UOiJKiiX I'OETliY. The Chirm cf Reciit Poetry: fi Thought U.ilher tltu lu the It would be interesting to know hfw those little books of nv .-pot'try Would niVtct an in;enou and intelligent youth; but probably he could not Ull "if he read them. What one feela more and more, as he grows older, is that the new poetry does not seem to be mado -for him, and he suspects a charm and virtue in it tnat dos not reach his goal through his toughened sensibilities. Very likely they are not in it, but he finds it the advantage of his spiritual ' health to imagine them there; and he hopes to acquire merit by supposing that some one else may feel them. ft js c, rtainly not always easy to read this now poetry; but honestly, between one and one's self, was poetry ever very easy reading? It is doubtless easiest when read aloud to a person of the other sex; then it is charming, if the person of the other sex is charrnin; and it has its attractions even when read aloud to a group of attractive per sons of the other sex. Or two yawn men may read it together when they are both in love, and in like manner two young girls. But in one's closet (as one's room is called in poetry, not the real closet where one's clothes hang), in the solitude of one's cham ber, would not one far rather have a good novel, if he wished to be either pleased or edified? This is a very bold question, and it requires all our hardi hood to put it; but sooner or later sorn one must ask it, for poetry is gradually' cnanging us wnoie relation to life, which it no longer depicts or expresses in the old way. It no longer even rep resents literature as it once did. in the beginnings of modern literature the mere poetic form was enough; metre and rhyme meant scholarship, and men were amazed, as children now are, at people who could make them. After ward thought and feeling were demand-ed-as well as metre and rhyme; then el egance, then beauty, and beauty more and more. There was a time, when his tory was told in verse, and in the epics there was a good deal of fact 'as Avell as fiction. In our day Aurora Leigh and Lucille were attempts to give the poetic form to novels, and the epic may.be 6aid to have expired in them; their suc cess ended the long, tradition. The Dastoral was dead loner aro. dead the satire, dead the metrical drama. The tale in verse ceased with Tennyson's Idyls, and his own and other people's imitations of them. What we have left is the essay,-descriptive or subject ive; the son n'.t. littering in elaborate form a single thought or emotion; the lyrical anecdote, the lyrical, conun drum, the lyrical picture, and the lyric al cry or outburst. To this last the metrical shape still seems essential; it sings and it pleases; but that it is really essential we do not think any reader .of Tourgucnief s Poems in Prose will maintain. Nevertheless it has yet an undeniable value, though it can no longer impart this value to thoughts in themselves poor and slight; and it is proof of the intellectual and emotional merit of much in this group of books that the charm seems inherent in the thought rather than the form. . . . Lord Tennyson might be hastily sup posed to be trying to make us think it had been, or ought to have been, very little, in his echo of rLocksley Hall Sixty Years After." But it seems to us that his attitude in the poem has been misconceived, and that he has been thought to express a personal pes simism, when the poem was largely dramatic. As a poem it is very good in parts, better than its young readers, who hare not lived long enough to re gret their passions and prejudices can know. It breathes the wisdom and the humility of age, as well as its fore boding and despair; if it judges the world harshly and hopelessly, it con fesses and forgives with touching meek ness the error and the loss of first love. For these virtues the imagined speaker may be allowed to lling about him somewhat crazily; to find all going wrong, as old men do, and to rail at the age as if God had made a mistake in letting it come to pass. We have heard a young philosopher, one of the new school abhorred by such old men for their desire to look facts in the face and try to see what they