I) "V, THE MORNING NEWS. THE MOKilXG uEY.'S. By HARTOfi ft AKR3EWS VxnW.nm.u Daily, L.F,rr Sunday. , n t "-'" itn j, " " ' Xf .......... t 11 T., 5-r... j WW Ihift Year by Mail "-, Pota;f jid, ......f 4 00 -i M.tntht, " " i ........ a o 1 hrre Montht, " !".'.... 1 00 Two Month. 75 On Month, " 1 " '.4 Tu tit y Mibscribcr. delivered ,a any part of tlt eif-jr M 10CI pi-rieek. .:' . U( DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY OT GREENSBORO. AND OF THE STATE. Vol. 2; Greensboro, N. C. Wednesday, July 13, 1887. 1 il; ) I I N J- Ml III 1 I II II ' . No adrmi4jrtentyMTte! in Iocal column at any price- ' " An extra car;e will be made for doub,e,-co!cnja if triple-cola-nn advertimetUs. . ;jj All announcement and recoraen&alion of caiuli. lite for office, will be charged as adrertiement. Adver4.a-.nt to follow reading matter, or to ocipy an ipcchl place, will not be received. ; Arouemeju. and Oifioal advcrusernents 50 ct$ per. .piare for cath insertion. AdvertuemenU kept under the bead of "New Ad,ertiicmentw will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payment frt" transient advertUemetsts muvt be. made in advance. -Rcmiunce mut, be made by Check, Draft, Postal Mw-y Order, Express, or in Registered Letter, jhdy such remittance 3 ill he at the rik of ths pub lishers. :" t L'mler the headf ".yeti il City Items." business noiit-er. will lie inserted at the rate of 5 cent, a line 1 "r every insertion. . . THE RAILROADS. AUK1VAL ANDDKPARTUUK OK TRAINS. KU IJMOSI) AN!) UANVI t.I-E RAII.KOAH. Arriv-s lrm Kichinond at. . fjeave ir Kichmond at. . . I. .. Q.43 a rn . .. 10.3a p m .... 8.32am .... 0 55P1" NOKTH CAROLINA . RAILROAD Arrive from Charlotte at.. ... 8.22am , .. 9.40 p m .... 9.48 a ro leaves Cr Charlotte at. ..i. ... " '' .... ...... .... Arrives frrm C.oMboro at ... . i... . . ... 10.44 p m ... 9.30 p in .......... 10.20'p ra ........... 7.40a m Iave fur GoldsWo at.. 9.50 a m .......... 6.00 a m 10.20 p m NOUTU-WBHTKKX N. C. RAILROAD Vri ives from -Kalem a t......... Coo am 9.24 p m 10.00 a m .10.54 pm Vi- for Saler.i at.... ...... ......... . ................... - C. V. AXII V. V.1KAI!.riOAl) Arrives Horn Favetteville at.... I .raves; for Faycttevillc at.... Arrives from Walnut Cove at...... ... 7-25 P m 9 53 a tn 5.00 p. m lxavea for Walnut. Cove at...... '. .rfJ--- 10.15 a. in. THE POSTOFFICE. Mails for ih'j North close at S.oo a. ni. and 9.00 p.m Charlotte " g oo 9.00 Raleigh . ' 9- ' S.dom . " 900 " goo ' y , ! l-ayetteville ' 9 00 I Th'j money order and registered letter office wil I nly be o;ea from o a. ra. to 6 p. ra. J General Delivery U open from 8 a. m. until 7 p. m. except', when opening mails. ! Also, 15 minutes after penins the Kasicrn night mad. Sunday hours, for general delivery, S.co a. m lor alf hour; and half hour after the opening of the mails froni both North and SoutK. The lock-boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m , . RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. " Pre3byterian : Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Cnurch St. Uev. E. V. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : Rev. V. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. llev.J.E. Mann, W. Market St. ... " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Uev, J. L. Micha'ux, N. Greene S -" J. R. Ilall, Spring St. -Episcopal : Uev. A. II. Stubbs. N. Elm St. PRODUCE MARKET. Appli's roen, per bu. . x.ooai.50 n-i'.-Mi lirtT lrt 1 rv . 1 ' , " ' flft t" " .....5a8 Ilutter iSa23 beeswax....... Chickens old . , sprin Corn new..... ......aiS .... isaao ....ioai5 a 50 Corn Meal a a .60 . .6 1-2 ..71-2 Dried I'VuitsJjlackberries. r Cherries..... . Apples. ...... -23 Teaches, unpared 1-2, " unpared 1-4, M pared ...... Egs . ... .... . . . . ..'