Gree nsoro Almanac. . Sun rises 5:30. San sets 6:34. Moon sets 8:29. - f - n. WEATHER INDICATIONS. By Telegraph to the Morning News. Washington, April 9. Indica tions for the twenty-four hours com mencing at 6 p."m, yesterday: For North Carolina, fair weather, war mer in eastern portion, stationary temperature in western portion. THE RAILROADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Arrives from Richmond af. .1 ! M3 a m 10.3a p m 8.33 a m Q55Pm Leaves for Richmond at. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at. 8.S2 a m 9.40 p m 9.48 a m 10.44 P m 9.30 pm ............. io.2o p m .............. 7.40am 9.50am ............. 6.00 a m .............. 10.20 p m Leaves for Charlotte at. Arrives from Goldsboroat. Leaves for Goldsboro at. t. M The United States District Court met, yesterday morning, listened to a few motions, and adjourned. The St. Agnes church choir are practicing music for to-morrow (East er Sunday's) services. The Catholics have services every third Sunday in the month. -Yesterday the Benhow House erecterl in its reading room a new six cluster gas pendent. Very ornamental and a decided improvement in the way of light. Mr. Groom, who has taken the new store on the corner of Sycamore and South Elm streets, commenced moving in yesterday.. The store is neat ank very inviting. Any one having a copy of our paper of the Sunday of its enlarge ment, March 20th, also, of April 7th, and will bring it to this office, will do us a very great favor. "Peck's Bad Boy'' was honored with full houses at Salisbury and Winston, and we presume it will be so honored at Beidsville to-night. Benbow Hall was full at its perform ance here last night. The contractors have erected a very substantial fence along the south line of the government building lot. The posts are dressed, inserted 31 inches in the ground and are faced with pine boards. t We direct attention to Sample S. Brown's new advertisement in this day's paper. Read it carefully and after you have digested it give -him a call. A battallion of polite clerks stand ready to show you through the concern. "Buzzard Roost." as the low stone wall around the government building is called, is a bad institution, for it is there that idlers of both colors . do most congregate. As a remedy we suggest that a row of iron spikes, six inches apart, be set into the cap stone around the building. Greensboro Fire Company, at their last meeting, not only resolved to go to Charlotte on June 21st, but they also took measures to fit up their room, so that it may be a com fortable place of meeting. The com pany will again parade on Monday afternoon, if the weather is propiti ous. ' y The Charlotte Home Democrat says about the "Jacklegs": "Any onVcan write deeds, without paying a tax if he does not charge tor his ser vices. If he charges he must pay the tax, as he ought to do. But we advise all people, who want good titles to their land, to get a. good lawyer to write a deed and investigate the title That's the way we do, and have saved thousands of dollars by so doing." A Thief Jailed. , Mr. . John C. Kennett. a revenue officer of the Fifth District, took lodg ing Friday night at the boarding house . of Mrs, Watlington, on South Elm street. Yesterday, morning he dis covered that he had been robbed of his pocket book which contained about eighty dollars. He suspected that some one who had slept in the same room with him was the thief, and putting the case in the hands of the police he took the train for High Point hoping to overtake the sus pected party there. 'Shortly after the train left, Officer Weatherly saw. the man in the neighborhood of the depot, and keeping his eye upon him, soon saw him spending money: lavishly. He was arrested and taken before the mayor, ine man, whose name is , Frank Dodson, from ; High Point, waived an examination, and in de fault of $200 bail, was locked up to await trial at the next term of court The stolen money was found upon his AESTHETIC. It was late, on Thursday eveoing last, the court house clock had long since sounded the hour of nine, the evening star "the star of love and dreamsv had sunk to rest in the west ern horizon, the full moon, high in the heavens, was bathing the streets of Greensboro in its soft and mellow light, and silence reigned supreme. We had attended the revival meeting at the - West Market Street Methodist church, where we had listened to a most eloquent and impressive sermon from the lips of the Presiding Elder. Rev. Mr. Cunninggim, the benediction had been invoked by the Rev. Mr. Mann, the pastor, and' we were wend ing our steps homeward, in an easter ly direction from the church, when at the corner of West Market and Greene streets, sounds of sacred music, low and sweet, seemed to be wafted on ward on the "stilly air" from the direc tion in which the Episcopal church is situated. On closer examination we discovered that the church was light ed up, and acting on the impulse of the moment we entered the sacred edifice. Our morbid, but. we trust. in this case, most excusable curiosity. was at once amply and pleasantly gratified, for we found the ladies and gentlemen of the church choir seated around the ortran. hard at work, at this late hour, in rehearsing the elabo rate selections of sacred and most dif ficult music which