mean, de clare that years need not always bring this despair; that the day may come when men instead of setting up some little ideal of testhetics, or morals, or society, which must inevitably topple over in time, will regard each new de velopment of seeming good or seeming ill as part of a design, not inadvisedly ponceivedt and inevitably working from everlasting to, everlasting; and that they then wilt not be shocked, but Interested and eager for the next turn of affairs. If the hero of "Locksley Hall" were living in the possible future of this hopeful evolutionist, ' he would probably not scream at "author, athe ist, essayist, novelist, realist," for be ing true to their knowledge of human nature, and would regard "the maiden fancies wallowing in the troughs of Zo- iaism" as perhaps no more dangerous- . 1 1 .j 11 r - - . ... 1, ly .employ en mini in uuujeciuuug tut? nrecise character and experiences of such ladies as Vivien and , Guinevere, Ettarre and Isolde, TV, J), Howells, in Editor's Study, Harpers' Magazine. Cushman IL Davis, the new senator frnm Minnesota, is described as a "me- dinm-sizod. solidly-built man, whose roundness of body and limb ' indicates that he lives well. A hand like a wo man's and a voice soft and pleasant in 'sation and resonant with rino-ino-'-richness when in public BDeech." The -rood effect of this pleas- innr r?ntiim is lil'.isll Kl; irred. however, hv't.hft L1 itinhal information that he bears astrikinVreleniblancCtoBenBut-' Icr. lackiriir only the droopiug eyelid. It Saved My Life" s a common expression, often, heard from those-who have realized, by per aonal use.ho curative powers of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough in rraise of Ayer's Cherry Tectoral, be lieving as I do that, but for its use, I should long since have died from lirng troubles. E. Erajdoni Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I had a severe . Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought on by. a distressing Cenrjh, which deprived me of sleep and real. I had used vari ns cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad vised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and am. happy to say that it helped me at once, liy continued use tins medicine cured my cough, and, I am satisfied, saved in v life. -Mrs. E. Coburn, 18 Second St., Lowell, Mass. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe I should have been in my grave, had it not been for this medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous affection of the lungs, for which I had almost despaired of ever finding" a remedy. D. A. McMullcn, . "Windsor, Province of Ontario. - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved lav Wit. Two years ago I took a very severe fold which settled on my luns. I consulted physicians, and toot the remedies they prescribed, but failed to obtain relief until I began using A ver's Cherrv Pec toral Two bottles A this medicine completely restored my health. Lizzit. M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Jt Co., Lov ell, Mam Sold by all DruggUu. Trice $1 ; six bouiea, fa I VEGETABLE 00MP0U1TD. Ia a Positive Cnro Tor all those Painful Coraplatat an5 XV'eeVaeasea m canuaon to oar best fenmle portola tioa. A Medicine for Woman. Inrputed b j a Woman. Prepared ly a Woraan. Tfc Greatest Xdieal hhmanrr Sloeo ILo Dnvm t li:lory. t"It revives tlie droontn-' si -.irita, Invigorates and harmonizes the organic f vincUa.ta, g-ivas eiAsticity and firmness to the step, restores tus natural lustro to the eye, and plants on the pala fchoc-ii of woman the fresh roses of life's spring and early suiimer f i :r.o. "Physicians Use It and Prescribe Jt FreeJy It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the ttomach. That feeling of bearing down, caa-arcj pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently .cured by its use. For the core of Kidney CoiElalatsorelihcr Jt thla Compound la uusurpac-tl. I.TDIA E. PIXITKAirs IJLOf PVR1FIER will eradicate every vestiKe of iiuE!ra from the Blood, and give tone and strength to thj system, o man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Bynn, Kasa. Price ot either, fL. Six bottles for $5. gent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters ot tnquiry. Enclose Jet. stamp. Send for pamphlet. ITo famflv nhonld ba without I.TBTA T!. PTXTmAVn LlVKU PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness. and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. JSSTSoldby all Druggists.