THE MORNING NEWS. THE MORNING NEWS. j. s. HAMPTON, Proprietor. Daily, Except, Sunday. R V! KS f F Sl-BSCKIITlfrN, IN ADVANCE '. One Year l.y Mail,, Postage paid, .... six Mi'nih". ;; ;; Three M...nih, u ( fwo MUtl'S OneM"lilli, " 4 00 a 00 1 00 75 40 To citv suWribers, delivered in any-part of the city P22Li:-HZSS' ANNOUNCEMENTS. W ri'lv rti:,cinon!s inserted in Local column at any price. n extra rh.-ire will be made for double-column or tri;te-olu-iin advertisements. All announcements and rocomendations of candi. .Intes for i-lTice, will he charged as advertisements. VJvertis.-'.nts to follow reading matter, or to occujiy ar.- .-.p -cial place, will not be received. - A:nuemen!, and )iTic:al advertisements 50 cts per square f.'f encli insertion. Advei-ii-.-m jnts kept under the head of "New Adverti-emeiits" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. im i:I f ir transient advertisements must be made iii advance. Reaiitance-. imisT be made by Check, Draft, Postal Mrtiiuy )i'J :r, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher-. Uiiikr the. ! a 1 ii "Special City Items," business notice-, will! e inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line o r e fry insertion. THE RAILROADS. A ! K I V ANi DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. l:l llV.i'NN AM) DANVILLE KAILROAD. Ai i ives Iroin Kichmnnd at 9.43 am 10.32 p m ..r Ki at 8.32 a m Q.55 pm N'.HTU CMtOLINA RAILROAD. frie.n Charlotte at Arriv 8.22 a m 9.40 p m I.e.nvi f,.r Charlotte at. . . 9.48 a m 10.44 P m Arrives from Cohlsbi , 9.30 p m 10.20 p m 7.40 a m f. .r C.oldsbnro at... . 9.50 a m 6.00 a m 10.20 p m NoRTll-WF.STEKN N. C. RAILROAD , f rom S:dem at Krrivi . 8.00 a m . 9.24 p m Leaves for Salem at . . 10.00 a m . 10.54 P m C. F. AND Y. V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayetteville at .". 6.15 p m Leaves for Fayetteville at 10.00 a m THE POSTOFFICE. Mails for the North dose at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m ' Charlotte " 9.00 9.00 " Raleigh " 9.00 " Salem " 9.00 9.00 tayettevule " 9.00 The money order and registered letter otTice will Only he open from 800 a. m. to 7 p. m. General Delivery is open from 7 a. m. until 8 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after opening the Eastern night mail. Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m ior half hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. The lock -boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Presbyterian : Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St. Rev. E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greens Baptist : Kev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Green Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. L. Michaux, N. Greene St " J. R. Ball, Spring. St. Episcopal : Rov. A. H. Stubbs. N. Elm St. PRODUCE MARKET. Apples jjreen, per bu Bacon lioi; round l'.ecf Gutter lieeswax ; .. Chicle ens old spring Corn new Corn Meal Dried Fruits blackberries, (jhen ics.... . i.ooai.50 i-aq 5a8 .. ..iSa25 ai8 .. . . 15320 .. . .ioars 5 a 60 6 -a ....... .7 1.3 Apples. .3.-13 Peaches, unpared i-?, a x-a unparea 1-4, a ped 5a9 Feathers. Flaxseed Flour Family . . Superfine Onions Oats Pork Peas Potatoes Trish . Svcu. R-$s Cotton. ... Tallow , 40 .....75 ...4 50 ..a4 00 ..60a 80 ..40345 ... 637 . .6oa75 60 ...50 X .6 Wik1 washed . . . unwashed Wheat 7:. ... ........ 30 20 f iax 35 RETAIL PRICKS OF GROCERIES. Bacon Sides. 1 , HamsJ Shoulders....... Cheese Coffee Rio 5 ..8 19 a-3io PATENTS. Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S. Patent Of fice are invited to communicate with me With confident reliance upon my fidelity to their interests. Kew inventions patented. Old inven tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats filed. Trade marks registered. Prompt attention. SJcilHul service. Moderate charges. Send model or sketch for lree report as to patentability. Preliminary information cheerfully furnished. A. S. .YANTIS, Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents, 816 F Street, N. W Washington, P. C, . PUDU-SIIKL Vol. I THE LATEST NEWS. ir hipped for "General Cussed- '. ntss." Louisville. Mav