: I! ; 1 5 I 1 in u I Pi It i If f ! t'r t i! o orrnng 11. I CD are GREENSBORO, N. C. F.mweJ at ih Pii4).T: af Grwiskcro, N. C as 1 omI c! mat! matter. the (2KKKK. O. ANDREWS, j UU JULY 12 1887. 1 TUESDAY KOITOllIAL VASIIES. Gov. Scales has ; received a go special invitation to attend the I Ficdmont Exposition to be held .at Atlanta in October. President Cleveland will be present. . I 5 General Master ' Workman, Powdcrly has signified his inten- tion of retiring from office in Oc- tobef. The reason assigned, is extreme mental andphysical ex- tiaustion. The amount of work he is doing is incredible. He does not have time to read his daily mail which averages 300 lctters per day. Ten men are cmployed to attend to his cor- respondenee. f Public sensations take some of the most unacountable and ca- pricious freaks of any of the fol- lies-which the . human family is responsible for. Jefferson Davis - whose name a few years ago was u.,;a .AW!i w Wn turned into a hero and made the. subject of interest and at- tention of the nation. His name figures daily in the press, of the country. He is called out at every opportunity and his utter- anccs listened to by admiring 4 it : crowds. Memoirs v and bio- . ' . .-''- . ' .. ,t . .f as des wriiien, anu, vcuiy, u iuuks as u the grand old veteran were tined to die at last amid the honor and respect he so richly doeirves. ' .. . . J OUGHT TO BRING II 131. The, new Committee on Invi tation to President Cleveland and wife will be selected "next nr..... Ml 1U Week. It is tO -be composed ot P nd to sell ont quietly Being sar t ! t . ; J rounded by tho promotei-s of thocntei-prLse, Ilicy Citizens, ana tile laea 1S to wvsWl it. -r..lir. t make It representative of every party, Creed and class in the City, -pi , . , ... ... i ti I he delegation Will, probably ileave St. Louis Satlirdav next . . . it "p i and 'reach the Capital the follow- TVTi.rl.., a f jLr i.knK1., lllg Monday. A Stop Of probably no more than two days will be na(1 ho sent his order by telegraph. How . . . . . ever, it will not do to lump at tho conclusion mace -in wasningcon, ana tnen the delegation may go to New York. The invitation, which was adopted yesterday, will be hand- somely prepared by a lithograph- J v ing COmpp.ny for presentation to tlis President.- It will be en- grossed in antique text Ort a-sheet e . - Ot parchment , ' 14x21 mches. The work will all be done in . . . r . . D I a C K ink, no Colors a p pe a n n g anywhere. Another sheet of V - - . i: . parchment of the same size will be provided for the Signatures of the Gfentlemen COmDOsincr the delegation which carries it to Washington. The back of these f 9 sheets will be of satin. They will-be of satin: They will' be bound together at the top with a 1 ribbon. The wriole will be rolled and inclosed in a heavy leather covered cylinder. r If this don't bring Mr. Cleve land around he is evidedently be yond the rjsach of human pur : suasion. '."-., - v; The Piedmont Exposition to be held at Atlanta this falLpromises ; to.attract thousands of people to "the Gate City" This is one of , the numerous and unmistakeable .evidences of the- boom spirit that is rapidly communicating itself all over the South. There is a new impetus in Southern grpvyth and deyplopement which is daily becoming more aggressive more powerful, and: more -universal.