- GOOD COFFEE. Everybody wants It, but very few get it, because most people do not know how tc select coffee, or It is spoiled in the roasting or makinar. To obviate these dlmcraiues has been our study. Thurber's package OofTees are selected by an expert who un derstands the art of blending various fla vors. They are roasted in the most perfect manner (it is impossible to roast well in small quantities), then put in pound pack ages (in the bean, not ground,) bearing: our signature as a guarantee of genuineness, and each package contains the Thurber recipe for making good Coffee, we pack two kinds, Thurber's "No. 34," strong and pungent, Thurbers "No. 41, mild and rich. One or the other will suit every taste. They have the three great points, good quality, honest quan tity, reasonable price. Ask your Grocer for Thurber's roasted Coffee in pound pack ages, "No. 84" or "No. 41." Do not be put off with any other kind your own palate Will tell you what is best. ' . - Where persons desire it we alsoj furniAn the "IdeaT Coffee-pot, the simplest, best and cheapest coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, &c., H. K. & F. B. THUBBEB & CO, Importers, "Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Boasters, Now York. P. S. A3 the largest dealers in food pro ducts in the world, we consider It our in terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods 8fid pack them In a tidy and satisfactory; manner. . All goods Dearing our name are guaranteed to 'e of superior quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase price in any case where customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It Is therefore to the Interest of both dealers andcoa avrn&etBto use Thvrber'a Wand. JOHN F. STRATTCJIi 43l!ioiU5,E.T., Importer ft Wholesale Daalex ia ACCQRDE0H8, :i Month Harmonicas Merchandise, Rutsian Got Violin Stria Ban! Instruments. Bend fox eatalofw. TVTw "uTl REMEDY FOR BALDKES M 1 rtf V(m Pn-ertpnon Free ! $X. when a gw grot uttyt Balr.WhUkTS ocMaiUcb St acMallr prvxluoed - &viz-aeu Co S CUiaton Place, Vow Tcrk. . ,r 4. 5 1887. $4.50 FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY IN' THE SOUTH. PAPER THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN' ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED TO 7o Cents A Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB LISHED, THE SUNDRY ISSUE AND WEEKLY -EXHTlGiSI BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR $l.SO. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and a weekly lor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND Weeut Ohe Mqxth Fpee, Spend one cent lor a postal card and order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS THE WHIG, Richmond, Va WEBSTE JUST ADDED. TO Webster's Unabridged, A Kev GAZETTEER of tie WORLD. very valuable addition for all who desire a Z4. concise tiazetteer of all Countries. rTTeal, labor, and great care have ben used in preparing tn is riewtiaxetteer. "Ivery line in the C-zetteer eivea valuablo 5- information in a condensed form. rtt enty-five thousand titles in the Gazetteer L ana reliable Etatistics under each. rjSTSreasury of knowledge in regard to the wholo woria is xound in tnis uaxetteer. Ivery item in the Gazetteer has been pre pared witu much care to have it accurate. "jltfort has been made to get the most reliable .EU1 information for this Gazetteer. j)eference las been had to latest and bestau- JZTty thoritics in preparing the Gazetteer. BEST FOR SCHOOLS. Tn!y Dictionary that has been supplied tc iV tciiooi! by staio purcuase. S'or Shool3, recommended by State Sapte .