GREENSBORO, N. C. Entered at the Post-Office at Greensboro, N. C. as second class mail matter. By J. S. Hampton. . FRIDAY MAY, 6, 1887. Jg TheEnglish and Virgin ia Commissioners are holding se cret sessions. Arbor Day, for the general planting of trees, is now observed , in twenty States and is doing a great deal of good.. President Cleveland is fairly swamped with invitations to vis it summer resorts, attend school and college commencements, present prizes and make address es. -; J8Mr. Parnell has selected Mr. William O'Brien, editor of the United Ireland, as the Home Rule candidate for Northeast Cork, to fill the vacancy in the House of Commons caused by the resignation ot Mr. Edmund Leamy, Home Ruler. Miss Ada Leigh, of Paris, rrintrnHirrc fl-i cfifama .U. . . . .w. w v.- ?iuiv.iu v. II C 1114 L she has collected the whole of the $60,000 needed for the British and American Young Men's Home in the French capital. She has sent to Paris $20,000, and is still looking about for the lacking $40, 000. Mr. Gladstone, in a letter asking to be excused from at tending a meeting in favor of the anti-vaccination movement, gives as one of his reasons the state ment that he is busily engaged in opposing the compulsory in oculation of the whole Irish na tion withJtheCoercion bill. Charles Denby, United States Minister to China, writes that he finds it difficult to support the dignity of his position on the salary allowed him. There are 125 foreign residents at Pekin, and they entertain frequently and well. Minister Denby is obliged to do his share of entertaining, and finds it hard to make both ends meet. J5 Blushing is a disease, says the New Orleans Picayune.. No one blushes for shame. While the woman of the world may wear cheeks of marble, the inno cent country lass is made red by being looked at. The perjurer tells his story without a change of color; the honest witnesses flushed and confused by the law yer who is hired to suppress .truth in courts of justice. Count less roses are said to blush un seen. They are very foolish, lohticians never blush, but they grow red in the face over the spirit of the campaign, and claim modesty as an inheritance. SP-A numbT...... :,l Massachusetts regiments wh figured in the Petersbur, visaed Pth5 T.,n! the great conflict yesterday e,t ed in the u '""ay, rest- o Lc::zt" drnk Mahone was theTe tH u' - for the Coate: td a"" together the occasion "as a Pleasant one. Th, u I ne New York World says thev. have a wondrous erTerf in ing the little traces - of w;r : . ness that yet exist in tr i the erudite editor of the Wilmir- ton Star what tUrr, V the word cu W Z.- ei"? Unusual ? It is not Jn . ' . w ,s I,oc m our conv to ,:r"Ster' nor do find it in ""ws .unabridged. w not wiseabovc that which is , , . . v V. (11 r I K. m standard dictionaries. "A lnatWasno' our point in the. 'l nrin.m T .,ua xree art,cJ j ina which when we are ir. norant of all the facts pertaining wnac we may. designate as curious will, when we 'are fully posted on all the whys and where fores, be anything and everything but curious. The Kah way Murder. Our readers are familiar with the murder of an unknown girl or woman near Rahway, N. J. The New York World hit upon Ana Christine Larscn as the murdered one. It made a grand splurge over the matter, day after day, till, all at once, it ceased to harp on Ana. In the meantime, the coroner's inquest has been held, but the verdict has not been gen dered. The last