.....,...... Feathers .;."sa9 ..........10 ..........40 Flaxseed........ Flour Family ... Superfine. Onions........... i5o .....4 .04 00 n prk.......... 6a7 ....... .................... Peas.......... Potatoes Irish .... .........:...6oa75 ...00 Sweet...... Rags Cotton , Tallow.... Wool washed . . ... .... . . . 1 . . unwashed Wheat........ .......... a.... .So ... 1 ..6 IO CO ..fiai 25 RETAIt TRICKS OF GROCERIES. IMUHI OIUO. ...... ....... ....IO Hams...... .. Shoulders.... Cheese ... .......... Coffee Rio........ , .......15 . ......20 i92-3aio patentees and all hav- the U. S. Patent 01- . Inventors and ; ing business with fice are invited to communicate with me with confident reliance upon my fidelity New invention t na ton tH OIH " - ' ---m g-uoWJWV a- tU Alt W Lt, tions -improved, and rejected applica tions revivea.- Caveats r filed. Trade- To' most children, the bare sugges marks registered. ; ' 1 lion of n dose of castor oil is nauseat- Prompt attention. Skillful service, Moaerate cnarges. JSend model or sketch for lree report as to patentability. a. v-. jr - ni'ui mauuu . lUliy luiiuaticu. . - . A. S. YANTIS, Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents, 816 F Street, N, W., Washington D. C, ,-:V-.::;;-:v:r-.v.-i,v THE LATEST NEWS. THE: X I'ilCFKll nL.ir.YE TO SUMtJIt.Y. .fi .Mllnnpl to Uoom ihe Sen aior in O1I0 Jllee! Fail lire. Signal 'Cincinnati, July 1 1. Yesterday's mectin- of the 'Republican County Committee demonsi rated for the first time to the deluded Sheimanitics of this secii ,1 that Mr. Blaine has a lo!i 1 1 lowing, and an organized ne, t;o. in Hamilton County. It is a well-known fact that Senator SIscrir.an ai.d his lieutenants are (earlui f a break to Blaine in Ohio ul crrater ditnensions than the one of four years ago. The ... .1 . cause ncccs bolstering, ana i inert lore I " it has -been -proposed to indorse Mri Sherman fcr the Presidency at the meeting of ihe different county com- mjttees throughout the State of Ohio. The committee meeting was for the purpose ol naming the time and place ior electing delegates to the State Con vention, and there was a good attend ancc. Two or three days ago there was a conference at the Lincoln Club, and it was unanimously agreed that those present would make themselves solid for Sherman if they could get thd Hamilton County Committee lully prepa bhd tally-smeared document was to be sneaked in without anybody being the wiser until the matte: appeared in print. . Fehvcnbatch was on' hand with the precicus "roll." He was chuckling r with delight. William B Smith called him L.nne sid- and .to:d him to keen r I me resolutions unaer cover, ne ex- . 1 . t 1 plained that the Presidential question Ih had been told that if the B. Smi resolutions were offered a motion would be made to strikeout the name of John Sherman and insert the name of James G. Blaine. Eurther than that he was informed that the amend ment would carry. Noses were counted. and everything was declared off. Thus died Sherman'.. iirt boom in Hamilton County; Frightened at a Bail or Fire, jjETBon, ouiy iu.-a curious anu w-v r,l -4 r a A curious and frightful phenomenon occurred yes- I A 1 ATA Jl S 1. -uuaj ttnwnwuuuiiuaiaimu otvim. 1 r iiii urn (if in w.i.i.T.tT s w 1 r rVTi 11 was in ine snape 01 an intensely brilliant" ball of electric fire, and onuiani Dan 01 eiectric nre, anu greatly terrified the family of Capt. J T Pattei:' of No 38 Hancock avenue west. Hearing a strange . . ' . .. . .. ... . noise, Miss fatten enterea tne aar - kened sitting-room just in time to A see a blazing ball of fire, which she I subsequently described as larger than a cocoanut, burst through the wall- nnriM from thn rhimnev. IVTrs. Pnt.