THE MORilHIG KEWS. t t y ........ . . . f - - tn tr m " fwv tT ... ...... .... t e) T tt y . .i... . . . .i v yfc a... yj " , ... .... 4 ft9 AT Of SCBSCIimoX, IJt ADVAkCC: On Year (by Ml), Pntage paid....... f 4 00 Six Months, ' .. . ............ , , Three Month. " . 00 'TwoMooth. " .'. " " 7$ One Month, " " t " 40 DKVOTXO jo THE IOTXXCST OF THS CITT Or GUXKSSOSO. AKO OF TUB CTATX. To city tubcrflwr, delivered to any part ot the cwy I "T7 4T atiocu per week. , I V ' ir- iQ. Greensboro. N. C, Tuesdry, Rug.. 9, 1887. No. 29 Z:i Cea A THE MORNING NEWS." By HAfgPTOfi & ANDREWS, Puulished Daily, L.ept Sunday. . UN J . r. 1, THE LATEST NEWS. He Chexetd a Cal'a Tall OT. Mrrtsted. No advert iewients inserted in Local column at any price. An extra charge wiU be made for double-column r triple-coloTBn advertiemet. All announcement and recoraendatians of candi. dates for ofiice, will be charged as advertisements. Advertier.nts to fullow reading matter, or to ccupy any specta place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square (or each insertion. Advertuements kept under the head of MNew. Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payments fjr transient advertisements most be made in advance. ' . ' Kemitances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, Kxjres, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the rik of the pub lihers. Under the head of pecul City liera,"' business notices will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line or every insertion. " : THE RAILROADS. M UllIDE IVOJIT D 1 FORCE. I Cor- R oTt- . Ciiattaxooga. Tena Aug. 5. K. Enfield. N.C., Aug.4- 1 Lee James was arrested in this city . ..... m I . The quiet ntue town 01 fctinew it evenlog orj a charge of murder. greauy excuea over at nercioiorc un heard of crime. It seems that one Young Farmer Bumgartner and Eight Ylend Carry OCT Jflary tlichardton. John Bellamy came into town ye Iter- LouisvilXE, Ky.. Aug. 7. With a day with Iruit, Sec, for sale, as is bis body guard of eight stalwart young custom, and stopping in thetorcoI farmers B. D. Dumgartner and Mr. John Borzeman. who is one ol the Miss Marv E. Richardson came down prominent merchants here, offered to from Muufordville, Hart County, I chewaca( s tailojf fort.75. The money Actiro Soap Free ! We had scYtral hundred cards scat tered throughout the citr yesterday which when presented to Messrs. Al bright & Mckni. Jaccb Jones or our selves the holder of the card will ret On August nth. 1&&6. ames Moore one cake ct -Active Soap." Sire your was lynched at Macon, for an alleged cards and get a cake 01 No. one iaun- : ... . . dry soap. Houston A Bao. assault upon a woman. It turned out fa r Acents. tnat woo re was tnnoccni. james is WILMINGTON & WELOON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. tied the rope to the limb of a -tree nant pool, or from the deadly gases of I Not. ii.S6 j ptilr. DaUr. !di?V this morning and were married. The ceremony was performed at Jeffersonville by the Itcv. N. Fields. Returning to the- city the couple was quickly made up by several by. standers which had no idea that Bel-! lamy was in "earnest, but found our alter it was too late their mistake. ARRIVAL AN I DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. "ftkllMOMJ AS OANV1LLK RAILKOAD. Arrives from Richmond at Q-43 am " ' ................ 10.3a p m f MwtH kr KU hniond at .t a m . Q.55 p m NOH.TH CAROLINA KA1LROAD. Arrives from Charl.Mte at 8.22 am 9-4- p m Leaves (r Charltc at 9.48 am ........10.44 pm stopped at Mrs. 