Gootl for tUo Valley Mutnal. (Dr. Carter Berkeley, manager for the Valley Mutual Life Association of Virginia, paid last year to the widows and orphans of North Carolina over 73,000 in cash, and to-day paid into the State Treasury $1,026.34 taxes JVrws and Observer, April 10, 1 88 7. Tiie Valley Mutual Life Association 0! Virginia offer's life insurance pure and simple, and it is "insurance that insures. ' It is not encumbered and complicated with banking and endow ment and surrender value features, and one thousand other schemes which, while they may be well enough in their respective line's, have no more to do with life insurance in its true object, than a pawnbroker shop has to do with a postoffice. It issues poli cies for stipulated amounts, payable at death, and at death only, at the low est consistent with perfect security, as it is strikingly exemplified in the foU lowing : . . Cap:. J. C. Marquis, of Staunton, is the holder of policy No. 1, in the Val ley Mutuul. The policy, which is for $1,000, was issued September 23d, '78. Capt. M. was then 51 years of ae" The total cost of this policy up to November 23d, 1886, eight years and two months, has been $122 70 or an average of $15 04 per year. The same amount of insurance, under the level premium or old-ine system, for the same time, non-participating policy would have cost Capt. Marquis $293 93. or $41 99 per year,much more than double the cost of his policy in the Valley Mutual, which difference, in vested annually at six per cent, would amount to $239 71. The Valley Mutual is one of the sohdest institutions of its kind an in stitution which, unlike the . prophet, has ?reat honor in its own country as well as abroad. Atlanta Avalanche Messrs. Berkeley & Arnall are the managers of the Southern Depart- 2eAu-?C?,s' Ralegh, N. C, and Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Lorenzo A. Bailey, Agent, Greensboro, N. C If you want anything in the line of Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking Powders or Tea. Call on J. W. Scott & Co. Scrofula Is one of the most fatal scourges which afflict mankind. It is often inherited, but may be the result of improper vaccination, mercurial poisoning, uncleanliness, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, . Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This disease; can be cured by the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of my whole system. After taking less than four bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have HQt found it necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than ever before. O. A. Willard, 218 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores for five years; but, after using a few bottles of Aver's Sarsaparilla, the sores healed, and I have now good health. Elizabeth Warnock, 54 Appleton street, Lowell, Mass. Some months ago I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my leg. The limb was badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed, until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of this medicine the sores have been entirely healed, and my health is fully restored. I am grateful lor the good this medicine has done me. Mrs Ann O'Brian, 158 Sullivan st., New York Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mam. Sola by all PruggiaU. price 1 ; six bottles, ftk NOW IN USE 36,989. All persons say theirgoods are the best. . We ask too to ex amine our Improved Keller Positive Force Fee4,erla, Seed and Fertilising lriU and our UmyKjOei The? are as eood as the best, and b sold as cheap. All are war' ioSre!rte2?,? '"Newark Machine) Co iewark OtllO Etera Branch House. UaxsntowaljS, 1887. 1887 $4.50 -A. YEAR FOR THE DAILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY Has eeen enlarged and the price REDUCED to 75 Cents A Tear the cheapest weekly paper pub lished, THE SUNDAY ISSUE AND BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR $L50. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and, a weekly for jo cent? less than apy semwpekly papfcr. " DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND -: Weekly One Mouth Free. Spend one cent for a postal card and , order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS THE WHIG, Richmond, Va. And Property. LOOK TO The Best Paints are Always We have in storp nnri tr READY-MIXED OIL and George D Wetherell & Co's ATLAS READY-MIXED PAINTS. Have all colors The above pamts are the standards in the United States and none are better. Each can has a guarantee upon it that if they rub, crack, peel, or in any other way fail to give satisiachon we agree to repaint for nothing. To those who contemplate painting