HEfORNIKGINEWS.: the :.iori;ii;g i;evs. 3 .1 By HAhiPTOfl U ANDREWS. ; ; r a n J ilfnusuED Daily; L IJurr. Sunday; ! One Year 1y Mail;, loU id, ....... .....f 4oo j Sx Mwuh, .,- i Thre MontM, - - , - ....i.,..i i J Two Month,, - " j WMontv, ;..-'; -;"......;.... 40 V ' , T'' 'y wlifl?, delivered In xay part of tHcciry t m T w ti ....... ...M n IM t f s 1 - - ir. . T. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF OREENSOOKO. AND OF THE STATE. - Zrm WM4W, & )UV Vol. 2. Greensboro, IN. C, Mondry, July 25. 1887. No. 19 ra Tn ; (&! ill lite X i I : a " I s ' - 1 p . - a .:- J ?C3Li ssss AinrcTOcntxiiTs. 3 tin alvcrfitf rait iniertca. 4 Loc column at amy j An tii charje will 1e made for ' doat4vcolumn' ,.rr iriple-c.4-n ,alvefu:m'nt., . . , AU anuiuiva.-mtnt ! recouiendatton. of cattdi- lae tar 3ice,iil be charged a advertisements. lj 1 , Advrti5''rfeol' to foliow reading Matter, or to f onaipy, .jh-cIjI place, will not be received. A'rnwiutit, and Oflkaal advertisement 50 ct per tuir j for each inwntion.' ,4 1 AttverfyenivnU Itept under the bead of "New - Ad vcrti-M-'ineou" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. . r.yroCTt tran.it advertisemwt u 4e I fttdc in advance WiM)nK K.;-reM, or in Kegbtered Letter, Only udi rmtt..rice will W t the rik of tbe pub- I n.MiCf will ile in.-rtcd at the rale scent, a line Voy in'vruon.. 1M5 33 I -rp TT X ATT.TJO . -t -v. AUKIVAI. AN" DEPAKTUUB OF TRAINS. 3 KK IINDKIAKD UASV1LLS kAil.KOAU jAit i vi-i lrom k khimd at . i. 943 m ...... 10.33 p m . ... ....f 8.35 a m ) S5 Pi Lvv:s r Ui dlimond t JjPBVrt C&tUyUlX RAILKOAIlT I A 1 f ivi" from Charlotte ui ... .. t.32 a m .. ... 9. 40 p m ficjivi'N f.r ( 'Jiarlottf; at...-.,.. 9.43 a m 10.44 p tn 'Arrjvi s frm (Ild.boro at..i. 900 P m i ' jtJ 'tyiio p m LeatM for lirddilioro atW.. .C... ... ... 0.50 a m 900 pro I "6.ooam ' lO.ao p m NORTH -WRSTKUS N. C. RAH.ROAU Art-ivt from alem at, . ....... 8.00a in ....... 9.34 p m ....... 00 a ra ..;- ;jeioVS4 p m g Lta y 4 f Stlui at . . . ' ( T It ! H V c. Au v. v. RAii.tto'Aii - ' y AVTiSTrn'jir f aycMe ville & ''.'.Tr. 7.". .771 7.9$ p m U-avcs To.- rayrttcville at.' .9.50 a n, .Ttrfrvfea froW Wahuu Cjve kt ............ . ". p. m Lav6 r Wamutcove at .............. -5 "v .'.4-w f:' THE POSTOFPICE. 'Mail for the' North dose ' at 8.00a. m. and Q.oop.m.I '" Charlotte 900 V ; Raleigh " 900 . Salem - " 9 9.00 9.00. W i - nKayetteville 9-00 i Th! money order and registered-letter ollice win hly bi.' s?it from 900 a. m to 6 p. m. - ; ' ' Cc iu ral Delivery U open fro:h 8 a. ni. until 7 p. m. t c .i when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pining lh. Eastern nignt rau., i J?und:iy hours, lor general delivery,' 8.00 . tn lor r- Rlf hoar ; and" half hour after the opening of the ipiaiii Iroti&botn N.rth :ind South.- ; ,l Uu ook4C4 are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Presbyterian : . . , .1. . . .. . .. 1 lr J - Ucjiry Smith, Nf Ciiurch St. 'v V,tivv It. y. Smith Ashehoro St. S. Greensboro. rU ;V AV: R. Owaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal; V V, -jUv.J. FT Mann, W. Market St, , j " G. i", Smith, S. Graensbora , Uiv. J. L. Michaux, N. Greene S. J. R.; Hall. Spring St. . Episcopal : Rev. A. II. Stubbs. N. Eni St. - ' AonU's jreen, per hu. fi pan-liGg round 'It'MI "II - i.ooai.50 ...... ax) U.-.I iVt t.r ! VlV'M ?; J' J.T5r' rr.'