1 i 1 lo v i tl l o Via 1 1 y -.1 r jXaunttil. pf . Carter Berkeley, manager lot I i.c .'i'cy iuiuai jue Association of Virginia," paid last year to the widows infi orphans of North Carolina over 73.000 in cash, and to-day paid into J he State Treasury $1,026.34 taxes. --s unit Observer, April lo, 1 88 7. l c Va.lcy Muiuar Lite Association' ,,i Virginia otters hie insurance pure xuu Minple, and it is "insurance that n.suics. ' li is tot encumbered and c,,c:j)i!cuted with banking and endow iiicni anJ surrender value features, .,n one thousand other schemes wtuch, while they may be well enough in Uitir respective lines, have no more t.i M with lile insurance in its tru !jot, than a pawnbroker shop has to 0 jvuth a pjstoffice. It issues poli cies tor stipulated amounts, payable at death, and at death only, at the low ast consistent with perfect security, as ji is strikingly exemplified in the lol- dpt. J. C Marquis, ot Staunton, is Uic uojoci o! policy No. 1; in tne Val uy Muiuai. The policy, which is lor $i,o.jo, waa issued beptember 23d, "78. .tji. .M. w.is then 51 'years ut ags. 1 in; loi'al cost ot tnis policy ud to A T .we.nber 23d, eight years and -o nionths, has been $122 70. or anl ..vet age of f 15 04 per year. The same amount of insurance, under the level prciiiium or old-line system, for the .-uiiic time, non-participating policy, would have cost Capt. Marquis $293 (ji ur $41 99 per year much more than uuubic the cost of his policy in the Valley Mutual, which aitference, in- vesica sLnnjuauy at six per cent, wouia i li.- .1 ' 1 I aiiTouni 10 ?)239 71. The Valley Mutual is one-of the wildest institutions ot its kiid--an in stitution which, unlike the prophet, has great honor in its own country as well as abroad. Atlanta Avalanche. Messrs. Berkeley & Arnail are the managers ol the Southern Depart ment. Olhces, Kaleigh, N. L., and (jii Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa. Lokknzo A. Bailey, Agent, Greensboro, N.C. It you want- anything tn the line o; Staple or tancy Groceries, Canned Goods laking Powders or Tea. Call on J J. W. SCOTT &. Co. 1: ; 1 )Ji- i'.it: 1 MCI! . ! ' 1 tii lrll il: t; i ,ii.r i v l.n h ! -ina; i.iit. . . ;i:i , V i'ii.u'iiUS CtHilU- li-iitf can, be .i-.n.ii: . t ,11 '1. li. M of i... 1 1 .1 I.. t ! iilM -I"! . u -. . . ; fv;.if"aj:trilla. : -ti ' .' -i.n li: in. of the . .4. V. li. .1 ! i'i l 1 .!'.( III 1. 1 .. . 1 iiit ui or my .". r . .k tii-r lss .than. V i - :ir:ti:irilla 1 ani- Twiy Cured ; i; . li.o in t found it : ii it: ti'u-ini' whatever. . . iv 1'.' a !h, :r.i.l stronger, . . ;). A. Wi'.lnnl . 2W 1 :l IS'lA i.. t 1 r I. 1 t)llt. I . .1 I V. I - ! r- 'i t. wi:! S-rofulou Sores . :0 . r iisin'4 11 few ii -:i; :ril!a. tlie sores ' ti Mi "-.i.. I linnltli A r ! i h: i J J:;i!t.-:Ii t'.in...vl. . I Apiili-ton street. I'll. .i;'v-, nn ni'nitli-i u-sn I v:n troubled with .c.-.ifu!uii. Sor- on tr !ir. The limb vus batly swulU ii :i;ul iiiilamed. and the M.ri1 .lifh:n-jjti J.nrae quantities of offen t ;ve inattt-r IiVry reinedy failed, until 1 1 uscil -AyerN SaV: apurillii. ly taking threi; butiU-s t'f this medicine the sores l.-ivi- !iri-n t ntirely tumled. and my health ifulW reslirfu..' I am jrmteful for the .rind this inetlicitie has done me, Mrs. Aim'O'lJrian.liit) Sullivan st., New York. Aye rVs Sarsapar ilia, I'lrparrd hx Dr. J. C.'Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maaa. yer & Co., Lowell, htaaa. l'rice $1; aiz bottles, fa, roUl y all DrUggUta. NOV IN USE 36.989. All persons say their goods are the best. We ask yon to ex amine our Improved Keller Poaltlre Foree Fee4,Grl. HoeU and FerUIUla BrUI nd our Uay KakThey are as good as the best, and can be sold as cheap. Aliatewar. tantedT Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine CO itewarKa OhtO tera Branch House, tlacntwa I 183 1887 AYEAR FOR . - THE DAILY WHQ THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY " HAS t)Ki.N ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED TO 75 Cents A Year THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER PUl " - J LISIIED, 'THE SUN DRY ISSU E . . AND ' .'- - ; : W EBKLY BOITIOX rOTH FOR ONE YEAR, FOR The two are cheaper and belter than a sorni-wcckly,' as you get one daily is sue and a weekly for 50 cents .less than any semi -weekly papor. DAILYSENT FREE T WO WEEKS ' Weekly Hue Moxth Free. . N Spend one-cent lor a postal card an l order one or the other on trial t " ADDRESS - , C " :;rz;: " S- :,rKiCinioND' Vax Caps Fkt & Mb .filler R&cd Gj CojrDEStD BcxrxDci No 2i" Taking fact 5., 5 Uf Monday July 2$IA. 1S87. THAIN Koirrn. Pass and, F reight Pass. MaiL LVe Bcnnnt fo 10 am! Arrive Maxton! . 11.20 Leave Max ton. J 11.30 5.1s a m 20 30 7.15 am 740 am 11.00a m Arrive Fayetteviile . Leave Fayette villc. Arrive Sanlord ? 1.30 pm 2.00 9 30 a m 4.0? "A 1.40 pm 2.15 ' 8.00 Leave Sanlord 4.15 7.25 Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro. i 1 0.00a n m vc ucrmanton.. 1 ic r.m ----- -3 -; Wnner at Fayetteville. ""rUAINSOUf h7 Freight & Pass. ' Pas sand i Mail-. x-cavc oermanion . . i.oo.Dm e Greensboro, c.oo wave ureensooro 050 am 7.00 am 1. 17 pm -55 P 0.00 pm 12.15 pm 3- 45 P" 4- 5 pm 6.15 pni vnve aaniord; '12.55 pm' 7eaYc sord-: '- " I Arrive Fayetteville 3 ro Leave"' ayetteviile.. V - - 3.30 5-15 5-25 645 Arrive Maxtnn. .... Leave Maxton Arrive Dennettsville Dinner at Srtnford. Fattory Branch Freight & Passenger r- Train moving north. ! Train moving south. L7 Millboro, 7 IGam Lv Greensb'o 5 30 pm Ar Greensb'o 9 30 am I Ar Millboro 7 35 pm Passenger and mail Trains run daily except Sunday. Freight. and Accommodation Train runs between Bennettsville and Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and between , Fayetteville and Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation train runs between Greensboro and Fayette ville on Mondays, Wednesdays aTid Jbridays and between i-ayetievuie ana Beinettsville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Trains on Factory Branch run daily except Sunday. . Close connection is made at Maxton with Carolina Central Railway Passen ger Trajns to and from Wirmington. J. W. FRY, General Superintendent. W. E. KYLE, General Pass Agent. BATTLE SKETCHES. 25 Anniversary of the, Great Battles and Campaigns 01 the Civil War, The Ouartcr-Cenlennial of all the Engagements and Campaigns of the battle year i862 will occur during 1887. This year, commencing JtJarcJt IO, the . Greensboro North State, Greensboro, N. C. Will publish a sketch of each impor tant battle and campaign of the civil J war during I662. beginning with the engagement between the MERR1MAC and MONITOR, fought Maich 9. 1862. ..a - . a t- w w-v a t ana tne name 01 I'tA kiljij :ouenc March 7th and 8th, 1862. These will be followed at propc dates with Shi loh, the Peninsular Campaign, includ ing Cold Harbor, June 28, 1862. STONEWALL JACKSON'S Cam paign against Banks Milroy and Fre mont. THE SEVEN UAYS tsEbOKE RICHMOND. POPE'S CAMPAIGN including Cedar Mountain. Gainsviiie Chantilly. SOUTH MOUNTAIN and A NT I ET AM; tlie- invasion of Ken tucky by 3iagg and Kirby Smith; Corinth and Stone River. These sketches will ' be fohowed next year by the stories ol the battles of 1863, and so on each-year, until the close at Appomattox. This series of skethes will close in April, 1890, and will give an accurate historical and statistical record uf the great civil war. yThe sketches wili be handsomely illus trated, and all combined will make a .vajuable-and impartial history of the great struggle. ' " TERMS ; Greensboro Ko'rth State $1.50 a year in advance. KEOGH & BOYD. - "Greensboro. The Wilmington Star, REDUCTION IN PRICE. Atteiiti'Hi i 'rjtH'-d to the f!lowing rcduCerl r.it. s 'o suhscriptiH. cash in advance: : : - O.ie Year -. '.. . . . ..