' ' , .-;. : .. ....... THE MORNING NEWS, " By J. S. HAMPTON. py hushed Daily, LrEPT Sunday. RATES OF XUBSCiUITlOH, I.V ADVAKCE X One Year 'hy Mail';, Postage aid. i, 4 00 Si, Mth, , " 2 qo Three Months, " " , Two Months.- " ' One Month, " - " . TocifysubscrilxTi. k-!iereit in aoy part of thcciry ai k as prr week. S .avtrusetHents inserted tn Local column at any An xtra charge will tnado for double -column or ri.!c-col-nn aJvcrtt:aents. All r.nnounce.nt-nts and recornendat ion of candi. Utis for office, will Wcliarged as advertisements. A.lvertisc.fr.ts to folio reading matter, or to occupy "P--cia place, w at not bo received. Amufcc-mcnt, and Official advertisements 50 cts per Kjuare for eacolujtioa; AJvcrttscmWts kept - under-the bd "of "New Advertisement" will be diarged fifty per cent, extra. Payments for trr.aiicnt advertisements must be r.ta.l: in advance. Keinifiices uiust.be m4a b deck. Draft, Postal Money Order, Epre, or in Registered Letter. Only Mich retnittanca will be at the rule of the pub lishers. . ' Under the head of "Special City Items," business notices will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line very insertion. THS EAILEOADS. AUUIVAI. AND DEPARTURE OF. TRAINS. KUHMONl AKO DANVILLE KAILKOAD. An ivos iroiii Richmond at..., 9 43 am - xo.33 p m .t;nci for KichiiKiml at 8.32 am ' Q-5SPm NORTH C A H04.i:4 A KAILKOAD. i Arrives froui Charlotte at 3.2a a in .. . . ...... Q-o p m Leaves for Char !;;t: at.; 9.43 am ........'....,.. 10.44 P Arrives from Oc'dsboro at 9.30 pm 10.20 pm 7.40am l.f:iv:s i r ( loidsljoro at................... 9.50 am 6.00 am " 10.20 p m IvOK rU-WKHTEKN N. C- KAILKOAU ri ivs ft om Salo.M at. ..... . . '. ............. 8.00 a in " 1 " ...................... 9.24 pm l.f.iV'.-s for Salem at . . 4, 10.00 a m - .j. . xo.54 p m C f. AND. V. V. KAII.Rf'AK. Arrives from Kayetteviiie at 1 ..... , 7.25 p ra I .caves for fayctttville at 9.5a a m Arrives from' Walniit CoV? at "v.. ...5.00 p. m. Leaver for Walnut Cove- at .to.oo a. m . .' .W1. - THE POSTOFflCE. Mails for the North close ut 3.ooL in. -and 9.00 p.ia. Charlottu 9.00 900 Raleigh " . y.po ' Saluni ' " 900 9.00 'ayutteville " 9.00 - - 'llie inont-y order and registered letter otfice will lily he yen from 900 a. m to 6 p. in. General DJivery is open from 8 a.m. until '7 p. m vxcepi when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pemiig tlie Eastern night mail. " . Suiuhty hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a. m lor alf hour ; and half hyar after the opening of "the mails Ivoiu loth North Md South. 'J'he lock-boxes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10130 p. m. it- HJS3IDSNT CLSKCiMEN. Ptcsbytcrian : , Or J Henry S:nith, N. Cnurch St. " .Jiev E.-W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro I'aptist : Kev WR. CJ vUaey, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J, E. Mann, W. Market St.' Cw.V. S.nith.S. (iroiishoro. i4cthodist Protestant : Rev. J. I Mlclaux, N. Greene S - J. R. Rail, Spring ?t Episcopal: Rev. A II. Stubhs, N. Ehn St. , .. PRODUCE MARKET . Apples retiu, per bu . . . . ................ . : Uacoic hog round , . Ilttf .V........ ... . . 50a 60 . . . jaS ..15320 1 . . .ax 8 . . ifazo . . ioai5 , . . . .865 .. . . af5 ...6 t-7 .. .12-14 ..7a6 41-2 3. ..ioaia ......10 .....40 .' 75 4 00 33 75 ..50060 35 . . . . 637 ...6oa75 25 ......56 ...1 1-4 ...31-2 ...... 30 .....20 .. 75380 - l.iiirer Heeswax Chii:kiis Id j sprin; . ... .. yrn now . Corn Meal v..;..... Piled IVitit : !i! ickberrios.