..." -, ; . --. -r ..- , - : , . -.?-. , ff j . - -' . i -" - - v . i ' - n if .., , , . . ' i ' " ' " .' ' , . ' '; " THE MORNING NEWS.. i- t i ' - ' i '-i THE MORNIKG KEWS. By HAMPTON & ANDREWS.'-: PunusiiKD Daily. L.Lept Sunday. ltl4 ill!' rc. " " I-s!tar ............. " I " tt'o .. t. . w . t ft fl J t One Year 'by Mail ,:, llaje paid,. Si Month. T' ' . Thre Month. " ' " Two Months " " " . One Month, " " " . v-J-J L 1 "1 JL, - DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS Or THE CITY OF CKEEHSBORO. AND OF THE STATE. To city uicritAV , dclivcrcJ in any part of the city attoct h.t week, . - , Vol. 2. Greensboro, N. C. SnTURDRY, July 16, 1887. No. 12 CiMtM Im km N 1 II V X III ! 1 It III II ' it m T 1 T. ?, ..at 7s r "' ' t rell ion per 520. MS- PU2LISH22S' AKi:OTOSESSSTS.: No w.lvcrttciienti inserted in Local co!uma at any pric ; "' "'; .' . ' '' An extra charge wilt be maUe for duuUf -column r trile-co!ann advertiemeot, U "; All announcements and reloraendarlons of canJi. (tate for office, will le charged a a4reniement. - Advertis.ints to follow ireadinj matter t.or to occupy any pecbl place, will hot be received. AtnueinenS anl OiTiciai adverntementt yt ct per nquare for each insertion. I ' Adve tweineou kept ,und4r the head of "New Advcrtemcnta will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payment, fur tranieot advertwemctiu matt be made in advance, , ... Remitances must be made tty Check, Draft, Postal Mney Order, Express, or j in Registered Letter. Only urh remittance will lei at the risk of the pub lUhers. . - Uitd'T the h--.id trf "Special jCity Item," buIncs notice will be inserted at the rate ; of 5 cents a' IMe nr every insertion. - ' . , : - : , . THE RAILROADS. AIUUVAL AN'U DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. . JllCtlMONI ANt DANVILLK KAIt'.KOAb. Arrive Irom kw hmond at... 0.43 a ...... i 10.32 p m nv' for Uirhmond at.. . 8.32 a m Q 55 Pm NOK Tit CAJtOi-INv RAILROAD. Arrive from Charlotte at.... 8.aaa m !.., i. .. 9.40 pm lnves f.r ("hnrhitte at. ......... .......... 9.48 am ". - -i Arrives from GoaKboro at....... 9.30 p m , 10.20 pm ........ 7.40 a m Leave for Ooldl)ro at 9-5 a m . xo.ao p m F.STKRN S. t. RAII.UO.VD-' - (at....- 8.00a m ,9.24 p m 1'.. 10.00 am Leav for Salem at . C. F. AND. V. V. KAII.KOAIJ. Arrive from Fayetteville at. .!. ..i Leaves for Faycttcville at....;.......... Arrives from Walnut Covo at; 1 .... 7.25 P ni ....9.50 a m , , . . 5.00 p. m.. . .10.15 a. m. Lraves f r Walnut Cove at . TITS POSTOPFICE Mails for the North cl0se at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. Charlotte ' ' Raleigh j " Salem L" Favettcville.- " 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 .The money order and registered letter office will nly bo oin from 9-Kj a. m. to 6 p. m. . General Delivery is open from 8 a. ra. until 7 p. m. oxcept when opening mails.j Also, 15 minutes after pening the Eastern night mail. Sunday hours, for' generat" delivery,' 8.00 a. m lor alfhour ; and half hour after the opening of the nia lis Irom both North and South. Th.; lock-5oxes arc from 6.bo a. m. to 10:30 p. m RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. a Presbyterian : j r. J. Henry Smith, N. Cnurch St. Rev. K. W, Smith, Ashehoro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : j Uev. W. U.Gvpltucy, S. Elm St., South GrecnslK.ro. Methodist Episcopal. j , v , Rev.J. E. Mann, W. Market St. ' " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : ' j Key. J. L.Michaux, N. Greene Sr " J. R. Hall, Spring St. j Episcopal : i - Rev. A. 11. Ktabb. N. Elm St. ' PR,ODUCE MARKET. Apples rcen, per bit.. Bacon hog round , Hetf ........ ao 5a8 P.utter .... ...... Kees wax . 8aas aiS Chickens old . , vi5a20 ..:6ai5 .. . .a$o .. . .a6o ..6 1-2 ...7 1-2 spring Ccirix new ...... Corn Meal. ... .. Dried tVuits Illackberrics. ....... Cherries............. Apples. ........ ...... Peaches, -unpared 1-2, " unpared 1-4, aj-2 2 539 ...10 . ..40 pared Feathers... Flaxseed. Flour Family ... ' Superfine . Onions.... ....... Oats.......i...., Perk ......... .. Peas............. Potatoes Irish .. - ' Sweet.. Rags Cotton..".. Tallow. ... .. . rn moo .ooaiw 4oa45 6oa75 60 ;o ......( . .... 30 ... ..20 rai 25 Wool washed unwashed........ Wheat...". , kKTAlL PRICKS OF GROCERIES pMacnn Sides..:.. . JL'ms..r. Shoulders Cheese .... ...... Coffee Rio...... .. ..10 ..15 8 . .20 ..192-310 'PATENTS. Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U; S. Patent Off ' w win uiuiiiL.ait: vkii.M iiir nee are invitrt tn rnmmtimVit .,:u with confident reliance upon my fidelity to thoir interfere . ' . J ' New inventions patented; . Old inven- tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived, Caveats .Jiled. Trade marks registered. k . : Prompt r attention. SkilHuf seryice Moderate charges. Send' -model' or sketch for Jree report as to patentability. ' 1 Preliminary information i cheerfully , furnished. iz.r-'K'- . 0, . . V A' S- MANTIS, Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents, 816 F Street. N. W. Wa-,hmgton C, THE LATEST NEWS..' - , vU' v TVO ClJLl.S i8S.1SSt.YTj:0 IIYilc Steeping They Jtre lit t ached by a rintd With a Uatthct. - I Gainsville, Ttx.. Juli' 14. Tins morninf ahout.i oVlorlc a ,lifrt Inr tiagedv. was enacted here in which Miss Genie Watkins.'nf Hollas, bnd Miss Mamie Hoitrck, of this City, were', the victims of a fiend' who at tempted t murder them while they slept. At tli ' hour mentioneI Mrs. Bostick he-rd a scufilin in the room in which the young ladies were, and as she entered the room to asciitain the cause she saw 1 man jump out of the window and disappear. "Then she saw the two girls, who were sleeping in seperate beds, welteiing in blood. She screamed and soon neighbors were! on me scene. On investigation it was found that though ths young girls were seriously wounded and unccn- scious. they were still alive. . r 6 C : Miss Bostick. had been struck 0:1 ;the forehead and right temple with s0me sharp instrument similar to a hatchet. The upper lip was almost entirely severed," Miss Watkins received a jcut on'-the. forehead and a blow on ithe right temple, which knockeo her eye out of its socket, She cannot survive. Bloodhounds are on the track 'of !the assassin. Dallas, Tex-, fuly 14 This morn- ;nrr touoa n 11 . u . . ing news reacheo Dallas that Miss . ... . . - 4l . , ! . Genie Vyatkms, .of this city, who is visiting at Gainsville, had been hpr- nbly murdered .and that Miss Mamie Bostick, whom she was visiting and ..u w a..yi..K .w.c ame room with her, had received wounds at the hards of an assassin that would nnlve fatal. The first news of the terrible tragedy was received by Mr. J. C. Vatkjns. father of Miss Watkins, and as will be seen, the seader endeavored to break the. terrible news gently. The telephone message was : "Come at once. Genie is very a'jid is not expected to live." As Mr. and Mrs. Watkins had ill. e- ceived a letter from their daughter