- s Greensboro ALMANAC-un riHea 4:56. Sun sets 4:59. Moon sets 1:30. Old newspapers for sale at this office for 25 cents per hundred. Club meets - to- ihe instrumental music which formed part of the programme, while their longings were far away in distant Georgia where the delicious berries were still left to ripen on their tiny stems. The Ladies. Committee an nounced during the course of the evening that r the strawberry -festival would certainly take place on Friday evening and the promise then given is now, without fail, about to be re alized in its fullest extent. A telegram from Atlanta, Ga has been received nn ITOL f 1 1 6 Prohibition night. t . The Guilford County Poorhouse contains thirty inmates at this time. The price of "festival" siraw- by Capt Potts announcing the fact berries is 70 cents a quart, freight that the strawberries left there last added. night and are sure to be here this ' Memorial Day the 10th day of morning. The, festival will commence Mav aDDroaches. Shall it be prop- at Boga'rt Hall at 7:30 and will last ffl. (jjUiDBj r v.. urra(3QS'viiGii IffilG 4 V 1 In spite of the oft-repcatcd complaint of hard times, we have been doing a erly observed? Commencement exercises at Oak Bidge Institute, occur on the 29th, 30th and 31st. The Baptists will hold their reg ular monthly conference meeting to night in the new church. We were glad to learn, as we did yesterday, that young Robert Tate was better. He is still at New Berne. until 10:30 p. m. Excellent music on violin, viola, violoncello and organ, constituting in all twelve, selections wll be rendered during the course of the evening, while strawberries, with cream, sherbet and ice cream, will bs dispensed by the ladies. Admission including a large dish of strawberries with cream, will be 25 cents, while ad ditional large dishes of strawberries and cream will be only 15 cents. t warmer. AVh fair (amount of business since the hvcatherurnea cn there is an' trade going on at alliv get aliteral f e bis majority of buyers is with us, because tve keep tJ 8 cc 5 Old Postoffice Building Opposite The Bichmond Times says the Variously flavored sherbet and ice month of May, in the Catholic Church, is devoted to the Virgin Mary. --The Morning News is the only daily paper that circulates along the line of the G. F. & Y. C. Bail way, west of Greensboro. If you are doing any kind of bus iness, and want to succeed in it, have a neat advertisement inserted in the Morning News. Everybody reads it. 4 --The past few days of sunshine and showers have caused the flowers to burst forth, and soon Greensboro will be arrayed in her matchless floral robe. elegant soda fountain of creams will be served at 10 cents per large dish. Tickets may be obtained at the McAdop Hotel, Dike Book Store and at the door. The Ladies Committee of St. Barna bas church extends a cordial inviti tion to their friends, the congregation, and the general public to attend this festival in full force, as the net pro ceeds will be solely applied to the pur chase of a new organ for their church. The .Eenbow Rqusg, South Elm Street share, and th the goods they want, and because our prices convince them that they can save Money by dealing with us. We try to make it to the , interest of the people to trade with usto have ,tbemiSp wel pleas- y Ud'with ths-gocWs they tray that' they Will be suri totall again. fA 1 g man who buys one of our $10 all wool Cheviot Business Suits, will give us another call when he needs clothing again especially when he finds that other houses sell the same suits for $2.50 more money. cents and up- 5 3 H C . OSS 0 O O O QC CO """ We selfjeans and Cottonades at 8, 10, I2j. 15 wards, and have this season a very full line of Cassimcres for Suits and Pants, ranging from 50 cents to $1.25. Among the goods we are pushing this week are White Dress Goods, Embroideries and Laces, an elegant line of Lawns, Batistes and Sattecns, and a 1 m 1 larne stock of all kinds of Worsted Dress Goods. In our Clothing Department we have just opened .1 nice line of Square-Cut Sack Suits in light colors at $3 00. They are worth more money, but we bought them low and want them to sell fast We have a nice line of Double-breast Prince Albert Suits at $20.CO nobbv straw hats with straw bands you see fworn on the streets are from MRQWN'S. We sell a nice pair of Lace Curtains, three aynd a' half iyards long for $ 1.2 better ones for more money. Straw matting at 15, 18. 