- Cherries.... ., ... Apples. Peaches, unpared 1-7, ' - . unpared 1-4, " ' . pared ............ . K-gs . .. . ... Feathers flaxseed ............ Hour Family ............ Superfine '.'. '...., 0;.t '-rk ..: Peas. l',..n's-f r:sh ........... w SwiCt....' Rags Cotton Callow ... . ........ ' W . l wn-ih.nl "Jil'i. V.1 . . uuw.f.;..,.l . W..,.T. ........ ..... . - KRUil. FR1CKS OK GKOCERIKS. , " Sides..;...... '..':' ., - . "uaii -j:- -.-........ . Should, rs..'... ; Cheese ... '...... ..,.............-. Coffee Rio....... -....10 ......16 8 .V....M . ..22a 5 Inntors arid patentees and all hav ing business With the U. S. Patent Oi ticc are invited to communicate vit,h me . with confident reliance upon my fidelity - 1 to their interests., ' ISrew invenjJous patented. Old inven tions ';JrrirdrM "and rejected applica tions revived. Caveats filel. Trade marks Vegistered. ' - Prompt attention. SkilJtul service Moderate charges; Surd model or ; sketch foi Iree repott as to patentability. " Preliminary in .ormatiou cheerluf.y ' r lurnisheai V ; ; rt Kpk:S:.: ' ;:: Vr A. S. f YATIS, z Solicitor ot! American , and Foreign Pat. : ents, 816 F Street. 'N"'.. V.K Wiuhfnnrton r n C ! 1 -. Vol 2. THE LATEST NEWS. - s vmtws c.f wrrio us Ut Decline the IlutMlant Pro posal Concerning Bulgaria- Londox, Aug. 28-Turkey has roiitoca to asjent to Ra!aa9 proposaU for coercive action torda Bulgaria, either inj the form of occupation or by aending Artin Effendi with a Russian Commissioner to Bulgaria to secure the election of a new Bobranje and a .new Prince. Turkey prefer to await concerted action by all the powers ridrties to the Berlin treaty to hastening a quarrel with the Bul garians, j It is the general opinion of me leaciicg European diploraaU that Germany gave her assent to the Russian proposals for an Ottoman commission and a Russian General to settle th6 Bulgarian question merely to place herself in a position to be able to prevent Russia from taking any precipitate action which mlgh again set tho Balkans ablaze. : Vienna, ' Aug.. 28 Diplomatic represen atives hero say that ; tho statemec t that the powers would! re call their agents from Sofia Is with out foundation. Austria, Italy and England do not mean to withdraw, their age nts at present. The transfer of Baron Thielmann from Sofia to DarmstaJt, which was hastily ! in terpreted as Germany3 withdrawal, was the origin of the report. Baron Thielmann will remain in Sofia for some time. St. Petersburg, Aug. 25.-The Journal e St, Petersbourg says the Berlin Tblatfs suggestions that the powers recall their agents from Sofia is valueless unless the powers also demand redress and a restoration of the right4 violated by Prince Ferdi nand. The-only act of devotion to the Bulgarians that is- left for that Prince to accomplish, says the Jour nal is to fruit Bulgaria forthwith. tfnser X Laryngeal irarl. Philadelphia, Aug. 28. The MedicaLi(cws of this week will pub- lish Prof. Virchow's conclusions as to of the Crown Prince of , read before tho Berlin the case Germany Medical .Society. According , to the- Medtcal News, Prof. Virchow has .not discovered any appearance Indica tive of malignancy in the specimens of the gmwth submitted to him, and from his knowledge of pathology ho does not hesitate to pronounce the morbid growth in the Crown Prince's larynx to be a simplev wart without any cance rous tendency. The fact of recurrenca docs not militate against this view, and he expresses the opinion that every recurrence of the