-.. .$600 Six Month-s. . . . . . . . . .. ... ; ... . . . Three Months. . . ... ... .. . O c M .i.t h .... ; . .:. . . . -... . -. - THE WEEKLY STAR. One Yef. . . v. . . . . ;'.. Six Months. Three Months. . 300 iS - o o- 6. 33 Our TclejMajdi News service Jas re- .a ' ' " ' a - ? L " a . I ! a cenuy neea . larceiv incrt .w,v.a..u 11 -r our determination to keen the STAR up to the highest standard or newspa per excellence. Add less, W.M. II. BERNARD. v " Wjlmingion. N. C. f . . Agents - - AINTS OF TIJC : Wanted for INNEBS EEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and .vorn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feci fresh and strong ? You can continue feeling miserable and good for n thing, and no one but your self can find fault, butikyou are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. UiMtrli, O'oio. Not. 5, i82i. Gentlemen 1 hire tuffeird with paw ia ay W ud back, and treat orraes m bt breast, with tLoot. ing pains a3 through my body at tended with creat weakness, depres. c.ripim,r "4 loss cf appe tite. I have ukensewal different nedianes, and was treated by prom- Bitten : I hare now iiVm am K..t. nd a half and am about weil pain in side and back all gone-soreness all out of my breast, and 1 hare a good appetite, and am gaining ia strength and flesh. It can justly be Cabled the king c mtdkitut. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia," Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney r! leases. Too claim too mncb for Saxaiu BaT8aslcepticMIIow can one medicine be 'a Bpeclflc for EpL leper Dyapepala, AlchoIlam Oplua Batinfff Rhematlamv SpermatoT That, or Seminal Weakness, and fifty ther complaints?" we claim it a $pcxjic sim Dlr. because the virus of all diseases arises from the blood. ' Its Nerrlne, Resolvent, AlteraUre and Laxative propertiesmeetalltbecondltions here la referred to. It's known world tcidt as It qnieta and composes the patient not by the Introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, but oy tne restoration or activity to tne stomacnana nervons system. vncreDT tne Drain is relieved of morbid fancies, which are created by the causes above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men. Mer chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whese sed entary employment causes nervous prostration, irregularities of the blood,' stomach, bowels or kidnevs or who reauire saerre tonictPDtlxeroi stimulant, Saxabitax Nxrtetb is invaluable. Thousands proclaim it the most wonderful inrig orant that ever sustained the sinking system. $1.50. Sold by all Druggists. The DR. S. A. RICH MOND MED. CO., Proprietors. St. Joseph, Mo. CHILLED PLOWS. TIIE3E PLoWS have renuine chille4 mould boards which are harder loan steeL llaring the alop Ine landide. som! reversible slip points, they are the beat running and most economical, to the farmer, of any flow, made. GRAIN DRILL. This Drill haj force feed IUtrtb vrs for boc wbeal a 4 grass need, asd ha the only Fer- ,liliirr attscbmeBt tuat win sow sucki phosiate. It is the aimslest. lirhtest runninr and b" Drill made. BRITISH MIXTURE . Tbia ce!ebr?jed Fertflixer hs gained It great pofularity not oulj on account of the rice; bat be eaoe, its effect ire anifaraib E ZOO LBS. BRITISH :.3XIURB I I,, 1 jL WHITMAN gnod, and It bss been ftand to f ir more Fertilizer for each dollar BAirtManr paid tbas can be procured ram y stacr asawts. " t)f5ce aiid Salesroom, Na 104 SlGlmrles Street. BAivriMoitE, MI.V ' MAN LTACTUItit Or ; s - - ' Agricultural Specialties .v j.tkum ior my Urtr, kid ners, and spleen, but I cot no relieC I (bought I WOtll' trw limn.'