.TI r I 1 1 m I saas vAk : .;..:.........ai8 Chicli-n?old.:..i.j.....i. ... tsa20 a5o .ni M' t .....a6o Di k.l r;u;tr li::ickberris L'lu rrios . . . 6l"a ........ Apples. Poaches, unpared i-a, " unpared 1-4, . -r; run .: p-ed f.iX'r. .......aa3 aia ..ID .............40 .....4 50 ........ ..34 00 rUKBO)U i.. ......... . Klrni Family. ; ... p ... . i j. Sifiue i I niHlOH 0-.i ". .. . ....... 00a o t.rk 1 Uv:...;i.6oa75 ....... f7 I t.iix- ... . ('ft! f.';..6o Swit-t ......5i 'Tt' ..1 .6 3 unwasTifctl ............ .......20 ...$iai 35 - 'J ; -i F !'A?L fRfCEs OF GRnCHklKS. .....IO iihaulJers..u.. ......is .;uii......,.;..ao 1 'u .19 1-210 S. Inventors and patentees and all hav tug business ith the ,Ur H. Eitent Of fice arenvitedto communicate with me witlr confideht Teliance upon my fidelity to their ihtere'stei. Wr. ff 2 New invention patented j Qld ihven- v4qn Jmnr9er andtrejected applica nuns reyeu. v-ayeats nietu . trade marks registered. i;:-'Tf:,:'rir-.r - - . . v . . . w. . . r 1 1 1 u i , j. I , SerVlCC sketch for Irecrenort as to ijrttentahiliiv - -' - .4-.v-..v. : iiiuuli . i t n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt r v luiormauoii . cneenui turnishfd. ....... . ....... . . - A. S. YANTIS. Solicitor ol American and Fpreia Pat ents. 816 F Street. N. W.; Washijitqn j - Qi'gji .iiif iir.niiTgiiMiiiiTiinfi"irririiir- iv n- -y v THE LATEST NEWS. JVf7Vf. TIlLWUEIinOLTS Jinny Freak of the Eltctric j riltldt COW ILittfd and lit it crdained tht Hoard cf Ccm not the Jntlhmnn. missioncrs rf the cttjr of Greenslor : :- ; Columbia. S. C. July 21. Ujnnc a terrible thue'er sioim vcHcrday alicr- noon a house a few miles out of the City OCCUpicd by a family Of Cu!o red tcoplc was, struck by lightnitif. A twdve - ycai - .ld Rill wa, tnsta.ltly kl.l- CO and ler . grundirx tlirr was fatally News ffom Yorkviilc j;ives inTorma lion of the killing by liK'ing last night rPi J IWilliam -Gardne r and Fracc (FcWell a colored tvoman. Ciarbi.cr's clothes and shoes were twrn ulfand his body turned bine. LEXINGTON, Ky.. July 21. At Union near here, John Hart was sitting unber a tree which was struck by lightning yesterday. The bolt shivered the tree and struck Hart, but the only effect was to make a red strrak down his back. i MlDDLKTOWN. N. - Y.. July 21. Lighting " struck Thomas Sly nir bam near, near Warwick, to-dav at milking time. Two cows were killed, . 1 one of them while beinc milked. w i Forty-eight cows and some horses were got rut alive. The barn was burned.- i)en rind I Ditmb nursrlttm Don' f Count. j Petersburg, Va., July 21. A n vel and interesting trial to-day was that of purwell Lancaster, a mute, thirty years qld, indicted for burglary. The indictment was read to the prisoner by the Clerk of Court, Jut of course the prisoner could hear of it, and ap peared, as he doubtless was, entirely ignorant of what was going on around him.The father ot the young man testified: that he was born deaf and dumb. , The Court, instructed the jury if they believed the-pris.mer to have u a 1 ' 1 j ' 1- T . r . commission bt the alleged bulary thevmnst acnuh Thr, i,,rv rA.J ' a verdict of not guilty. Lancaster was thentaken back to jail to await trial for two other effenses. . ' ' i t : r - Beach Haihtey's Suicidal Shot. J New-Haven. July 21. It ajjpears .1 . V u tt 1 . . that Beach Hawley, the nine-year old rr... . . i ..v son oriioisoii nawiey wn snot mm - sell at Newton! yesterday after, start- tmniPH siri in.tPnr! nf .h'iitn himselfaccidentally. - Another voune ster had promised to run away with mm, out aia 1101 put 111 an appear- I nnrfk anil thia miHo II-ivlr m.Un choly. 