-- Thcreare resources and advan tages in the South unexcelled' in tha world, .which have hitherto remained - dormant - and '..anaclive and which are just now beinj har- nerved o p t o a : 1 1 0 n . The i np;.i I s e The strides being taken W,r",T in those circclions wmcn tnasi yield substantial and enduring re sults, and, recognizing, otfr phe nomenal growth, the press thro ughout the length and breadth of land is aglow with pur newly discovered riches and newly awakened forces. Several months ago, the iiarper uros. ruDiismn T Company, seeing the irresistible current in Southern industry to forward and an inevitable pros- perity in the near future, sent a sketchijifr party on a tour through the Southern States, stopping in our leading towns and taking views, and a "write up" of each town visited. w . Atlanta, Augusta. Charleston, Charlotte. Chattanooga, Knox- ville, Lynchburg, Richmond, Danville, and other places were taken in the-lour, and " Harpers Weekly has since published flattering exhibits of these towns,- devoting one issue of the penodi- cal to each town, giving several pages of description and lllus- tration . This enterprise was not only a demonstration of the cer- tainty of -.our prosperity but was of substantial benefit. - - The incredible . boom of An- niston,- Birmingham and . other Alabama towns, the ceaseless in- flux there of people and capital are only some of the countless and unmistakeable signs which show how superior advantages in the South are destined soon to rival the north and its estab- "sncu : ricirnunerai 1 .? - tu 1. : .1 resources wnicn are oeing . oe- a- . , : .,.- veiopea point in tne same airec- tion, and 1 North Carolina,, tion, ana iortn Carolina,, esPeciallyvWith the magnificent gold deposits she is developing promises to contribute a noble quo t a t o th e t ge n e ral prosperi ty.- Horn Under a Lucky star. , . ; The mail sometimes presents nnexiiectivl advantages over the telegraph in stock specu lations. A gentleman of this city who ),ud mode a largo investment in a certain Western 'enterpriso took a trip to look over the prof erty on the ground. 'He was not parti cu- larly pleased with his inspection, and made he preferred to trust Ins ductions to the mail rather than the wire, as the "tick in the loCal office might be readand the letter oer- tainly could hot be perused in transit by any to whom its' instructions would convey an v meaning. The letter took four or five days to reach Boston, and in that time the stock" had taken a skyrocket flight. The broker sold at once, and the result of tho transaction was an enormous profit to the absent investor, more, thail ten Umes what he would have cleared thatdelayis auy-:the less dangerous in the stock market than elsewhere, Boston Tran wipt. 1 X3ob McCoolc In Hard Ixcfc. Those who can recall the dashing Bob Mo- whom Gen. Grant made governors Colorado terntorj, would bo surprised at the change that time has wrought in hisappenr- ance. T. he years have not dealt gallantly ly hun. He strolled through the Iloffman cafe Yesterday,. and though the strong physique, erect cariiage and handsome face were still L noticeable, the fire and dash of tho spirited 1 ?aP,r the, V plainly mimg. ; !iw Thair has whitened, hi heavy black miistnclw" was fringed with gray and the si ru :f !SLLaTf' 6t?f V"1 hu features. Mr. McCook was the vbw!, vx- eciitivo of Colorado when the minisig boom yct iu its iufancyf When he" resigucil lm VbthQ drifted into the speculative hfe of the western country and grew rich "from soma fortunate ventures. Most of the money went, however, a it had come to him, and Trlwn ho came east a xew roars vago his purso was no hiirer far thd he had' spent by the side of Pike's Teak. New York Sun. I ; V- . ' Ilad to Give It Up.'. - ' . ' It i told "of Dr. Thomas, now a&Utant bishop of Kansas, who was reuowned in Yale and after hi; graduation as a chess player, that-suddeuly ho gave up his favorite game. Asked the reason for "bis conduct, he said: I found that I took so mnch interest in tho game that when I was beaten, it arotfflxl in ra feelings that I could not conscientiously entertain. There was nothing left for ino to io but to give up chess."