written only yesterday, in which she made! no reference to being ill, Mr. Watkins suspected the. worst and tele- - j graphed for the. tact The- terrib'e. crushing answer was that.his daugh- ter and Miss Bostick had been assault- ed by' an unknown man. and that they could not live. - ' . Abe Norwood, who is a clerk ati he Blankenship & Blake Company, who was engaged to Miss Watkins. was ap- prised of the fearful fate of his intend- ed. and he and the father and mother left on the 12:31 train for Gainsville. Miss Watkins was a beautiful ' bru- nett, graceful and possessed of a very I lrrrKl Hicr.-Q?tJ rtn Ytf tr?ic TM-tUH of the High School and stood high! in her classes. She was a member of the "We Mean BusinessSociely, con- posed of the oung ladies of the ?a3 Lloyd Street M. E. Church South.' Her Ttco Hundred Cats Seized, 1 . . . I . "f 1 - I .ww 1M ()T13kAT.. 11 V T .t A rie -A case of I II1UL1I LCICM UCLWK!' 1 I 1 ( MPR in I J . .. : . . 1 1 .1 it 1 r-i nartmentandMrs. Stevenson Morlev .uu i.j' ;j; . .L. r- . : J t- j mi " .' . i . . . I fi cna, win tome more in?; v.cuu in a few days. The lady is a great lover of catar. and keeps in her house, at K-o. 300 Hubcit street, all that she dan collect. The neighbors, tired of mid night serenades of innumerable felines. and also on account of- the sanita condition of the nehihborhor.d :owrig to the number of cats, complained! to the police.-"Yesterday the house was raided. It has fourteen large rooms, all tenanted bv scores of cats. The - -, - - .. . . - - - - i house is in a terrible condition. There we recover two hundred cats in all. The ladyls very wealthy, and will fight the cause in the courts, r 1 . m . I Why the G. II. Stayea fit . mw - ;- . - ! Home: - Utica, N. Y., July 13: -There are four Grand Army Posts in this city, and not one .'turned - out to-day. lA. F. Bull, commander of Bacon Post said : "We received ari invitation', to go toClinton, and then we had lnfinfintY r cne li nnr f- r - t 1 1 'Although Cleveland's name' was not as a body. I think rtho Prteldent'd Je ttcr ioSt. IouU inatle tho boyn feci bad." ' Cliarle 11. Laiigc, of Harrier Pa-t, 1 ald: ! would not ro arouud the street to eo Mr. Cleveland under" any circumstances. I hav the feel In of an old so.dic., IcQuado Post had accepted the Invitation and subsequently reeonsiderctl and rc ISC1 to go. rarer. ir.f.m to tocetjmeii. mi: LViisf Hnmmy Jlilled Ms Wife in Falnnouitt 1'ark, Ilut Onty Wounded Illmaeir. P11 1 l A D kli 1 1 1 a f July 13. Krnst Kammy and his wife, Marguerite, entered East Fairraount Park shortly after daybreak this morning, with the avowed purpose of ending their lives together. They went into a ravine with brush-covered banks. near Stnuv berry mansion, a secluded spot ; Well , suited for their purpose, Kammy shot his wife ' twice in the Kammy head and in the breast. Either would haT3 been instaneously fatal. He shot himself three times in the right side of tho head, in the mouth and in the breast. None of tho wounds is necessarilly fatal. The couple lay in the bushes un discovered until this afternoon, when Kammy crawled over 300 feet to a spring for a drink of water. A little Sirl with a Picnic Party discovered the blood-covered man at the spring , , . . ' and gave the alarm to the park guara; Kammy was removed to the ho5pitalf but it was not untn sometime afterwards that he .sug- gcsted to tho poHco"-they should l00k for his wife, who was dead somewhere in the park. Her body