i THE MOKNING NEWS. By HAMPTON & ANDREWS. iiiE :joh;;ij;g iTEvs." Publish Ed daily. h.Err Sunday, i .III III! If i fflrir- 1 Mm- ' ... Oil (K ! iCWV i J f S,ieafiJbr Mu 8wiL Three Mwih, wMnmh. M Month, ' , 4 00 3 00 1 00 75 mm. 11 Vol. z ' : No alvt-rtivci.,u-nf inserted in Local column at uty price. ' An extra charge will be made for donble-colamn fr tripI-Ci.Iti-nn aJvertix-menu. All awvMncctnvnt and recoroetUatioa of catvdi. tan.- for tjffice, will be charged a advertisement. ArivcrtW.tfnu to follow reading matter, or to xutjy a:.y .po place, will not be received. Amuwmcut, and Official adertiement octs er I mnl : 'mare-f, cachhwertion. employed It. the 0 Advertisements kept under the head of .'-, I SWCpt over the flam whil Adver,,,,ncnu wrfl h charged fifty percent, eatra. boat to-1ay. Thty were MaLic Mr Paynit-n,, fr transient advertisement, must be Donotloh r gic Mc- mad in advance. uonough, Jennie Finn. Maggie Mc wr cutis sjvevt own Etery one or Them lletcned While-a Great Crowd " Looked On iamond MiD were out in a DEVOTED TO THE IMTTKESTa or Titr p-.7.r AND OF THE STATE. Greensboro, N. C, Mon dh v "n'7Tr If Yoof Ken.1tancc. m1wt U niaJe by Check, Draft, Postal rwclvlc. COriana DufrcSllie and Vel- M-Hty Order Kxprc, or in RegU, Letter. lie Hiins. During the ,,or, hour Only .,cl.rcm,.uc will U a, the ri.k of the. ptib- the eirls r(1t n K, , t i.irhtr. ; c S,ri got a boat and went rowing Under tha he.id of-Sial City Items." L, in the Mohawk Branch. runr,!nT .k". . Litr ThemM Hind or JUdUtnel CharLtte ChronUL; j Last Monday when tie"rUmn irain on the Western North Catolinj Rail, road reached Hickory. 4 nc-10 porter from oneofthe hottli ciow.Ied upon the platfornof t!,c pJtf;jrrn (j lhc ladies' car, and had to be pusheo aide hy the. conductor in orrtrr to allow some lady passengers to get No. 25 rmt f - r 1 .r.VM M4r 4. I079. uncof the DO I Arf ImR . 1 irmi 1 ... . aUer the explosion of the fatal brab .. hlf honored catdf teat- . , I T. .......... I C - infill i W W k Tt. V.i. M IVrw w4,..- W Mwt - T Imcs aLJ . n . f h - f a r . ..w,,Wn,gnc 01 mc curates of inc Smithsonian Institute- who rc- ctnuy ditd ,n Washington, was ; carious character. He had no reF, tires in this country and j leave his lortune to a neohew in n.m. years ne lived the lite of a rt,Vk fck j -icrcaT . j wuc a our nnJ!i.holdcroflhe card wjll ret one cake of MAiv- " c. ' s ' cards and grt a cakeTlo. on7i rents. WILMINGTON' & WELDON RAIlI ROAD COMPANY! 1 On T All CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ... wtli .e insTt.-d at the rate f s cent, a line THE RAILROADS ARRIVAL AND DF.l'ARTURE OF TRAINS. KK MMONH A.S IAN VILLK RAItKOAD .Airivi , trutn Ri-hittond at. i.;iiO;;U at. . 9.43 am 10.3a p m 8.32 a m NOHTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrivi-i from CI'.:rlottt at ' l.Mvc. 1. .r I liarloiff at... - ... 4 Arrives irmn ioldhboro at 10. 