we have heard of the case is the following "gen tle" confession of the World:- It, seems that Ana Christine Larsen is alive and here in New York. She arrived in the coun try too late to be made the victim of the Rahway outrage. The World has labored diligently to discover Ana, and is now pleased to announce the fact that she ' is living. The theory which iden tified her with the Rahway mys tery was based upon a most re markable set of coincidences. The story, as printed by the TJ7-7 .7 Y 1 m .... J wuria wx weeks 01 diligent re- search, seemed to be one that mifht thrnw Harlit- nns-n -'U miGrllt throw llVht nnnn the mvc tery jbut this, like every other theory advanced, has fallen to pieces, and the cloud about the Rahway crime is thicker than ever. SORTS. When women are allowed to vote there wiil be a great deal of bustle about the campaign. When a man is twenty-five he knows something ; when he is forty-five he wishes he knew something. In England a politician "stands" for office, but in this country he "runs," and he has -to hump himself, too. Young housewife "What mis erable little eggs again ! You must really tell them, Jane, to let the hens sit on them - a little longer." Somebody has written a book entitled "What Shall My Son Be ?" Upon which some one frankly replies : If the boy is as bad as the book the chances are that he will be hanged." Female Doctors. Baltimore Sun. The Women's Medical TnlUo- of Baltimore held its fifth annua 1 commencement in the Young Men's Christian Association Hall yesterday. The semi-c i r c u I a r front of the platform was fringed with flowers and green branches. The audience was comDospd .n great part of ladies. The exer cises began with prayer by4Rev. R. S. Rowe, and there was vocal music ;with instrumental accom paniments. The members of the faculty and others occupied the platform. Dr. Richard Hen "omas. "- ln, conferred d!- Tt. . ... ?.maS t0rS f medicine 011 MlssInd!-M- Cochel, of-Balti- d. Ui J"" McAl- F T T, T ' Dn E" K Cordell, professor of the prin- cip,es a,,d 'practice 01 a bkaS " Prize to Dr. b "T" " I" f med'"- C'ne: 1 here have' bn fifteen 1 WTrw -ZZZ rmrAmmmi v The unririi.r.,! i I for,rt ,l . s u , c leave. 10 ' m- I., . . "uiiihiu tuuniv i?1"" v sih Slate. ouUocS: z,nc "r seet iron, with cold leaf " 1 ask is l,?at 1 may be ner trv mv L-.Jl t " . " -jr -5rk., V.;.??.,uuno M Dt WlAlL.r: lllllininrv n f as -. a, - V" street. Also. I einn nv K . urin : v u"5 limner, ana 7 ri.ncK JbS bCnd HmilS Of oreensboro. Robt. w. TlJn, im,ni3r. ",lrt0 Foi Rent. Two new cotticrps u.. .... , . ""il IIJVC jour rT5raK?.liw.. . Seated -uiv.ii an cel. 1 IRi r w-VAtri MonitDUAUOl f A II U The space on top is the quantity of POWDER BLUE in ordinary boxes. A FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO BLUE contains as much as four wooden boxes, and will make fifty gallons of the best blue water. Sold by 'Houston k Uro., wholesale agents. Greensboro, N. C. tf - DR. J. G. BRODHAX. Fliysioisiii and !5?nxoii. Office for the present, at his residence on Ash street, opposit- Mrs. Ejr. Hall. raj only known specific for SpIIcptlc Tits. ilso for Spasnu and Falling Sickness. Kerrow "Weakness It Instantly relieves and cores. Cleanses blood and quickens slnsglsh circulation. Keutra lizes germs of disease and saves eickness. Cares ugly blotches and stubborn Wood sorea. Ellmlnatet BoUs, Carbncc:e3 and Scalds. C7-Permane-tly and promptly cares