-Yates Brothers ' Greensboro Almanac Sun rines 4:25. Sun sets 7:30. Moon sets 2:3!.. . ' . . ... -Old newspapers " for sale at this office at' 25 cents per hundred. ' r- - . - . ft ' ' ' '-' .. ; tsr CaDitalistawbo wish to make Investments in North Carolina lands, are invited to correspond with, tne editor of the Morning hews; ; i: - ; Don't (ail to see "M 'lis s'1 to-night. Go early to , Porter "Jk . Tate's Drug" Store and reserve your"; seats for M'Liss to-night. Mrs. Ham C. Jones of Charlotte, is visiting Mrs. -W. L. Callum, on Church street. .r-The Ladies Missionary Aid Society jot the Presbyterian. Church will . meet in the lecture room this afternoon at j the usual hour. j v'r . v r-Tfre lawn party which was to have been held last night at the residence of "Mr. A. L. Rankin, was postponed to Monday night next. v " . -Important, if true ! I Colored and black stockings, it washed- before i wearing at all, .in water in which has been put a little beefs gall, will not fade or change color by wearing : of washing.' . ' ' ' ' :-So far as known, North Caro 1 Una; leads the South in advanced : crops this season, and Northampton ! county leads the State, Mr. A. J; Jby ner having sent the News-Observer, on ; the 28th tilt,, - a full grown bloom taken from his present crop of cot ton. - - r I Mr. Will Hayes, one of Messrs. J. W. Scott & Co.'s most popular sales men; was united in marriage last night to Miss" Anna Pugti, one of Greens boro's fairest daughters. .The mar J riage took place at the residence of the bride's father, on Church street, in The Southerner says that Tarboro is - yet in . its ; swaddling clothes, but v that it will add more to its growth within the next five years than at . has the eastern parKof the State in the heat of June ana July, the election men peing m Angusr. no state nas ever had noblercitizens than V(m. A. Graham and Michael Hoke Both leave worthy children, already emi nent for talent and virtue. . Another coincidence: Bishop Wm. M. Greenof Mississippi and Mr. J. DeBerniere. Hooper were professors for years' together in the tJniversity of North Carolina. They were next door neighbors- and most intimate SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. College Commencement. ' .. -Boouets.-FIorUl Drsizr-snnTFuncy Baskets of cut flower, suitable I r presentation t. the. vuunir ladie at commencement, can -be had at Do-l- son's Green Houses, on .East Market street. V'-- ; MARRIAGE; REAL ESTATE AGEHT?, "Whether on land or" at sea, on the prairie or in the crowded city, Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic, being con venient, efficacious, ind-safe. For tor- Mr. G. WILL ARMFIELD . : Is now in the Northern '.Markets buying' the-wWing MONDR.Y M-RY 2.-1887. nid liver, indigestion, and sick head- Vr .-.' I ache, they never raw. friendj. Nearly forty years ago they . separated, the former becoming bish op of Mississippi, the" latter, - after f Mm toil a Tin? Merchandise Brokers, M mmm ueecsuis. Yates Huildin?:. opposite Hcnbow uouse. so often A full line of the James Means three dollar shoes in Lace. Button and Con- teaching school in various parts of gress, for men, hist received at H. tfiA RfntA rpentnino- hl nlflpfi as nro- Farrier & 'Co s. The best $3 shoe in r -7- r the world. lessor m tne university. . Tablets to the memory of all these now adjoin one another in Memorial Hall. '. The - Inscription". on the tablet to Bishop Green was composed by him self. - It was found in his writing desk after his death. ' We direct attention to the pro- fessional card of