I i ii! r t i- 4 1 V T SIw sptmug be tGREENSBORO, C. 1 FT V. j Entered at ih 1w-0ir.ee at GrnLoro. -jf. c a four delegates and alternates at i econd ckts mafl matter. j Jojix 8. Hamptony Editors. I Greek O. Andrews, j , ' WEDNESDAY, - AUGUST 16, 1S87. JWITOJIIAL DASHES. --Daniel EmmctLthe author of 1 "Dixie is still livincr in Chicago. Mng ! i! i I j -iBlack and red ants are ravag- inir if uncnn T" 1 r rr vni:iiirs i Hb TT' ",wl rh ?Jakc Sharp is reported to be very low. - ! 1 -frs Buffalo Bill has sued for a divorce. U !i .. . .,. ! . , . i , ' i - ? ; f: 1 i 1 lopes and circus bills. r ; ! - - jCuatro Dedos, the famous bull fighter, cleared $40,000 dur ing his recent trip in Mexico. ill" ! :' Stepniak, the celebrated Nihilist author, will visit the United States in September. J- - Miss Eleanor Winslow the y American beauty, is dubbed the 'ex-chamberlain" in London. Roscoe Conklin is said to make $ioo,poo per annum at; the . barT i Strawberries are sold in the oan rrancisco market every . month fn the year except January. 'HI A clerk in the postofHce at Knqxville, Tenn., has been de tected robbing the mails. - 1 I ; - "I The police force at Sherman, Texas, is to be reinforced by a packf bloodhounds. , . 1 i 1 1 1 Mr. Tilden, according toH the London iVftfj,owncd'property , in England to the value of 138, 000. :" -'Senator Vance has named his new home "Gombroon," after the capital of De Quincey's imagi nary kingdom. -r-It is expected there will be three hundred delegates at the Knights of Labor Convention in Minneapolis in October. A good many Northern coal miners are going South in the hopes of obtaining steadier em ployment. There are 7,609 convicts in the United States who turn out a little over $10,000,000 worth of shoes per year. -Great coal-developments are being made on the Pacific "coast, and large vessel contracts have been given out. , There - are indications that the extremists among the Knights will gain control in the next National Convention. r -Indications at Syracuse are that the harmony of the United Labor Party's State Convention there will be endangered by the socialistic element. - . Miss Anna Goeble is the captain of a female militia coai : pany in Savannah, Ga. The prf- vates number thirty-two, and are -1 well drilled. ' , Gen Boulanger's daughter is ; : j about to becomela nun; and his I enemies say it is a shrewd device of his to curry favor with the" ; : Clericals. " . t The Kentucky militia, at I Morehead, Rowan county, be- lieving prevention better than 1 I, cure, have . seized "and confiscated all the arms of the desperadoes they could .find. ". " . Jas. P. Reed, of Pittsburg, and Charles F Baker, of Boston, .will'. play a match game of check ers for $200 a side land the' championship; of ;; the United States in Pittsburg on the iqKv: of . September;-V Massachusetts democrats Will the first in any party to choose f delegates to the next National Convention, which this year will - meet September 20, will elect the chosen in district conventions 1 n;c m tra State convention in the early summer of 1888. The Staten Island and Ber- Scn 1UU1 - almost interesting competi- tion in base-ball. The former association boasts as a pitcher - m 3fflK Tvnrr. a rrradnatc ot Harvard, while the Bergen Point Club is eniovinc the services of s - 4 - - o - Stagg, the great twirlcr of the Yale University nine. It is rumored that one and possibly DOin - oi tnese oriuiani: putner il.. ..r1. U r To c- WlIIJUIll IIIC IUIIKS Ul IUC JJlUltS- ionals next season. Queen Margherita, of Italy, asked "King Humbert at the opening of the season if he thought her still young enough to wear white muslin dresses. The Kincr Aid nnt nnsvvpr at once, and nis wife grauuany ueuainc wui- ried at his silence. At lenfith. 