of- y 1 THE MORNING NEWS. J. S. HAMPTON, Proprietor. published Daily. Exceff Sunday. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE '. i w Year by Mail), Postage paid,.:. f 4 six Months, ............ a 00 Three Months. - . 100 Two Months, ' , me Month, " " "-..., ; 4 j o city subscrilicrs, delivered in any part of the city at iocts per week. . - ". PUBLKHEBS' AlHilOTOCElIEirrS. No ad vcrtisei.ients inserted in Local column at any price. - n extra charge will be made for double-column or trij.lo-colu-nn advertisements.- , ." All' announcements and recomendations of candi 4 ,tes for off.ee, wilt be charged as advertisements. ' Alivertiss-.ents to follow reading matter, or to J.upy ar.y special place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each insertion. 1 j . i 1 1 r it.u. Advertisements Kept unuer me ucuu 01 .iacw Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. ' Uemitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Mwney Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publishers. Under the head of "Special City Items," business will he inserted at the rate, of cents a line or every insertion. Ml M l ! Ill 11 if in THE MORNING NEWS. HM DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY Or GREENSBORO, AND OF THE STATE. Vol;! UTY COUNCIL IN SESSION. Greensboro, . N. C, Mondry, June 20, 1887. iato o Mtttic : 0 Cir Om Day,.....; TV Dry..... TW Day - - Tarn Day.... - (iMWMk..... - - Om Moms ' Tl $ J n s No. 135 Coat net AJvwniinatm lair M ycfwrtitmawly ! ratra. Tn hata ao!J Naapru tyf aaala aa The New Streets Paving of South Elm Bonds . Ordered Printed Liquor License - Befused New Ordinances Passed &c, &c. The Board of City Commissioners met in regular session on Friday- night and transacted much important te 1 ? T A 1 a I uusmtiss. in me aDsenee King, Commissioner Dodson called to the chair. All the members were present except Commissioners Bevil and Ellington. nated that portion ot the intersecting er Scott, the board decided to. meet street from Church to North? Elm two nights in the week hereafter Street and Col. Thos. B. Keogh the Tuesday and Friday until the great streets through his land, and Mrs. amount of work before the Board Is White had already opened nearly all disposed of. the new street from Greene to North Th fnllmnn annmnri.ia n t I aia-w atwaaw 3 g' v f" w f VII THE LATEST NEWS. OAIo .rot ion. Columbus, June 18. Gov. FuraVer says that no rebel flags shall leave the State Hous. of Ohio while he is Got WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. TV . . .. ine committee recommends tbat rrninttnroiKnn(u ettM, Irmnr lUinHnihrUmfr p.n..M-. -aai - -rai'sa fcJVV,V 'ia MUV.' I " -w w w w v -f ajwi- Baynton. to get the of Mayor r senerKs,ty of these public spirited "etc. offered by Commissioner Schenck, cans telegraphed Gen. II. V. lson IZ nnMIpbe recf n,scd .by a 'eso'utio,n were adopted, without a dissenting It Washington, yesterday, t mPmw f lnks on lhe Part of the Board voice: - . best advices as to whether t CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. tne btreet committee submitted Whereas, the loud noises made by of the flags could be legally enjoined the following ordinance which was brass bands, composed of drums and I The Governor also telegraphed Presi tne rcurn H.r. 14. .j , 4- r eniotned I t f. . .o L THE RAILROADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS K1CIIMOSW AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Arrives Irom Richmond at q.43 am . ' " 10.32 pm leaves for Richmond at 8.3a a m q.55 pm NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8.22 a m 9 40 p m Leaves for Charlotte at Arrives from Goldsboroat. Loaves fur Goldshoro at. NORTH-WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD rrives from Salem at. Loaves for Salem at . . C. F. AND Y.V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayetteville at. 6.15 p m lonvos for Favctteville at. 10.00 a m THE POSTOFPICE. Mails for the North close at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. Charlotte " 9.00 9.00 Raleigh " 900 Salem " - 9 9 Favetteville " 900 ' The money order and registered letter office will nly be open from 900 a. m to 6 p. m. General Delivery is open from 8 a. m. until 7 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pening the Eastern night mail. Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m for alf hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. The lock-boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m The special Committee on widen- received and adopted: ing Washington-street made report. Whereas, The reports at the last They reported that they had been un- meeting of the Board." and at this able to come to an agreement with meeting of lhe special Committee on iur. j. uagan ior ngnt 01 way the extension of North Elm Street to through his property, and that Mr. the Northern limit of the City, and the Hagan declined to take less than $35 laying out and platting the intersec- per running foot for his land. Con- ting streets having been received and siderable discussion ensued when adopted, ' Commissioner OdelJ offered the fol- Be i ordained. That the Extension lowing resolution which was adop- of North Elm Street and the location ted: 1 of the intersecting streets are aD- Resolved, That, as a final proposi- proved and said extension and inter- tion to Mr. A. Hagan, the Board offer secting streets are declared to be him $30 per running foot on Davie streets of the City of Greensboro, in Street, or $G50 for the twenty-six feet, accordance with the diagrams ac- 9.48am and $150 for moving his. building, com panying the reports, and that Judge Schenck.from Committee on said streets shall be opened and pre- North Elm Street and Its extension pared at once for public use. made the following report : To the Honorable Board of Commission ers oj 'Greensboro: The Committee on Ndrth Elm and its intersecting streets respectfully re ports that since the last meeting ot the Board, irhas extended North Elm called 4 Schenck street." Street, 66 feet wirlej in a direct line to From Greene to North Elm, over the Northern 1 hi its of the City. This Mrs. White's property, "Price Street." street is now one mile long and per- The Street along the northern fectly straight, and will add greatly to boundary, from east to west, "Fisher me Deauiv ana convenience 01 ine 1 vtnuc. City. That portion of the street in the rear of Judge Gilmer's residence will be opened at once, and is accessible frop other streets. Judge Gilmer ex pects tcTremove his residence by the horn. are calculated to frighten, and dent Cleveland, saving: roost earn- do often frighten, horses, on the pub- cstly protest against the action. The He stniets and thereby endanger patriotic people of this State are shock human life and interfere with trades ed and indignant beyond anything I and whereas the sick are sometime, I can express, and I earnestly tequest I r -FV.eLtCT" 31 P m' Lt Weldon.. i icnmnSp m l lo m Ar Rocky Mta 33 p m; , Ar Tarboro. 4 $o p m' Lv Tarboro.! 1 1 30 pm' Ar Wilson. . 4 05 p m 6 58 p ra.3 07 a ca Lv Wilson.. '4 IS p m Ar Selma... 5 40 P T disturbed by said noises in the night you to revoke the order that has given time, and whereas it is thought that I uch an unqualified ofTense1 the parades of such bands should bo LvGoldsboro 4 54 P m 7 40 p m i 5S ra m A m - Lv Maznoua OMpmjijpmi 10 mm 1 ? is a Lv Burgaw.. 7 00 p m 6 13 a ra Ar WUming.i7 50 r m 9 5$ p m!7 00 a m TRAINS Gh!G NORTH. No. 45 1 No. 47 Daily. I Daily. Daily. Lv Wilmlng 'il 40 pm 8 50 a m 8 52 p m Lv. Burgaw.j., 9 34 a m 9 50 p m 10.44 p m , 9.30 p m io.2d p m 7.40 a m . 9.50 am 6.00 a m. xo.ao p m . 8.00 a m . 9.24 p m 10.00 a m .10,54 p m 7 00 a m '9 $8 a nV.. ...... 