and " GREENSBORO, N.C. " Entered at the IW-OflS at CYwUn, U. C- a ca4 cli"f aa3 matur. GHKEK a, ANDREWS, J ullors- SATURDAV. JUL Y 16. iS3. EDITORIAL DAkllES. It is now said thar Tcxas will carry Prohibition in the coming election being naturally, a very dry State it will no doubt do so. The color line is agitating the Grand Army of the Republic in Louisiana as well as the Episco pal church in South Carolina. A. L; Parent, thej defaulting cashier of the Hocnelaga Bank. of Montreal, haying returned the stolen funds, is angry at being prosecuted in Chicago. . .." ' Gcneral opinion in Great Brit ain recognizes that recent politi cal events there point to a revival of Mr. Gladstone's popularity and influence. The discussion on the subject of the cigarette chromos waxes warm, me uurnam necoracr las championed the cause ot the ctures. It is reported that spiritualists declare Mr. Blaine's chances for the Presidency are very good. It cannot now be said that he has not a ghost of a chance. . . ' c - . f A crank in Savannah, Mo., shot at the woman whorefused him, but the ball was stopped by her bustle made of old news-. papers, and she was uninjured. ' Now is the time to subscribe. The Concord Times, since it bought out the Register, has been enlarged and put on a new suit of type and is altogether im- proved. Mr. Sherrill is anjndus- trious editor and seems to be prospering. The Southern Passenger , Association has adopted a rate of onp fare for the round trip for 'delegates attending the Farmers Convention atAtlanta. I'nstruc- tions will be issued in ample time. . The inter-State i Commerce Law is not allowed to stand in the way of'the Committe of St. Louis citizens which will call on tile President to invite him to St. Lmiis. during P'air week, and special railroad rates will be made for the benefit ofvthe Com mittee. V J The Bell Telephone Company has just declared an extra 4 per cent, dividend, making 12 per r . v S .. Cent, tor the year. 1 he Bell Company has a very "enjoyable 1 4, ,,. ... . monopoly, as the public will at- test, but according to tne eternal - fitness of things the time has I now arrived for a collapse. The Winston Sentinel comes out now in its old form of four pages and under its old head of the " Western Sentinel" Brother Lortg,xits new editor, is 4 graduate of the University and has just V entered the journalistic profess ion; He is making an excellent paper and we predict" for him a brilliant career. ! H ; The negroes of Ta rboro do n b t seem tostand "much in a we of the recent fate of one of their num--: bee who was lynched for an as- sault on a yhitegirl. They now ? insist that ; the evidence was 5 insufficient, and propose to take ?- revenge by hanging the white girl who was the rascal's victim. H They, will probably open 'their eyes if they carry: their purpose into execution. - . ; Tenement houses in New York present an awful record ; of " mortality whenever there ., are a few successive days of. very hot wea t her.