'When he left home he took his brother s bank 'book, in mistake lor I l.j- nutn nnr! rn tmirl tn rpf urn rnm u 11 iiuj.av.viuiiia He then mnrtp tin hi . : 1 " mind 10 kill himself. The shot took J effect in the head., but he has a slight j chanceof rec very. His father said I to-day that if was undoubtedly a case of altemjited suicide. f Priest Drowned Rapids in the Halifax, July. 21. Father Dumas, pariah piiest of St. Eivu was out fth big in th'j Niu'clce River with Fathei j jtyelle .ami three mhers. While lun- 1 ning-through' a er;es of rap'ris ih- ir Caiifie- tip-iet.. F.ther-Danias. u able t sswiai." was trini asiied ashore by one of the- party, but when near tin bank, the man (uuml himself sinki. p and to avo h-ms-lf shoQk off the pne-t. wh'"sank iri'sh.illiiV water, A reatuc pariv at o.icc; brought him ashure. but hemorrae of the strhomach set in ar.d within three h .urs the prit had bled to death, f v i A ' ;'-ro" Look on This. Then on" That Some baseball pUvhers. get ?3,K)0 a season. Somc pitchers only getSl day and found, but the latter pitch - hay instead of a ball. A young man - who pitches hay ma v be as valuable - uk I . ... . - . .. . ' ball 'but he Uoesn t get ms ponnui ui 1 - C3 . nrintivl in tb niir,P -?Jorristawn v u...f.i - - - :Ti,e demand lor Tar I kvl Liuimey is viiicreasinir; Use it net wen hftpny. ' Houston & Bro. POLICE aUGl'LATIOt. Tlie following arc thc resulations la.'?1l by the boanl Friday with reference to our police, force: That the constables elected for the rar sna" suiyeci 10 removal r ' o -m 1 1 9 . . D u,c al any llme U,:U 11 sr,al ascertained as a fact by said board 1 .That any one of said constables commonly knotvn m VKilice be found intoxicated during , the hours In which hehall be on active duty. '2 Or be found iu any house where intoxicating liquors are sold, or any bawdy house or house of ill fame, un less he be in !?aid house in the dis charge of police duty, i l 3 Or be found asleep j or neglecting his duty during the hours asslgnd to him for active duty, j 4 Or or .failure to arrest persons whom he knows arc violating the or dinances of the city. 1 5 Or for receiving money from any one who" has violated the ordinances of the city as a compensation not to uuvsi, ur u.xpose saiu person. 6 Or for unnecessary cruelty to any one under arrest or whom he fs ar- resting. ; 7 For .irrpstin- nrMn tvifftiilv .-'w' k ww i i v a f without proper authority and in manifest excess of his Dowers as a no- lioo ofTirvr 8 Or for taking or attempting to take unlawful fees amountincr to ex- i , tortion. I Respectfully submitted, S. C. Dodson, Chairman July 25, 1887. j fEirSOXAT.S. Ex-Senator Van Wyck, oi Nebraska, declairs that he is out of lpolitcs. jiirs. Logan is rapidly recovering from the shock of her recent accident. i Ex-Governor and Mrs. English have returned to their Connecticut home fr0m their European bridal tour;' ,r. . . ... , Queen Victoria puts he. hand in P 1 100'KJ00 ,or recent hospitality to royal visitors. M. Secreton. a copper manufacturer of Paris, owns twenty pictures bjr Deissonier. One of them '.Napoleon reviewing a thorps oi frencn uayaiav -Cast $7,000. . The first letter opened by President t y. . - . ' V'..! " ' - , ,. Clevleand