-V - -. f CVi HI s' IE1UB the corner of Waihington streets Old newspapers for sale at this ofhec at ,25 cents' per linhdrecl. c Investments In North Carolina lands. arc invited to correspond with the etlitor of the Morning News. James Rccd ai d V. II. Vty,t. U tb Clerks in ll.r Air Lit .:tcc. by ilc atrcrt o: II. I'iy..r. Tl.c -i!.-t Cntubalaot has cwajv d. airtt up t this time. W. II. Prv .r is Irum Petersburg, and is said to b a cousin ol Gen. Rojcr A. Pryor. 01 rew Yoik. He was bound over in the sum fl.l 97 pai denhall racado-r on Ashe and West - - . i Would be an excellent location for the park, being in the central part ol the city, and having a rich soil well adapt cd to the cultivation ol inch crowth as 5?T Ife5fe!.??7P!F? should be cultivated. If an arrange. tnent could be made with the owners tor the purchase ol the spot and the l oI ,.000 t,. -ceTy the ncace until the location is not too damp it woutd I -me r ncna s cnoot at acw doubtless be a favorable place, but bv Oarden.will celebrate its 50th annirer- all means let us have the park 11 we rioum nrotrned in ' OnlckuandM. worth ")00 aill G.OO.- sary, ugusi i iin. i nave to go a mile ana a nan irom -A very lively interest in the ex- iown 10 gci 11. vc can not auora 10 i Philadelphia luly i. Five young cursion to Washington next month is be behind in. this matter amid all the bo cnt lwimminf: in thc Delawaie rapmiy lormuiaung. vmcr piogrcssivc moves inai are go- i R;ver at pcttv4 ll3nd yesterday. The Miss Carrie Pemberlprl. o! Fayette-I ng on. . - I 8wcj of a passinjr steamboat swept Prof. YV. 11. Neave. of Salisbury., three of the party into the pits and I worth o.GO, who has a national reontation as a I quicksands, where they were drowned. musician and who is well known, hav- j Only one boy was recovered. The ing been employed here as instructor I drowned were .Andrew Walsh, aged by the Greensboro Cornet Band, has I ten. No. I Uirchs avenue; John Mc been sent as a delegate from North I Carson, aged sixteen, and his brother Carolina to the Music Teachers' I AXmnArr- atrprf thirterv li vint in the I Sil fiO ' tvnrtll 1.00. National Association at Indianapolis. I rMr of Ko. 1106 North Second si reel I 1 - - . - 1 and the Columbms, Ohio Disdalch says: " SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. "Professor W. H. Neave. of Sahs- i 0- it At the Following: Prices: irs XIcuV fine liaml scwcl Slio.s at $3.50 to J.00, Yatss Brothers. REAL ESTATE AGEKT nercliandise Brokers, iliO C01!L!ISS1D:I ntECEUIJ. Yatc.0 Duiltlin, opposite IlCr.t House. 07 pains MonV medium Scotch hottoin Shoos at $2.25, ville, was in the city Thursday 'night on her way to Danburv. Tarboro had a game of base ball theolher dajr with the players all cos-; turned in mother hubbards. . Capt. J, 15. Fisher has gone to Morehead City and will not return lor about a week. " .IS pairs "Moii line hand sewed low calf hkin Tie at 1 The Masonic "pic-nic will - take place August nth, at - Mocksville, Davie county. The Normal School of Davie county will be in session from July 18 to July 29. at Mocksville, We were giad to see the face of our old townsman Mr, Kob't. Sloan, formerly of the National Bank of this. cuy. ana no.w 01 Keiasviiie, among the excursionists yesterday. We regret to learn that Mrs. Thad Hosier of South Greensboro, died at her home yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. The funeral will take place this evening at 3 o'clock from her late residence. We learn that the People's Five Cents Savings Bank has no trouble in loaning all the inorwy they have on deposit at 8 per cent, on good security. If this continues the depositors will receive a good rate of fnlerest. tir . r ' vc are in receipt 01 a ne3t pamphlet entitled "The Color Prob lem," by 13 pairs Pirn's fine Donjrola Congress at SiCO, worth bury. N. C.r is slopping a few days in $3.50 for $1.00, '$5.00 for $2.25 and the city on his return from the Music $9.00 for $4.00. Teachers' Association at Indianapolis. I have on hand a lew Dress Robes Professor Neave is a very scholoraly carried from last season that arc worth musician and will be remembered bv a "0 ?3.50Jr 9-9L. 5acn Vl 