JT7 i 7 O THE MORiilKG NEWS. fW V,v'U,.... m I f m T w ty" - rs l 2 r - . . . .. ... .i . a ji r tVty. ............. t p............ pt " h . mm m ...... ... ft yj " Tw a M " mrw W4w.m..mm... mt t SXft ...... mmmm mmmm-9 .. S 9m One War (by Mail,'. Pmtag ir-ul,............f 4 00 " SIX Mjllths, : , " ............ : OO Thre M,iti, " " I too Two M.Mh, '! ...... .j ys OneMa.nh,. , M ..! . T city n!tj-!!.T, lelivcrtJ in any part of l!e eiy "it to ct. jm.-t wfrk. J DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE CITY OP GREENSBORO, AND OF THE STATE. Vol. 2. Greensboro, N. C, Tuesday, July 26, 1887. No. 20 THE MORNING NEWS. By HAMPTON &JWDREYYS. ' Pi;,.UHED DAILY. L. WEPT SUNDAY. W II 1 1 1 - " -i -1 i f - ii n m 1 inn.... n . - . r:3Li H2ns aitcctoczhzhts.' No .vlv rti-M'uKTv iiTte4 ui Local column at any : t Jo. A-t extra cSitiro will l1? f i.u' for loi!4e-co5utnB or trip!c-o4i-nfi aJc-rtiemcitt. All anim-iwiwnt :! recoinciMlal ions of candi I fir Ui.f, will !j charged a advertisements. A I v cr i iw sttt i follow reaJin matter, or to --.njy ..;' V.wct jft.i will not le received, A,ii.i.:-iiiiit. !il O.fioal aJvi-rHMJWicntji yci per iur' 'r c.v:b iinwrrtiou. A lvextiuioii! kejt uixlor the head of "Kew tlertlscnn-fitV will be charged fifty per cent, extra. . !;) uit i.t. f.-.r; tranniewt KrivertUncnt aust be i.i.i,!.; iii nlv.i!i-e. ' ltr.iiii.inr (iiii t be ni.uk- by Chi-ck, Draft, Postal Kil-y' Ord-.'r, . Kx;rrv, or in Uejistcred letter. i.i'y rrm'nt,'i':t" will I.- .-.t t': rUk of the pub .11. rs. : t ...u't io Ivm I of " i.wci il City Item." bu-int- fii.-m will U fti-w-.f.-.l ;t tlwrratt? of jcwit a line -. v in rti'r. TIIH RAILROADS. !-:IcVA:. AN!-' UKI'ARIUKF. !' I'M A INS. THE LATEST NEWS.. i - ' ! Extraordinary Case of tleiljz out Frenzy and Supers! I tlon In Spain. ANOTII L'IS BXA7IP1.K FOU r.itcs.wRono. ' -Pauls. Jul v 22 A veiv extraorrii nary case is about L co nc li f.ire the high tribunal of Malaga. A few months ago. a woman belonging to ihe vi'.i.ige ot Toriox dcclarctt that the Virgin Maty h.i'i :tppca:cd to hrr and had ordered htr to pteach'a ne K0!iP-' (or the sal nation t( marikirid. ji th end of the world ua at h.md T he wtunuii's Ftoiy seems ( h tt?"hccn he lieved vvitliout hesna:i h. and s Oil the' 'whole village was n u late 1 ! religious frei.zy. The wo.;. an preached in favor o! the abanonment of eaiihl' possessions, and advocated a return ft. :i Vt A.N ItelSVIM-K RUI.I!')H. From li: MantuacttMer rx-d I Finillay, Ohio, i a fovrn I'm' Is said to be the b-st ar.ver!i.cd t!acc in AniciiCJ. In 01. e day rtcrntly the coincrt nts ol about -one dozen 1 great irn. Kas Ulnlred enterprises weie Itid. Whit made FindJay knoun and thus bp'ught-this great prosper 1 y. A correspondent tells 1le sttiry. lie says : "Tiie t'.wr. has a Chamor r of Com- ! I tncicc -bnildire. which is nicely fur- 1 1 - nislicd, a: tj in u hich the enterprising citizens uiel t to discuss all matters tc lating to the pushing of the tovrn. The secretary of the board, one 'of the pleasantest of fellows, is what nitjjht be called a professional town boomer. He is paid a salary, ol 5,000 a year by 'A. from KU;!iinoml at ' ........... I v 1 t i it hniond ut.... ............. j S.Kl il C AKHI.IX V uXlI-KOAIl. ; i i i . i i' 'ii. "ii:irltt: :it.... . l.i:iv. ir ' !.ui..:i- at. - rriv !r-m ( r.ll-.l'r? .t . ......... ..... .. am ,. 