- Las twee k -Jtherewere 1,276 deaths'. in'; the whole city, of these 834 occurcd in tene- j mcnt houses. No less than' 94 per cent, of the deaths in the tenements were of children under 5 year? of age. It is a lileral 'slaughter of the innocents J The new constitution of Utah, upon which the territory applies for admission as a State, has been adopted. The provisions for the entire separation ot Church and State, for non-sectarian edu cation, forbidding the employ ment or rejection of school teas ers on account of their taithpor non-belief in any doctrine or Sect, forbidding bigamy and polygamy, and providing penalties therqfor. not to be changed or amended without the consent of. Congress and the President, and apport on ing the representation' asrecc itly provided for the Territory, sc as to favor the minority of other im portant sections, were all adopt ed in their entirety. 1XDEX OF A PL A CK. 1 The hotels and the local press arc a gooo inaex 01 a piAce- When a stranger first reaches; al mi . . i r village, he forms an opinion of that place by its hotel surround ings; while the press is regarded abroad as an illustration of the progress and intelligence of a community. TV dead newspaper is usually found in a. dilapidated town, ; and a live, progressive town gives support and encpur- agement to an enterprising press. A-newspaper is more than a . . . . , Prlvfte enterprise, for it is a pub- lie teacher, a disseminator of I 1 " 1 niiiTC o n I rv At!i a - r-v t a t I . ' . "e development and . prosperity -wumiy. i.e.. it tum the duty of every true: citizen to help build up and support his COUnty paper and take an interest jn its welfare. If the- citizens were to payj promptly for their iocal paper, and aid lhe- cditor with cash instead of censure, then would our country press rejoice in prosperity.. If you vvish a good paper, pay cash to the editor and do not ask him to carry you on a credit for two years. It requires omnipotent cash to run a news- paper incumbent upon you to patronize and pay cash for your paper. Shelby Aurora. A XaviJ Need. ,4Wc necul soir.c-thinjr more than rooil Uum-of-wur if wo lumM havt; a" little" bout with lSHtain- siil :m ex-nnvnl oflleetv 4Wi;ilsM netl joivtl AincrHtui. seamen; ino:r vho love lhei- eountrv and e;m he rolleil on in h ;tile. Th;4'.i we luive not. Whyjilo vo'u kuOAv t!:;it -fully t worth iils Df our ?iiior. :uv for- eign horn, with foreign Aeetions, anil without a thought tjf heeomin citizens, of the conntrv fnmi v. hii-h tfiov their subitauee? -These men are umlofubtedl' ul ea,but if a great naval war came on, to which their native countries were parties, J" you" consider them reliable? They serve us solely -WaiiMj we pav taenia little more, ghe them better "rations I ami clothes mul moro privileges; so im? eTIU Uii h? motm-s of pioiiim ana might aesert us at a critical moment. I am suit would not like to command a man-of-war in war. times, with two-third of my men foreigners, perhaps in sympathy with the very nation I am figlltin-r. " " "How did all these foreigners., get into the United States navy?" asked the reporter. h ; v ?Because, in the j first place, we are not a nation of seamen, and Jt is hard to get Americans to go aboard our ves sels. Thcu, it "seems that the jiaval authorities have a particular love . for foreign seamen and accept them more readily than Americans." ! - -Why?" . ;v " - . : submit to treatment that no Amerieaii would brook. They are said by tHe naval officers' to' be more iunenable to disci-i pline, but the fact is they arc liked be cause they ha vebeen used to brutal treats nient and show no siis of objection toj it." Cor, St. Louis L'epubticaiir . The Swiss, people appreciate tne value