4.00. good many of our musicial people as being prominent in musical circles about sixteen or eighteen years ago in our city. We congratulate the cili- zens of Salisbury on having so good a musician among them.". TUB COJItttSSIOXARS. At thc meeting of the Commission ers last night a full attendance of all the board was present. The scaled bids for the contract for building the new Graded School were opened and discussed at length. It was found that it wpuld be impossi ble to build the school as proposed by the plan drawn, for $10,000 as at first orderedj Judge Schenck thought it advisable to have a building in every 1 am iroincr to offer on Friday and Saturday, July 15th and 16th, at $1.00 to $4 00 not half cost, but they must go. You will be fortunate if you are in time to get orje. Respectfully, 2d. Samtle S. Brown. a For Rent. Three new houses just finished on Orange St. one square from the Graded School and Presbyterian Church. Rent very lov for such nice houses. tf. A. Hagax & Son. 47 pairs Men's low tie Shoos at 09 els., worth Si. iO. Also a lot of Chihlrrn's Shoes at conespontlinply low f ; We tifTer for sa!e. now ar(iir W.e track at Greensboro drr t : ' One car choice white Corn. One car Mill Feed, cr Ship Sit One cor corn JLftoJ. sound zocds. W'c have better facilities il,, it xjuk. uwuiicijucn gems inihi. ket. and wil sell at low a 3, r f,X hnusc who does a Intimate lui e icceu-cd yesterday a l.. t f i large, IJananas. they have ,.:. vfM fait, on r 3 Ipw hunrk.. . . J Thursday. June and. Thc trade of merchant, -n . consumers only, is solicited. t a not sell at retail. When you ,i,h u buy. call and sec us. VC afc trJ quarters. Very Rcsprctfullr June I st. -S;. VATKSl:k(x prices. These oods will he placed oir our eouuters at above n ..:f.. e.rctoni T.tr tli nc rkf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. against the dis- prices to-(laV a III I IllUSt be closed Ollt. It Will pay VOU eases peculiar to hot weather. This iiin nt i call and see them. Respect fully, - to medicine induces a healthy action of the stomach, liver, and kidneys, caus ing them'to prevent the accumulation of the poisons which produce disease V. C. Oveibv. stall 4. cilv maiket. Rev. J. Benson Hamilton, way adequate to the demand as it wni have this morning stall fed heel I ' !! 1 - 1 1 X A I A! I 1 ... I U J.... II. FiWtlUOR k CO. will be used by future generations, and mutton, and every other day this week. Persons in want ot goou beet will please call on him. - iw. Mr. Bevill moved to postpone accept, ance of bid till Monday nijht. Mr. Odell offered a substituted that Mr. Thos. Woodroffe'3bid of $11,970 be accepted provided he accept the old Graded School as part payment at a valuation of $7.50 which was lost. Reduction in prices fully appreciated nc cpn hv nn innre ase ot orders. Go A motion to postpone acceptance of t0 c. H. Doughty's and sec what an bids tiil Monday night then passed, elegant pair of Gaiters in the way of Judge Schenck moved that it be material and workmanship can be h.id .nni cffw hiM 4i,o for fiye or six dollars. A.sj, call for Fv.i.naiuuj 0v,v vw sieam cooker. iw. uraued School Duiiaing as proposed in the plans and drawings already 7 O'clock Sharp I pastor of the Cornell Memorial Melho. dist Episcopal church, which seems to be an able paper on. the suject it dis cusses. We have not yet had time to review the pamphlet, but hope to do so. Messrs K. M. Caldcleugh and Kro., have received a letter from the Haiti more Manufacturers Record, with regard to their gold mine near Thomasville, inquiring with regard to the value of tho claim. Messrs. Caldcleugh report the indications as becoming daily more favorable. The Raleigh News and Observer says: Prof. Herman Dahlberg will give a musical concert to-night at the institution of the Deaf and Dumb and. the niind, for the benefit of St. John's Hospital. This gentleman is a)native of Sweden, and one of the finest mnsichns that has visited this section, of the country in a great while. He will be assisted by Prof. A. Pauli, of this city, and they have arranged a nice . programme for the occasions Doors will be opened at 8 o'clock, and the admission is fifty cents. J. S. Carr", Esq., of Durham, offer crcd fifteen thousand dollars for a piece of property a few days ago, at Greensboro, on Maint street nearly op posite the Bnbow House. He want ed to establish a smoking tobacco focto- till next meeting. - ) ry there. If he will come this way with Petition to allow J. W. James tocon- a less sum than that above-mentioned, duct beer saloon postponed till next and promise to put a factory of that- meeting. kind in onerat on he can secured oome.omer mailers ol minor im- ' place of his own selection.