100 TSM uv 1X1 N I ... . : GREENSBORO, N.C. , Untftred at the Post-Office at Greensboro, N. C. as second dais mail matter. By J, S.Hampton. THURSDAY, - - JUNE 23. 1887. Elizabeth "Garrett, the unmar ried sister of the president of the Baltimore and Ohio, is said to haw the neat little sum of $20, 000,000 at her command and this is increasin rapidly every day. , - . - eSFIt is reported that Mr. Moody has received from an Englishman now in this country j a letter urging him to make an evangelistic tour through' India. A check for $25,000 was inclosed in theJetter. fi The Chamber of Commerce - of Staunton, Va., has inaugurated V; the preliminary proceedings for a trade display at the Baldwin dis trict fair in October. It is pro posed to embrace in the display all enterprises in the district that may desire to unite. Mrs. Frances Sampson died in Richmond Friday in the one hundredth year of her ae She was the widow of the late Jacob Sampson, the well known tavern keeper in ante bellum :rfays"on the Three Chop road, in Goochland county, Va. - JBBen Butler may. rave and snort over the proposition to re turn captured flags to the South ern (States, but as nothing has , been said about a general sur render of spoons, silverware. bijouterie and articles of virtue. there seems to be no apparent reason for him to go wild. v- . gTAt the late session of the Pennsylvania Legislature a law was passed in the interest of married women, as to the rights of property. Under this act a married woman can acquire and hold separate estate without the intervention f ."- trustee, sue and be sued, make contracts binding her property and dispose of her property by will. While .in California Mrs. Longtry will make her head quarters in Oakland. A: small house, prettily- furnished, will serve as a home for the Lily du ring the summer.-and she intends to leave a large part of her war drobe and a few servants at Oak land when she visits the Yose mite. Mrs. Langtry will give two performances in Oakland during her sojourn there, but her Visit will for the most part be de voted to rest add recreation f&Ti;iiothy. Hopkins, weilthy Calif j'rni.m, has in the his ' e.npioy a butler who is described as perfect.- The butler is' a China man, who wears an Oriental cos tume . of silk of great magnifi cence. - He- takes care of Mr. Hopkins's hospitable mansion" in . a qiet, unobtrusive manner, Ivyhichjs as pleads as-it is effective. Hexeyen has charge of the wardrobes orMr. and Mrs. Hopkins. When Mrs. -Hopkins dresies for a ball the Chinese butler lays out her costume, selects her jewels, and never makes a blunder. , JRev, Charles Stowe, who preached at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, Sunday, will not be .called to succeed the late Henry !Z&ZV&r4 J3eeeher. Mr. Stowe is )ius. a y ifieson of Ut r V van d Harriet lBeecher Sto is about : thirty-eight years of age, short and slim. In early life he ran away to sea and served before the mast for a time, finally reaching the position of first " mate. He graduated from" Tiar , vard College and is now pastor of the largest Congregational -church in Hartford, Conn. Hotel Clerks. . .Tll tell you why the newspapers riilinle clerks so mimereifullTV' said a niftmler of th:it mucli-abuscl profession the other uijrhL "One at the -hit duties of the hotel clerk L to answer question. A thing you are in tin habit of Joins all the" time kii conies almost automatie ami vou e:tu- uo u wnue yoar nana 14 really on