9- 30 p m 10.30 p ra 7.40 am 9.50 am 6.00 a m 1 10.20 p m NOHTH - WliSTKKN N. C. KAfLROAU 8.00 a m 9.24 p m 10.00a m 10.54 p m Leaves (r (i(i'.l.ri :u . rriv-s frciti Saleni at. (av.'M for Salem it . ... CP. AND V. V. KAll.KOAD. Arrives from Fayctteville at lavesfor Favetleviile at Arrives from Walnut Cove at leaves f.u Wal.Kit Cove at THE POSTOPPICE. rear oi the mi. They were nut but a short time when they lost an ar. and the current carried the J, ,.,t towards the dam. -5 . . The McDonouh girl jam;,cd beloVc the boat went over. She was rescued almost dead, and had to be rolled on a barrel to be resuscitated. Below the dam Nellie Higgins was rescued from . Q.55 pm a rock to which she was clinging The 822am ?IcKeIvi?eJrIk!Hrom the boat', but t vZ m a Psi"on w"ere she could be reach- 948am cdcasily. Ti,e Dufresne and : Finn ii'n m I rrlrl 1 . i r fe.iuuS iu me ooat. but the watrr from the dam was covering them Ropes were finally reached to them and the girls fastened them to their waists, and were pulled ashore. Many hundred people gathered on the banks and lent all the aid possible in rescu ing the girls. Friends and relatives gathered about them anri burst into A a tears while trying to 7.25 n them ..9.50 a .m Jtescuc of a utile JTew I'orc Girl. out of r . u,ircars ne he lile of a I Auction in prices fully arnrrt-itiM TRAINS GOING SOUTH "e car. The ncg.o at sonrr m,ier- slept and cooked fn ie"l by an increase ot order,. rJvK.. ... v. -need cursing the conduct ,r i a the Smithsonian buiding. an'pI JT violcLtmann er. but ,as s6o:, attended Very l.tlle credence ,s' c.ven in Tf w&Ztopuu'hS i? SS1 L1,C.COn'UCt',r SCCUreJ aod Washing , to the repot'1 fhat the d,Uri- " i TLl tout suck, and gave the d.ukey a Jes- President intends to aLo nt ,, Tr x. 7 iVrm . son pobteness which he will not of Gen. Hancock to the Wash" Whether U W" H P mi c7 V soon forget. The result wa, a badly "Von I WOffiicc vac a ncv w nant nri f'llT wlPV or on. 4 IJ p m jf. m damapfrl hir t , , "JUI lww,ce vacancy. Where nanl pool, or from the deai.V ratet nf . r Sc .. . : 40 p m damaged head for the d ukey. and '010, city sewers. malarUI poSo are the ,Af rtcr.! 2 p m hose who witnessed :h, chastisement Vinous Belgian marine 3in 'UC taken 54 p m f pm'VSI V,h nianner S''n in :i most vigorous commissioned by a fo?S KfcS wnt.sh nobleman to rcDrodur ; . Ar Wilmirr t r L 1 .r 13 a m TjiTK Anting the scenes at the SnithM n 7 Oclock Sharp f TRAINS acAr? VArX?. m Editors Neu s: 111 lr- 1 """Jiii is imutrn - ti how he u-ill r(.n,.,., li.j .. "F''u i-ora Jieres- Tho State Xormal School for frd'S "insult" 10 th Qen S 18 : ".'! July , ephcw I of I ht f . . : . t . ur, super- . ,u,s 1,1 3ord, recently I'rof. J. ",,lvru In an t-rancisco from -Homr ong. e has been visiting japa,". C.nna and India. Uv will visit the osemitc Valley, and then come East .5 travelling very, unostentat ui nis inend, F. Dugdaie. liously A mastodon has been found in H.!e congratulate 1 . . 5.00 p. m .10.15 a m Our store wm rw 1 iUff -. ' 7 p. m7 Sturtiv t ex . ..... ' ! i , Kil Hlcu, unui ijfther notice. . " ,i.-,.n..,U:)pnS. . "uiicr on ice-can be had fresh ...vvr. HOUSTON & Uro. Lr Burgaw A U Klour. Cr ig Lot ! We have all grades of 1 Mails for tin; North close at3.oo a. m. and.oo p.m; " Charlotte " 9.00 9.00 Raleigh 9.00 ' naicm " 9.00 Fayctteville " 9.00 9.00 PHILADELPHIA. July 29 -Elght- year-old Mamie Ennis. of New York was rescued a week ago " from the Chinese opium nive No. 821 The money order aud registered letter office will Street, and- the wnmm ,l. . nly he open from 900 a. rm to 6 p. m. .t ... tootv ner General Delivery is open from 8 a.m. until 7 p. m. l"ere Alice Brent, Was this moinin except when open ins mails. Also, 15 minutes after Sent tO . the House Of Correction Lor penmg tne tastern n.ght maU. SIX months hv M9; a n, . , , , , ' 1 ' "'jjwii.us ru e. 1 lie j "'-, i gcuciai aenvery, 0.00 a. m lor alf lr,ur ; and half hour after tHe opening of the mails irom hoth North and South. ; ' The lock -boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to io;3op. m RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. . Presbyterian: Dr. J. Henry Smith. N. Ctuirch St. Rev K. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : . . Rev V. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. r " Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. JL.Michaux, N. Greene St J. R. Hall, Spring St. Episcopal : Rev. A. II. Stubhs, N. Elm St. woman Bre.if rnlrl th n . . vumi inai sue lived in Mulberry street, near Canal. New York. The little girl's -mother. Kate child to Ph sented L 1 . nusoana was tentiary. The story 1- "nc-nuent, assisted- by antic. P. trazler. closed tl.eir insti tute yesterday aner about four week, o' very hard labor that wn Uvt throusilout. Tho people of Warners ville, especially the.scl.ool committee- uie buccess of the Normal. 1, , c"-y. Ala. t is wei . (ri1T.n . . - 1 . vi . more than at caiife fro from the to fit I. ie . great before them . tw,i..u :v " M,- I,CiCr- 'r.igment of iZ::Z . 16 no fr rtnty " ' . 0,t",e lUiks s 25 inch,, 0g and T..,U8 a,Or monger. We netl ,ul-"cs in circumfer rifrift 1 " jyv3 -aiuiuauoneach yCiir. the ad vancement of tho m,n- .1 ' " "C ll l.?.n.cI 5Unty formal had )0"lCc ln onc so,id ti. pnsent bulk of mifpr, tois unnlrl l,o.. 1 . . . aic worn cm. ' . V w.. iiuvu uijnn uim n shn.1 n :.w as 1 rum !nn im . u.r ufiozc ai Lead Timber, v r -..t.t "vu W1ISH - ; ujt. "1 ClOdl . ir. mk. . . . w. "?uy nior than it i fo r? .,, xxr- five ,,n. a 7 . ' . J0"N.M. Galloway. bone i, 23 inches in circumference." R. C. Nclso.v. G. W. Martin. t j Building Com. Madison N. C. July 6th. '87. 2w r, . . I ncuiccuoi mentr for nromotinr 700am personal comeliness. U due to j f. aJw 9 5 a .... Aver Co.. whose Hair Vigor s . LrU j2Srn less. cfTective. and agreeable, it ranks A Ti, i.' I 00 p m t 271m -ong the indispensable iofle. M tit. XIOUI 2iL Trains on Scotbnd NcckTtr inch Road eaves Halifax lor Scotia:: Neck atVr ver Lrown" Flours cannot be beaten P?' Knming. Icares Scotland NetL- ic iiiisinrf irt it. 1 1 "unc rt-A i iiv a xarir .1 uA r i r-i i -v v iu i m.. un r trri v... - vw. iinasDecn "-. viutu is supposed to be I rw-.. onipstuil. I -r"i . f ,vn "uar. 4 largely attended this the upper bone of hiH : C Corn- 4c- aP' Houston Bros. a,L". . Tafhoco. N. V U any period hem 7 Z cs lone, ,7 inch,. i JL,"m- . s "5 ? p. , , r "iiv ... vuiiucrcnce at WA ai. 7... ',u ' ,IU unaay Com arrir 111 Iono i li,.n . . : the Innii,,. .L. .... I W I im.i.. v r o . 1 ) H ra-. mrr o 10 annk ' - " e miaaie, and 2jat ihrcc new houses iust fm.h r r, m ii . IOP m ani 6 43 w Knowledge. " . tuu' aa weighs 07 pounds c T K7 ol onc s4afc from the Graded C. Dalv eiriH7 "..iw7n. tt them more ,erfoctlv r'r Pe "f the jaws measure, 2r inV?, "?J 5hoo, ?d iWyieilan Ch?? X work th,f width and . r " "cni vcry fo such nice hou;. lo'ncVm . ..""l Jr:wro- C. vnnr inr.hi i. : . I IIACAN iS SON. I Trainv rm fi,f,-,.i - I I i lirnl. - . I Tnv fit v. . ty . , . j i'jng and w uriajro t I t. Sunday r 1 t,txP , .Swche, m c,,cumfercnce.! Thej4w "A' C."," ."i'n- l6' ld. to-.tnc-.ns.st5 of lour pnirs ol promi- At MIiion lloekioshin Cun.y. f"U C.7 Jo a m.. a"rireSa,te leaves CoUlro. N C. dai ly cicrpt 20S feet long. 1 smnt.ti -i.t, i. I Southbcond iram v:i.