--New York Sun. - : S V Xeyada, Little lanliter. " Mine. Emma Nevada and her husband Dr. Talmcr, have a pretty ( Uttla -S-mouts-ld daughter named Mignon. Tho child Avas bom in France, her mother is an l' American and her father is an lunglishman.' Moreover- ievaua wmtaiK irrencn to her, Dr. Palmer vill talk English and the, nurse Trill speak only Gennan, so the littlo one bids fair to bo quite cosmopolitan. New York Trib- nn. ;: ; - r . . ;yv' Au Eminent Engineer. r ' . Tw Jats Thomas Stevenson, the eminent Scotch engineer, ras tbo father of Mr. Robert Jioais Stevenson, tko popular writer. ' lie was the author of many yaiuabk) invenBoni parUclarly relatmg to lighthouses, but as hd -was engineer of tho Kghthouso cpiumlssion ho decliuel all person! profit fixm them Neir 'YorkTribm3i-.;'--;-;;-. v-"" -'" ". -. - ' - . xic3 Xji es'es, j ,y . A .i?thern heiress to .half a million Joilars .can n)pmber that sho went irouSli tlijvar ?viili pnly four called flrcss.es., and she- felt more 'fond f tLem " 4han,cjp,(loes c her t'tvcntv-cVTrt kii-r ItllEI Mf COTT & Grcoitsboro, TV. S tS 1 The space on top is the quantity ol lJUWUt,K i5L,ut. in oruinary uoxrs. , A FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO BLUE contains as- much as four wooden boxes, and will make .fifty gallons of the best blue water. - Sold bv ilousTON &. Bro.. Wholesale acent. Greensb"orn. N. C. DR. J. Q. ' BRODHAX, Office lor the present, at his residence on Ash street, opposit- Mrs. Dr. Hall. Kwonlj fciovn ipccllla for Eplleptio Fit. liJo"for Epaeins and Falling Blckces. NerTou TTcokccss It instantly rcllerea and cixrca. Cleanse blood and quickens slogglah circulation. Kcutra 'Ires germs cf disease and sayea clckneas. Cures gffj gininS jjV SKEPTIC SAID J ugly blotche3 and stntbora t!ood aorea. Eliminate Boils, Carbunclcs.and Scalds. CPennaEertly and promptly cures paralyi;U. Yes, It is a charming and healthful Aperient. . Hills Scrofula and Klnffs EtS, twin brothers. Changes cad breach to coed, remoT- i ... tngthe cause. .ISoats bilious tendencies and nuV clear comploxlda. Equ&ed by none In the dcllriux of fever. A charming resolvent and a taatchlcv laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the vrlnd. : EtrContalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Eellcvct CTI1E GREATS CnlERlvlE)!cloliiQluiElRlolnl) the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Ehcu matlsm y rontlng it, Restores llf e-grring propen ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. gzrRcUable -ben all opiates falL Be. freshes the n?'id and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. - J ; Diseases of the blood oira It a conqnerori Endorsed in wrlUns by over fifty thousand leading citizen, tlergymen aud physicians in U. 8. and Europe. ; t-iTTor sale by all leading druggists. thSX ' ' The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical CoPropa." 8t-Joeph,Mo. - . (3) : For testimonials and circulars send stamp. - Charles Crlttvtoa. A-rnt,Xcw Tork City. IP. IP. SITHC, ; V GREENSBORO. N. C.. - . DEALER IN . Harness, Saddles,- -Whips, I n . r'i nt 7 " " An j "0 tBimeTS,. Ull, bhlDgleS IjiZ I'd I T)QV thOUStllld Composting Gccds i cn handA V?9 e?ptinTio to act ae solicitor? for f i rrt I r patents, cave&xa. I n I j the United SUtes, and to obtain p2t ent? in Canada. England, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. , Thirty- lx years nractice. o tu.ixif ion examination 01 fr7g(if -T cr craw- f - . - r m T mgs. Aa vice by mail free. - - 1 T"l A. mm i i au oDiainea xnror.cn na are noticeti ! a tha SCIEXTIFIC ABTElUCASr. which has ial - mm . - ntial cewspaper.ofitaiind publish inthe xe largest eircuiauoc snaiatnemcst inSw rid. The advantagcsofsuchanoticc every atentee understands. Thislanre and mlerididlvlllngtratil paper is publishedtVEEitlY at $3,23 R year, andiaadmittddtobethe best paper devoted 10 science, mechanics, inventions, cngineeric torks, and other departments of Industrial .progress,. published in anv country. Sicgla copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news- -dealers. - . - --- ; j ". - - . ) Address, ITnnn & Co., publishers of Ecica 9 Am encan. 