J J tSHBJlORfUNGrKEWS TUP fiH'TT i'rrQ f 5 Oy HAKPTQ?r& AHDREWS. rUHLISUED DAILV L.wErT SUNDAY. ; - at or sccsottmoM, im advaxcs:. -; On Year (by Mall;, Posta; paid,... f 4 00 SU Month, r - a 00 Thre Month. - . , Two Month., ,- . js One Month, " ' 40 To city subscriWrs, delivered in any part of th ciry . at 10 ct pyr week. - f ts - . " " TlHf ............. . r .f.i.7, . " Ijj. ........ ............ - ... ! 4 ....... . . . . . . . V ... ......... . . . . I - T 1 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. AMD OF THE STATE. Vol. 2: Greensboro, N. C, Wednesdry, July 20, 1887. No. 15 Tr U N an ,-rC jr;- w ;-.r. ... 11,1 h,Tm- 1 ' i a 11 in i i iii m 1 1 t ' 1 L tai i i kii a 1 No advertisement Inserted ia Local colanu at aay An extra charge will be made for double-columa or tripte-cota'-aa advertisement. . ' All announcements and recomendatioos of candi. date for office, will be charged aa advertisements. AdrertWe-'vanu to follow reading matter, or to occupy aay special place, will aot be recds-ed. Amusement, and OflicuJ advertisements 50 ct per square -ur each insertion. ' v - Advertisements kept under the head of "New THE LATEST NEWS PEOPLE '" . tilucd jinorr. SCIliJTIjrilGE WITH - v .1 - CVS TI2.V. cm- his 3Ir. Blaine is greatly cnjo)in2 tally-!io drives in Scotland. The Berkshire Hills are becoraieg Revolt cr, Waeon-Votct and more and more popular with aristxrrat- Iron Tint 'Pint V$cd bu the 1 ic Bostomans Utilizer tnl. " Boston, July 18. A circus which Advertisement.- wHl be charged fifty per ceat. extra. - """""" Vayments for traotient advertisemenu most be SCVCral days finuhed ItS performances 'made in advance. . Saturday night and struck tents. RemUsnces must U md by Cbeck, Draft, Postal Whi,c lhc animals were being loaded . Maw (ViUr Enr . nr in Reentered Letter. .1 Only uch remittance win be at the risk of the pub-1 oh the cars and the baggage aftd camp lUhera. I equipage packed some of the people - Under the Iicad of "Special Ctt Item,- oustae notice will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line or every insertion. KV'tH'U riACitrx. Trebuh Talks .tbottt Thhtsr iround the Capital. Raleici!.;. C. July iSh. Edilsrt Mernirtg Xeu'S .An im portant cae is being tried here in the Wake Superior Court. It is the cxc cl State ys. Duncan C. Haywood. The defendant is charged triih forging He was tried once and ruzj trial. He i vox are a br.g way frrra losing their TTnLMINGTOS WELDON RAIL- strenrth. The order, he tars. It- stronger than it wis louttcen months aro. He thinks Tit tlWir estimate of the ptoj-oition o! recruits the Union Lsbor patty will draw from the two greet parties is about correct. t ROAD COMPANY, I! pcntoiiL. CairiUtc VYotttr. th; cr.vatU Austrian actress who is presently to CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 14. THE EAHiIlOAi)3. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTJURE OK TRAINS. ' KICHUOKD ANO DASTVlLLg RAILROAD. Arrives irora Richmond at..... ............ 0.43 n j , . 1,. 10.32 pm Leaves for Richmond at..... 8.3 am '.. .................... 0-S5 P " ;;v 'KORTIt CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrive from Charlotte at .. .. . .... . ..... . 8.m a m " .................. 9.40 P m r Leaves tar Charlotte at...... 9.48 am , 4 . , .................... "to-44pm stood about watching the work and making disparaging remaiks.The circus men took offense and a fight 're suited. In a lew moments the crowd took a hand generally and the circus men rushed in with revolvers, wagon poles and iron 'tent-pins. Shots were fired, knives drawn, and a lively free fight was in, progress when Chief of Police Nelson with a score of reserves arrived. - .... - . . , f .- .