Gootl lor the Vnllev r Mutual. (Or. Carter Berkeley, manager fXr the Valley Mutual Life Association of Virgin m, paiu last year to the widows and orphans of North Carolina over S73.00 i!1 "sh. and to-day paid into the State Treasury $1,026.34. taxes. AVav and Observer, April 10, 1887. The Vailey Mutual Life Association of Virginia offers hie insurance pure and simple, and it is "insurance that insures.' It is not encumbered and complicated with banking and endow ment and surrender value features and one thousand other schemes' which, while they may be well enoueh in their respective lines, have no more to do with life insurance in its true object, than a pawnbroker shop has to do with a p.jstoffice. It issues poli cies lor stipulated amounts, payable at death, and at death only, at the low est consistent with perfect security as it is strikingly exemplified in the fol lowing : Cap:. J. C Marquis, ol Staunton, is th holder of policy No. 1. in the Val ley Mutual. The policy, which is for 1 1,000. was issued September 23d '78 Capt.M. was then 51 years of' aoe" The total cost of this policy un to November 23d 1886, eight years and two months, has been $122 70 or an average of $15 04 Per year. The same amount of insurance, under the level premium or old-line svstem, for the same time, non-participating policy wcuJd have cost Capt. Marquis $2gv 93. or 84 1 99 per year,much more than double the cost of his policy in the Valley Mutual, which difference, in vested annually at six per cent, would amount to $239 71. The Valley Mutual is one ofxthe sohdest institutions of its kind an in stitution which, unlike the prophet has meat honor in its own country as well as abroad. Avalanche, Messrs. Berkeley & Arnall are the managers of the Southern Depart- neAvK?f!!CuS' RaIei'Sh N. C. and 6i I Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. Lorenzo A. Bailey. Agent. Greensboro, N. C If you want anything in the line ol Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking Powders or Tea. Call on J. .W. Scott & Co. ' cue of the most fatal sri, ;.- vhich ullliot mankind. It is often i;.i..vhed. but '.:::; be the result of impnijjc: :.rr;n:ition, .r.crcurial poisoning, uiK-o:;:.;::ii r.s, ' aud various ether causes. ' Cl.roiiic Sores, I. Ivxrs, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, vnd, in some cases, Emaciati .-n, and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the Wood. This dUt-asc can be cm-id by the use of Ayer's Sa; a;arilla.; ' I inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of my whole system. After taking less than four bottles of Ayer's Sarsapariila I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found it iierosary to use any medicine whatever. I iiia now in better health, and stronger, Hum ever before. O. A. AVillard, 218 i ii-mont St., Boston, Mass. I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores fr five years; but, after using a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsapariila, the sores healed, and I have now good health. Elizabeth Warnoek, 54 Appleton street, Lowe!!. Ilass. - months ago I was troubled with ?;is Sores on mv leg. The limb a as badly swollen and inflamed, and the ;! cs discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed, until i used Ayer's Sarsapariila. By taking three bottles of this medicine the sores h ive been entirely healed, and my health ii fully restored. I am grateful for the rood this medicine has done me. Mrs. Ann O'Brian. 