will constitute so prominent a part of the Easter ser vice in the Episcopal church. We listened with wrapt attention and bated breath, for nearly half an hour, to soul-stirring music most faultlessly rendered; inspired music, interpret ing even as the prophets did the di vine significance of life, guiding the soul of man heavenward from this earthly sphere, and bearing thence to the throne on high many fervent ap peals to Heaven's invisible justice against earth's visible force. We be speak for the Episcopal church an un usually large congregation on Easter Sundav. v J. M. Johnson, a travelling sales man for a Greensboro Nursery, was in Rockingham last week and swindled Mr. W. S. Fowlkes. proprietor of the Pee Dee House, out of $70. Johnson tenderedMr. Fowlkes a draft for $70, which he accepted, but when it was sent on for collection, through the bank, it was returned " protested.' A letter received on Tuesday last by Mr. Fowlkes from Mr. Henry Rust, of Greensboro, upon whom the draft was drawn, elicits the information that Mr. Johnson is a fraud and that he has swindled several other parties in the same manner, Mr. Rust being a loser by him. He is wanted, and wanted badly, by his victims. Some weeks ago a man applied to Mr. Henry Rust, who owns a Nursery not far from Greensboro, and wanted to be employed in the sale of his trees. He was fitted out and went his way. Mr. Rust received orders from his agent, who gave his name as J. M. Johnson, for a large lot of trees. He brwarded them, but his salesman could not find the names of men for warded by Johnson as having subscrib ed for them. In the meantime John son had forged a draft on Mr. Rust, which, of course, he dishonored. So Mr. Rust lost his trees and the extra expenses incurred, and Mr. Fowlkes has to whistle for his $70. and yet don't get it back. As likely as any way, Johnson is not the man's name, but if it is or is not, he is a sharper and a grand rascal. We are happy to know that he is an exceptional Nursery agent, for those employed by our Nur series are generally honorable men. It is not the practice of Nurserymen to pay their agents by draft. They draw their money in small sums, at intervals, and generally in currency. The Fire Denartment of Charlotte sends greetinc to our brave comoanv here and invites it to participate in the celebration of then 12th anniver- sary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, on the 20th and 21st days of May. The Greensboro com pany will take actton upon the invita tion. Greensboro ' News. If the Greensboro .company comes it will receive a hearty welcome. Charlotte Home-Democrat. Of course, we all understand that a most cordial reception wjli atrait them, if they go, and the firemen re&olved. at their last meeting, to do so. Nevr, Arrivals, ; Mrs. M.V. Bingham, in the Trog den Block; on West Market street, is receiving her New Stock ot Millinery Goods bonnets and hats in endless variety, trimmed and untriraraed in all the new shapes. She has an elegant line ot Kibbons, all the new spring shades, as well as the Pecot and Loop Edges, can be found there. She has a beautiful line of veilings, plumes, flowers and ali kinds of fancy goods. Call and see her. Her advertisement will appear in Tuesday's JsTews. " If you want anything; in the K o Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Bakinsr Powders or Tea. Call on You may think tbat times ore hard and money scarce hut one hundred cents will huy "more at Sample Brown's than you could get for two dollars a few years ago, so it don't matter much if money is scarce when a little money goes so far. At Brown's you suit of clothes for $3.75, a better suit for five or six dollars, and a good all-wool suit from seven to nine dollars. Ten f oTJ, toon -L-j.2. dollars gets a real nice nobby suit and fifteen dollars pays for something elegant You can get Men's Gaiters at $L25, $1.50, $2.00 and upward. Good white Shirts for fifty cents better ones for seventy-five cents and one. dollar. Boys' m wm wins. woo. low crownea oruaa iiais miy cents, ui course some of our goods are higher priced than those men tioned above, but we have scaled' prices down to the very lowest notch on everything to keep business moving quickly I in suite nfthnnrv nf hnvH times (hwlirm nfnrin hi Pants and Suits is very full, while our display of fine Bress Goods is unusually attractive. Come and see us and we will make it worth your while, no matter what class of goods you want to buy. SAMPLE S. BROWN. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. JUST RECEIVED, No, 1 Mess Mackerel, at M,K. Cal- lum's. Mess shad. No. 2 mackerel. white fish in kits and by the pound. Please call and see them. Yours, anx ious to please, ap7iw. M. K. Callum TO ICE CONSUMERS. You can pet Ice at all hours during the day, at my Stall, at 75 cents and 1 ner hundred Dounds. Parties who are compelled to use ice in case of sick- ness, and are not able to buy the same. will be furnished free of charge. iw ap6 J. R. Hughes. Energy will do almost anything, but it cannot exist if the bloofi is impure and moves sluggishly in the veins. There is nothing so good for cleansing the blood and imparting energy to the system as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Price $1. Six bottles $5. Sold by all drug gists. uauDncro