7 ti ol loir tlivZ Vnll- - i Ilerferlfv the Valley Mutual Life Association of Virginia, paid last year tu the widows ! and orphans of North Carolina 5ovcr 73,000 in cash, and. to-day paid into ! ihe State Treasury $1,02654 taxes. Afws ipiff Observer, April 10, Zj. - ' r- i 1-. ' ;: .. ? i V '...' J I h V'ailcy Mutuul Life Association ,1 Virginia offers- iilc insurance pure ana simple, and it is": 'insurance that insures.' Ii is not encumbered and complicated with banking-and endow- nieni ami. surrender valuer features, .md one thousand other schemes which, while they may be well enough in their respective lines, have no more to do with lile insurance in its true object, than a pawnbroker shop, has to do with a pjstolfice. It issues poli cies lor stipulated "amounts, payable at ucath, and at death only, at the low ust consistent with perfect security, as it is strikingly exemplified in the lol lop in : ' . ' " - ' y-P " " " C;ipu J. C, Marquis, o! Staunton, U the noiocr ol policy No. 1, tn ttie Val: it y .Mutual. The policy, which is tor $1,000,-was issued September 23d, '78. ajii.'M. was then 51 years of a-'tt-1 no loial Cost ot tnis policy up to November 23d, i85S6, eight' years and two months, has been $122 70, or an average of 15 04 per year." The same amount of insurance, under the level premium or old-line system, lot the same time, ' non-participating policy, would have cost Capt. Marquis $293 3. or $41 99 per year,much more than uouble the cost of "his policy in the Valley Mutual, "which iailference, in vested annually at s:x per cent, would amount to $239 71. The Valley Mutual Js one ol the aohdest institutions ot its kind an in stitution which, unlike the prophet, has great honor in us" olwli country; as well as abroad. Atlanta Avalanche. Messrs. lierkeley & Ainail are the managers ol .tbe Southern Depart ment. Ollices Raleigh, N. C, and ti WhitehaH street, Atlanta, Ga. Lorknzo A. Bailey,' Agent, ' . Greensboro, N.C. It you want anything 1:1 the line o Staple or lancy Groceries, Canned Goods leaking I'owUyrs or Tea. Call on J. W. SCOIT& CU. . , I t . s'.u'vi'-!-!.;il ' x;ri".-. v'aVft ' Jiri ii'l, bal - I ' I . r ! U ilKl.i.ill, I Ii . . .. '.Ji'S, illld i .ma hrouic Sores," '. i,- . . L ...in-riHH .Humors, ;:..'. i.'ur.tc..i'iou, ami Coll . :! rot' II lulls Condi- - 1. .-i.J. TI.h disease can bo t . .';.. Sur-anarillu. '. ;. .':. '.;.; rondiiion of the, . .1. '. .. di-run.ecnient of my .'. : kikinr less than . . - u. i " S,4i"-,ap!irilla I am t r:i't,Uc - Curey iA. '.:.s - ! t " ,iv. h:tv not found it ., meilk-ir.e whatever. I f-. 1. . H J 1 - I ..; Mi 1 . ut 1 v i.: !..!;( Iica'lh. and stronger, r 1. -.,r.v -(). A. V.'illaid, 218 I :ui '1 . li.oi,; i ii'.il.!r.: l w ;iU RTou1ouh Sores f r i...- -:.i ; Jt: . :tfir uin; a few !. j .f .'-" trs:iaiil!a, the sores l - .i . il. mm) I .ihw jrHKl liealth. I I.