2G1 Broadway, New York. - uanacDit tpou j patcntsTaailod freo. AsiaOURGROCEfl - 1 CI6METTE S, CO, . POnTill AID TATB v " Successors.. o - " . . - PORTER & DftLTON, - - Dealer in Drugsandliedicines, Gnxlx, K. C life te - wj II I verc to s:iy I was n-ccivin the Largest and Handsomest stock of Dry Goods.' -Dress Goods. White Goods, .Fine Shoes. Slippers, v- - t . ! , and also Men's Hals that was ever of- leied in Grcensboio, N. C. it -would be rather too old a song to siri in this day and time, anl is nil -Ladies who tOntit hew drcs?es. want them of such styles and quality as suit them, ai.d cannot ttll what will hest please them by reading any ,( 0 FLAHIKQ ADVERTISEMHHT, the only alternative is to come and see lite goods,' as a sufficient idea couidnot'bc gicn in an advrrtisc incut to justify ynti i?i saying whether or luit vi,o would he pleasi d without fiist ieii g the variety o? , . " FliJE DRESS GOODS I am now ;lTcting. aial gciliui; prices, so I heithy extend you a coini- al invitntiou to call and examine the gtods that I now have -in slm. and to arrive. Very Resncctlullv. . . - W. . MURRAY.- - SSO REWARD will be paid Xor any Grail Fan o( linn slx that ran clean aadbajc aatnocbOralaor Swl In onedar at our l'atrnt MONAKC1I Grain and 8d Separator and Bar frer.wbica we oQertothepsb at a Jow prlc. Hnd for Ctrrntr ind price llat, ?htH Mil t tr.nil.1 TXw. Your Children Are constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat : and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry pectoral, prompt adminl: tered, affords spepdy relief and euie. -As a remedy for "Whooping Cough, -with which many of our children were afllicted.we used, durinz the nastwin- rr, witn much satisfaction. Aver'a Cherrv Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most ef3 cacious of all themedicinas which have come to our knowiedce. .Mary purler hurst, Preceptress, Home for LittU "Wanderers, Doncaster, Md. ?Iy children have been peculiarly sub ject Ui attacks of Croup, and I failed to - . :l?.Lrf JSiu hS9J9 iwTi lr' l,wr Pectoral. This rrenaratinn t.1!v v. difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the com plaint. David O. Starks. , Chatham, Columbia Co., N. yf . f -. I have usd Ayer's Cherry Pectortl, in my family for many years, end have found it especially valuable in .Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub dues any tendency to Lung Complaint. J Wellington, Plainvillc, Mich. I find no medicine no effective, for eroup and Whooping Couh, as Ayer's fcfcrry'Pectr.rl. It the means of saving the Ma cf wy fittls'lov", only pi months old, carrying him safe ly t!;rwu-;. the worst cae cf Whooping Cou-h Icvtr saw. Jane ilalone, llncy riati,Ttna - Aih1 a L. j wJ hp R 1S!1 a a rs f ' MS!& GPlIKJG .UAiER On ice. diiect from the Spring, re eclved in " "Air Tight Heservcirs. TRY THE GULGHER SPRING WATER G01 d fr cramps cites. ut Stom.Ch. ick s,ooo oflhclC3t selection of Cic its. on the Market Ircm 5 Cent to 15 Cf ft each. Ty "My 0v7n," the leader Of all 5 cent. Cigars. A! so, the leading brands of all CHEWING TOBACCOS. can te found at n low price, at - K. G. NEWCOMIVS. V - V Odelt Building. Greensboro. S s K 5? m a rs P CO (9 4 . hi. CO I CO CO e. s 0. . co it, Please ! You can aluas find in slrck at our store the best Rockland and Virginia Calcined Tlsster. D.nd ri.is.lt r. P. ft. bnd and Rosendalc Ccmenf, I'lasicrs. H.iir, Ka'sornin?, - - Wc do nfthins but first t.'