of their natund scenery in at- Ltracting the foieimier. A short time ago it .was annouueed that manufact- - urers were - making . airangements to construct a huge dam, by means of which they hoped "to subsidize the Rhine to a degree of fifteen thousand horse-power . for the service of their factories. The government Jot ; the place immediately forbade the scheme on the plea of beauty and "business!, ana anotner, though smaller, Niagara was saveu. ' "liecanse foreign .bailors, especially the Dutch. Sweden, and Norvenans. are servile, crin:inr, and will GOLDEIJ DPT P UJJLI 1 For 5nlo T3y SGOTT j. -w. Gr ic?iimIoio "IV. O. The space on top is the quantity ol POWDER BLUE in ordinary boxes. A FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO ISLUE contairvs as much as four wofden boxes, and will make fifty ralln thc b'sl bue water , of Sold by Houston & BiJtS.. Wholesale agents Greensbon'. N. C. DR. J.'G. BRODNAX, i Il-Kl?laii mid Surgoon, Oulce lor ihe present, at his resilience on Ash street, opposil- Mrs. Dr. Hall. niw-onlj known specific for epileptic TUa. J &iao for Bpasma and Falling SIckncu. Kerroua Weakness It Instantly rclleres and cures. Cleanses blood and quickens sluggish circulation. Xeutra ires germs of disease and MTes sickness. Cures . fn AMPRTin n n IfO Qet g j QMIUJ Uj blotches aad stubborn blood lores. Eliminate Bolla, Carbuncles n! SccJ. crrcnnaBCtly an promptly cares parser Tcs. It Li a clArmlng and health? ul Aperient. U1'.U Scrofula and King EtH, twta brothcra. t'lngca tad brccta to good, remof fng the cause. Bouts bilious tendencies and mak wear compjoxion. equalled by none In the dellrlu of f ever. A. charming resolTent and a matcblcfv loxatlre. It drlTes Sick Headache like the -rind. pT'Contalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Kellerci (THE GREAT) ClHlElnlvE)MiiQmiElRlolnD the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Bheu matlsm Ty routing It. Bestores Ilf e-glTlng proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all serrous disorders. E7r.ellable -when all opiates fan. Be. freshes the mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. - Diseases of the blood otto it a conqueror. Endorsed to wrttlcg by over fifty thousand leading citizens, alergymen and physicians In U. 8. and Europe, l tT"Tor sale by all leading; druggists. (LsOL The Dr. S. A. Blchmond Medical Co, Prop. St. Joseph, Mo. (3) For testimonials and circulars send stamp. Charles K. Crltt-Vton. Ai?nt, Ncr Tork City. IF1. IP. SMITH, GREENSBORO, N. C. DEALER IN Harness, ' : Saddles, Whips, MACHINE OIL, Farmers' Oih Shingles $2 1-2 per thousand. : Composting Goods cn hand. - TTe COTtlnuo to act as solicitors for vatents. care&ta.' triao-marts, copyrigiita. etc., for the United States, and to obtain pat- - ... . enia m naaa. tngiana, iTancc, Germinr. and ail other rnnntriro. Tnlrir-aix y car rraeti - Krt . charge for examination of models or draw- - J . 1 J 1 . ! . Patents obtained thronjb na are noticed in the SCIE5TIPIC AJIEllICAIf. ,xrhieh i the largest circuiatior: . and is the most influ ential newspaper oiitaind published in the world. The aaTantagesofench a notice crcrr j i j ... -. J anaisaanunea to oetne bestmner to science, mechanics,inventions, engineering works, and other denartmenta of industrial 4 progress; published in any country. Single - copies uy ouu, lu cena. toia jj ail news- aeatera. . - - - Addressiltmn & Co., publishers of Sdcn tifie American. 