20 cents and upwards. But vou cannot realize how far a lit- see us. Some of Breakfast Str IDS J the goods we offer so low this week will all be gone by next; be wise in iimc ana can cany ana often. TOE BOARD IN SESSION. Interesting Proceedings of th? City Commissioners. The board met according to adjourn ment and was called to order by his honor Mayor King, all the Com mission - of attraction yesterday. The days are ers being present, except Mr. Price, upon us when it is pleasant to linger who was out of the city. The Messrs Porter & Tate was the centre .s lis P1 w w lie Keeps Consiar.tly on Hand J s H i s h Ft b is 5 42 3 rs 9 CO Tongues, Fisb. SAMPLE S. BROWN. under its shadow. -The meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Midland Rail road, which was held on February 10th, adjourned to meet on "the 11th day of May in this city. To-night, at New Garden (Friend's) School, an entertainment, consisting of songs, duets, tableaux, cantata, &c, will be given in King Hall. Ten cents admission, to be ap plied to Library fund. Go. A hideous adder was killed on the porch of the residence of D. Schenck, Esq., yesterday, which his daughter came near stepping upon before she discovered it. It was three feet long and of a dark hue. It is said that the May fly comes with May, and deposits the egg that makes the moth. Hasten, then, to perfume your winter clothing with tobacco or camphor, or the moth will be quick to take his first diet on the wool. The memorial exercises at Ral eigh, on the loth instant, promise to be unusually interesting. Besides the Governor's Guard and the civil organi zations of the city, the Bingham ca , dets will be present and join the pro cession - Pi of. Martin H. Holt, of the ex cellent Oak Ridge Institute, will de liver the literary address at Eureka Academy, Alamance county, to-day. The school is fortunate in its selec tion, as Prof. H. ranks among the foremost educators of the State. -The following directions for bak ing beans (Boston : style) is printed The proceedings of the last meeting were read by theuCIerk and approved. Special order, which was salaries of Mayor and other officers, was taken up. .. The Mayor's salary was fixed unani mously at $50 per month, payable monthly. Salary ol Clerk was fixed at $10 per month, payable mon'.hly. Sal ary of Treasurer was fixed at $25 pe month, payable monthly. The election of Policemen was, on motion, postponed to Friday week. .Mr. Dodson, . from Committee on Green Hill Cemetery, reported an or dinance for regulation of same, with pains and penalties attached; adopted Resolved: That it is tl-.c sense of this Board that North Elm street should be extended in its present course, directly to the northern limit of the city. Resolved : That a Committee ol one from each ward be appointed by the Mayor, who shall be authorized and directed to confer with the property owners in regard to the purchase" or condemnation of land for -said street, and report all material lacts bearing on this question to the Bjard for their information and further action. The Mayor was added to the Com mittee and the resolutions adopted. On motion of Mr. Dodson. it was resolved to increase the number of policemen under the chief from three to fouij. Police salaries were fixed as follows : Day police at raikoad. $50. Night police $40. The Mayor was instructed to form- Pi S 3 ALL KINDS 3 S ; Canned Goods . MARRIAGE. Ite trail) UM mm Mr. G. WILL ARMFIELD THK Morninj News, lly J. S. IlAurto.v. GRI-IKN'SnoRO. N. C. CIGARS & TOBACCO All Brands Is now in the Northern Markets byyin the wctldin trousseau. MONDH.Y, MRY 2, 4887. AS i J '' i : i XtJ 'Mir'. l (i'K TQ CIGARS. Rockbottorn Lowprica AT HOME- ' ' ' , A AFTER;wEDNESDAY. MAY 5th. 1SS7. - At G. WILL ARMFIELD'S Black tod m Mt South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. G. The implitjarc cordially invited. ' Among .Iticjnnil. notable mrivalt that -ill be present will be the Prncc Alben The Norfolk?. The CuUwiyl. Tbe StraitciitsI TliqDeibys. The Man ilias. The MackiiKiu'sTho Drap DoAlma; The Satin4lon. The Grossgrain The Sal teens. Thf Cashincrci. the Kibers. the Albetrosi-. the Nunsveiling the Haiiste,lhe Seersucker, the Pasmentaries. the Oiirntals, the Velvets the Torchons. the'Hambiiies, th Ir.nrains. the Tanistries. th Mno DAM AM AC nniMOrO Wiltons, the Jerseys, the Corset?, the Satatocas. the parasols, and nianr DANANAOi URANuES. ?hcrs