11 2J am' , 2 32 a m 1225 Pm,l$l m 1 00 p m i 37 a m 4 co d m: jll 30 am' 4 05 a m 2 15 p m'2 45 a tn restricted and regulated by law to -Ur. Lincke Committed to J alt. avoid the consequences above nntnedt and at the same time not to Interfere Aurora, June 13 Mrs. Lincke. with the enjoyment of music by onr wife of Paul Lincke. who was mur citizens, dered here a few days ago. was ar- I Lv Mamolia 1252 am 1023 am 104a pm Be it ordained, that no brass band I rested this" morning and committed to I Ar GoldsborJi 55 a rmi 35 am 11 58 am. with horns, drums, or like Instru- jail as being accessory to the crime. AT&ima ments shall parade on foot or in She made a statement to the. court r Wilsonl. vehicles on the streets of Greensboro in whicli she admitted that she had Lv Wilson.. without first obtaining a written per- Iaio across the bed with Mr. Potts, the Ar Roky Ml mission from the Mayor to make supposed murderer, and that he. had Lv Tarboro! Said parade: that all norsnn nrntM-rc- lain across her bed. hut that vit when a. wa, rni, ,. a 1 r t x i I -j-w . I ri aureus ituuve reierreu 10. nav- in? to mnkn yffl mnrlo nnnh, .k. nA K. .;t, .,k I ing been declared street, of the city in writing to (ll0 j, ,h, olher. She ,.rf.,ld.luih.h,d USSS, , L. 1 linnr, iniwc ami purpose 01 me same I 5JCU jjickhw Wl I n m. Ketnrning, leaves ocoiiana rrcic wiiamciucmiBwaunj. anu me Mayor may, If ho thinks her husoand. bhe also stated th street irom cedar to Church street, pr0ner. irive a written normlion to was on the bed asleen with her hui- Trains leaves . Tarboro. is. na across the northern part of the city, is mnkfh cmL tlm h,nd whm w hot. ht wh.n ArtMei5 ? .5' ---- t -i """"b uiiiu i I buna ay. o n rru: sunoar 5 p ro.z imre and place thereof and how long it is awakened by the report of the pistol I Williamston. N. C, 810pm, and 6 40 to continue; and no permission shall could not tell whether it was in the be given to parade later than 10 house or out of doors. Mrs. Lincke o'clock p. m., uulesson extraordinary seems to be very cool and collected, .occasions of public interest, and that Our community is very much parades in day time shall not be per- shocked and indignation is high. It mitted on the principal business is to be hoped that god order will First parallel street, we3t of North P.lm Wn!nmn ctremf 1 -1 1 " . f pm. Keturning learcs luiamiion. C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a tn. Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 1005 am, and 1 1 30 a ra. Trains on Midland N. C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C, daily except Sunday. 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, N. L..7MDm. Keturninr iwra omiui mi, V UUIillilll tillCCl. Ctrrwte avnnrvf nn tll-n v 4 m : I -1 . . ' , . . , I V... 7 CO D IH. ICIUF UII1 1: allium- Second paraUe. street "Simpson f P n "" F"? J -u Co.d.boro. street." Third parallel street, over the ist of October, when the whole street Keogh property, "Keogh steet." will be opened to the public. The After discussion of the matter, in Ctynmittee also extended the inter- which the views of each Commission- secting street laid off last week from er were freely expressed, the follow- Greene Street- to Church Street. 40 incr resolution, offered hv Mr. OcIpII. IJ , r , was adonted : a. occasions. Provided, that this shall not apply to any band marching to any desig nated spot in the city without play ing on their instruments, or to any band practicing at their usual place in the city. I Ti:atany violation of this ordi- so fould and cowardly crime will be brought to justice. ix L'txion Soldiers 'ljrfii" U. Cincinnati, Juno 18. The Com- views with Kx-Union soldirn of A L 5?L0??- Md dlIy " N. C oco a m. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet teville Branch is No. 50. Northward is No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Presbyterian : Dr. j. Henry Stfcith, N. Cnurch St. Rev. E. W. Snfkh, Asheboro St. S. Baptist : Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. L. Michaux, N. Greene S. " J. R. Ball, Spring St. Episcopal : Rev. A. H. Stubbs, N. Elm St. rnt 5?unr!jjv ia Bar Line. nance shall sr.bject the offender or Ohio denrocatinirw Rtronz laniruaee I tni- rW. vmn-iko for all I 1 .11 rt . 