THE MORNING NEWS. By HAMPTON & ANDREWS. Published Daily, L..ept Sunday. Y 'iilE 41 (if . ( a v r nxoc) , - 1 - t - r -1 1 rr- - t-t t 1 btsi rrr, r nr WTT,! . BATtS O SCBSCRlfTIOJ, t ADVAXCS : On Year (by Mail), Pontage paid. t 4 00 Six Months, " " ' 2 00 Three Month, " " 100 TwoMoothn, " M 75 One Month, - " " 40 To city wbtcr then, delivered in any part ot the city at 16 cts per week. No advertisement. inserted in Local coloma at any price. 1 An extra charge will be made for douLte -column or triplc-cohnm advertisements. All announcement and recomendations of candi. tat for office, will be charged as advertisements. Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to Occupy any specta place, will not be received-' Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each uisertion. Advertisements kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be chained fifty per cent, extra. Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Kemitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be ar the rUk of the pub. lishers. Under the head of "Special City Items, business notices will be inserted at the rate of scents a line or every insertion. - : THE RAILROADS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. R1CHMOND.AND DANVILLE RAILKOAD. Arrives trom Richmond at. 0.43 am 10.3a p m Leaves f'r Richmd at '. ...... 8.32 a m 1 . . M 9.55 pro KOKTit CAROLINA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8.2a a m ' .................. 9.40 p m Leaves for Charlotte at . .. - 9-48 a m 10.44 p m Arrives from Goldsboro at .. . 9-3 P m " ................ 10.20 p m ' ................. 7.40am Leaves for Goldboro at... 9.50 am . u 6.00 am t , ,, lO.iopm NORTH-WESTERN N. C RAILROAD . Arrives from Salem at . a m M , 9.34 P 111 Leaves for Salem at 10- a m . ..10.54 pm C. F. AND Y. V. RAILROAD. . "Arrives from Fayetteville at.... 7 5 P ra leaves for Fayetteville at.. - -9 5 Arrives from Walnut Cove at 5 00 p. m. Leaves for Walnut Cove at,. 10.15 s THE POSTOFFICE. Mails for the North close at 8.00 a. nu and 9.00 p.m. Charlotte ' 9 00 9- Raleigh . " 9- Salem " 9 9 ; Fayetteville " 900 The money order and registered letter office will nly be open from 900 a. m. to 6p.m. General Delivery is open from 8 a.m. until 7 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15- minutes after pening the Eastern night mail. ' Sunday hours, lor general delivery, 8.00 a. m lor alf hour ; and half hour , after the opening of the mails from both' North and South. The lock -boxes are from 6.00 a. in. to io;3o p. m Mb . . RESIDENT CLERGYMEN. Ptesbyterian : Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Church St. Rev E.W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro: Baptist : . Rev. NV. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. . Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. Li Michaux, N. Greene S. J. K.-pall. Sgjing St. Episcopal : Rev. A. II. Stubbs, NT Elm St. " . . : . PRODUCE MARKET. Apples green, per bu i.ooai.50 Bacon hog round aq Beef ..........saS Butter iSa25 Beeswax......... ". , aiS Chickens old...... ..15220 spring ...............ioai5 Corn new ......350 Corn Meal.... ............ ...... ......."V.....la6o Dried Fruits Blackberries. ...................61-3 Cherries 71-a Apples. ...... ..223 Peaches, unpared a i-a " unpared 1-4, a pared...!....- :S9-' Eggs. .V.. ...... .... 10 Feathers ..40 Flaxseed...... 75 Flour Family .................. ...... . . . ... ..4 50 Superfine ........................ ..a400v Onions.. ;.. .......... ,................6oa8o Oats.. ..4CA45 Perk ......... .............. .. ........ ..67 Peas ,60375 PotatoesIrish . . . . .V.. ... ........ ... ........... .60 Sweet.... .............................. so Rags Cotton ..........1 Tallow .. ...6 Wool washed.. ...30 . . - .- . unwashed....!......................... ,.ao Wheat. ..... f j .... . .fiai as RETAIL PRICKS OF GROCKKIKSl Bacon Sides........................... to 15 ..8 - . "" Hams............... Shoulders Cheese Coffee Rio........ ........ .20 .19 ?t3io Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S. Patent Of fice are invited to communicate with me ' with confident reliance upon my fidelity to their interests. New inventions patented. Old inven ' tions improved, and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats, filed. Trade marks registered. . ; Prompt attention. SkilHul .service. Moderate charges. Send " model or sketch for lree report as to patehtability. Preliminary .information cheerfully furnished., O A. S. YANTIS, Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents. 816 F Street, N. W., Washington D. C. V Vol.2. OCttHALBICn LKTTCn. Tht Grapt Show The ilddresg e The Exhibit Jt Grand Success. Raleigh. August 4tb, 1S87. The first grape exhibit of the Wake County Horticultural Society was held here Thursday, Aug 4. In SUonach's Warehouse. The doors were opened at 11 a. m. The building, which is very large and well lighted betrzn to fill tir immr1iillif Am I the whole scene with the eve on enter - inir the door it nr,.,n,H , nir.,,. f exquisite beauty. - .The bunches of grapes hanging in c'usters and spread out on the tahles were verv beautiful. I heard a well known Ral- was agreed that Martin Ctde prepare7 formerly Miss Chaffee, el Boston. eigH gentleman who is deeply inte'rest- and Jcad a paper on "Wheat and There is a small-sized Cabnet meet ed in the culture of grapes, say, as he Clover W. P. McLean one on "loes n t t;rasslands" every night, looked over the grapes on the tables, raiiiok tobacco pay?" W. A. Cpe, Secretary Whitney, tho hist. Is enter hat vhere were some of the finest "Plowing." Robt. C Rankin. GaVden tuning SecreUry Endicott and his grapes that could be found anywherq. At 12 o'clock an address oi welcome was delivered by Mayor Thompson who welcomed the visitors to the city in behalf of the Wake County Horti- cultural Society. This was responed to in a neat little speech by Mr. J. Van Lindley, of Guilford County. After these exercises were concluded, the I people began to look around and ex- amine the cranes, ac. Amone the . . . - I ;,!nriMUrKift,.: i t Heck. Cant. B. P. Williams. VV. G. Upchurch, Esq., Womble Bro's. and Batchelor, S. Otho..Wlson, Geo. Shel- lcm. H. Bilyen and Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Raleigh; N. W. Crait. ot Shore, N. C.; Scott Bro's., Baxter & Oldham, Ridgenary. Mr. C. B. Edward, of I Raleigh, exhibited some very fine clusters of the "Niagara" which were sold at acution at night for the benefit oi St. John's Hospital. Some very magnificent displays of vines were made by C. W. Garrett & Co., of Hali fax County C, and Col. W. - f. Green, of Fayetteville. Mr. H. Bilyen of Raleigh,, had an instrument for packing grapes and he illustrated the mode of packing grapes for shipping. Grapes were pressed : in the building and sparkling grape soda was dis pensed from a fountain in the centre of the building. - p - . At 5 o'clock the judges, Messrs. J. W; Cole, V. C. Royster of Raleigh, and P rof. P. W. Johnson of . Wake Forest, went round and examined the grapes.' The doors were then closed for the day. ' T - " At 8 o'clock the doors were again opened. The large building shone tortn witn great brilliancy. It was lighted with caslm gas andaithe light was shed on -the grapes they looked very beautiful. The Black Diamond Quartette were In. the rear of the building pouring forth some of their sweeet, melodious selections. - The Raleigh . Cornet Band furnished some of its fine music to the delight of every one. - . At 9 o'clock an essay of great power and eloquence was read by Hon Whar ton J. Green, his. subject being, f'Wines: American vs. Foreign."' It was an able effort characteristic ; of Col. Green and - was finely delivered. After the address the announcements of the judges' decisions were read by Mr. S. Ot ho Wilson. Secretary of the State Horticultural Society.