'Gardner's boarding- Bellamy seized a cat tnat was walking house. Their escort took dinner I about in the store and putting her with them and returned home. The head in a bag (a negro holding the bag fresh, bright face of the girl, hardly and cat) commenced his diabolical old enough to leave school, no less task, literally chewing the cat's tail than the number of friends ac- off within a few inches ot her back companying her, attracted attention and provoked questions The groom, In a good humor with the world, an swered freely. Bumgartner and bone. He accomplished the bloody work in about five minutes. No mo-, tive or reason is given for this miser able act except the promise of the Arrives from ( loldsboro at . Leaves for (nldloro at. ...... I 9.30 p-m 10.20 p m 7.40 a m , 9 .50 a m 6.00 a m 10.20 p m Mary lived on adjoining farms near money, which was promptly paid. Munfordville. They became fond of This is certainly something new in each other a year ago, when Mary criminal history. The people of the was not yet llfteen, and as she de- town greatly regret that such a thing velbped to womanhood this regard should have happened, grew into love and they were en- Bellamy is about 25 yars old. a son cm owl KnmA timn ntrn Riimfrftrtnfer oi Kev. wm. Bellamy, a Primitive where Moore was hanged. He was going under the name o! Edward Har ris here. He was taken to Macon to night. JUurdered bp JUrxUan. Tucso.v. Ari. Aug. 6 Advices from Janos, Chihuahua. Mez., dated July 26. says' that the reports sent out from El Paso that a band of Apaches were depredating this region are not true. There has not been an Apache seen in the vicinity since Geronimo's band surrendered to Gen. Mdes. nearly a year ago. There is an organ ized band ol Mexican outlaws, witn some Americans, who scour through this country stealing or murdering but are no Indians. It-is' not known whether either McGraw or Van Ness Smith has been killed at all. citr sewers, malarial poisons are the same. ATer's Ague Cure, taken ac cording to directions, is a warranted specific for malarial disorders.' Flour A Big Lot ! We have all grades of Flour. Oar White Pearl" and -Silver Crown Flours cannot be beaten. Try a sack. Also. Meal. Corn. &c ap22tl Houston J 07 a a For Eent. Three new houses just finished on Orange St. one square from the Graded School and Lv WcUon.. 3 15 p m J jSpl 10 a ta Ar Rocky Mt 2 33 pin! Ar Tarboro.'4 $0 P b Lv TarboroJil 30pm Ar Wilson . . 4 0$ p ro6 5I p m Lv Wilson.. 4 $ P Am C - - 1 tm.mmm. i C.m . . . 4 p - ! Ar Fayettev.'g 32 p ! Lv Coldsboro 4 54 P m 7 43 P m t (Sam Shipstufl. I Lv Magnolia 6 09 p m 3 3S p m t 18 am mBros. I lv Hurgaw.Jjoop ra 613am Ai liming., ' P " TRAINS GOltiG NORTH. Tso.47T,- 43 No. 4$ Dills-, f Dxilr. Dailr. Iresbyterian ; Church. I Lt Wiiming 'it 40 prr. S $0 a m $ 52 p m Rent very low for such nice houses. tf. A. II ag an & Sor. Dan IUver Bridge to Ict. NOKTH-WKSTRRN N. C. RAILKOAD Arrives from Salem at 8.00 a m 9.24 pm Leaves for Salem at C. T. AND Y. V. KAILKOAD. Arrives from Fayetteville at .... leaves for Fayetteville at.... Arrives from Walnut Cove at Leaves for Walnut Cove at ,. 10.00 a m 10.54 p m .. 7.25 p m ..9.50 a m . . 5.00 p. m. , 10.15 a. m. THE POSTOFFICE. Mails f. the North close at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m . Charlotte " 9 00 9 Raleigh ' " 9 Salem " 9 9 00 l-vpttoville " 0.00 The money order and registered letter office gill nly be open from 900 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; General Delivery is open from 3 a. m. until 7 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pening the Eastern night mail. Sunday hour, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m lor alfhour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both Nurth and Southi The lock -boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p.m nsked the consent of Mary8 parent. They indignantly refused and ordered him off the place. But the young people were determined to marry, and several elopements were planned and frustrated. Finally Mr. Richard son locked up his daughter only allowing her the liberty of the place at certain hours, when she was closely watched. Bumgartner grew des perate, and, counselling with his friends, determined to seize his sweet- Baptist minister who lives near town, and is a married man. Arrests have been made, and the case will be tried before the magistrate's court to-morrow. At Madison. Rockingham County. N. C luly 30th 18S7. A covered bridge 208 feet long. 3 spans 71 3. 