O at some object, but I could not tell What it was in the dark, and I struck a Jight. No sooner had I made the dis covery than something was upon me, and we three were having a lively time in that old stable. Duke managed to break his bridle and come to my as sistance, otherwise I would not be here. After we had fought for some time I was knocked senseless and fell beside my old horse. I did not regain consciousness until daybreak, when, to my horror, I found a large panther at my feet, with Duke on his knees, ap parently holding it down. I at once went to his assistance, and found that the panther in his death struggle had buried his teeth in Duke's nose, from which the old fellow could not free himself, and which also compelled him to continue in the kneeling posi tion." "Was your protector much injured?" "Well I should say he was. He was as bloody as any butcher you ever laid your eyes upon. His nose was forever after a sorry looking object, and while I loved that brute more' than many persons do their children, I was robbed of him by Morirau while I was giving lessons with him in Jennings county. Since that day I have never been able to buy a duplicate of old Duke. "What did I do with the panther? -Well, to tell the truth about it, I . was not able to do anything for some time. The people who gave us their shelter came down to tho stable in the morn ing to see where we were, as no sign of us was to be had about the premises, and they found us both in a disfigured condition. The lady at once prepared a bandage for my mangled legs and also fixed up the warrior. The cause of all the trouble was also attended to, and his pelt was soon alongside a coon skin on the side of the house. - It was the largest panther ever killed in that section, and no one seemed to be aware of the fact more than Duke. It must have weighed at the very least seventy five pounds, and was as long as the average hunting-dog." Indianapolis JScws. There are few men who possess as much cheek as -a citizen of New Lon don. Conn. He rented a house, and for three months paid no attention to tho landlord s reonest for the, rent- monev. At me enu 01 mat time ne called upon the owner, handed him the key, and said that he was sorry, but he would hare to give up the house, as the rent was too high for his means. The landlord was so amazed that he took the kev. and the man with the cheek walked off. , . - ' There is a family in Polk county, Ga., whose children possess names that are, to say the least, rather original. They answer to the following appellations; Mollie Neeklane, Quincy Ann, Sis Xommie, Happie Josie, Nestor Chestor, mil I Wonder. It is said that the hap py mother takes pride in calling each yhild . - " It Saved My Life" a a common expression, oftr n YuotA from those who have realized, by per-' sonal use, the curative powers of Aver'i vu"r sectoral. I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, uevmg as i ao that, but for its use, I should long since have died from lun troubles. E. Eragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six month Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought oa by a distressing Cough, which deprived fiie oi sieep au.l rest. I had used vari ous cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad vised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and am happy to eay that it helped me at once. By continued use this medicine cured-my cough, and, I am satisfied, saved my life. Mrs. E Coburn, 18 Secoud St., Lowell, Mass. I have used Ayer's Cherry Tectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe 1 should have been in my grave, had it not been for this medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous affection of the lun.s, for which I had almost despaired of ever finding a remedy. D. A. McMullcu, Windsor, Province of Ontario. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my lifct. Two years ago I took a cry severe Cold which settled on my luns. I consulted physicians, and took the remedies they prescribed, but failed to c.btain relief until I bfjran using Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Two bottles of this medicine completely restored my health. M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver X. Co., T.o M Sold by all JDruggwu. l'ric 1 1 ; ix bottle. LYDIA E. PINECHAfti'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnre For all those Ikilmfal Complalata and WnkaewM bo eonuaoi to oar best female popalatloa. A Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. . x Prepared by a Woman. Tfc GremtMt dlel DUcovtrr Slice the Dawa af Uiatarjr. tSTIt revives the drooping spirits, iifrifjoratea and harmonizes the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restores tlte natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale check of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early gammer time. "Physicians Use It and Prescribe It Freely It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves wca'xness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured hj Its use. For the cnre of Kidney Com?lalnt of cither aex this Compound is nasurpoascd. I.YDIA E. PINTOTASTS BLOOD PURIFIER will eradicate every vestige of Humors Iroin the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of nfn woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 835 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $L Six botUes for $5. Sent by maU in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlf t. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PIXKTIAM'3 LXVEoV PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. SS cents per box. jfcj-Soldby aIIDru8r.Tiflt8.-dL 0) GOOD COFFEE. Everybody wants it, but very few get tt because most people do not know bow tc select coffee, or it ia spoiled In the roasting jr raakinar. To obviate these aimcoiues jas been our study. Thurbera package Coffees are selected by an expert who un derstands the art of blending various fla vors. They are roasted In the most perfect manner (it is Impossible to roast well in small quantities), then put in pound pack ages (in the bean, not ground,) bearing our signature as a guarantee of genuineness, and each package contains .the Thurber recipe for making good Coffee. We pack two kinds, Thurber's " No. SV strong and pungent, Thurber's "No. 41," mild and rich. One or the other will suit every taste. They have the three great points, good quality, honest quan tity, reasonable price. Ask your Grocer for Thurber's roasted Coffee in pound pack ages, "No. 84" or "No. 41." Do not be put off with any other kind your own palate will tell you what is best. Where persons desire it we alsoj furnish the "IdeaV9 Coffee-pot, the simplest, best and cheapest " coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee- keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, Ac., - H.K.&F.B.THUBBEB CO, Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Boasters, Now York, p. &As the largest dealers in food pro ducts in the world, we consider it our In terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods ead pack them in a tidy and satisfactory manner. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to !e of superior quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase price in any case where customers have ause for dissatisfaction. It is therefore to the interest of both dealers andooa aur&eistouse Thurber's brands. , JOHM Ft STRATTOH, 191UiiiaLtAi,X.T., Importer & Wholesale Dealer in i ACC0RDE0N8, Monui ii&rmonieu and all kindiof Musical Merchandise, Russian Got Yiolin 8tnnw, Band Instruments, Send fox aatalofru. ftEMCDY TOR BALDHES rreaeriptioa Fre to aajt Wf W miXVJ Jliafljiiiann ttIh will rnt til riT SI. whn a aw (tow . wnn a arw (rowut oi air, w uufn or auMu . flivvdaraoa Co S OUntan IlMt, Hew ork. if 1887. 1878 ;-50 -A. YEAR, FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IX THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS EEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED TO VIZ 0 i uems j xear. m -wtf THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB LISHED, THE SUNDRY ISSUE AND WEEKLY B-DITIOK BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR $1.50. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weeHftr, as you get one daily is sue ana a weekly lor 50 cents less any semi-weekly paper. than DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND Weekly One Momth Fpee. Spend one cent lor a postal card and order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS THE WHIG, Richmond, Va WEBSTER 'CTJONAjfyf ,TSELF JUST ADDED, TO Webster's Unabridged, A New GAZETTEER of tie WORLD. Avery valuable addition for all who desire a concise Gazetteer of all Countries. Zeal, labor, and great care hare b-en used in preparing this New Gazetteer. Every line in the Gazetteer piTes valuable information in a condensed form. fTTwenty-five thousand titles in the