.ns 2 uj & . El I Forget lm -mourn, Cit.xrnt .? n ay jol a.-jj 4. ? t lip, Kep .i1w-.y; rrnly Sl.it Ti t. V.! Tcy Tii. Cutt?ri' and Spowij.-r -ui upat s!ioit rii.ticc' Keep Tcti.i Cit Fiue Vifc at reduce! p:iccs a id put it up whon aofi!. . nave 1.0 , n 1. t ,f t c ur.'y r.n uf i:r:.d -f.ip mu:: 1, a u w W" 5 .Vic' l v..ur r t i . liSuVciuy Ufa" - ft i. w ircm tl3 ttLo Itto xcaliicU l j xr. g.-al cs-, t!.e curatird porert tf Ayrt Cherry rcctcraL I cannot uj c la rralro cf Ajcr's Cltrry rrctcr!, U-llcxin- t I tl-it.Vu: let iU tv, I tbcuM lonz i'-co Lara dlrd froc Isc Alcat ix months r I llrfT 'HeraonLao cf t!e Lunr, lrontt ,r tI;:rt45ir.- Ccch lucU detcirr4 rue cf t'.cp and rrsu I L4 il eui co.:H lalcmi a-rnl ctpert.?t. iritbont"oUa!aln5 relitf. A frifs-1 t-U TiscJ tne to Uy Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I 1M o. anJ am haprr to Mjr tUt it kelpcd mo at cue. i'T ccntinucl r,i-. tLls inedicino enrct xny cin:-h. a!. i art &itis:.M, avetl t:ir hfr. Mr. 1 Cobnro, 13 bccnl t.. Ixmrll. J! v. I tavo U5c4 Ayrr Cl.rrry J-.?. -.1 lotoTer'a year, an 4 Ir.ccn-ly i- r 1 bonU have lca in n.y ". Vindor, I'rovinrc i t I nti. .- Ayer's C!:crrv IVrtr.'- u I Two vea- agl ttx k z. v. x - whicfi ctth-l on my lun. . I t...I physician, and ti"k ilv r in!u . t - iirc5cribi. l t foilcl tl-'a rt t. until I l gai iwZ Aye: i..tr-i 1 . trtral. Two l-tt'..' 1 I omptcly re-tirfJ ny ; . Allen, Wt lxnraJir, ..;u; Ayer's Cherry r'L:.;. TrtT-mjrd r Dr. J. C. Arrr a IV. 1 .1. . ioii by all bnicjuta- lik;i;ku.M. LYDIA K. PSNKHAiVl'8 VEQETA3LP, COKFOmrP. I a P!flye Crr rr tl i ralrfalCpc?a!,t! ltci MvtMaaUacrkM 21u4UtrUtlta, A JlrOlflaa for TTcRtic. lit 4 &r a Taaa. I'rranJ 17 r. '.r. . TkCmiMl L-XiJ r. m if VMU T..m ml X m-mrm tTTl n-ir- fj " . I--: - l. ( Jtir.a-sl- li rtk fx. . . v , .; 1 t .1 a Smflewto 1 ij return : 1rrU1.fi. l.mtn VilLi yc. ul liuiU on taa ck . I tl lr-aa tPhyric'rtj Ujs It asl T srri-2 n Trfr ?f-t It ?rrvrr Lii3lf.a, f J 7. l ai: .1 t4 for rt: it'll i-Jr.H:ij .ji-'." -..h ljt f I tjr of Vii U'S.i. 'ii. -an I taoiu-V, H aJir r v -" . ' i 1" Ha itrt f ZTli C- . aa ; lla Ca---Jt . . I. r: : :i a . i t-. M fi I trvi Ai't -iu- li .-t '.-1 al -. J at 3 S2S W.t -It.. k , I - , Vav I"r W c a-M r, il. EI V-.: f w . f- . f.i &? r'-l. or c L x; -, r I, - r . II r !,- (orrJlrr. Ura, lJL'n a r r'l J ttxrtaf taatry. lo-oe XV U-c in. lr ys . L2 WU. ilLi-i. - ei v .1 , aa fo Whiskey! Brown's; Iron BnrERS is one of the very few tonic n:cJic:rxs th.it arc not com ' po ;nostl of alcohol or . v his!; cy, thu-; bccoinfn a" fruitful source of intcmpcr-' r.ncc l)y promoting .1 desire for rum. Brown's Iron Botees is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will nearly cycrxcTuSi - inks the: place pfaU iiuy, - and at the same lime ab-'-v lutclv' kill the desire fjf v.hiskcj' and ether intoxi cating Dcvcragcs. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American GiristiaJt Re rVtf'f says of Urn tvji's Trcn Hitters: " " ' " - ' Gn.,0.,NoT. 16. iwj Ccr.'s: Tie f - 1 - , iZ t U-J force iu hn jlcaiurc, and tidou ir.J-l-tnctf ocr y-xlc, tns'.cj yr -.iT rrrpr.r:! -; erect znl U z r!:cd, f ill iTc 1 tfrci'i m L rti; l" ajjvr; fr t.r;-rr.- r.c: c;-t: -r.. 4 IiRowNVjIr.cN Bitters In; !ccn t!;crou;'!i!v tested lor dyspc:sla, indirection. bil:ou5,r.c;,v,:a,,;ncs,dcb:.I- , . . . "li-tiiUi.,, li.Uiiau ., i m; Itn -o -"' r i - ! kA.j.ii, Cl-- k. , I- - f f r 1-t .- .4 1 .t r.; rne of a dancrot: afl-t'.cn t tl !t . for which I had ni:nut ilciri : .: . fiil!n? a Tcmctlr. 1. A. - 1 "" T.J. C.J.'

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