-..1K.1I1 " Wani rk. -VI .Apnleton street, 1 f . S.ine m uiths a-o L was troubled with wl uluiis Suits mi n.y U. The limb w :ii hrnlly swollen and inflamed, and the m.svs diM.aharrtd lar-rt quant ities of offen se' matter. Every nun'edy failed, until I iiM-d Avar's SaVsaparilla. I5y taking tiiivi' hottlfs of this medicine the sores t. ivc ltn n entirely healed, aud my health i I'ulW rotoivd. I am jatefu,l"for the PkI this medicine has" done me. 3Irs. A im O' 1 Jrian, 158 Sullivan st., New York. Ayer's Sa rsa pa rill a, T' cnRriJ ty Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co.,Towell,Ma8. ..I t. all Druzsials. l'ric$l; six bottles, $S N OW IN USE 36,989. All persons y in kw" " " , J 7, . mine our ImprttTed Keller Positive F wFed,Grto. 1 1 z nJtc- Imi - Xkfm ,cV Mn tn T are as good as the best, And can be sold as cheap. All are war- ranted, circulars buiicu ircc. nonui k mawimiv wvt Newark OhlO Brawck HowseiUsentawB. M 188 1887 4:-50. " - ," FOR. ilj . .j- . THE aiEAPJLSlNDAILV, PAPER IN THE SOUTH THE WEEKLY HAS KEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE vi REDUCED TO 75 Cents 'A Year THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY ArER PUR- L1SHED,. 1:: v. , - ..; THE SUNDRY -ISSUE AtfD i? - WEEKLY BDITIOS BOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR :$lBO:. : V, The t'Afe 5l,Spr nnrt 'iit-r limn a semi-wceklv. as vou wi nnp d.-iiW ie. sue uuii .1 wuirKiy nr 50 cents less; th;trr any semi-weekly pawr. ; DAILYSENT FREE TWO WEEKS and r . : -Weklt- Ok - Usm- hiiJ - ,- Spond one cent lor a .postal oarci and order pne or the other on trial. address . ; : - thewiiiq,, : Richmond, Va. Cape Fear & Yak!a i Valley Ra2rcaJ Ca -v..UMrfcW.,Bn)nX r0. 21. TaHftg. effect $.15 A. .?., Monday, July 2$a. J 837. i Pasiaad." treiht j Man; A Pass. 1 1 L vci Bennett.. 10 to am a m rnve Maxton. t f .1t W If im Leave Jlaxtoni i...-.ii-io i-r.jn am nrnrcl-ayettcvillc . 1.30 pm H.o6a m A-eavc 1-avettCAil e: f ?.on -io m-n m 2.00 O jo a m Arrive Sanford . .i Leave San lord ..'! 4.05 413 1 1.40 pm 2115 Arrive Greensboio. J Leave Greensboro' ..itoonim1 ; J : 7.25 Ar've Gefmanton.. 11: rm . - - j 1 - -Diuucr ftt rajettcTifle. -TRAIN SJOUTIL Freighl , Iiss. - 'Pa's 5 and .Mail. Leave Gerninnton ? Dn nm Arm c Gteensboro,. 1 5.00 Leave Greensboro 9.50 am 12:35 pm 1. 15 " 3 20 , 5.15 " 7 r. 1. 6. 12. 00 am 17 pm 55 Arrive SahTofd Leave Sanford. . . : . . Arrive Fayetteville. w - ... ou pm 15 pm 45 Pm .13 pm 15 pm L.eave.1 ayeltevule. . Arrive Maxton ...... 3 j-eave Maxtn 5 25 Arrive IJ'innettsville; 6 45 - 6 - Ditmer at Sanfqrd. Factory Branch Freight & I'assenger Train moving nortb. I Train moving sontb. I Lv Millboro, r 45am 1 Lv Greensb'o 5 30 pm Ar Green.sbo 930 am I Ar Millboro 7 35 pm Passenger and "mail Trains run daily except Sunday. Freight and Accommodation Train runs between Bennettsville and Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays arid between Fayetteville and Greensboro on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation Train runs between Greensboro and Fayette ville on" Mondays,. Wednesdays and Fridays and between Fayetfeville and Bennettsville oif Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Trains on F?ctoiy Iiranch run daily L except Sunday. Close connection is made at aiaxion with Carolina Central Railway Passen ger Trains to and from Wilmington. J. W. FRY, General Superintendent. W. E. KYLE, General Pass Agent. BATTLE SKETCHES. (o) 25 Anniversary of the Great .Bottles and Campaigns 01 ' the Civil War, The ( )uartt:i-Ccntennial of