- The premium lor me best dispiy was awarded to Capt. B. P. Williamson of Raleigh. Col. J. M. Heck. secured the premium for the greatest number of varieties. Mr. S. Qtho Wilson received that for the greatest number of pounds by one exhibitor. Womble Bro3and Batchelor 'received nearly a. dozen premiums"of $5.00 each for best single plates of grapes ofdifferent varieties. The premium, for the best display of wines was . given toC. W. Garret & Co. This premium was given not upon the merits of ths wines at all; but upon v the display only -At 1 1 o'clock p. m. the grape sbow ended. Everybody was highly - pleased and everybody wants another grape show .. It was certainly a grand success. Trebuh. r ... ' . -.-: When to Use the spoon. The fork is so - much-used; of late hat Is well to- know 'just- whett the spoon properly comes into play. .The atter is used for soup, for all stewed iruit and preserves, for melons which from their juiciness cannot be conven. iently eat;n with a fork.for st jawerrie8 and cream, peaches and crem arid like I ing caterer, was at-Long Branch Sun dishes. - - "-'I day with his wife and 7 two daughters. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF TCE CXTT Greensboro, N.C .MoNdsy. Rug., 8, 18877 TnrFAUJlBIW. Greensboro. N. Aug. 6tb '87. At a meeting of the' Guilford County Farmers Club held here today. Present, Thos. E. Cook. Chairman; W. P. Whafton. John Van Lindley'and D. W. C. Benbow. - Upon motion D. W. C. Benbow was asked to act as Sec'r. 7 .V r The invitation of the President, W. E. Benbow to the New Garden Acti- cultural Soc.ety. to meet'wfth us on hc 2oth Inst., was endorsed afld the chairman instructed to invite the I members of the New, Garden Agri- J cultural Society-, to be present. It 1 truck." Thos. E. Cook. "Drainage.- inis v.ommuice urge upon - the farmcrs of the county the importance of meeting with us and learning the ideas of the speakers abote named. fnd enter into discussions of tho sub- Jccts Seated of in order that we rroay au ,carn ine results oi experiments by lDUS consulting, together rather than 1 hY lhe tedious and expensive process frt Mrh tetinnr trr I -,..., ..mugu. Thetown papers are resoectfullv asea to publish the announcement o! luc """"S 01 ine farmers U1UD ot Connty which will be held in Benbow Hall at 10 o clock on Satur- day August 20th next at which lhe above program will be offered. Ladies as well as all farmers of the County are Invited. D W. T. E. Cook Chm.i C. Ben bow. Sec'y . " Gems and Fancy Stones. Perhaps the most popular jewel ot the day next to the diamond, is. the sapphire. The sort preferred and most costly, because rarejt is that in which the color appears blue by artifi cial light-as well as. by day, and Jn .which the blue is pure and spread over the whole substance of the stone. Ia inferior sapphires the rhixed with black, which gives an" inky appearance when seen by artificial light. Sapphires are set somttinies alone, but oftener with dimonds or rubies. A beautiful design for a pin seen re cently represented a three leaf clover, with a diamond, a sapphire and a ru- by set in eich leaf. The sapphire is popular as the central stone to cius ters, either for finger or ear rings. A good stone, when set round with dia monds, produces a remarkably 'bril liant fleet L . Points "New and Old. ; Menu cards luncheon. are never used at .Trje pineapple is almost the only fruit that, requires the use of both knife and fork. j . Progressive dinner parties, model ed oil the progressive euchre party, are the latest and most novel form of hospitality. - - - Jt Proof of Good JJ reed in sr. It is a proof of fine breeding.aays an authority in the world o! fashion, t seem toibe happy whether one is so or not. f We have no right to permit physical tastes or moods to depress or annoy other persons. ; Moods should De our own secreis, ana-11 we nave them not well In hand we may be sure - there is something for us to attain that . 