12 feel, and 70 5-12 feet, and 66 5-12 feet: rock pillars already built. Bridge to be Kuilt i narl 3 nraft irahle like the If either has, no doubt Mezican ruf- 5, uTtge al Dead Timbers. N. C JOHN M. O ALLOW AY.I J. Id. Vaughn. Uhat a Whopper! fians did the work. It is absolutely certain tliat there is not a San Carlos Apache off the reservation, much less in Sonoro orChihuahua. There have been but two persons by the Apaches since itenrommo surrendered, last June. Every Indian who went on that raid was Id riven to surrender. Fve R. C. Nelson. G. W. Martin. Building Com. M adison N. C. fuly 6lb. 'S7. 2w Come and see our butler cups; Greensboro Candy Co. Semi-centennial Exerclitn at Friends School, JTew Oar den, lufir. IT, '87. RESIDENT CLEBGtfMEN. Presbyterian: Dr. j. Henr y Smith, N. Cnurch St Rev E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. Baptist : ' Kev W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St.. South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. C: F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Methodist Protestant : Rev. J. L. M ichaux, N. Greene St " J. R. Hall, Spring St. Episcopal : Rev. A. II. Stubbs. N. Elm St. A Cincinnati dispatch describes a wonderful trumpet, the invention of Harry B. Cox, a young elcctricianlst residing near that cit'. The trumpet heart by force at the first opportunity I i3 intended to be used for telephoning Late yestarday aftexnoon,at an hour at sea, and is the outgrowth of his when he knew Mary was allowed to discovery of the great distance that walk around the yard, he and his echoed or reverberated sounds will eight companions made a sudden de- and the 4300, that speak. scent upon the Kicharoson place. Mne trumbets. if made to eive the Sii overpowered and held all who same fundamental note, wiild vl-" resisted till tne otners nan go saieiy Drate and produce the phenomenon away with the girl. They then known in acoustics as sympathy.' ut. Address of welcome, bv Prof. joined the elopers at Munfordville. with this trumpet conversation In an rn,enh Moore where they took the Inight train for ordinary tone of voice was carried ind Historical Sketch of the School, Louisville. on between parties four and a quar- hv nr N.r:- Mnnenhall. ter miles apart. People sitting at 3rd A p,,, by an 0!d student, their windows or on their porches a 4th. A Basket Dinner. mile away conversing In an ordinary 5th. Addresses by Iudgc Albertson Lv Durgaw.j o, 34 a m 9 50 p ra Lv Magnolia 12 52 anY to 23 am ! 012 pro Ar GolUsbor-i sS m!l! 35 'n 5 Lv Fayetter. j . 1 7 00 a rn' ArSelma... q 5S a mj Ar Wilson.. . j 1 1 2$ am' Lv Wilson .. 2 32 a m 122$ pm t2 $1 an Ar RoTtyMtJ t 00 p m t 27 a m Ar Tarboro. 14 50 p m Lv TartioroJ Jl! 33 am' Ar Weldon..U o 3 a 15 p m'2 4S a m Trains on Scotland Neck 11 ranch Road leaves Hahtas lor Scotland Neck at 3 00 p m. Kemrning. carc ototianu octi at 9 30 a m.. daily except Sunday. Trains leaves Tarboro. N. C via Albemarl & Raleigh. R R, daily, except Sunday. 6 pm.; Sunday $ p ra.; amre WiilianutOT. iN.u.eiopm. ami o 40 ptn. Returning leares Williamston. N C. Daily except Sunday. S 00 a m. Sun day o 50 a m. arrire Tarboro, N. C m . have been tried bv a military court People's Fivo Cents SlTinrs Bank ,0S m.and n 30 a m. . . . . . . . . . ok GREENii)R(. N. c Trams on Midland N. C Branch anu ii is ucucvcu ic.i aclc Incorporated April 29th. 187. is death. . der the laws ol North Carolina. un PROGRAMME. to O'CLODK, A. M. Ooen for business luly 2. 