-2 i usiuie9,anu u;ouvuuggx reB BEST TOR ALL. r5Viirty-tro thonsand have been put in the Ux. i nriiii bcnoois or tne united states. V3"as a l'o?rraililcal Dictionary of nearly . isames. -:!yiiio!ojr;os and Definitions far in advance - i tru-.so many other Dictionary. A iTATIONAL STANDARD. vyc'-fti-r's Dictionary is standard authority in vv i::uovernmem i rinting umce. nly Dictionary having Biosraphieal Dic- wenary ana uazetteer of tlio world. caches the English-speaking peoplo very ,'rj largely throughout the 7orld. rtU-dt edition is furnished with or without Deiilaou's Patent Index. 7ve:;nr' by SOOO fine Enjrravlr.rs. Tioture JLV oi "fchip," page 1164, illustrates Words. S. ms C. HER S1AM & CO. , Pub'r?, 8 r ri !.;-:;. I : . M a "We continno to act assolicitorofor TDfttcnta, cavett3, trado-marks, copyrights, etc., for the United Btatea, and to obtain p&t. enta in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all otber countries. Ttilrty-slx years practice. No charge for examination of aiodeia or draw ings. Advice Dy mail freo. Patents obtained thrrajrhr.a aro noticed In the SCIENTIFIC iMlli:KiCA', rli:ch has the largest circniatior r:i"i ia iho r.i??t ential newspaper of its Mud v'l-i-1 the world. The ad vantages cf such a notico every patentee tinder stands. This large and ettlendidlv illustrated news paper iapublished"V'EEltIi- at $3.20 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial rimer p.sr. rrablished in anv country, fcinnla V...i1 1ft sijvnfca Hnld i' nil TrAT. neai erb. Address, Unnn & Co., publishers cf Sc?en tifio American, 2C1 Eroadvrsy, Nevr Yort. Handbook about patents mailed fvoo. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, , Ayer's Cherry Fectoral, promptly adminis tered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for "Whooping Cough, with which many of our children were afflicted, we used, during the past win ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most effi cacious of all the medicines which have come to our knowledge. Mary Park , hurst, Preceptress, Home for Little 'Wanderers, Doncaster, Md, 5 3Iy children have been peculiarly sub ject to attacks of Croup, and I fatled to lind any effective remedy until I com- . meneed administering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. David G. Storks, Chatham, Columbia Co., X. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in ray family for many years, and have found it " especially valuable in "Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents int!:mination from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub dues anv tendency to Lunsr Complaint. J. B. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. '-I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It was the means of saving the life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying him safely through the worst case of Whooping Cough I e-vr saw. Jane Malone.Piney F)at&,Tena' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Ss Co., T-owtll, Uim. Bold by all DrusiisU. Fric 01; lx boule. $. tern rrstLF I I s s Y W irv m w w . HEAD I HEAD ! HEAD 7. S. SHHLTOH'S BILL OF FARE T CANNED GOODS. Tomatoes, Corn, Lima. Beans, Early June Peas. White Eeath, and Yellow Peaches. Pineapple, Preserves and Jellies in Buckets and Glasses. BOTTLED GOODS Heiwfs Plain and Mixed Pick les, such as Pickled On ions, Chow Chow, Celery Sauce, Chili Sauce, Table Sauce, Pre pared Mustard. Also Eeintfs Plain and Mixed Pickles in Barrels to retail by the dozen and quart Cannsd and Petted Meats. One, tWO, and four pound I Cons Com- ed Beef, Deviled Mam, Potted Earn, rotted ox Tongue, iresn sal mon, Mackerel, Lobsters, Imported &ndJ)omestiG Sardines. Teas and Coffees. The celebrated "Dixie" and Chal- lenge,f Roasted Coffee, "English" Breakfast, Qun Powder, foung Hyson, and the Celebrated "Reno" Tea. .Miscellaneous. Oat Meal, Rolled Groats, Cracked Wheat. Tamoca. Cocoa. Baker's Choco- late, the best brands Roller Patent Flour. Sugar Cured Rams and Break- fast Bacon. Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Ultron, Dried Sugar COW, Uned Lima Beans. Buckwheat Flour. A stock of Northern "Goodrich" and "Early Rose" Irish Potatoes for Seeding and Table use. A fresh lot Mackerel in Barrels and Kits. Call and examine goods and get prices. Kespecuuuy, T. S. SRELTUJ. BATTLE SKETCHES. 