other M.t . . ... tilings, reopieast theamc questions 01 a jiowji ciers a hundred limea a dav. He quickly gets the answers down to the- briefest possible formula. These he rattles oft in a iwrfuneti nr.' unin terested way to all inquirers, including 'tewspaper-men. llic newspaper-men get an idea they" have not received suincient attention, and immediatelv jump m the conclusion that tha li clerkV abstracted maimer is due to self-coneeit, Avhen it is simply a result of systematizing his work." There's a great deal in this, butx the fact remains that in some unaecounu able manner many hotel clerks, mid especially young ones. Absorb .the idea that they are of vast consequence in a community and above the ri eeest;;fv which other business-men find of behi" cmi. 10 an comers. 1 saw a ery shipper younar snob of a clerk ho.inH. fully taken down by an older and more experienced snob at an up-towu hotel a few nights ao. The young man in question handles the mail of h nmni- distinguished statesmen that he quite consumers nimseli one of them, and iceis competent to patronize all ordin ary people who fall in his - way. - A well-known Senator of a ilvsivontiV diathesis and uncertain temper had iust arrived, auc young clerk beamed on him with all the kindliness of personal regant, inquired, after his health, and wound up by askinsr in a rather lnnd tone of voice when the statesman's wife and daughter would return to tiwn The Senator turned on him with a look that just desolated the smirk on his countenance, ana dryly -but loudlv an swered, Well. I'll let Vou know In time for you to make the. fires in their Directions Tor Smuggling. When you goto Paso del Xorte yon will of course desire to indulge that taste for defrauding the revenue of your country which is inWnni- in fi, w a - v.- v v M m& UkV American character); and if you are dis- pu&eu io De moderate in your indulg ence of this taste, you can manage the .matter .without much difficult-, and at no very great expense, for the .n tipU- you buy in Paso del Norte aitil smuo-le """ nver wm not cost you much more than if '..you bought them of mer- ua"l me American side. A set of dei fcortefor about 8, jand so the joy ui smuggling tlie: things across will cost you only about 3 Mr adviee. however, is to smuggld vcrv little, as the stocks of such thino in ti.o Paso- shops are much fuller and more vaueu man those on the other side. As to t the pleasure of , telling your tiieiius mat you rjouglit a particular tiling in Mexico, that may be had in any case, remember what Chestertield said to his son who wished to or, down into a coal mine for the sake of be in" a Die to say that he had done sr .V, c;m say it just as well without doing iu, was me paternal admonition. But if you must do a little smug gling, buy cigars. The Mexican weeds are good and leally cheap. Very large ones of tine ilavor can be had for $.Zo a hundred, and if you "break the box" by taking out three or four, the dealer will inform you, there will be no duty to pay. Then, by coiu-ealing the box about your person and looking guilty you may have, the pleasure, of "risking tine ami imprisonment. Perhaps a be terway is to bo honest, and self-re-spectmg, .buy -your .box of cigars and i-arry them openly, as I did mine, holdr mg yourself readj" to pay the duty wnen it is demanded. The customs officers, in that case, will equally glance into the car, observe that you arc simply a tourist taking back some er-.i-i foiv your owu Use and say noth- you un the subject. y0u Wwuiire of feeiiug guilty ani uiuiiost. f.ut you will get your cigars all the same at the Mexican price, and you can' afterward chat without fear with the customs oflkers and lind out a good deal that is interesting from them. Cjr. New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Uow Ijiterary Slcn Die.. 