158 Sullivan St., New York. ycr's. Sarsapariila, I' r".! l,y Dr. T. C. Ayer&Co.,Lowell,MM. f .... l)r jsUU. ' l'rice $1 ; six bottle, $4. USE 36,989. All persons say their goods are the best. We ask too to ex n.ine our Improved Keller PoalUve Farce FeeOrala pet u and FertlUxln Drill mud our Hay Bake. They are as good as the best, and can be sold as cheap. All are war ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark MaehlneCd. SAVE THE EXPENSE BUILDING A BRICK CHIMNEY Our Fire Clay Chimney Pipe does not TOSt r crack by heat nor crumble from frost. It ims been nsetl ten years for dwellings, schools churches &c. No danger from lire as It does not communicate heat to -wood.' Insurance Companies have decided it to be a safer chim ney than brick. Any one can put it up. We snow four -forms of constructions. A com plete chimney costs from $5 to f 10 according to height of building. SBend for descriptive circular "With, full information. en as. ii. torsch a co. B- E Cor. Pratt and Charles Street Baltimoroi JOHN F. STRATTOJt, Importer Ss Wholelal .Dealer m -I-L Iotmment. Bend for eaUloffu. ' GRMTYKTERN V7S NOW -IN And ID LOOK TO YOUR INTER ERST! The Best Paints are Always the Cheapest . as vrra HEADY-MIXED and Geonre D. Wnthnroli rpi n u , w xJti& llCiiVLf 1 -iUlAnU I'AliMX liaVC Sill Onlnra The above paints are the standards in the United Slates and none are bet er Each S has a guarantee upon it that if they rub. crack, peel, or in any other wav ful to "K-e T'l ag?6 repaj,nt f0r no,hinS- To M wI contemplate gintit k a share of their patronage, and would be pleased to have them call and ge sample "hide, and see the inducements we, offerbefore buying. We will certainly make UP heir ad vantage, and imarantee satislWim, in ti ' ". ' ' '.. l."c, T - i p i . '"oimac xiiu iiuiuis auove incnlionod will re tain their glossy finish and will wear neaily twice as long as any other mixed pa n V not excepting the best brands in th market. We desire to make no extwvSnt re. ?eVc v tions to enconrnrfft nntrnnor,a xrn ....... .. . , uoJIU rLjjrtbcnia- qualities -hh aV geTeecog;, nestat once. We place the greatest stress unnn t HitroKnin- xu.a ...:n ii . the most important feature to Lewis' Strictly Pure White Lead in any quantity. Every painter knows what Lewis' Lead is. It is shnplv the bet lead on the market; we keep no other lead. 1 ' aZz n7Jl Ca&e's (tannine lima Boiled ana nouole Boiled LINSEED OIL. The manufacturers of the above oil as any dealer will tell you, are among the leading oil manufacturers in the United 'tatc We have also a big line of ' . COACH PAINTS and VARNISHES at the SAME TIME, in one APPLICATION. This paint is prepared expressly for painting Buggies. Carriages and Wagons. Thev arc just what the people need.-because they are CHEAP, DU It AISLE. I'OXVKXIKVT nukk. dr7lnV f'n applied, beautiful gloss-Hnished. and unifonn in color. A cniarl cUin only wdl paint and varnish an ordinary bugirv. We also have all thediflVmit staiiK in pint cans, among lhemMaple. Kboey. Walnut Mahoganr. Oak. Cherrv, ' e have m in stock Red Lead. Dry White Lead. DryChrome. (ireen chrome, green chrome ellow-drop Black, Lamp Black. Vermillion, and cvervthing that is-ucd in paint mg. . V c are also expecting daily quite a variety of Paint Brushes, all kimlr;! Ycn-N Brushes. Painters Wall Brushes, Kalsomine Hrushes, White-wth brushe s .