Aft THE MORNING NEWS. j. s. HAMPTON, Proprietor. Daily, ExcEFr Sunday. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE 0ne Yew by Mail;, Postage paid,.... Months - u . Three Month, ( T.o Months, One Month To city s'liiscriiit;" Lr week 5 4 oo ........ 3 OO ... I OO - "75 .4 , delivered in any part of the city Vol. I DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS QF THE CITY OP GREENSBORO. AND OF THE STATE. (jREENSBORO, N. C. TUESDRY, B.PRIL 26, 1887. No. 88 THE MORNKsG HEWS. at o Atrrorrawo : Om Sqmarm OtM Pfey.... ....... I J Tw lr T Tferv Ejr... .. Tn-r Dr.. -- .......,- t rj " - riTfe?.. ...... s , Om Wak. ... ... ... y$ Two Waks. ..... .... ......... , ) Tltrv Wvck.. ....... - S Cos tract Airwrisrocats ui M rrcMtioMHi low rate. Tern luM mUI Kanrrl rrp eAe m i ghees' AiraouNcmins. THE LATEST NEWS. . ! v. o. stock Boomm. MBXTIO.TAnLE AnsCnDITIEM. LITE STTt.ES. The .Fisheries Dispute. uents inserted in Local column at any will be made for double-column fjoadvertisei price. An extra charge ortriple-colu-nn advertisements.: - i All announcements and recomendations of candi for office, will be charged as advertisements. Advertisi;.nts to loiiow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each insertion. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. . - Keinitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Mwney Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the pub lishers. ' - " " L'uderthe head of "Special City Items," business notices will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line or every insertion. , Toronto, Ontario, April 23 The Mail, in an editorial on the Fishery question to-day. says : "The announce ment made by cable respecting theTe ported decision reached by the Salis bury" administration in the fishery dis pute will disanDoint those Canadians whoimagined that the English Premi- likely to be consummated. . "u'u wiuvc urc-caicr. iora 1 was assignea as tne aausDury is wining to revert during the coming fishing season, and, if nec essary, for a-further term, to the treaty of Washington, without requiring a pecuniary indemnity from the United States. That is to say, that for the present, at any rate, American fisher men are to fish in our waters and to Baltimore, April 24. There was qnitc a flutter at the stock board to day because of the anxiety manifested to invest in Baltimore and Ohio rail road stock. The price advanced from 163 to 170. and the latter figure was bid for 500 sharea at the close of the first board. It was rumored on South aiicci mat mc iong-iaiKea-ot deal is and that as tne reason lor the rapid rise in the price of shares. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. - Tho newest heliotrope gloves have Droaa wmte sutcmngs on the back. Glazed gloves are In favor. Tho new bonnets aro heaped with flowers, and have bees and butter- The most wonderful flight on record was when the chimney flue. Lowell Courier, . . . "After taking offm v winter clothing says Dr. Hammond, of New York. 4,I flies, emerald beetles and lady bugs wuuiun 1 anncar on tne street ior a 1 unon inpm. - m A a A at a. a pretty spring Donnet 10 in.Mcn a green costume has a wealth of lily- of-thfr-valley leaves about theedgo of the brim, and a mass of the wbito while. Not immediatelv.we hoDe. cer tainly. Philadelphia North Ameri can. CONDENSED SCIIEDULE-O sussio.f frUNDAir saioor,. Lily Lanetry has a new lover named Dassent. ' He however, says that Lily blossoms nt the top. 11 iu mairv r ready, remaps 11 13 a case of the one is a" Fred and toother Dassent. Pittsburg CAroniclc'-TeU' graph. V TRAINS GOlNG;S0irnL Vfvr . . -.J No. AS I Wo. 40 I o. - 4 Nor. U.'W- Dailr. Daily. Dxi)x Lv Weldon.. 3 15 p o j & p nvl 10 a ra Tobogganing tu Canadi THE BATLBOADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE KAILROAU. Arrives Irom Richmond at.,.,. ...... ...... 