10.32 p in Matthews. George Jctsop, Edgar Sahas and Mrs. Hancock. wiJow of Gen. Hancock. Rose Terry Coole it to reiaoe to Pittsfield, Mait.. Irom Windsor, Conn, Mr. Cooke will engage in hanking hMv. i-'i (ii.ldlioro. ai, OKri.l-yR1TF.KN N. rrn t fi-ni,i S;ilon at to the mode of life andhabiU of pritni ' . I .1 1 . - ...I 1 1 . tive man. During the height i f the uc tnamuci 10 w general cnargcoi frenzy a large Ore was lighted in the ine interests 01 tne town, lie sees 8.32am village, into which the converts to sirangers seeaiioi its aavantages. o ssp'n jijjj janlastic superstition threw their introducts them to the citizens, gives v:ilnahlps lurnit tirf :n-,rt rli.ihfs mii I information to manufacturers and de- , - -- B .H.....W.w ...... V. . - " " 3.-22 ami I - I y.4u p iii I iiiwii tmii V.MIIUIVU uiiuv.1 1 i ww-. ..... . . w.w w v. . . . o . . q.4a in shouting around the hre in a s'jale ol interest ot the place. lie Can tell you . io.44P'n complete nudity. Warned of wliaj was I everything you want lo know, and it Io wpm going n, the ljcal gendarnietie j at- is surprising how every objection you rived only just in time to save thej i.i- advance is met with a good reason ft r being considered just the contrary. This ma-n in Findlay's instance is an able and efficient worker. He has TUB BOARD A!fD TDK I.ICE.SC QCEITIOX. lll'Jor Aferni AVrr.Peim:t me to think you for your idea of the enunciation of the principles govern ing the Board as expressed by Mr. business with J. M. Rarns. of Pitts- race and m 5ur view, endorsed by fiei(j the ichoU Board. Oen. S. W. Carpenter, of the United I hope it will not be out of place to states Army, is among the prominent recall a few facts that may express the guests at Saratoga, Gen. Carpenter ideas others had of the principles that enjoys the distinct! of being the man would govern the present Bard : who nrcd l2ie ia4l hot at the mcmor- t. - In gxi kith the convention atJc 4irgc of Forl Sumter that was called resoivea tnat eacn ward should select its own Commis- I Actlfc Soar Free! ( - sioners. In good faith they sepcrated. We had several hundred caids scjI- and did select, each ward, three men tered throughout the citr yesterday whose stay with us had formed for which when presented to Messrs. Al- . . , r.rf.,mr tk- ua bright & Mcknij, Jacob Jones or our- them a character They had express- sc,;cl lhc hM(Tr the w cd their views, and nine of the number onc cakc ol -Active SojP.m Sa-e jour were understood to be men oppo.cd to catds and get a cake ol No. one laun license. Not only understood to be dry soap. HocsroN V Uro 1... r 1. 1 t. 1 ." su u) uicu iiicuui, uui eveu a iso un i - TT7H-MINGTON & WCLDOS" RAIL t ROAD COMPANY. r CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nor ,m N0-4S1N0. 40 f No. 4 ror. 14. Daily. J Daily. JDtil Lr Welion.. j 15 p m $ jS p ra I to a ra Ar Kociy Mt 2 J3 p m . . . Ar Tarboro. 4 S P Lr Tarboro. 11 jopa1... Ar Wilson . . 4 05 p m 6 jlpmjcjsn Lt Wilson.. 4 15 p m! Ar Fayetter.'j 32 p m- i . LvGodsboro4 54 P 7 40 p m'j 5S am Lr Magnolia 6 09 p m 3 3S p m,c it a m V Burgaw..;7 00 p m 613am Ar Wilmtng. 7 m 9 55 p m 7 00 a in TRAINS GOWG NORTH. ; So, 4$ 1 Ka.47 ! Ko- 43 DaHy. j. Daily. ! Daily. Lt Wdming. 1 1 40 pm S $0 a m S $2 p m 7.40 a m ..50 a m 6.00 a m 1 0.20 p m fants from being thrown into ihd-iirc by their frenzid. injjthers, and Li pre vent tte houses af the village Irom s.ooam being set on fire.; g.24 p m I .civ. - f.-r S lcra at .... . 