-". , . The circus men retired i to; the inf mals tent, which was still standing and barricaded the door. with empty cages. Chief Nelson appeared at the - Ex Senator Spencer, of Alabama, thinks that the Southern boom busi ness is being overdone. Prince Ferdinand is not packing his I notes In tlS$ ttUnk, and will , wait . awhile defore I then given a buying a ticket to Bulgaria. pleading insanity. Thi case will be Alfonso XII!.. King of Spain, is now continued this week. sevetetn years old and receives a salary Mr. Andrew Belts, an . esteemed of $1,500,000 a j ear. young gentleman r.f Raleigh, died ' Senator Vance has named his new Friday morninrr last at t o'clock: aired home 'Gombroon' after the capital of about 25 years. His funeral was held De Quincey s imaginary kingdom. at the Baptist Tabernacle Friday even- fam:K.. she U over r v,ar. M and f w n'rt.Z Z U ing at 6 o'clock. George III was h;r father-in-law: Ar Wilmirg.1; So " Pror. Herman Dahlbcig. lately of Paris, gave a conceit here Friday night for the benefit of St. John's Hos- TRAINS GOING SOUTH. m m a ro. 4 ' -o. 4a; ro. 4 Daily. DaHy. make her fust arncarance in Americal . i ai f. . Uat.y. uai y '' ' i.T wciuon.. 1 15 p m 5 33 p n-1 10 a n is a native of Cologne. Ar Rocky Mt 2 JJ p m t Chatles Sprecklcs son of the Hawaii Ar Tarboro. 4 $0 p rn 1 sugar King, frequently visits the East x Taboro.;il jap ........ ' and has a large acnuaintancevhm in ?l 05 p m 6 5f P tr. J c7 m er Yuik The Duchess ol Cambridge Lv Wilson.. 4 15 P m . ....... !.... Ar C'- r irt n fn1 I is ine 1 . . The Earl of Desait. ex-husband of the countess vho ran away with ; the actor Snyden, has published a novel entitled "Lord and Lady Piccadilly." Lw CTa'.! 'w-rr A tl ft m ? j.i n m' i r. old'stmerapcr ol the Ecglih royal Lr Marnolia 6 00 n m 1 nrn t San m 613am m 9 55 p rr. 7 win ' Arrives from Goldsboro at 9.30 p m ' v- M ' io.wpm door of the tent and demanded a sur- I mining man of Caliiornia, song. Gardner F. Williams, a well-known has baen 7.40 am Leave "for Goldsboro at............ ....... 9 S m 6.00 a m io.co p m render. The men brandished their appointed. manager of the Dc Beer weapons and warned him not to come diamond-mine in Southern Africa; one in. He charged -the tent with the of the largest it the world. NORTH-WF.STEKS N. C. RAILROAD rrivt from Salem at. 8.00 a m 9-34 P m Leaves for Salem at... i. ....... ...... ...... 10.00am 10.54 P r C AND" V. V. RAILROAD. " Arrive from Fayetteville at " 7 S P m I Lei for Fayetteville at.... .........9.50 a m .".Arrive from Walnut Cove at 500 p. m. ' Leave for Wsdnut Cove at 10.1s a. m. police and arrested all who did not make their escape under the canvas; A large number were badly hurt in the fight, but were removed by their friends: John Kelly was stabbed and a boy was hit with a stone and knock ed senseless. Several others were trampled upon by the crowd. TUB POSTOFFICE. Mme. Chaisline Nilsson owns two I pital. He was a pupil of LUtz for IS buildings in Boston that are assessed I months and is a pianist of unusual at $123000.111 1 must not be supposed mctit. The Professor is a very pleas- inai mis property, was ooug ni xor a 1 am genucrnan anu cxcccainiy wen cultivated. I met him at the residence of a friend and found him very soci able. He is a native Swede and has been in America 22 months. A rew publishing company has been organized here and will begin oper ation in a few weeks. The old Central Hotel is to be fitted up for its work rooms, otfices &c. Its specialty will b? railroad printing, and it will be one ol the largest establishments of the kind in the South. The Co. expects to have a lithographing establishment in con nection with the printing. It is scorching hot here no-. The thermometer registered 102 in the General Imbodcn, ol Confederate fame, recently stated in a letter that if Virgin! mineral wealth had been as fully deve!opcd in i66j as now there would have beei no war. TRAINS GOu'G NORTH. t No. 4$ flo.47 , No. 43 Pocplo's Pivo Cents Savhs OF C.U F.ENMRO. N. C A new six-penny illustrated magazine is to be publiished inEngland under the name of Atalata. Mr Ruskin will write the preface, and Andrew Lang and Rider Haggard will contribute to the first number. " Elam Brown, one of the early'Cali fornia pioneers' now ninety years old' owns the valuable Ascalenes rauch in Incorporated April 20th, 1SS7. un- d.r the laws I Nortn Carolina. Open fur business July 3, 18I7. Under risrid examination of Com missioner appointed by the Governor of the Stale. Character and amounts of its invest mcnts carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits from five cents to two thousand dollars from any one Lx WilmingJti 40 pm S 50 a m S 52 p m Lv Burgaw. 