1 u r. 1 r iiuwcvcr, sue 1 tttivtu 11 0111 lain six white dresses of the , finest material and the most youthful style, t By such a delicate and practical method did the gallant Humbert show his confidence in his vifes beauty. The placard written by Senator Riddlcberger, at Win chester, Va , on Saturday last, and which, he was instrumental in having paraded up and down the streets, to the annoyance and contempt of the court, read as follows: "Verdict Bill Tones not-guilty, but insane ; jury in sane ; lawyers insane ; court in sane, in the main." He was jailed by the court, but released by a mob of sympathizers. If he had some iNortn Carolina iuuqcs that we know of to deal with, he would go back to jail, if it took euery low-abiding citizen in the county to put him there; Rid- dleberger, it is said, was drunk and mad, wfcen he attempted to bully the court. Ex-Governor Rums Bullock, of Georgia, says the southern people ere just discovering what the west learned a quarter of a century ago, that railroads must be the pioneers of development. And they . are discovering also that self confidence and self re liance are the keynote of develop ment, and that it is just as easy to make what they need as to go to Yankeydom after it. If you don't believe it go to Birming ham, Anniston, Knoxville, Chat tanooga, Kansas City, Atlanta, Charlotte, and scores of other in dustrial marts all animated by inherent and spontaneous forces instead of parasitically sucking their vitality from i Yankey Metropolis. HiceBoarding House - The McDonald House on McDon aid street is the place to gtl nice Board and Lodging at living rates." -Py-Hrs. j: y.KERNODLk ' WAIT FOR WEST'S Grand Pleasure Excursion To Asheville Wednesday Auq..24lh. . Fare only $4, cheapest rate ever offered. Ten first-class ccaches. Leaves , Greensboro at 10 a. m F(frty hours to remain in Asheville! Daylight up uointrrand coming. Comfort and pleasure will be the order of the day. Good music and plenty of choice refreshihetils.- Special cirs for ladies, and their e-coris Ice water. Ministers and tlieir -families can Ket educed irate? by, applying to the manager. , Come .unci go with uV For further informutioa ; see. larg circulars or address the managers - J. H..WEST, ' . 4 - . L. KlRKMAN, t - ;.: " Thos. D, Garrevt, -. Jy 26. - : Managers Jlon ey To Xe d. """1 " ; " : ' T ; : nnr nnni dt?t m ntiiflDPTPQ IS UUiiUDiy Dliiil UlUlillU l in u, - '! :! ; : i For vilel! J. W. : SOG'IT 3rl"Mlfl01. The space on top is the quantity ol POWDER BLUE in ordinary boxes. A FIVE CKNT STICK OF INDIGO I5I.LT. contains as much as Jour wooden the bcst blue W2ter. Sold by Houston & Bub.. Wholesale nj;e:i!s. v.reensporo. . v,. DR. J. Q. BRODHAX. Office lor the present, at his residence on Ash street, opposite Mrs. Dr. Hal!. nijonlj known ipccifls for Epileptic FU. t? kao for Spasms and Falling Slcknc&s. Xerrou Wcaknesa it instantlj rclieTes and cuxca. Clcansca blood and quickens sluggish clrcalatlon. Kcatra 'i2ca genrs of disease and savts tlckccsa. Curc CA SiCEPTIO SAID . uglj blotches and 6tubbora( Hood sore. Eliminate! Bolls, Carbunclci asd ScaUB. CITcraiaL crtlj and promptly enrcs paralvtli. Yes, It Is a clian&ing and healthful Ajicxlcni. Killi Scrofula end Klnga EtH, tvia brothers. CLar.sc a Dad bren:h to pood, rcmoT- V1 fngthe caose. Ronta bfllou tendencies and mak ciear compioxion. Equalled by none In the delirium of fever. A chajTnlnjr resolvent and a matchlc laxaUve. It driTcs Sick Headache like the wind, ty Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. KelicTCf CT11E GREAT) CHElRlVE)C0llilQlUlElRl0lRD the brain of morbid fancies. lromptlj cores Iihcu matism 'oy routing It. Restores life-giving propen ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. tyReliable when all opiates fall. Re. freshes the mind and Invigorates the tody. Caret dyspepsia or money refunded. Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror. Endorsed to writing by over fifty thousand leading citizen slergymen and physicians la U.S. and Europe. UTIf or sale by all leading druggists. i-50. The Dr. 8. A. Richmond Medical Co, Props Bt. Joeph,iIo. (3) Tor testimonials and circulars send atamp. Charles N. Crlttton. A?ent, New Turk City. P.F.SMITH, CKEENSBORO. N. C. I i-at.kr in Harness, vSaddles, Whips, MACHINE OIL, Farmers9 Oil Shingles &2 1-2 per thousand. . Composting Goods j on hand. . Yfo eootlnTio to act as solicitors for trado-Tnarka, copyri-ht? etc., Tor mo umrea cMate ana to obtain pat ents in Canada. England, France, GTnan-r, ami all other countries. I'iimu, A VP cnargo for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. 4 ai,n tljro-sb tia aro noticed in the SCIEXT1FIC A31EHICAX, TvLich ha, , l Circuiitioi: and ia the most inllu cnbal newspaper of iU Xind TsublkheJ in ti, w 't I he availlaSe3 of tuch a notice cverr patentee nnderttandi. . 7 and 13 admitted to bo the best papeTdJtS and other departmenta of industrial progress, published m anr country. Sinjrlo . copies by mail, 10 cents. 'Sold br all uc f deal era. ' kd.drC88 Mtmn & pnblisbers of a-. American. 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed fr JOKH F. STRATTC3, I Import AWholtaaU ACCORDEOHS, itsaaaatadiofllnsical op., 3m. PORTCK AM TATK PO iHTER.oc DRL : l re.!ct i' , 'ON. Drugs and He die A Creaking Hinge Ii !ry anJ turu hanl, until oil i r iter v lilcli it niovti :ai!y. V1 n the iiflVnctl joints: cr Lir.gc, cf the bodjr sre t ' auJ inflamed by llbcumulim, t!y can- noVb-i xnovcJ uithoul rju; tLp n:ol cxcniciatU: I'uins. Art r's .Var4'ari'.5a by ;il- action on t!ie b!orMJ, rc!icV tbi condition, and rcstoros the jomH working order. 'Aycr'n SarsnparUlt hi cflvcttd, ritr: nianv iiat rcir.arkab'.c tiin-i, :a out 1 nuni- uerior wmcn uamcti uc cu'ri i iu most tcxperioncod phcian$. ; Were it necessary. 1 cou!d i c tho names ut many iud(viduals w ho have bet n cuml bvj taking Urn medicine. In my own case it Ban ccr fcilnjyj worked Avoiiikrs, rtllcx iti 1. u of Hjjij Rheumatism, after being'troublod with it for ye.-i-s. In this; aud all other diseases ariint frrm iinpur;c blqtKl, there is iu rtmtdv iith which I ain acquainted, that atTurut j-uc !; relief i as rAyer's Sar:iparilb. 1J. 11 Lawrence, JI. !., Baltimore, J:d. Aycr' rsaraariii.i cr.nd li.e o and Hue u:nati:'.i. whin "tiothh: t S would. It 'has c raIa-.i! d eer trace t f "Mjmaier Hotel I'-dmou!, Luweil, Mi'. I wa,dur:n-r ir.anv month. a a:f!"t rtr from elironic Kheuiuatiin. The ilVea-! mULcted Hit: irri-voulv, in of kill t!u reinedifs I eouM lind. until 1 eiuniheneed u-in Aver's tai-sa;:iri'i!a. I took vera! Itottles of this . reparation, and was II y restored to health. J. Frtaw pi udeiu c, Va. sik-m1- !ndo- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepareil 1-v Dr. .T. C. Aver Si Co.. !.or! . Mam. bokt by u'.l I)ruki'iel- Trite ft ; s.'x Lwtti, a4 For llie Cure of Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Bror.chitis.Croxrp. IhflaJ enza, Aslhma,unooping Co'jh, In -I anient Consumption and for the re nei 01 cnnsumpiivc persons in an van- ced stages of tha Discxe. For Sale byallpruprpins. Trice, 25 Cents. : -i H 1 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. . MILLIONS Bear TcMlmonr Co the Wonderfal Carattve Eflccfs of ' DR. UALKElt'S CA LI FOUNT A i IZL 1 Vli H L We tx f:;. V to art n fo!'ir.? f; !?::. Cara, V:.3 H. l fr. ui e ik-ruiacj. rv. Wt t.-.:.. i ;..lrf?-!c rrr.. CXer1eitf. tM!.--.u:ci.W T.!hr?.- sr.J ;4.-r.tta niur tru!;J w.h -r. f .1 . 2 u a ; i-urJ unv-. Ua: licxrx- of J-ri.tk,.-. 1., :U Ut.t n c.fci.'l nzts Trr:rni eircr:?a:: -i. Ai JnV, y.W X tu !' t .v:Ul ttn-s, I : it TZt:' AVy.t xs.Zll IV . A ORGANS IZ? or a y XTlim U S o"-"". 