Gazetteer Jim ai Treasury of knowledge in regard to the whole world is found in this Gazetteer. Every item in the Gazetteer has been pre pared with much caro to have it accurate. Effort has been made to fret the most reliable information for this Gazetteer. R eference has been had to latest and best au thorities in preparing the Gazetteer. BEST FOR SCHOOLS. nly Dictionary that has been supplied tc Schools by State purchase. Fir School?, recommended by State Snp'ti cf 36 States, and by 50 College Prea'ts. BEST FOR ALL. fViliirty-two thousand have been put in the JSm Public Schools of the United States. Has a Tl'oeraphl 10,000 Names. cal Dictionary of nearly "ftMtYnioloeies and Definitions far in advance J4 f those in any other Dictionary. A NATIONAL STANDARD. W7cl iter's Dictionary is standard authority in Y' t'io Government Printing Office. nly Dictionary having KioeTanhicalDio- anary and Gazetteer of the World. JZ.4j largely throughout the vorld. ate-;t edition is furnished with or without JLt Denison's Patent Index. efina by SOOO fine Enzravin;:. Ticture 01 onip, page no, illustrates w oras. S. & C. MERR1AM & CO., Pub'ru.Sr nir We continue to act aseolicitora for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copyrighta. eto.,for the United Btatea, and to obtain pat. enta in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Thlrtv-t.lx wearV cractico. Mo charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice By mail free. Patents obtained us aro noticed m the SCIENTIFIC AMEKICAV, vbich has the largest circuiatior vr. is tho most influ ential newspaper of its lihul published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee nnderptanda. This large and splendidly illustrated news paper is pubhshed'AVEEltl.Y at $3.20 a year, and is admitted to be the bes t paper devoted to Bcience,mechamcs, inventions, engmoeririjr works, and other departments of industrial Drocress, published in any country. Single COpieo Ujf iiiAii, vvuw. - dealers. , Address, Hunn & Co., ptDiisncrs 01 &cr j tine American, 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents waited freo. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminis tered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for "Whooping Cough, with which many of our children were afflicted, we used, during the past win ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most effi cacious of all the medicines which have come to our knowledee. Mary Park hurst, Preceptress, Home for Little Wanderers, Doncaster, Md. " My children have been peculiarly sub ject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to nnd any effective remedy until I com menced administering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. David G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for many years, and have found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub dues any tendency to Lung Complaint. ' J. B. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer'4 Cherry Pectoral. It was the means ol saving the life of my little bov, only six months old, carrying him safely through the worst cse "of Vhooping Cough I ever saw. Jape Malone, Piney Flats, Term. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell. If aaa. Sold by all l)nifc'su. Price $1 ; aix bottlea, li. mm 1 READ ! READ ! READ ! T. S. HBWOH'S BILL OF FARE ! CAHNSD GOODS. Tomatoes, Corn, Lima . Beans, Early Jane Peas. White Reath, and Yellow Peaches. xiuium a www . fcw 1 vwaavmj in mcaeis ana masses. BOTTLED GOODS. Heinz s Plain and Mixed Pick les, such as Pickled On ions, Chow Chow, Celery Sauce. Chili Sauce, Table Sauce, Pre pared Mustard. Also Eeinfs Plain and Mixed Pickles in Barrels to retail by the dozen and quart. Canned and Potted Meat One, two, and four pound Cans Corn ed Beef, Deviled Ham, Potted Earn, Potted Ox Tongue, Fresh Sal mon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Imported and Domestic Sardines. Teas and Coffees, The celebrated "Dixie" and "Chal lenge" Roasted Coffee, "English" Breakfast, Gun Powder, foung Hyson, and the Celebrated "Heno" Tea. Miscellaneous, Oat Meal Rolled Qroats, Cracked "Whnr, Pm Pi l-nt'c Phrvn I late, the festlrandj Roller ment Flour, Sugar Cured Hams and Break- fast Bacon. Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Citron, Dried oUgar Com, Dried Luna All rail via Richmond, and daily ex Beans, Buckwheat Flour. A Stock Of cet Sunday via Bay Line. Northern "Goodrich" and "Early T?10? ke 5 connection lor all Rose'' Irish Potatoes for Seeding and Table use. A fresh lot Mackerel in Barrels and Kits. Call and prices. examine goods and get Respectfully, ' T. S. SHELTON. CATTLE SKETCHES. -(o). 