Good tlio "Valley Mutual. (Dr. Carter Berkeley, manaeef lor the Valley Mutual Life Association of Virginu, paid fast year to the widows and orphans f North - Carolina" over $73 000 in cash, and to-day paid into the State Treasury $1,026 34 taxes. ,Vwj tmd Observer t April. 10, 1887! ' The Va!ley Mutual Life Association ( I Virginia 8Vrs lile insurance pure Mid simple, and it is "insurance that insures.' It is not encumbered and complicated with banking and endow- ment anu surrcnuer- vaiue ieaiures, ,,nd one thousand other . schemes which, while they may be well, enough in i heir respective lines, have no more to do with life insurance in its true object, than a pawnbroker shop has to do with a pistoffice. It-issues poli cies t(;r stipulated amounts, payable at death, and at death only, at the low est consistent with perfect security, as w is strikingly 'exemplified, in'the. fol- Aid. Solders. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! C-.n. 1. C. Marauis. of Staunton, is ihc ho-.ier of policy No. I, in the Val-lf-v Mutual. The Dolicv. which is for 1.000. was issued September 2d, '78. ( apt. M. was then 51 years of ae The total cost of this policy, up to November 23d, 1886, .eight years and two months, has been .$122 70. or an average of $15 04 per year. The same amount of insurance, -under the level premium or old-line systemr for the same time, non-participating policy, wou Id have costCaptr Marquis $293 93, or $4.1 99 per year,much more than double the cost 'of his policy in the Valley Mutual, which difference,' in vested annually at six per cent would amount to $239 7 1. J ; The Valley Mutual is one' of the sohdest institutions of its kind--an in stitution which, unlike the prophet, has ijreat h nor in its. own country as well as abroad. Atlanta- Avalanche. Messrs. Berkeley & Arnall are the managers of the. Southern Depart ment. Offices. Raleigh, 6y2 Whitehall street; AUa j -Lorenzo A. Bailey, Agent, Greensboro, N. C, If you want anything in the line ot Staple or fancy Groceries, Canned Goods Baking Powders or Tea. Call on J. W. Scott & Co. Scrofula Is one of the roost fatal scourges which afflict mankind. It is often inheritedbut maybe the result of improper vaccination, ., mercurial poisoning, uncleanliness, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con sumption, resultT from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I inherited a scrofulous condition of the ; blood, which caused a derangement of my whole system... After taking less than four bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found it necessary to uso any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and1 stronger, than ever before. O.,. A. "Willard, 218 Tremout st., Boston, Mass. - I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores -for five years ; but, after using a few -bottles of Aver's Sarsaparilla, the sores healed, and I have now gooa health. Elizabeth Waruock, 54 -Appleton street, Lowell, Mass. ; ; Some months ago t was troubled with Scrofulous Sores on my . leg. The limb was badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matter. Every remedy failed, until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of this medicine the .sores have been entirely healed, and my health is fuUy restored. I. am grateful for the ; good this medicine has done me. Mrs. Ann O'Brlan, 158 Sullivan st., New York. The Best Paints are Always the Cheapest. Wc have in store, and to arrive this week, four tons of Paints. -Wc-have theexclu sive control of the sale of the Allentown.'Pa., Manufacturing Go's strictly pure READY -MIXED OIL PAINTS, and George P. Wethcrcll & CoTs ATLAS READY-MIXED PAINTS. Have all colors. The above paints are the standards in the United States and none arc better. Each can has a guarantee upon it that if they rub, crack, peel, or in "any other way fail to give satisiaction, we agree to repaint for. nothing. To . those who coutcraplatc painting we ask a share of their patronage, and would be pleased to have them call and get sample shades and see the inducements we offer, before bu3;ing. " We will 'certainly make'it to their ad vantage, and guarantee satisfaction in every instance. The paints above mentioned will re- tarn ineir giossy nnisn ana win wear neany twice as long as any.oiner mixeu paints, not excepting the best brands in. the.. market.- We i desire to make no extravagant representa tions to-encourage patronage. We present these paints as reliable, guaranteeing all the qualities which are generally recognized as constituting the leading requirements of a'supe rior paint while the advantages of application' and the beauty of appearance will be man ifest at once. We place the greatest stress upon its durability, which time will revealas the mostiraportant feature to the property holder.; We have also a good stock of Lewis' Strictly' Pure White Lead CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. - Office of SurxRixTiLXDEXT, " ) . Wilmington, N. C.,Sept 19. 