Dr.' W. H. Wakefield which Appears .in this paper for the .first: time. We are glad to see that the . Physicians are beginning to use printers' ink. It is proper that they should. In a little country " vil lage. Where everybody, is s'upposed to know everybody else, it'is considered unprofessional", for a doctor y to print his card, in cities it is not so considered. The .papers should con- lain proicssionaj carus wt ujc ycucui As a na;r rire5Sjn?r and renovator, of strangers who may be stopping in J Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally com- "TO - Thatfeelinsr ol weariness experienced in the spring, results from a sluggish condition ol the u:ooci which, beinpr impure, docs not quicken with the changing--season. : Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by vitalizing and cleans in g.- the. "blood, strengthens , and in vigorates the system. Flour -. ..." A Big Lot 1 We have all grades ol Flour. Our "White Pearl" and "Sil ver Cicwn" Flours cannot be beaten. Try ; a sack., -Also, Meal, .Shipstuff, Corn, &c. ap22tl Houston Bros. . Rockbottom .Eowprica ;AT HOME AFTER WEDNESDAY. MAY 5th, 1SS7. - At G. WILL ARJlFIELD'SBlackjiiidjOoJdiFront r"v South Elm Street, Greensboro. N. C. ; - The minlionrc cordially invited. Among the most notable arrivals that will be presenLwill be the Prince Aihr ti,. Mnrfolkv The Cutawavs. -The. Straitcuts. The Dcibys. The ilan- . ' : . . o..t -ri" r . I ft 1 1 t i.r 1 11 m r 1 1. .1 1 m T inniirivfin ft 1 1 r- 1 1 1 i' I .ii u.. . .. ... 111ns i fir- itiacK imwi. 1 lit kjiiW j r i hftntfi urm .f f a . " " . . .... . . . l m T 1: "iiw v. l k: II iill 1IC l.tlir... rc KiMrs. me a Deiro;. inc univcuinc. ,m . v . -v,K - - ' - . . . ... " I 1 C TC Wc nfTcrfr sale, nor itir.rf side track at Greensboro rfepci Ore car choice white Cchl Ono cor Mil Feed, cr Ship Sc One car ccrn Xca. " One car aits. all fash sound goods. We have better facilities thm one wl.o oers such Kaxls in this mr nci.ano wiiscii a.i iiw a anr fl. & a Notice. ' Five lots with buildings on them. two vacant lots. There are four nev er-failing wells on the property. This block fronts on three streets. Wash ington, Davie and Swaim. The prop erty can be bought on reasonable terms. , M. T. HUGHES. Th illrrm Tht? Cashmei ihf. lUtiip ihe csrsucker. the Pasmentaries, the Oriental, the Velvets, the Torchons, the Hainburgs, the InfrrainS. the Tapistries. the Moquctts, lhe Wiltons, the lerseys, the Corset?, the Saratogas, the parasol, and many Mhr tlsiiFRsXiexsrs Plaids. SheeUne and SnoOi Cotton. MASTER or Ceremonies Marcus Lowdown. ' Ico Cream llor " for ladies and ccnticmen. Cream and nice Candy, iw. Greensboro Candy Co. Pure the ci y, if for no other reason. SOUTHERN GOOD SI I THE LEAD. We learn from the Baltimore Sun that, at the recent opening of bids for suddIks for the National Home of Disabled Volunteer Soldiers at Hart ford. Conn.; the contract for about 23,000 yards of blue cloth and sky blue kersey was awarded to the Liberty (Va.) Woolen Mills" over a large num ber of New England and "other com petitors. The board ol managers are . . . . . , -.i all Northern men. and if they had-atiy m a hundred years past. The building . - v - ot a cotton factory in the near future individual ;prefcrenccfr-as not. of is an assured fact. ; - The agent of the Brush Electric. Ligh t Company canvassed the city yesterday to ascertain whether or hot it would pay them to establish a plant here." We understand that suffi cient numberot subscribers were se cured ariiJ that the company will fur nish Ihe light by the first of