.. Greensboro Almanac Sun rises 4:14. Sun sets 7:09. Moon rises 10:31. Old newspapers for sale at this office at 25 cents per hundred. J8 Capitalists who wish to make investments in North Carolins lands, are invited to correspond with the editor of the Morning News. Savings Bank meeting to night at the Court House, at 8 o'clock, sharp. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever." See Sample Brown's show - windows. Hon. John 8. Henderson, of Sal isbury, will deliver the literary ad dress at Concordia College com mencement. Editor Roberson, of the Charlotte Chronicle, spent yesterday in this city. We were not surprised to hear from him that the Chronicle is in a prosper ous condition. Rev. Mr. Stubbs, Rector of St. Barnabas" Episcopal church went down to Raleigh last night to attend the Episcopal Convention which con venes in that city to-morrow. We have received the handsome circular of the Atlantic Hotel, of More " head City, setting forth the new and varied attractions, for this year, of this neliRjnrul summer resort. Pure candy is wholesome, but adulterated stuff one-third lerra alba is highly injurious to health. Read the announcement. of the Greensboro Candy Company in this day's paper. Messrs. C. D. Benbow and C. H. Doughty, of this city, delegates to the Crand Lodge of Odd Fellows, went down to Raleigh on the freight last night to be present at the organization to-day. Yesterday afternoon we were vis ited by a terrific thnnder storm, and the rain poured down in torrents. The lightning was very severe, but if any serious damage was dune we did not hear of it. The Cora Van Tassel Dramatic 2- j im-iivvvi jr voiviuaj (a weeks engagement in the city of Charleston, after which the company will make another tour of North Carolina. -Henry Clay Bruce, colore!, has been detected in robbing a store at New Supply, of letters, stamps, &c, and has acknowledged his guilt. He is under arrest and in a bad way. We got this item from the Wilmington Review. Miss Mattip. UnnUnc HU fell . name of the young lady who was burn ed to "death by the kerosine. explosion in Salisbury, on Sunday, and whose remains passed through this citv yes terday morning on the way to Graham for interment. Mr. G. Will Armfield got home yesterday from his trip to the northern cities, and. besides having a good time generally, in visiting places of interest, he bought a large and beauti ful stock of goods for his wholesale and retail trade. A German writer gives this as a remedy for inflammatory rheumatism, of which malady he was cured in two ua)a : majce a soup ot the stalks and roots of celery, cut the celery in to bits, boil it in water till soft, then serve warm on pieces of toasted bread; drink the celery water. . The Argus in speaking of the many improvements now being made in Willowdale" cemetery at Golds boro, aptly says, "nothing gives a stranger a better opinion of a com munity than to see proper care and attention paid to the home of the dead." Is Green Hill what it should be? The third Sunday in this month the 15th instant has been set apart by the Methodist Church in this Stateas "Children's Day," and it is expected that appropriate services will be held in all the churches, and a collection taken up to aid in the establishment of Sunday Schools in destitute localities. The ladies of the Baptist Church request us to announce, that the Coffee House will be open from 12 o'clock noon to-day, to enable those attend ing the Memorial Exercises to obtain refreshments, and at the same time assist them in a good cause, the finishing of their house of worship. They will serve strawberries with real cream. Ic-cream of various flavors and .cake of all kinds. 1 Grand Secretary Donald Bain, having issued an oider for the pur pose, the Masonic Grand Lodge of North Carolina will assemble at Smithfieid, Johnston county, to-day, for the purpose of laying the corner stone and unveiling the Confederal monument erected to the memory of the heroes who fell at the battle of Ben tons ville. A great crowd will be in attendance. . It is a pleasure to note new enter prises, and especially in the manu facturing line, and it gratifies us to be able to say that Messrs. Peterfish & Gibbs, two energetic young men of Staunton, -Va., have leased Houston Bro's vacant 100m, in - which tfiey will open a cigar factory in about ten days. These young men come highly