Ciool lor tlie "Valley Mutual. (Dr. Carter Berkeley, manager for the Vallty Mutual Life Association of Virginia, paid last year to the widows and orphans ol North Carolina over $73,000 in cash, and to day paid into the State Treasury $1,026.34 taxes. Ar's ami Observer, April 10, 1 88 7. The Va ley Mutual Life Association of Vir.Mni t offers lile insurance pure and simple, and it is '"insurance that insures. ' It is not encumbered and complicated with banking and endow ment and surrender value features, and one thousand other schemes which, frhile they may be well enough in-their respective lines, have no more to do with life insurance in its true object, than a pawnbroker shop has to do Uith a p jsioffice. It issues poli cies lor stipulated amounts, payable at death, and at death only, at the low est consistent with perfect security, as it is strikingly exemplified in the fol lowing : Cap'. J. C Marquis, of Staunton, is ihe holder of policy No. !, inrthe Val ley Mutual. The policy, which is for .i,oo o, was issued September 23d, '78. ("apt. M. was then 51 years of aoe". The total cost of this policy up to November 23d, 1886, eight years and two months, has been- $122 70 or ah average of $15 04 per year. The same amount of insurance, under the level premium or old-line system, for trie same time, non-parucipating policy, would have cost Capt. Marquis $293 93. or $41 99 per year,much more than double the cost of his policy in the Valley Mutual, which difference, in vested annually at six per cent, would amount to $239 71. The Valley Mutual is one of the sohdest institutions of its kind an in stitution which, unlike the prophet, has great honor in its own country as well as abroad. Atlanta Avalanche Messrs. Berkeley & Arnall are the managers of the Southern Depart ment. Offices, Raleigh, N. C, and Cy2 Whitehall street, AUanta, Ga. Lorenzo A. Bailey, Agent, Greensboro, N. C If you want anything in the line of Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking- Powders or Tea. Call on J. W. Scott & Co. Scrofula Is one of the most fatal scourges which afflict mankind. It is often inherited, but may be the result of improper vaccination, mercurial poisoning, unclcanlincss, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I inherited a scrofulous condition of tho blood, which caused a derangement of my whole system. After taking less than four battles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I ara Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found it necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than ever before. O. A. Willard, 218 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. I was troubled with Scrofulau Sores for five years; but, after using a few bottles or Aver's Sarsaparilla, the soreg healed, and 1 have now good health. Elizabeth Warnock, 54 Appleton street, Lowell, Mass. Some months ago I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my leg. The limb was badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed, until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of this medicine the sora hive been entirely healed, and my health 1 fulty restored. I am grateful Xor the good this medicine has done me. Mrs. Ann Q'Brian, 158 Sullivan st., New York, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Maaa. bold by all PruggUU. i'ricm ; aix bottlw, && NOW USE 36,989. Alt persons sav their poods are the best. amine our Improved Keller Positive Foree Feed.Qralai We ask yoti to ex- eed and r erUliiJna lrlll and our Hay Kiktt, They are as eood as the best, and can be sold as che&n. AU m i. ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine CO Wevvark OhlO Eastern ttraocb House. BastnWwa JbE 188, -A. YEAR FOR THSJ3AILY WHIG THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS pf.EN ENARPEB. AND THE BRgE BKDUCED TQ 75 Cents A Year THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUB LISHED, tut; q r t "NT "P 7T v iccTTT? , 1 iiju uuin j ' jn. x 100 w jjj and WEEKLY -BmTIOilSI doth for one year, for $1.50. The two are cheaper arid better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and a weekly lor 50 cents less than any semi-weekly paper. IN DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS AND Weekly One Mouth Free. Spend one cent lor a postal card and order one or the other on trial. ADDRESS - THE WHIG, Richmond, Va. AM LOOK TO The Best Paints are Always We hare in store, and to sive control of the sale of the READY-MIXED and George D. Wetherell & Co's ATLAS READY-MIXED PAINTS. Have all colors lhe above paints are the standards in the United States and none arc better. Each can has a guarantee upon it that if they rub, crack, peel, or in any other way fail to civc satisiaction we agree to repaint for