-Salisbury partarice were transacted. We regret house ron nEr. Five rooms, good well of water. Apply to J. W. Weatherlv Mrts Slioes Men made at the least possible cost and that the contract be awarded Monday night. ' " A petition to name the part of Schenck street running from North Elm to Church- street. Smith street, was adopted. , Special committee reported that they recommended neither damages- nor benefits being assessd for the portion of Cap. J. E. Gilmers lot included in the continuation of Schenck Street. Report was accepted', A comrnitteaof tvo with the Mayor ' i""4 "... as chairman was appointed .to arbitrate a sack. with Mrs. Martha Yates ana others on Corn; &c. ap22tf value pf property included in continu ation of North Elm St. A petition from aorne colred men to organize a Fire Company postponed (3ur store will . be closed until fur- An unusually brisk demand for goods in these two lines made it necessary to fill up our stock by fresh purchases, and thc new goods cepted) until further notice. Butter' on ice can be had fresh and nice. HOUSTON & jKO. The meed of merity for promoting personal comeliness, is due to J. C. Aver & Co., whose Hair Vigor is a universal beautifier of the hair. Harm- ther notice, at 7 p.m. Saturday's ex- just arrived place us again in position v to meet all demands. Wc think wc have the best unlaundrtcd fifty cent shirt in thc State, and we sell a shirt for seventy five cents that is equal to a great many shirts soldi n this and other cities for one dollar. We run the High mie Patent Bosom and thc Florence Shirts there arc none better and few as goodat $1. Plaited bosom shirts open at front or back, laundried at $1.25 and $1.50. Colored shirts with extra cuiTs and two collars to each shirt. 7c cts. i nnd Ti ?r WnrMnrr-cliirtc less, effective 25, 40 and 50 cents. White laundried shirts at 50 cts., 75, $1 and among the indispensable toilet ar- if f T . , - iJ 3 1 . trs X'2S' ar ne of Linen and Celluloid collars and cufTsiscomplcte,and - wc carry a iuu line 01 i!.ari 01 wuson and standard IJrandoods. Our Bigt! We have all grades of lnc,of me"s hocs bins with a very fair Brogan at $ I and runs up to Flour. Our .-White Pearl" and "Sil- the best hand sewed French calf goods $6.50. Wc sell a neat ver Lrcwn mouis car.nox ue ncaien. wuv, uunuu auu vuiiizrcss at ii.50, anu Also, Meal; Shipstuff, our stock of two and three dollar gaiters is very complete. We have j . - H'J' j - iiiiw ui uuiia uaiiu sewed Bals. and gaiters at $5, We still, have a small line of fine .uw-v.uk suuw w1uv.11 wc arc tiobinjj at a uuic more man nan price Private Uoicliiie: m tr-w ' ' a 1 a red ,0 a Altogether our line of Men's boots and shoes of all grades U so com- number of regular or trancient board prenensive that you can get just what yot want, and our prices arc ers at her LSoaraing House on isoun iuw ui,u you win nor. complain on mat score. Elm street. oppositc the Court House. Terms reasonable. Ucpcctfully, SAMPLHS. BROWN. that lack of space forbids a port: ; ! folfer re- 1 Watchman. ,The above is, a repetition of an erroneous impression that has been going the rounds of the State press for several jiays. The fact is, mr. uurr uiu nui propose 10 ouiia a tobacco factory at all, but a fine block ot brick stores. , The Reidsville Methodist Sunday School Excursion arrived here on time, yesterday morning and was met at the depot by a large-delegation from "both of the MelhodistSunday Schools of,thiscit and escorted to the College Grove where they enjoyed a picnic. From the glimpse we caught of them as-they passed along the street and Clear, a somewhat simple minded ne- ciiuiicii siiiivicus To-iortrrow. There will be the "regular services at the West Market Methodist church and the Centenary church both morn ing and night, j v ) . Regular services '..at the Baptist church at 1 1 a. m. and 8 v n. m. Regular services at the Presbytei ian church both morning and night. 