Ushers-.Ms.s PlaM. Sheeting and Sp,l Oaton. Master l",l,,,,,l,wl wiinnuuuj Cerrmonies M.ircu Lovvdmvn. Fruits of all Kinds in season, consisting in part of indi:pi;ni)knt political MEWS AND COMMERCIAL JOUUNAL. Doroted to the best interests cf THE CITY OF GREENSUO 'O and cfXcrth Caroling generally for the information of house-keepers: u,ale rules for the regulation of the ncK ana wasn one quart of beans and police. soak them in cold; water over night. Drain in the morning, cover with not water and put two pounds of corned beef or pork with them; boil - till the beans begin to split open , from thirty to sixty minutes; drain in a colander and pour over them two or three quarts of cold 1 water. Put half the beans in a deep earthen pot, put in the meat and then the rest of the beans; mix one teaspoon of made mustard and a tablespoon of mumsjes' wun a nttie water; pour .' this over the beans and cover them Lerrions; Scb( 11 m C. F. Thomas was appointed Chief pt the Fiie Department. Pro!. Frazier made a statement re- JLI flitS" SX Sl)CCilltV i- .1 .1: r 1 r .1 1 commenum ine uibimssai ui .kit; Graded School under his care one week previous to Greensboro Female Co! lege commencement, which was agreed to. . On motion of Mr. Schenck, a Com-' mittee of one from each Ward on Schools was ordered to be appointed by the Mayor. i Thomson-Houston Electric Light MILLINERY I ' ' i i i ' I 1 r y I ' i Gre AT Reduction Grfeensboro Enterprise-.- A Full Slock of Fancy with boiling water; bake slowiy ten d Company presented a petition for the hours, adding a little water occasion ally. STR A WCBKR V FJEST I VAI, .-:' NIGHT. TO- priviles;e of erecting ' posts. &c, for furnishing citizens with their light. Referred to a Committee of one from each Ward, to be: appointed by the Mayor- . Adjourned to Friday, May 13th. It was undoubtedly somewhat of a disappointment on the part of many . in Krt trie i a A H b rt 11 1 : 1 . .onu juj;ait nau, on : yveanes- day evening last to be. informed that the strawberries which, in accordance w u u prcviou s pu niic annou ncement. should have been served, had not ar rived, but no one felt the disappoint ment more keenly than the Ladies Committee who had been the untir ing promoters of the festival. The visitors erood rvaturedlv : contentpH Wanted. ' themselves wif&ice cream, shprher " Buyers for good Iresh Butter, Eggs c i:-.. . i Dried Apples, Sweet Potatoes. &c. oic. .miu icuGu uucmivciy to ap22tt . - - HOUSTON BROS.; Atlanta. Ga., May 5, 1887. R. E.'Potis. Greertsvoro. A . C: r. Strawberries go fopward by train '51" this p. m. Hulbert. These strawberries are for the Epis copal Festival this p. m.. at Bogart's Hall. I have a cool cellar for keeping all kinds of Meat and Fruits. All Goods guaranteed and sold at a living profit. Yours, anxious to .please m::k:crllum. ; Owing to the fcarclty of money, wc are'cbmpellcd to nffer our entire stock of MillincfT and Fancy G ds a little above cost. Those wishing anything in our line will do well to call and ex amine our goods as thev are fiesli and DC K ( 1 - , ! ; 1 .' ' . MRS. M V. BINGHAM. West Market Street. " : ' ' " Trogdcn Building. N, P.- EASLEY, Builder & -Contractor, ' ; GREENSBORO K. C. ' ' Is prepared to make contracts fori buildings ot all kinds, frame or brick. Also, will contract tor the building ol bridges &c. Satisfaction guarentced, and references given whfn required. - HAHPERVJ TEROD'CALS. ' -Por Year : Harpers Magazine 1..J4 oc Harper's Bazar i 1 4 00 . m - - harper b iuu.nu ixufle 4 00 Harper's Franklin Square Ucrary One Year (52 Numbers) 1.0a urn No. 10 QIGAR FACTORY GREENSBORO. N. C. ur Cigars arc manuf.ictnfcd of the very best V: ' " ' " ' ' ' !'( ... ... : Imported and Domestic TOBACCO. . . . .unung our moil cnoicc orancis we menliorj the lIIirvins: nouDR no. Pi.0nDKAi.n4, IULLUHVI POUAqrAltTKII nAppLtn. The Morning News will lrr The Very Latest iYcws Froro all parts of the World ; The very latest rroDQlhCmizcniil centres: Till! VKOCEKDINCS or CONGRESS r CX)NVENTIONSi and all ether deliberative UJies. THE.MORflU(G- STAR. -A FirstClass . democratic I Xcwspaper. ' . t'UhLISHKD DAILY At $7.00. per emmnn. 1.00 . ! sixvumtlis. TEE 01DESTD11LY IS THE STATE V ' JESEiEKLYSTAR.' $1.50 a 1 car, $1.00 Gmos. hill and Pliable Market Re - - ports. Tliv.!alrMcws' awl General. Trom aU raru ol the World. Con. ocnieti and Arranrd ia the most Attractive Fcrtn. Advertising 25 Ecascnitlc . Aildres. :VM. H. BERNARD,