nothing. To those who contemplate painting we ask a share of their patronage, and would be pleased to have them call and get sample shades and see the inducements we offer, before buying. We will certainly make it to their ad vantage, and guarantee satisfaction in every instance. The paints above mentioned will re tail their glossy finish and will wear nearly twice as long as any other mixed paints not excepting the best brands in the market. We desire to make no extravagant representa tions to encourage patronage. We present these paints as reliable, guaranteeing all the qualities which are generally recognized as constituting the leading requirements of a supe rior paint while the advantages of application and the bcautv of appearance will be man ifest at once. We place the greatest stress upon its durability, which time will reveal, as the most important feature to the property holder. We have also a good stock of Lewis' Strictly Pure White Lead, in. any quantity. Every painter knows what Lewis' Lead is. on the market; we keep no other lead. We have also a full supply of Thayer & Cambell's una jjouoie UOliea JblJXSVED OIL. The manufacturers of the above oil, as ouy ueuier win leu you, arc We have also a big line of COACH AND CAEEIAGE PAINTS ! PAINTS and VARNISHES at the SAME TIME, in one APPLICATION. This paint is prepared expressly for paintincr BurrfHos. DArrinrrpc anil Wnfrnns. Tliov jut what the people need, because they are CHEAP, DURABLE, CONVENIENT quick drying, casijy applied, beautiful gloss-finished, and uniform in color. A quart costing omy Jpi.uu wm paint and varnish an ordinary bugcrv. We m pint cans, among them Maple, Eboey, Walnut, Mahogany, Oak, Cherry, At. We have also in stock Red Lead. Drv White Lead Drv Ch romp. Rrppn rliromo rrrpon I . 11 . I ciirom, I ciiow-urop tJIack, 1 : trr 1 .. ing. . We are also expecting Brushes, Painters' Wall Brushes, Kalsomine Brushes, White mC lamt uuuiuuss wiui me iieiermmauon oi carrying a nui siock and making lUa success. We do not' expect to sell all the paint we can, and hope to sell our share, promising the very best price, and, we think, much lower than the samo quality of goods have been sold here before. IMTE Property YOUR INTERERST! arrive this wook fnnr Allentown, Pa., Manufacturing OIL amoug the leading oil manufacturers in the United States. ATLAS READY-MIXED, ONE COAT Lamp Black. Vermillion, and ' m . . daily Quite a vanetv of Paint Respectfully, CALLUM BROS. & CO., Holders 5 the Cheapest. Go's strictly pure PAINTS, It is simply the best lead Genuine Haw Boiled arc also have all the different stains evcrvthincr that is nerd in nnint I f- - 0 - -- 1 Brushes nil kinds nf Vninis - wash brushes, Pash tools, etc that is used, but wc will tell all of croods at the lowest . nnssilnV Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils, flAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Office or S.uperintexdent. 1 Wilmington. N. C. Sept, 19. 1SS6. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter this date, the following Schedule will be operated on this Rail road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Except Sunday. J Leave Wilmington at.. 7.40 p.nt No. 1 V Leave. Raleigh at 7 00 p m ) Arrive at Charlotte 6 55 am J Leave Charlotte at 845 p.m N o. 2 V Arrive at Raleigh at... 9 00 am J Arrive at Wilmington. 7 45 a m Local Freich Pass. Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at 7 40 am Arrive at Laurinburg at 5 45 p m Leave Laurinburg at 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at 4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at 6 25 am Arrive at Laurinburg at. 4 25 p m Leave Laurinburg at c 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 8 35 p m Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weekly leaving Wilmington on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time JTable. Shelby Division. Passenger. Mail, Express and Freight. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlotte 7 35 a m No. 3 Shelby u. 10 a m . Arrive Ellenboro . . . . 1 2 00 m Leave Ellenboro 1225 pm No. 4 Leave Shelby.. 1 25 p m J Arrive Charlotte 5 25 p m Trains No. 1 and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statcsville. Stations Western N. C. R. R., Ashcville. and points West. Also, lor Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. ' L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Agenu - . . . - - - -. llMUf. 