all the Engagements and Campaigns, of the battle year 1S62. will occur during 18S7. Thisycar, commencing JIarch IO, the . Gr2snscoro Nortn-3tat2v Gkeenshoro, N. C, Will publish a sketch of each impor tant battle and campaign of the civil war during 1S62, beginning viH the engagement between the, 'M-ERR1MAC- and MON ITOR. fnughUMatoh 9; i2 and the battle of PEA RIDTJ& fought March 7th and Sth. 1862. These will be followed at proper dates with Shi- loh, the Peninsular Campaign, includ ing Cold ! farbor ; j.une 2 Si 1S62. STONEWALjU TAClSON?S V&m paign against Bahks.Milroy and; Fre mont. THE SEVEN DAYS tstrOKli RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAIGN' including Cedar Mountain. Gainsvisie Chantillv. SOUTH MOUNTAIN and ANTIETAM; the invasion of Ken tucky by Brajsg. and Kirby'l Smith ; Coriith and Stone River. "These sketches will lie Icliowed next year by the stories of the battles of 1863, and so on each year, until the close at Appomattox. .This series of skethes will close in April, 1890, and will give an accurate historical and statistical record r.x the great civil war. - The sketches will be handsomely illus traled, and all combined, will' make a valuable and impartral history of the great struggle. TERMS; itreensloro iorii Mate $1.50 a year in advanced - IvE()GHi' liOYU, - " 1 Greensboro. The Wilmington Star REDUCTION IN PRICE., Attiti-si is ::tl!i'd 1leVfiHo.vIi"i" reduced r..t'S o! subscription, cash in I advance i-t . r W.1 (l. ' ', H -L . . . ' - ti: O ie V ear : . ... I.isono TiZ: ? One Month', - - -. r. r. f.... :l . , , ? THE' WEEKLY -STAB." !' ' . One Year; . . . .1 . r Six Mnths. .-. V. . v. 1 mcu ivinius. . - j 3 i. , - . x, . centlvr bepn lilv iiiCrcased. and it is our termination to keep the Star up. to lhe"highe.c-l standard of ne.vspa- peL7,?"cnce WM ,r r,,,: ' r . . -; -Agerits. ripJ Wanled for iNiAlrJTS TIMERS .. i .. a m 1 -- fv. of Tin: p EEK health iid avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and .orn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You canLContinuc feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. IUgj'J, Ohio. Nor. sS. ilSt. Gentlemen : I hxrt tnfferrd with oreni ou bt breast, with thoot- tendea with rrcit weakacu, deprcs. ica of tpiriu aad to of appc tte. 1 have uken sercral different racdicjucs, and was treated by prom inent phveicians formytlrer, kid ceys. and tpleen, but I cot 00 re!icH I thought I wou'i try Brown'. Iron litter; I bare now taken one bottle find a half and am aboat well pain in tide and back all tone orcncss all out cf my breast, and I hare a ocd appetite, and am gaining in strength and ich. It can justly be c.cd the iinj of mtdkiiut. Johx K. AlilXDIUt. lnK piins &u turouclk 09 bodr. at. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria; Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. 