growth can be uccessfully removed as it presents until, as In the history of similar cases, final eradication is accomplished. Ordered to Leave. Vienna, Aug. 2?. Baron Na thaniel Rothschild has been ordered to leave Vienna for making .insult ing, ran arks about the Archduke Charles Louis, brother : of the Em peror. ' . Sluns Ho in fanily fair. Steels in the drapery at the back of dresses lifiTho - skirt two or three inches I rum the ground so as to exhib it Fl ra McFlimiiey's heels. Gainesborough hats are .fash ionable as they were two seasons, ago, and, il anything; a trifle larger. , - The latest nonsense recommended for a" beautiful complexion. - is to rub the. face 'night and morning with olive oil. '.: " ' - ; P;cturesque garden p.irty hats are of cream colored India muslin shirred upon fine wiresf a:d, trimmed with garlands of pule yellow daisies with Ik arts f golden brow.. Solid Sim i)re9c, A lady -of Indianapoli once said to mo that if 'she had the choice of a silk dKts or an assortment if CIema lis 'jficred her, she would accept the latter This :s a facl. - ' '- ' ' DKVorep to the tmxwn or tu ctrr or attzMxioto. akdof the stat. Greensboro, N. c, TuEsSnY.. auG. "30,T887: Mrs. Richardson, a member of the Salvation Army, who is a trifle too old to pass for a Salyation lassie, enter tained a big crowd on .the public sqare yesterday afternoon. In the course of a twenty minutes' eihoiU-J tion. she tid the following among other things: -A saloon-keeper is the devil's ad vance agent." "I haven't got any use lor these kind of people that keep their Chris tianity in a bandbox six days in the week and take it out on the seventh,''! -There isn't a church in this city that has got the spirit of God in it. They will guarantee yu a seat in heaven for $50 a year." -You can't get Christianity intoa tool any more than you can get bo logna sausage from a rattle snake." . "Do you think that a man with a chew of tobacco in his mouth "and a bottle of whiskey (n his pocket is a fit temple for the spirit of God?" 'I would try to get into heaven just to keep out of the company there is jn hell, if for no other reason." "The Salvation Army is the people's church. You don't have to wear a silk dress there to get religion." -Jay Gould wiir have to take his brimstone straight, just the same as the poorest criminal." Kansas City Journal. JTZrM Goodloe's JTarrow Etcape. A Waihingtonian. who has returned from Capon Springs, brings the in- formation of the recent narrow escape from drowning of Mrs Godloe. the wife of Major Goodloe of the marine corps, and daughter of Senator Beck, She was bathing with some friends in the ladies pool which is very deep in some places. While ascendinjr the slippery stone steps that lead into the poil her fou slipped and she fell in to deep water and was unable to extrii cat e herself. A Counle of workmen heard the scream of the other ladies, and bursting in the door of the build ing plunged into the water, and were just iu time to recuu her. They were both liberally reard-d xby Major Goodloe. Washington Star. His Jfame ts Legion A Martinsville correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch has this to say about the negro man Ilaixston, who' was arrested at Leaksville. N. C, several days ago. charged with steal ing a horse and cow from residents in Henry: A negro by the name of Joe Tyre Hairston was arrested in Leaksville. N. C, and the property recovered. Joe is now confined in a North Carolina jail awaiting a requisl tion from