Jim luowiilow's JiJllantTeed. I n-iutniber a splendid feat of !ira)S," said an old Senator to-day. .'At tin- time Gen. Stoneman made his awful liasn) while on a raid inside of tlK. Confederate lines, and surrendered his t-ntire otUiit, including' himself, to ;, f,,ice inferior in numbers, made up jiriiH-ijiaily of the hollyhock, sassafras, I'iii.-enfr. and hoophole forces under the n.nii:!anl of "the Falstaff of the Uebel j;nllHovell Cobb there was per formed n feat of arms by a young sol dier f Kat Tennessee which was uu j.ai alieleil in the history of the war on ither side, and one that called forth the applause of even Longstreet and the veterans he commanded. Finding hinwlf, as he supposed, entirely sur rounded by a superior force, Stoneman determined to surrender, though for form's sake, he concluded to hold a council with his regiment and brigade commanders. . Among those command ing a regiment in Stoneman's force w as young Jim Brownlow, son of Gov. iSrou nlow, the lighting parson. When voung li row n low appeared before hia commander, being the youngest regi mental commander present, Gen. Stone man informed him that he intended to Mirrender, and asked him what he thought of it. Young Brownlow ob jected, and said there was no neces sity for it. lie was overruled, how ever, and then he demanded the privi lege of cutting his way out with his regiment, if he could, for he and his men knew that if they were captured they could expect no mercy, for they would be treated as traitoi's to the South, dlowever, he was told to cut his way out if lie could. Sweeping the Ke!el circle with his field-glass he thought he could detect a weak place in it :it one point. Riding up to the head of his regiment he announced to his men that they must either cut their way out or starve to death in a Rebel prison, and asked them to decide at once what they would do. With a shout they demanded to be led against the foe. Ordering his men to draw salires and follow him, like a- thunder bolt the thousand mountaineers hurled themselves straight at the weak spot: but they were repulsed. Airain they tried it, and again they were hurled hack. Forming his men again for the third time, the fearless young leader told them that there must be no more recoiling: that they must get out or .lie. Once more the charge was sound ed., and straight as an arrow" young Ihownlow hurled himself and his men at the Rebel line and broke it as a ; whirlwind. Longstreet came up just as the first charge was repulsed, and miw the whole ail'air from beginning to linish. He asked who the Union lead er was, and was told. Then he inquired if Col. Brownlow had been educated at West Point. He was answered in the negative, when he said: 'That J'oung man is a natural soldier, and that is the finest feat of anas I ever witnessed. Any regiment may break through an encircling line on the first charge and thus get away, but to be repulsed twice and stiil persevere, and succeed in the third ellbrt, is a feat almost unparal leled in the history of war.' The story of that day's gallant action wrill be re membered and rehearsed in the moun tains of East Tennessee as long as the memory of the great Rebellion shall be preserved among men. Col. Brown low was a chip off the old block, sure." Wuxhi nylon Letter in Indianapolis Journal. Judge Bleckley's Man Servant. A curious story is told of Judge Bleckley. A short time .ago, as the story goes, a negro man servant stole one of the judge's shirts. The judge suspected him, but said nothing. The negro's fears were allayed and he had about forgotten the theft. One morn ing, while in his bath, Judge Bleckley determined that the time for action had come. He rang the bell for the servant. When the negro appeared Judge Bleckley arose suddenly from the bath tub and quickly extending his long lingers, dripping with water, said in a voice of thunder: "You stole my shirt!" The negro dropped as though he had been "shot, and remained motionless upon the floor. Judge Bleckley got out ot the bath tub, approached htm, and found