paralyse. Ye, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. ElV.z Scrofula and Kings ErO. twin brothers. Chansca cad breath to fnethe cacse. Ronta wnt. tnnJ i , - uumtica nuix QUK4 clear complexion. Equalled bf none In the delirium of fever. A charming resolvent and a jnatchlCi laxative. It .drives Blck Eeadacho like the wind. t3ContaIns no drastic cathartic oroplates. Eellevci v (THE GREati the brain of morbid fancies. PrompUy cures Khen. matism i)v rontlne It. Ttactnnxi n ties to tho blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. CSrp.eiiablo when all opiates fan. Ec, freshes the mind and Invigorates tho body. Cures Slergymen and physicians inVAKo WTFor sale by ail leading drugglsuf SX The Dr. S. A. Eichmond Medical Co. IYona , Bt. Joseph, Mo. T0P,(3) For testimonials and circulars send stamp CharleaH.Crittenton. Afnt, Xew Tork City GREENSBORO. N C. DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Whips, MACHINE OIL, Farmers' Oil. Shinvtex 9 1.9 s O f-"-" J. n per thousand. - Composting Goods on hand. - Pp.20 act as solicitors for trado-marks, copyrights, etc.. for the United States, and to obtain pat. Xuw " vjaiuua, jLBgiana, x ranee. chargo sJ Tliirty-slx yeara practice. "o a?wtlSbtained thrOTfih Tt3 aro noticed in tae SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, vhich hca the largost circnlatioc nd ia tho Kiost lafei. Thiol.-- J ... w w mo paper tiCTotea to science, mechanics, inyentions, ccgineerin worka, and other departments of industrial copies by mail, 10 cents. Bold by ell new AddresaSTnnn & Co-.pblishers of Scien kfio American 261 Eroadway, New York. WaElbooli about patents mailod fxeo. KYOURCROCERl A Mia ... .. I TOBACCO UO. Sfj vjANsURH AM . V Fltnated In the Immediate section of country to&t prod ed by tbe quantity produced. We are In position to command the choice of &U II rn V nr ox offerings upon thl3 market, and spare no pains or expense to giro the trade the Lll I D tw I CA SKEFTiO SAID 0m io d a:l:i' -i.f l . -f' ' -4 pari8pubUshedSvElLYat$3.aTcIr I U W Ml I V I 1 sv rs r- m m rBLMCVJELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO (HONEST, DnDIII AH Is the Mosti uniform, DPI lAHf P SATISFACTORY v SMOKING TOBACCO EVER PUT UPOfi THE MARKET. Hence Dealers and Consumers always pro i.niTurnrcT ucc-s a grade of Tobacco that ia texture. PORTBn AND T1TP, Successors to POHTER & DKLTON, Dealers in , DrugsandMedicines, irccnstboro, . C tih 15 IJ? 1)011; If 1 were to sny I was receiving the Largest and Handsomest stock of -Dry Goods, Dress Goods, White Goods. Fine Shoes. Slippers, and also Men's Hats that was ever of fered in Greensboro, N. C, it would be rather too old a song to sin; in this day and time, and as a!l Ladies who want new drescs. want ihcm of such styles and quality as suit them, and cannot tell what will best please them by reading any FLAMING ADVERTISEMENT, the uiiSy alternative see the goods, as a sufficient couid not br iven in an advertise- ment to justify you in saying whether or not )ou would tw pleated uilhoul first sieii g th- v ine'.y of FINE DRESS GOODS i . am now ottering, yi.d gcitinc prices, so I hereby extend you a'coroi- al invitation to call and examine the goods that I now have In store, and to arrive. Very Respectfully. W. K. MURRAY. whlcb Your Children ;- ,e0ntIr xpo"a to from Cold Wlinynn . , v.,., voua, v;roup, and t-v.u.t io me tnroAt and langs. For auch nfim. Cherry Pectoral, promptly admlnls- "UU1U "pecay reuef and cure. . . . iVh .1.1 k 7 IO?