9 34 a rn y 50 p rr Lv Magnolia 12 52 am 10 23 am 1042 ArGoiishor.i 55 a m il 35 am i t 5S am Lv Fayettev 7 00 a m Ar Selma... i 9 5S a m .V I ArWi'.sos.j ,.?U25am I f..tI,.. . . . . r . Ar Ro"ky Ml ...Jt co p m i 27 a m ArTarboro. ..'4 Jopm Lv Tarboro.j 11 30 arr. Ar We! Jon.. 4 05 a m 2 15 p ni 24 5 a m crson. Pays all prolits to depositors. Dynamite in a Ball-Room. I California. At the celebration of , Iii shade Saturday. Pretty warm! v; -' t a, 1H, 1 ... ' '. Mails for the North cjose at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. cWlotte " 9 ; 9 ; - Raleigh " 9-o I Salem " 9 o ; favetteville Qoo r. The money order and registered letter omce will nly be open from 900 a. m. to 6 p. m. " General Delivery U open from 8 a. m. until 7 p. in. V-except .when ppening man. , Also, 15 minutes after i dmim the Eastern night mail.' Sunday hours, for general delivery. 8.00 a. ra lor Which a large ball VHS In pTOgreSS. - v . m .a I alf hour ; and half hour after the opening ot tae Th WftS under the ausnices of Steubenville, O., July 18.One of the most diabolical outrages ever coirimitted in this vicinity occurred at Mingo, Just south of this city, last night, it being the partial destruction by dynamite of the building in last biithdav anniversary 7? of his fr.mily and immediate kin sat down to together." ! mails from both North and South, -The lock-boxe are from 6.00 sC m.o 10:30 p. m BB3IDENT CLER.G ofIEN. Washington Critic: "Deeds. not words," is the motto of the real estate man. . - Lowell Citizen: II all men v.e;e to" pay as they go there" would be less go ing and more paying. . New Or leans Picayune: Give a weak. f Preabyteriaa;. - ; . - ' lr.j. Henry Smith, N. Cnurch St, i 'A I' Rev. E.W. Smith. Asheboro St.-jS. Greensboro. u ; ' Baptist : .' '." '" k! ' Rev! W. R.Gwaltney,S. Elm St.. South Greensboro. : . . Methodist Episcopal. . ' Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. j "G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. , Methodiat Protestant : Rev. J. L. Mkhaux. N. Greene St . " J. R. Dall, Spring St. Episcopal: Rev. A. 11. Stubb. N. Elm St. ish and he will soon imself. ! . b! t PBODTJCE MARKET. Apples green, per.bu .Bacon hog round . . . . Beef ,. ....... Butter ..n Beeswat;... .......... : Chickens-K4d . .. ... . ... . spring ....... Corn new Corn Meal ............... Dried Fruits Blackberries. Cherries..... Apples. a a i.ooai.50 . ao ..i8a25 . .......,.;....ai8 ....... iSaao ...... .ioai5 .........850 .........a6o ........6 i-a ........71-3 ..333 the colored people of the place and was very largely attended. About 10 o'clock a number of white men made a raid upon the building ling punch enoug ; . . r . j - 1 r make a Judy ol hi intent upon canturinsr a quantity of beer at Ithe -hall. - The attack was Trey Timjs: Brown-Hello June . . 1- 1-.. -i . .... frustrated, and the whites retired !ows vour wife.' Jones (a little only to reappear . in about, an, hour. deb Verr b,usterin- and dis with : a number of djamlty Icar JSr lhis.m?rnin ! tridge. These were exploded "be- New Orleans Picayune: When, a neath the windows of the building, mn belongs to they past it is a great sliattiTing the-structure in many PV 10 KecP Qisgng mm up ami uuw. r'nfrj. i rin lio-fitR wprft ftxtinoruisiiea 1 " --O B and in the nanic "which ensued a number of people were hurt .There Tory is so feeble that she walk uith were many narrow escapes, and it is a slick. She also promenades with a