9.43 am " " " 10.32 pm i.eavt-s for Richmond at .... ; 8.32 a m Q-55Pm NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at.... , 8.22 a m " " " 9.40 p m Leaves for Charlotte at 9.48 am " " .........10.44pm Arrives from Goldsbor o at . . . . M . . 9.30 pm " " " 10.20 p m ' 7.40 am Editor Morning News: It is not gen erally, known that a Mission Sunday School exists near the city. Two vounp mp.n Itur VV IVhlt. r. enjoy free access to our harbors, with Yerby about two months a, oraanl h nr. it 1 ana K..n:noV.:. a I - , . . o ' ri - I rrn ... . . i uuvnm uait, iiausMiip- izea a class oi about a dozen ebiidren, xac scene upon a wiater a CTemngts ping cargoes, etc without money and and by their efforts have gradually in- picturesque and gorgeous. Shortly af- without price. In our opinion Lord creased the number to fitly, last Sun- tr ilusk the guests begin to assemble, balisbury has. acted wisely. Had our day being the largest attendance. This young ami old, men and women, being cruisers resumed operations against school is held in the open air oppo.ite for the greater part apparelled in American fishermen we should have Dr. Benbow's dairy larm, and much proper costume, ami bringing with .t,t u.c iu.1 ,rcc ox nc reiauauon on good is being done. These young men them skates and toboggans. The lad v anu r.ngiana migni nave been dragged are trying to raise iunds to erect a into very ugly quarrels. As it is, all suitable building, and have $100 sub- concerned will have amble time in scribed. Mr. S. S Rmmn r;nn,i k. wears a suit of blanket cloth, white, blue, nvyrtle, oc magenta, the same be- I Z M a 1 .! 1 a 1 Mr- - . - - mm. nr nrn pn nr UMTn n innrr .irniiTiin(T r-i Leaves for Goldsboro at. NOKTH-WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD Arrives from Salem at 11 .... leaves for Salem at. ............ ............ C. F. AND Y. V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayetteville at. ... ". . Leaves for Fayetteville at .......... . . 9.50 a m 6.00 a ra 10.20 p m ... 8.00 a m . . 9.24 p m . . 10.00 a m ..10.54 P m .. 6.13 p m . . . 10.00 a m Messrs. Sherman and Butterworth. are anxious to effecf a settlement that shall be mutually advantageous, and if we are wise we will leave our gunboats in dry dock, to which Lord Salisbury has just consigned them, and negotiate witn Americans as with friends and neighbors who wish us well. a- vtiy wuiiuy Ldusc. ine scnooi is in a neighborhood where great good can be done. . Interest in the meetings is spreading, and a little help extended now will open up the way tor a chanel and regular organization. One Friendly to the Mission. JTot Familiar With Tickets. A Terrific Cyclone. THE POSTOPPICE. Mails for the North close at 8jx al m. and 9.00 p.m. " Charlotte ' J 9.00 9.00 Raleigh " 9.00" Salem ' " 9.00 9.00 Fayetteville "" 9.00 - : T he money order and registered letter office will only be open from 800 a. m. to 7 p. m. General Delivery is open from 7 a. m.4intil 8 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after opening the Eastern night mail... Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m . for half hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. ; The lock-boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m . RESIDENT CLEBGYMEN. Presbyterian : Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St . Rev. E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm Sr., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. ' ' - Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " "G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. L. Michaux, N. Greene St. " J. R. Ball, Spring St. Episcopal : Rev. A. H. Stubbs. N. Elm St. Nevada, Mo., April 23 A terrific cyclone swept over the northern part of this (Vernon) county last night. The clouds were -plainly visible here, passing only about eight miles from this city. The cyclone seemed to come