on hi ,,r. .. T. While House wa s recent return to the urns n rifrnn.Tl rnmmti- I . n'Call t - Postmaster-General Mrs. Langtry is saiu to have started a real-estate boom in Los Angeles by investing in qroperty and at the same time playing an engagememet a thea tre. The Lily is signalizing her de votion to the country of her adoption by successful! sqcculation. In New York she has invested a snug fortune where it will do the most good, and her attention is now turned to California. Thakor Saheb of Morbi and Thakor - . . Saher of Sinde, two of the Indian Prin, ces who attended Uueen Vienona s JubilecjjCelrbration will visit the Uni ted btatcs before returning home. , Prince George, secoad son of the Prince of Wajes, has awaked the jealousy of his elder brother by raising a beard. It is not. however an orna- ment oi very great beauty as yet. ' . The largest summer j cottage : in Saratoga is owned by Mrs. Daniel S. Lathorp. of Albany. Mrs Lalhrop is a near lelalive of Senator Lelard Stan ford, of California, and is a very wealthy widw. Her Siratoga home is a mag- nificcitt house. gothic in ityle and suirt.uudcd by handsome lawns. Cliailcs Lowell Stewart SDei.ce re- j cenl, dic(J at an advanced a-e in Bal timore Couty, Md. He was a cousin of JamesRusseli Lowell.and a manofcul ture and wide information. Ilc'render- valuadle service for the United States in rrgard to diplomatic relations with Persia, and was decorated bv the Shah mt with the oider of The Sun and the a Lion Jl'oiv is the Time. I Mow ie itm in nirtlrnlir . - r.- . I ... . When tbe festiveyoung ncerbicicuiar ouues wic iunc iw.huui, . in a wayjocicuiar, And. lnsinV his nose nerbenaicular. t K northeast articular. oe . . . ' Puck. TUC TYCSTEn.t TTAT A? BXA3I. PLB VOBGHCE.lSDOnO. From ibe VWaigtr'i Southern cities and towns are seek ing to attract the attention of capital ists and manufacturers of other sec tions to their great advantages. The North - and Southwest are crowded I . .. - 1 I :s now to reacn tnem An answer to this may be found by studying wbit a I few remarkably successful Western towns have done. . I I rwiniit, 11 noicu tar ana i wide for its wonderful progress; sur- paiiir.g in some respects tne marvel- f lous growth of. Birmingham, The I secret of this progress is told by a "JIBS . I Mwe organized. . We held almost nightly meetings, and among the first thing we agreed upon 'was to hang together and stay by each other through thick and thin. We advertised by hundreds of thou sands of circulars. We set forth all our advantages in such a manner that strangers who were led by our circu- lars to cive us a call were not dc- I ceived, but. on the contrary, agreed I that we had not'put . it as strong a we might. Furrv tnnrn In lh Titt nf n I ' " " . was not only served with ourcirculars. but our newspapers. - And the newspaper advertising did double duty. Our people made it a rule to ask all their friends to adver tise. We then subscribed fora large num ber of copies, loaded with local adver tising and great advantages, and we found by conversing with parties who finally came here prospecting that the full advertising columns of our pa- . ... v pers which they had seen did more than all else to impress them with the crowth and imDortance of the nlace. I We found then we could not overdo this thing that the more we paid out for these purposes the rao.e were our profits. Every