Governor Lee, the -papers for which were forwarded today by Commonwealth's Attorney Granby. Joe claims to be a pal of James Clark and that .Clark helped to do the steal ing. He was to sell and they were to divide the spoils. Clark is being hunted for and it captured will .not escape aain.". Photographcd By Lightning. A heavy storm pa'ssed over Fayette township last night. While it was in progre Amos J. Biggs, a trustworthy farmer, went iut his back yard to frighten awiy surae fighting cats, so intent were they on exte.tuina ing one another as to allow Farmer Bigtrs to approach within a few feet t them. At the same instant there wm crash. and an electric bolt s.rack a wood pil ; scattering it, and stITened the cats in an intense rigor mortis. - 4 . Aside from a prickly sensation and sodden but not severe contraction of the muscles, Mr. Biggs experienced no unpleasant effect. Wbn Bigs returned to the huse.hij wife tok oneIook at him and tainted. 01 re covering she cxclimcd;- Oh. Amoi the devil has et his mark r u!" whereupon - Biggs looked in the glass and saw the image of a cat plroto graphed in silhouette up n his broad forehead. - All cflort." t Wiish 'it off were unavailing TBH BAPTIST qUXZtUKL. XVhUh hag Bieu Precipitated by Bev. .nr. tPlttlamM. COLUMBUS. G a,. August 23. The laquircr-Sun pubhihes Rev. A. E. Williams9 reply to the cud of Rev. R H. Harrif. which his a 1 real ap peared in print. The foil itn is Rer. Mr. Williams com-naatcati 1:1: - FoarsoM. Ga?Augat 2S. To the Eoqulrer-Suo : 1 am painrl anj grieved to see thst my article in your issue of the 33rd instant was so mis coostiued as to ca!l forth a rebuke from one' whom I lore and rcve. s 1 ouch as I do the : Rev. K ibsrt H. tiasris, 'moderator and chairman .0 the executive committee of the C lumbui association.' I , have beo denied the pleasure of a personal ac quaintance, but 1 have learned to I jvc him as I love ray father for his nole Christian character, his deep piety, and his consecrated life. In the fust place let me inform my brethren, a d the public at large, that I am in 10 way responsible for the caption that appeared at the head ol the article, in 1 0 the next place I must say to my be joved brother, and to the public, th-it my article was written from the pur est of motives.' It was written fiom a deep sensi of Christian duty, and I am not ashmcd of this article. I be lieved and still believe that the mint, term question was preaching an scriptural doctrine, and that he ought to be put on trial before the public for it. I am clad to learn that in Hamilton, in his 11 o'clock sermo:i last. Sabbath, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Arnold, boldly and forcibly denounced the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, as preached the day before by Rev, Mr. Wilson. So far as dictating to the assocu Uon Is concerned, I .regret that my brother thinks that any rne-nber of his association should be so ign rant ot Baptist usajje as to attempt to d c tate to a free and indrpjnd-nf bolr. whete one man's vwtc is worth just as much r as: another's. I -still more deeply regret that my brother., th: pastor of the First fliptist of Co!ut.i bus, and "m iderator and chairm in of the executive otn nit tee of th Co' umbus association should csp t!ie cause of a minister of the gspk.t who dares to preach to th- people that the soul of mm is mortal. If he continues to do this, the ajs-cinti -n may p"iisi bly have to deal with iu moderator, or with the church that sustti.K hi :i. Andrew E. Williams. THE MCGANLESS HOUSE, Danbuhy. n. C. 4 Dr. W- H. McCanless, Prop. This house his been enlarged and newly fitted up for the sprcial acC'm modation of summer visitors to Pied mont Springs and the mountains. John Verralla's popular Italian String Band (consisting .f harp, t-o Violins and flute) has been engaged to make music tor the guests of this house during the season. Board $16 per" month. $5-pcf week Sr per day. JTcvo School. Miss Nellie Dixon will open her school f ir boys and girls of n!l aoes in the Linday office nriji.iix her home August 8;h. - Priniaiy instruction a spccialtv. English. Miut. Frcnrh and E'ocutioit taught. Valunblo Pioperty for Sale. One new cottage on Spring street. South Greensboro. One house and lot near McMahon lactoiy. One house and lot near 'Presbyterian church. Two houses and lots in South Greensboro. Several ood bidding lots in the eastern suiburbs .1! the City. One hundred acrt-s of U-i J two miles southwest Oicenvi .rn. LTwo hundred and twcutv"iw .icc ol land in Kanclolpu countv. tjt fni.n- mation apply to - . . r Samtlr S. Hrcwn.. tf. . GrefnsU jrt.. S . C. Lots "on the LincUay .-Tract for ' - . Sale. . . . ' . - .Th tcact of Iar.fi .in the ii'othcrn pari if Greensboro wl.ich. wa b'cly purchased by me is " now 'plotted lind laid -but in most desirab'e oui.ih'ng lots, which I propsc to dispose of at most reasonable rates. Intending purchasers will please apply to me. B J. Fisher. im. . Benbuw'Housc. No. W 7 Try IL What P Kin- . K. Hrcad. plain Twist Hrcad. Medicated Graham Ilrcad. Rye Crra.!. DLiai Cakes, Djchess Cake. Wafers an J roj ;i! haVe 00 other. CUIl fjr them at the Cty Ilakeii. J. 11 Wtsr. Returned. King, the Baker. And he can be found at the Ci r Ilakcry. He is the bsi baker in ths State, and reprctfuJy ajVs that yoa give Ms bread a trial. baking is loo well kn -wn lor furth-r c nnrcenf. Buy once and you ill have r.o vthr bread. Kr-KCtfu;iy. I. II. Wtsr. White & DoushiyT Dealers in Fancy Groceries. Con. feci ion 1. Cigars. Tobaccr. Ci2artttcs. &c. under IWnbow Hal). Give ut a call. Goods delivered to a!l parts o! trre city Jrce of charge. Call and see the biggett melons in town. Fresh lot ust rcceirel from Fayctteviile. Houston & Ufo BEAE IN lmiD ! That I will call on the business mm of ureensooro wtthsn the next ten djys in the interest of the -Sketch ok the Battle of Guilford Court House. which will be issued, in nrat punphlet form, fr.mi ti.e presses ot Messrs. Thomas. lire co C.. aKuU the firt of September. No better medium has ever been offered .ur business men through which to place their business before the leading public. Ths is no shoddv. Cheap John advertismj- sheet bat will be a work that will be pre-' served by all, on account of its histor ical nature. I ULWKANtr.K SATISFAC TION or no chirgcs will be 'made. Ilo.d your order for ariv:rtising until ou ee me. and plant ytui ads. where they will bring f-.vth good fruit and plenty of i Ke,pcctfui!v. a,J-2 I t H. . Elam. For R-nt. A few nice rooms in "Crntr..! Hotel building'! at $i.o-. $2.00 .md.Si.sn rcr month. Apply to H. II. T.rr tf . M m Active Soap Free! bd sevcrat hirndicd c ud sc it tercd throughout the citv vrsrerday wh.r when presented to Mcsrs. Al hrilst McKftg. J icn) Jones ot .,Ur. rives the holder of t!,c r od will g-t one caktt of "Active Sip Sv vr c ud and grt atrnkc ol N'n. laun drvsoip. H rsitjX ,v Hro. Agents. Whether lru:r. swjmpv l-nd or M-g-U-t pK5. .it f:, ;j , :;v g.ivc if ci: sv".C5. ,!..! ui j M,tsnr' .tr w n.o?m-. Ay-i's .Vue Care, taken ac orr!iijg r, din crion-, -a uarran'.crl p-.cfic lor r.: jo rial lior.fcr. Com- itirj s-r ou b'Uirr Cu.; Pdc?!o's Fiva Cc-U Zzvizrz lank or (;kei.n:iro. n cT lnciap, rated Api;I 1H37. un der the i.avvs ot .N..irh (Jar mi .n. Open lor bain- s-'u: 2. 