. I mm A Sluqqish Lher Ca3r tW Stoaaach al Rowels to mw crmm dlaordrml, aM tho wboU rjiuzm to lafTer trocx debility. Ia all such taw JLjtt nils sirs rrasr ralkL After much snfferis frca LIttt ba4 Stotnara tmatlca. I Iar fiaallj ta rureJ hy taain Ayer'a Cathartic IHla. I always tn4 tWia rvrtajH aad tborveca ia tlketr artKra. aad thir ocraaiooal asa keps Mti pertcrtlj bemltliT road. tkn- lUlpb W enxaa. Aaaapolia. UL Twaty-flT years a-o X suffered from a torrcd lirer. wLirh was rrstorel to bealtay action l-r talla- Ayer'a IHis. t'iacti that time X hare nerer tee a wiO cat them. They realsta the bowels, assist digestion, and iaereasa tha arp. ttte. more surely than any other ml cine. Iaul Churchill. 11 a re r hill. Mass. INVIGORATED. I Vnow cf no remedy eual to Ayer'a mils for Stomifh and lirer disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Urer, and Xiys Pri 'or eighteen months. My skia , was yellow, axul my tongue roatM. I bad no appetite, suffered from Head ache, was pale and emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer'a lllls, taken in moderate doses, restored m lo perfect health.- Waldo Miles. Obexlin, Ohio. Ayer'a nils are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig orate tho digestive organs, errata an appetite, and remove the) horribi de pression and despondency resulting from Urer Complaint. I bare used theao mils, in my family, for years, and they never fail to cre entire satisfac tion.' Otto Montgomery, Oshkoah, Via. Ayer's Pills, Prrpare4 br Ir. J. C. Ayr JL CV. Lovtll. Uaa. Bold by aU Irugais sad Ieakrs ia Italic la. 37 Court Place- LOUISVILLE, Kl?, A t:xr1r -rtJ u4 U ayasM m4 Ua ' l IMIIlf J, a. kit MClMI I Sparmatorrbea and Impotaaey at U mil .ub Im h i i la m. !lAt-Ui N KraMM, !m1 I '' ,ai mm 4, mm i auui rr. unprvnvr 9mmn nprmrr r ww (, tackl a4 - atlrnnl SYPHILIS UTr QuEJZT, SMrtara, OrcaitU, Urn, &n it" u tkr imii tcU7 wi. wtia clmma ! in.i n, trmml'mg Uwmli kilt!ritT for triifnt, mlrtao M m Ml MMJt aa MltJy ay rsprwaa7ara, Cores Onarantaad in all Casa nndertajtan. twmTtj r j lw fta a4 bowl CWpi rw wU u4 iinumfaan ablcUy mlliiruL A PRIVATE COTJNSXXOR v a.t frwa u .1 4 r. v. FwMu.ttaar.) Words Fail. Wonis fail to espress my grati tude " says ilr. Selbt Carttb, of Nashville, Tcnn., "for the t?cofits ?eriTed from AyerJs Sarsaparilla. llaring been afflicted all nry life with Scrof , nla, my system seemed saturated with It. It came out tn Blotches, TJlcers, and Mattery Sores, all over my body. Mr. Carter states that he vas entirely cored by the use of Arm's Sarsaparilla, and slnea diseon tinuing Its use, eight months ago, b has had no return ot the scrofulous symptoms. All baneful Infectious of the blood art . promptly remored by this unequalled altera tire. rairARED ar - Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggists; II, six bottles for IS. HAS DEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for E (CIDNEY DISEASES. Does s lame bek or disordered nrlaa indl- e oata that you are a ioUm P TEXX DO KOT r HXSXTATZt Tiaa auoney.wort at oaot, lara KlatsraoommcndtUaadit wtUap Hty err oozne the dlacn and taatore hclthr action. e nfllar Toe conpLaXata peeullarl lClUICa tl7euracx.ach,aapaiap I'll nuini ra BUd&ay-wcrt U vnaarpaMed. aa It wilt set promptlj- and