icro Jfinnts. , 1 nave uaboage Plants lor sale in small or larce Quantities. For small quantities call on H. I. Williams : for large quantities, a tnousana or more. I . .... . call or write to me. at my market gar den on Asheboro street. B. VOLTZ. Tuberose Bu.11n. In Quantities to suit purchases. Mtatoss For Hale. One of the most desirable building lots in the best part of the city. For terms and further information address Lock box No. 176, or apply at this of fice. toilet Imported Tooth, Nail, Hair ami other Brushes. Fine Toilet Soaps, Exquisite Perfumes. Toilet waters, &c, at Porter & Tate's. The space on top is the quantity of POWDER BLUE, in ordinary boxes. FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO BLUE contains as much as four wooden boxes, and will make tfty gallons of the best blue water. Sold by Houston & Brg wholesale agents. Greensboro, N. C, tf PINNIX, the City Drayman and Plow man, respectfully oners his services to ifcf public. When not actively employed he can fee Xoand jn the neighborhood of HOB can buy a substantial cheap I and the very best for ninety Malaga Eats ten cents. Men's Greensboro Enterprise. JIMLUCo's No. IO GIGAR FACTORY. GREENSBORO. N. C. Our Cigars are manufactured of the very best Ipld and Domestic TOBACCO. Among our most choice brands we mention the following: ROSADK ORO, FI.OBDE AI.7IA, PUKE SPANISH, IIAI.L'rtFIVK FOB AQUAUTEK BAFFLER. (ms im.) COST I FOR Gash and Cash Only! Having determined to close out our Shoe business, we will offer from this date our entire stock of. BOOTS, SHOES&TRUPS, AT COST, COST, COST, FOR C&$, ajd Cash. Only I TRYB6. Respectfully, R.F. BOYD & CO. (mt ttn.l LOWEST PRICES! Wo Are Never Udersold Drugs and plcdieincs. AT WRnWISATfE AND RETAlk - The largest and most varied Stock of almost any and everything called for. TPTfVnlTrTFl'ncTi J X and reliable can be found at our IDir-uif Store, at PRICES that.cannot fail to give en tire satisfaction. Any article we fell you. if it does not give entire satisfaction, may be returned at our expense. All we ask is an examination of the goods and prices and you will be sure to buy. Our sales have been veiy satisfac tory this season, from the fact that we give Good Goods at satisfactory prices. Our sales in Garden and Field Seeds !,vc been enormous, the fact that we sell the STS in the Market, and a larger amount In a paper, at 24 cents. Our seed are and civc entire satisfaction to our customers. Thankful to a gener ous public we solicit a continuance of favors. Very Respectfully, Galium Pros. & Go. Greensboro. N. C. D I i I I Hate utn the admiration cl evert tide wearer who has used ihcn. stand unrivalled in their $p'.ec!i Ution. Our testimonials are frcaT? ernors. Senators. Legislators ai4t the roost distinguished nsta branches oi science who hate hii 2 sight improved by their use. UnprGccdented M Everywhere. Overwhelming Un- in favor of their superioritv. Tv- be worn any length of time at - . j . - - lhc Xe. ol lltnt- .and ipensiDie aavicc as 10 inc rroocr : . i l. 1 non 01 gia&cs, uiuiK (uuan operate ot eighteen years in this braath a ence. Ilawko'a Patent Extcnsioa SPRING EYE GLRS The Finest la Existence. And are recommended by the cTw gerot cancer that is lie suit of wearing ether eye-glasses, in with ease upon any nose. FROM THE GOVERNOR OF LfjC ISIANA. Baton Rosue. La., Jan. 23. im, To Mr. A. K. llawkes Dcar&r I desire to testify to the great icpenorri of ) our Crystaliied Lenses. They eta bine great brilliancy with softaesi tsi pleasantness to the the eye, more tla any I have ever found. S. D. McEcerr. Governor of Loclioa. FROM GOVERNOR IRELAND. Cf TXA5. To Mr. A. E. Hawkes Dear Sir- gives me pleasure to say that I Lm been using your glasses tor scne ti past with much satisfaction. For dor ness, softness and for all purposes 1 tended, they are not surpassed by irj that I have ever worn. I wou!J rera. mend them to ali who wast a -peror glass. Respectfully yours. John IrtUsl FROM GOV. S. P. HUGHES. CF ARKANSAS. Having used A. K. Ha Crystal Lzed Lenses for some oostis. I have found them the finest glasses I late ever used. Simom P. Hojhes. Governor of Arkazui. FROM EX-GOV. V- R. MILLER. I find Hawke's new Crystalued Lea ses of superior quality, harirg an them with great satisfaction. W. R. MCIer. Ex-Governor of Arkazsa. ONE FROM THE SUPERINTEN DENT, OF INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND. Mr. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir : lult great pleasure in faying that your Spec tacle and patent spring eye-glasses ev cel anything I have yet been able to rr cure, enabling me to read the tsest print with ease and comfort. Frank Rainey, M. D. All eves fitted and the fit guarssteti at the drug store of Callum Bros. & Co Erery pair warranted. Morning News, By J. S. Hawpton, GREENSBORO. N. C AN INDEPENDENT POLITICAL. WtiWS AND KOMfilLKtllAli JOURNAL, Devoted to the best interests cf , THE CITY OF GREENSBORO and of Forth Carolina, generallj. The Morning Nrws will gire The Very Litest Sews From all parts of the World ; The very latest IVTrtx'lcot; Reports, From all Commercial centres; , THE PROCEEDINGS or CONGRESS Parliaments, IcAhtzicz. CONVENTION and all other deliberative bodies. t In short, it will be our constant epdearor to keep the paper abreast U lit times in all mrct.