that he had fainted and was then unconscious. Applications of hartshorn revived the negro, and he confessed to the theft, A few days af terward a peculiar half dollar that " udgc Bleckley had carried for thirty years, and that had been lately lost, was mysteriously l-estored to its accus 'onied place. The servant not only made confession but restitution. From that day to this he has been a changed inan. He has lost Uesh, cheerfulness and tone. The judge will allow no one to speak to him in a harsh voice, and treats him with tender consideration himself. It is doubtful, however, if he will ever recover from the shock to his mental and nervous system occasioned when the judge arose from the bath ami denounced him in thunderous tones. Atlanta Constitution. Boston has a gymnasium exclusively for the use of women. It has six bowl ing alleys, a tennis court, a gyrnna- shun hall, a running, track of twenty laps to the luile, hot and cold water baths, etc. It was projected by Miss Mary Allen, who has for years been a devotee of physical culture. It is well iMtrunized. It ia stated on German authority, that tnere exist oiJV'J newspapers, me rtal issues of which during the vear amount to 592.000,000. Of these 19,- Xm-tli A ttk Ao!., nml fiAQ in koiith America; 16,500 are in the En glish language, 7,800 in German, 3,850 i r rencn, anil about 100 in bpamsn. ils. Varcrislics. We have concluded in the future to push our Paint and uu Business more man we nave ever before done, and to do so we have just received a large stock of Paints. Oils and Var nishes which we intend to sell as low, or lower than the same goods have been sold here be fore. We shall make strictly doubled boiled Linseed Oil and Lewis' White Lead a speciality. we have also a stock of Water Proof Mixed Paint that we guarantee not to peel rub. crack or fade in three years. rainters ana the public we solicit your inspection and hope you win examine the swck oe fore purchasing, as we think we can save you money and sell you the best goods. Very Respectfully, Galium Bros. & Go. Greensboro, N. C. 1887. $4.50 -A. YEAR FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE TRICE REDUCED TO 75 Cents A Year THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB LISHED, THE SUNDAY ISSUE AND WEEKLY jBOmOX BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR $1.50. The two are cheaner and hotter than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is- t M - . sue ana a weekly lor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND Weekly One Mouth Fpee. Spend one cent lor a postal card and order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS THE WHIG, Richmond, Va. WEBSTER CMUlRIDCtZ'ViJBKAtiT Iff ITSELF JUST ADDED, TO Webster's Unabridged, A New GAZETTEER of the WORLD. AYery valuable addition for all who desire a concise Gazetteer of all Countries. Zeal, labor, and great care hare been used in preparing this New Gazetteer. Every line in tho Gazetteer gives valuable information in a condensed form. Twenty-five thousand titles in the Gazetteer and reliable statistics under each. Treasury of knowledge in regard to the whole world is found in this Gazetteer. Every item in the Gazetteer has been pre pared with much care to have it accurate. Effort has been made to get the most reliable information for this Gazetteer. Reference has been had to latest and best an thorities in preparing the Gazetteer. BEST FOR SCHOOLS. Only Dictionary that has been supplied to Schools by State purchase. For Schools, recommended by State Snp'ts cf 36 States, and by CO College Pres'ts. BEST FOR AIX. rnhirty-two thousand have been put in the A Public Schools of the United States. Has a B'ographlcal Dictionary of nearly lO.OOONames. Etymologies and Definitions far in advance of those in any other Dictionary. A NATIONAL STANDARD. Webster's Dictionary is standard authority in the Government Printing Office. Only Dictionary having Biographical Dic tionary and Gazetteer of the World. Reaches the English-speaking people very largely throughout the world. Latest