1SS7. Under rigid examination ol Com missioner appointed by the Governor ol the State. Character and amounts of its invest ments carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits from five cents to two thousand dollars lrom any one person. JJays all pronts to depositors leaves GoMiboro. N C. daily except Sunday, 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield, U. C. 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith, field. N. C 7 y a m.. arrive GoLHboro. N. C. o 00 a m. Southbound train on Wilson 2: Fayet teville Branch i No. So. Northward is No. 51. Trains No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magno'ia, Trains No 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. Makes loans on public bonds, real I ail rail via Richmond, and daily ex estate, and nrst-claw personal security. 1 ccpt Sunday via Bay Une. S. Greensboro. I Gohe IfV by Probably IOO,-OOO. orriCERs : President -M. Winstcad. . Vice-Presidents-A F. Steele. J. A. Odell. J. II. Karris. 7rx. or Cashier) Samuel LT. Trcg den. Clerk (or Secretary) H. II. Cartland. PRODUCE MARKET. Apples K6". per bu . . Oaeon liog round lieef ....! ..... Butter Beeswax... Chickens old.... .. ... sprin Own new ..... Corn Meal Dried Fruits Blackberries. ....... Cherries....... Apples Peaches, unpared i-?, - unpared 1-4, y. pared Eggs..... .................... Feathers.. Flaxseed........ Flour Family ..i......... Superfine .'. ....... Onions..... f Oats. ........ I... Berk ...... Peas Potatoes Irish - Sweet..... Rags Cptton . rallow.'... ........ Wool washed . . . . s . ' . ". unwashed Wheat........ 1.00a 1. 50 ... . .aq ,...5a8 ..i8a2S ,.J. .ai3 i5aao , .ioai5 ...350 a6o , 6 1-9 ..233 2 1-2 .2 ..... 5a9 .............10 ...40 -75 i .....450 , 04 00 6oaSo AM a at ......6a7 ,...6oa75 .......60 50 ........ 1 ,. ....6 ......30 ...... .20 ...iai 25 Galveston, Tea.. Aug. 6. The com plete return received from 451 voting .... .. precincts in the State, including ail the large cities ana palaces convenient to telegraphic transmission and a few complete county returns, place the total majorities tor State Prohibition at 5,054, and Ihe total majorities against State Prohibition at 60.305. This indicates that the amendment has been defeated in the State by more than 100,000. tone could be distinctly heard, and In two instances they were told the nature of their conversation and ad iriitted that such had taken place. By listening to the whistle and tra cing it to and beyond Fa rn bank to Lawrenceburg, Ind., it was found that the instrument has a well-defined range of twenty six miles; that is, a loud sound like a locomotive' whistle or the rumbling of a train, ar.d Gov. Scales. 6th. Remimscenses by Old Students, Patrons and others. An interesting occasion in antici pation. The public are invited. HicQ Boarding Housq The McDonald House on McDon ald street is the place to eel nice Board and Lodging at living rates. By Mrs. J. W. Kernodl. Trains mike close connection tor all points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. . General Sup t I. R. KNLY, Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON. GcnT Pass. Agent RICHMOND AND DANVILLE ROAD. HAIL- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS HUN BY MERIDIAN TIME To the Patrons of the Greensboro Graded. School; miles in every direction. Sept. and closing the th ot Nov. - nrp--- Tr.m Lve WMlilcgWn. ... ,n rinv ,rr?Prl Arithmetic a specialty. Terms $1.50 Dr. W- iL IdCuaJHeSS, iTOp. LeAve CWlotuillr. in was readily carried permonlh All wishing to patronize - c Leav. Ljnebborg Seizure or T'essel for Sealing. New Westminister. B. C, Aug. 6. The steamer Olympian, just in from Alaska, brings news of the seizure of the American schooner Challenger, of Seattle, W. T., and the Canadian steam schooners Anna Beck and W. P. Ray ward, of Victoria, B. C, ior seal fishing in Behring's Sea. The captain of the American schooner says the charge is that they were catching seals when within three marine leagues of land, and says such a charge is tidi culuus. as the seals are never looked lor within twenty miles ol the shore and as far out as 150. Knowing that many of the pupils of the Graded School desire promotion at the beeinnine ot the year I propose can be distinctly heard at a distance 1 opening a private school the 5th of of thirteen ,v,wu o v.. month. All wishinsr to patroi on between two men on high hills 1 ihii school will Dlease communicate on opposite sides of the Ohio river, with me by postal or in person, by the about four "and a half miles apart. 