'Literary men,, as a rule, die . nobly, lhey seem to meet death with philoso phical quietude, as did the great Victor Ungo not long ago. Rousseau, it ia aut, when dying ordered his attend ants to place him before the window, that he might once more behold the setting sun, and take his farewell of earth. Petrarch was found dead in his library, with his l.eail upon a book. V c are not told that that book was a liible. Barthelemy was reading Hor ace, we are informed, When, his hand becoming cold, he dropped thr book his heatl inclined to nn ?iA .,wi 1... seemed only to sleep. lite nephew, however, discovered that he was dead. iiayle; expired while correcting the pmofsheets of his dictionary. Waller died repeating som. i;nnJ r: :i Although taken away in the "midst of life, Keats' cud did not come so sud denly. hen near death ho was asked by a- friend how he felt. -Better, my fnend," said. he. -I feel the dasies fS Th,omas Mre execution. .vhil; over mo." . iiiml. go his love of jest, even when mount ing fhe scaffold.' The- sjout-hearted knight, it appears, disturbed the op pressive solemnitirnf tl clainunir. ! nni wmi -,- ana for .my coming down let me shift lor myseiT." Mexican Magiee jewelry, for example, which the American shopkeepers in El Paso sell for $5. can be lHiirlf, in Pusa 1 f LACK W ELL8 DUR KAiyY :n 1 1 w The space 00 top is the quantity" ol POWDER BLUE in ordinary boxes. A FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO IJLUE contains as much as four wooden boxes, and will make fifty gallons of the best blue water. Sold by Houston A lino;." Wliole.a!c itKeuts, Greensboro, N. C. 3R. J. Q. BRODNAX;- P!iyMisinn ' mul JSmfjoii. Office for the present, at his re sidence on Ash street, opposite Mrs. I)r. Hall. TUv'on! kown spccilic for EpHcptic .Vita. "C? ilao for Epasma and Facing Sickness. Kcrroc Weakness U imumtly .rdlcves and cares. Clcasaci blood and qnlcteas alnezs! clrcnitloa. KeutT. Jizea germs of disease and aarea tlctncas. Cere (A SKEPTiG SAID ngly bloiclsei ssi etutbera Kood core 3. Eliminate! Bolls, Carbcaclcs tr.f. Cc -l ! P-'T'crnjac ct!y aad promptly cures ptn-s.'s. Tea. I; lz a cl-armlcj and healthful Ape; lent, lla Etrorula cad rings EtH, Mrta brothers. Chani Liu IccrJi to cood, recDT- fng the causa. Eouta billons tendencies and cat. ciear compi-.xion. Equalled rone In the dellrlni ef fever. A chaxming resolvent an J a matcbl toxative. It drirea GlcS Headache Uko the Tind. tContains no drastic cathartic or opla tea. ReUcvci CTKE GREAti the brala of morbid fanclea. PrompUy carea Rheu. matlam "by routing It. Eestorca Bfe-giTlng propc Uea to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all neiToni dlwrders. CTKellable when all opiates faJL Be. treshca the inlnd and terlsoratca the body. Corel Mjpycynia or raoney rcrnnaed. QHiEilllil It, irf ! J thc h:2$ owalt conqueror. Endorse VfS2nS -by,ovr thousand heading ItSena lergymea aad phyalciana In U. S. and Euroae! Uric or aald iy all leading drugaTfcM. The Cr. S. A. EIcLmond Medical Co. Prona. . Joseph, alo. O For testimonials and circulars send stamp Charles K. Crlttenton. A-jint, ICc Tort City. CRKENSBORO. N. C.; UEAI.KR IV I Harness, S:.ddlv:. y:y- f.A HI E OIL, Farmers' Oil Shinnies $2 UP. per thousand. Compel ting Gcccs .cn tei d. W-contiirae to actasaolicitorBfor Tiff ATI t a tT&do-TnaikB, copynghta, etc.. for the Urn tod States, and to obtsia pzr. ents in Canada. England, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. cnargo for examination of models or draw- practice. o Patents ntkt.liriArl fmnnl. 