'Toaelalm too much ..for . SaxAJU- TAX NEBTISli" ?a 8aTfa8keDticlIIovr '3 . can one medicine be v j a epecrfic for Epl iyi leper Dyspepala, Alcotiollamt Oplani Eat!nr Rhenmatlam, Spermator rhae, or Seminal Weakness, and fifty other complaints" We claim it a tptcijlc, sim ply, because the virus of all diseases arises from the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and Laxative properties meet all the conditions herein referred to. It's known world icide as It quiets and composes the patient not by the introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, hut hy the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous system,' whereby the brain-is relieved , of morbid fancies,., which are created by the causes above referred to. - - -" 'To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer-. chants. Bankers, Ladies and all those whose sed entary employment causes nervous prostration. Irregularities of the blood, stomach- bowels or kidneys or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaritan Nekvixb is Invaluable. Thousands proclaim it the most wonderful invig orant that ever sustained the sinking system. $1.50: Sold by allDrnggisU. The DR. S. A. ItlCIl HVIOND MED. CO., Proprietors, St. Joseph, Mo. Cias. IT. Critisataa. Atfat. Tl City. U) EOLAHS ' CHILLED PLOWS THESE rLlAVSr have f ennine chiUd mould boards whirl are harder than ateeL Having the slop ins landalde. ana4 reversible slip points, they are the tx-t ranninr sad most eceuomlcal, to the fanner, of any Plow made. OHAJIPnOH GRAIN DRILL. yf.i -. a im thrill na 'V 7 flu. feed dUtribu- J a 4 rrasa seed, and rTT ba the onfy.Fer- ,--f ULixer attachment SSu," rL-rrr' phoaate. It lath simplest, lightest running and bs; Drill made. BBITISH MIXTURE. : TliU c:ebrtjed Fertiliser ha p 200 UJS! gained Its great populartty not only . BRITISH ob aceouBt ef lie ?riee; bet b. , ftQe iti ctTrctJ Lire ORifonaKr T. rw4, and it has beca found te g iv , . more Ftrtititer for 'each dollar .VJXIURQ BALTIMORE pahl than ca Le procured rem n-aj eUr tvmnt. - t'lBce and Saleroom, No, 1045. diaries Street, ! BALTIMORE, ill.' - , : . manVfacturki: of ; - -. : jVgriGiiKiiral Specialties - i t 92tr Uxxn OrULty. Xa mU ach C3ftc Ajrx't Vills ive pruts rtLeL After Bch tnScTinz frrm Llrr aal f tonih trocLl-. 1 taT Cuay rnrM by tailr.; A) er IVatLartic ink I Alaj f.4 tLra rrorr tlrTaij to tbeir artioo. and tlir orrxiobal u lftr n la p-rfectljr health r ct4i tka. l!pU ctmiri, AscapoLa, Md. Twrntr-ftre yran ao I sa?frsl frrm m torrud Irrer, wLirh vu rrstore.1 u htiir artiua I t UkJcs Atrr IV.Ia. Kmre thai Urn I hare never" Un with out them. 1 TLey reflate th towrlj. aiUt disestin. an4 ir.rrear tic app. tile, more nrrly than -an r c!hr taedi. cine. 1'aal Churchill, HaVtthill, Mas. INVIGORATED. I know f no remMr eqnal to Arer rui for Stomach and Ur liorilera. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Ir pepsia. for eighteen raonth. Mjr akin was yellow; and my Umrue eoatL I Lad no apjwtit., au.Tered fr.ta Head, ache, tm iale and emaciated. A few boxea of Ayer I1IU. taken in motlerate dnae, rrued me tu perft-ct health.. WaMo Miles, OUxUn, Ohio. i A.Ter'n rill are .1 nperUt family medicine. Tliey atrtnthm and Invig orate the lijrtive cran. create an appetite, and it-more the horrit!? do- ireshin and despondenry rtsultin rom Liver Complaint. I have tiled these Iill, in my family, for years, and they lifvrr fail to pive entire aatufa.- tiou. Otto Montoinerv, 0hkuih, Wi. Ayer's Pills, Prepared y Ir. J. C. Ayer H Co.. 1xwtll, Uim. old bj aa Ururciata abd Ixkra ia UcCicma. 