10.00 a m , 10.54 p m c. f. ani v. v. k.tl.H.W. - An iv s irom Fayettcvilh? at 7-25 P m ITivi fv l''ay -ttci!lo at 9-5 a 1,1 Arrives fr.mi' Walnut Covo at 500 p. m. leaven f.r W.dn.it Cove at .1 0-t5 "; ! THE POSTOFFIGE. Mail for th;!. North close at 8.00 a. m. aim 9.00 y.m. Charlotte ' 900 900 Italeish 9 . 1 Salem " 9 9 00 I'ayetteville " I'he niAiury orJi?r aiul roistered Utter oihce will lily be o;ei from 9 k a. m to o p. m. "(funeral Delivery is open from 8 a. in. until 7 p. m. except when openiiiiJ mails. Also, 15 minutes after pening jhe K-astern night mail. ' . Sun Ja hours, lor general delivery, S.00 a. 1.1 lor -. alf IvMirl ; ' and:- half hour after he opening of the mails troln hoth North :mJ South. ' .1 The lock-b.xes':ire from'' 6.io a. m. to 10:30 p. m Chimtloicn's Joss llurncd. House New York. lulv 24. About 2 .clock yesterday morning th Cliineae Joss house, situated on the third floor A No. 202 Chatham stieet. cauaht fire and in less than half an hour the en tire three floors above the Chinese grocery on the first floor were gutted. The loss on the joss h )use alone was $3,500, partly insured. The cause of the fire is unknown. The furniture and saciificial omu- traveled all over the world, and I im- i agine from his talk with me he has been engaged in booming other towns before the Findlay gag was discovered. He is full of personal magnetism and is well educated. He attends well to the newspaper correspondents, and rival towns charge that some of the news published in the various news papers about Findiay was I paid lor in hard cash by this Chamber of Com merce. -I dcubt not that the fact that derstood to be so by the bar-room I Reduction in prices fully appreciated I ly liurgaVj 934 a m9 50 pm men. who went so far as to have three a seen oy an increase 01 oraers. oo mt Magnolia 12 52 am 10 23 am 1042 pm names printed with nine of the nomi- l? C Doughty and sec what an Ar GoUslor,t 55 a m 11 35 am ll $S am . L. . . .. I elecant nair ol Gaiters in the way of I t r Favettev. nee$. ine advocates ol license went V-.:.i ....1, v,:-, 1,. I f II t ahj, can tor iw. early at the polls on election day with I for five or six dollars. the ticket having upon it six meu un-I a steam cooker. derstood to be 'dry men," three un derstood to be for license of the L Whether from swampy land or slag reg 7 00 am., o (S a m Ar Wilson- li 2$ am Lv Wilson ..'2 32 a m il 2$ pm 12 $l.am Ar ko icy .ML1 1,00 p m 1 37 a m Ar Tarboro. 1 4 So p m Lv Tarboro.: (ll 30 am Ar WeUon..'4 0$ a m 2 15 p m 2 4$ a m Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road tfk ii-jiiiiiiccs, -on iuicc wiucu 1 - ,...rt ,!,,5,l ; -.- th.. I I W TL-n-BS. Illtliai ftll LUIwM W ft M p not nominees, who were understood sarnc Ayer's Ague Cure, taken ac- to be "license men." That ticket was cording to directions, is a warranted ,cavcJ ,unfjlJ for Ncck xi , worked hard for by license men. and sP?c,nc for r-anal Jordef f . p m KclMrnirjrt icavcs SeotUnd Neck was worked against by "dry men." : , : at 9 3? a m-Ja,lT cept Sunday r,. ...u.,. .1.. 