Septem- - ber ext. :"-r 'y V3' .7 . .. ' '-A change in the schedule on the North Carolina division of the R. & D. R-B. took place Sunday lagt. The , passenger train from this City -Waves at 9.50 a. m. and reaches Ral--elghat 2.10 p. m. "It remains there five minutes, passes the other train at Garner's-and reaches Goldsboro at " 4.80 p. m. The down train leaves Goldsboro1 at 12.80 p. m., reaches r Raleigh at 2.50 p. m. and leaves as now at 5.80 p.m. ; :':.T- l Yesterday morning 4n the office o! ; the Register of Deeds, a happy mar-; mriage was consumated, the contract ing parties being Mr. David- Hill and Mrs. Sophia-Scott, ot, Monroe town ship. The knot- wa tied ,by 4W J. Ector, Esg.Vafter " the most a p proved style, and the happy . bride groom; with ; his handsome, blushing bride upon his arm, left the'roorii for home followed by the best wishes ' of all the court house boys, v The Morning News add its benediction."- t -The Greensboro Cornet Batid has course in vthe direction of the Vir ginia manufacturers. The, result of tfctsiiward is a high compliment to the successful, bidders, as well as an. in centive to other Southern manulauc- .... ,.- . . turers. - ; , -In view of the abovefacts, and when it is remembered that the South is now shipping iron and steel to the. North, can there longer be a doubt as to the grand future of the . South. Eastern capitalists wjll . sooon' see it to their interests, to invest their money in Southern manufactures. ; . ':l mended. It eradicates dandruff, cures eruptions of the scalp, invigorates and beautifies the hair, and prevents its fading or turning gray. - Room Enough for. All. Mr. D. E. Thomas old building, which was removed from the corner near theMarkel and put at the lower end of the long building opposite the Star Warehouse, has been nicely fitted up for Mr. (S. B. Bullock, who ryis made some notoriety for keeping good eatables. Hereafter (his house will be called the "National Hcrtel." Several roms e furnished foi ooatd- .jerkin sleep in and after this date ready meals can be had at ail hours. Mr. N. B. Short, who coo.ked so lonp for Capt. Hawkins ealing.house, has been einployed to do the cooking, he needs no recommendation. , m$ im Rum Apple, Bannanas. Or.ues. Lemons, apples. all fresh at J. xl. west's. . ' r - Near depot. Ico Cream. Mv Ice Cream is the best in the citv. Palor op'.n at all hours. Families supplied on short notice. J. H. West. There Is no danger to human life more to be dreaded than that which arises from vitiated blood. Dyspepsia. rheumatism, headache. : and general debilitv -all result from it. and ate cured by the use ol Ayer's Sarsapaiilla Take it this month, b-x bottles, $5. A large, Bananas, they have sM rcrr fast, only a few bunches now left, car next shipment of Bananas mill rriTe Thursday. June and. The trade of merchants, and l4rrt consumers only," is solicited. We da not sell at retail. When you ish to bur. call and sec us. We afc Int quarters. cry Kesnectfullr. cc Jusf. Received. Diied Apples, Peaches, Peas.' Egs. Chickens. J Call and sec our general stock of Groceries. - ' . Irving & Weatherly, iw. Trogdon Building. UBN.RVTLEB. ?v Editor Morning Jfews: Allow me to correct your editorial note in. t .is morning's News in which you make Ben '"Butler' say f M ak e" a ba rga 1 n about fees,and be sure to do this early , and get your, pay early.'" Ben. in his address to the young lawers of Boston --after saying: "II you know nothing about thacircumstance(re(ering to his client's case) you.are like an ass jump ing jiround in a tanyard and not. know--ing where the pits are." He contin- ues-i-"Xg'al never bargain ivitTl youi clients; get your fees - and, get " them early" . , - . 