- e. been established .r"","" wh.ch U T.?' .V" "!P ' "M? fe- ?? $. "'.: rock -'c -ar,h No. j0. Nhwj ll ise shell. The prominences are worn l!L0.Sar,'.sl Pra?licab!e like the .Trai N.: f So- I tninl.i 11. . "j . turns, lived near by. and the "f ' Ty ' and a great dtl . Mamie, insisted on coming over ; ul ilmena ?Pace forbid. ; Wc thank iladelphia Aqd the mother con- "i " ?. Wl,?1 U U for monev The Brent woman sard her a , 1 ',FUn school, ,th State x. in the E.ictrr, p-: . . "'"us, wiio nave - - .uwiuw meir eeimnwitu in i.i.s .. us from vear 7n :"V""vTn a x a rw-tt Bjck-country legal lore-l-You sa T I r , uue .Merriinon s.ivs wines and beer aiu't ft 01 now the chiiri crt.i,.,. - . . ' " v" rtcumre a found was told by the policemen. Two T U"S of how to PRODUCE MARKET. Apples green, per bu Baconhog round Reef Ihitter Uees wax..... Chickens ohl ?I-ri!g ....... ............ Corn new Corn Meal Dii.-.i IVuiis r.hiekherries. Cherries Apples Teaches, unpared t-3, unpared 1-4, ' pared ES?s..... 4 leathers..- Flaxseed Flour Family Superfine ....... ' i.'nions Oats. " iwk iv.ts .v. , V " " t'ot.'.tcves Irish Sweet.... . ... Rags Cotton - Tallow Wool washed ; ........ unwashed..... Wheat. ........o 1-2 7i-a ..233 2 1-2 2 ...539 : ..10 ..........40 .... .. ...75 4 50 ......... ..3400 .6oaSo weeks arAlira Rran. .. o .-.win, oiJUKC IO VJIUCQ,' Sanky. of the Sixth District, on the street. She asked where she could get lodging tor herself and Mamie She was sent to the Ashland House Seventh and Race streets. A few days later the officer noticed the woman on the street and asked where the child was. She replied that it was stopping with a friend. During the day the ....ais woman was seen goin in and nut. nf .wsaao No. 823 Rce street. The 'basement ::.!o thePce is a popular opium joint. ; . With a ff Oil r.chin.r I . L I. . '", uauc, me patrons 0 wvjuanj uiviuea oetween whites and Ci Officer Sanky s t. " - w,ndows f the house The place was raided and the Brent woman and others were found in 100m with a dozen Chin Mamie was ihere. too. d. n. y. ' 1 k ,tl "nn put 3 under his vest and he'll gressive Farmer. hat native spjiituous.' Udson. Coldsboroand Magnolia. 3 Trains No a? mile r!ft- All n " fo.a,n Kcfth i'r. HI 1 I" ?,ci'mond- and daily ei. cept Sunday via Car Unci I rains male close connection lor all pouts North via Richmond and W. Notice. NOW is VOur. tim tn k. . quart of it Chambcis Encyclopedia. " ,ucl I'ro- . r- -amp the Ken'l act. U n... here representing the ublishcr. I. F. Calher. and will call on you in a few minj; see. -Coiig-rMsnift,, IlciiVs Troubles. ' Vou i.ooai.50 5a3 .18325 I ilit ... r t . . ICW A Rood many farmers ,le ,eei,tom- val'uab.rio.lc. ' ' """' ,,'hi .w w a..K meir miiic and ; meat in their wells to keen it co 1. KVw. rm.. rrr 17.l.: v I A nnnl.n. I w... iiuiiugion,ueiawarc. that three k salesman or account, persons were r?rmiv . int ?v a Vou"ff man of exnerienr-r. ia- 4. . 1 --wiw if Jiiiiirri r 1 1 . . - - correspondent learned m-K.. drinkmc w,t . ' . . 1 " '"ence given. Addr . . ,. . . - 1 e iiuui a wen in vh rh i w a j Ral egh Cor. RichmoiKl Dispatch! rmer. mpos financia !..S0U.r.C.e lh" ""o Piece of meat had faHcn and deco Wi ja,u iv. Keid. ex- a VnRreSsman from the Fifth district have all K . .. , His brother. Rev,' ,"'!f'U.d: d' the le of.'""c... this city has been .,. ' ,,a"n " minors, under suteen 5ueceed . a"a nas iu..e. penal.y uiuuh 10 in ess Luke. Drawer G, Gree.ifboro. N. C Come and see our butter cups- Greensboro Cnuv 0. ington. All trains run solkl ht tu;. t JOHN F. DIVINK. 