new comer was a cus tomer to most of our stores, and while their advertising paid to them rich re turns, it served the double pur nose to impress the Eastern man who had an eye to business - with the ' fact that Wichita was a rising town, and thus vp h.ivr rrnnr nn until wp havp ar1r!rrl nonulation since 1 came here of over I r ----- --- ------ I 20.000, and property has Increised in business places more than a thousand 1 . .... ... I tnlrt. anri In the cnunlrv round atjotlt 1 ' us the appreciation has been over 400 I know as well as you can know that printers ink is the best capital to boom a town. Had we not used it un- spairingly Wichita would not have been larger than Carthage. As it is we will soon outrank any town in the State." That is certainly a most excellent statement of the case. But it took money to oo mis. iiunorcos oi inou- ands oI circulars- 8Pcc,al i11001 OI 1 lnrnl nin-r . rnulrl nntJi sent nut I a m a local papers, &c, could not-be sent out without costing some money. Did it payr wen, tne growin 01 wicnua in a year or two from comparatively .w: . . a r:uA a . . , . center, the increase of over a thousand per cent, in the value ot real estate. and an increase of over 20.OJO in pupuiditwu iu a auuii uuin 1 ..ivar' n 1 f f.or aaralf (Trt TV ..1 ,r.. . V. a !. . . l A , . . J -, . . , were told by a. gentleman JUSt from mmtm e-e e a Wicnita, tnat wnue mere ne saw it 101 24 feet front and of moderate depth sell for $51,000 or over $2,000 a front foot. -These people were united. They worked togethe; they held their meet ings almost every night and'lhey fl coded the country with literature as to Wichita and its advantages. It is stated that they would raise money al most upon a moment's notice lor any - i good enterprise, whether it be to build a factory, a church, a school house, a Young Men's Christian Association Hall, or anything else that would ad vance the town's prosperity. They had pluck and push and they realized that to succeed they must put foith k riif-H .fTritf the most persistentunited efforts. $3.50 for S1.00. $5.00 for $25 and v v $9.00 for $4.00. I have on hand a tew Dress Robes carried from last season that are woith from $3.50 to $9.00 each that- I am going to offer on Friday and Saturday, July 15th and loth, at 51.00 lo $400 ject any bids is reserved, not hall cost, but they must go. , You Copies of specification can be sect., will bo fortunate if you are in time to anrj any information obtained, by ap get one. Respectully. " prying to M. E.BEI.L. 2d. SAMPLE S. Brown. I J ,. Supervising Architec AcUtoGcc? IYcc! We had several hundred cards scat tered throughout the ciljr yesterdiY which wtien presented to Messrs. Al bright & McKoi;. Jscob Joces or our selves the holder cf the card will get one cake ot Active Soap." Save your cards and get a cake o! No. ooe Uua dry soap. HOUSTON A U0. Agents. Reduction in oncct fullr arnrrcnttd ai tcca by an incrcAlc ol'. orTerl to C. II. Douhty's and sec what an elegant pair ot Gaiters in the way of ro3lc ana workman snip can oe nac fnr nr ti inl'.r A It t rttl (, steam cooker iw Whether from swampr land or stac nant pool, or from the deadly gases of twrifir fnr miistul r!t4nrr?re 7 O'clock Sharp I Our store will be closed. until fur ther notice, at 7 p. m. Saturday's ex cepted) until farther notice. j Butter on ice can be bad 4 fresh and nice. Houston Tlxo, The meed of raerity