- ten saw it at about the same time The ball floated slowly around the rnnm with thfi mmvnnpv nf fnr 1 ...... w . - , ,a - ... ... puoon, cmitung a mssmg sound and throwing an intense glare on the I rT. .. (1 .. ,1 r C v l Buiiuuuuiiif v.iuuis ui huuv uuial out from the chimney with it and floated in ihe blinding glare. The ladies, full or terror, placed their hands over their eyes and turned from the sight. - Just then Mrs. Frank Frisbee, who 1 jii a. a lives accross iiio strtxt, ran over ior a short call. She opened the door nnri n rtmfi wns rrpnfp nnri f hn blazing visitor darted out. Mrs. Frisbee, almost paralyzed with fedr. ""o-" ... Y1 a hIss sfP : out the door and disappeared. One side ot Mrs. Frisbee's face was blackened by the soot or discolored by the. ball as 11 passed lier. ing. Vh2n physic is necessary tor the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Theyare safe and pleasant to take. I 1 ry inclll. IIO USU FOIZ BEJiT. Fivp rnnms nnnH wpII nfTmi-r App'y to j. W. Weatiie'rly to nuorse me unio iuicsman. a n , AnmiL.f lit, i,n,in. t. ii 1 . . . I -v,;--.-.- u.. .u- l . t : .1 M.;.. - - . A I f!ot. ftwc ,,-.r ,m fa uSu-.i.iius: uic uiupxt-iva options and leases on adjoining lands 'i1' lllc uuun,,'r p m. Returning. Itavcs Scotland Neck ser es of re.o.utiensverc drawn up of tho Wake Count Horticultural ere secured to day. JoseohiS Fay. nl SxztXc' , , , ., : Lt o 30 a m.. dady except Sunday. ' with a preamble of five ' whereases," g d This means business and I of Bd si o General Varfaer of the Character and amounts of ,ts invest Trains leaves TarbU. NC, vii lauding thc Senator to the skies and f.?,5 .f,t h "f3 . 1 r Blon, General Manager of the ments carefullyj.mitcd by Statute. Albemarl i Ralc.h. R R. daily, .except tVrl irirVr him to be the unanimous I,kc to s00 lfc ! A ake" is coming Lake Superior Company, is expected Receives deposits from five cents to Sunday. 6 p m.; Sunday 5 p m.; arrive c.eciarin mm 10 ue ine unanimous tQ hQ produces here in a.few days. The shaft in which two thousand dollars from any one Williamston. N. C. S la p m. rM 6 40 choice of Ohio (including Hamilton . . " . . . , pcrst;n. , u...rV;-. vv,";-n... v 1 v ? r .1 r just as many and as fine grapes as gold was discovered s down twenty- ii,.iin,,,f,,t.rt .. D m Ktfrr.:r.g lca-.e i..:amston. N County) Republicans for the Pres.- J ,J tot 43 J as all profits to dep;mtots. C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun. dency. These were intrusted to John ' any place in tho State. two kcc. - Makes loans on public bonds, real day 9 50 i m. arrive Tarbra. N. C. . . . . , . J . Trr. .T W. Sfpnhpn n ttTntTiTrf .-3. estate. and hrit-class nrsoual ecurit v. -, , ,, m should not be brought up, as it might encourageir. - . une ctiipi 01 c.ivisio:, in the patent injure the party's chance, in the fall. The State Agricultural Society has "office whose due bill for several hun- J f . ri. w ir appointed Mr. A. D. Jones of this d dollars was found in Mr. Bacon's The truth of the matter was. William . www mio .a, . ,t. u.uu rtr -Y AT TIIC CAPITAL. Brilliant Fire Display Bap- I f 1st Tabernacle Dedicated Grape Fair. IlALLTUII, July 11, 1SS7. Thcjdisplay of fireworkj which waa to have been given Monday night took place on Wednesday night at the foot of FayHtcville St. They were very fine and' were enjoyed by h vast crowd. The rockets were ex- ... 