qa from Corydon, Ind.. to the Post, says: "A man named Thomas Teehv Hv. ing on a small farm five miles south of this place, was taken from hia house last nierht bv an rvrtrnnl 7a tf rn of regulators,-known as the "Knights Of thft Kwifh anil 1 whipped so severely that his life is despaired of. His offence is alleged to be non-support of his family and general worth lessness." -m- . Important Discovery. New York. Mav 9. Thorns a Eddison, who has returned- from Florida, says that he made experi- melius wuiie aonin, wnicn convince him that telegraphing through water without the aid of a wire, will ulti mately be made possible, so that, for iioiautu, snips wjvenu miies apart ai sea, may communicate with one an other. Sentenced. mt. holly, N. J., May 9. Wil liam Agnew who was convicted of murder in the second degree for kill ifeatTa"mvraa?fo dav twu vdok.1 ing his wife sentenced labor for twenty years. female Tramps. Baltjmore, May 9.-A six davs V Walking match for iemaie contestants, was begun at Keenan's Monumental Theatre at 11:30 this morning. There were ten starters. it-wuiLif- iiinipsranrs nraa ruimin i Trumpeil with the Jlce. Columbia City, Ind., May 9.- C. W. Weich, a saloon keener, died of heart disease Saturday, while playing cards with a party of friends. He had just flourished in the air an ace with which he was about to take up a trick, and when his hand struck A ? 1 1 the table he was dead. FislicufT Editorial. Atlanta! Ga.. May 9. A. M. Gardner, editor of the Atlanta World. and H. J. Whittemore. of the Gate City Guards, quarrelled vesterdav wnne aiscussing ine recent nght be- tween editor Atwood. of the CafiitoL ana coi. isunce, oi tne Guards. Mr. Gardner defended Atwood, and Mr. The Interminable R 9f O. Deal. New York, May 9. Interest in the Baltimore and Ohio deal has been revived by the story that a meeting of the Baltimore and Ohio directors will soon be held, at which the resignation of several of the pres ent directors will be received, and their places niied by members cho sen by the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, Lake .brie and Western, and Richmond Terminal Companies. There is some hitch in regard to the Louisville, New Albany and Chi cago, and another road joining the system, but outside of this plan, is said to be complete for the use , ot the Baltimore and Ohio as a thorough line to Philadelphia, and thence to New York, as soon as the extension can be built. Several directors of the roads named have been questioned in regard to the story, and they admit that it is practically true, but that the minor details have not yet been arranged. Robert Garrett, C. E. Brice, Sam'l. Thomas', Henry S. Ives, George Ise ney, Alfred H. Sully and George H. Stayner are mentioned as among the members of the syndicate buying control of the road, but it is said that some of thetn will only have but a slight Interest in it. Jflore II in sr ham Bosh. Little Rock, Ark., May 9 The report that Bingham, the deaf and dumb murderer of Lizzie Turlington, of Baleigh. N. C-. was hiding in the deaf mute institute here, is unfound ed. Some of the teachers who know Bingham, believe that he is being kept in a private asylum in New York by his friends. Another Royal Visitor . New York. Mav 9.Prince Leo pold, ot Prussia arrived this morning, from Rochester, and took rooms at the Albemarle Hotel. The train was two hours late, and the loyal Germans, who got up early to meet the train, grew somewhat impatient. He was accompanied hy Baron Rosen igg and the Count of Kanitz. M. M. Janisch. ot the German legation, at Washing Ion met the Prince and escorted him to his apartments in the hotel. He speaks English fluently. He will sail for England, on Saturday, in the steam er Eider controversy ended in a fist fight, the with which they were deliverd. J1 aei., 5iVtirlul,e.K!! horo: result of which was a bad v battered And it is cenerallv conceded that "r.