11 J inst- Miss S. A. Brent. Tests made on the.water showed that the trumpet was even more avail a-1 Little Butter Cup, Pure and sweet; little ouster cups made every day by iw. Greens do 110 Candy Co. THE MCGANLESS HOUSE, 1 DANBURV. N. C. TRAINS GOING bOUTil. M. 20.1i. 17. Leave New York..... LmtS PMUk!rhU. Lmt IWltimorc . ble than n on land The instrument will be patented as soon as perfected. A name has not been chosen for It- Useful to Composers, White & Doughty, - Dealers in Fancy Groceries. Con fections. Cigars. Tobacco. Cigarettes, &c. under Benbow Hall. Give us .a call. Goods delivered to all parts o! the JIorlt 'Carolina - Grapes. Musical composers are indebted to science for two new instruments. The melograph is designed to accurately cilj free ol charge. record the notes of any tune played Look Out, Look Here. upon a piano, and the melotropc has . hayc . u a finc j0t of B;ef just been devised in r ranee to taith I cattle. Sheep and Lambs, and fully reproduce upon any piano the pieces automatically copied by the first apparatns Arkansas Traveler. This house has been enlarged and newly fitted up for the special accom mpdation of summer visitors to Pied mont Springs and the mountains. John Verralla popular Italian String liana (consisting ol narp. two violins and flute) has been engaged to make music for the guests ol this house during the season. Board S16 per month. $5 per week Si per day. THE NORTH CAROLINA Tobacco Journal r No. SOI 1 No. SI : Dailj; 4 45 a in U 30 pa I 7 Ciia nip CJS7 ra 0 43 a ml 942 p ta 11.4 am 11 00 pin 313 pxaj 300am 5 CO pml S 05 am Leave DadtIUo I 8 5 pm 8(bin Lev tlicLmond 3 03pm 2 30 a m LetTe GoldJoro 12 30 am' S 10 pra Leave nAUijb 5 30a; 1 00 am Leave Dirhju ! 637aa 230am Leave Hh Volet ,1113 am 10 16 aa Leave Shibary. .......1 12 r am! 1123am Leave CLarlottt 2 27 am, ICOpta Leive S.rta&lmrg ' 5 3aa! 331pm Ltave GrrtrviUe GSOaa' 4 43 pa Arrive A lUnta f 1 20 ro 10 40 pm RETA.1L PRICES OF GROCERIES. . ' s .. Bacmj Sides ........ Hams....... Shoulders... Cheese : . . Coffee Rio ... .....10 S ..8 ....30 ...19 9.310 The Grape bhow has clearly indi- jsneiish and Classical School For cated the capabilities ot North Caro lina in the culture oi the vine. Those PATENTS. I Inventors and patentees and all hav ing business with the U. S. Patent Ol- nee are mvucu w wulu.-.uv "Ar::r ; Arrinff a woii with confident reliance upon my naeuty '"""r"'"" k-f- & capabilities are great and the profita bleness ot grape-growing has been established by practical experiment. Now let our tillers ot the soil take the lesson to heart and rroceed to the diversification of their crops , by the . in fhMr interests. . New inventions patented. Old inven tions improved, and- rejected applica tions ' revived. Caveats .filed. Trade marks registered. -.. . . Prompt , attention. Skilliul y service. Moderate - charges. . Send model or sketch lor irec report as to patentability. Preliminary iniormation cheeriully lurnished. :: . tS; ANTIS. to the staples-: Agriculture will thus be made "more -agreeable as well as more profitable than it is. Raleigh News-Observer. Girls and Boys. ' 1 will open an English and Classical School 111 Bogart Halt on Monday. Aug. 15. The session will continue until the opening of the Graded School. Each pupil must furnish a table t r his own use. . ' . TERMS. Com. Ener. Branches