1 we cannot afford to live without, and is a triumph over ourselves. One often feels the need of a perfect sel containedrdhess" at a dinner table I cases of yellow fever have been re wheir feed and sentiments may not be I ported by the board of health since to our liking. - PEOPLE TALKCD ABOUT. , , ' ' ; Sarah Bernhardt has been -coining money in London. . Her receipts have averaged c ver $2,500 for each per formance. . Will she invest in more Chicago real estate? The oldest General of the United States army is William Selby Harney. Hewis born near Mash ville. Tea n in 1800 and entered the army ;in 1S18. He was breveted Major-uenerab on Alarcn l5r ' , folin Chamberlin. the famous Wash- OF OREENSSOSO. A31D OF THE STATE. The younger of the girls pro raises to equal ner mother in beauty of forra and figure. Mrs. Prescott Lawrence, of this city, who as Kate Buckley was a shin in ligt in social circles. Is now at Newport. Mrs Lawrence is a most accomplished woman speaks lour or five different languages and is noted for her wiu . Berry Wall is not the onU on th j'11 who u at present attracting L : " . . I Puo-lc owon. . tut aunt oy public attention. mar nagc. Mrs. M. W. Waif, o! N. Y.. lho best-dressed woman at Man- cnesicr.oy-ineoea. airs. Wall was wire wh"C Secretary and Mrs. Fair- uul num vasningion every evening and spend the. night at lhc hospitable country seat, McGarigle. the fugitive Chicago boodler. wasa very vain man in his day ot prosperity. He kept a scrap- oooicana pasted therein all newspaers notices concerning himself and his do- inSs- A book made upof recent items rnn r r n n r. KIm . sv. 1 A K. . I wuwimii.8 nuUtu w wgic in- tional than comDlimentarv. f Jseu Doodle Dodge, Rascality is abroad in the land. We are not surprised at any new develop ment in these times ot trickery and fraud. Think of sheriffs speculating on tramps! Such a thipg has come to light. The Board of Supervisors of Sangamon county. III., in the course I or thcr ,nve.t.Cit.oo of MlTt .c- touuis. nave oiscoverea a reason tor the rapid increase in the number of tramm that nrcvlorcr th far of fhe . . r iruuutiy.. i teems nui ine inrjuui 01 tne country have been inviting tramp (immigration in order to obtain fees for the care of vaerants. one sheriff, in .u- -! .t. 111 rr iiiiivr 111 viv- wn rini n w-n w 1 n rw nvp w . fc four hundred illegal commitments. As he paid policemen to make the arrests, it is quite likely that he made things very pleasant for the tramps in order that they might not avoid the county, i,m rr . ... . . A. Chronicle. Admiral Droxcn at JtTettport Says the New York Graphic. One of the veterans ot the navy who are frequent visitors to this city is Vice- Admirals. O. Brown, He is a charm ing old salt of the antique sauor pattern, whose services in the Mexican and late wars have secured forwim one of the nicest little place in the Navy Depart ment. He is chief of the Lighthouse Board, and though the duties of the place are anything but onerous, they serve to keep him in Washington dur ing the winter session of Congress, when life is wurth living there; and .u- u . . . . . luca wucn iuq nog aayi come inci- lant old sailor finds it neeeiiarv in the performance of his duty to make a . ...... iuui u .uwiumo an mc ukuwuuh es on the New England and New York coasts. He times his visit with careful precision, so that he can in spect during the most agreeable part of the seas in . every, pretty watering place from Coney Island to Bir Har- 1 AO . I bor. He draws $3 000 per year for I us work, and Is worth it, all by lhe 1 services ne renaerea to tbe countv I years ago I ITcllow Fever, 1 Kev West, - August 4. Two new ycslerday. but no deaths have occur red. - To the Patrons of the Greensboro Graded School. Knowing that many of lhe pupils of the Graded School desire promotion at the beeTnnincr of the vear I nroDose opening a private school the 5th of iept. and closing tbe 35th ol Nov. Arithmetic a specialty. Terras $1.50 per month. Ail wishing to patronize this school will please communicate with me by postal or ia person, by the nth-insfl Miss S. A Brent. . 