7 O'clock Sharp I Trajns leaves Tarboro. N. C. via A lib nUUIl, WUtkbk m tin convention consisting, as I said, ol nine men who were thought to be op- pusca u r.umiuCu...K one m on iccCjn le had frcsh the county commissioners us suitable an(j nicc. Houston A' Bko. persons to distribute to the boys, and Our store will be Hosed until fur Albemarl & Raleigh, R R. daily, except H.rr noiir- -,t - m t n rr!a v' r . nunuay, o p m.: rutTuaT pro.; imrr r.m.rl until t irihrr nntlre. w iiiiamston, . io p m. ana 040 - - I u . t - i:m C. Daily except Sunday, 8 00 a m. Sun. ay 9 50 a m. Arrive larooro, r. v.. In nt a r-i arte! II til m. inemccaoi mcruy mr promonng t.,:.. t;.ttinft M. r. ttnnrli Ayer & Co.. whose Hair Vigor is a .oiuiir. . u.y universal beautifier of the hair. Harm f.un ?,Tr Wh 1 rr.: i 1. 1.. :. i,. C.7oopm. Returning lcares Smith- amontr lhi nflirvnnh!e trnlet ar- I - -....www. 7iAu I N. C. 9 00 A m, licies. 1 .. ...ti 1 . i:i.. . r-.... - I duumuvuuu i(Ma u i u riii' ITloui I teville Branch is No. 50. Northward i A Big Lot ! Wc have all grades ol No. $1. Flour.- Our -White Bear, and -Sil- Trains No. 40 South will stop orriy at ver Crown" Flours cannot be beaten. Wilson. GouUboroand Magnolia. mi,,lh,cr,frnm II,uh (Cm.. tven- ... , , ..... ... t . , V ... . . .... TfV S Sack. AlSO. MeaT, HipitUU, iraiM min CiOKTOnni pn - "t - : -rs. several weeKs aiio was so inueu 01 a 1 nressea ine nrincinies unon w men . 1 1 n.. 1 rn, ,11 1 .1. Vnnh .fii 1 1 i- - -1 1 orn, ixc. upiiii uuwsiu. its.;.. 1 miw ..w... 10 snow me enterprise 01 they do these things, viz. that "he I - I All ran via Kicnmono. anu aany n r,, r ni:n 1:, ... 1 Vnr Runt. cent bunday via uay Line. ' 1 riifif n nr-vmtm rmnrriinn n w in others, liquid poison. What was the surprise when the re port of their first acts came out de claring that the sale of liquor was a nuisance in certain localities, where 1 was referred to in the Findlav pa pers as. "a dis-inguihed writer who certain families had to pass, but was had cone to look at Findby" was die- no nuisance where other families had lated by him. and it was due him to nass. ments Which were imported only a few y.lhal ,hc greal CeI,brall0n of Now you say that Mr. Price has ex- II i? 51 DENT CLERGrtf MEN! Presbyterian : " Dr. J . Henry Smith, N. nurch St. J Rev W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. (;reenslxro Baptists ' kev W. R. (Iwaltney, S. Elm St., South (;reeis.lK.ro. Methodist Episcopal, kev. J. lv Mann, W, Market St. (J. K. Siiiith, S: ("trejiisboro. Methodist Protestant : kcv. J. L. Michaux, N. (irecne St ' . J. k. Hall, Spring St. Cpiacopnl : kev. A. Ii: Stubhs. N. Elm St. ' . . B PRODUCE MARKET. entirely consumed. The gorgeous and success fantastical Joss who sev upon a beauti- Firidlay, tho town councij A-oted $13. ful throne ot clth ol gdi was burned in the fire. Thisj caused many-of the more devout ar.dj superstitions celes tials to say that Joss has suddenly got mad at the New York Chinamen, be cause they refused to follow the glor ious teachings of Confucious and Bud 1 i. dha. Some Chinese Joss worshppcra are all ready thinking seriously of us ing American 'Josses" hereafter in stead of imported ones fi m China. They have an idea that the American Joss n much cheaper, if m t much more honest. In the meantime Chinatown is "Jossless." . r. fK KM. t lv AkMnAMkAA f I I. If -. I I .ft 1 ... .a 1..... A4f ft . . I flkftIft4 - I ZJ'Zs "pSSi rftrr ?S ,'p;,U; U Nor,h d W.. " I I community of the people Apples rgreeii, per bu.. , Bacon hoj; rouiul lUjf P.utter l'eeswr.x Chiekt-ns ol.l ., spring Corn new Cna Moil ... .. ...... Ji ieil I Vu.ts IJlaclcberries. Cherries..... , i.ooai.50 ag 5aS 8aa5 ...... aiS . . . . i sao .. .ioai5 Jllisstnsr Jessie Jflorse IZtiurns granting where the majority petitioned against it." Now if the