per. mo.' $2.00 will from this morning make'a special run on fine meats. I have Mr. MCUowcl with me who will be glad to ice, and serve his friends. All may be assured of fair and square dealing at Stall No. a, city market. Respectfully. F.M.Taylor Devoted to the tobacco raising and tobacco manufacturing interests of North Carolina. Will be published by V. G. Kirkrnan. Greensboro. N. C. The only paper of the kind in the State. Weekly- 16 pages, lour column ArriT, LjteLbcri !. each. Two uol!ars per year. I cs.tL)tuvii . - Advertisir-g rates low given on application. Will b; Lsucd regoljrly alter bepiemner 1st. BEAR IHHIKD! WAIT FOR WEST'S Grand Pleasure excursion The soothing arid restoritive efforts of Aver's Cherry Pectoral are realized A. I A. in-all cases ol coias, cougns. inruat or . - A v..,Mc nrtifle itsnowerful heal- in the interest of the "StKTCii of the Battle of Guilfobd Court House.' which will be issued, in neat pamphlet form, from the presses of Messrs. Hieh. Eng.' (Gram. History, &c) $2.00 I Thomas. Ilcece & Co.. about the first Ancient Languages. - S400 of September. No better medium has Tuition must be paid monthly. Oo-1 Cver been offered ur businessmen tingent fee Tor each pupil lor whole term 5oc - Smuel C. Smith. Autroiir. I shoddy. Cneap o r . 1 1. That I will call on thebusiness men of I To Asheville Wednesday Au. X4tb. Greensboro within the next ten days ever been oUeren ur ousiness men i.omiori ann picaurc wm oc through which to place their business order of the day. Good muic before the reading-public. This is no plenty of choice refreshments. S; shoddv. Cheap Johu advertising sheet, enrs for ladies and their escort Wanted. J i A good partner with $1500 or $2000 to engage in" the dry goods business. Good trade established and 12. years PTnerience in business. For informa tion nrlriret H. mre MqrniNG News. I nlentv of it. Kespectfully. firppiwhorn. N. fT. . IW. 1 aUT2 II. I. ELAM. but will be a work that will be pre served by all. on account of its histor ical nature. I GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION or no charges will be made. Hold your orders for "advertising until you see me, and plant your ads. where thev will brinrr forth cood fruit and v m - rm - Fate only $4. cheapest rate ever offered. Ten hrst class ccaches. Leaves Greensboro at to a. m. Forty hours to remain in Ashevilfe. Daylight trip toing and coming. Comfort and pleasure will be the Good muic and Special Ice water.. Ministers ann meir lamuies can get reduced rates by applying t the manager. Come and go with us. For further information see Iarg circulars or address the managers. - J. II. West, A. L. KlRKMAN. . Tuns; P. Garrei-t. jy 26. Managers. TKAIKS GOIXO NORTH. Mjy th 1SS7. I No. 51. . Ko.w. - rail. Duir. Arrive CoarU.tU t 516 am tmJ vt ft- ' D M .. i -xu , out u 7 S4 aai 9 13 ta 8 2 . -w, 0 4d 1 ta U47pm 1107 sj 2 44 i co C 31 aia 4 3J pra 11 20 act 1C lfJjca 11 .m i 3 Lfm Cl2ia J 1 iSrts' 2 00 axi 3 40 p m 4 10 ta 8 23 pm If) mm 112pcD l003 am , 3 00 am 12 35 pea GZJan.t a ZJ rra " Hia Potct . (lrreutoro .. Dcrhoia iUlsh (''.dtrro ... Arriv DnviUt .. CliarUtUvil Taliicct on.. I! ..tiooccc . . . I'aiUll-U. Ne lork. Daslr x"st Sandaj. N .W N. C. KAILROAD . Kx SI an 530 bo. u3 oorvo oct !a ML Lt. Salem 7 20 a ta oorso yotcrm So' 51. ar. Sdca . ll 30 an i2 30 aa SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and CI. Pullman BulTet Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York. New Orleans and Washington via Dan ville. On trains $2 and 53. Pullman Buffet Sleeper Montgomery and Washington, Aiken and Washington, via Danville. On train 52 and 53 Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Greensboro, and Greensboro and Goldsboro. For rates and iniormation apply to any Agent of the Company or to SOL HAAS.T. M. Jas. L.TAYLOR, Gen, Pass. Agent, Washir-ton.D C - .. . . . . U