1 the SCIENixC SIuwS LXat3.20ajTLr. and ia admitted to be the best paper devoted" to scieaco,mechanicatinTentiona,eninenv works, and other departments of indairal copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by ail ccw aealerb. -. ; .. . , ; j, Addre33,5Irmn & Co., publishers cf Ktica tS5 American 2G1 Broadly, New Ycrk? -.adboojc about patents mailed frco. ASKYOURGRO USE WITH 1 km 1 m ill. i. Fltnatod la the lmmefllat section of cotmtry taat pnxJuces a trad ua vur sou ouiuiij 13 dot, gTown cLsewnero la me worm, uie poptuaniy 01 uese goons is our limit ed by tue qnanarr produced. We are In position to command the caolceoC&U if rnv DCCT offering upon thia martt-t, and spare no pala3 or cxpeuaa to sItq tha trauio Uxa Ctl I DtOl mm mm rsa mMM mo wrgiart cirexuauoc ana is tho meet iziia ential newspaper Cfiti kind published ia lLo CER ro w . 1 I lij" ut a-ukinds,cheaper: AO. . . . ... ---ow MWUl 1 Kr.BinciavEU's-r-j DURIIAf.T TOBAOGO f HONE3T. POPULAR, UNIFORM, RELIADLEyV SATISFACTORY Is the Most SMOKING TOBACCO EVER PUT UPOFI THE tlARKET, Hence Dealers and Consumer aJwavt dto- r,.ir.- u Tvir nrcx e of Tobacco that la textmrp. poina Aia tit Soccttrs to PORTER & DALTON, C Dealer in Drugsandliedicines, Orccnsborr, N. C i U l verctosny 1 was rrceivinf; the Largest and Handsomest slock of Dry Goods. Dress Goods, While Goods. Fine Shoes. Slippers, and also Men's Hals thai was ever of fered in Greensboro. N. C. it would be rather loo old a song to sin in this day and lime, and as all Ladies who wai.t new dresyes. want them of such styles and quality as suit them, and cannot tell wljat will best please Ihcm by reading any FLAMIIIG ADYHRTISSMBHT, the only altynative i l.i conic and see , the coods. as a suflicfent idea couid not be given in an advertise ment to justify you in saying whether or not you would be pleased without first eeii r the variety or FINE BBESS GOODS I am now .offering, and gtfiiinvr piices, so I hereby extend you a cotrii alinvi:.!- n to call and examine the goods thru I now have in stoi, and to arri Very Kcspecttylly, S50 REWARD will be paid for ur Ond l l J Jt AO Of Mm alia thai rm. clean aBdUcaamacanraia or ', MONAUCU irln Wml I iwnica we oiler to tb out t'jnvT. PHtt Hat, Which I1I I !riil1 N EWA RK M ACmTn 6 ci. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, "WThooninff Courh. I f Aim AiiI r diseases peculiar to the throat and mngs. j;or such ailmenUi, Ajer'a - Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminis tered, affords speedy relief and cure. Ak a. "e1y for Whooping Couch. ter, with much aatUfactlon; Ayer'a ronTLv0'11' Tor this affection,"; i ir,th? reparation the most effi . ot aU he mlicinca which hare ilea 1e sy kg u.uniuc WBICU RaTl eome to our knowledge. Mary Park . ."t Preceptress, llome Xo7 Littl Is - anderers, Doncaster, Md. Little My children liar t.. i . " ject to attacks of Ctoti p"and I fa fed to hndn,y rem7 Sill I 2 - PPrtn! .rtng Xyer'. Cherry - tlifficulty of breathing and Inrariably cores the com plaint.