11 m. r 11:. A. unmanu - - 'ihe dedicatory services of the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle were held Sunday afternoon July 3 at 5 p. m. An. original do vltatory hymn was read by the pastor, Rev. Thos- f1" " " UC I hv the n:-Stors of nthnr rlintirTipa nf lno city- Services are held In the Tabernacle every Sunday at 11a.m. aajSjt IlV . . Thc e,Sh Cornet Band ve " i " "w Square Friday night. They nlaved ... .... I w . wr liuerrupieu oy me rain. ine Dana A . . 1 . . " . .1 " i III 1! 4 I uiti vuiuuiue 10 give concerts every weeK uunng ine summer. The Teachers' Excursion from i ,i ii i Washiiiffton came back Welnesdav rru ' . . - LT;.. 1 I M 1 ' A urape snow will bo held in Ral- who recently moved here from Portsmouth, Va., is having some fine bath rooms fitted up in the rear oiiiis store on rayctieville St. He will connect with the city water works "end our people may take If J . m . m, """ o" wm contain large tubs with all the ,1 1 mm. i.. 1 iiiwuci u .1 '. : 1 1 1 i;n 11 1 . 11 is , 11 i hu' . "7 - ' " - ...Minuiiutmi chf.marshal for the next State Fair. This is an admirable selection. Mr. Jones is a lawyer of prominence . t?t;k -r r in Raleigh and was Treasurer of vake County in 188G.- I was very glad to note in tho MorNing News of to-day that Mr, Greek O. Andrews has become a partner and an editor of the News. I congratulate Mr. Hampton on chosmg such an able assistant.1 Mr. Andrews is'a writer of power and a man of energy. I have read some of his correspondence to the News and I 1 tr a 1 -w . 11 was nrsi ciass. 1 also congratu - i it was first class. irs on 'asaoclitiiiff him- ts on associating him- a valuable paper as late Mr. Andrew nrvi r v I 14 1 acu vuu auwi u vuiuuuxu paper as i thp ATrni vtn tpu' nri tvih &n able man na Mr. Hn &rj able man as Mr Hampton Mr Hampton has . been in the printing business for many fyears and knows how to "run" a Daner. I untipinate I - . 1 a bright future for the News. TREiiun. NOTICE. Miss. Louise Jenkins, Hillsboro, a graduate of Hampton, Virginia, has been appointed soliciting agent of Theo- 1 en- I u. n-.., t tug vjucrcjuokjui. u xiuitxiai uuu I - logical Institute. She has been gaged for several years as teacher, of I 1, 1 : i l 1: 1 1 a. puunu lusirucuuu uuu nas proven w ben Christian young lady of char- peter, veracity and integrity, and promises much good by her zealous labors, in educating, christianizing, and the lifting of her race in the scales of j recognition and intelligence, I n r.. .. -i. 1 1, rr i H 1 &ulxc itueuu nt-r tuuns, auui 1 that her labors among her people may redound to the glory of the mas- ter, and to the building up of frail humanity, wherever she may go. , ..w..w v.&Uv.a . . Board of the Greensboro Normal and Theological Institute. S. IL Jones, Chairman. Sim Milton, Secretary. Isiiam Shaw, Treasurer. II ev. Prop. C. L. Davis, Principal of said Institution. Fortify the system, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, against the dis eases peculiar to hot weather. This medicine induces a healthy action of the stomach, liver, and kidneys, caus- inT them to Drevent the accumulation I of ln;; poisons which produce disease. rorl I . - - a. i.i uti uv. 1 . . 