down: Marmaton river from the Kansas , line, dealing death and de struction wherever it struck. Fences, houses, barns and everything in the line of the cyclone, which was about half a mile in widfh, was picked up. sent into splinters and cast down hundreds of yards away. Trees were torn up by j the roots, over thirty houses, destroyed and about fifteen persons killed. There were only five members of the Melton family, four of whom were killed.; The baby, aged two years, was dropped in the yard and found untyurt this morning. Parts of the Melton residence and furniture were found strewn over the fields for fully a mile from where the house formerly stood. " Reliable news "has been received from Osay township, and it is thought the death roll will swell to over twenty-five. A heavy gale passed over this city, damaging the Methodist church and other build ings. ' . Ex-Secretary ot War Lincoln, his family and several friends were on their way East lrom the Slope a few days be fore the Interstate Commerce law. went into-effect. They had been, out of San Francisco two days, and were pas sing through a rather rocky and dusty district, when an . Englishman got aboard the train and entered the Pull man car. About sundown Mr. Lincoln and his parly and the Englishman went out on the rear platform to enjoy the vening breeze. The conductor joined them a few moments later. .The Englishman went down into his pocket. pulled out a long string ot tinted paper and handed it to the ticket puncher. . y'What's that?" asked the conductor, with an air of surprise. "Hi bought hit of your blawsted company," replied the Englishman, in apparent alarm. v "And what do yOn call it?! "Why, blawst "your eys. that's a ticket, cawn't you see?" "sSo it is," drawled the conductor. winding the string on his arm. - "It's the first one I've seen since I left the Oaks, and I had forgotten how they looked. Beg pardon, sir."" and -wrkiair Heal JTlugrtcumpian Weather. PRODUCE MARKET. , i.ooai.50 Apples green, per bu Bacon hog round. ............................. tteef ......538 Butter ........................x8a25 Beeswax ; ............... ........ai3 Chickens old. ................................ 15320 spring .... .................. ..ioais Corn new .......................... ............aso Corn Meal.... ,.a6o Dried Fruits Blackberries 61-3 Cherries............. ...71-2 Apples. ................... ....... .233 Peaches, unpared 1-2, a i-a " unpared 1-4, a ' pared......... 539 Eggs ................10 Feathers. ............................... ... ......40 Flaxseed 7s Flour Family ........................... .....450 Superfine.. ....... ........04 00 : Onions ..................6oa8o Oats ....r....... 40345 Pork.... ...... ................................. 6a7 Peas ............60375 Potatoes Irish ..60 Sweet... Rags Cotton The First Suit Recorded. Dubuque, Iowa, April 24. Suit was begun yesterday in the Federal Court against the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad by the Dubuque Manufacturers Association under the long and short haul clause of the In ter-State law. The allegation is that the railroad charged 33 cent rate on certain hardware from "Chicago to Adams, Minnesota, a distance of 334 miles, and at 3$xent rate from Dub uque to Adams, a distance of 150 miles. The 4th Section Suspended. The New York World has learned something. On Monday it graced its editorial page with a "sweet article on spring. - It reads nicely, just as much so as it did when it was first printed. But when the World reached its read ers the air was filled with snow and a howling storm was prevailing. The spring editorial is a necessity in all well-regulated newspaper establish ments, but it ought not to be unchain ed until after May-day. Troy (N. Y.) Press. . Washington, April 24. The inter State Commerce Commission has made an order suspending the 4th section. for 