we ask a share of their patronage, and would be pleased to have them call and get sample shades and see the inducements we offer, before buying. We will certainly make it to their ad vantage, and guarantee, satisfaction in every instance. The paints above mentioned will re tain their glossy finish and will wear nearly twice as long as any other mixed paints not excepting the best brands in tba market. We desire to make no extravagant representa tions to encourage patronage. We present these paints as reliable, guaranteeing all the qualities which are generally recognized as constituting the leading requirements of a supe rior paint whilethe advantages of application and the beauty of appearance will be mani fest at once. We place the greatest stress upon its durability, which time will reveal, as the most important feature-to the property holder. We have also a good stock of Lewis in any quantity.. Every painter knows what Lewis' Lead is. It is simplv the best lead on the .market; we keep no other lead. !." We have also a full supply of Thayer & Cambell's Genuine Itato Boiled anfrBouble Boiled LINSEED OIL. The manufacturers of the abovf oil as any dealer-will tell you, arc among the leading oil manufacturers in the United States, vve nave also a big line of COACH , AND CARRIAGE PAINTS ! PAINTS and VARNISHES at the SAME TIME, in one APPLICATION. whlPf i3 PrePafed expressly for painting Buggies, Carriages "and Wagons. They arc just what the people' need, because thev i f!TTtn a t titt"d a bt t? nnxTirmTTtmm t clrying. easily applied, beautiful frloss-finishnrl ;frt OniV ftl.UU Will naint and vnrnich nn nrd nni.trT,nn Ttr -: - Vr " . 4 j uuoa uisu uavc an mc umereiu stains m pint cans, among them Maple, Eboey, -Walnut, Mahogany, Oak, Cherry, &c we have also in stock Red Lead. Drv Whito TnH t chrome. Yellow-drop Black, Lamp Black, Vermillion, and everything that is used in paint mg.;-. We are - also expecting daily quite a variety oi Paint Brushes, all kinds of Yarnis iirushes. Faintere7 Wall Rrnalioo TTnicr.r n 1 Tin-i 1 1 , r, , . w , - . j. ' ;: ' . ' .ui uaues, uiuitvusu orusnes, casn tools, etc We have entered intojthe Paint business with the : determination of carrying a full stock and making it a success. We do not expect to sell all the paint that is used, but we will sell all we can, and hope to sell our share, promising the very best of goods at the lowest possible price, and, we tfein, lower than the same quality of goods have been sold here before. - Respectfully, CA LLUM BROS. & CO., . 1MTI BUS YOUR INTERERST ! nn.; i. . - ' Strictly Pure White Lead, ATLAS READY-MIXED, OTYE COAT drugs, Medicines PaiuU and Oils, ; " , Greensboro, N. C. .Sold 9 the Cheapest. . PAINTS, ;n s i 1 n .! . . . 0 pAROUN A CENTRALRAILROAD Omc or SurERrxTEsrxtxT. ) Wilmington. K. Sept. 19. 1SS6. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On 2nd aftrr th'tx tiir tK fM..-: Schedule will be operated on this 'Rail- PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. No. j Leave Raleigh at 7 00 p.m J mve at coariotte. ...655 am ) Leave Charlotte at 84$ p m No. 2 Arrive at Raleigh at... 9 00 am ) Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 a m Local Freich Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Laurinburg at 545 pm 1-eave i-aunnDurgat 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at 440pm Leave v ilmintrton at a - r , , Arrive at Laurinburg at. . . . '. 4 25 p ra i-cavc i-aunnDurg at e 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 8 35 p m Local Freight between Wilminrton and Launnburi Tri-WWl !!. Wilmincrton on Mondavs. WWn-. and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trai Stations only, and Points designated in ine v.ompanys limelTable. Shelby Division; Passexcer. Mail, JtFRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte....... 7 35 a m No. 3 Shelby 11. 10 am Arrive EUenboro 12 00 m Leave Ellenboro 1225 pm No. 4 Leave Shelby.. 1 25 p m J Arrive Charlotte 5 25 pm Trains No. 1 and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville. Stations Western N. C. R. R.. Asheville. and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville. Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L. C. JONES. Superintendent. F. W. Clark. Gen. Passenger Agent. h : Ft it j :n Krm II 1 " - Xrer Fills to Lur Crr or 144 HIr vim w v. wi kh raauLmo uk7ii are no oo Uocdintoasiedicineof cuch rahed aod eflcctiT potrOT, as to buU ihe Crtatot Lkxxl Puncr & the Best Hcaia tad Strecgft Rtstdrer Ever UuL It cwrw Drp(Ta. RKewmatism, FleepioMttoM, all disease of the Stomach, towrk, Lunjs, Lircz, Kidoexs. and sul Fcme Com pia iota. li ro are wasting y ruh Coerastptloa e? anTaxsease, tuetheToMCtOHbr ItUiJy helpjrou. Remember t it i Cir coperio to I'ner Luences of Cuirrr and other Tonic, as it budU UD the t Vetera itilSaul inimHmi. . .