1 1 - . -. .... rer tallttoEettor Crryor Iadr4 Hair Clare r, ltfk, Maadraat, bUUiafia aad anany oi th Lot mcdictaes knovn at c hct cmav bioed intoartvetitcineef such ne and cScctrrt power, as to nuke the Great cU UooJ Pun6c L tit Best Health aoi Strtagti Restortr Cm Vtti. It cum DrmrLi. RKrumjtLun, f lerplcstncaa, Tl diseases c4 Ue Sumutch, Luai, Livtr, Kidnexa, and aU t etnata ContpUuiti. If rou are wauiaf iy Cotmurf iIoq w any cUcaie ok iSm Tos iC to-day. 1 1 U torety hefpTou. Rctsco-.bcTl it it La upcrK to !Unrr, Fawricra otGui ;rr and oiScr Toomj. as abuLb opthertrra vnhout intaairaiA. joe. aoifi lie, at aU Jr Jen ii dmci. Nnnertmuix without HCnatureof HitTx tloN Y. Scodlgrofoilat uuwk SAruva w BCTia Tin vovlxm. tux. no longer from Djpep sia, Indigestion, want of Appctite,locsof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to euro nil these diseases. Eoioo,NoTtir.lT ti, illt. Eoym Cmkmical Co. Ceailcaca : Tcr year I K txen a grea t uffrrt from Dj-tppi a. sad toil J get iti relief (havirg trir! every thin; hch wn rCocanjeil rd) u;l. aciiar oo the arict of a friend, who h4 bee benefitted hf BamK laox liirrars.1 tned a botlJe, wUh mct turvnMog mailt, rrertotu to tiling Laowa't I bom Lmus, every thin I ate distressed nc, asd I autfrrcd cready trots a Lurnieg tematioa in the toakxh. which was tuibearatle. Slace tak ing Btown't Irnon iXirrvas, aU aay troubles r at aa end. Caa eat asy time without sny d.iatrceabl re sults. 1 ( prartically aacx&er Snoa. Mrs. W. J. Fltxw. v JIiTexu.' St C Castt-a. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS ccts like n charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Last ing the food, Belching Heat In tho Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or giv headache. Sold by all DrugSal. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. l.e that a. Ircit Tistert ara a4e y L-wb Oteoucjkl Co.. Daltuaoee. aad -tave erased red lutes al traIc. DEWARE OF IMITATIONS duffer Hare won the aJjiirition of rvrnr rvr- Lide wearer who hx used them. They stand unmralied in their splendid repu tation. Our testimonials are from Cor ernors. Senators. Legislators and from the most distinguished men in all branches o! science who hare had their sight improved by their use. Unprecedented kales Everywhere. Orerwhelminf iMttmnn . " W J in favor of their suoerioritr. Therfin be worn any length oi time at one sit- -. - . un, ana ve nstonisniu clearness 01 vision, either br candle or by other arti ficial lights. Mr. Hawkes not only has the best glasses, but carefully examines the eve oi each natient. and tM in;- pensible advice as to the proper selec tion Ol classes, hat hill an emerirnrr ol eighteen years in this branch o! sci ence. Hawko'8 Patent Kxtcnsion SPRING EYE GLASS Tho Finest in Existence. And arc recommended bv the mtin! laculty throughout the country. No pressure Droducintr inltation. Nn dm. gcr oi cancer that is sometimes the re- . . f - a a au.i oi wearing cmer eye-glasses, rest ing with ease upon any nose. FROM THE GOVERNOR OF LOU ISIANA. Eaton Rogue. La,, Jan. aj. 18S6. To Mr. A", k. Ihu kr!)f q;.. r . " kM . A lleiire tr trt:K tr ihm rrr.l . :;. of jour Crstalucd Lenses. They com- "'"Cfc1"' wmiancy wnn soltncss and pleasantness to the the eye. more than any I have ever lound. S. D. McEnery, Governor ol Louisiana. FROM GOVERNOR IUELAND, OF TEXAS. To Mr. A. 11 Hawkes Dear Sir It gives me pleasure to' say that I hare been umg your glasses lor seme time past with much satisiaction. For clear ncss. soilness and for 'all purposes n ihr;?e!dfclheyare nCt surP by any that have ever worn. I would recomi mend them to ali who want a suDerior glass. Respectfully vours. SOpCn0r John Ireland. FROM GOV. S. 1. HL'OHES ARKANSAS. OF Crjsu.ucd Lenses for some months. I vcr usccf ,hcnuhJ.tgbsses I hare ecrustd. S:mcm IMIusrhes. Governor ol Arkansas. rnMil:XtrV W" I;' MILLER. lin,V. iwjLe.5rr Cryalixed Un- ses 01 s them vi r"ur quAiity. having worn sreat satisfaction. -iovcrnor of Arkansas. ONE FROM xi 1 r ni.NT.ti INSTLTUTK FOR THE rll, J' K IIawk-lJear Sir : I take ule a? "in- our .Spec' cie ana rutcnt nn ... 1 1 . C?.th inZ m5 ?o read the finest r"i iin case and comlort. F rank Rainey, M. D. AU eves filfrrl anrt tU t. . , nt the drug store of Callum Dros. & Co every pair warranted. A SPEOIPIO FOR EPILIPST. SPISUS. COITUISICIS, F1UJI3 SICDESS, ST. THUS CJLKCE. UXH2HCUS11 CHCH L4TIH3, STFEILUS, SCECFUU, HISS ETIL CSLT ELCCO C1SUSES, DTXFEPSLL KEETCUSXESS, SICK BODICEE, EEECMATISlCKEETCOS WEHXESS. EEETCDS FESSTElTICJt, CRUX ICEHT, ELCC3 SOEES, BaiouiiEss, ccsnraEss, DDIET TEGU3LES H3 !EEETJULEmES. D$1.50 per bottle at drusts.' Tls Dr. S. i. Elcirni VLiL, Ci, Prrrx. Ct. 7ct2v. a Co. (f) CorrctpocdcBc tntlj axrcrrd hy 4yaklax Tor Unizxmlila tad clrrulara xad ausp. c x. ctnnnoi, itu Ttrt. CDHQUEROn Direct Trade. Xrridt-m Is tUm Jumd fmmrttrt ftk wtU fr Sitrr-rUld Varr,mmd ka li.m mmmmfart urm Chneller; L tmj, Tm S mmd m ffrm t m rirty f kr ZZrrci mJU STJLXDJ.IXiA2iTZCZ.21X fer nrf fit 10 r?.fs 0rJcrrieft: tmm is f j Greensboro, N.C.

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