5 V-V . fta 37 Ccurt Place, LOUISVILLE, Kl, i tariicii CnpM nil forms efPRIVATi; cmumicf and slxuaL uls- Spernxatorrhca and Impotency, i lk rMltof r-t'.:-l- a yrtf .rcai f la m. tarr yr.w tWr ., 4 fiarf ( IXa I . JovUHCaJaUt Nmt4,fV4l tjm --Wmi. (,-ri r loa k 4mm. t. Imm . f Lt, Ivtattn, Mwt, I r I - . ; l a r fK' , A c-r- Ft f i Cattful. f I4u.t hm ! huut r.r( tL, rJ,t: arTif lnprByr v tik,rT, -.;l.lr 4 T?' ta SYPIILLIS pr v4"- aiy rv.lVt4 iroai k tj.tcjB. O OHOTThoa. QLEET, f OT. Orth.Us Hn, luf4tn m tuo pr1KU tti'tiwi 'tWiJy rrwl. ItUwlf ni.iMltk-.l yLjrir.tmk.,j,fJl tints a e-rU a Ji cf n4 tmtSc tjwra4 Mil. rwcmawaa rMMiit my c. Ubu UU tawcomlv U.tkr.ty jf trtntntfttrt, Wiri? Mkt rtr.ij Cures Guaranteed la nil Catee undertaken. PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of XMf,KatU ny 4 r-, iwrrlr a'4, fr tilrty VSO) cmu. hhuM t 1 .0 4 all. Avi aaaWa. itv- f-ont A. Xt t 11'. V. fsadap.l t if. 14 Words Fail. "WorOi fail to express my rjatl tude," p.iys Jlr. SCLBT Cartee, of Nashville, Tenn "for thob?cofit3 ?rivcd from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been a filleted ail my life with Scrof ula, my system seemed saturated with it. It came out in Blotches, Ulcers, and Mattery Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states that he was entirely cured by the wjkj of A Tin's Sausapaiulla, and since Ucon tinuing its xx e, eight months an, he has had no return of the scrofulous symptoms. All baneful infections of the blood are promptly reuioved by this unequalled a to ra ti re. t raErA&Lb nv Dr.J.C.Ayep5iCo., Lowell, Mass. 5kld by all Drufxii'ts; $1, six buttles for I.! c! HAS BEEN PBCVED The SUREST CURE for ICIDN EY D 1SE AS ES. Doo alxma back, or disordered Ha fndl- c E c c oau that you ar a victim F TUXif ZX OT uXSTTATXi ns Kidaey-Wcrt at one. u-u-glatt roocmmenl IO and It speMlily over come the disease and restore xs.thy actisn. ril For omr taint culiax EasClvlI 7SSa uttwr mx, softU a rain acdwesJraeasea.Kidr.Wcrt U uxuurp4.aed. m It will not prompt raic Ir. Either 8ex. InooniiiaenM,rct:.iUou cruriae brick duaterrrpTdepct.a-.Jii:: iiijt paina, all speedily yl;Mtji-.s cir.U - 2 oarer, iS- SOLD PT TJ. VZl'jaairr. : THL PROPOSAL!- He. My darliy', you look irrcuitiLly' 'o7cly to-night I She. Do I ? Thanks very much ! you uc handsome as a rrincc, Charley, in your dress suIL , : He. GIre the credit to the Diamond Sliirt, ray love, thich I wear for the fin line to-night; it is that which gives tone . - te my toilette. Here is its prototype (slip rng the Diamond engagement ring on . x finger). : Zke. ilay our love be as enduring as c fame of . . The Diamond Skirt" 1 JUUzu. WAMSUT .2100 LIN If yotir dealer Joes txt teep it, srr.J a J Trru to.DacIel M icr i O.. t'.'.c zairvLiisi.xz. 1 -'i- srr. Ml. A Ol " I I t oiuqaisn Liver U 11 1 V!lrVv' i 1 ,ra t CAROLINA CENTKALHAILROA VLUJll-AiNY. aiACE or SCHEDULH. On and al:rr thi dair, the lojwirr e- a a rvcnrcu:? mill tr opera trd on th: KaU- road. r,SSENGER. MAIL AND KNI'KEk TRAIN. IJailt Hxctrr Sitmhav. ) Lravt Vi!s::nrt3na:..?J4a r.m No. i VLearc Ra!c.rh at 700 p m ) Amre at Chailite. ...655 an Leave Charlotte at... .8 45 P ra No. a V Arrirc at Ko!cj;h at... 9 00 am Arrive at timirjtori.? 