facts here stated will bear me out, what was trie ezpressi n ii wil Poaches, unpared i-?, " unpared 1-4, pared l'-:4s - Feathery Flaxseed, . Fl&r,r Kamily Hupflsfiini O.iioii Oatu... IVrk ......... .... Peas........... Potatoes Irih .... Sweit . . . . R;gs Cotton....... fallow.... ......... Wool washed unwanted.. ' Wheat! Blackstonf, Mass.. July 23 Jessie Morse, the adopted daughter ol Horace S. Morse, whose disappearance one ...,350 morning some weeks ago caused such a sensation, and - who was 1 raced to Hartford and spposed t - have gone to New York or Brooklyn, came home yesterday.. She says she has been in the neighborhood of Philadel phia, where she was provided with everything to make her couifoi table ....4 5 by Iricnd.-, und'lhat her gii.g away and i.tutnii.g were ! her 'own free will , . .aoo .. ..6 1-2 7 i-a .aa3 3 12 f a , ....539 .......10 ..,.,,40 ...40345 ..... 6a7 .,.,60375 .......60 -S9 ..I .. .'...6 ... ....30 , .... ..20 ..Jiai 25 . Outside Iteport from II V. their venture, and say that! I he adver tising they got ' was vorjth' at least $200,000." ! It is needless to say that it pays Findlay's business to spend money thus f.-eely. for it is returned to them at the polls? Was not the issue then many fold. squarely made and made. too. by the The -Advertiser, of Montgomery, "bar-men? Ala., in calling attention to the neces- 2d. When did Mrs. Watlington, s!ty ol making known the advantages Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Small and the ether of that town, says : j peop'e coustituting'a majority ol that Montgomery has sutficiently rea- community petition lor liquors to be 1 zed that simply to sit down and wait sold there? for her, natural and acquired advan- a Did they give any time for tages and resources to bring her great counter petitions, to the prayers of industries, will result in nothing being these near neighbors above named? done. The 'facts of her progress de- Sortie claim it was no issue at. the tailed elsewhere sufficiently prove polls; if the statements above are nor that. j . false it was an issue. Some claim the But we deem this not a bad time to nominees made no pledge upon the say a word orf one point in which subject. In answer, pray tell me what Montgomery is behind. She does not pledges did they make, or was there advertise 'herself. -Attention of the asked of them? Their pronounced outfide world is directed; now more views upon all subjects were all the especially lo North Alabama, and hun- reasons their lriends had lor voting dreds and even thousands of people for them. Nine bad been heard to conic to "Alabama witheut having it say that they were opposed to the sale impressed cn them that there is such I of liquors. Three outsiders were put nlace as Montgomery. This ouaht I on the ticket instead of three of the Key 1 not to be. Montgomery needs to spend I nine, thereby throwing the decii.r. Dan Uivcr Bridrc to "Let. At Madison. Rockingham County. N. C. Julv 30th 1887. A covered bridge 208 leet long. 3 spans 71 2-12 fcef, and 70 5-12 feet, and 66 5 12 feet; rock pillars already built. Bridge to be built as nearly as practicable like the Settle Bridge at head Timbers. N. C. John M. Galloway. J. M. Vaughn. R. C. Nelson, G. W. Martin. Building Com. Madison. N. C. July 6th. '87. 