90 days subject to reservation and with rates in force of April 20. This applies to the Northern Pacific, Southern, Atchi son, Topeka and SanteFe. and the- St. Louis and San Francisco lines. - Tho New. York Herald says : Some of our southern neighbors seem to have boom on the brain. It is a fascinating and ecstatic malady. A stranger saw a number of them ploughing recently on a plain. Ho supposed, of course, that they were sPhan not be raised abovs., hose OfttmexpUunea,- A. Town Wiped Out. Tallow.... Wool washed. I unwasl Wheat.,...:.. ,hed.. 50 ....6 30 RETAIL PRICKS OF GROCERIES. Bacon Sides..... ................ ...... Hams...... .................. rT : Shoulders.......... Cheese Coffee Rio........ .....10 .......15 ...8 ..20 ..........19 2-310 Inventors and patentees and all having- business with the U. S. Patent Of- .... FoRT,ScOTT, Kansas, April 24. A Monitor special from Prescott, in this county, reports a terrible cyclone on Thursday evening at about 6:30 o'clock. There were seventeen persons killed at "different points throughout the county, and an incalculable amouut of damage done to all kinds of property, Prescott was literally wiped out ot ex istence, not a single building being left standing to mark the site of the once prosperous and tnriving place. Reports are coming in . from all over .the country of the damage done by the terrible storm. It was a genuine cyclone, but came lrom the Northwest instead of the Southwest, as is usual. ever, in this wise : Man alive, them ain't corn furrows riwr t.linr. Thpv nir Rtrpots. nnrl this here is a city. You air now on the involuntarily. lie 1 ui vouiuiciuoi auu jlii (jvji iuui streets, and not in the check of a corn row as you mought suppose. There is a good deal of truth in the above. A gentleman or DanviHe, who recently returned from Ala bama. describes just such- a scene witnessed ten miles out from a south ern city. Of course such things will not last forever, nor will human life, but a3 the Herald well says " it is a fascinating "and ecstatic malady. Danville Register. seL Tho men wear similar continues, knee-breeches, and long black frtock ings. It freHiucntlv-happeivs tliat nei ther moon nor star is to !x upon one of" these festive at the hall, and , then an eiiormot:- bonfire, constructed of many cords of dry logs," bums ia the miUt of the grounds, its gu.ti of Uamc playing among tho pines a thousand shadows into -Those who are afraid to desiinid tho .?y slices stand- in the a gha t! of tho giant lire, and "the car furthest from the llamu may turn white, while the. n?gh one is red, for the mercury i r.t the moment probably twenty degrees below zero.- It is tel doiii tlint a niore gorgius spectacle hi presented than when a. ci tuple of hun dred costumed guests gather aout this lire, the colors of their garments bright ened by the glare, and the gloomy dep'.Iis of the pine woods 'forming a baeground for the picture all the excitement i in another direction. From the head of each of the slides, already referred, to, descends jm ice trough, and along each nido hangs a row of Chinese lanterns, whose sober, unwavering glow is a constant rcbake to the mad reveling down the slippery steep. Each tobog gan accommodates from two to four persons, the stecrer throwing himself upo.i his side and .steering his convey ance in its lightning career by a quick tourh of .his moccasincd toe. The speed of the toljoggan is equal to that of a lightning express, and duriug my firs', descent I imagined that I was fall ing sheer down a precipice; ami niy heart and complete interior economy seemed to rise into my throat. No objv-ct is distinguishable during the downward plunge. Chinese. lanterns, returning tobogganers, the icy bank, and the motionless spectators all being mingled like the passing ensemble of a kaleidoscope. No ; one seems to enjoy this exciting passage so much as