was found after a search. Kammy and his wife were penniless and out of work. They - are comparative strangers, having but recently come to this city from Baltimore, and their place of residence in the city has not yet been discovered. War at a Halt way Crossing. Youngstown, O., July 13. By moonlight yesterday morning the Pittsburg and Western Railroad, with a force of 200 men and a loco- - motive, was successful in laying their track across. Mill 6treet, the;intentIon beincr to" build5 additional tracks , through the city. x This afternoon the City Council ordered out the. city police force and fire department,' with 100 special officers, to tear up the crossing. They found the crossing covered with a locomotive and several cars, guarded by 200 section men armed with picks and shovels under command of Roadmaster Kill. The firemen set two streams goinjr, and under cover of the water the city police, made a dash for the cross ing. The section men held their ground, but were finally driven X)fT with clubs1 and maces, retreating T . - - - behind an embankment, where they gave the officers a volley of stones. Several were injured Jon each side, but not fatally. . Engineer Reeves refused to leave his engine, and - was I?? , VtijV1 WHO iook Dossession anu run the 1 fmin hirl frnm iht rltsrinf rl rrn5sin i .. v.. v.. Rails and ties were torn up and scat tered right and left, and the obstruc tion removed from the street. Gen. Jones, counsel- for the com pany, said to-night : "By a decree of the court rendered several years ago we were given the right to cross this street. Suits for damages will be entered to-morrow in the United States Court at Cleveland Against the city, and warrants . will bo issued charging Mayor, Steele, Marshal Williams and the members of the City Council with,iarticiratitiir in a nut. Three carloads of section men ar rived here to night over the Pitts burg1 and Western, and it is believed an attempt will be made before morn ing to retake the coveted crossing. ,The polce "are guarding the street, well armed, and 'if any move made by the company serious trouble mav occur . mw - a Boarding House. 1 - - " more board- e rs 2t t l p. rcjidsncc of Trs. M. H. . . . . , . . 1 ' . .f Baby .rHrc In It Com. 1'iiiLADiLriiiA, July II. James I II. Dabney, tho colored undcrUkcr at I u. -hi 1j sireei oriuwe3if wni m m mm ia n m." v u i r w w m mm h v i i i n h . 1 1 i i . i . . . i t e . I chlkl of Samuel and Harriet Fry. colored, living at No. 1100 Second street NortheasL Dabncy Iiad certlficato of death signed In the t w.. 1 tat? t f t 1. I ji-uiur wuy ujr xr. .-a. iiuguc, 1 and got tho custorarj' burinl crmit from the health offlce. With a coflln he went to the Fr' house and found the child to all uppcarancc dead and wrapied -in rags. lying peacefully in tho bureau drawer. The undertaker placed tho infant In tho coflln and with it drove back to his shop, with the intention of bury- I ing the remains later in .the ceme- tery. He left tho coflin In tho buggy while he went iutp the shop. Hb assistant soon came In and said, ex citedly : "There's a racket In that coffin.'' Datney brought the cofllu into tho store, heard the noise from within it, and opened It and found the infant alive and kicking. He took it back to its mother, but an nour or iwo later 11 aieu anu was buried to-day. ST1TE VEWS. Statcsville Landmark: Statesvillc nas forty-eight miles of street. One of the largest farmers in this county says he will make enough