-J. ues, atU dealers ia dro . Knecnamae without N(uunw j ot vo n . l . bend lor orcultf no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to euro all these diseases. Cotton, N'ownber t6,ilZi. Ttowm Cmikical Co. GesUesea : Yor years I Kare fceeo a freat sufferer frwa Irpep ia, aad could get bo relief (hnnf uiea everything which ras recorniaend cd) until, actinr on the adrice of a friend, who had bees benefitted by Lcrwira Iaoit liinvxn. I tried a bottle, with laost lurymwt results. Prerions to taking LaowVs I mom Sittus, everythiag I ate distressed me, aad 1 suffered grestiy froai a bcrnirg seasstioa i the stomachy which was unbearaUe. Since tah btg Baown's Iao Crrms, all say troubles are at ma ead. Caaeatasy time withoct aay dissreahU re sults. 1 an practically ajsother penca. Mrs. W. J. Finn, so UsTcrick Su, . Costoa. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS nets liko a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms; such as tast ing tho food, Belching Heat In tho Stomach", Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron FVeparatlon that will not blacken tho teeth or glvo headache. Sold by all Dru g 3 lata. Brown Chemical Ck). CalUmor. Md. i that Iros Timers are sude by llrowv Chemical Co.. I' l'r wtcn r . aad hire crossed red Lars and. trade aurk oa wnyr. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS' Get 0T WES Hare won the admiration ol every Spec tacle wearer who has used them. They stand unriralled in their splendid repo tation. Our testimonials are from Gov ernors. Senators, Legislators and from the most distinguished men in mil branches ol science who hare had their sight improved by their use. Unprecedented Sales Ererywhere. Orerwhelminj testimony in tavorcf their saperiority. They can be worn any length ol time at one sit ting, and give rfistonishiug clearness cl vision, either by candle cr by other arti ficial lights. Mr. liawkes not only has the best gUes. but carefully examines the eye ol each patient, and givis iodis pensiole adrice as to the proper selec tion 0! glasses, havLnhadan experience ol eighteen years in this branch ol sci ence. Hawko's Patent Kxtension . SPRING EYE GLJ1SS Tho Finest ia Existence. And are recommended by the medical faculty throughout the country. No pressure producing irritations. No dan ger ol cancer that is sometimes the re sult of wearing other eye-glasses, resting- with ease upon any nose. FROM THE GOVERNOR OF LOU ISIANA. Baton Rogue. La., Jan. 23. 1ES6. To Mr. A. K. liawkes Dear Bir: I desire to testify to the great superiority ol your Crystalued Lenses. They com bine great brilliancy with softness and pleasantness to the the eye, moro than any I have ever found. S: D. McEcery. Governor ol Louisiana. FROM GOVERNOR IRELAND, OF TEXAS. To Mr. A. E. Hawkes Dear Sir It gives me pleasure to say that I have been using your glasses tor some time past with much satisfaction. For clear ness, soilness and for all purposes n tended, they are not surpassed by any that I have ever worn. I would recom mend them to ali who want a superior glass. Respectfully yours, John Ireland. FROM GOV. 8. p. HUGHES. OF AK KANSAS. Having used A. K. Hawk e's new LiystaUzed Lenses for some months. I have found them the finest glasses I have ever used. Simom V. Hughes. Governor ol Arkansas. FROM EX COvTw- R. MILLER. I find Hawkes new Crystalixed Len ses ol superior quality, having worn them with great satisfaction. . W. R. Miller. tx-Governor of Arkansas. ONE FROM THE SUPERINTEN DENT, OF INSTITUTE FOR THE ULIND. .Ir. A. K. Hawkes Dear Sir : I take great pleasure in saying that your 8pec- Ii?!a .l01 SprinS ec-KlAa ex cel anything I have yet been able to pro cure, enabling me to read the finest print with ease and comfort. Frank Rainey,' M. D. All eves fitted and the fit guaranteed at the drug store of Call urn liros. & Co tvery pajr warranted. 1 A SPECIFIC TOR ccnuisicis, Funis si:nsj, c?ia Fimi st?z:lu!. sch:ru m:i nn, car elc:3 cisejlses. ctsfifsul . IEETCUSXHS, Sid EHTiTIL EEETeUTISD, EEnCU3 VWllZL KETMJ FECSTEiTICJ, EEUI HCS5T, ELCC3 SC-Il diet te::hls m inirjumi? lw$1.50 per battle it da'rts.-a Tls Dr. S. A. tl::zi Uil, Ci, Trjn. Compoodrtie free? Bxrvrred by rskLi. m mi.ns.iii maa eireaurt exd atucp. C I. CXrrXTJTOl, AtU Xrsr TerU " Direct Trade. rr(rMN fmetfUm tm ikm country fmr tUs mmdJcJtt Cmllrry, 2Jrwr s Coexfe. e?Mf m QTmt variety ot&rr 2XTLmiUU STAXDAIZT AliTICLrS for ry mf , ti Ut whn nterd tf vs tkm is i 1 : 1

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