4t . . Littlo Butter Cup3. Pure and sweet; little butter cups made every cay by iv. Grxexsdoro Candv Co. w No. 28 1 Actlvo Cosd Free! We had several hundred cards scat tcred throcghout the city yesterday which when presented to Messrs. Al bright & Mcknig, Jacob Jones or our selves the holder of the card will rtt one cake ot -Active Scan." Save roar cards and get a cake of No. one laun dry soap. Hourrox Bro, Agents. Whether from swampy land or stag P004- or ,ro. ."V Ctcs of a a . , I - some. Ayer Ague fire, tak iy sewers, maiarui poisons are the en ac cording to directions,' is a warranted specific foe malarial disorders. Flour- A Big Lot ! We have all grades of Flour. Our White Pearl" and -Silver Crown" Flours cannot be beaten. Try a sack. Also. Meal. Shipstufl. Corn, &c apaiti Houston Bros. For XLent. Three new houses iust finished on Orange St. one square from the Graded School and Presbyterian Church. Rent very low for such nice houses. i. A. Mac as A Son.. Iaa IUver Bridre to Let. At Madison. Rockincham County. N. C Julv joth 1SS7. A covered bridge 208 feet long. 3 spans 71 3-ts feet. and 70 5-ia feet, and 66 K12 feef rock piu iiiwot ouiiu unorc 10 oe 111 I f I tf. r . & built a nearly at practicable like the" Settle Bridge at Dead Timbers. N. C. John M. Galloway. J. M. VAUciur. R. C. Nelson. G. W. Martin.- Building Com. M adison N. C. f uly 6ih. &7. 2w Come and see our butter cups; Greensboro Candv Co. Peoples Hva Cents Savinrs Bank Iocotpo'rlTrf Aril 19?C 16I7. un der the laws oi North CJaro na I Open for business July 2. 18S7 I Under rigid examination of Com I missioner appointed by the Governor 1 ni .u- cr,a- Character and amounts of its invest I ments carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits from five cents to I two tnousana collars irom any one I person - I Pays all profits to depositors. I Makes loans on public bonds, real ""icana orii-cja personal securiiy Presidtni M. Winstead. I Vicc-PraubiitsWJ. P. Steele. J. A. uoeiL 1. ti. warns. I Treat, lor CasAtsr) Samuel L .Trog CUrk (or Secretary) H. H. Cartland. Nice. Boarding HouiQ The McDonald House on McDon ald street is the place to get nice Board and Lodging at living rates. - By Mrs. J. W. Kernodle. THE MCGANLESS HOUSE, DAN BURY. N. C Dr. W. H. ilcCanless, Prop. Tliis house has been enlarged and ' 1 1 I .1 -1 " modatioo of summer visitors to Pied- 1 mont springs ana me mountains. . I John Verralla's , popular Italian aJ.uD& 01 narp' iwo violins and flute) has been engaged to T t . r . 1 make music lor the guests o! this house I durintr the season. 1 B?ard S16 per month. $5 per week 51 per day. THE NORTH CAROLINA r-1 -t iiJOUCiCOO ri OTTI1 .f Devoted to' the tobacco raising and tobacco manufacturing interests of North Carolina. Will be published by . . V r - The only paper of the kind in the . . . ,f't- .. . . owe. vrccujiwcniy-iour co:umn Advertising rates low given on application. Will be tsued regularly after September 1st. WAIT fhk wrrrc uraaa ricaaure ixcumon To Asheville Wednesday Aug. 24th. Fare only 84. cheapest rate ever offerexi. Ten hrt-cUss coaches. L-aves Greensboro at Forty hours to remain in 10 a. m. Asheville. HIC- ,0ST Daylight trip coing and coral uomuirt ana pleasure win oe me mm m m .ft order of the day. Good music and! rv, train ci aAd cv. Pu!!man Hrt plcntvof choice refreshments. Special trir ior iuio anu ineir ciwui. ucc water, ministers and tbeir tamilies can get reduced rates by applying to the manager. Come and go with us. v For further information see large circulars or address the managers. J. II. West. A. L. KlRKUAN', ' v . Til OS. D. GAKK.ETT, Jy 26. " Manairtrs 1 t n Wln - C1M WILMINGTON" WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. r CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. N Cov ii No.45jNa. 43 f No, 4 ov. 14.