-al, u U vw W e have entered into the Paint business with the determination .r ixirrviug a full M.H-k ami asucce.s. We do n6t expect 4o sell all the paint that is usod.but we will m!I all we can, and hope to sell our shares promising the verv best of goods at Hie lowrt poiblc price, and, we think, much lowcrthan the same quality of goods have been sold hii' before. Respectfully, MTBB -nam, ta - OIL l- r" the property holder. We have perty ATLAS READY-MIXED, ONE COAT AND CARRIAGE PAINTS ! CALLUM BROS; & CO., .Solders. s lt -. PAINTS, i n iiivii IIII1U Will II? I'll I !K al.4 a good stock of 5 :J)rugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils, Greensboro, N. C. CpXn?N?alra,lroau ,1...rnC r SUPEWNTIXDEXT." ) Uilainffton. N. C. ScpL 19. i6. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter this date, the foUowinz Schedule uill be operated on this Rail road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN.. Daily Except Sunday. HaTe ViImInSton at.. 7.40 n.m No. , lUare Raleigh at 700 pm ) Arrive at Charlotte. . ..655am ) Learc Charlotte at. . . .S 45 p m 2 f Arr,Te at igh at. . .9 00 k m ) Arrive at Wilmin-ton.745 a m Local FRUCH-Pass. Car Attached. cC;Vl0lt?tt- 7 4oam Arrive at LaurinburC at 5 45 P m Leave Launnbur-at 6 15 i m Arrive at Charlotte at 440 pm Leave ilmmton at 6 25 am Arrive at Laurinburg at.. "....4 25 n m Leave Laurinbur at 5 15 a m Arrive at Wilmington at 835pm Local Freight between Wilmington and Launnburg Tri-WeeUv-teaving W ilmmgton on Mondars. Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and loints designated in the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division. Mail, Express and Freight. Daily except Sandar. Leave Charlotte 7 35 a m " sy$i 11. 10 am Arrive EUenboro 12 00 m Leave EUenboro 1225pm " ave Shelby.. 1 25 pm Arrive Charlotte r -r I No. 3 No. 4 I rains No. i and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and trom Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between WiU mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Siatcsvttc. Stations Western N. C. R. R., Asherille. and points West. Also. lor Spartanburg. Greenville. Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L.C. JONES. Superintendent. K W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Agent LA1I imby 4 tea mc&cici kaowq u( hrr com. Uocd tnloamodKiaflc such mtcri ih1 mxv power, u k aukc the Crutctf tixd Pvn&n & tS But Bs2i& tal Strufta Rotam Cm Cui. Il cures Drwrptu; KK-umjun. fWplank. tndiMuct vt ile Stomjch, IXrrls Ltoirt. Lhtx. kjdarjrt, nj I cobjOa CowcUintt. lro ar vsttiar ar vh CeoAWrrtloo Of nT oat O Twttc ttMlty. It vl ttmbr hclpyoo. Remember I u ii fr aperw la V-vtt, LMcacrto Guisrr aJctSrr Tocxcs, u abasia CP thm rtm w.Uvx.l iatcairatuic jz-c. and 1 1 aui, at a3 drlen ia clroi. Nnemiaai6oul vtwurem iirnv VA, n 1 . 2K!Hj tor CSCIallf mi 1.1 III TILI IXlLXJlR tlZX. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of AppetUe,lcc2orStrcngth !acU of Energy, Malaria, Inlermiticnt Fcvcra, dc. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fail3 to cure all these diecascs. CcAticac: lor yc-rt I ka tccaa rrtil auCcm frt- Uy pf-. atd ccold Jrt 9 rUef (Kat2 uiu. J thir j 1.. h u rcTBSkaacad. 1) until, acuer c t:- advice a frjwl, bo h4 Wa teCncd by iUoww'a Ikom Lirrrai.1 ukd a -botll. iUt oat H-rrri.j rcWu. Prevtons t laLmf Lao' laoa BmiM, rvrrrxiun I at dutmicd ta, and 1 acdercd rcaCy trom a bonuBf aeaaaiio ia Utt atcavaca. which ara uaSejra'4. Sine nk Uc Ctowir'i Iiok lmtu, i3 y trouUea arc at aa tzd. Ckacalaay tiflM without aay djjirtkiCa r aults. 1 aa trot.c 'Ir asclr . lira. W J. Finn., jo Maverick , E. Coatoa. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS sets like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching Heat In the Stomach Heartburn, etc The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give headache. Sold by oil Drupglai. Brown Chemical Co. nltimor, MJ.' i.- that a. I rem V.iicrt an aud W Zeown ChxacJ Co.. fuloaorc al Lava croaa t4 red Laca aa4 2JETVVARE OF XMITATIO?? U1I Gel 0 Suffer Have won the ad.mration ot every Spec lade wearer who hxs used them. They stand unrivalltd in their sp!endd rrpu tation. Our testimonials are from Gov ernors. Senators, Legislators and from the most distinguished men, in all branches ol science who have had their sight improved by their use. Unprecedented Sales Everywhere. Overwhelming testimony in favor cf their superiority. They can be worn any length ol time at one sit ting, ainl gire rutoniihiug clearness ol vision, either by candle cr by other arti ficial lights. Mr. Hawkesnot only has the btst rIxmcs. but carelu!ly tumhci the eye ot each patient, and gi. ind;s. pcnsible advice as to the proper sclec lion of glasses, having had an experience ot eighteen years in this branch ol sci ence. Hawko Patent Kxtcnxion SPRING EYE GLASS Tho Finest in Existence. And arc rreommended by the medical faculty throughout the country. No pressure producing initations. No dan ger ol cancer that is sometimes the re suit of wearing ether cye-glassen, rest ing with ease upon any nose. FKOM THE GOVERNOR OF LOU ISIANA. Daton Rosur. La.. Jan. 23. 1SS6. To Mr. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir- 1 t-cMrc to testily to the great superiority ol )our Cr)stalucd I.cns. They com' bmegtcat Wii' with soilness anl pleasantness to the the eye. more than any I have ever lound. S. D. McEnery. Governor ol Louisiana. FROM GOVERNOR IRELAND. OF TEXAS. To Mr. A. K. Ha kes-Dear Sir ft gives me pleasure to say that I have been u;rg your glasics lor seme time past with much satisfaction. For clear ness. soilness and for all purposes n tended, they are not surpjsscd by any that I have ever with. 1 wouM recom mend them to ali hj nam a superior glass. Kopevtlully yours. John Ireland. FROM GOV. S HL(;ilI.S. OK ARKANSAS. Havi,.g urd A. K. Ifaukt'snw trysta.urd for some months. I have lourul thrmthe f.r.rst gUtes I Lave ever used. Simum V. Huhr. (.ov.rnor ul Arkansas. FROM EX (.( V- R. MILLER. I find Hawkc new Cnstalixed Len ses ot supciW tiuality. having worn them with grmt s-itllact:cn. W. R. Milr. Lx-G'tivetnor ! Arkansas. 0n,?v.ROtJ"" SLTKKINTKX. DKNT. t)K INSTITUTE FOR TUT i:lind. Mr. A. K. take gTeal pleasure in ?ajirg it cur taclc and patent spurw er-, . eel an) thing I Lpvr yt U-. n uh Ut prt curc. m to nad the f.r.cst print with ease and comlari. Frank Rainty, M. p. All eves fitted and the fit guatanteed nt the drug store of Callum Itros. Co Every pa r wnrrantett. ! w -Omi r julsh. 1 IIIClUhtnTJ CCOIIQUEnOIL"! A SPECTFIO FOE 7 efiip:t. mint, -x trtrcuirss, ruun si:noj. arm. & . CFiua umi, stfzilus, scecfcu. tins etiu CSLTELC:3C!3aSS,Dnff:il EEETCUSKESS, EFiriC- KSTCSS fHCSTElTi:!, ESili ICLTf, ELCCD IZ'dl EIUDJSKES3, COTiBaT Km TECUiLES ISO IrjLTIEma wI.50 perbo!l! at drjzpttj 1U Dr. S. L EliKd U:U Ci, Prrp'o. Corrwpcxaca f axcrJ bj ykjUiu Toe UUac!U aa4 cirrmUra m4 auap. a x. rcmrsToi, iri, jiw Tart. Direct Trade. XerUm I tks Aaf ymartrrm fl,rr4 frr Silm.rUlrJJ crT, c.t . i. Umstrm fmrtmrU fi ,-, f i aaftr..CiMf-r,, 7-1.. mmd m pi-ea trmrirty.f mi, r -rr;.-. tr f '.-rr.' . . wa a.