45 a tn Local Fruc.ii Car Atuchcd.' Leave Charlotte at 7 40 am Arrive at Laurinbun; at 545 pm Leave Laurinburxat 6 15 am Arrirc at Charlotte at a 43 n m Leave WibrJajton at 655 a ra Arrive at Laurinburj at 4 25 p m Leave Laurinburz at 5 15 am Arrive at Vi!mintoa at..:...S is Pn uocai rretnt Detween iimtnztoa and Laurinbunr Tri-Wecktv- leavinc Wilminrton on ifonla-s, Wednesday! and Frtdajs. Leave Laurinburg on luesda). ihursUa) and Saturda;. Passenger Train nop at regular Stations only, and I'Otnls ilctinatrd in the Company s TirrejTablr. Miu.i:y Division. rASsrxt:iR. X!aii EXIRIS AM FrIIGHT. Daily except Sunday. I-cave Charlctte 7 jj am No. j Shelby 11. 10 am Arrive EUcnboro....i2 uo m Leave Kilenboro 1225 pm No. 4 Leave Shelby..! 25 p m Arrive Charlotte $25 pm Trains No. 1 and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet wilh R. & A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 (or StatesviUe, Stations Western N. C. R. R Asheville. and points West. Also, lor Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L.C. JONES. Superintendent. F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger Agent. 1 r- il !l A 3 If ""in" I V I SIS Claxer, Dsche. Haadralt, Milliajia aad mtny of the 1U medjcmca known are hrr cmsv Uacii into a racdkiae of auch var.I and efUxim potrers, aa to make the Creatctt HVjoJ Pur t&rt&U Ent Heaha ail Strugth Ratsru Crtr Csti. It cures DysTcpua, Khrumatum, FIcrpicMncsa, sH L teases J the Ftomach, lra cK. Lu;t, Lives; Kilix-TS. and all Fcaviie OaapLnatt. If ym are wasting awsy wiih Corua.Hiai e any!I.eae, tieth Toxic t-djy. ltkJtar?y helpyau. liernembeTt it i Cat sx.et ca talWcrr, Laiences of Uib;c and oumt Touacs, aa at UvAH trp the sytrm niheut iaixun:. t. aal S 1 sires, stall dealer in dru;. None rrtumne without ut&ux savixa in bcti.no n:s vaxam. stu. iUFFER no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, wont of Appetitc,los3cf Strcncth lack of Energy, Malarin, -Intermittent Fcvcre, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure nil these diseases. Hoatcti. November tT3t. Csotni Cat:ct. Co. Gestiicsaea : For ye.rs I kjT txea a rreat saiTeTr fruan ltyf, and coLld f rvo relief (Uaic trx everytLIfftr whkh r. recrjanawrswl. cd) vatil. acuag oa tL adic c a friead. who ka Wa tcaeud fey wowri iao irrsas. 1 tried a MAIM, aua sact Mirtiratic re rrtnow to takig Vmuw' I term ZrTsaevcrytLu:gIat LtrcMi I suffered trrdr fraaa a Sered , Urraiag- acaaatioa ia lha attsaac!. vkich was MbearaUa. Saca la" ig hmawtC I sow 1'rrra, a3 aa trwwLJes ire as aa ca 1. Caa ea( aay tisse tftrirKovt aay deagreeaLU ra rulta. 1 aaa twticiJf aaothc; rcrou Ifn. W. J. Ftvw. jo ILivtrick St, F, Eoatosv. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS sets liken a charm on the digestivo organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc Tho only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache, . Gold bj all Druyjita. Brown Chemical Co. n!Umor, fi. le th.es a." Ire fUrer are acda Vy . lrowm OrawrU t . lkrtsere. mtU Le wvwftl mi Uacs ad tr-- sa-a.lL v t ry7r. 13 EW AUE OF IM ITATI O N 9 SatMSM ta M (MOM aa I imm aa4 II rniaa. Atuwl btNllll ,.nn 4.Uti.t. iH . II 5er Falls te Letter Crsyer I a4e4 flair U to Ite j mftkia CO.. ( cU. mm4 1 1 a a4 ail 4rfjvU. H Gel IV A:V:'?Srw pit HaTr on iv t L?.ttiusn c! even S . tacie wcarrria hit vwl tHem. Tiv stand ur.ruarrJ in xf tlr i-V-w!: mu tation. Ozt trstir-cniiUare frrr?CM. crTtori. Senators, Lextvlstora an t tkct the most d;ttrru.'