-W DxUr. Dxi!r. Dai?r Lv Wcldon..' 15 p ea 5 yS p m i 10 am vr Kociy Ml 1 JJ p rn Ar Tarboro. 50 p ra' Lv t pa' Ar Wilsoa.. 405 ptn6sSpmjo7ra Lv Wilson.. U it oral 1 Ar Selaa...$4opra, ! jwuci -jj J ) "j . LvGoldsboro 4 54 p m 7 40 p m'j 5$ a m Lv Magnoliaf6 09 p m: j jS p m c iS a m V Burgaw..7 00 p mj 6 13 a n Ar Wilming.17 50 a 9 5$ p trv7 00 a m TRAINS GOIWG NORTH. . 1 Na 4$ I No.47 to- 43 j DaUy. j DiUj. Daily. Lv WilmingJi 1 40 pm S 50 a m 8 52 p ci Lv Burga4a '9 34 a m'9 50pm Lv Magnolia 12 52 am.1023 am 1042 pm ArGoldsbor'i $j a in 11 35 am'll 5S am lv r aTettev. 7 00 a ra Ar Scfma... Ig iS a m' Ar Wilson . Lv Wilson . . 11 35 am 2 32 a mi 1225 pm 1251 am t 00 p m 1 27 a m ArRoTcyMtJ Ar Tarboro. Lv Tarboro. ArWeldoru. 5op ll 30 amt 2 15 p m i 4f a m 4 05 a re Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halilax for Scotland Neck at 3 00 p m. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck at 9 30 a m., daily except Sunday. Trains leaves Tarboro, N.( C. via Alberaarl & Raleigh. R R, daily, except Sunday, 6 p m,; Sunday 5 p ra.; arrirc WUliamiton. N. C, 8 10 p m, and 6 40 pm. Returning leaves Wflliaraston. N C. Daily except Sunday. 8 00 a m. Sun day 9 50 a m. arrive Tarboro, N. C, 10 05 a m, and 1 1 30 a nv. Trains on Midland N. C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C; daily excert Sunday, 5 33 p ra.; arrire Smithfield. U. C, 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith field. N. C 7 30 a m., arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 9 00 a m. Southbound train on Wilson 3c Farct teville Branch is No. 50. Nonhwara it No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia, Trains No 47 makes close connection at Wcldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily ri cent Sunday via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have rullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. ' General Sup t I. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Agen t EICBIIOKD AND DIN VI LLC HAIL ROAD. CON DECKED SCHEDULE. TRAHa RUN BY MEEJDIAN TIME. TRAINS GOLNO 60UTU. May. fcUb, ISf7. 1 v Dilj. No. 1 Dily. 4 SO ptb 012 p n Tt New York Lore rUUddpU.... 7 20a ll4sa uem,T IUIUmore. Lmvt WMbicftoa . .. 11 00 pta Left re Cbiriotu trill. Lcat Lyaebbarg. . . . Leave DanvlU 3 05po 3 00 s fa a ptaj 8 05 mm Lear BUhxaoad.......3 00 p m 2 30 a ta UWIIUWUUW 1M Lour Ooldtboro 30 na' "3 10 pta .830 Lre Eur tan t 637 aa; l ootta t Hizh roiat 1115 am lOlCaxa Leavt SaUibaryM lllXita Jl3 aci I . . . j 2i3o; LeATtSpMtantmrg 535aza 1 (10 pa 331 pta Leavt OrerovilU tZJla A 4M ra Arrirt AtUnla I 1 20 pxa I0 4 )r-ci TBAJN8 GOINO KOKTH. Kay TTJh No. 8L-t t Cilly. i CUiT. XrtUm CharlotU....... t SCSaiai C '. tm - Sal'iabary .. Ht;h Poiiit Orrextoro . DarhAca.... Eali;h . ... M OoldtUtto .. C 4Saa XOlnta , 7 ZA axa 9 13 pm 8 S3. n 9 40 .ra 12f7pta 1107 ara 3 41 TJ C 30 Art 4 11 Vf) aj. 10 lCUm II .-J Vm mm f mm m m Arrira J3qt111 .. I mcvjafxxa. a won ArriT LyTKhbar- .... X la rta 2 00 ara I Vhlcjioa j 8 23 pal b xu m I BaJUcjot.. ,11 2Za 10 C3 tsx I - iTnLuieioLU. . loric cJaa. a 20 tut mt .-1 m. J I I rMt??fl"4MJ X .W N. C. UAILUOAI) . I acrao aorra Na .'A N Z2. a m Lv. Kalrci 7 21 a tc 5 30 oorjaons No- ll. to. ZZ l-ir. Sclera li 30 ia - 2 3Jia , ct rrpfvn CAR ??rRVirP On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Bu.Trt I Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York, I New Orleans and Washington via Dan I xiV.r Sleeper Montgomery and Waihirors. 1 Aiken and Washington, via Uanri:'.?. On trains 52 and 53 Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Orecc:oro, ar. J Greensboro and Gcldsbcro. Fpr rates and information aply to ani Ager.tofthe Company or to SOL HAAS. T. M. Jas. L.TAYLOR, Grn. Pas-s. Aent, WavMn-tcn.D C