2w HI Dike Book Company. July special sales, to continue during the month, ol Books, History. Poetry. Biography, Fiction, etc. Also Station ery. Oil Paintings. Album?, etc. Prices marked down. Desirable bar gains. iw. "Notice. Now is your time to subscribe to Chambers' Encyclopedia. F. T. Camp the genT agt. is now here representing the publisher. I. t. Callier, and will call on you in a few days. Do not f.-.il to subscribe t this valuable work. ' - tl. Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sup t J. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON. Genl Pais. Agent RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS HUN BY MERIDIAN TIME TRAINS GOINO SOUTH. SUy.rjOj, JJSG. No. La Daily. 4 4.m LeT New York Leare PMUuUi bU.... Lmt 1U1 timer. 1 9 i'tito ' 7 2i a pi Leave Wsiainstoa. ... Ler Cb.rIottTi'.lf. LeaTe LjncLborg Leave DauvIU 11.4 am 3 p ra Z ZA ptti No. CI DUj. 4 30 pta CL7 pnt 912 p ta tt 00pm 300 mm & OS am 8 5 ixDj 8 05 am 12 30 aa: "8 10 pm 530ars 1 00 an) C37ara! 230 ata Lcav llichoouJ. ...... 3 03 p tu 230am Leave GoltULoro. .... Leave IUle'iKb Leave D uLjm Leave HiU IViai ;U15am lOKam Leave S'i-b-.Ty.. ilJTJam' HO am Leave CI t '1 25 am 1 1 fOpm fe-ive iilaiUr;"oig. . 3 3Cam4( 3 31pm Lm-.c ir.t.viJU I C CO aro 4 4Sin Arriv AtUnU... I 20-m 10 40 pea I AUSTiNjTtS.. July 24. State Health Ulfxcr Rutherli id is here at.d ;tys at least $100,000 in advertising, so upon the Mayor, whose views they that something about Montgomery were satisfied with. tars the public in the face Irom every But thanks to you for finding out par er, evry notei laoie; every car ineir views, ana 1 nope iicreaucr mcy the yellow levei ui Key Wtal i f .'c a:, civty blank wall, and th it every will gives those who do not agree " . 1 a. I. ! ft . 1 11 1. I tril h 1 1 ftfAicri1 nftirrliKrc rviif m. mosf malinaiU lvpeanl sr Xa :itg. 3 m ui inai caves 111c tuy iujii uc 1 l"-'b"u'"'' -v,.. ,w " RETAIL TRICES OF GROCBK1K. i -1 (.1.11 :iiiu.'s. . .. ...... Hams'.. ; . - lihf.tV'. f IHih ? ; ( .! 1 fli f li jn ...... Its appearance t ally ii tne . ..10 1 5 .....8 . . . .20 PBOPl.RT.ll.KED AIMIT. PATENTS. Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S. Patent Ot tlce are invired to communicate with me s.rfs .. ; 1 a kd w.th special 3lontgomery htera- lerrea m, sun wno ao uve in me the dqctor thpil.s b.d-s no gqid lo. , ute. ;i , 1. . - n IV 'ivelv. Sendmt a man to stick 1 uearn 011 tne rieat question. i'. up maps and posters. Scatter news papers with special atticles and special pamphlets throughout the whole . . . ...:t 1 -! CUunity. 11 u it 1 pa).. . . m FrthVfTld li v ill inr pprt nav it wnl nav not I .in,,,!, M'lHitromJri but everv town Toutch. IT seems to be. 4 most a p- iot'.T.Jii frdlo...- ihU arfvir nmvided I Droniiaie name lr the President of thu actual advantages of the place are I the excitable Bulgarian Sobranjc. such as to satisty the visitors wno are New Qrledns and Hie Mis.bibippi Val ley, and he says the most rigid quara. ..i9.3io ,;. , c(, i(t it ..c,.,,,;;,!, .i.,si the inlecleo pqns: Lotiy: ao ihc lid lumbering stilge- Ctjach was upcifeded Uv.hc raiho.;c; and iiiiW.i't CLricUV huts lulf to di.ol.Cc with confident reliance upon my fidelitv steam: So the woild moes, - I he old to their interests. noitr.r nnfl; l.lMt-ted Iim almost I . v' ., L.. -1 -- . . 