1 t iToiv . General Sup'i Y M iMVriSPI- TranPOatior, T. M. EMERSON. Gcnl Pass. Agent JrCHilOND AND ijtllz kHZ ' CONDEXSEnHCIIEOCLH . TaiIK3 RUN MEIIIDIAN TIME. TIUIN8 GOIXU bOCTII. No, ML IMlj. Rratifica- Th fine for each offence. i $20 SEALED PROPOSALS, GREENSBORO. N. C.. July 18. -87. 5v-ali.fl rr k-mil oc received at My. 20tb. , . 1 . . . . t ....an, ct r . , " J i n. 312 t No. CI iMilj. lrtla Boiler ExjUosiou. 1. ....... 1 KETAII- prices of groceriks. tJacon Sides .......... .... Hams.... ..-.,,. .... "" Shoulders............. Cheese ... -." Coffee Rio........ "" 20 .... 19 2-310 ............40343 ..............6a7 : "75 I -T ........60 , ""wiu.jex., July 29 The boiler ....;...5o of the Houston Lumber Comnnv saw and planing mills exPI ,ded yester day, wrecking one-half of the building and killing A. G. W'ells. general manager of the company, . and Andrew Henry, engineer. Frank Wilson, a laborer, is delirious from injuries. One man and two boys are missing. The damage to the building is $6,500. r w- ... . . ....... a., y 12 p n t e 12 w m . : i- . . nun u mfi nni.i. , i . . . .1 rsr 1 i 1 i iiicm rr t ha i. i - 11 u vi . 1 v . 1 I ! m r 1 --w v l.ic i.i.riiii- 1 - . 1 . 1 aw Mamie look in. ... I Congressman Reid wiU now W,. There are at nr.nr ... c IT : ?Z"lPrilK Architect LZ Z TJ ' ' v-, S ? !P ... .j, - - - V. I I M. L I il L IIIII1 I W ft 1J- . I r I1a...a - I A M . mi - a d H 'r . 1 fi"C ,a,entS- o MfS- Wi""W ' -lo furnish nrrihy ,SS7 ana his fripnHc ii. . .l' . . . p.,. 1 . . s lurnisnmr and dr-!ivi ,.. h . . n jt a Hiire n"X .w.., ..cncrooi Lake Lrie. and the depot. Greensboro, v ?1- ; 3 2iU l.op ee aDd h -n i TrlOW,UCh Urey cnlitIc iner ,a Mr?-Lamb, a prominent oSicer. nce with ,reci Scat ion. u,.e 331 .w . h.n. .It will be practically: beninning the war of .SiiT They are both' Proof Chest. J,,c (I) Uur- I t, 'j '' tt hie anew. , w'i . .-. . . . Each nronool m..t iw ,. . I ... 1 1 ;llu ,u wl well on in years, but bright nd act ... .X . . ..6 30 ....... 20 .iai 25 10 .....15 ......8 IMPOttTASrTPKlno.ti,- Each nronosal mut Iw. 1 oy a certified check for rrtrw, ' ?bICT!ordcr of lhc Treasurer of the United Sutes. The rih! to re! The mnd IfV Hare in .rorA Ccirolina. Tbe editor of this, thu best paper in Inventors and patentees and all hav- ing business with the U. S. Patent OI- With confident reliant CAaS' ,s an original, -racy-writer, a lo their interests. r J ltliy icv inventions patented. Old ihven. tions imnrovfid anH r-ii - i- . - uons revived. , Caveats inarics registered. filed. - Trade- - j-., .iiv.nuwii... DKiiiiui servicp -charges. Send moT sketch .or lree report as to patentability. ,uST lnfdaUon cheerfulV Si,vf ' 4 A. S. YANTIS. Solicitor of American nnn i?n: tL entsd8,6 F Street, Ni W.r,VVashfngton from Fightersville. can . write leaders on any subject and throw out of his brain great massive chunks of wisdom which in the ages to come roll down the pathway of time, crushing out of existence all opposition, and by ther potent influence safely guide the ship of state off the political breakers. Santa Anna (Tex.) AVtw. mm""'' V " " : The demand lor Tar Heel Liniment is increasing Use itget well be hlppy. Houston & Bro. Mrs. Clevland