1. 1 I -m-r-r . . . . I - I "I " " long anu ejitenas irom ceaar to nurcn whereas, ion. jno. A. uumer offenders to a fine of five dollars $51. the proposed return of - Confederate points North via Richmond and Yh Direeis. giving a long oesirea ouuei " fp"cu w ulc uu.uu w w That it shall be the special duty of nags. across the Northern part of the City, tne city tne remaining portion or his ne police or constables to enforce Two parallel streets t North Elm, and land adjoining the Cemetery .about 29 thi3 ordinance, and If on any occasion Greensboro- nn fhR West side nf ir were also laid acres, for the Sum Of S2.500. tu. 1 Resolved, That we accept the propo- frightened, to compel the music to I 4. Z 1 XI A. T 3 1 1 A f What She Mm. PRODUCE MARKET. i.ooai.50 .... . . 5a8 ..vi8a2S Apples green, per bu Bacon hog round Heel Rutter iteeswax... ; ai8 '-nickens old .15320 j spring v.... ioa5 1 v-orrt' new ..aso Corn Meal 7. . . . .a6o Dried Fruits Blackberries .7...... 61-2 J the Cherries 71-2 Apples ......... ..2a3 Peaches, unpared 1-?, :2 1-2 " unpared 1-4, '2 " pared --59 and a street 66 feet wide was laid out aong the whole Northern boundary of the City from East to West. It passes for 3 of a mile through beauti ful groves of oak and other shade trees, and will be very desirable as a street for residences. The Committee also laid out a street from Greene Street to the present extension of North Elm. Street, which passes over Mrs. White's land, and ordered a street through the lands of Messrs. Robert Sloan and G M. Alley 50 feet wide, which is an ex tension of Spring Street, to Greene Street on the Northern boundary of City and extended Edgeworth Street to the Northern boundary of the Citv. also. A street was.also laid sition and tnat Judge liilmer be noti- stop temporarily until the danger Is nea or tne action or tne Hoard. past, and any neglect of duty in this The question of moving fences off respect shall subject the polico or UieSiaewaiKS On bOUtn .lm Street ormrnhln to aflno of fiv dollar Complaint having been made as to the irregular lightling of street lamps, breakage of glass shades, &c, the Street Light Committee was in structed to look into and correct such evils at once. Commissioner Odell having sug Froca the Watertwra Timet. Thirty-six Vassar girls have been made bachelors of arts. A bach:l r of arts is maid of wisdom. inrtoo. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. Lrencral bupt being under consideration, it was ordered that Commissioners Scottt Odell and Coffin be a committee to confer with Miss Mendenhali and Mrs. Willis in regard to setting back their fences. On motion, Friday night next was designated as the time for the election jested the importance of looking in- of teachers of the Colored Graded to the matter, the chief of Pcico was School the clerk" to givo notice of directed to send two gallons of the same through the daily papers. water to be taken from thej Graded The question of Water Works was School well to Dr. Dabney, State brought up, but in the absence of the chemist, for analysis,' and to report Mayor, who has been corresponding the result to the Board. out from Greene Street to the Notth ern boundary, over the land of Col, p SKS -XO Feathers 40 Thos. B. Keogh, 6& feet wide. Flaxseed -. .75 FloUr Family .V 4 50 04 00 60a So in regard to the matter, the consider atiou of the question was deferred, to next meeting. . A special commit tee consisting of Mrs. McLean's application for -pay for side .walk way was referred to the Street committee. A bill from Mr. M. T. Hughes for Superfine ,v Onions Oats IVk ."" Pias i I'otatoiisIrish Sweet . . . Rags Cotton.... . Tallow Wool washed.... unwashed . Wheat ....40345 6a7 .6c75 . .60 ..50 " .. ...:6 30 20 ..fiax 25 RETAIL PRICKS OF GROCERIES. Hacon Sides...... Hams.... . Shoulders. CofWRj0... ..... ... ...........,,,,-..,... ..iS 8 20 ,...19 2-3810 . .. PATENTS. Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S- Patent Of fice are invited to communicate with me with confident reliance upon my fidelity to their interests. v New inventions patented. Old inven tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats hied.. Trade marks registered. ', , Prompt attention. Skillful service Moderate chafers. Send model or sketch for Iree report as to patentability. Preliminarv information- cheerlullv furnished. : . ' - : A. S. YANTIS,' Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat JJts, 816 F Street, N. W., Washington , The Committee was much impressed with thi desirableness of North Greensboro as a place ot residence for our rapidly increasing population. It is high, comparatively level and easily drained. 7 , The Committee respectfully rec- m mends that the ac ioo of the Com.nit-tee-e adopted and confirmed and t lat these streets be named so they ca he designated On the plat of the City, a id that a sufficient force be employ d at once "to open and grade then and make them ready for safe anri easy travelling ; j A map showing these new strce s ac companies this report. The culveit and ditch, so long needed, which carries off the stvnar.t water on West Greene Street, at 1 com pleted and this unhealthy and iharhyv spot has been thoroughly draii. I and the rdad over it nrade dry and smooth. The ditches, so long obstruct K from Cedar Street, ' crossing Spring .and Edgeworth Streets to Green Street, have been opened and cleaned -'ut for half mile- and living water now. runs all the way through from Greene Street to North Buffalo 'creek, much to the comfort and health-of the residents of that part of the City. ; " , ; Rev. J. Henry Smith generously do- Messrs. Price, Turner, Nelson, and 9G5 pounds of hay, amounting to White was appointed to consider $5.C5, and a bill of $5.00 to pay the and report at the next meeting, upon . hands employed by Col. Fry in sur- the paving and MeAdamizing of veying and laying off the new streets, South Elm street from tho court were ordered paid. v house to tho Richmond & Danville After empowering tho Street com- depot. mittee to dig a well south of tho C. On motion of Commissioner Nel- p. & Y. V. Railway, near tho deiott son it was decided that the White I on South Elm street, the Board, after Graded School shall not be onenpd I a laborious session of four hours, .held until the new building . is complied and ready for occu nation. in au intensely warm room, adjourn Notice. WThen yon want the highest pricps for your Eggs and Chickens ship them to A. D. Moseley at Durham. N. C. 5 cent commission. Notice to School Toachrs. Notice is hereby given that applica tions for the positions ol Principal and Teacher in the Colored Graded School of the city of Greensboro will be receiv ed by the School Committee ui til the fourth Friday night in lune, when se lections will be made. Also, that applications for tlr- ...aces of Principal and Assistant Teach :rs in the White Graded School, wi l b-s re ceived until the first Friday ut t in July, at which time selections i'l he made of Teachers. D. Schenck . June 18. S7, Chm'n School C m. : f. The meed of merity for pr m tu.g nersonal comeliness, is cue to I. C-. Aver & Co.. whose Hair Vic : universal beautiGer of the hair, II rm less, effective, and agreeable, i f-ks among the indispensable toil t ar tides. An umbrella was found onCou House square on Tuesday night last, j f. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Agent R1CI1M0ND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS RUN BT MERIDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOING 60UTII. My. S3tb. 1S86. 1 No.ca I Dily. 4 5 m 0 45ftto 114 as No. 1 Diilj: 4 30 pm CL7 pa 942 p m 11 00pm Lere New York .". . . Leare PbiladelpLU.... Leare IUlUtnor ........ Leave Washington Leave CIuulotu)!Ie. Letre T.jocbborg. ... Lea re Dofllle Leavo Iticbrooad. 3 00pm 2 30 0 LaiTe Goiilloro !i3 30 am! 3 10 pta Lftrc lUIfia Leave Dartuiu LeATo Higb Point LraTe Sltbory 3 33 pm, 3 00 m 5 U) pm (0G m 8 5 pml 8 05 am S30axa! 1 00 8 37 am I ' 2 30 am 1115 amf 1016am t'233ami 1123 am LeiTe SpeirUoborg Leave OrwovilU Arrive AtloiU.. LeaTe Cbarlottj I 2 25 ami 1 00 pm 5 33 am' 314 pm 6 CO am 4 4Spm 1 20 pm' 10 40 pm TBAINS GOING NORTH. ed to meet again on Tuesday night, I The owner can get the same by calling . May 1SS6. Arrive CLartolte SHbnry ...... Higa Toia .... Orreui&ro DarbAia. ....... lUlcigh GoIAboro Arrive Dsville ...... RiebmooJ. On motion of Commissioner Scott the committee on Bonds was author ized to close a contract with the SU Louis Bank Note Co., and havo them prepare tho bonds at- once, at price named in their proposition, namely $i,ooaoov . On motion of Commissioner Price it was" decided that the election of Superintendent and teachers- of the White Graded' School shall be held on the-first Friday night In July, and thai notice thereof be -published iii the city papers by tho Clerk.' "Mr. J. W. Hammill made applica- tion for license to sell spirituous liquor at the ,HoskIns building, on Davie street, in the neighborhood of the depot. After a brief d iscussion the Board declined to grant tho licence. " . . . On a propoBitiou of Commission- the 21st inst., at 8 o'clock. Mr. W. B. 'Overby. at the City market, keeps always on hand the nnesi oeei ana muiion. it is nicciy butchered and neatly handled. See it and be convinced. Flour- A Big Lot We have U CJjd of re$scd Lumher of a desciiPtons.row Flour Our "White Pearl and -Sil- on hand ,r irnmediale sale Manufac- ver , down Flours cannot be b jatcn. d Q , wainmao & Co.. mills. Try.a-sack. Aho. Meal. Shi pstuff. A.hcb.ri. . N. r. Apply to C. S. t. orn. etc. ar23'.i Houston xjkos. at this office and payuig 'Or notice. Pure Ice Cream 5 cts. plate. 25 cts quart. 15 cts. pint, at Gro. J. Stan's Lumber! ! I The finest short leaf, unbled YelJow- Pine. a qaantity of - Flooring. Ceiling. Mouldincs. Weatherboardinr . and Wainman, Greensboro, N. C. A full line ofthe James Means three building. Contracts, on.ir Miocs 1.1 iicc. uuiiuii juu con gress, for men. just received at II. Farrier & Co. The best $3 shoi in the world. . For chronic catarrh, induced by a scrolulous taini. Ayer's Sarasparilla is the true remedy. It. stops catarrhal discharges, removes - the sickening odor, and never fails to thoroughly eradicate every trace of the disease from the blood. Sold by all dealers in medicine. - . - - Turnkey jobs or otherwise, by Davis, Wainman & Co. They have their forests and mills, and have a Stiff of experienced carpenters. Therefore we have the greatest facilities In this citjft for doinir the Jbest work for the least money. Apply to C S. Wainman, Greensboro, N. C manager. Ice for . sale at J. A. Groome & Co. Not 51. . N0.&3. DuUy. I Dily: eC5amp6 25 pm C 4Sm 8 01 p m 7 Mam' 3 13 pm 8 23 . i 0 40 pm 12 47pm 1107 am 2 44 pm' 6 30 am 4 30 pm 1 1 20 am 10 lOaaa 11 22 pa 3 Wtoi. 8 IS am ..Ll 15 pm, 2 00 am ..'3 40 p b 4 10 am "liintoa....,. 8 23pm; 8 10 am ' .'mere ,' 25 po 10 03 am I'". U-trlbU ....I 3 00am 12 33 pm ! Ytk. ) C 20 an. j 3 20 pm harto!UtTUJe ooro a-'tTb No. Vt Hex. C'2. am Lv. Salem 7 20 a m . S 30 ooio jurrn N-5f. no. 3 ar. Slm . ll 30 i n i2 30 am SLEEPING CAR. SERVICE. On trains SO and' 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York, - New Orleans and Washington via Dan ville. On trains 52 and 53. Punmin Buffet Sleeper Montgomn v and Washington. Aiken and Washing. .. ria Danville. On trains 2 aad 53 lu.n.an Sleeper between Richmond and G-cmxboro. and Greensboro and Goldsboro. For rates and information pj?r to any Agent of the Company or to SOL HAAS. T. M. J as. L.TAYLOR, Gen. Pass. Agent. 7 . .. .Washington. D.C