Yates 'Brothers, ten h3ms, twenty-five hundred biscuit, CD six hundred chickens and two thou- : B AT T l7K ;SJv ETCHES. I j c: -1.. .r -.. I - i , ' 4i ft 7 aOREENSBORO Alm AN A c Sun rises Ti.- r T. 1 A Maai fif o Cif? 4:z.. duu ncia wj jjvw j.-. . Old newspapers for sale at this offiec at 25 cents per hundred. EST Capitalists who wish to make of i":"" i.VrS ...v, - " X I - iiiviiiii -ill iniiiii tv ilii iiiij i editor of the MORNING .NEWS, ior .ThA Biirh.nm Plant announces in that the dailv Durham News has sus- ponded, a second time, for the want ofsubscribersand paying advertisers, The Wilmington papers announce thearrival of Mr. Bonitz with his printing material, and say that the r.. - first issue of the Wilmington Messen ger will appear next week. The twenty-foot poles for the electric lights were distributed thorough out the city yesterday, and holes dug preparatory to their erection. This begins too look as though we are really to have the light. Our reporter ought, probably, to have used the word suggestion in- aiwu ui wiuyusmuii, 111 ijjs icuui I ui a - r what was done at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners in regird to I .1-1- 1 a ... -I the Presbyterian church lot. Work began in earnest on the streets in the Northern portion "of Greensboro yesterday. About a dozen new hands were organized into a corps under a competent overseer, and the work last evening looked quite satis factory. The corps will be increased and the work'pushed with energy. Mrs. E. Warren, mother of Joe Warren, candv maker for the Greens- w rn,i r- ku. SChrimps from Wilmington, N. C. which may be seen at the store of the Greensboro Candy Co. Those who never saw a shrimp will be in terested in looking at him in his .coat of pink mail. The old Fprbis Furniture Cor ner has undergone a complete change. One who knew it a year ago would scarcely recognize tit now. What with its elegant glass front, a coat of dark red paint and with its bright penciling, it presents a very hand some appearance. The fact is, South Elm street, as a whole, has wonder fully changed for the better within the last twelve months. ' i The question of a "Sunday Law" coming up before the Board of Com- missioners on Tuesday night, quite a discussion ensued as to what should be sold on Sunday and what prohi bited. A proposition to prohibit everything except "necessaries" did not meet the case, as it was argued that some might feel that liquor and cigars were "necessaries." The ques tion was finally postponed to Friday night next. " At the meeting of the Commis sioners held Tuesday night a fee of S')0 each was allowed . Cols. More head and Boyd for prosecuting, on behalf of the city, Jim Boyd and Carter Johnston, the men who knocked down and robbed Mr. W. B. Crump in February last. The urrest and conviction of these two men cost the city only $2.31. They are now engaged in the internal im provement business, on -the C. F. & Y.V. There is now little doubt that 18S7 will be the biggest building year that this country has ever known in rail roads, lactones and other houses. It is now estimated that 21.000 miles of new and 19.000 miles of old railway track will be laid this year thus afford ing the iron furnaces and steel rolling and rail mills an abundance of work. The cost of these railroads is estimated ' at $533.000.oo for the new and $ioo, 000,000 for the old roads or say $650,000,000' of capital needed f.r the ;. rail roads alone. v I ; - Good News. Mr. W. B. Far rar is always up with the times. He has r just invented a new device for regu lating watches to the second, and has . applied for a patent. Railroad cm ployes and all persons owning good watches can now have them regulated to the second. . Go and see him and he will take great pleasure in show ing his device. He also has a tele graph line , running to his bench v which gives the time each day at 12 m. Others mav imitate Farrar. but beat him. The North Carolina Teacher which is being issued daily from Morehead City during the Teachers Assembly, has the following: An idea of the num ber of people at the Assembly may be formed from the fact in bread alone over two barrel? of flour and two hun- dred ; pounds of lard are consumed daily! And at breakfast this morning there were. used one wholev o and a "half," three, sheep; one thousand fish, f J elen at dinnar and over two tons of 25 Dr. Eogenc Grissom, Supenn- tendent of the N. C. In?ane Asylum, was unanimously elected President President of Super- stitutions the National Convention intendents of American Institutions i T ii ri it me insane ai iue wuh-uuuu held in Detroit, Michigan, last week. reiernner to ms election 10 tnis prominent position, the Biblical Re carder very truthfully says, Dr. Gris- som is one of the most accomplished physicians in the South, a man in every way worthy of the distinguish- nonor conierrea upon imm oy National Convention of his learned brethren. We congratulate him and his State on his election. Died, in this city, Wednesday evening, June 22, at 6 o'clock, John W. Kernodle, after a severe sickness of five weeks. Brother Kernodle was taken sick of the prevailing summer complaint, which, in connection with" other complaints, caused his death. He was carefully nursed by his wife 1, x, , ., , . , . , tho Vhi fi hp WiW RICK- ' WnOSe at- , tentions were constant, night and nnrl whn nrlminitArpd all his . l - . I medicines. She was assisted in his care by the Odd Fellows, of which order he was a member. He was al so a member of the Market-street M. E. church. Mr. Kernodle was born in Hockingham county on the 15th day of March, 1&53, consequently he was aged 34 years 3 months and G days. The funeral will be attended by the Odd Fellows, probably at 5 o'clock this p m. He leaves a de- voted wife and two children: A . correspoent writiig' the u Hmmgton tar rtom xMorehead City says that the meeting of the North Carolina Teachers Assemblyof that place is the greatest gatheiing known in the State. Nine hundred and fifty members of the Assembly are present. AH the lectures are bv residents of this State, and in addition to the reg'ular course there are thir teen special lectures by prominent North Carolinians- Lieut. Francis Winslow, of the United States Navy, lectured Saturday evening. Gov. Scales lectures nest Thursday and ex Congressman A. fi. Wadc'ell next Friday. Next Saturday a spejialj re port will be made on the establish ment of a Noith Carolina State Nor mal College cn a scale far larger than anything previously attempted. The Assembly adjourns on the 30H1 inst , and then goes to Washington in a special train and steamer to spend a week there. A COKBECTIO.. Mr: Editor .There is a slight error in your account of the proceedings of the Board Tuesday night as id the purchase of additional ground'Tcrr the Graded School building. The Presbyterian congregation has not yet determined to erect a new church, but a number of its prominent mem bers favor it and it was a pjairt of their plan to build a neat wall around the old grave yard so" as to preserve and protect it and then to sell the front, where the present church stands, to the city as a site for the. Graded School building. Then the old Graded School lot would afford a play ground for the children. The present proposed building will nearly fill up the old lot and have no room for the children to play. The new proposed location, where the . church now .stands, would give great prominence to the beautiful building. to be erected and it will be in a conspicuous place adding much to the -adornment I of the city. If the city will give the Presby terians enough for their lot to pur chase a new lot for. their church, which no doubt would bean elegant building, then the city will have two instead of one new public building which will be ' In accord with the spirit qf progress in the city. The title to the church, property can Ik arranged satisfactorily in the opinion of competent gentlemen who have investigated" it. Communities are judged by their school house?, which more or less indie ite eduira tional advantages and the intelligence