2G1 Broadway, New York. . uandDOOic aooas patents mailed free. JOHN F STRATTW, Importer t VTtolwal - . Dealer ia HGCORDEOIIS. I Hoath Harmonica ' 1 andallkindsof2Jakal ilerchtndiie, T.rt:in Lnis large and eplendidlv illustrated notrs per is published VEEjtl.Y at 13.20 a rear. ' -T. .7 fT I PIGA MOT. 8 U 111 fi IIU 1 1 U Uj GO., -POUTKU A"I TATK, PORTER & DALTON, Ic.Jr i Drugsandlledicines, Listen to wh 1 II 1 vcre in say I was receiving the Largest and Handsomest stock of Dry Goods. Dress Goods. White Goods. Fine Shoes. Slippers, and als Men's Hats that was ever of- leted in Greensboro, N. C.. it would be rather too old a song to sing in this day and time, and as all Ladies who want new dicsses. want them of such styles and quality as suit them, and cannot tell what will best please them by reading any PLAHIHQ ADVERTISEMENT, the only alternative is to come and see iiie eoods. as a suilicicnt idea couid iiot be given in an advertise- inent Jo justify you in saying whether f i or nt o would be pleased without fiist ceii g the variety of FINE DRESS GOODS - I am now offering; and getting prices, so I hereby extend you a cordi al invitation to call and examine the goods that I now have in store, and to rriv" Verv Resneetlullv. " J w W. U. MURRAY.. S50 REWARD "U1 Tm paid lor tor Oral Fan of Mm tli that ca rlean and bar aamacb Grain or lnonrtar as our Patent IUNAltCH Clrala and feel Kparmtor and Bar Tr.wblca wm oOcr to lb pub . lie at a low prk. 8nd for circular and pric.llat, which will be nailed rttr. NERa?LB0.Na50- A Creaking : Hinge Iiilry aud turui liar J, until oil U apiUlt after w hkU It move easily. . AVkcn tha joints, or hhicv of t! IhhIv "are Hiffcncd and Inflamtd hr i:iuuuu:Uni. Uht not be uroved without catiMti t!ie noi excruclatinj ialn. A; r'. .Snr-a:ari:u hj Its action on the L!ol. f:l w condition, and restore! Ihc joiu'.i t.j,oud working ordr. Arrr's Sartaparilla ha C-c!M, i ot:r city, tuany uiot ntuarkablo c-un-, anuiih hvr of which bamvd the iff.irt .f most experienced l ln-kbn. WrTr it necessary. 1 cuuUI jri ihc uauiM .( many hidiTiduaN who U-vu ctirvt I.v tkUv' IhU medicine. In tur own i: Iia.s .rl taiulr worked woudtf. rtU. u, it 'Rheumatism, fu r beiu troubled with it fur 1 - . L IhK and all olln r tli f n-i iiiititirc bliKHl. i L. r- i- u. r nU- v.'..:i which I am arqnuin'td. that ailonN u Lawrence, 31. U., Haiiluori-, MO.- AycrN 5ra! artlLt rtn d itt? of Ci t and im. wli u-.:!iin , :,. woukL. It iu rrsdii-ntt.I cnrr trar. f di-eac fr.!n trv f y-U IT. l. slirt. Manastr Haul lku;l, 1SA. ' I wa. dttrl.-i r i my i"cU:h. n f:i?r-rfr irutu c!iniic KlHimiaii-i,u T!k ii:-so SLlKfrtl i,m rri. i.u-lv.i. pite f r!l tlie -rrim-UH I ct.uK! Cud. mull 1 nuumrnrtnl i :t 'Ar r baiaparilb. I !.,- n vrra! - 'uUi iu prfioraiion.BUfl v.a i-,U i y rcMorcu u iM.alth.-J. I rcain; indo-iH-udeUcc, a.. Ayer'sSarsaparilla, V, L rr-r 1 y rr..T. Aver Co., T pi " ' mm m m f a 8 I . 