1 nrawn mere ov iiic mwus suljcjisu. ft a - ..,..S l.t every oisease, L.aier un, ui"ihci eiv jiiyentions patented. Qld inyen iiqns imp.rqve(, ant rejected applica tjfin revived. Cayeats filed. Trade marks registered. - - , Prompt attention. Skillful service. .Moderate charges. Smd model or sketch lor tree report as to patentability. Preliminary inlormation eherluU) lurnishtMl. v . A. V. .VAN llS. Solicitor of American -md Forei i Pat em. 816 F Street. N. V V 1 hm 'ton Came the univeral leilltdv. AtrtUe present day, an alterative is demanded and eveiybody ii using ? Ayes aarsa "paiilla. tlKit being the D-Si of thj kind ai.d ulmw.Nt'.t ctlh "iiicon ui ihe laiU'. .I iiscutative proper tcs. TaisMiedi cii-e came t slav . - .-' ; Tnr demand lor. Tar lie. 1 Lininienl ! is is. creasing. Use it get- well he j happy. Houston & Bu. The soothing and restoritive efforts of Ayers Cherry Pectoral are realized in all cases of colds, coughs, throat or i trig troubles, wi.ile its powerful heal "f? qualities are shown in the:mot s'iious pulmona'rv disorders. .. ' ; ' Little Butter. Cups. i Pure and sweet; little butter. cups ade every day by . tw ' Greensporo Candy -Co. WANTED I A position as salesman or account ant, bv a y.ung man of experience. Good reference given. Address Luke: Drawer Gt Grtc ib ro. N. C. TRAINS GOING NORTH. sny iJtlx IbSC. No. 1. . No.t3. I.fttle butler cups g.o I f.r children; r.v. Greens no ro C.ndy Co. Co-nr and see our butter Cups; Greenshoro Candy Co. SEALED PROPOSALS. The late Charles T. Aany. nfPhil adelphia, h it an cs'ate valued at over $1,000.0 o. , It was ' willed to his wife and children. Belva Lockwi.od is about to i..vade N. Y. to deliver addresses on the Woman question.. HeniKk Like is to be th icene of the attack. The literary lights at Narrgaansctt Pier arc Wm. IJ. Bishop, BranderJ GREn:s;u)KO. N. C. July IS. '87. Scaled propo.U will be received at the otfice ol the Supervising Architect of U. S." Trcasuiy Department at Washington. D. C . a id opened at 2 p. m. of the 30th day ol Jj'y, 1887. for furnishing and deliver; . at freight depot. Greensboro, N. C, i.iaccoi d ance with specificatin. o;c (1) Bur- clar Proof Chest. . . t Each proposal must be acctuupani- d by a certified check for $50.00, madr ttayabie to Ihr order ot the treasure of the United States. The riht to re ject any bids is reserved. Copies ol specification cvn he seen, and any information obtained, by ap plying to t M. E. BEI.L, Supervising Architec Arrive Caarlot!e. .. , Siliabary .. Grenlrt . Dcraam . . . . ltalsh Gold-toto .. Armr ' Dtcville. IikLnvH t. .. Arriw Lyrcbbcrsr . CliArro'tcsiiiJe V6i.uir..too. .. ll.ltlu'.r-. - I'uiltl.l;.', N rcr'... 1 r.DuUy.j Dally: . .. ' 5lioial C 1Z pm C 4oAfij 8 01j m . .. .. 7 Mam 9 ITpm 8 2S. r 9 40 ( m ....t 12 47poj 12 07 am . . .! i 44 1 m C 30 ao .... 4 30p 11 'JO am ic ioo n n f m 1 13 rca S 00 am .3 40 pta 4 10 am .! S 23 pra 10 m ,11 23 pta, 10 03 am . ( 3 O-Jaxa 12 33 pm C 2s J an. 3 VO pta J3d- ejc.t SnwiUy.' N .W N. C. It AI LI tO AD . ooro kct No. "A No. Zi. a m ' Lv. lialetu "eiaci 5 30 oej xomx N f. vo. S3 ir. Suta ll 30 la i2 30 am SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and cj, Pullman Buffet Slecprr between Atlanta and Yew York New Orleans and Washington via Dan il!e. " ... . On trairs 52 and $3, Pullman Buffet Sleeper Mon:gomery and Washington, Aiken and Washington, via Danville On trains $2 and 53 Pullman Steeper betwem Richmond and Greensboro, and Greens:oro and Goldsboro, For rates and information apply to in Age-.:t of the Company or to SOLHAAS.T; M. Jas. L.TAYLOR. G-n. PavS. Agent, Washington. D C.

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