of the people ; by its churches, which represent its Christian character, and by its court houses, which are warn ings to evil doers. Let us have nil these things in harmony and: in- the advance line of progress. , . . June 22, 1887. , "' - Odd Fellowj Noticel The funeral of Bro. J. W. Kernodle. will take place from his lateresidenCe this afternoon at 5 o'clock. All Odd Fellows are requested to meet at their hall at fony five minutes, past 3 1 1 make preparation for administering the rights of ' the order. Viitin brethren are invited to attend. By order of Noble Grand. J. W. Albright, Sec'y, AnniVeTS Off ' the breat -Battles - and Campaigns 01 theWviliWar'ur. The Quarter-Centennial oliall - a ' - ' . - f- the Engagements and,Canpains, o l battle year, i8fja,wil1 occur; dutiojr !i87:; This yr,5ni.iercinff rWarcs ugnsisro xicrtn state, :r ! Greensboro. NC.; 4 Will publish a sketch of each, impof tant battle and campaign of the civil war during 1S62. bennirff with rtbe OToSlTO and the; battle of PEA RIDGE fought March ?thanI 8lh, 1862? These wilf WangP"TO loti. the Peninsular, f-ampaign. mciua- in oui T ttaroor. lunc zv 1002. STONEWALL lACRSON'S Cam. paign against Banks. Milror and Fre mont. THE SEVEN DAYS BEFORE RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAIGN including Cedar Mountain. Gainsville Chantillr. SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTIETAM;Jhe. invasion of Ken tucky, by CBraRS : and Kirby - Smith ; Corinth, and Stqne River. r Z ' These- sketches will be followed next year by the stories of the battles r or ' j !v 1 ?1 tVl ,f l83. and so on each year, until the close at Appomattox. This series of . . L . Mil ! . o J SKeiUCS Will Close in prn. ioyo, unu i wiH give: an accurateL historical and statistical, recordof the great civil :.:... - . . - L The stenches "will be, handsomely illns trated.aftd'all ctrmbined' -will -make a valuable and impartial history, of the great struggled --.-- TERMS ; Greensboro I North State Si.qovA year in advance - ci kKTEOGH & BOYD. ; Q Greensboro.- N. C. 01i,IylM! That's a common expres 'sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up ia k. The singular thiag about ii is, that pain in Oie back is occasioned, by j so xnaas tkings. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, oM, nervous debility, 2a. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it Something is wrtqg and needs prompt Attention No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure " such . diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Logansport, lad. Dec: i, tZZa, For a ovtx time I tare been sufferer from itomach and kidney , t disease.' My appetite wu rery poor i : Ad tje rery small amount I ola eat disagreed with me. I was annoyed Trry muck from, pon-retention ot J urine. I tried maay remedies wiUk no success, until I used Brown' ' Lroa Bitters. Simce I used Uut my ' 'stomach does not bother tae any. My appetite is simply immense. My kidney trouble is bo more, and my general health U snch,that I feet - tike a nev man. After the use ot Brown's Iron Bitters for one monili, I have gained twenty pounds ia , weight.. O B. Sxacaxx. heading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Bitters.-' It has cured othera suffering' as.you are, and it will cure you. ; . . s3 - . Perfect' Hair . Iulk&t94,a natural aud healthy condi. tion ol the ' aoulp, aud of the glands through whfrti Tlourtehjnont ia obtained. Wheny h 'con'setience of ae and dljs ea.se, laiir. Worncs wak, thiur and jjray, Ayec'a Hair .Vigor will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote Its rapid nd, vigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness ot youth. I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for a long time, and am convinced of its val tie. Wheu I was 17 years of age nay hair K'f an -to turn. gray. . J commenced -UAlns the Vigor, and was surprised at th pood effects ifr psodncpd, It nof : only restored the color to my hair, but so stimulated Jta grovth, that. I-hsv now mora huir j than " ever before. J . W. Awards," Cp4trater. iCsa..