6 rt victr. cu,J and ver C M saratoaa ilxcbibiui- SPRING .WATER . - On ice. direct from the Spring, ic . ceived iu Air Tight Reservoirs. ;- TRY THE GULGHER SPRING WATER Good for cramp?, colics, andstck stomachs. nfih- h-t p!retion of Cii?aii n the Market Irom 5 cents to 15 cent each. . Ty "Sly 07nJ' the Irndf r of all c cent Ciirar. Al so, the leading brands ol alt CHEWING TOBACCOS can be fcund at a low price, at K. G. NEWCOMHS. Odell IluiUling. Grcensb iroN 3 P 5 Co w , S P CO Co 5 CO 5' CO DONT ForgGt it; Pkasg ! You can always find in -stock, at ur store the best Rocklni.d and Virginia -1L Calcimd IMjtcr. Lrmd PLiMr. P..n land and Ioscndalc Cement. IMaMris. Hair. KaUominf, &c. . . Wt? d- ndhini hu fnf rfast Im Roofing, Onarantec'nvTj jj and quality ') ! tin. Kerp nlMrv ready Shiitglc Tin. Vn!- O J H . W & CO 5 h a-i CO a o 4 S - 3 -Mi. - 2 pj IM U'Y Tin. C.uttcrii g and SH;iilti j iit uput s'i .it m ticc. Keep Tein Coitu Ftue 1'ipcat rriluccd prices nid put it up when wanted. ' Hive i.owr a lot of whit-: c unty raised crn lor sale, w ill hive a rnr of ship stulT'iu a" few d.-jj. tcvt radj Wc solicit yuur' trade; and nn r.oucst vZtii to 5:t (SltSavci tljf Life" Xj ccsissoa cz?rrs!ca, rftea 5 frcta tlxasa ytho Lata rralUed. T aonal u?. tl.curatiTa pervert tf CLcttj IVctcraL I cannot txj la ri c Aytr CLerry TtcicrxX. k lieTinj aa I da tLat, bet lu fthoaM Ion; tine hart d4 free L trouUr. E. Brandon, ratia, 7, t ; About tlx tnocth co I 1 .! HftnoiThr el th Lunrv Uw -. Beof lpni tfU I Lxl u . j? i 1 - . . 1 - it bout obtaining rcLcf. A I: t UcJ tse to try .'u Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ara atifll. atrxl i.f,. 'Vf . Coburn, IS JxtvuJ :.. 1 . jr. V ' for oxer a year, au4 ;iwf.IV . I i not lrn for thU mrl!rtu. i 1 tne of ilonrrou a( . t : for wlikii I hat alnxa.! ! . finding rrmol r. I . , NVinIur, Vtux la e 4 Tuo yc ar aj I t-.L . v., rhka -tt!-l n my t a - i phr"Ui at i.. ..- prrit-rilwNt. lt.t la . until I1--an h:. -toral. tvk t-:!. i eotapVtrly r-tor-il is-.. All-n. Y.V .t I a a i ! Ayer's Cherry 1 rrrrred tr Ir. J.V. .t . -sa LYDIA E. PINKHAW8 ' VEGETABLE COCTOUKD. rr n tk ririiriuuu.: mum A XrJirlit for foir. !trtJi; iVMa rnrarti lj a !. UTlt rrlr th &rop r - t. 1 t. M ltvrtijat- arAii. f a-w t , r :. -ij mt ftnoMM to tH tup. rc--.i zit-' I fcs tt,"Phj$Uia Utt I! mJ P;:;-i ;l r.vi11 It rrjrrl fIt:. ir o-i.j I iv for a(!?aalit and rr;r f ' TLt ttxlSs f l s -I i ? ra JWhtif,U!tn,'; - For ta ran f tT!4-y C - f HU i.mur. nKiiiM i:-n ri Mrtra rl--h! v1 l -r. 'r- . -J" Ioaj. k ' W I. !! -4 l- D-ibtCuUrinllt.: ; ll' lifM-! uija wtn a---, !: "4 tryr' ;:b. r, fx. au f.-: of i".U, or el 1 r il",if'u fur :iacr. Mr. nVUa f.- -' 1 1 fJo Whiskey I Brown's Iron BmERS 13 one of thc very few tonic Kicdidncs that arc not coni-po-.ctl mostly of alcoliol or v.Ii::.!:ey, tlius bccniinj a f.u.'lful source of intcmir . r.ncc by promoting a i!.-s:rc for ram. Brown's Iron- Brnr. is juaraiitccd to be a noa intoxicating stimulant, anJ it will, in nearly every ca akc thc place of all liquor, and at thc same time ab lutely kill thc desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W.Rjce. editor of thc American Cliristian ht viru; says of Brown's Iroa Hitters: Ga..O..NoT.ilI: Cents : The koba U2Sofiulforceint? rJcasare. and vicjou Jena; rf oor pcoe. yo ur weraxauVa a ncct Lylifarrncy."",1 drcii wbo resort U fci" fcrtcnj;orirjrncc;ria. Brown's Iron Bitters lias been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, ingestion, biliousness, weaknefS ucW it overwork, rheumatisin, ncuralgiar liver . complaints " kidnq troubles. &&. and it n fails to render speedy permanent relic! I Vizi I:; uut- viciin c: '3. f:r 1 f:r ctt:.!-ri. rt