aoXely. EitfcarSax. laoomtlaenoa, rctenum ervruia, brick, duat or ropy dapoaita, and daU draxftna pains, all apeedily yield to ita craUve powarl K (5- 80IJ BT AIJL. BSUOOXST3. Trlea tl. THL PROPOSAU- He. M daxlif you look irrcsistlU, oTcly to-night I SJLe. Do I? Thanks Ycry much! yoa are handsome as a Prince, Charley, in yod dress suit. - : - . . Cire the crecat to theDiAxoxa. Shirt, my lore, thich I wear for tha first time to-night; U is that which girts tone t my toilette. Here is its prototype (Ep ping the Diamond . engagement ring oa . x finger). " SAe. May our lore be as enduring as : e fame of ' 1 'The DuuoxD Shirt." JUleau, . aaA. a m I ipw a. a a a IsJ r U 2. ; Ifyoot dcilcr dor iot Veep It, Krai Ua adireu to l)aait ai lor & Co sole mamicrorcro, lUii ore. M4- . CAROLINA CENTRALRAILROA COMPANY. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. Ortand ailrr thilatr. the foC'-owir; Schedule will be operated on lhi Kxil road. PASSENGER. MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily Zxctrr Suxdat. I Leave Wilmintoa at.. 710 p.m Leave Raltl-h at 7 00 p ra Arrive at CbaHottc....6 5$ a ra Leave Charlotte at. .. .S 4 J per. Arrive at Raleijh at. .,9 00 a ea Arrive at Wilmington. 7 4j a tn Local Fruch PaiCCar Atuched. Leave Charlotte at 7 40 am wmve ai Laurtntmrz at.....ac ora Lea re Laurinburgat ;....6 1 5 a m Arnre at nar'xtte at 4 40 p rn Leave Wtlmictoa at -.6 j$ am Arrive at Lauriaburj at 4 2$ p tn Leave Laurinburx at j 15 am Arrive at Wilmington at 3 jj p tn Local Freight between Wilmington and Laurinburg Tri-Weeklv leaving Wilmington on Mondap. cdneidaj-f and Fridays. Leave Laurinburr 00 Tuesdays. Tbursda)s and Saturdays. Passenger Trains stop at regular Stations only, and Points designated ia the Company! Time jTable. Siilxbt Division. Xassc5cck. Mail, EXfRESS AND FRriGIIT. Daily except Sunday. Leave Charlctte 7 35 a m No.j Shelby... 11. 10 am Arrive EUenboro. ... 12 00 m ar- a j Leave fcJienDoro 12 35 pm o. 4 " i-eave rjety..i 25 prn I Arrive Charlotte ? 2 c n m Trains No. t and 2 make close con nection at Hamlet with R. X A. Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wil mington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville. Stations Western N. C. R. R.. Asheviile. and points West. Also, lor Spartanburg. Clrccnville. Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. L. C JONES. Superintendent. F. W. Clark, Gen. Passenger AgcnL il llkaaMIMMIIitl Ktrtr Faili U IlMtsrs Cray ar TaXTuaU ataU Get 1 V 108 A,' 1 Besl (iisf tr. Hacks, Massrsas, buniagla sad mny of Utte aacdjctaca kawn ara beva ce Laacdialoaaacdadoeor saach varied ad cflcctrra powers, aa to aaakc the Creaacat tioJ Pn&c k UW lest Btaia aai stresfta Rcstaeir Cm Ctri. Il ctancs DrTTia. Hhwiaaiam. PkrtJoiaai andueaacsu im Sttnack, tovtk Laaxt. Lrrcr. Kalners, aa4 all rcsaaW CcMRbbioti. y U rm arevaauar awiy auk CoaaaTa eel any diaraac.aae tba TowtC taday. Il rvi utrthf H Mtam ef Cuirer aad ether Toua. as at UuW ptbsytni vakwl iatoacauag joe atvi f auca, at all dealer wdmn. N e- itmi wboqt SaraaturaUitrCOX &LoN Y. Scad lor ovcaiaf lajuix axri-xa 1 icnxa T)3 Dotxaa sxza. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion want or Appetite,l 033 of Strength . lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON DIT TEFtS never falls to euro nil these diseases. Boston. NoralT r, itti. Them CasaucAL Co. Gcstiraaea : tar year T Sav hn a rTt mSctti frc-m Ljrtppia. sad could (rt ao rabrf (Lavtf tried rvcrytiaa bica was moaaaacad. cd) amtil. actias m tS advics s Crtcttd, ko kad brca bcscCuad by Eacnnrs Iao fci rraa. I uiad a bectic, vita aaoat urvii&t rcsalta. PrcTMata to luit tlwai a Imcrm Errrsaa, rvrytaif 1 aaflnxd 1 at eatrcaad UtrmiBf aaaitiw la tb atoaaaca, vkich was atabcaralie. Staca ta ltT BaowWs iao Ikmn, a3 sk. trmblcaaraataacsd. Caacatasjr tiaas without ssy diiafTrcaUs r Stdta. 