1 vvattl..fv ir...... A TWO.ACT PI tCt. Sckxe 1. A crowd.. A cht.rch, A march of Mendc!whn, A bride, A groom, A ring, and priest's grave tone. Weddc And naught but death hall K?vcr od Joined Let no JtZiX sunder ever. Sckni: A crowd. A court. -A case details spioy, A Judge, An oath, A bill decrco nisi. Divorced Then choose again and plight 'em Kach scene Repeat ad Infinitum. i Savannah 'n's. vl nich Find of Gold. IsiiPEMtNG, Mich.. July 11. Hun- j 7" . ' - . fir w r 1 a . i m r. n rr m a . mm w i m . a m . . r- a ...... m(, tJUV.IVII.LT III I sec iiic ltoiu snccmicni at me firt i -a". I . ' . Vational Bank nr.rl tL .Smvrior ' fic- xhc assavs show that the rnrk - - - i riihr in rrnlr. limn invtMnnoix. vet found. The Lake Snnt-rinr- tron u r ' , p - - H - " i'-'- -luunu s.c property. Everybody talks gold, and excuemeni mrougnout tnis part 01 the stale is tremendous. A number of Thc Fraudulent Bacon. Washington. D. C. July u. The accounts ol Mr. Bacon of the Patent Office which were - found to b2 $33,000 with a number of due bills from cm- plovees as an offsst. arc siili undergo- I K1'' J twl III V J. I i J ing .examination. This examination declares the fact that many prominent I r ifmcia i nl Ihp Ii:!rM..r rl!r-.-i 1 1 m-nt . i ..... ....... - " -- ......... old and recent appointees were in the habit of borrowing from Mr. Bacon. trading loans from the lady clerks of I his division, and the case is now under investigation. Much of the money due Mr. Bacon because of the publicity giveo thc matter has been returned, a former commissioner in the Interior department having paid several hun- dred Wms due by his brother, while L'fi J!?,? ?.aJhe.c.!'.lii5 i?1"3? c.Ss XsSS Bacon s account books. Danger or Lynching. Pr-rrTcmTr- Va tmIv in 'rh 1 feelincr acalnst Reuben Coleman, the I m . -b r "m 1 negro wno assaunea Jirs. R. M; Savadge in Surry County, and who b ow conHnea. in the county Jail, is bitter that the Surry Ca-alry will hittpr that the Surrv Cavalrv UQ rvii m.t n ho toil Coleman has attempted to prove an -oieman nas aiicmpuxi 10 i short time before -Mrs! Sava 1 At-. . m. m-. m w tr rm -r m m at w w-k -ur- home a, adtre was attacked, but she is positive in her I Mnl!fl laallnn f 1 1 1 . v a n.. mi I A of 4 I. Identification. Tho people of the county, white and black, arc In for lynching Coleman. tho jail is strongly guarded. Bexcarc or Ji'egrocs with Blue Gums. From the Mobile Register. Another policeman, this time Officer - W. J. Yorke. has been bitten by an en- I raged r.egro. The negro, Louis Will- I i:.- TT- ..... . . ,t i mui., d'i.is i.ayta. uo uuun uutJi' and in attempting to free himself bit the officer cn thc finger. The result Qf the bite is inflammation and pain, but not as yet of a serious nature, It is stated as a fact that only the negroes with blue glims arc poison ,1 I .... ous. wnen uuicer , onn King was bitten in February from the effects vKJrh onicnninrr h- h i.ri-n uA nn ever since it was said that the netrro who did the bitim- had hlue rums. , . . . . .1 v.aw . 1 nis is uoi suDsiamiaiea. out ine nc groes generally declare that in eveiy instance where inflamaiion has re - - suited from the bite of a negro the 1 1 f..A u..a. kl... unci uaa urxu . iuuwu iu iiavi. uiul ' T . .L!. 1 . . . t. . gums, in mis wsi in.iantciiic i.ciu actually has blue gums, the Ccsh t ti-.4t. i m-.Mn AlWiASiU till ILWiil WS' W w blue color. .s Fop Kent. Three new houses just finished on Orange St. one square from the Graded School and Presbyterian Church. Rent very low for such nice houses. tf. A. II agan & Son. rCOPI.R TALKED A II O ITT One of the questions of the hour is. will Powdetly give up bis position? Mr. limine nut appreciates the parable about the gucsf who came without the weddinj paiment, Secretary Lamar's son.who now has a GoTcrnmcnt clerkship, is not a blight ycting man but an excellent baseball player. Yan Pntn Ltc. the Chinaman who cuniitea into notoriety ny raarrvLie a rich Aratilcan lady, does not clarae to I be kin to thc Virginia Lees. I . .... . , . Il