--V::r::'J r.Vrrrvr' . face for Mr. Whittemore andthear- the body of delegates the Convention ISKS ' VraTn No 78 on Satu? boro. rest of both men. The prisoners embraces more scholarship, eloquence di"beinI ruJ ove? while atef on were soon afterwards released. and ability than any previous assem- gj' "slies evident een i u i ... TV aiu WAV WA!s DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITT Greensboro, N.C., Wednesday, Mry 11, 1887. Preacher Poisoned. Louisville. Ky. May 9. Rev. J.W. Maxwell, of the Holiness Band church, is quite, ill from the effects of arsenic contained in a glass of lemonade which he fourro" on his pulpit Friday night and drank. He savs thnt ; th fourth time an attempt ha3 been made "IS IMC. ?eir ISSUe. special to the Evening Post says : The - , ' J y 1 ' swiii urn I micr-oiaie commerce Commission has had a new problem submitted to it, namely : Whether the railroads can discriminate against color and force men who pay first-class fare to lide in separate cars. The case has been sub mitted to the Commission, on com plaint of Rev. William H. Councill. of numsviue. Aia.. a colored Methodist preacher. He paid first-class fare. was ejected from a regular coach, and was injured. His lawyer claims that the complaint does not come within the decisiouof the United States Supreme Court in the civil rights case because the Inter-State law comes within the plain provisions of the Federal Con -stitutiou. In too Mlisr a Hurry! C'CAGo. .r 9-A special to .he During the afternoon session of the Lutheran Evangelical Svnod at Boon- ville, Phillip Gyer, a wealthy citizen of jviount Auburn, Ohio, who was pres ent as a delegate, leu. as it was sup- )i . . mdns were hurriedly nrenared for bu poea, aeaa irom apoplexy. I he re- . .. . - .. . nai ana snipped to the home of the deceased. Ten hours after the sud posed death, the remains arrived there. the coISn, declared he had heard the dead man kick against the box three or four times, and that it did not han dle like dead weight. He sucjrested an examination, but it was objected to bv lhe gentleman who accompanied the'remains. Word was sent to the ?hief of P,ice of Cincinnati, and the information was telegraphed that on the coffin beincr opened the man was lying on his face, his shroud was torn, and there were ether indications coiner to show that Gyer had come to lile af ter having been placed in the coffin. The Southern Baptists. Louisville, May s.Lvcry Piotestant puiPlt ,n ine Clly io-aay except in the Epjscopal Churches, was filled by a oapist preacner, ootn night and morn- wg- Mnny of the Sermons were not- blage in the history of the Southern Church. It is now thought that ad . I t . rw journnieni win De ratten oy luesday afternoon, when the delegates will participate in a grand excursion to the Mammoth Cave. Yctcs by Telegraph. youngstown. unio, May o. A pri vate letter received here to-day from a well-known gentleman at present liv ing in Halle, Germany, says that the announcement has lust been made there of the engagement of the daugh ter of Bsyard Taylor and a young offi cer named Otto Killiani, who is at tending medical lectures at Halle. It is said to be a genuine love match. The marriage will be celebrated at Halle during the summer. Kalliani is without fortune or family connec tions. London, May 8. Dispatches from Madrid say that rumors are current there that a party ot filibusters has landed in Cuba. After a suspension of tour years, work has been resumed on the Hud son tunnel at New York. The tunnel will be used by all railroads which now terminate at Jersey City, the trains of which will run through it to the Union depot, in the vicinity of Washington souare. New York. The dwellirfg of Leonard Robinson, a wealthy farmer near Marshall, III. was broken into on Thursday night last, in the absence of the family, and robbed of so ooo in cash. Mr. Robin son always distrusted the banks, and kept his monsy secreted on his premi ses. Charles-E. Locke, manager of the National Opera Company, has brought suit against the New York Times on behalf of the company for libel. Dam ages laid at $50,000. Charleston a Phanix. "Has Charleston recovered frcm the effects of lhe earthquake ?"' "Yes, almost completely. It looks like a new town, so well is it built up. Some insist that the earthquake has been a blessing to the town, as it forced all the old fogies to