25 Anniversary of the Great Battles and Campaigns of the Civil War, The Quarter-Centennial ol all the Engagements ad Campaigns ol the battle year 1S62, will occur during 1887. This year, commencing JJIarch 10, the Greensboro North State, Greensboro, N. C. Will publish a sketch of each impor tant battle and campaign of the civil war r'u ring 1862. becinninc: with the engagement between the MERRIMAC and MONITOR, fought Match 9. 1862, and the battle of PEA RIDGE lought March 7th and 8tn, 1862. These will be followed at proper dates with Shi- loh, the Peninsular Campaign, includ ing Cold tiarbor. une 2. 1562. STONEWALL JACKSON'S Cam paign against Banks. Milroy and Fre mont. THE SEVEN DAYS BEFORE RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAIGN including Cedar Mountain. Gainsville Chantillv. SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTIETAM; the invasion of Ken tucky by Braeg and Kirby Smith Corinth and Stone River. These sketches will be followed next year by the stories of the battles of 1863. and so on each year, until the close at Appomattox. This series o skethes will close in April. 1800, and will give an accurate historical and statistical record of the great civi war. The sketches will be handsomely illus trated, and all combined will make valuable and impartial history of the great struggle. TERMS ; Greensboro Xorth State $1.50 a year in advance. KEOGH & BOYD. Greensboro. N. C. FINE PAIHTIKG ! The under&igned begs leave to in form the citizens of Guilford county that he is prepared to do the very best Sign and Fancy Painting. I will imi tate any gilt sign in the Slate. on wood, tin, zinc or sheet iron, with gold leaf, or smaltz, black or blue, or any other desirable color. All I ask is that I may be permitted to try my skill, and I will give satisfac tion. I warrant all my work. , I may be found under the old post office building, on South Elm street. Also. I employ a house painter, and will take jobs bevond the limits of Greensboro. Robt. W. Thomas. im,m3l. Agents AUfTS or THE Wanted for INKERS DIOLC TTTILMINGTON iWELDON RA1L- T ROAD COMPANY. s CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. 14. 'S6 Lv Weldon.. No. 4S I No. 40 I No. 4 Daily. Daily. Dailr 3 15 p m 5 3S p m 1 10 am Ar Rocky Ml 2 ri p m Ar Tarboro. 4 50pm. Wilson.. 4 05 p m 6 58 p m 3 07 a a L.v Wilson. .'4 15 pm Ar Selma... k 40 p m Ar Fayettev. g 32 p m LvGoldsboiT4 54 P m 7 40 p m'j 5S a Lv Manoliao 09 p m 3 3S p m'5 18 a m m Lv Burgaw.. 7 oopm 6 n a rn Ar Wilming.!7 50 p m 9 55 p m j 00 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 45 I No. 47 I No. 43 Daily. ( Daily. Daily. 1 1 40 pm 8 50 a m 8 52 p m Lv WilmingJ Lv Burgaw.i 9 34 a mo 50pm Lv Magnolia 12 52 am 1023 am 1042 pm Ar Goldsbor 1 55 a m il 35 am 11 58 am Lv Faycttcv. Ar Selma... Ar Wilson.. . Lv Wilson . . 700am 9 58 a m 11 25 am 2 32 a m.1225 pm i2 5i am .... t 00 p m'l 27 a m Ar RoTcyML Ar Tarboro. K0Pm 11 30 am Lv Tarboro. Ar Weldon.. 4 o$ a ma ispm2 4$am Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm. Returning:, leaves Scotland Neck at o 30 a m., daily except Sunday. 1 rains leaves xarooro, n. u.. via Albemarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except Sunday, o p m.; bunday 5 p m.; arrive wuiiamston, r. v.., o lop m, and 640 p m. Returning: leaves Williamston. N C. Daily except Sunday, 8 00 a m, Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 1005 a m, and 11 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N. v.., 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith- held, N. i.., 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro, N. C. oooam. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet- vuie Branch is no. 50. Northward is vO. SI. wT&fiSrS ManoLn,y at Trains No 47 makes dose connection at Weldon for all points North daily. wi mil 1 r n n vii irn vn nnn -an-i v k avs iiit iiyiui aca aiviiiiiwnu va 1 1 ajil' ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN V. DIVINE, General Sup't J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Agent CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Office of Superintendent, 1 Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 19. 1SS6. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter this date, the folio win cr Schedule will be operated on this Rail road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. ) Leave Wilmington at.. 7.40 D.m No. 1 V Leave Raleigh at 7 00 Dm ) Arrive at Charlotte. . . .6 $S ro ! Leave Charlotte at.... 8 45 pm Arrive at Raleigh at. . .9 00 am Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 a m Local Freigh Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at.. .7 40 am Arrive at Laurinburg at 5 45 p m Leave Laurinburg at 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at. . 6 25 am Arrive at Laurinburg at 4 25 p m Leave Laurinburg at c 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 8 35 p m Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weekly leaving Wilmington on Mondays. W ednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on i uesdays, l hursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division. Passencer. Mail, Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte 7 35 a m No. 3 Shelby 1 1. loam Arrive EUenboro.... 12.00 m Leave EUenboro 1225 pm No. 4 " Leave Shelby.. 1 25 p m J Arrive Charlotte S 25 p m Trains No. 1 and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville. Stations Western N.CR.R., Asheville, and points W est. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L. C JONES, Superintendent F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Agenu Builder & Contractor, GREENSBORO. N. C. prepared to make contracts Is for buildings of all kinds, frame or brick. Also, will contract for the building c4 bridges &c. Satisfaction guarenteed. and references given when required. HARPERH PERODXALS. Per Year : Harper's Magazine.... $4 00 Harper's Weekly. . . fc 4 00 Harper's Bazar 400 Harper's Young People 4 o Harper's Franxlin Square Library One Year (52 Numbers) 1000 T r r- X" . . m 1. . Tae C:;: u L Ti:u ii ..... Coisxxxxs Schxdcu No. 13. Taller eect 1X0 p. raUoniiy. ilar.237. Ta. m4 M4. Lew UrnortUTii: . . JLrrivw Maxtoo ArrivF jttUTillt . . lcv FayetUvill. . .. Arrivw tiaofocd. . . . . LcaT aaniord Arrivw Orrboro.. Lea vt G reexuboro . . . Arrivt Belew's Cretk 8 ISOpa ilOpta 10.00 an S30p 900pa 10 CO nn LI 03 pa 12 20 pm 1 iZpm 61Spxa 10 ISam 123Cpa Dinner at Saaford. TRAIN SOUT1L ra, mmd Ma.L S 15 pa 6 45 pa 10 Oriam Leave Beltv Cmk Arrive Qrvezuboro.. Leava Grenaboro.. . Arriv rjiiorJ Leave 8aafcrd Arrive FtyetUtiU.. Leave FajetUvill,.. Arrive Max ton Leave Max ton. Arrive BennetUvill 730 in lUOpa 3 00 pa 6 45 pa COO a a 923 am 015 am S20pa SanfoiT 1 Sopm I 4 10 pa 4 25 pa 6 20 pa 6 30 pa 7 45 pa raaengtr and Mail--dinnr ai Factory Branch Freigh & Passenger Train moving north. Train moving aoclh. Lv Grccnib'o 5 00 pa Ar Mill bo ro 7 00 pa Lv UiHboro, 7 iUa Ax Greenab'o 9 30 am Freight and Paaaecgfr Train rona be tveen FaretteviU and BnnttUvlll on Mondaja, YYednemlay and Friday a. Freight and IVweogtr Train mna btvcn Fa yetta villa and Greenaboro Tneadajf, Tharadajs and Satarilarn, and between Grenaboro and FajetUville Mondaja, Wed nesdays and Fridays. Paaaenffer and MaU Train mna daily ex oept Sondaya. Tba nortn bonnd Train makes close con nection at Maxton for all points south. . J. W. FRY. General Superintendent. W. E. KYLE. mmi mum Use your own brains, rather than those of others. Drink Old Everglade Rye Whiskey. Caution is the Father of Security. Smoke PaminaHavanna Cigars bpeak well ot your mends; o! your enemies say nothing. Economy is the easy chair of old age. XASS AT.7, G TH1TZ2S STCTTT If you post your servants upon your affairs they will one day rend you. Ss&q Mce's Causa Cigarettes. Never take back a discharged servant. Drink Budwels &BoIieniian Eiport BEEr. II you would know the value of a dollar, try to borrow one. Smoke Margarita Kigars. Learn to think and act for yourself. Chew Fine Sun Guied DURHAM TOBACCO. ' A man of honor respects his word as be . does his bond. They must hunger in cold who will not work in heat. Drink Fine Old Peach And Apple - Brandies. An hour of triumph comes at last to all who watch and wait. Onxk Ben's Halt '&, E. G. NEWCOMB Odell Baildisg. THE MORNING STAR. A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY At $7.00 mper annum, 1.00 six mont lis. THE OLDEST DAILY IK THE STATE. THE WEEKLY STAR. $1M0 a Year, $1.00 6 mos. Fall and Beliabk Market Be- ports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts ot the World. Con densed and Arranged in the most Attractive Form. Advertising Rates Bascule. Add res. vm h. DEnriAnDr 1 Alitor t Prvprietjr VILU LVGTON, N JCT