- -V . Ayer'sTBaiivigor,' Ir .too Aiir 'gurmnci from dability and loss of appetite; If your stomach ia , out of -order, or ypur 'mind confused; take Aycr's SaapariJla. rThis taedicina : will restore physical force and elasticity ' "to the system, more surely and speedily' than any tonic yet discovered. '- - " - Fc-t-ix montlis I suffereti from liver :!.! jrn;iac'a tro-.ihles.- My food did not 1. iit!!j n.e, and I "became veak'and- .tv U 4iiao4atcd. -1 took six bottl ,.t( Ay.-r'n ?:irsa:tril!a, and was cured. ' S; V drt a p a r 1 1 ! a, Tliis space is reserved Will Armfield, the leader 1 Jl .rtrtrlri'i ' prices . anu.goou , pi.. RrppIRlinrn tnTGriFISGi UI CullOUU I U Ull IUI JI lUUi J.K.HALL & Cos No. IO GIGAE FACTORY, GREENSBORO. N. C. Our Cigars are manufactured of the very best Imported mid Domestic TOJBA.000, Among our most choice brands wc mention the following: ROSA DIC a BO, FI.ORDE Af,J1A. PUBEKPAIVISI1, IIAM.MFIVE FOIl A QUAKTKR nAFPI.BR. A First-Class Democratic Newspaper. PUBLISHED DAILY . At $7.00 .per annum, 1.00 six jnonins. TEE OLDESTDAILT IT TRE STATE THE WEEKLY STAR. $1.50 a Xear, $1.00 Q mos. Fall and Reliable Market Re ports. The latest News, Political ami General, from all parts ol the World, Con densed and Arranged in the niost Attractive torm. Advertising Rates Reasonable. . WW. H. BERNARD, ' I ' . . WILMl.VGTOX.NC NEW- EATIKG . HOUSE J I t.ike this int-th-.'l of info: mi R my friends nnd thr;. public mnr rally that I have openVd ;n roi.ectioi with my store -a rir.l-'rl.is itb l.ous .n t!i EiiP-pean plan lltat is. ordi r uhal ycu want and my 'or whit yu gel. M-als sfrvctl .it all hours.- Temn fea-onable. ' J. It. Jeffreys. MILLINERY AT Great Reduction Owiny tt ilie rarciiv,f .' ar'io iipel!el to ffi-r ur c.i i rc stck tf VIdlinrrv and Fancy G ds a lilt! ah. .vccii'sl. -Those wiihfi.g anyt!::-j in iiur Hue will d. wi-ll t call a .d . x amine onj as tl'ry :ife- ficb a i tic a. MUS. M. V. UINGHAM. West Market Street. f Tr.tgccn BuiMi;.g. -Dr.W. H.WAKEFIELD,. Physician, . Surgscn t Occulist, i ; c122usrcso.1T. c. Will attend city Mtid country" Callj. for G;" low v 5 "s. suV? - i Ffijlv . V 4 - Cape Fear & Yailia Talkj HiiTrcal Gc. COXDXXHiD SCBXUUI AO. 23 20A, 1S87; TRAIN NORTH. Pass and Mail. n " ! reight . L've Bennett io loam 1 1.20 1 1.3a SlS am Arrive Maxtoa 715 Leave Maxton Arrive Fayrtteville . pJJSSS 1.30 pm Leave l-ayctteville. . Arrive Santord 2.00 4.05 4.15 " 7 5 M 10.15am f9 3 m 1.40 pm Leave Sanloid 2.15 8.00 Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro... Ar vc walnut Cove 1.00 cm a . . . 1 Dumer at FajetteTille. tTlvinoutiiT" FreigK Pass and ! Mail. Pass. Leave Walnut Cove' 2.10 pm Arri e Greensboro,. 5.00 Leave Greensboro..! 9.503 7joq ana A 1 rive San ford.;... 12.5s pm 1. 15 " 3 20 " 3.30 5.15 " 5 35 " 64s " 1.17 pm Leave Sanford 1. 55 pm Arrive Fayetteville. if ?c Im Leave I ayctteville.. Arrive Maxton 3-4S pm Leave Maxton 4-i S Pai 6.15 put Arrive Benncttsville Dii:aer at Sad fori. Factory Branch Freight & Passe n rc Train movii.tr uortb. I fniin DJOTicir svouUi. lv jkiiaixtrti. 7 .un 1 i.v iirevu&uo3Upra Ar GrtjcrLo 0 30 am i Ar ilillboro 7 3- - Passenger and mail Trains run daily except bunday., Jf., t , t ;. Frii 'lit nnd IweDgtr Trm tnu t. twt-en Fiijctu vilie and IVncelUvillc ro Jl'iaj a, U iln sUr aim t rii- a. Jlnia3 , . iin siiy au Frt ight mu1 Pucut-r FnyettciUM Lnil Grec Wtdneiiayij aud Vri Triu rmr WotvrrQ oboru MfjnJaT- Jkntti. and MtTNO Grcu&lcro afid FjcttttUle 5t"uSj. Wed ntJy ami t riarx. cpt Saitttayf. . ':' v If. 4 ' 1 pt UlltU jt. u.e J aex eogv? and Mi"! Tnla vt3 tilvn at Maxloi iti CrcQir cksc cx.secliun at llaxton Milh Ctutrl to Charlotte no.l WitnTorw,i i J. W FRV. x q J. rC? General SuperintendenrT W. E. KYLE, General Pjsi Aent. A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until a ti applied, aftxrwhlch It xnoTes eaaily, " Wltea tk9 Joints, or hinges, ot the body are .stiffened - and Inflamed by Rheumatism, they eu r- &ot bo moved tvtihout canslcj the most ' exerticlaUng pains. AVer's SirsapsrUIa,' Its action on the blood, relieves piU' condition, and restores the Jo Lais tj jpo4 working order. - y i ; : j Ayers SarsapaxUla L eted jia iter . city, puny mott remarkiMo curfi, 4 tum, txr el which Usfled ile icsru vftb-' most experienced physicist." TTrrt'Jt necesssry. 