edition is furnished with or without Denison's Patent Index. Defines by 3000 fine Engraving. Ticture of M Ship," page 11C4, illustrates 21 Words. C & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield. Man 79 continue to act aa solicitors for patents, caveata. trade-mar kB, copyrighta. etc., for the United States, and to obtain pat 'JotivM ents m Canada, England, lYanco, ud I Germany, and all other countries. Thirty-six years practice Ko charge for examination of modela or draw ings. Advice Dy mail free. Patents obtained throngh ns are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, -which haa the largest circniatior; . and is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated news paperis published AVEEKIX" at 13.20 a year, ana is admitted to be the best paper devoted to Bcience, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news deal era. Address, Mnnn & Co., publishers of Scien tifio American. 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminis tered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for "Whooping Cough, with -which many of our children were afflicted, we used, during the past win ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For thi3 affection, we consider this preparation the most'er2 cacious of all the medicines which hare come to our knowledge. Mary Park hurst. PreceptresR, Home for Little Wanderers, Doncaster, Md. Jly children have been peculiarly sub ject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to rind any effective remedy until I com menced administering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. David G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for many years, and have found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending tq the lungs, and quicklv sub dues any tendency to Lung Complaint. . J. B. Yellington, Plainville, Mich. ' I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It was the means of saving the life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying- him safely through the worst case of Whooping Cough I ever saw. J ane Malone, Piney Flats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.', Lowell, if. Bold by all DruggUi. Price $1 ; alx boulec, IX n j MM m I I I F71 I I BATTLE SKETOES. 25 Anniversary of the Great Battles and Campaigns of the Civil War, The Quarter-Centennial of all the Engagements and Camnaiens of the battle year 1862, will occur during 1SS7. Thisyear. commencing T7arcA IO, the Grssnsicro North State, Greenseoro, N. C. Will nubliah a sketch of each imnnr. tant battle and camnaifn of th rivil war during: 1 E62, beginning with the engagement between the MERRIMAC and MONITOR, fought Marrh o iR-. and the'battle of PEA RIDGE fought .uarcn 7m ana stn, 1602. These will be followed at proper dates with Shi- i'ju, me i-emnsuiar campaign, includ ing Cold Harbor, lune 28. iRfi- STONEWALL JACKSON'S Cam paign against Uanks. Milroy and Fre- moni. HltitVh.N UAYb lit FORE RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAir.v including Cedar Mountain. Gainsville Chantillv. SOUTH MOUNTAIN nH ANTIETAM; the invasion of Ken- iiiCKyoy uragg and Kirby Smith; Corinth and Stone River. These sketches will be followed next year bv the stories of the h.-tt tl of 1863. and so on each year, until the close ai Appomattox, this series of sKeines win close in April. 1890, and will give an accurate historical and statistical record of the great civil war. The sketches will be handsomely illus trated, and all combined will make a valuable and impartial history of the great struggle. TERMS; Greensboro Xorth State $1.50 a year in advance. KEOGH & BO YD, Greensboro. N. C. FIM PAIHTIHG ! The undersigned begs leave to in form the citizens of Guilford county that he is prepared to do the verv best Sign and Fancy Painting. I will imi tate any gilt sign in the State. on wood, tin. zinc or sheet iron, with gold leaf, or smaltz, black or blue, or any other desirable color. All I ask is that I may be permitted to try my skill, and I will give satisfac tion. I warrant all my work. I may be found under the old post office building, on South Elm street. Also. 1 employ a house painter, and will take jobs bevond the limits of orcensboro. Robt. W. THOMAS. 