has come to i.ght that Mr. John S. Wise is incrcaunc 1iis hr L"uune hv rcpcaxcuiy nnng ni.usel at Republican banquets. It is a pVir c?c unut that has no milk at all. Y t - - - - , . Mr. Conkling's avowed ignorance of current political aiTairsis accepted as a mild and amiable piece uf humor. It is better than the 1 noisy overflow cl the man who knows everything. Of thc many spccachct made on the r- .t a.f , , I : , J,t' t . linger in thc r.ublic mind and memcry is thc one made by Sunset a. ... . ... I fT His descriptive application ot 1111- hrivmrt m ir'.-nt n--t t.tii. ... ....p. J - a ..Vk llitlb thinir that was not born to die in a I M - - nurr. OplS XXVO Cents ZlTlZZZ 2ZZJL grkenmxiwi. n. c T.-rorDorated Anril 2nth. ,... dcr lhc aws oI Norlh CarCina. " Open lor business July 2. 1SS7. Under rigid examination of Com. OFFICEKS : FresiiUn!). M. Winstead. Vtct-rresUttitsW . F. Stele . J. A. Odell. J. 11. Harris. -r: - . . c . 1 . -,- I C. 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith Trtas. (or Gtsxur) Samuel L. I rog- I rl , , r ,1 K,r v ' I field. N. L., 7 3 a tn.. arrive Vfj.us!or den. Ccrl- (or &-rfarjr)-ll. II. Caitlar.d. i i.c ct ra inu ior iar iicci linuncni increasing Uie it fet well be I napn Houston & Bro. ... WANTED 1 A position as salesman or account ant, by a yiun'r man of experience. Good reference given. Address LUKE. Druwc: G, Grccijboro. N. C. 9 Directors. The Diicctors of the National Bank of Greensboro have declared a Semi- annual Dividend of 5 percent., payable on July 6lh, 18S7. Subject to no de duction on account of taxes. " jy6 iw. Neil Ellington, Cashier Little butter cups good for children; IW. . GREENSDORO C4NDV Co. For Sale. I have on hand a number of good milch cows which I will sell. Prices ranging from S20.C0 to $50.00. , VT Jas' -SiIIJ"-i Ncw Garden. N. C. rnQ cnntmtnm nnri nniidrm ! I Notice is hereby given that until I Friday. July 15 1SS7 sealed bios for crectincr the White Graded School I D t ' ft I .a I Building In Greensboro. N. C. will b: received by any one of the undersign- ea scnooi committee, we reserve tne ngnt to reject any ana an bios and to select any one of the bids we deem proper, at the same time our means are somewhat limited and we wish the building to cost us as little as possible. Thc plans and specifications can be mspccicu ai any ume oy caning ai in Mayor's office, Greensboro. N. C.. or by application to Mr. R. M. Reese, cicf 'oI poiicc of th. cily police of the city. D. SCIIENCK. L. M. Hawkins. W. E. Coffin. - S, C. DODSON. Committee. (City papers copy.) The soothing and restoritivc efforts of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral are realized in nil rrKt of rr.lr! niirfi Ihrnif rt r I. 1 unr troubles, while its powerful heal- of ing qualities are shown in thc most serious pulmonary cisorcers. UAt I ihe subscriber oUers ior rent ior a - 1 . . . . v. r w r v t r r i r-.irr: i ji . p w- r pVcperty; consisting cfa' good dwel , ling and outhouses, with ten acres c land, seven or which arc in clover. uaiain.5 111 zup. ujiotjj. inc . . - : j I J . ' . . 3mj P!3sierca ma is in ttrst class ! order. This property is located just I west of the Greensboro sboro Methodist College, on hih ground, healthy and pleasant locality. Apply to THOMAS MCMAHON. At Benbow House or Spoke Factory. IIttIo Butter Cups. Pure and sweet: little butter cups 1 . made every day by iw. GncENsrono Candy Co. WILMINGTON & WLLDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Z CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUT1L No, I No. 47 i No.U u- ! Dailr. i Dailr. Da Ir Nor. -v Vc!don.. 3 13 p r 5 jSpnt 10 a ra Ar Rocky Mt 2 33 p m .. Ar 1 arooro. 