is having several new dresses made by Worth for; next sea son s social gayeties, ' ' San; Jones reaches the Round Lake rcinig. near UalLston. N. Y. this evening and will be the leading figurt-at that place lor some days. William M. Stark, recently appointed Collector of Customs at New London Conn., is a descendent of Geo. Stark, of -Revolutioniry fame. . Mr.' Stark is a lauyer and a college graduate The literary lights at Nirrigonsttt Picr .ne William II. Cishop. Drandtr Matthews. George H. Jessup. E1gar oiilUS. and Mrs ... T J Wautod.. AO Duild hoUaes for the r!l-e rst ierl ,nv K.M- V' .... v 1 J " "J wu l ICKIVCU. v-opicsoj specinction can be wd l,Can be found at lhe ofhce of Jrooks & L'A'e. (. 2;,r A. F. Urcoks. seen. jritALNSGoi.vti :;ohth. Usj Zfih i7. ; sr. v"." Daifj. and any information obtained, bv at pljtngto M4E.BEI.U- Supervising Architrc JLrrite Ckrltt. . f SlUUiry... D.Ur. o an I D. B. Yancey 'a Is the pben for the best be;f. mut ton and lamb. Some of in iambs wiU weigh 35 j,ound. Go to his stall and UuVaiimrli;... r ...... . . V I " . ' . vninanon o: adve ,V r.,'U..r " I' "'H'fPP1"" br the Govern.., ni.,. . wu "c oiaie. .jaiiHu piwi meats at his n ace. Charar People's Fiva Cents Savina-Bask A In.rPrated .April -2Qth. 1S87. un der the laws of North Carolina. Open for business July 2. 18S7. w,,u" ngia exammat on iw. fttxi 0 13 tta .P01 12 47r II CT7 U IaJerh 'I ll ..,. r aoldVLwu 4 3.JH Sij, ATT.C?iaMli iIC ,0- 23 rM " EieLmrad. S 3 .VVa, c U AI71T.tc.r,'cfr: - 'lis i 2 ui - iic.iTi;i. ...JUbn 1 In .M It 'I?',;-ttPiow ft S t'5' 3fV)Aat2 r;lla .ifr. : C 3 : rtu , J!HAlIJrJ!l1trV'1 t-y. Gereral H: wr oi anCOCK. C.pnril Q r Carpenter, of the United St.Ues7nny. i- amorig the prominent ..guest at Saratoga . Gen. Carpenter fired the l t shot at the m;mor.ible seg nf Prt Sumter. i fames Bowler, of Chicago. LPeu tenant of Police, is making his first visit to Saratoga. He was in commond f the policemen at the Havmarke W - w THE MCGAiNLESS HOUSE, OANBUFfY. N. C. Dr. VT. H. HcCanless, . Ptod. This house has been enlarged and newly htted up for the special acco," rcodation of summer viitos to Pied- ...w... wpMi.jj, and me mountains. .W.CICAILIIOAD- 5il K. ..r - . r. Sxletn - t li CO l5 bLttPING CAR SERVICE. ocrsa sotTs f.r. Sa!ea Sii.SttuOT'Li Hies Boarding JIous9 v.oI.ns and Bute) ha bee., encased to 3 make music for the guests of thVhnus daring the tason. S.nperrda$;fi-Per m0n,,'-85 P . Character and amounts oi itt ir, merits carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits from five cents u two thousand dollars Irom anv i,re person. Pays all profits to depositees. ' - Makes loans on -public bond, real estatcand firstdass persona! security. . rrtsiJsnt Vice Ode Treat, den. CrX- (or Secretary) -If. H. CarUand. f.r-ct-orncr)' and Washington. -u - asnington. vU Danville. On trains 52 and 53 Pullman Sleeixr bctwern Richmond and G-eensboro. and Grcenshoro and Goldxboro. I I-or rates and inlarmati, The McDonald House on McDon- any AJ5I cf lhc Company or to aid street is the place to get nice MDL HAAS. T. M. Board and Lodging at living rates. J. U TAYLOR, By Mrs. J. W. Kerxodle. j CttTi: IAiJ- Ajcnt. . i Washin-ton.D. C T.lLWInimrl trams co and ci. Pullms n.,".. PresiJemfi F. ;i'.u' i . rcP?r between Atlanta and V. vli. II. J. H. Harris. ' Orleans and Washing n ' . fw riiiiiruvim,.i 1 t I On trains C2 and tt. P.i!?,- r..rr. I