oats this year to last him five years. Salisbury HcratJ-r- Col. P. N. Hcihg was re-eJected Treasurer of the School Committe and appointed to take the census this fall. The Mt. Vernon Hotel had 233 arrivals last week. Wilmington Star: A correspondent !..,.!. n. r I -fc "uv- WWI w,",-5 141Ufc K cotton Cop in lower Cumberland is I the prettiest that he has seen in years. ! Corn is not so good, on account of cool weather that prevailed in the spring, and the ravages of Buis. ..' Salisbury WatcJunan : The Metho dist congregation here contemplate enlarging and '"otherwise improving their church building in the near future.- The City Roller Mills here are doing as good work.and making as fine flour as can be found on liie market. Lexington DispatcJi t .The -supply of watermelons promises to he very good this year;- A few, which were ripe, were gathered a week ago. During this oppressively war in weather, a so ciety for the prevention of cruelly to animals could do good work ia and about Lexington. Some" of our citi zens have determined to see punished those who so cruelly drive horses thrush thc slrccts on Sundiy aflcr ncoas. Raleigh cwS'Odsen-er : Yesterday while thc pavement in front of the Citizen's bank was being torn up, a small rattlesnake was found under the bricks. -Gov. Scales has been in vited and has promised, we are in formed, to be. present in person, if possible, if not to be represented, and .deliver trie opening address of wel come on the part of North Carolina at the Inter state Grangers' Encamp mcnt and Fair. August 8th to loth. z Mount Holly. . . - - Winston Sentinel: The new engine for the electric lights is" 80 horse power. 11 was orcerea extra large lor the. express purpose of furnishing elec tricity to the street railway. Presi dent Crowtll. of Trinitg College, mar ried thc other day and will come South in time for the opening of thc session. August 22nd. -A gentlemaii who has just .returned " from a visit to Davie county. tells us of a citizen in that county who had a flask of whiskey in bis possession lor 21 years. Yesterday (Wednesday) being his son's 21st birthday, he informed Jiis friends that it was his.'inteution to open the well kept flask that they with him might testify to the merits of its contents. T am fTering great bargains in dress goods.' lawns, white goods, licev cali coes, fans. Gnts scarfs, shoes, trunks. is I and a nice line of coihing .at a great sacrifice, to make room lor a big fall stock. Call and get prices . before buying elsewhere. Respect'y. : - - G. II. RoviTEk, Henbow House, Greensboro, N. C. C"'.-.- nrui r: cur !.::t:r c SCUEDVCK iKiiccn vjrccniaoro ana inncion. S - . t' - N. CL, via Capo Ftur tz Yadkin Valley Ry- July nth, IIS?. . . r - Ariiv at Maxton at Q.15 p. m. At. V?C al Wilwington 9.05 p. m. This is CaroJina Centra!, and no delar at anr pviou W. E. KYLE. J. W. Fry, Genl SupL G. P. A. Dan River Bridce U Let. . At f ladison. . Rocktrgham County. N. C luly 30th 1SS7. A covered bridge 2o3 feet long. 3 spans 71 2-u feet, and 70 5-12 feet, and C6 5-12 fctt; rock nuiar Hilars already built. Uridc to be built as nearly a practicable like the Sct',r "dge at Dead Timbers. N. C. Jons M. C J. M. Val( Galloway. rcitK. R. C. Nelson. G. W. Martin. . Building Com. m aaison. u., juiy ctn. 7. :w Dike Book Company. July special sales, to continue duiini; the month, of Books, History. Poetry. uiograpnr icnon. etc aiso diaiun ery, Uil famtings. Albums, etc Prices marked down. Desirable