1 ass prctic3r aaclLcx Sin. w. J. Iim, y Uarcxick S L. Coaaoa. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS sets like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching Heat In tho StomachT, Heartburn etc -The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or givo headache. . . . Sold by all Druggist. ' Brown Chemical Co. . Baltimore, Kd. a. t&aS u. Iroa lUttrn ara maJ by iVowm CVraatcal Co, U!tuarc. ad bare croad red Laa axl trd v Boa, c wTapfcr. DEViAni: OF XMtTATION Suffer r' --j V mx the vj j.jf Aton ot CTt rt Sacc- tan4 ttr.riranrj Ia their if-fn:4 tZ Uton, Oar trail. -r.asialt arr f m-n T-l croon. Senator. . Lr-iiUtora anj frcsn tbc most- diatipQiaJveJ ! branches ol ukste ha Ka iv... siHt trnrnrrri t thr.r a v. ' UuprcceientcJ Sales Ertryahrrr. OTtrat!mnr triiim ia taor cf thc- sc:crioritr. Th- n. bciacrn any Urzih o4 time at one ait un. ar.u c;e a:oau!..j clearortt ot ruon. cither tn cami'" or tr other arti Dctalihu. Jtr.HmWtnoi orJr hit the beat cUvrs. tmt cartfuUr eajunHet the ncol cac?Tpalsrnt. acil Ctr.-a iuli peasib!e adticc at to the- rroper aelec lion ol classes. hr:c hJ in cirxr imcr oJ hteenjmrt in r . lUvh ci ence. Hsvko a Patent 1'jttcnalon SPRING EYE GLHSS Tho Finest la lUlttcnce. And arc feoxnmenrfevl liy the medical Ucu!tr throughout the cuuntry. No pressure protucinj; in UAtion. No dan. Iter ot career th it it acmcti.-ne i! rr- su.tor rnr ether eyelava. test. mjj wun tilt uin any nor. rKUM THL CtlVLKNCK OK ,LOU 1MANA. To Mr. A. K. lllvr-I)rir Sir 1 desire lo lrUfv to the great superiority Ol jour Cr atallred Lr net. They com. a" a a a - - o;nc greai rriuancy witn witness anj picasantnea to the the eye. rpoev thaa any I harr errr round. S. D. McLnery, Gore rnor ot Louisiana. FROM GOVERNOR IIIELANI). OF TFJSIAS. Tu Mr. A. E. Hawkes Dear Sir ft gires me pleasure to say that I hate been uin- your glasses lor seme lima past with much satisfaction. For clear nes. 5o!tncs nd for all purposes n terded. they are not surpassed by any mat 1 r.avc ever worn 1 would recom mend them to ali ho want a superior glass. Respectfully yours. John Irelind. FRUM (k)V. s. I. HUGHES. or ARKANSAS, Having used A. K HawLt'a Crysta'.ucd Lcnc for vme months, I nave louna thrm the hncat guiict 1 hair crcr use.!. hsmom r. IIus;hm, iovzir.or ol Arkacvav. FROM LX i'.OV. W- R. NilLUIR. I fintl Hawkc's new Ctallrni Len ses o! superior quality, having worn them with rat a-t Miction. W. R. Miller. . Ka-(Jovcrncr of Arkanvat. ONE FROM THE SLTERINTFIN. DFINT. UK INSTITUTE FOR THE ItLINI). Mr. A. K. lUwkrvIcar Sir: 1 take jrrcat pleasure in a)inj ihat our Hpr. tadc and patmt spring ryc-gUiim ti ed anything I Lave ytt tcrii able to pro cure, enabling me :o read thr firvrst print vrlth eavr? and eomlort. F'rank Rainc), M. O. All eyes littrti am! the fit guarante iref Callum lUm. Co w.amntr.f. A SPECIFIC FOR XT EFILEFST. Srl!l jt. mcs cir;E. ii::::um, :c"ruu. urn m. i:um:miu.iis,mtmi. tmcstraj, ti:r lazii, . mizzi n:mm:x EiujusnEsi c:sTinrit ! ic:n Trails ia irrxnnna. TbCr.S.L Eii::i L:l; C t, Fnp'rc. Ct. ?cp3a, OXa. (1) Con trpoodVnc frt?y imtral by s4rtklaaa i Tor tcallsaoalals aaJ circaiarS C I. CtmXJTO J, lrrat, Xe TsrU Direct Trade. 2frUm U fX ArW -a'' s(JU arvrld Sit nr. rUt fJ sm vxfraai fmefv . im I V." jmmlry fT IJas aad J i C tlrrifpIlrr CWi, iVaaaas jd at yreatl rarirf y mtkrr JZrrtmm4l0 fT.LXDAJU JIJ.T:CZ2:. fr rrrry d U, cti lett trhem rrrrl w ri is ft A

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