4 soprr. ' Lv Tarboro. 1 1 30 ' I. Ar Wil van. 'a 0: n mf t? n m t c? a rr ' 1 - r - Lt Wilson..' 4 15 p m ' Ar Sebna..'s 40 p rr. . Ar Fayetter. g 32 p ra Lr GoUHbftro 4 54 pmrpprn 1 (Sam Lv Magnolia 6 OQpmjjSpmjiSam L Iiurgaw. 7 conn 6 It am Ar Wilming. 7 53 m o 5? p m 7 00 a m TRAINS GO;G NORTHi 1 No, 45 No. 47 No. 43 wiur. uai r. uxiiv. lt wr.mtng.ji it nm e . r 9 9 . a.. Lv tlurgaw.j 9 34 a,rn 9 50 p m Lv Magnolia 12 52 am 1023 am 1042 pra Ar tjoias'oort.sj a m i 1 35 am 11 53 am Lv Fayette v.j 7 00 am " Ar Sclmi... j 9 5S a m ........ , Ar Wilson... 11 25 am Lv Wilson ..j2 32 a m 12 25 pm 12 $l am Ar RokyMtj Toopmt 27 am Ar Tarbaro... 4 5o I rn Lv TarboroJ 'n 3j am Ar Weldon.J 4o a m 2 I p m 2 4 a m Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves nontax lor Scotlan ! Neck at 3 00 Trains Mi-ikinJ C. Brar.cli leaves Go!dilcro,: N C. daily except Sunday. C 30" pra.; arrive SmithfielJ. N leaves hmith- N. C. o co a ra. Southbound tram on Wilson t-ayct- teville Branch is No. 50. Northward U No. 51. Trains No. 40 South wi.I slon oaiy at Wilson, Goldsbaroand Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes close connection at Wcldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and !a.!y cx- I cept.Sunuay via Bay Line. I Trains make close connictuii for a i points North via Richmond and v ash- mgton. I m. mm, . All trains run solid oc'.wccn v. liming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attachctl. JOHN F. DIVINE. tcneral Sup t J. R. KENLY. Sup'i Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Gtn'l Pass. Agent T3IC1I1I0ND AND DANVILLE BAIL JA; ROAD. CONDENSED HCIIBDULII TRAINS RUN BY MERIDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Hay. HOJU, 1VSC. No..0. 12. Duly. . IUUj. t 4i a txxl 4 DO pm 7 'i-i in, C77 pn 3 4rs 912 p ra 1 1 . 4 AUi 1 1 OQ p in 3 Zj pro' 3Wau 5 Si) pn Z Cj ata 8 5 raj , 8 C- a ti . . Leave Ner Ycrk. LcAT6 PhtUdelj.LU.M. Learo Bltiruyre. Leave WajLiugton . . . . LcAVe ChxilotUfcillc. . Ieive LyncLbarg LcaTe Dan v 111 Lear BicLr-iOnJ 3 CO p :a 2 So ta Learc GoliLboro 12 30 ata 3 ID pa . t.? T n j j a. 1 Ol am 6 37aii 2S0iu 111", Ami ID ldua VlZJxiu' 11& ra I itq a. ivVlV.!!!. Leav S!iborT- Leare CLaiIoHj. 2 Z aa 1 (Opta Loire S;nibinb3rs. . J 5:3s' 3 3Ituj Lrarc Greenville ... C VJ 8ITi 4 i jrta Arrive Atliuts.... -....) 1 2J pra 104Jj-tu TRAINS GOING NOItTH. ilay H2llx No. i.u. I Duly. Dilr. Aniro Clitrlotle ; G IZ in C a t r.i Sdisbnry ... HiK'a Poixit , Gncnabcro ., m-m ( llak'ph . ... GotijbOTO .., 0 IZszi' 8CJ ti ra 4 ,.f 7Mits; 3 13 ptu ,.! 8 IM. -n j W 1 ra 12 47pm 11 ir, tia 2 41 i r. C33 &r.i 4 COp.-u II t.) Arrive DiCTi'Jo ... ... 1C ICax 11 U rra ,.13 '' ' Arrive LyicLbur ...,t 1 13 fa 2 CJ ata CirlottcaTilIe ... 3 If p rn 4 11 tu 'Aihla-'oa 1 c5 21rra S 1L Kti::vrj 11 ;n. crj I'liiU-hlpLU. j 3 Win. 12 3 i rj Nc Ycrlc. C2)i 3 r p.i D.ulr tictpt Sa:.!y.' N .W N. CnAILIU)Al) . K::;r ttuzs No. Z No. an Lt. ISalcia 7 2) a ci Z CO oonro Tczra :q- 1. f...; ir. - li C J i2 SJsn SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains ?o and 51. Pu. .rr.a.n r u.fet f Sfceper between Atlanta and Yew York. Ncv.- Orleans r.nd Washington via Dan t f vil!e. O.i trains 52 ani 53. Pu'lman PufTtt I S!ec?r;r ?.!or.t'omery and Washington. Aiken and Washir.lon. via Danville. I O.i tra:r.s and 53 Pa 11 man Sleeper bcUveen Riclimond and Gre-naLoro, and I Greensboro and GclJsboro. For rates and i.n.orma.icn opp.y to t - . r t b ('ri-miv r " I t SOL HAAS. tVm. 1 Tas. L.TAYLOU. 1 , j " Gen. Pas. Acnt, 4.

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