for promoting personal comeliness, is due to J. C. Arpr A f"V- H Ifvir Virrrtr ie ..;iVAr.,t K.iifi., nh..ir ftrtn. less, effective, and agreeable, it ranks a.ra,on2 lnc indispensable toilet sr- Flour A Big Lotl We have all grades of F,0Ur. Our -While TcarP and ver Crown" Flours cannot be beaten. Try a sack. Also, Meal, Shipstufl. Corn, &c. ap22tl Houston Bros. For Rent. Three new houses just finished on Orange St. one square from the Graded School and iVesbyteiun Church". Rent very low for such nice homes. tf. ' A. 1 1 ac an & Son. To most children, the bare sugges r . 1 t . J,on 01 .QOSC .OI sior 0:1 is nauseas. irg. hen physic is necessary tor the mtIc onc$. use Aycrs Cathartic mis. They are safe and pleasant to take. lf7 incm The soothing and restcritive efforts of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral are realized in all cases of colds, cough 5, throat or lung troubles, while its powerful heal ing qualities are shown in the roost serious pulmonary disorders. Iilttlo Butter Cups. Pure and sweet; little butter cups made every day by iw. Greensboro Candv Co. Dan Iliver Bridge to Let. At Madison.' Rockingham County. N. C July 30th 1S87. A covered bridge I 20S feet long, 3 spans 71 2-12 feet, 1 tn tf r . 1 it inn rv r. n rrr w I w a ..... 1 .u 1 u..:t, w.iJn. t K 1 mllart already built. Btidee to be Luijt a$ ncarir a, nracti cable like the Settle Bridge at Dead Timbers. N. C. John M. Gallowav. J. M. Vaughn, R. C. NEI-SON. G. W. Martin. Building Com. y. adison. N. C. ulytth. 07. 2w Dike Boole Company. July special sales, to continue during the month, o! Books. History. Poetry. Rtnrrranhv. Fletian. etc. Also Station crv Oil- Paintings. Albums, etc. I . mm my . mm m 1'nces marked down, ucsiraoie oar- Cains. Iwr- I gams Notice. 1 uow is your time to subscribe to Charabcis' Encyclopedia. F. T. Camn the cenl nt. is now here representing the publisber. P. F. r,nP inrt r,n on VQlJ in a uw I days. Do n6t f-il to subscribe t-i this I valuab'e wotk. tb I AT7THD 1 ' p. I I A position as salesman or account- I . r , w,.r, mn nf .rrienr el . 1 Good reference given. Address Luke. ' Drawer G, Gree ub-iro. N. C. Little butter cups god for children; iw. Greenseoro Candy Co. Cov.ir and see our butter cups; Greensboro Candv Co. SEALED PROPOSALS. Greenuoro. N. C.. July 18. '87. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Supervising Architect of U. S. Treasury Department it Washington. D. C. anrf opened at 2 p. m. of the 30th day of July, l37.for furnishing and delivering at fre:Kht dcPot- 9t!ccn?!'C; Accf!,d" ance with specification, one (1) Iiur- cUr Proof Chest, ' I. ch prorosal must be accompanied by a certified check for $50,00." made payable to tbr order of tbe Treasurer 0( lhe United States. The right to rr. TTT1 LM I N GTO N & WELDON RAtU ROAD COMPANY. r CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TR.MNS GOING SOUTH. v . . -c 1 No. 4S ; No. 40 f N0.4 Nor. f Dai,y j Dju1 DliJ Lv Wcldaa.. j 15 pm 5 jSpnvt loan Ar Rocky Mt a jj p rn j Ar Tarboco.'4 $ p tn' f Ly Tarbcro. ll a rrn' ! Ar Wi!on..'4 oc p ta6 tS p ra t ej a ra . Ar Sejna. . . t 40 p m Ar KayetteT. upn1 1 Lv Goldiboro 4 54 p rn 7 40 p m' j 5$ a M Lv Magnolia 6 09 p m j 3S p m c if a m ,r Burgaw..!7 00 p m....t... 6 13 a rn Ar Wilzning.j $3 r m'9 3 j p m'7 00 a ra TRAINS GO tfG NORTH. 