25 Anniversary of the Great Battles and Campaigns of tne uivu war. Tl.e Quarter-Centennial ol all the Engagements and Campaigns ot the battle year 1862, will occur during 1887. This year, commencing Jlctrch 10, the Gresnsbcro Hcrth Stats, Greensboro, N. C, Will publish a sketch of each impor tant battle and campaign of the civil war c uring 1S62. beginning with the engagement between the M ERRIMAC and MONITOR, fought March 9. 1862. and the battle of PEA RIDGE lought March 7th and 8th. 1862. These will be followed at proper dates with Shi loh, the Peninsular Campaign, includ ing Cold Harbor. une 28, 1862. STONEWALL JACKSON'S Cam paign against Banks. Milroy and Fre mont. THE SEVEN DAYS BEFORE RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAIGN including Cedar Mountain. Galnsville Chantiily. SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTIETAM; the invasion of Ken tucky by Bragg and Kirby Smith ; Corinth and Stone River. These sketches will be followed next year by the stories ot the battles of 1863. and so on each vear, until the close at Appomattox. This series of skethes will close in April. 1S90. and will give an accurate historical and statistical record f the great civil war. The sketches will be handsomely illus trated, and all combined will make a valuable and impartial history of the great struggle. TERMS ; Gretnsboro North State $1.50 a year in advance. KEOGH & BOYD. Greensboro. N. C. FIM P AIMING ! The undersigned begs leave to in form the citizsi.s o. Guilford county that he is prepared to do the verv best Sign and Fancy Pointing. I will imi tate any gilt sign in the State. on wood, tin, zinc t sheet iron, with gold leaf, or smaltz, black or blue, or any other desirable color. All I ask is that I may be permitted to try my skill, and I wiUgivc satisfac tion. I warrant all (ay work. I may be foiiud under the old post office building, on South Elm street. Aso. I employ a Uouse painter, and wUi take i'bs beyond the limits of Greensboro. Robt.W. Thomas. ira.m3t. Agents ADITS OP THE Wanted Tor INKERS Wig&WMXS"' - CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. 14, S6 Ly Weldon.. No. 48 I No. 401 No. 4 I Daily. Daily. 'Daily 3 15 p m 5 38 p m;i 10 a c AT KOCkYMt.2 33 p m Ar Tarboro. u 50 pm Lv Tarboro. Ar Wilson.. II 30pm Uospm 6 58 p ro 307am Lv Wilson uiSpm Ar Selma... S 40 p m 2 3ipm Ar Fayetter. LvGoldsboro'4 54 p m 740pm 3 58 am Lv Magnolia 6 09 p m 3 3S p m 5 18 a m Lv Burgaw..7 00 p m -613 am Ar Wilming.l7 50 p m.9 55 p m!7 00 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 45 I No. 47 I No. 43 Dafly. Dailr. Daily. Lv Wilming. Lv Burgaw. 11 40 pm 3 50 a m S 52 p n 9 34 a m o 50 p m Lv Magnolia! 12 52 am 1 55 a m 1023 m 1041 pm 11 35 am 11 58 am Ar Goldsbor. Lv Fayettev. Ar Selma... Ar Wilson. Lv Wilson . . 7 00 a m 9 58 a m 11 25 am 2 32 a m 1225 pm 12 51 am Ar RoTcyML I 00 p m'l 27 a m Ar Tarboro. Lv Tarboro. Ar Weldon.. W 50 p m 11 30 am 405 a ra'2 1 5 p m'l 45 am ,cave$ Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 p m. Ketnrninp;, leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., dailf except Sunday. Trains leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except Sunday, 6pm.; Sunday 5 p m.; arrive Williamston, N. C, 8 10 p m, and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves williamston, N C. Daily except Sunday, 800 am, Sun- rtay 9 5o a m. arrive Tarboro. N. C, 10 05 a m, ana 11 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except bunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N C, 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith field, N. C, 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro N. C. 9 00 a m. Southbound train on Wilson Sc Fayet- 5?"e :rancn 15 wo- 5 orwwara f A5' . M -:n 1- Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes dose connection at Weldon for all points North daily. " "11 via luenmona, ana aauy ex- ceP Sunday via uay une Trains make close connection (or all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Agent AROLINA CENTRALRAILROAD COMPANY. Office of Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 19, 1886. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. ) Leave Wilmington at.. 7.40 p.m No. V Leave Raleigh at 7 00 p m ) Arrive at Charlotte. . . .6 55 am ) Leave Charlotte at.... 8 45 pm No. 2 V Arrive at Raleigh at. . .9 00 am ) Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 am Local Freich Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at 7 40 am Arrive at Laurinburg at 5 45 pm Leave Laurinburg at 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at 6 25 am Arrive at Launnourg at 4 25 p m Leave Laurinburg at 5 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 8 35 p m Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weekly leaving m - Wilmington on Mondays. Wednesdays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division, Passenger. Mail, Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday, j Leave Charlotte 7 35 am 10.31 bneiDy 11. 10 am I Arrive EUenboro....i2 00 m Leave Ellenboro 1225 pm N0.4 Leave Shelby.. 1,25 p m j Arrive Charlotte. $25 pm Trains No. 1 and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A, Trains to and from Raleigh Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville, Stations Western N.CR.H, Asheville. and points West. Also, lor Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L. C JONES, Superintendent. F. W. Clark. Gen. Passenger Agent. N. P. EASLEY, Builder & Contractor, GREENSBORO. C Is prepared to make contracts for buildinzs ot all kinds, frame or brick. Also, will contract lor the building ot bridges &c. Satisfaction guarenieed, and relerences given when required. HARPER'S PEROD.'CALS. Per Year : Harper's Magazine ..54 co Harper's Weekly 4 co Harper's Bazar 4 00 Harper's Young Peotle 4 o Harper's Frankluc Square Library One Year (52 Numbers) .....1000 c--: F:;; fcS Er.d t Tkl i-- - 1 -M P- 0-,Hoo Jy. Hxr.SYT. T4 8 4aa 10 00 am 13 03 pm 12 23 pm 2a 2 43pm 6 15pm 101Sa 1250pm Ji7a. Lct LVrEvtUrillt.. Arrir Union Am t F j eturill . . LeT rrillaTilU. . Amre tacford,.... LeaTt e.nfard ...... Arm Grcboro.. Jjtxrt Greetiaboro... Arrira Lklcw'a Crtdt ISOpca 410pa ldOOaia 24Spm 330pm SOOpm XHanex at Soniord. THAIN SOUTIL LearBlw'a Crack AxriT Greensboro.. LtT Grecntboro... Aniti 8niorJ Late SA&Itrd ArriTaFayttUTiUa.. Law FajeUrill.. ArriT Max ton 2 15 pm 645pta lOOoam 1 3Lpm l5pm 4 10 pm 4 25 pm 6 20 pm 6 30 pm 7.45 pm 730 am 2 O0 pa 3 00 pm 6 45 pm COO a m 922 am 015 am Lcf llaxtoa. I ArriT Bc&acttaTlU 12 23pm m rnnger aad Mall dinner at S&&fdiT Factory Branch Freigh & Passenger TraJa tnoTiag portJx. Lv MiUboro, 7 45am Ar Gree&aVo 9 30 am Train poring aoolK Lt Gretiab'o 5 00 pm Ar MUIboro 7 00 pm Freight a&drueoer Train met b twn Fayettevill and IUnnetUTllU on Jlondaya, Wednesday and Fridays. Freight and Faaaesgtr Train rana btvca FayeUtTilld and Gwnaboro iMtojt, TLondar, and Satarday. and Utwta Greensboro and FajetUviile Mondays, Wed- neadaja and Fridays. Passenger and Mall Train runs daily x eept Sundays. Tb north bound Train makes close con section at Maxton for all points south. J.W. FRY, General Superintendent. W. E. KYLE. SMOKS K3HJ22CI3Aa: Use your own brains, rather than those ol others. Drink Old Everglade Rye Whiskey. Caution is the Father of Security. Smoke PaminaHavanna Cigars Speak well o! your friends; ot your enemies say nothing. Economy b the easy chair of old age. I3Z EAST ALZ AiTD CmJIC: C7CTT. If you post your servants upon your affairs they will one cay rend you. Sz::io Ezke's Canca Cigarettes. Never take back a discharged servant. DilBidwEis&BoliEianEifaitBtcr, It you would know the value of a dollar, try to borrow one. Snjoke Margarita Cigars, Learn to think and act lor yourself. Chew Fine Sun Guied DURHA1I TOBACCO. A roan of honor respects his word as he does his bond. Thfy must hunger in cold who will not work in heat. Brink Fine Old Peach And Apple Brandies. An hour ol triumph comes at last to all who watch and wait. E. G. NEWCOMB OdeU Bailing. THE HORNING STAR. A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY At $7.00 per annum, 1.00 six months. TEE OLDEST DAILY IS TEE STATE. 1 ncifjciDtifjfj nnincnnn : K X NKXX MAX UN .uvmtuw tutitinmu THE WEEKLY STAR. $1J)0 a Year, $1.00 6 mos. Fall and Reliabh Market Reports. The latest News, Political and General, from all parts ot the Work!. Con densed and Arranged in the most Attractive Form. Advertising Eatc3 Zczsozzilc Addret. VM. H. OERflARD, WILMINGTON. N C

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