1 v , . Zip. A. Ominiitoefc We will Guarrantee.the Atlas Ready Mixed Paints, sold by Callum -Bros & Co., of this city, lo give satisfaction, and agree to repaint where such is not given and the: fault of the paint is proven. Geo. D. WetheRill & Co. v ! see our aavertisement in.this paper and call and get sample shades belorc buying your paints. . Callum Bros. & Co. 1 m . , - , . . ' !- Pasturc for Rent. " I have an one-hundred acre Pasture 3 1-2 miles from Greensboro, and will pasture Stock at one dollar per month. Pasture fees to be paid " before stock is Well watered and salted. '87. -W. D. McADoo. To-lav: Ice Cream, (pure cream); Ice Cream for families; Ice Cream for festivals; Milk Shakes Sc.; Shaker, Lemonade 5c.; Sdtia Water 5c; Oranges, Lemon?, Bananas, Apples, and strictly pure. home-made Lanay. 1 wm 10 Greensboro Candy Co. Is 1 a n H 2 2 s O is cc o in O MILLINERY. ? lust received, another line of New Millinery, which we arc offering at the same reduction as heretofore. Wc in vite the ladies to call and see them. A full line of Ribbons and Fancy Goods. ai rcauceo prices. niayn Mrs. M. Binckam. tf. Trogdon Building, W. Market St. Lost. :, Between 9 a. m., and 3 p. m.. May 24th, an imitation' alligator pocket book containing about $50 or more, and papers, card5, &c. Honorable finder will return to C. M. Vanstory, with F. Fishblate. " 70,000 New Brick. ' The public is infonned that.W. E. Holley has just finished burning a new. kiln of Brick. He is selling them at $ 1. 00 less per thousand than they can be bought elsewhere. n Call on him belore giving jour order. 0 w ' 2 ..25 CC CO weeks Gold Spectacles Lost. On Davie street, about two ago, a small package, addressed to Mrs. Wright of. this city, containing a pair of gold Spectacles. The finder will be suitably rewarded . by leaving them at the morning News office..- Greensboro Enterprise. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. Civility has been likened .-to an air cushion possessing ho tangible sub- about twelve hundred dollars invested stance, yet serving to ease the jolts wtt euuuuuiKr iu pasbiug inruugn me. m instruments,, uniforms, and music, and by filling .engagements, giving - concerts, i&c &c, haye paid.it all, ex- cept ninety .dollars "and that is wanted by the Jartiesto and - in order Ct0j;raisi? ; that amount they have secured the talentediacire?s, . , Miss ColraJVari jTassel; with her su perb Dramatic Company to give two performances in Benbow;HalI, bggin- ' ning oa Friday" nighty Let everybody turn out andSissist the :Band;The To say that person Is civil does not imply thaflie is agreeable, jret. civil ity is the next step to being agreeable While wouders'may be accomplished by being civil and agreeable, nothing can be gained by incivility. Man ners make the man or woman. The presence of an - agreeable person is Malarial poisons contain the germs of dangerous. diseases. If these poisons accumulatein the system. Typhoi Bilious. Intermittent orChil! Fever sure to follow. Ayer's Ague Cure a warranted specific for malaiia. . :do2stt Forgetit, ;Pleas9'! R.HALL & Co No. IO s to n 5 5 June 1st. '87. ' YATF.S BROS. KErfBOW ILVI.Ii, FridoyondSot. Evo's, June 3 4 First appearance in this citr r.f and her Superb Gomedy Company Under the ampiccs of the Qresnsboro Band. FRIDAY EVENING: Pcpular Prices : 15. 