1SS6. ' ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and alter this date, the folio wis? Schedule will be operated or this Rail- roao. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS . TRAIN. Daily Excxpt Suxdat. - ) Leave Wilmington at.. 7.40 p.m rio. 1 vt-eave Kajetgis at... ...7 00 pm ) Arrive at Charlotte.... 6 $5 am ) Leave Charlotte at. ...845 p m N0.2V Arrive at Raleigh at... 9 00 am " ) Arrive at Wilmington .7 45 a ta LOCAL Frxich Pass. Car "Attached. Leave Charlotte at.. . .. .... .7 40 a m Arrive at Laurinburg at 545 p m Leave Laurinburgat 6 15 am Arrive at Charlotte at .4 40 p m Leave Wilmington at.. 6 35 am Arrive at Laorinburg at. . . . . .4 25 p m Leave Laarinbarg at.........c 15 a m Arrive at Wilmington at 835 p m Local Freirht between Wflmin plan and Laorinburg Tri-Weeklv leaving Wilmington on Mondays. Wednesdays ana r nuavs. ueave j-aannDurg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and Points designated in the Company's Time jTable, Shelby Division. Passeices. Mail, . Express . and Freight. Daily except Sunday. i Leave Charlotte -.1 tc im N0.3I- " Shelby 11. 10 am I Arrive 00 m Leave Ellenboro.....i2 35 p m No. 4 Leave Shelby.. 1 25 p m J Arrive Charlotte 5 25 p ta Trains No. 1 and 1 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and lrorn Raleigh. ' Through Sleeping tars between Wil mington ami Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. I for Statesville. Stations Western N. C. R. R Asheville. and points West. - Also, tor Spartanburg Greenville. Athens. Atlanta and all points South west. " L. C JONES, . . Superintendent F. W. Clark, Gen; Passenger Agent. fry -'izy If mf . - ITtr Falla f BtiUr Cirvr r 1 1 Get x if i - ' .-'ft -x fclBf r, Hacks, Maa4rl, bUlllasU mm4 ouayof tbc best UaeJiateaatedi y fomtn, m 10 make tfc CraM Hood PWbcr a it Bat IcaSk aai Straff Kntartr iw Cm. ltctfISMtm. lUirMii . FW pic . H tfinici tm cx f innMch, lkU, Latn, Lrrvc. kt Tom mr ixn f wy mJi Cuni'('HtJWj ev ttciaroa. Remember 1 kabrtmraitoCtDRv Ymrmm el Giacrr aad otHrr TocuUL as k mmlH BDUMtywrsa wuftont latiMnoaf. 50c M I UttM, Mail dVer JrBfV KaatrtwMMWl ta (nature of Hrco ft C&,N Y. lorctsbt hxM&x aivi5o vt strruta tux rx i n tsn. Avi e r1 s Sarsapa r i 1 1 a, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweU, Maaa. Bold by all Druggiata. Price $1 ; six bottles, $ N OW IN USE 36,989. All persons say theirmods are the best. W ask yon to ex nine our Improved Keller Positive Force FeeMreJa), amine Seed and FertllUiajt Drill and oar Bar fimke.Tfce-- are as rood as the best, and can be sold as cheap. Allaietra ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine Cr-a Newark OhlO Eastern Branch House. Haste tie w jy 1887. iri an)' quantity. Kver painter knows -.what Lewis' Lead is. It is slmpl) the best lead UU tllV IUU1 lV - - 1 VV Vv I VlltI IV.UU We have also a full supply of Thayer & Cambcll's Genuine Itaiv Boiled and Double Boiled LINSEED OIL. The manufacturers of the above oil, as any dealer will tell you, are among the leading oil manufacturers in" the United States. iWc have also a big line of ATLAS READY-MIXED r AYEAR FOR OOAGI AND 0ARE1A6E PAINTS TK2 EAIIiY VH'Q - THE CHEAPES1 DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED, TO 75 Cents A Year THE CHEAPEST- WEEKLY PAPER PUB LISHED, THE SUNDRY ISSUE N ' AND V WEEKLY EBITION DOTH FOR ONE YEAR; FOR v $1;50. The two are cheaper and better than a semi-weekly, as you get one daily is sue and a Aveekly tor 50 cents less . than any semi-weekly paper. " DAILY-'.KN'T FREE TWO WEEKS PAINTS and VARNISHES at the SAME TIME, in-one APPLICATION. This paint is prepared expressly for painting Buggies, Carriages and Wagons. They arc just-what he people need, because they arejCHEAP, DURABLE, CONVENIENT quick- drying. - easily applied, beautiful gloss-finished, and uniform in. color. A quart costing only $1.00 will paint and varnish an ordinary luggy. We also have all the different stains in pint , cans, among them Maple, Eboey, Walnut, Mahogany, Uak,-Cherry, &c ..' We have also in stock Rpd Lead,. Dry White Lead, Dry Chrome, Green chrome, green chrome, Yellow-drop Black, Lamp Black, Vermillion, ind everything that is used in paint ing. Wc arc also expecting daily quite a variety ot Paint Brushes, all kinds of Yarnis Brushes, Painters' Wall Brushes, Kalsomine Brushes, White-wash, brushes. Sash tools, etc We have entered into the Pamt business with the determination of carrying a lull stock and making a success. Wc do not expect to sell all the paint that is used, but wc will sell . all we eau, and hope to sell our share, promising the very, best of goods at the lowest possible price, and, we think, much lower than the same quality of. goods have been sold here before. - : - "-" - Respectfully, ' . . Suffer tio longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetito,l oss of Strength lack of Encrcjy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fall to cure all these diseases. XUow Cjikmicai. Co. - CoiWaa For ytat I Vav ftad cci4 get M relief ifcavUig tn4 w j lio kack M 11 rnM 1. 