1 could give the names of laaoy V luuivtuuaia wug mtc oeen curea DTisJtlSS tainly worked i wondvcs, rtneriBg tee tr - ' r, pheumatism; ; afUr-Vdojtnnrblctl'wWlIttcr Vciri'; la, JhU. and all other diseases, tntlfnta ImpureWood, t hcre-tr nn' rm-.rrry. Lawrence, M. A7.,CaIUiuor, lid' " . '.T. Aycr's SanaparCla cured me ef Cm4Tl a m. ' TOuua- cue; V;!tlf'm J17 rtera. 1L n. Short, I during many monll. a saTcrtr, from chronic Hhcumatios. The dtvease trakted ma rrtcToutly.ia srtieof s3 the: remedies I could find, until I cammeneM ain? Ayer SarsaparfJU. Itookserrrsl Lotties of thl rfnv.wtlfm ., - lly restored to tcaHh. i. rrtsa, inJe- lvuuc-ace, 11.;' . Ayerys.Sarsaparillaf-.a JCHH riSTaAntl, t3YrfnTttl.T.T..-- Imnrrtt yrttf ;r , -i. 1 17CCCr!nrnnF5 U1Q ' w. owtiLrrr.- 1 Birl IkrfrmBMcU. t& toe UUliru. Uat Ytelt s ArNTSiw.Vrwwp-nQ V-'-' OP THE KJ. nin;, AUREAL ESTATE 'AGENTS, Merchandise Brokers, iJLMD. CGMHISSiQX UEIGHUIS. Yates Building, oppoMte Hcnbow , 1 tUUJC. , Wc offer for safe. now standing tide track at Grcensboro depot: on One car choice white Corn. One car Mill Feed, cr Ship Stul One car ccrn Xcal. One car Oats, all fnsh. choice sound goods. Wc have better facilities than ant. one who offers such coods in this mar- kct. and wil sell as low as anv other house whef does a legitimate business. We received j-esterday a lot t.f finri Urge, IJananas. they have.soM very fast, only a tew bunches now left, our next shipment of Bananas will arrive !rl T-i. ijT-ri t The trade :of' merchants, and larre consume;s only, is solicited. We do noi sci ai reiaii. wncn you wish to buy. call and see us. We are head- quarters. very Respectfully. June 1st. 87. ' YATES BROS. : tue Morning News, ByJ.S. Hampton. GREENSBORO. N. C. AN INDEPENDENT POLITICAL NEWS AMD iJSOMMfiReiAL -1 . JOURNAL. Devoted to' the best interests of THE CITY OF GREENSBOC a w norm uarouna, generally. The MORiilNG News will givr The . Very Latest News From all parts of the World ; s The very latest . ... 1I nr;l tot RoportN, t Frcuidll Ccnmerclal ccntm; TIIF4 PROCEEDINGS - r . of "n f S? JvT n. O TTO O I O J. X KJC JlX-IIiO O 4 CONVENTIONS audi ui Itfit TL&iSe knife Mies, iailPR,S PEROD'CALS. Per Year : Harper's Macazise...: J4 00 UKKVttmY&ZlTrTj&JU....:. 400 llARFUt's JUZAR.. f ... 4 OO HARrrJiUYouui Pfortu,. ...... 4 co H arfk'& Fran KLiN Square Library OicYcar (p. Numbe) ixo Nic'Q;BoaTdma'Hous3 . TheMcDonald House on McDon ald slTeelUhjfiUcc to get nice B.iard and Loc HiirgX iTda tile l. By Mrs. J. w, Kekvohlr. 1 A 4 Constipation In. - Is sfriJ And most trotUscae - nuxZ neidXcW.ectuDe. J.T100' "Pirt v gvi sjkl Heartcc destroys the Appetite, sad vhea krj TrT. "continoed. eanses Et!imait of th - .tr - "1 - Compw-i r?rdflr rrred t ror a mabT ef n on lis I val 1 -qn of which I suffereTtrcw Urn c4 irLr1' and rdr4 . ' TtjriuouooiUdn. 1 eras ' roenplJd Ux wear a ah4 orer them. I ana. at times, was naahU to tear ex- posure to the lifht. X was entire I CUREO BY USING thr boxee of Ayer's PCI. X tare e .hesfutiDti ki fcttaotintinx UU tofdictris Tl t be tb brst cathartic ever taade- wames juxiee, 1'otaad, Ohio. 4 I suffered from CrntimtWvC ad. con . MoneoUy, from IIcA&acW Iadltstion. . and, rue, for years. Aycr's nils, which : I took at the suCTeatian ci a frit ad. bar riven me tXTectusl rtUrt. 1 immutwwd ,takjmx this remedy two months ac and f- am now free from Centtiratkm. the re- I wtw ot wDKa bas tamrd mr other l -y. 10 tiarpw. and rreatly ta. . I -uwvm wbko nas isttifd my otnex 1 lTtaW to disapwar. and rreatly tr j I I suffered frcia CVwl pation. whkh I . aaTUB.l n-V ... 1 .. 4 I : L " " 1 W. fc. i . . P ikIU. Iii.. A feared 1? would cause a torrc of the powtla. Two rxrxes U Ayer's lllls rsrd . Myer s HUls. a . a a..isa. . . - - - ' 3 Lxxffm e4 LxWa fee K