25 and 35 cent teals at Porter & Talc ut cMra charge r.ccure mm GiGAR FACTORY. person like a ray of sunshine that-warms everything on which it falls, while a disagreeable person will' chill the "rjleasanipst fVTYl TV.1 Tl XT OVAP OCOnm pn"A!- bled;and it is one of thoseMnysterie that can never be 'solved why such a VVe find the followinff bit of his- one is permitted to flourish. tory In the Raleigh News and Observ er: in J8 there was a wonderfully 7 O'clock Sharp I spirited contest in our; state fbr the Our store will be closed until fur office .of Governor. The contestants ther notice, at 7 P- ni. . . Please send in were Wm. A. Graham, once of Lin- yur orderj5 by6 o'clock, and oblige. . You can always find in stock at our store the best" RocTcland'and Virginia GREENSBORO, N. C. 1 V 11 coin county then of Orange, and Col. Michael Hoke, of Lincoln, both law yersy in the prime of life able and ambitious, high-toned and .courteous.' The';oldest Uhhabitanf said I there never had been such" speaking '.Tliel Whigs vowed that their champion,- Houston & Bro. Head Quarters of Ivanhoe - Com- i MANDERY TJ. D. KNIGIITS TEMP- ; : i General Order No. G Sir JCmjrnts You are herewith or- Graham, was the best orator. Tne Set3 assemble at your Asylum in tor Hoke. Graham yas the victor. Work In the Order of Red Cross. but Hoke's praises were in the mouths ; " v ' By Command of . of alh Col. Hoke died' the &ame year " - : ' J AMES Quzhx, at the .rly age of C7. W malaria A. Baii : wuwnwwi , MUAiug MioutuitKun iuj -,,v-- :.;.apu General. Calcined Plaster. - Land Plaster, port land and Rosendale Cemenl. Plasters, Hair. Kalso'minc, &cl - , v NWe do-nothing but JSrsf class. ' '.'' Tin Roofing, I gnarantee every job and qualify .J tin. Keep always ready Shingle. Tin,. VaU ley Tin, Guttering" and Spouting put up at short notice. Keep Terra Coita Flue Pipe at reduced prices and ' put it up when wanted. y .. nave noAvta4otol white county raised corn lor salc,.vill.havc a car of ship stuff in a few days, best grade; We solicit your trade and pledge an honest effort to serve you faithfully: v WHARTON & STRATFORD. Our Cigars are manufactured of the very best v 1 , Imported and Domestic TOBACCO, : nnKuij imr niosi cnirr nrnnns wc meittiun the follow!!!;: . . . 7 It OS A UK Rt. ; . ... FI.ORDB AI.JlV, PLicesH.Msii, HAT, I. FIVE FOUA QrAftTKil - nFPI,ER, , In great .variety, cold and very cild. : Saratoga'- 'iBxceliior SPRU1G VATER - - . On ice direct from the S ceived in Air ' Tigit Reservoirs, ' '" TRY THE' . if GULGHER SPRING YMTER Good fcr cr.-!mp?t, c.'ilici; jr.d ick ?tOui:ich, - s7ooo of the htl selccii Market from 5 cent if 15 o:. each. Try Is Dr. W. H. WAKEFIELD, ofaH.s e.( c SM. AI- Physician, Surge:n L Qzzuizi . :0222:?StOLOfir. c. . ap tdtm W ill attend city ana country calls. Office over Wake field 3 store..- Resi dence on Ashrhoro street. s the leading brands 'nj a?l CHEWING TOBACCOS can le found at a lov price, ut i:.G. NEWCOMB-S. Odcll BuiUin-. V " - " Greensboro, N rilh- - r JUST RECEIVED AT J. A. Groome h Co' . . A nice lot of Canvassed and SUGAR CURED ,IIA!I) nrc.ilcft- Strips. A barrd fresh Pickles, ORANGES and LEMON! H.iQanas at 30 cents per dozer Good Country 5$liie Sen Irish Potatoes. Desoto Flos and many other fine grades. A so a fine lot of " Confections, and r. large lot of family Grocc ics, all at very reasonable rates. V - Respectfully. J- A. GRO.OME & C ' HAUPER-rf PEROD'CALS. ' Per Year: HAurEx's Magazine St Harper's Veejlly 4 Harper's Eazar 4 Harper's Young Piopix 4 Harper's Fran kjjs Square Libra . One Year (52 Namben) I "TritCURREIir Strtt . . 1 . " 1 ueou or m Asents Wasted fcr iV2rrs: Dinners tixc DIDIX-