recommended, and are expert at the cigar business. They are just such men as succeed wherever they go. Suc cess to them. MKJIORIAL. EXBKCISES TO-DAY. PROGRAMME. The procession will ba formed promptly at 9 o'cldck at the Court House and proceed to Green Hill cemetery in the following order ; Greensboro Cornet Band. " Fire Companv. Masons, Odd Fellows. Knights of the various orders, Teachers and Pupils of G. F. College and other schoois. In carriages will follow Soldiers cf the late war, Ma'or and City Council Orator of ihe Day and Miniseis, Ladies of Memorial Association, citi zens in carriages and on foot. Prayer at the cemetery by Rev. E. W. Smith. Music. DecOration of graves. Benediction by Rev. G. F. Smith. The procession will then return to the Court House and hear the address of the Orator of the Day, J. M. Leach, Jr., of Lexington. The following young gentlemen are requested to act as assistant marshals: S. L. Aldeiman. Marshall - Williams, D. Schenck, Jr., W. T. Chichester, Rob't Mebane, and H. W. HoJcombe- The marshals are requested to be present at the Court House square at 8:30 o'clock. C. G. Wright, Chief Marshal. Editor Morning News : We notice with much pleasure the announce ment of a Farmers' Institute, to be held in the City of Greensboro on the 20th and 21st instant. We hope that every township in Guilford county will be strongly represented by en ergetic, wide awake farmers on thr.t occasion, and organize a Farmers' Association of Guilford county, and through it every township in the county into clubs. It would, no doubt, result in great good to the farming interests of the county. Wi'.l our county papers be so kind as to publish this call, and urge upon !Jieir farmer readers its importance ? Many Farmers. Is St a Genuine Volcano ? Nogales, Ari.. May 7. Parties from Sonora reported a volcanic eruption three days ago. thirtv-five miles southeast of Magdalene, and that great volumes of smoke and lava are being thrown out. From the position of the fire, which is distinctly seen from several stations on the Sonora Railrord, it is supposed to be in the Sierra Azul Mountains. Therepoited volcano in the Whetstone Mountains is a timber fire. NEW STYLES. Lace and tulle bonnets are all the range just at this moment, but those of straw are in preparation. The back of basques is gradually be coming much latger, and may be plain or shirred or cut with bias forms. The new bo inets are heaped with flowers, and have bees and butterflies, emerald beetles and lady bugs upon them. An English lady fashion writer says that hoods should extend below the waist like a Watteau pleat. Watteau. by the way, is a Watteau pleat ? B . CERTAINTIES. ''Before the Throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal." Hev. iv. 6. On the glassy sea of green, Flooded with God's noontide keen, Can there be for sin a screen ? Omnipresence none can flee; Flight from God to God must be. Evermore with God must I Dwell in strife or harmony; Evermore my changeless past Gaze on me out the vast; Thou art first and Thou art last. Oh ! if now before Thy face, In Thy brightness I had place, With the past unscreened from me. Thou from whom I cannot flee, How could peace abide with me? Since from Thee In heart estranged If this instant Irunchanged, ' Where in Heaven, Thou, God, dost know. Highest Heaven were deepest woe, I and it are variant so. God. O God ! Thy likeness give In and of Thee let me live; God, O God ! for sin atone, By Thy love awake my own I must face Thy great White Throne Joseph Cook.. To-day ! f I" Cream, (pure cream); Ice Cream for farm lies; Ice Cream for festivals Milk Shakes 5c; Shaker Lemonade 5c; Soda Water 5c; Oranges. Lemons Bananas, Apples, and strictly nure home-made Candy. . . " iwmio Greensboro Candy Co byiiiUfuniL ffl. . CALLUBj Has Removed to the Old Postoffice Building Opposite The Bsnbow House, South Elm Street, lie Keeps Consf.mtlv on Hand Hams, Breakfast Strips, Tongues, Fish. ALL KINDS Canned Goods CIGARS '& TOBACCO. All Brands X . Jf all Cn's CIGARS. Fruits of all Kinds in season, consisting in pa;tof BANANAS, ORANGES, Lemons, Szct A Full Stock of Fancy mi I have a cool cellar for keeping all kinds of Meat and Fruits. All Goods guaranteed and sold at a living profit. - Yoors, anxious to please, M. K. CRLLUM. Our Prices Tell The. Tola, In spite of the oft-repcated complaint of hard times, vc have been doing a