wonder that several lives were not luc iUJ,4u,s UJ W,ISUU,' lost. In the confusion the beer was Chicago Times: Judging by recent t tka nnvanw i,oVtd At events in Honolulu, the sandwich IVIlt 1 ,. AAV J V. VI V W V V v OFFICERS . President. M. Win stead. JVtv-Pres iden j W. F. Steele. J. A. Odell. I. If. Harris. Tresis, (cr Cashier) Simufl L Trog. den. Clerk (or Secretary) H. II. Cartlar.d. Come and see our butter cups; Greensboro Canuy Co. To m jt children, the bare sugges tion ol a dose of castor o:l is nauseat ing. Wh:n physic is u:ceSiary t r the little ncs, use AycTi Cathattic Pills. They are sife and pleasant lo take. Try them. The o)thing and reitoritive efforts of Ayer'i Cherry .Pectoral are realized in all casts of colds, coughs, throat or luncr troubles, while its powerful heal- The meetings will be held in I ing qualities arc shon in the most Metropolitan Hall. Speeches will be serious pulmonary disorders. made by fruit groweis from all puts j of the State, The Grape Shew wiil b: heli inStronach Warehouse and no doubt will be a fine exhibit. The grape crop around Raleigh is very fine and very abundant this year. An While it is so hot and dusty the hose companies are going to sprinkle the streets. They will attach their" hose to the street hydrants, one of which is at every corner.. This i a go-d thing. The watci will make ihi atmosphere cooler and. at lhc same time, ..;y the dust. Thcte is no' doubt f ti.e fact that the sheets of Raleigh ought .o be paved. The dust Is ' just awfu"!" The State Horticultural Soci. ty will hold its annual meeting here in con nection with the Grape Sh v, August 4th and 5lh. We expect to have a big time. Ph;i,HMnhn aVtmc n.iAn virbw I attractive nrocramnic nas been ar- ranged. Trebuh. been arrested. Islanders, if in our place, would make short work of Garland j Tour rial of Education: It is bad Ills WUe Gets Ilcrcnschy JEop- fug-. ClNClNNAlf July'iS. ilrs. Neil C. Kerr has created a sensztion by elop ing with a Kentuckian. Her husband Trains on Scotland Neck llranch Road leaves Hahtax tor Scotland Neck at oo p m. "Returning, learet Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily esccpt Sunday. Trains leaves Tarljoro, N. C, via Albemarli Raleigh, R R, daily, eicepu Sunday. 6pm.; Suaday 5 p m.; arrive Williamiton. N. C. 8 10 p r.i. and 6 A Makes loans on public bonds, real I p m. Returning leaves Williamtton. N state. and first class personal security. C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun. iay 9 50 a m. arrive 1 aruiro. . v.. lo 05 a m, and II a a m. Trains on Midland N. C. Hrar.cti leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily ciccr Sunday, 5 31 pm.; arrive Smithfield. N. C. 700 pm. Retua;ing leaves Smith, field. N. C.,7 30 a m.. arrive Goldilioro. N. C. 900 a m. Southbound train on Wilson J: Fayet teville Branch Is No. Ja. Northward i No. 51. Trains Na. 4J South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes c!ojc conr,ectio-i at WeMon far all pcir.ts' North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dai!y ex cept Sunday via Cay Line. r.ains make clove conncc ion for all points North via RichmJ;d and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup t J. R. KENLY. Supt Transportation F. M. EMERSON. t;enT Pass. Agent Butmetl lo Death in Uis 'DrttgA enough to have to live in a one- horse was a traveling passenger agent ol the town, but life there is heavenly com- Queen and Cresent Railroad. They Store. ' Peaches, unpared 1 -a, , unpared 1-4, pared pared with existence in a row village. whcelbar- Llttlo Butter Cupj. Pure and sweet: little butter cups made every day by nv. Greensboro Casuv Co. Dan River Bridge to IiCt. At Madison. Rockingham County. N. C. Iuly 33th 18S7. Acoveredbridge 20S feet long, 3 spans 7t .2-12 feel, and 70 512 feet, and 66 5 12 feet; rock pillars already built. Bridge to be built as nearly a practicable like" the Settle Bridge at Dead Timbers. 