tho Canadian girl, and n picturesmc sight it is to see her as she is shot past, her toque and head-wrap streaming be hind, her eyes gleaming with excite ment! But either by nigiit or day there is only the space of a heart beat given you to note' her look, for she goes past, bravely reliant upon the gallant steers- man, witn tne impetuosity 01 a snot- bolL Brooklyn Magazine. First Act Jn a Society Drama, An artist received not long ago a visit from a lady heavily veiled. When she entered the studio she saw that be sides the artist there was in the room one of his pupils, and ho shrank back The fashion for matching every thing In a costume Is constantly grow ing in favor, in spite of its expcnslve- ness. Many shoes and slippers are made of the same materials as the house costume, and the wrap, bonnet. gloves and parasol match tho walking dress. Lace and tuilo bonnets are all tho rage Just at this moment, but those of straw aie in preparation. Many of straw lace are shown, to be lined with thin silk the color of the costume, and to have two pair of narrow ribbon strings of the same color, but varying in shade. The strings arc-less than an inch in width. Jackets to be worn on cool days throughout the summer and until October are being made of rough- looking but rich woolen. In ecru, cream or sand color, richlv braided with old gold or tarnished gold braid : the braid may be Hat or round, or simply twisted. Somo of theso h.ivo the collar and vest nf Lincoln green velvet. Blouse wabU with belts all around, and basques with blouso fronts and girdles, arc favorite bouiet for im ported drcssc of light fabrics, ucli an lace, gauze, cropcline, India silkj and tho pretty, old-fashioned l.uvn-4 that have boon revived by French mo aistcs. l-uii soit araping over 11:0 bust and shoulders is a feature of theso waist, and U combined with full or leg o mutton sleeves. J07 ra . . . a . a 7 40pm 3 5S a at Ar Rocky Mt a 33 p m Ar Tarooro.'4 50 p ml L.r Tarboro. II topml Ar Wilson.. U oc o m6 55 o m Lr Wilson.. U IS p m Ar Selma... S4op m Ar FavetteT. upn i-T Goldsboro 4 54 D m Lv Maznoli 6 00, p m l 3 P mis j3 a ra Lr Iiargaw.J7 00 p m ...p 1 j a ra Ar Wilming.:7 50 p m;9 5S p fn-7 00 a m TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 4S I No. 47 I No. 43 Daily, j Daily. Daily. 11 40 pm 3 50 a m S 52 p n 9 34 a ta g 50 p m 13 $2 am 1023 am(!042 pm Lv W'ilming. Lr Dorgaw Lr Ma?nolia Ar Goldsbor.'l 5? a m il 35 am 11 53 am T m 1. m f ' xV C m 1 l.tl1.,a Ar Sefma... Ar Wilson-. Lr Wilson ,14 W mm 1 I M s3 a m VALUABLE IIl.tTa. Deep ploughing, well turned over, is surer to pay. . Look out for big crops of thistles on all ground where no effort was made to eradicate them. Be careful to trim grapo vines be fore the sap begin to flow, or the operation wj 11 cuuso them to bleed. If .hogs show a disposition to eat gravel, vary the rood and give them a few pieces of coal or charcoal to mumble. A teaMOouful of spirits of turpen tine In a pint of corn meal in said to be one of the best remedies for gapes wncn leu to young chickens. Tho Practical Farmer says : Tho best crop of potatoes I have ever teen have been Invariably planted on soil varying between a sandy and a clay loam. Prof. Stewart, the best authority In America on the subject, says: Al falfa, if cut and made Into the best hay possible, affords tho best forma tion for beef and butter. It is so rich in albuminoids that it will balance almost any feed to bo fed with it." 25 am ........ , 2 32 a m 12 2C Pm 12 S1 xm . Ar Roky MtJ U 00 p m(i 27 a m Ar Tarboro. t 4 5 P m Lv Tarboro. I !u 30 am ArWelJoa. .U o$am2icpm2 4Sra Train on Scotland Neck liranch Road leaves Halifax tor Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm. leaves Scotland Neck at 0 30 a m., daily except aunuay. Trains leavrs Tarbcro. N. C via Albemari & Raleigh, R R. daily, except Sunday, 6 p m.r Sun Jay 5 p m.; amre W.uiamston. C. ft 10 p m. ana o 4a pm. Returning I. .Villiamston. N , C. Daily except Sunday. 