4) vstiL actlaf M hm dvic of a frtcsd. who Wad bm b tnti hf Caen's Imam Ermn, I trted m boolo, vil mem ryrtoc Mlu. Prrriooa M okic bmam Imam bnrmlcc mmmm ia Uk which tM ubwitit. Siac t lag Baoww'a lacat Errrra, m3 ay tiuUt ara ataa aai. Caacatmay. tiaaa witaoat m7 tftfacTacaUa ra- 1 aai aracticajy nfher Un. w. J. FtTw. jo IXavarick Sc. . Boatom. is: n - 11 r - Mil. uit. mm im - . . - Bjk-.:, .;r ctml lor a " postal card antl Jr I r one nr the other 'on triiil. v THE WHIG, --Richmond, V- AND CALLUM BROS. & CO ; Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils, - BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS ccts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tost ing the food. Belching Heat In the Stomach, . Heartburn, etc. The only - Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Gold by all Drue 3 Ut. a - . - - m Brown Chemical Co. -CalUraor. Md. Utal J ram fintrt mm aaada y Drown Caraa tral Ox., Hahummm, mmd mjkwm caei tad Lacs aa4 Iraa auxk t arr5jr. BEWXnE OP IMITATIONS IUtc von the aJjiFriUoa cr every Spec tacle wearer who has useti them. Ttry ttxnd unriraHed la their tplcadi J repu tation. Oar testimonials arc frcra Gct ernors.' Senators, Lerislalors and frcm the most distinguished taea la all branches ot science who hare had their sight improved by their ose. , Unprcccdeiitcd Sales Everywhere. Oterw helming twtlracy in favor of their superiority. They caa be worn any length. ol time at one slt tin, and jnve asKmishiu clearness cl 6cial lights. " Mr. ilawkes not oaly has the best rlasses, but carefullj the eye o each patient, and circs iadls pensible adrice as to the nrerr lion Of classes, hat-iu' hail ma emrine ol eighteen years in tMs branch o! sci ence. Hawko Patent Extcmica SPRING EYE GLASS The Finest in Existence. And are recommended by the medical taculty throughout the country. No pressure producing inllations. No dan ger d cancer that ts sometimes the re sult of wearing other cye-g!asses, rest ing with ease upon any nose. rKUM Tlifc OUVtR2iOR OF LOU ISIANA. Baton Rpeue. La., Jan. 23. iltS. To Mr. A. K. Ilawkes Dear Sir. I desire to testify to the great superiority ot ) our Crystalued Lenses.- They com- pleasantness to the the eye, more than any 1 have ever sound. S; D. McEcery, . Coremor ol Louisiana. FROM GOVERNOR IRELAND, OF TEXAS. To Mr. A. E. Hawkes Dear Sir It gives me pleasure to say that I hare been using your glasses for some time past with much atislaction. For clear ness, softness and for all purposes n tended, they are not surpassed by any that I hare ever worn. I would recom mend them to a!i who want a superior glass. Respectfully yours. John Ireland. aaaaaaaiaaaaaa FROM GOV. 8. P. HUGHES, OF ARKANSAS. Haring used A. K. Hawke's new Crystalued Lenses for some months. I hare lound them the finest glasses I hare erer used. Simom V. Hnrhcs. GoTimor of Arkansas. FROM EX GOV. AV- R. MILLER. I find Hawke's new Crystalued Len ses ol syperior quality, hating worn them with great tatliLaciion. . W. R. Miller. ExjOTernor of Arkansas. ONE FROM THE SUPERINTIIN DENT.UF INSTITUTE FOR TllE BLIND. -Mr. A. K. HakesDear Sir: I uke great pleasure in raying that your Spec tacle and patent spring eye-glasses ex cel anything I batfe yet been able to pro cure, enabling "me to read the finest print with ease and comfort. Frank Rainey, M. D. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at the drug store of Callum Bros. & Co Every pair warranted. tco::ouznc A SPECIFIC FOB uwu, in:zzt c:uui::!, 11111:1 s::na!, : n.mjcr::EfiLr::::u:a . 17a eitc snziw, niEitcanxEUEx, uvnvx -. unzzizzz, s::r uizix -innama, tin::: vmzizz, EiusrisvccsTuzrin, rnT Tis 111 ciiniijTiii AQ perbdllaat dmgiU Th Cr. 1JL DirrJ L':i, Cl, Fn?ra. Cmwavjpdfaea trmCj &sra-(ra4 ry tarkic& 7ot I UmaWSj aa4 clrralara ; C I. CXnTXTTO J, IraaL, Jrm Trt. Direct Trade. fr ir-rUt4 Vrnrv, mmd l.a lm mmttl 1 1JLH CmXlef-f, rrrw Com-t, XVr - - r ; v : v ; - ; - y ' - , Greensboro, N. C. if rartrf a(iri:nJUib.'a, CTJLXDAJin -tXTJCXXJ 4 tst Us arVna aWrrW iXmm is rr-

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