2i. C John M. Galloway. J. M Vaughn, R. C. Nelson, G. W. Martin. Building Com. M ad sen. N. C. Iulv 6th. 7. 2W a i-a a ........539 ...io Philadelphia iVeics: The croton-oil divorce case has been settted at Glou by payment of lawyers' fees. It some times - looks as if almost anything Lincoln, Neb., July 17." Prank Coy, of Davenport, was, found burned to death in his drug store tnere to- Egg..... ........................ ............ ,.io day. About! o clock in the morn Feather.............................. ......40 fag be attempted to go downstairs Flaxseed......... ....... .......... ....75 wfh - Hrrhtpd Limn when he fell FiourFamiiy ...... .... .4 s llm.: . M mieht bcsettled that way. onions....;... ooaso turn in the stairway. - xne on new oan rranuiw Oat... .....4oa4S oil nvpr him "satarfttlner his clothiner has invented a war boat that will stay under water four days. The great trick in this country is to get one that will stay above water that long. lived together six years in this city. Mrs. Kerr discovered her husbaud two jikc Book Company. in correspondence with an rrtc ......... ....i.....-7 1 , a . nr. rv,.J ntt.:n Pea ... ............6oa75 I uuu V daiug 11 rv. - A'at. vaj ' . v iuu PtoirUhC.!"-.U- I was hardly burned off.. k Everything Sweet,............:....... ........50 goes to show that he had been nght- ing the fire until he succumbed by 6a7 Kags Cotton.. ...... .. ...................... .....1 Tallow... 6 ' Wool washed. ...1..... ..................30 . unwashed.; ao Wheat 1. ..........fiat as suffocation. Hottest Day in Italeigh. .IO . : KCTAIL TRICES OF GROCERIES. Hacnn Sides..........;... :...7. ....... 'Ham...,. ......15 f - ' Shoulder.. ............................. ..8 Cheese ,...........o vvuli. ...... a Philadelphia Press: The Hen. Wil liam F.cody writes from London to say that he has liot got the big, head. Yet we must bear in mind that a man who has the big head never knows -it. wh:ch meets in quarterly session at years ago Indiana girl. Within the last two or three days she took her revenge. She went over into Kentucky and married Hose Duncan, of Pleasant, Pa., a boy twenty years old, and twelve years her junior. They have run away to Wash ington Territory, and Mr. Kerr is pur suing thtra with a detective. t li". of Is. Jlcn Vho Did .let Slick. Boston, July 18 The membership of District Assembly 3?. K. of L. July special sales, to continue during the month, olBooks, History. Poetry. Biography, Fiction, etc. Also Station ery, Oil Paintings. Albums, etc Prices marked down. Desirable bar gains. 1 w' - The demand tor Tar Heel Liniment i ' incfcasir.?. Use it cet well be happy. Houston Sc Bro. RICHMOND AND DvNVHXi: RAILROAD. t oxDENsr.n tscnr.ouLii TRAINS RUN BY MERIDIAN mill TRAINS OOIXd SOUTH. May. ttftit, IS". Nu. ZO. t No. Z2. tUUr. Daily. Lestre Ne York , 4". nl 1 SJ t a Loat lLIUd:LU....t 7-Jatn f,:r, z Leave IUltitnorr. Leave V,'nUir.j;tn . . Leave ClirUttai!le Leave l-jnc'dxirg. .. Icare Dunlllc Ivwv-a llicLoi J Lcuvt Go 1 .! rj. . ... LeateT RalIh Lflatii D xrV.ux. IiC4td Hi'i l'-int... Lr&ve S!.btiry..-. ... Leave C1iar!ot . . . . . 11 .4 aja'UOOpm 3 Si i ra ; 3 00 a ta Z pM 5 ri ana 8 3 I'm I ?i s n 3 O) p w - ZiJ a r.i ! ZZ1 au. 1 OOara C 3? aaj ' 2 2 ) ata IllS.m IDK.ari .fian. 1113 mit 2 21 aw. 1 lOtm lyiv SiuUnbcr (CSCaxa; 33tpta GCJars 44Sm 1 20 ini 10 IQim Is ftve 'r- n Arrive Atiu.U.. TRAINS r.OINO NORTH. May .23ih WANTED I. Arrive Cojrltta... ! Dnrtaa.... Ral--2h A position as salesman or account-j .. o:d:ia.. ant, bv a y.ung man of experience, j Am Davi!! .. G xd refere nce j: i vcn. Address Richnvnul. .......................19 3io Raleigh, N. C, July IS. -To-day was exceedingly hot, the hottest In fact than was ever before known. The temperature ranged from one cocked a wise -eve and rema rked hundred to one hundred and five ; jt yil enogh for jou?" the figures are given by ; the TJ. S. Philadelphia Record: It was "Crockey Bald wit," the Zoo's crack cockatoo, who, remembering the. happy days when he was a msre egg in the tropics. Is Inventors and patentees and all hav- j Signal Observer ; ing business with the U. 8. Patent Ol- f Dr. Manly was sunstruck late Uiis : with confidi-nt reliant nnnn mv fidMir afternoon while walking on the to their interests. - street. There are no sisrns of rain or GORKD FATALYHY A BUM. Fall River to-morrow, has fallen from 85.000, one year , ago, to 21.000, in rur.d numbers, at the present time This district sent seventy five dele gates to the Richm.