bar gains. iw. Mr. Conkling's avowed ignorance of current political affairs is accepted as a inild ana amiable piece uf humor. It is better than the noisy overflow of the man who knows. everything. Of the manv Snecaches made on the I Fourth of July, the only one that nw 1 linger in the "public mind and I memory is the one made by Sunset C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun Cox. His descriptive application of lay 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C. the braying of a jackass is a neat l.ttle loojan.uid 11 pirn. thing that was not born to dc in a hurry. ix:pi0 S ilVO UCniS-SaTlir: ni OP CRF.Li?nORO. N ' 1 1 nrnmnritfl A nrit tin. -"w.w.-.wv. ....... .yku, .jw. yM- der the laws of North Carolin.i. Open for business July 2, iS37. Under rigid examination of Com misstoner appointed by the Governor 01 inc oiaic. Character and amounts of its invest nients carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits from five cents to iwo thousand collars irom any one person. Pays all profits to depositors. . Makes loans on public bonds, real estate. and firlt class personal security. OFFICERS : President J. M. Win stead. Vic-rresidents F. Steele. J. A. Odell. J. II. Harris. ' Trrasr (or CasMrr) Samuel L. Trog- ttden. CUrk (or Secretary) H. H. Cartland. . The demand for Tar Heel Liniment is increasing. Use it get well be happy. Houston & Bro. - . WANTED! A position as salesman or account ant, bv a young man of experience. Good reference given. Address Luke. Drawer G, Grtenboro. N. C. Little butter cups good for children; iw. Greensdoro Candy Co. e- For Salo. - T have on hand a number of good milch co.vs which I will sell. Prices ranging from $20.00 to 5o.co. Jas. J. Smith. New Garden, N. C. To Contractors and Builders I Notice is hereby given -that until Friday. July 15 1867 sealed bids for erectincr the While Graded School Buildir rr In Greensboro. N. C. will be received by any one of the undetsign- cd school committee. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to select any one or trie oias we accm oroDer. at the same time our means are somewhat limited and we wish the building to cost us as little as possible The plans and specifications can be inspected at any trine by Catling at th Mayor's office. Greensboro. N. 'C or by application to Mf.R. M. Kccse, chief ol police of the city. D. Schfck. - L. M. Hawkins. W. E. Coffin. -S. C. Dodson. Committee. (City papers copy.) - t The soothing and jestoritive etTorts of Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral are reilized in all casts of colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, wl.de its powerful heal ing qualities are shown in the most serious pulmonary disorder?. Littlo Butter Cups. . , -Pure and street;. little butter cups mads every day by " I'V. GutiSDoiyj Candy Co. To most childrc. the lion ol n dose of cator ic bare s a f ; O.l Is nauat' ir.g. VVhrrr pliysic is r. c: '! -r.rv t' r tl little or.fs, 'jf- Av.r (.'.!.-rl:: V.V.'. WILMINGTON JLWELXX3N HAIL ROAD COMPANY. r fer CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Lv Wcldon.. 1 15 n ra c xS r m'l loam Ar Kociy Ml 2 jj p m ..f Ar Tarboro. 4 S P '.. Lv Tarboro. II tarn ' Ar Wlion..'4 05 p t 6 55 p rn 37 a m ly ViIsoa..4 IS p ra Ar Sclma...s 43 p m: I Ar Fayctter. 2 32 p ra! 1 i-TuoiasDoro 4 54 p rr. 7 40 p rn 3 53 a ti Lv MagnoJi 6 09 p m 3 3S p m c S a m LT iiargaw.. 7 00 p m; ..6 13 am Ar Wilmlng. 