put up new buildings. We would not have put up a new building ourselves had not the earthquake cracked our old ones and compelled us to. Posy trimmings for hats continue fn hf t.hi nrettiest stvlo vet seen here: the artistic bow which fastens the stems of the flowers together is a very essential part of their beauty. OP GRKEMSBORO, AND OF THE 8 STATE. FASniOIV NOTES. ; Fancy Russian net In color. Is the stylish veil. Pidue. in white and color. stvlUh for ladies vests. Chinese silk handkerchief trim children's shade hats prettily. ' r.rarf nA 1 ,L. "J f wiuv uuu uueue Wfiut Uix; lilt uvorite shades In straw. Straw lnt !a iia1 n a trtmm!nn,.n artmA T.'vwf f ,t 4. itL 1 ------- m itii4iiiii: V7 1 urics. Puffed sleeves will be tried this season; they were not successful last season. A soft white eirdle of trulltnl silk is worn by young girls with very be- ujuiing eneci. The blouse -basque Is a novel tv in waists, which promises to be very 8tyHsn K young girls. Turbans with crowns of straw lace are stylish, and axe to be much woru for dressy headgear. In some of the new fabrics the sel vage is used as a trimming, or at least as a finish in neck and sleeves. The high collar, wrist bandit, and belt of fancy jets, are in sets, and lend 10 a simple costume a very dressy effect. The stylish chamois skin iackets are for summer wear, otherwise they are pretty with seaside costumes. They, are washed easily if the but tons are taken off. Black silk or Sea Island cotton stockings are worn with fashionablo low-cut patent leather shoes which are so generally worn as the weather gets warmer. The kerchief-rest; is the latest, and is altogether a noveltv in this line. It soon in place, and has the effect of being a kerchief knotted carelessly at the waist. STiTE JWEirs. W ilmington Review: The woik of erectinc; the necessary kitchen on the Canaday field for the use of the mili tary encampment has already been commenced. Washington Process: Enormous catches of herring are reported from Koanoke river the past week. Our nsnermcn on tne ramlico arc meeting .... . . c with splendid success this season, the catch being larger than for many years past. The cattle show takes place in Ral eigh on Thursday. The North Caro lina Yearly Meeting of Friends will convene mis year ai tiign mini on - . i ir- ocnuy asieep der the influence of liquor. The Progress is the name of a new paper just started at r-ndfield by ex-Con gressman fas. b. U Mara, colored. It advocates Repnblican ideas and is strongly in favor of a well regulated tariff for protection. It is published weekly. A colored man named Wm. Lindsay, while engaged in coupling two cars, at Grant's Brick Yard on Saturday evening, was so fearfully crushed that he died from his injuries a few hours later. Dr. M. L. Kobin- son attended the unfortunate man. but could do nothing for him but to light en his agony. Goldsboro Messenger. Maj. Wm. A. Smith, of Johnson who is probably as well known as any man in North Carolina, has become a joint proprietor with Capt. J. B. Edger- ton in the conduct of the Gregory House in Goldsboro. Several thous and dollars worth of new furniture has been added to the house and it will be otherwise improved. The Major has moved his family to Goldsboro and oc cupies his private residence there. Raleigh Visitor. It is claimed, and with good reason. that the population of Wilmington will approximate 25.000. ine total num ber of registered voters in the city, as shown by the recent scrutiny of the lists made by direction of the County Commissioners, is over 5.000. The last census, which gave Wilmington some 17,000 population, it is well known was grossly inaccurate. Shortly after it was taken it was ascer tained that there were 1.600 tax-pay ers whose names were nt on the census takers lists. Wilmington Star. In Full OlUKt t Our Feed stoie is now in full blast and we can supplv you with Shipp Stuff. Bran. Meal, Flour, Corn. Oats. &c. at reasonable prices. We also handle Western Bacon. . C. Scott & Co Notice. The citizens of Market street are re quested to attend a meeting Thursday evening, at 5 o'clock, in Hendrix Bro.'s new building, up stairs, lor ihe purpose of changirg the name of Market St., for a more appropriate one. May 11. 