-ind General As sembly, but will be ttr.iilcd to only eig:.t at M'.r.neap .lis. A bitter fight is anticipa'cd over the election of these dtl;jra!es bctvicen the adherents of ir.e 4r Luke. Drawer Gt Gree if boro. N. C. Mi 1 ' Luttc butter cups good for children iw. Greensdoro Candy Co. SEALED PROFOSALS. i Nfx ol. , No. I DaUj. ; oiij. ... I ZCZ ara C r.i ... ft 8 01 p tJ .. ' 7 W.ui! 0 13 1 u ...1 S2Sr 0 t 1 ...J 12 t" tn 12 07 fcta 2 41 tta C 3i ara ...i 4 30pai 11 20 a-i ... 1C I0a 11 TJ a .. J 3 5fm C 1 am I 15 ta 2 OJ aw ... 3 iO pra 4 10 ?n 82Jpa 8 10 r lWIt:yvfc 11 2Zi 13 03 ara .hdid lj.'-iC...' 3 01n 12 Z, r.i ,V. T tk CiOarwi 3 20 t '3 Arxi' LTr-ehbnr.r . WaMn?oa. . . CANJOHARIE, N. Yu July 17 John W. UomiClub and its opponeuU. The Smith, a prominent farmer of this head of the -ir.ti trades-uniunbu is New inventions patented. Oldinven-1 or any abatement of the heat, and town, was gored by a bull yesterday f George Ii. McN.iP. jccer.L candidate morninrr, and probably fatally hurt. He 1 for Mayor . I liostoiicn tr.e wornn c- tioi ;improved,and rejected applica- people look: forward with dread tor tmne mviaii f i tin t.lw ' 'nmta I .. V marks registered. - to morrow. The nights are-marked : Prompt attention. Skillful service. I by absolute stillness and y sleep is Moderate charges. Send model or 1 nea'rl v imrjossible. : i . L f : ......... . . I sitcicn tor iree report as 10 pateniaDiiuy. . Preliminarv information , rheprtullv lurnlshed. ' ' I W. C Overby, stall 4, : city market. A. S. YANTIS. will have this morning stall fed bee! Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat I and mutton, and every other day this weeK. ierson5 in want . x,,JKl u.w will please caU on him. " iw. was badly cut up and his clothes were j men's ti:krt. entirely striped from person ents. 8t6 F Street. N. W.. Washington D. C Whether from swampy land or stag nant poo!, or from the' deadly gases of city sewers, malarial poisons aie the same.' Ayer's Ague Cure, taken ac cording to directions, is a warranted specific for malarial disorders. The Knight Stronger Ever. than Cincinnati, O.. JuIy'iS. Mr. Hugh Cavannaugii, Master Workman of this istrict. says that the Knights o' L-ibor - GRF.ENsr.0RO. N. July iS, ;! Scaled proposals will be received at the f.lEce ol the Supervising ArcSiitcct tf V.- S. Treasuiy Department :t Washington, D. C , and opened at 2 p. m. of the 3ath d ty of July, 1S37. f- r furnishing and deiivir".g at frc:ght depot. Greensboro, N. C, in accord ance with specification, one (t) Bur glar Proof Chest. Each proposal .must be accompn:i-;tt by a certified check for S50.C0, n:aic payable to the order of the Trrasurer of the United States The right to re ject any bids is reserved. Copies ! sp.'cincMioi can be seen and any in!ormalion obtained, by ap- pUtngto M. L.LJ.L, "-' . S'jprrvsin.t Architert. N .W N. C. It AILROAD . 001x0 sorro No. CO. No. Z2. At . Lt. SaVm ?:)n 5 23 ootsa sosra No HI. an. '3 ar. SUm UZ0 a j2 :a SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and1 51, pulll n Bu.Tci Sleeper between Atlanta and . Ycrk. New Orleans and Washir-gton via Dan On trains ;2 and 53. Pullman BufTct Sleeper Montgomery and Washington, AiKcn and Washington, via Danville. On trains t,2 and 53 Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Greensboro, and Greensboro and Goldsboro. For rates and inlor nation ar-'y to ant Agent ci the Company cr to SOL HAAS. T. M. J.vs. L.TAYLOR. Wam-'on. D.C