-Da rid G , SUrS Chatham, Columbia Co., if. Y, In1 JrZf? lJtr'B Pectoral in my family lor many years, and .nte Coogh- Tl medicine allay. -lViran.n' pf er.enta Inflammation from ertending to the lans, and quickly sub- iTitl V?. Complaint. luuSiun, a iainruie, Mich. SJifral; 11 ,WM Jh means of ; saTin the life of my little boy, only six months old, carrjin- Lira safely throueh . the worst ca of Wluxit-in- ( Wh I ercr saw Jan MI-. i' .K i ever Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Bold by all broif ulrta. Kico 1 1 ; aU aXlS - ..w, 4uvjr uu, a eon. 1 sin we In great variety, cold an I very cold. a; Excslsior SPRinG VATER On ice, direct from the Springs, rc ceivcd in Air Tight Reservoirs, TRY THE GULGHER SPRING WATER Gocd for cramps, cdics. jnd sick , stomachs. s,obo oflhe bcsi scltciion f Cig.irs on the Mjtktttr. m 5 cents to 15 cent each. Try 'My Own, the leader of all 5 cent Cigar. Al so, thc leading brands of all CHEWING TOBACCOS can be found at a low price, at E. G. NEWCOMB'S. OdelJ Builtiag. Greensboro. N erf. 5 2 & 5 ? !y e - 2 S Ca Z7 C5 g & ef C S?1 25 2 2 c a ,t f 5 W.8 (13 it4" 5 - S 'S'Ss 0- DON'T. Forget it, Please T V. it ran .tua f,rj, : urc . 4,nr Miirrirr CM R M ,m! ..,., V.,i4 L HUE. Tin Roofing, Krt-ji a?toiV icdv Sl.i . c 1,,, v . i ,,t I ,...t. f t . ' - t c-Uo f ..i r.-i v I j. : . i - ,'i tt i II. u. !- w: r, :,.!. ..-.." . . ra:5cd cH Urto. .;v. ir. V 1"P stuff i. a f. xv ,j , ?A. , . , Saratoc "It Saved . life" from Um4 U I x. i..;, .f f oaaJ liar, tfcc rur.-,r j, m.ru.,t lirrtnj &a X io that. Ui t r t w j bcmUl Ion aJrj La .. : , trouUe.-E. Eracvloo. I-.n,-, C . Aboni it month 1 1 . VIrtuvrrU; of thm lu-.. 6tf ilrrpaa.1 rrU 1 1 .l .... !. 1 withmtt rtl-i. . , Aycr'3 Cherry Pclzr . l.Irt m n . ,.M tltU tnoHit,4 rw t... . . m fatU::!. ran-. ' . 1 CoWrn, IS u uu I . .. ; . - A itaro tuk'xi ,ni , - aoQM lMa is t . . , ot licn fur i-i- . ., ., f fr liicu I lit I a!n t . AVlnIor. I...- . ; . Tao vcair: .. I . . , tel. i .1 1 i llli.t,i-M.I.l( ! , . .... t , nntJl 1 I 1. 1 . i; t total. 1 i.. !! .1 . .... . - m L AUu. .V-t I 1 Aye TrBjf Tr.J.r..t ' U .jr ail lrmf g . i 1 w . LYDIA PINXIIAM'8 1 c iv-t;o rrt i ti r.iroicwti. A Xr4UHaa far ffta .. y a rrrjiriJ ty . tW twrtl C Rm. v t tw4i-'jiiltf,Mkfl.... r---trff T'l ?tv'K.-Ci;4 MlWkv-!4.Utln.-: m tTTr4 rxxry.ti i.. .ffs r- .rrira &4MWCo4ir-r-.t SWrt.rwaofoM ."!5r, tt. Ca Uai :r ;. vvt mi! 1 fM 12 or U 1 4 mi ri, t jrv. Uht rorffb JCrA, T-.i. Vjr t.-cy tuvtot Uj. t4tMbr. ' 1 IIsown's Iron BrrrrRS ti one of thc very few tonic mciKcinej l hit arc not coro Yrcxi :nct!y of alcohol or y.S;jL y, tl. : becom-n a r.u.:fuM.-,-c' cf intcnuii. .i ? i uanmtccd to be a noa intoxicating ithnuhst, and t t IH. ia nearly every case, -ke the place of all liquor, -r.J at tlic romc time abso lutely kill thc desire fcr wliiskcy and other iatoxi- citing beverages. Rev. C. W. Rice, editor of the American Oiristum Rt- z ifzi, s.iys of Brown's Irca Hitters: Qa..O.,Koy.id.i$Sl. Ccwj: Tlefuoiuha 13 (4 tul torce ia beiiaf f4canre, and kkei ctDce of or pro!. your rrrparatira Dcccatfr;; and iJ6f4k-d. " . drcdi ho rvtart U-eaXjr , f tetaporarjr lecajjcraiiMa, Browns Iron Bitters lcai thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, bilious;! ess, weakness, ddbd ily, owrwork, rheu autism, neuralgia, consumption, 1 vcr contpliints, kidney troubles, c, and it never Ctll ? to render speedy and pcro-iceat rclie Lib Ma Whiskey! i WJIAUION- itSTRATForm

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