1 No. 4$ j No. 47 i No. 43 ! Dai!y. j Daily. ! Daily. Lt Wilm:.g.fit 40 p21,5 5 a m S 52 p in Lv Bargaw.i 9 34 a in 9 jopn Lv Marnalla 12 52 am 1023 am 1042 pm ArOokhbor4i 55 a m il 35 am tt 5S am Lv Fayettev. 7 00 a m Ar Selmi. .. ....... . 9 a m . ....... Ar Wilson... ,u 2$ am Lv Wdin .. 2 32 a m 1225 pm 12 51 am Ar RokyML !i 00 p m i 27 a m -v 1 ' . . ' Ar Tarboro. ........ JO p til !i 33 4 05 am: 15 p ra 2 4S a tn Lv Tarboro. Ar Weldon. . Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 00 r r- . 1 ' p m. rvcinrnirj, tcarrra ocouinq ocxk at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. Trams leaves Tarboro, ri. tu Albemarl & Raleigh, R R, daily, except Sunday, 6pm.; Sunday 5 p m.; arrire illiamston. N. C, 5 lo p m, and 6 40 pm. Returning leaves Williamston. U C. Dally except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N . C, 1005 am, and 11 30 a m. .Trains on Midland N. C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C, daily -except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield. N. C, 700 pm. Returning leaves bmlth field. N. C.,7 30 a ro arrive Go!dboro, N. C. 9 00 a m. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayet tevillc Branch Is No. 50. Northward Is No. $1. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ex cept Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make clove connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. General So pt J. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Cenl Pass. Agent I -)iciIVIOXD AND D1KVILLE HAIL- - rrr jl v CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS RUN BT MERIDIAN TiME. TRAINS UOINO SOUTH. ' May. 2-Jlh. 1SSG. ; No.M. 1 Dally. No. CI Daily: 4 SO pta CL1 ra 043 pm 11 CO pm 3 CO am 6 CS axa 8 GS am 5 30a m Leave New York 4 45 a ta Leave Philadelphia.... 720am 9 42am 11.4 am Leave Baltimore. Leave WaabltcUm. ... Leave Chailotueiille. 335 pm 5 50 pa I iAT i,TOebbnrg I Leave DaavlUe 8 S pn I Iiti RieLtaanJ 3 OI n m Lfe OolLbow 12 30 am: 10 rm 1 1 w Lea Italia I Lav Uar-iro S30am 1 00 am 4 37 am L 2 30 am Leave Sth.bury 112 33 am; 11 S3 am . . U i I,U v.ui .......a.ws mmm . r a w mtmm 1115 am 10 IS am I Leave Cbirl'MU 2 23 am; '100 pm I Leave S? UaeCi Spartan bar. . 5 35 am 3 34 pm 6 20 am' 4 49 pm 1 JTl pm 1040pm reenville j Am Arrive Atlanta TRAINS GOING NORTH. May hh l&C. No. SL . No. ta. Dailjl Daily, u 0Z axa 6 IS pm Arrive Charlotte. ... C 4 azu 8 01 p m High ruitit 7 Mam 9 13 pm (irecboro- i ss.n; 3 40 j ra Darbam........! 1247pm 12 07 am lUlefRh 2 44 pm 6 30 am GoldUm 5 430rm 11 20 am a a a aa Amve Dinville 10 10am 11 23 pm LicLnioni. i 3 ipta 6 15 am Arrive Lyncbban? ....i 1 13pm 2 00 am ClirUt4vilWi ... 3 40 p m 4 10 am Wabin.oa 8 23pm' 8 10 am IUlUracre I125pra lOC3 am rhiUUIpU. 1 3 00am 12 33 pm Ne Tortr C 23 aa 3 2q pm Daily ncpt Sty J y.1 N .W N. C. HAILUOAD . coixo aovT ' No. tJX. No. Slin Lt. Fa2a 7 20 a ra 5 30 . " cosrj yucTa No- LI. so. S3 ar. Sda ll30aa i3 30 am SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51, Pullman BuHet Sleeper between Atlanta ar.d Yew York. New Orleans and Washington via Dan villr.' On trains 52 and 53. Pullman EufTcl Steeper Montgomery and WaxhT- AiV.cn and Washington, via D... On trains 52 "and 53 Pullman S!cr7rr between Richmond and Greensboro, ar.J Greensboro and Goldsboro. For rates and inlormation arolr to any Ager.t cf the Company cr to SOL HAAS. T. M. Jas. L.TAYLOR. Vn. Pass. Aent, Washinon, D.C

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