1111,11131. E0LAHB CHILLED PLOWS. TIIF-K tt.Wtf live cniulne rhillrd mould hoarus lilt-b re Ititrilrr than Having (lie (p. In land.lilr tA reversible Mip polntu, Ihry are iI.k brt running and mosi economical, to tlie farmer, of any Vlvw made. ' 0HAMPI0N GRAIN DRILL. Thla Drill ha.i force feed diatrlbu Vr for boiii wheat 4 grktm aeed, a ad ha the only Fer- lr' that will inw .tlok. '3,Ti55h? phoajliaie. lu.tna Implest, lightest running and bes' Drill made. BRITISH --MIXTURE. S Tlii ee'ebreied Fertilizer ha 203 LBS.l ;;nird iu great popularity not only BRITISHj , w . L , I Oil account of the r(r hut Ka lt.B.wwrA-3 QALTIMOKf. j c-xxl, and It hat been found to glr more I'eTtilitrr for each dollar paid litem nn I e procured from ny otLrr (Owrte. E. :e. WHITMAN, (.(lice and Salesroom, No i04 S. Charles Street, :: 8LTlMORE, MD. MANUFACTURER OF Agricuiluial Specialties. rnVPfoi ifrt f n o uj6 LH)lUi 1 ji)Lk ism)!? For the Core of Conshs. Cold. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup, enza, Astnma,v hooping Cough, ln- cipient Consummion and for the ie J lief of consumptive persons in ad van -I cea stages ot tnc Disease, t or Sale IbyallDrnggists. Price, a$ Cents. CNDDCUCI0U9 fUR U&rWTTH DESSERT a r a l i ta n n a . c h ea p mb mm AMD BrTTTRTrUM H 0 Mt tlAP ESJJtTjf WfLMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nov. u SS-! No- 43 J No. 40 j No. 4 - uon..;j 15 p m 5 35 p m 1 loam r rvocicy .mi 2 33 p m Ar Tarboro. 50 p m Lr Tarboro.lll -toom n v m v . Ar Wilson.. '4 05 p m6 58 p m 3 07 a m l-v wuson. . 4 ic d m' Ar Sclma. . J$ 40 p m; LvGoldiboro 4 54 P m'7 womi cS V m r dycilCV. v 2 D m. Lv Magnolia 6 09 p m 3 3S p m 5 18 a m Lv Burgaw..7 copra; 613am Ar Wilming. 7 50 p m 9 55 p m 7 00 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 45 j No. 47 Daily, i Daily. No. 43 Daily. Lv Wilming. 11 40 pm 8 50 a m 8 52 p ai l.t uurgaw., ,9 34 a m 9 50 p m Lv Magnolia 12 52 am 1023 am 1042 pm ArGoldsbor.;i 55 a m'n 35 am 11 58 am Lv Fayettev. '7 00 a rrv Ar Sclma... '9 58 a ml Ar WilsonJ ju 25 am! Lv Wilson ..'2 32 a m;!2 2C pm 1251 am m iu y .nu .1 00 p m i 27 a m r larDoro ,4 So p mV Lv Tarboro Ar Weldon. 1 1 ju am '4 05 a m2 15 p m 2 4S a m Trains on Scotland Neck Ilranrh Rr, leaves Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm. Returning, leaves Scotland Nrk at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. irains leaves larboro. N. C, ia Albemarl & Ralefzh. R R. dailv Sunday, 6pm.; Sunday 5 p m.; arrive iuiamsion, n. a io p m. and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves Williamston. N C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro. N. C, 10 05 a m, ana 11 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C. dailv eirrm Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield. N. v... 700 pm. Keturning leaves Smith- ncia, i. ..,7 30 a m., arrive uoldsboro. N. C. 900 a m. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet. teville Branch is No. 50. Northward is no. 51. Train Tr m 5?nnth will tnr nnl. -. t - r . . . ..... .wbv M Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. 1 rains xso 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection lor all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't I. R. KENLY, Sunt Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Genl Pass. Agent AROLI N A CENTRAL R A I LRO A D COMPANY. Office of Superintendent. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 19, 1 886 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after this date, the following Schedule will be operated on this Rail road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. (Leave Wilmington at.. 7.40 p.m Leave Raleigh at 7 00 pm Arrive at Charlotte 6 55 a m Leave Charlotte at 845 pm Arrive at Raleigh at. . .9 00 am Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 am Local Freigh Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at 7 40 am Arrive at Laurinbunr at r jr n m Leave Laurinburgat 6 15 am Arrive ai v.nanotie at 4 40 pm Leave Wilmington at 6 2$ am Arrive at Laurinburrr at a te n m Leave Laurinburg at c ic am arrive ai wiimmgion at 835 pm Local Freight between Wil minrrtnn and Laurinburg Tri-Weekly leaving iiuuiiiiiwii uu .tuiiudy, cunesuays and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular oiaiions oniy, ana 1'otnts designated in the Company's Time JTable. SHELBY DIVISION'. PASSEXCER. MAIL, EXPRESS AND t R EIGHT. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte 7 35 a m No. 3 Shelby 11. 10 am Arrive EUenboro....i2 00 m I Leave Ellenboro.... .12 25 pm No. 4 " Leave Shelbv..i 5c n m J Arrive Charlotte 5 25 p m 1 rains ro. 1 ana 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Train! to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh anc Charlotte. Take Train Now for State&ville Stations Western N. C. R. R.. Asheville and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L. C. JONES. Superintendent. F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Agent. Builder & Contractor, GREENSBORO. X.C. Is crenared to prepared to make contracts for miilflincr Ck All kinrlc fram rr brick Also, win contract lor the building ot bridges &c. Satislaction guarenteed. and relerences given when required. HAItPERY PERODXALS. Per Year 2 Harper's Magazine J4 00 Harper's Weexly 4 00 Harper's Bazar ... 4 00 Harper's Youno People 4 o Harper's Franklin Square Library One Year (53 Numbers) 1000 Ci;iV&-Tiru!!rj EtkJ d Coxdxxxxd Sarxsru No. 19. Tftllx cSk 1 XX) p. m.,alcmd7, 1Iaz.S3S7. TUAliTSOJiTlI. Lew Bc&octtrrill.. Arrivv Max too.... ArriTcFajcttcrill . . it FayetUTill . .. Arrive t5nford..... Leav Builord ArriT Greaboro.. G reenaboro Arrin Iklew'i Creek Din&tr at 8 10 00 km 12 05 pa HSOpm llSCem ilOpxs 330pct 900pa . ft Sanford. TRAIN rSOUTU- P- tt4 2 15 pm 10 OyLm I Svpm 1 LZpm 4 10 pm 4 25 pm 6 20 pa 6 30 pm LtATi rUlw'a frwk Arrive Gresboro.. I -m v . - - m 750 am Stttpm 3 00 pm 645 pm 000am 923 am 10 IS am ArriT SAstorvl Loits Smfr rA ! ArriT FATtirilU Arriva I&xLab M Le M&xtoo. j ArriT IanetljTili j 7.45 pm 2 S3 m ranragtr and MailJiiuw n Siafa Factory Branch -Freigh & Patsenger Trmia tacTjpg north. Train morinjf otk. Lv Millbcro, 7 43un Lv Gratbo5 00pm ArGrwxbo9 30am Ar Miilboro 700 pm tvecn rTrtUTill and BnnlLrUU on Mmdj, WciIotU7 and Fridaja. FrvtgLt od l.cKtT Train rao ttva FaTetteill anJ GnnArjaru TnMlin Tbaradaja and K-Uordj, &n4 tiea a. S - . . a Vns:tr and Mail Train rant dally tx ocpt Kanday. Tb Dorlb bound Train make cioe aoa nectioo at Maiton for ail points sonta. J. W. FRY. (tcneral Superintendent. W. E. KYLE. SM0K3K.iJ.lL.CiaAaS. Use your own brains, rather than those ol others. Drink Old Everglade Rye Whiskey. Caution is the Father of Security. Smoke PaminaHavanna Cigars Speak well ol your friends; ol your enemies say nothing. Economy is the easy chair of old age. rsnrz east als akd crsnnrr etc-t. If you post your servants upon your affairs they will one day rend you. Sncka Ihiio's Canes Cigarettes. Never take back a discharged servant. II you would know tho value of a dollar, try to borrow one. Smoke Margarita Cigars, Learn to think and act lor yourself. Chew Fine Sun Cuied DURHAM TOBACCO. A man ol honor respects his word as he does his bond. They must hunger in cold who will not work in heat. Drink Fine Old Peach And Apple Brandies. An hour ol triumph comes at last to all who watch and wait. Dnsk W - UaR Yitisk E. G. NEWCOMB Odell Building. THE MORNING STAR. A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. rUIJLISHED DAILY At $7.00 per annum, 1.00 six months. TEE OLDEST DAILY IN TEE STATE. THE WEEKLY STAR. $1M0 a Year, $1.00 G mos. Full and Reliable Market Re ports. The latest News. Political and General, from all parts ol the World, Con densed and Arranged in the most Attractive Form.. Advertising Bates Reasonable. Buim mum DrinkBudweis SBohemian Excort BecT. Addres. WM. H. BERNARD. Editor ct trxrvekjr. mLMtNCTO,J.C

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