800am, Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 10 05 a m, and 1 1 30 a m. Trains on' Midland N. C. Draach leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arriTe Smlthficld, N. C. 700 pm, Returning leaves bmiLn 6eld, N. C7 33 a m., arrire Goldsboro, N. C. 9 00 a m. Southbound train on Wilson Sc Fayet teville Branch is No. 50. Northward is , No. 51. - Trains No. 40 South' will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. Trains male close connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All train run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't J. R. KENLY, Sup t Transporuilon T. M. EMERSON. Genl Pass. Agent 1CIIM0XD AND DANVILLE EJLIL LOaD. COXDENSBCnEDULE. TRAIKS RUN BY MERIDIAN TOIH TRALN'S GODCO 60CTII. Editor News : As tho nominating convention meets to-night, I beg space to remind the people of tho lm- portanco of making a wise selection of men to manago our city affairs for the next twelve months. As one who feels a deep interest In our growing city, allow mo to urge the nomination of Hon. D. Schenck. W. B. Farrar and J. V. Scott. Reform. J, the Successful Treasure Hunting. c- " . : : . :u nee are invuea 10 coinmiuiiwic w.iu c San Francisco. April 24 The pro with confident reliance upon my fidelity of wasM the bris ihb PDe, to their interests. New inventions patented. -Old inven tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats filed. Trade marks registered. -' " " v Prompt , attention. Skillful service. Moderate charges. ' Send model or sketch for free report as to paten tabilityJ Preliminary information cheerfully furnished. : r . -: - A. s: YANTIS. Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents, 816 F Street, N. W, Washington, D. c. t.K'4jM:. Monte at Monterey and treatingit like the tailings of a mine, is being carried out with better results than were antic ipated. So far in one half the debris sluiced, property to the,valjae of $10. ooo.has been recovered. The diamonds have nearly-all been found in their settings, but most of the coin has been melted. The hotel books-have been found and will prove a value -in var ious ways, a mere is a general ocnei use of Aver s Sarsapanlla. If is that the hotel was fired -by ran incen- most powerful, and, at the same time, Gjaiy. ; ;: -.. . . - ". ' most economical uiooupuiiucr muwn ' Greenvjlle is the county seat of Pitt county, and its jail is just now quite a busy place. One Standi, .a mer chant in this county, is serving a four months' term, and while he is in limbo he carries on his ' business af fairs in the jail. All the mortgages given by "persons - who obtain their supplies from his store are there drawn up. Another curious fact; in the same line, is that ex-tax collector Harrington, who is serving out a four month" sentence, also, keeps his tax books in iaii, and the business of col lection proceeds as usual, being only in the jail instead of the court house. Raleigh correspondent Richmond Dispatch. The exhausted and drowsy feelings. common to snnnir time, indicate an impure and siuesish condition, of the blood -which mar be remedied by the use of AVer's Sarsaparilla. it is the Come in! come in!" called the ar tist, cheerily. 'Can I see vou alone? astea visitor, in a faltering voice. 'You may sjcak before this youn trentleman. was the rvtilv. , me ar ti3t divined at once tli was an-applicant for emj model. ..Talk awav. Ihis youn man is an artist, too' - Nevertheless the yonng man got up f rom his easel and withdrew. hen ho ha.l gone tho lady threw aside her veil and threw herself at the artist s feet. She was haudsornely tlres,-eu and v.v.s a girl of uncommon bean!y. "Can .you li' in r.v.r , s:io asketi. Won't vou giv ? mrworic as a model? I'll do any h ;r.ot work for my Iir- infT- dint hew asl;ed tl:e veil- Mv aunt iV rieli, i;-.: heartless. I did nt nr..: I it. thongh. until recently -bfcntiv. I had a-a-a lover, rt.vl .; j.i ;ri!v to Ik mar- riiea. n il v -1 n; iy wo itnarreieu and now I c:i not my aunt's un kiiidneos1 - . Here was a society drama, with tlm clim:ix of tho ; tlrt act put fonvard without a prelum nar-. "The artist, it is needless to Mr, interested himself in tho matter, and" figured in tho next four acts, which terminated in a happy marriage between tin estranged lovers. -V. 1'. Mail and Knar!