2t Citizen. ToHlay! Ice Cream, (pure cream); Ice Cream for families; Ice Cream for festivals; Milk Shakes 5c: Shaker Lemonade ;c.; Soda Water 5c; Oranges, Lemon", nanas. Apples, and strictly pure. home-made Candy, iwraio Greensdpro Candy Co. No. 101 That iceline of weariness so often experienced in the spring, results from a sluceish condition of thr h! which, being impure, does not quicken with the changing season. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. by vitalizing and cleans ing the blood, strengthens and in vigorates the system. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. The largest and sweetest flavored Bananas in the city. Laree iuicv An- ples, Roman beauties. Real fresh creamery Butter, pure maple Syrup. .Momaja notice ana other lancy Grocer ies. RPAKD BROS, Flour " A Big Lot ! We have all srrades of Flour. Oar "White Pear!" and -Sil ver Cro wn" Flours cannot be beaten. Try a sack. Also, Meal. Shipstuff. Corn, &c ap22tf Houston- Bros. IVotioo. Five lots with buildincs on them. two vacant lots. There are four nev er-failing wells on the property. This oiock ironts on three streets. Wash ington. Davie and Swaim. The prop crty can be bought on reasonable terms. M. T. Hughes. Aycrs Pills are the best cathartic for correcting irregularities of tne stomach and bowels. Gentle, yet Ihorough in their action, thev cure cot-stipati jn. stimulate the appetite and digestive organs, and strengthen the svsteru. ForSSale. nrsi ciass. hart pine. shaved shingles, call on W. R. Land. Star W arehouse. Wood loi- Snle, I have at South Buffalo, two miles soulh of town a lo: of two fo it wood corded, seasoned and for silc there. 3t. D. W. C. B f.n now. Asa hair dressing and renovator, Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally com mended. It eradicates dandruff, cures eruptions of the scalp, invigorates ad beautifies the hair, and prevents its fading or turning gray. 11 1 1 9 mm Room Enough for All. Mr. D. E. Thomas' old bui:dmsr. 1 1 1 v. 1 1 was removed irom me corner near thjc Market and put at the lower end of the long building opposite the bt.u Wareh use. has been nicely fitted up ior Mr. S. II. Bullock. w!. nas made .oi:ie notoriety ftjrkcrpio- god e:itiblts. Hereafter this house will be ca'led the -National II -id Several rooms aie furnished forooaid ers to sleep in and afier this date ready meals can be had at all hours. Mr. N. B. Short, who ctKjked so lonjj ! ir Capt. Hawkins' eating house, has been employed to do the cooking, hs needs no rcc jmmendation. 1115 mi Caps Fear & Yadkin Kallej Hailroal Co. Taking ejfeel 6.03 A. M., M outlay. April IS, 1887. TKAl.N NOKTH. Pass and Freight Mail. & Pass. LVe Bcnnettvillc Arrive Maxton j 8.45 am, 1.30 p m 10.00 - ;3 35 pm Leave Maxton '4-to pm Arrive Fayetteville .'12.05 Pm 7 5 P Leave Fayetteville. J 12.20 " ' 10 a m m Arrive banlord ; 2.25 Leave Sanford 1 2.45 f Arrive Greensboro.. 6.15 2 46 pm 3 3 " 9 00 l-eave ureensboro... 10.15a in Ar've Walnut Grove 12 50 pm' TRAIN .SOUTH. Ui'i'u-r it Jimfor.L Pass and Mail. reieht & Pass. Leave Walnut Grve Arri e Grcensloro. Leave Greensboro . Arrive Sanford Leave Sanford I.50 pn 4-30 " 10.00 am 7.33 am i.3opm 2.00 pm '55 j 3.00 pm Arrive Fayetteville.' 4 10 Leave Fayettevi le. . 4 25 Arrivv.- Maxton 6.20 Leave Maxton 630 Arrive B.nnettvil'e 745 I 6.45 pm ; 600 am . 9.22 am .10.15 am .12.20 pm Factoiy Branch Freight v. Passenec Train rnf-virj; north. ! Invin mrvi: aon!-. L,v Miliborn, 7 45.rr. Ia Gr.ic.b'o3 00pm Ar Grcnslo 9 31 .im ; Ar MillU-ro 7 (Q pm Fr.ijlil acvl Peiit:er Tria ich U- twnn Fa.e:tvills svJ It-nn-ttvilte tn MrnJjvn, Vidi4Uy and t ndjt. Freight and Pawmyr Trtiu ruuibctveen FHTetteville r.d GrteLsbr Toliy, Tburuars atil Saturday!, bHeen GroenfcboroanJ Fjtttcvill II u Uy. Wed- nesdnyn and Ftviyp. IVucnvcr aa.l Mail Tr.i'a r Lily ex T: uorth boTi I Tr kiu ui-ikn c!om coo je ti-n at Mwttn-i for al! )CtU. J. W. FRY, General Superintendent. W. E. KYLE, General Pas. Agent For Xlcnt. Two new cottigcs which have four rooms and two pmtrics each, located near Church street. A. Hacan Sc Sox. rw &tw rw tr I s Ttr - n TVw Ly. .... ........ Fcwr lfej ......... .......... rj Fiv tiy. .... . s 0 - - hmW rs - - Two Wfc s CV Md:t .... Contract AJftniwuli ttkvm at ir miiiMilr Tta bMi oitd Noapvrtl typm WkaXt cm i WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE-3 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. .. No. 4$ I No. 40 1 No. 4 Lv We!don..f3 ispmSjSprni 102. ra Ar Rocky Mt 2 33 p mj. Ar Tarboro. 4 ?o d nr. Lv Tarboro. 11 $jpm1., I 1 Ar Wilson.. '4 05 v mo 55 d mj 07 a a Lv Wilson.. '4 15 p m '..... Ar Selma. 40 p m' J ,v. Ar Fayettev. 32 P n! i-vuoids'joro 4 54 p m 7 40 p m 3 55 a ni Lv Magnolia 6 09 p m' t 3S p m' 5 18 am Lv uurgaw..7 00 p m 6 13 a ra Ar Wilming. 7 50 m9 55 p m j 00 a m TMIl5 GOulG NORTH. I Na 4S ! o.47 No. 43 Daily. Daily, j Daily. Lv Wilming. 1 1 40 pm S 50 a m 3 53 p m Lv llurgaw. !........ ,9 34 a n9 50 p m Lv Magnolia 12 52 amio23 am 1042 pm Ar GoMsbor. t 55 a m 11 35 am'n $S am Lv FayettevJ j 00 a m Ar Selma. .. t -9 $S a in' Ar Wilson...! .11 2$ am! Lv Wilson ..'2 32 a m1225 pm 12 51 am Ar RokyMt. !i 00 p m i 27 a m Ar Tarboro. '4 50 p m' Lv Tarlwro -II 30 am! Ar Weldon. .'4 05 a m 2 15 p m 2 45 a m Trains on Scotland Neck Uranch Road leaves Halifax ior Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily except Sifnday. Trains leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albcmarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except Sunday, 6pm.; Sunday $pcu; arrive Williamston, N. C, Siortm, and 6 40 p m. Returning leaves WillUmston. N C. Daily except Sunday. S 00 a m. Sun lay 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 10 o a m, and II 30 a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C, daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith field. N. C, 7 30 a m.. arrive Goldsboro, N. C. 9 00 a m. Southbound train on Wi'son Sc Fayet teville Branch is No. 50. Northward is No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Day Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup't J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Genl Pass. Agent EICIIMOND ANDANVILLE RAIL llOAD. CONDENSED KCI1EDULIL TRAIN'S IlUN IiY MERIDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Mr. I3:h. lvG. No. M. D.ulr. No." 51 DUy. 4 30 pm til! pm 912 p m Leave New York 4 45 n't! Leave rbiUricfpb:. . ..j 7 3 in ueaTtf liAiu iuor--. ; y im! Lm ve W .hL iuj:i . ... 1 1 . 0 am tl 00 pm Ieavj Coar!MbTi;!e. 3 3-1 1 to 1 3 00am Letro L5uchbu:c I 5 50 pro! 503 am Lea Danville j 45 pui ( 8 05am L-nv - Iticuuu j.1 U) d u '2 30 i m L-ave;o U SO am; -J 00 pm Leave tUleigU 5 30 pm 1 00 am Leave DarLam C35u! 237 am Le-vo Hih lViut 1113 13 1 Cam L-ave Sil;Lury tl'i3Jaot' 1123 am lAMre Charlotn. . ..... 2 2 am, 1 CO pm Ltvr s:-itrUu''Uix 5 34 am 331pm Ltaie '.rciuvilto j C 50 atu, 449pm .::::::( 1 20 pm 10 40 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. - 1W. U .L 15. 5 Na 51. , No. vs. I D-ily.j Ddly: COG am: C 25 pm ' 6 41am 801 p m Arrive Carl -lie. ... Sa!ilHiry ... " Hijb Toiul . " irtc,Vcro . . Dar um Ralcla . ... (;l.ttKHO ... 7 5-i am 9 13 pm ...1 8W.-n 9 41 pm ..' 12 47pm 4 45 am . . 1 50 m C3) am ..! 4 45pm 11 SO am ..UC lOoa 11 29 pm ..i 3 5Apoi C 13 m Arnvc D iiT.r. ... Richai-w!. ... Arr:- L'. i cLbarg . 1 15 pea' 2 0J am C'lHiVUaTille V v'.!:uto-a... fl.H.aire 1 3 40 p m' 4 10 Am 823pm! 10 am .. 11 25 rm 10 03 am - I'ntn i.lpLl. . ..' 300am i: 2 35 rm lcrk t CSOpm 3 20 pm Da ly tx.t SCnJaj.' N .W N. C. HAILUOAD. ooino k jcru Na 50. Na 52. a m Lv. SaTeta G 40 p m 6 30 cona yorra No T,l. xt. S.dem II 24 rm i2 SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On train co and 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta aad Yew York, New Orleans and Washington via Dan nv.e. . On trains 52 and 53. Pullman BuOet Sleeper Montgomery and Washington, Aiken ana asnington, via Danville. On trains $2 and 53 Pullman Sleeper m a a a between Kicnmona ana oreensooro, and Greensboro nd Goldsboro. For rates and information apply to any Agent of the Company or lo SOL HAAS. T. M. Jas. L.TAYLOR. Gen. Pass. Agent, Wash ington, D C J

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