7 53 m'9 Jjpmjooam TRAINS GOu.'G NORT!l. fNo. 4$ TK0.47 "No. 43 ! Dai!y. Datlr. Dailr. Lv Wdming.'i 1 40 pm S 5a a ra S 52 p m Lv liurgaw. 9 34m9 5opm Lr Magnolia 12 52 arn 1023 arn 1042 pm Ar Goidsbor.,1 55 a m il 35 am 11 5X am Lv Favettcv. j 700am Ar Sclma... 9 5S a m Ar Wilson...! 11 25 am Lv Wilson .. 2 12 a m 122; nm 12 51 am Ar RokyMU ...'i 00 p m 1 27 a try Ar Tarboro.? U 50 pm Lv Tarboro.! tl 30 am Ar Weldon..'4 o a rn 2 15 p r 2 4 S a m Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 pm, Returning, leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m. daily except Sunday. Trams leaves Tarooro, N. C. tti Albemarl & Raleigh. R R. daiK. excent Stindav. 6 n m Sundir C n m arrivr Williamston. N. C. 8 10 n m. and 6 43 n m. Returning leaves Williamston. N Trains on Midland 7. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C, daily except Sunday. 5 to nm.: arrive Smithfield. N. C. 700 pm. Keturnmg leaves bmith, r.u r , field, N. C..7 3o a m.. arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 900 a m. Southbound train on Wilson 'c Fayct tcullc Branch is No. 50. Northward it No. 51. Trains No. 43 South will stop cr.ly at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia, Trains No 47 makes close connection at Wcldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily rt. cent Sunday via Bay Line. . Trains make close connection for points North via Richmond and Wah- mgton. All trains run solid between Wilmin. ton aniWashington, and have Iullmn : Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup t J. R. KENLY. Sup t Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Gent Pass. Agent 11 IC1IM0ND AND I) AN VILLI! RAIL ROAD. CONDENSED 8CUKDULK TRAINS RUN DY MERIDIAN TIM II TRAINS GOING SOUTH. M-o. 'jy.h, IhSG. No. CO. Nn. IX Diilr. Di!r. Lr-te New Yuri ; 4 4 "$ m. in i 4 3J pta Iate PLiLvdc! UL. .. J 7 2" 1 tn j f,7 pea Lare lUUiiaurc ' J 4- a n j viz p ru 11.4 am 11 00 pta Leave CVWItt Til!e. LeJive LjiicLbarjj. .. Leate D.tmiUd bJ ! vj m lit S CO p in j G f 1 1 m 9 "f i-u 8 03 ra LaY4 JlkLnt3;iL 3 CO p ra 2 30 a ra Leatc Gt!JJro .".:12 3-1 in' S 10 pa Uatc lUIi.;b j SSOaiu 1 00 ru LeaT Dtrtuci 6 27arjl 23)t:i Iaaxc Hii'j VAU UlSaru, UlCata LrTe Stls.bnrr .AVIZJ ar' ll'il aja Lerc CLar!ott (. 2 1' aai ; ICQ ptn Le&tre J?piirtiabnrg...li ai axe' 3 31 ptj Iare (irv-etitille C aa 4 4! ArrifeAtLnta 1 Du Kii'ipm TIIALNS GOING NOIlTH. Z)ih IbiC. Nv 51., .Vw. Dily. , Dily. Arr".? Clurltl....... 'i m C Z .xu - Stlwb-.rt i 4Sam bOlpra HiU Poiit Oaxu 9 13 pta r,rpt.!.ro 8 2S. 0 4J t ra Dnx ra '12 I7 iri It C7 min Rlr'i;!t . 2 41 pa C a G -l.lu to 4 30 pm 1 1 20 am Arrive Din tills IO40 11 2J rm Ki;LcV 3 r C 13 am Arrir Lynclkbarz .... 1 13 jm 2 00 axa CtrV.U-tiIle ... 1 11 p ra! 4 10 ara VMntfca 5-3irj H 10 an . UvUiuv re U 23 pa. 10 03 am - rLiI..t.I..LU 3tatu 12 33 " NV Yoik 1 G2.)an.: 3 03 m Dairr t irpt arZyJ N .W N. C. HAILItOAD . tAio iTii Nv -rA No. 52. a m L"r. a!eta 7 a ra 5 33 ooni'j Nt St. to. 33 ar. iXtnx ll 33 ara" i2 30am SLEEPING CAR SERVICE.' On trains 50 an.I 51, PuKman IIufTet Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York. 'New Orleans and Waslungtoa via Dan ville. - On trains 52 and 33. Pullman Reflet Sleeper Montgomery and Vahington, Aiken and Washington, via Danville. On trair.s 5: and 55 Iu!lrnan Sleeper hctwetn Richmond and Grcrns!oro. and Grrer.sboro ar.d Goldsbcro. - - i For r.r- ar.a intcrrro. r.r. A"-r.t cf t-.- Cr - -.i r t j vrJl. T. '. : .

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