-looping Conch, afiiicted. tr nwl .l cu. w"8 ... . r' me pass win ter, with much satisfaction: Arer Cherry Pectoral. r tt,t. .T11 consicfAr thi. r, " .r"iiun. caciou.of ail Icl5SVSt l toj our knowled.-Miry ViE nurst. PreintrMa if Jr.r Wanderers iJonct,;: ior "lU6 nd any eeremirrSm! ,!iffi,;i7; ;"v:.U,n reeTea the f .Chatham, CoIuSbUCoTl?. Y. I hare used Arer'a Chm T..i la my family for manV e 'nnd ft especially valoable in allterlfr I- Medicine allay, ltXiftioP Tlt iAfl&mmation from extending to the longs, and qnicklr aab- - J. B- Welling, Plavfileffhr T fiml . jr.? r ;rou nA'v ? for Cherrr iwtVi 1 ilx Kn M Ayet'a hJ.tJ1; 11 mean of ;'"r '"V"0 OI my little loy, only air months old, carrying him aafely thronih the worst case of Wto,,inwU . saw Jane Malone. pncf nau.Tenn? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, A GAEB -2f 3 to CO Co 2 ! saved friyi M,u - . onal use. the curative pot. , : ,"t' Cherry rectoral. ran-,,.. . : ... ia praise of Ajer'a Cherry 4 lierin- at I do that, Lt flT i ! , hould long tlnce hare Iic4 1 trouble. E. Eraau, Pa!: V Tiaed me to try 1 .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. a uia o, ana am happy to MT Co bum, 18 Second at.. Lo;;i.";;j a nave caea -yer . , for over a year, and ain.rrrlr ll-t. : hould have been In t:iy Cri. t. r 1 not beenfor thU mediant It lj;t r, 5 of? t?r"Tf f iw for which I had almmt d, r,., .V. finding a rcmcly.-D. A. y,-' -Windsor. Proving of Ontx U. Ayer' Cherry Perioral mxi ,.t r. Two Tears ago! took aty .r,-. which aettlett on my luti. I .It j physicians nd t.k th rrtnrtli, iV. rreacril-Nl. but failsl id l.faia .. r. U. Allen, cat Lancaster, OLk. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Sa by all brvffwu. i-,k , LYDIA E. P1NKHAP.V8 VEGETABLE OOTTOmn, la Ptxj;tir rem Fr all IUh ralafWl Ct(.UI. 4 J a X41clae fr TTeaaa. IavrMt,4r .Wmu. rrrparcil by a TW CmM4 Cai tmf li mt t mm-f mt rttliw Ut droopCif ifti, la.ucvi, M ButotrpirrtwtiMUi.-aJU;v taua of UT tprlajj i) trtjr abrsw sr tp. (HT"n7tlclafit Use It and Prta R fttfl It rraorM nOatai.. tU try. .-u yt tor ttlaraUat. aa4 rr'itf tiw .f tt - a4 Wkacaa. ia alr jwi ;. (ir-!;r rwUMnrt.riaj-Kjr rc!iukr.i;WM T-,TPI - rixcnAw rrsinrt " Bot a ta CoBjoKin! I cT-l ir;fi r ffw ia4i4C3Wr,i.-, atan. tjr, v.-.. m nber.ft. Ukatk'rt 5tl.TiiJitUf J-3 a--xr ot. rvlf. f rir.. f:j.rt- for dtW. E. rukk, f.-,. tr mnfKT aa I an tlT. IacktXt.i-a. fcaJTwoiit jT8oM by all Xriicclt.-ia m o Whiskey! Brown's Iron Bitters Is one of the very few tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or . whiskey, thUs becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. Rice, editor of the Amtrvan Cluistxan Re vuzl says of Brown s Iron Bitters: Ca.O., Not. 16, iSf . Cents The fooUth wist Inj cf kal force ia Itxuacss, pleasure. nd vicioas mxJbI Ctce of our pcopJe, euLes you' rceparatiMo a acccswf j l fd u rr-rd, ill ue hco cmis who resort to saloons tor temporary rccupcraiiaa. Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indi gestion. biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, IVC t complaints, kidne' roubles, fix., and it necr "lis to -render spcetly and permanent rclici About tlx montlis aco I l a.? TIemorrhage of the by a dbtrcasin- Cough. hu-h Av: 1 me of alepax3 mt, I i., " cough bahiama and txmXl " ;" without obtaining relkf. A f- Tiled m In lr this medicine currd mV A. Hagan & Sox. To the People,

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