.cd mm in ill branches o! sciercc V a hue had ilrxt sight iTiprcvrd br tl.rir Ci-r. UnprcccJsDttl Sales Ertrjmhfrr. Ovcrmhelxlrg tM..nony tn (aver cf their -ptr cnty. Ty r be sofD any tergth cl Lrac at csr.r .t ting, atl a:cnivk clrarruxs u ttsmn. ei'hcr bt On. I! - cr bj- c.tf.rf art -ficialiightt. Mr. H'vrv not the Krst cbtft. but carcy njm; t!c eye ol each ruticr.t. and -u a penstMe advtce as ta tc tit;wT yc lion 01 gutscs. rjtt rhUn rinnc c4 rghtrrr. )eam in xu itr h cl - ence. Ilatrkc'a latent Kxtcnon SPRING EYE GLASS Tho Finest in lUistcncc. And arc rrcorr.mer.drti bv mr!tca Uculty throughout lhc ctnirtr. No pressure prt-tudng tnltat. N ,tlri. ger ol csncrr thsl ts vmtirr;r tt. rr. suit of wearing ctUr rye ing laith cast upon any r.t, FROM Till; c'.OVKk'Xdi; or Ltt. ISIANA. Uaton -Kiuc. La.. Jan. -j. To Mr. A. K. Hiu k s- Drar tr iloire lo Icitily la il.p mt supr-mmi) ot )oui Ci)ial.zcI Isnu . The) c,m btne great brilluncy nufi 4.ftr.c .arI pleasantness tn the the c)r. hkmc trf, any I liavr rvrr kjf... S. I). XtcKtrri. trcvrrr.. ret biUMjnt. FROM (.OVIIRNOK Uti I.ANH. ol TKXAS. To Mr. A. I- llswkrs Irar .Sir . x gives me pleasure to aj th4t I hrtr Irecn uv.r.- your gJis tor vnmr umi pastith much tatisfju.Hin. (if f, ness, nhr s ar'ii far purjvv.r n tenvle.l. tl.ry .irr 1 ot ij.uv.l i an that I have rwr ut.rn. 1 uauM rtcm-. memj thrm :. a!i u!ki uant a sjnior Klass. RrH, th.j:,. ours. Jhn lrrltn!. FROM CiV. .s. Ht'lilll.S. OF ARKANSAS. Haur.g iivj A. ; I!a.L, TM.tt. CryatftJtttJ Incftir T..,m- nvi;h. I have loun! :hm thr f,.i vt gLj-us I havr everuM.l. Nmiom . IIuI-ch, t.v. tnor t Atk ina. x FROM I X t.ov. U K. .sllLIXK. I fin.l Irtwlfti' tu w CryMJtc! Ixn us ol sujunor ijiulity. l4tin oitt Ihrm nit!, xi' ax ti n xln. W R. MiIki. I.lMvcii.r r ! Art an us. oxn i rom ini: sriiRiMj.N. oknt.of ixsniirir ior 1111; HI.INI). Mr. A R. Ilauki - Drar .sir : I i.iir tt-f ptr.i arc i .iyin th.il.cur Ssr-' taclrand JOlci.t Sjiin;; r)t 'i.t ( . ecl anytfiiii- I !.r yit Urn .ib!r to pr. curr. en.ifi:n m vi reat;thr turi print uith rasr ntni n-mioit. . a, Frank Rairtrt M l. All 1 jt s r.ttf il ai.d li tu ;:uun te wr.trsntril. CcoiiQUEnon.) A SPECIFIC FOR EFILEPST. SPiSliS. ST. THUS UiJEaAIDHCZIUSU, CHUU ETfCa, STFHUUJ, r scErFuu, mss mi . CaiElXZD EISE1SES, DnFEPSH, EHTTUSEESS, Sljr IdClCEI. EZEU2AT1SI!. KETiCuS Wimt ETEETDUS FEDSTE1TIC3, ES1I3 TftEST, EICCD SCEIS, E1U53SSESS, COTittESS, d::et mziiLi ahd hieeulhitiei ftW$I.50 pcrbclt!e at drawl lit It. 1 L EI:iz::i L'i, C:, Fn?fri Ct. ZTcmix 2 la. (1) Corrc7os!c free' ar.acrrI Wr (i.jtklsa For trt) tytr .i'a 4x2 c A. i;a. C S. mirrXTTOT, ltrt. , TarU JDirect Trrulo. JTirUem It IA JLrf ;-ar: - srrU fr Mlrrrrtt4 Zr.t .. JL fAa rrfnuir fmrimre . I V tmtry fr fJ. savAracf wp CAMlwr j:t Zjmmja,Tmll4 mm4 iVelcf Cullrry,r.rtr te t; .', :., roit Irz ,-, ri r-f m tU ta r r

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