1.J. ok; x v 03 j tunm. dart . mm sa. v2 . -- 1 -v In great vaiicty. cull and very oW. Saratoga Excelsior i-SPRING.' WATER;! i ? On ice. !irect.frorn4 the Springs, re-j f ccivra in Air Tight Reservoirs; ! TRV THE GULGHER SPRING WATER Giw d for cramps, colics, and ick 1 stomachs. I f tin- Ix-st selection of Cigais on the Mitktt from 5 cents to 15 Cfntv each. Tiy j "My Otoi," ; ll.e fcarier of all 5 cent Cigar. Al so, the leading brands of all . CHEWING TOBACCOS! can le found at a low price, at K. G. NHWCOMnS, ! Odcll Building, 1 Orcensboro, N IDOIST'T Forggt it, Plgass ! V-,u can alras fiml in stock at . ur smrrihelicM Rfickbi.il and VirKii.b CalcincdJ Master. Lanl , I'hatcr. bnd and Rosendale Ccmcni: PbMcts. lair. KaU'itninr. Ac. Vyr d- n. thine hut first cUts Tin Roofi no, ynarartre firry jj.nj fto,r ..Iin Kerp always iradr SliigfrTin Val ley Tin. Cuttcrin-" and .Sr-H,ii'ff pMj uput short notice. Keen. Terra Omu Htre-Pipcai reduced ptices and put n up wncn wacJed. . H4ve row a lot of wljii o unly raised corn loraJc. will Irare a car of shipj?tufT in a few days. be,"t Kradc WcTi!icit your tradoand pledge an o g 0 1-1 GO E S ; 3.8-1 a Q Qpu -it p Q gP OP p g troca thoM Lav tral.. tj t, t. euerry 1 oriorai. w-1 caau4 ay la pral Axct CWrty rrtt.r!. t. ImtU ma I 1o tlAt tct fr it nr. aboaUI loft alnc Lar 2ol n,,. troabl. . Dradca, rliii-,"l, , Afcoot alt xrxmtht I l-.t a w-t, r. ltrBKKTbAft X th LttBS l-Tt-nri t . aol lep and rrU I Lal cr aia coifk UlutM a4 citau' wit boat oUaiftln relief. - A frW YiaeU cd ta tr 'Ayer's Cherry -Pectoral. I did o, iq uarry to y tLt it blp4 m at mr. liy ro&tniitl h- this adicia curM tuy exjcjrti, ad. 1 a aaliiiel. tared tor life. Mt Co bum. IS &eroal at.. LntU. 3ia. - I Lars uaeU Ayr CTKrry rm.t fur over a jrear. and iieTty tt r 1 aboaU hava bea la xy Tar. kai a &ot bn foe IhU mediciav. It L cut. t 1 of a danreroua aSactkm tf the lun.. for fndinr remedy. H. A. MrMull. ti. Wladaor rruviace ot Ontario. Aytr'i Chrrr Tedoral Mtrlni Two rear icol tock a vrrj nr 1 vti vhlca aetUcU cn tsy ln&x. I nxuiii phyaiclxAf aad fotk the reanrUi- iU preacribod but failed to cdrfam rUl ant I I bxaA uaio: Ayer'a lhvrrv 1 toraL Two buttlra of tLi tu-lwt; eompleteJy restored my health. !. M- Allen. Weal Lancaster. UUk. Aycrs Cherry Pectoral, rVr4 r Df.J.Cijtfar,Ln4,VH 6aU at a4 brastiMa, . lrto 1 1 i a WuiM, u LYDIA E, PINICHAr.V8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. It a rwitTP rift raW.I CmJUI a4 TU 1 in A K4WIafar Waaaa. IiffiMljiM. tv BmJ 1 -ry iu - a at UtatUralartWaUjUU Cr tola ltaf abl at3F "-r it. rr-Tafiklwu Um It aa4 PraAoriaa H rn -VI IlrvoM tatatbM,au).-r7.4n u fur haUaa, aa4 rov wi'na IW a fwii i inrtMr 4a, a 47 :. a4 teuca, ti aivv rMi:y f it. rUf nrt aKUttr CilhrilWfMi lthi k, iixcrams elcb rrcirira auwMMMrkuil. IwMmUimh. Ka ta Ompaa4 aa4 Oat rriar r rrr4 tWr(tl. ataWUrfr a ftty k4telW al atna, l rmiytirw, t ir t-- KiiaA Xrv mtVA frttj Jl l tlx U BaUy. PMwUitana wyUiMat Unra tltxa. tvr cf vh. I h..i, M-iaabi r all DmffaUta. i Jg7 7o Whiskey l Brown's Iron Bitters Is one of the very few tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly cf alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum, Brown's Iron BmxRS is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire lor whiskev and other intoxi . citing beverages. Rev. aV. Ricx, editor of the American Christian Rc tine, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Ga, O Not. i 6, 1 S3 1 . Cecti : Tac fochsh wad i&2 cf Tital brce la Uuiacu. lcxsnxz, and Yickxu iadal laee of ocx pccpU, met yoar prrpaxadoa a aeceiiirj; aad if allied, wiU me a dreda rraort to aal.vic.1 tor Uxaporary rccspaiiifl." f Brovn's Iron BmxRS has been thoroughly tested or .dyspepsia, indigestion, bilioumcss, ucakn ess, debil- r ,ty overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, . consumption, liver complaints, " kidney troubles, dc, and it never fails to render rpeedy and permar.er.t rzl'.zC ! 1 e- 1 - y V 2V- 1 rir rr- - Vr - r . a . - r J lit "i.jiu,) serve you fa:tifii!Iy

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