1 -.. ' The Directors of the National Bank of Greensboro have declared a Semi annual Dividend of 5 percent., payable on July 6th, 1887. Subject to no de duction on accodnt of taxes. - jy6 1 w. -Neil Ellington'. Cashier fn Danger of Lynch ingr GenevavN. Y.. July 14 Philip from all comments we heard made by our people we have been led to the conclusion that they were one of the inost genteel and well behaved ex cursion crowds that have been here during the season. We hope they had a pleasant day in the "City of Flow ers. Many of our citizens'are thorough- gro whom the boys have; been accus tomed to pester.shot and badly wound ed William Guernsev. ' sixteecn vcafs old, to-day. Somebody threw a brick into Clear's cabin andj he ran out with a hGtgun in his hands. Being told that the -Guernsev bov threw the brick, Clear went around to the back window of'a store in which the lad IV waked up on the, subject of a city was s,tUn3: and shot him with a charge park, and diferent towns all over the State are discussing it.. -The need of a" place of this sort is especially felt on such occassions 5s yesterday and day 1 before, when there are large crowds of grange people in town and - absolutely no suitable place for them to go to. t has been suggested that . the Men- "of birdshot. There was talk of lynch ing Clear, and he" was taken to'the Canaiidaigua jail. ' t - ' 1 .Duel Prevented f Norfolk, Va., July 14.-0 n the the information ot a friend, " the police stopped a duel this morning between THE MCGANLESS HOUSE, DAN BURY. N. C. Dr. W. H.-McCanless, Prop; This house his been enlarged and newly fitted up for thc special accom modation of summer visitois to - Pied mont Springs and the mountain?. - John Verralla's popular Italian String Band (consisting ,f hirp, two violins and flute) has been engaged to make music fbrthegdfcstsof thisliousi during the Veason. Board $16 per month, $$ per week. Si per day. ' Dr. W. H. WAKEFIELD,. Physician, Surgeon & Occulist, ' - GBE31TSB0EO,2I..a - ; Will attend city and country calls. HARPER'S PEROD'CALS.- -Per Year Harper's Magazine. ... ..... . .$4 00 Harper's Weekly. 4 00 Harper's Bazar: ........ . .. . . 4 00 Harper's Young People 4 00 Harper's Franklin Square -Ltorary - . One Year (52 NumbersU... ..i.oo MM Mil 1 iraSi lie Damaged Parly ! The Knife to the Hilt in Every Department ! My stock, of Summer Goods is Moving too Slow. CS a 1 the best brands of m ri.fnM. a, ,cr aro- . - trench Sattincs uotth mnrUl r,rl. .. ' 1. "VV: .ai 2 per cent, DcIOW tne o ' a " 1 7V: .a" ." cranes. at 15 per yard; in fact. tit? v nrirc- ,w r.1. .J 1. TRUNKS. fARPETS f I at? r ' w - V.l uuui, w.. COrresnnndinr In-jr . r and examine rr.ods and prices mtltt 'in1 thn I t . ..1 1 - wac. tui 10 mane room lor fall stock to make n:orc business. The eods WILL ARM FIELD is .its nr.'! l.j i !' f , i j , j. THK Morning News, By J.S. Hampton, GREENSBORO. N C. AN INbKIMSNDKNT POLITICAL, NEWS AND COMMERCIAL JOURNAL, Devoted to the bat interests cf THK CITV OF GREENSnO and of Forth Carolina, zcncnUj. Tin- MnKNiKt; Ni.ws w ill cir The Very Latest Acin From all parts of Uic World; Tbr cry latrit From all Commercial Kntns; Tin: riiocKKniNcs CONGRESS Parliaments, Lcrla!atarcrf CONVENTIONS, and all other deliberative ldis. Greensboro "Female Collet The siity-Cfth scsi'-n of this wtll cqu;pped and prosperous insMutio will brgia on the 24th nl Augus'. Tuition in full Enclih- course rf cion of 20 week?, for day r-upili t:fl- Irrparaiory dcpaitmtnt Siot' $'$ Fur calalouc app!y to T.M. JONES. IVct.dent. Greensboro Enterpilse. imm No. IO GIGAR FACTORY, CREENSI50RO. N. C. Our Cinrs nrc manufactcrc cl of the very best Imported and Domestic TOBACCO Ani?n our most ch i' lri!s mentionthc followinj;: XI OH A OK OHO. n.on dk At.yi , iLi:i:MAtisxi. r.u.i.'inv" 1 ' c a :r ui : e if