fair amount of business since the weather turned warmer. When there is any trade going on at all, we get a liberal share, and the big majority of buyers, is with us, because we keep the goods they want, and because our prices convince them that they can save Money by dealing with us. We try to make it to the interest of the people to trade with us to have them so well pleas ed with the goods they buy that man who buys one of our $10 all give us another call when he needs he finds that other houses sell the Wc sell Jeans and Cottonadcs wards, and have this season a very full line of Cassimercs for Suits and Pants, ranging from 50 cents t$ 1.2.5. Among the goods we arc pushing this week are White Dress Goods, Embroideries and Laces, an elegant line of Lawns,- Batistes and Sattcens, and a large'stock of all kinds of Worsted Dress Goods. . - In our. Clothing Department we Square-Cut Sack Suits in light more money, but wc bought them Wc have a. nice line ot Double-breast pood enough for any occasion. straw bands you see worn on the We sell a nice pair of Lace Curtains, three and a half yards long for $1.25; better ones for more money. "Straw matting at 15, IS. 20 cents and upwards. But you cannot realize how far a lit tle money goes nowadays unless the goods we offer so low this week will all be gone by next; be wise in time and call early and often. SAMPLE S. BROWN. MARRIAGE. " Mr. Q. WILL ARMFIELD Is now in the Northern Markets buying (he ' wotMiu trousseau. MONDAY, MRY 2, 1887. i Eockbottom Lowjirice, AT HOME AFTER WEDNESDAY mav ru .co. . too. At G. WILL ARJIFIELD'S Black and Gold Front South Elm Street, Greensboro', N. C. , ' The pnpliuarc cordially invited. ApM the ,Vjncc the Batiste, the Seersucker, the PasmenU ks the OH nt ' hVv" rfli Torchon, the Hamburg, the Intili. t?c T.Sir .'k elve,S ,he Wi-ion, . I.e Jerseys, tlfc Cor,e,i. Saia lh others. UsriEK.s-Mois Pi.i U. Sheeting and W !, , miny CF.RKMONIKS-Mircin LowWn. 5 C"Un' MASTER OF MILLINERY AT Great Reduction Owing to die search. .r ... uic tumpciie'i 10 i.iier iur entire stock of Millinery and Fancy G ds a little above cost. Those w'ishirg anylhinc in our li:ie will d.i well tf r--.il -. ii J. 9 ' J 0 V amine our goods .s they are ficsli and MRS. M. V. UIN'GHAM. Weft Market Street. Tn.dcn Building. N. P. EASLEY, Builder & Contractor, GREENSBORO. N. C. Is prenarcd to 'make contract fnr buildings ol all kinds, frame or brick. Also, will contract tor the building ol Ijririges &c. Satisfartion guarcnteed, and relerenccs given whn required. , HARPER'S PEROD'CALS. f Per Year : harper's Magazine $ od 1 . ... ...... w. tlAKl'hKS WtEltLY a oo Harper's Bazar - m Harper's Young People .." a oo UAjtrtKb r KAXKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY une rear (S3 Numbers) i.qo they will be sure to call again. A wool Cheviot Business Suits," will clothing again; especially when same suits for $2.50 more money. at 8, 10, 2 15 cents and up have just opened a nice line of colors at $S 00. They arc worth low and want them to sell fast Prince Albert Suits at $20.00 Those nobby straw hats with streets arc from BROWN'S. you call and sec us. Some of Greensboro, Enterprise. No. lo GIGAR FACTORY, GREENSBORO. N. C. Our Ciar-arc manufactnrrH f the very best Imported; and Domestic tobacco! Among our most ch..ice brandt we mention the following: DOSADK OHO. J.K.HALLS Go's : . FI.ORDB A 1.51.1, PUIlKJiPA.tlM!. IMM.MFIVK POItAQlMRTCtt nipPLtn. 2 f v mi 5; THE Morning News By J. S. Hampton. GREENSBORO, N. C. AN INDKlKNDK.T l'DLITICAL, NEWS AND COMMERCIAL JOUHNAL, Devoted to the lest intt rests ct J THE CITY OF GREENSr.07.0 and of North Caroling pncnlly. The Morning News w.i: givr The Very Latest Jews From all parts of the World; The very latest From all CoxncrcLil cams; THE PROCEEDINGS or CONG HESS Parliaacnls, Lciiatsrc ' CONNTIONS and all ether deliberative Mits. THE MORNING STAR. A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. IUBL1SHKt7 ha if V M $7. 00, per annum, 1.00 A... AW oim juonins. THE OLDEST D AIL T LV THE STATE ,' TUT U'Pi:vr i'vtu $1.50 a Year, $1.00 Gmos. full and Bellabl Market Re ports. The latest News. Io!iiical and General. irorn an parts oi the Work!. Con flensed and Arranged in the most Atlractire Form. Advertising Rates Rczscnlble. Add res. , WM. H. BERNARD, Rlikjr t Froriekjr, "ttlLMINCTOX. N. C

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