- Well pleased with herself : Madame Patti gives the followir g reasons why. in her opinion, she is called the -queen of song": "I pass for. pretty, that's one: 1 am tolerably graceful, that's two ;Iama good dresser, that's three ; 1 have a way with me that is pjquant. that's four; I like ny public, that's five ; 1 have a good voice, that's six ; I know how to sing, that seven; I at the veiled lady know my usic. Out's eiht ; .mnlnmwni . a 1 cl fairly well the roles given roe. -; thlt nic,. - And etoB" Prtce. 01 admission mai onif juuin iiu the pockctbrok of a queen caa afford to pay, that's ten. We see it stated that the isUIcTreas urer Bain is firm in bis dct-imination to enforce the collection of the drum mers' license tax. notwithila'.wif-g the decision oT the btate jare that the United Slates Supreme Couit decision makes it invalid. This resolution on his part will make it necessary for commercial travelers in North Caro lina to co prepared to take out a habeas corpus ia place of a license. Chatlotte Chron: lUr. 13th, 1SS6. Leart New York Leave Philadelphia.... Leave Baltimore. Leave Watbiogtoo Leave CharloUreville... Leave Lynchburg Leave Danville Leave Rich mood. Leave Goldboro ' Leave Raleigh......... Leave Durham........ Leave HU?h Point Leave Salubarr.. Leave Charlotte Leave Spaitenborg ave CreesviUe Arrive Atlanta No. Ml No. fil Dally. Daily: 4 45 at 4 30 psa 7 20am 17 pm 9 43 a ra 9(3 p d 11 0 am 11 00 pm 335pxa 3 00 a xa 5 CO pm S CS am 8 5 1 pm 8 05 ata 00 p m 2 SO a ra 11 0 am 5 00pa 530 pm 1 00 am 33 pm 2 37 axa 1113pm 1016am 1 233 axa 2123 am 2 25 axa i 100pm 5 34 ami 3 34 pm 6 IQ exoj 4 4Spa 1 tO pm! 10 40 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dee. 19th 18S6. 1 Arrive Charlotte SalUUory High Point.... Greecftbcro DarLam lUlr-ch Golisbovo Arrive DiatiUe ...... llktxaon.T. v Arriie Lytchbtxri? CLailo'.UaviUe ... Wjbin.oa...... lUlticvr No. 5L Efcdly. 6C3am 6 41aa 7 ft am 8 3I,T)i 12 47pm 1 am No.ta: DaUr: 6 t3 pa 8 CI p ra 9 13 pa 9 43 pa 4 45 axa 630 aa U it you want work?' f, h; ii;r at the girl . . .-ir.-i swell so I.V.V. Charles Rcade, in his u.emoirs. say! of Ellen Tony: "Ellen Terry" is as cnicr.u. llr eves are Dale, her nose rather long. l;er mouth rfothing par ticular, complexion a delicate brick dust, her hair rather Iiketow. let, somehow, she is beautiful." - As a. hair dressing and 'renovator. Ayer'e Hair Vigor is universally com mended. . It eradicates dandruff, cures eruptions of the scalp, invigorates and beautifies the hair, and prevents its fading or turning gray. . 4 43 pa 11 30 aa 10 lOtze 11 23 pa 3 a,' C 43 aa 1 IS pa' 2 00 aa 3 43 p ra" 4 10 aa 8 ZZ pa' 8 10 aa 11 5 rm 13 03 ua J'Litt'ltlphU. .... 3 COfco 12 33 ra Dally except izr.lxj.1 X .W X. C. RAILROAD. otvo torn No. M. No. C2. a n Lv. fmlea C 40 p a 6 33 corsa xorrn No LI. at. Salem ll4;a a2 SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. -On trains $o and 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and Vew York. New Orleans and Washington ta Dan ville. On trains 52 and 53. PoHman Buffet Sleeper Montgomery and Washington, Aiken and Washington, via Danville. On trains S3 ad 53 Pullman Sleeper between Richmond aad Gteensbgro, and Greeniboro and Gqldsboro. For rates and laformalioa apply to any Agent of the Company cr to SOL HAAS. T. M. Jas. L.TAYLOR, x- Gen, Pass, Aceat, Wsahbtci3.D. C