1SS7. Under rig d eta -ninit: m ..: Corn missioner app jo.t -f! hy" ihi Gcrnr d the S . it . Character rf.d .n:oiii t 4 of i$ uniM menti carefully limited bv Statu'c- Rcceives deposits m.tn J.ve cents to t wo thotJ.m-1 d:iirt ifnt my 1,1c pe$on. Pays all profit fc d. j .t:t. Makes loan f.nlii c Uctul. real estate. and fcrt clay p-r.t:..i necuriiy. OFFICEkS : Prcu'Jtut M. WitiM-a.l. Vice-PrvUtntt-W. V. SrCr5e. J. A. Odell. J. II. Karr.i. 7.r. (tn- (.V'vrJ-Stniut I L . 1 icg den. Cr,Sm:.trs)-H. H. ua,ib.,J. the fioi.mur h::lt Tobacco Journal, Devtu.i I tC u vely l i-f the 'I ! TOBACCO GROWERS. Tobacco i;4 :u!ic?to r . d'-alt S ad liM t i S0R71I CAROLINA. Virghna. V.t Vm;iin. Tc.o.e and S 'iitfj Car!i-i3. i o. J. j .f In I j.m j-a.-t o. ' I. nit!: .t . 1 XtlTifJ .;j I, te 1 ne jin j 01:1 ...-i 1 ti,- i frr- 1 bicci. . . - in "i o' Pti'il,l,ei vt rr Si'.uio.i,- atGfff.is- ts-s N. C. W.Ji G. K'rkmio. i f .'or a;i! jutij.r rt -r. . SiiSjcnptioti pric 5- o jfi y-ar : . Strr.i! "ut iim-l r t . .,,4', t-s'i.g rate1 1 - - J ' ' . s . - f - ' I I 11 jil.lo". Tor X. 1 i.. C":.iMie!. " Ad ir- I'.nl: L:t I tity p st Ific-. j THE MOESKIG JOT. tsN.i;, " I tT ............ ..... . iHf r " t' , I t. ... W W 4 . . ............ " lms t r ,....,., .. .,. .... T V W m! . ....... . ... , . . , 1 ....... ....... P 1 t r fl I KB Tr iJI mf,mr: tjj mkm imt W141"0"1'0" - Wr.LOON RAIU ROAD COMPANY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH? Not. u ivr 43No, 4a 1 No. , Daily, j Daily. 'Dadr Ar Kociy Ml 2 jj p m . . . Ar TarborO. 4 p ta1 Lv Tarboro.'u pm .. Ar Wilson. .Uojpm 65! p m J c; V 'A Lt Wilson.. U IJ p m1 . Ar Se!ma. . . $ 40 p tn' t0 Ar Fajrettcv.'g jipra LvClJuSoro 4 54 p n; 40 p m js Vn. Lv ilarno.ii ooonm ttm. Lv Bcrgaw. 7 copra 613am Ar W:ming. 7 5 - n'i 55 p 1 7 o a m TKAlNS GOi.:G NORTH. . I Ir- iDxily. ! Daily. J Lv .Uurnnj. it 43 pmSjoa nS u pn Lv llurraw.i....... u r-.v. r , L . Lv Magnclu 1251 am 1023 am 104s pm Ar Goldsbcr 1 55 a m 11 35 am 11 5S rv Lv Fayettcv. . 7 00 a m.... .... A r Selma . . . j 9 5S a m ArWilwn... jnrm Lv Wi'ison 2 32 a m 12 25 prn li $VI"nl Ar Koky.iL I 00 p m I 27 a m Ar Tarlwra.. i mnmt Lv Tartioro. .:n ti im '""'" Trains en ScoiLtnil Xrrit ttri. learrs Haltat tor Scotland Neck alio) pm. Kcturning. leaves Scotland Nrek at o to a rr... dailr emrr.i Kttn.4v Tr.vr.S leaver Tatlrfirn sr r Albrrnarl c; Rln-h. 11 k Sunday. 6 p m.; Sunday 5 pm.; arrirc A il.iamston. N. C. S 10 p rn. ar.d 6 40 P m. Returr.ir.i' leaves tvi;:iimt. si L. Daily except hunday. Swim, Sun- rn. arnre iarboro, N. C. 10 uy rn. j ci 1 1 3 a ra. 1 rams tn MiJlaa! N. C. Iiranch leaves GoMsVro.. N C. tlail Sunday. ? ;d r m -arrir ??miih'i v C.,7oo pr.;. Retaining leaves Smith rit.d. N. C. 7 ja m . arrive Goldsforo. 900 a rr.. Southbound train 0.1 Wilson Favcl tri!;c Ilrar.ch $ No. 5a. Northward 1. Trains No, 43 South will stop only at Waa. Goldiboroand Magnolia. Train No 47 Mir c! c c 0-inrctmn a: Wc!don f3r ali po.nts Nerth d lily. Ali tail via, Il'.tlnsrr..! a-4 1 .!.. JL cent Sunday ria. Itj 1J..C. Tra-rs na',; ctc cnrectiji IJr points North v.i Richfflnd 4d Wash. wgton. All tr-in-n run vl:d brf w.-m v.fr; . "n'--in;ton. and hare Vullmau 1 a.-cc r:crjKrs atucherl. . JOHN V. DIVINE tkn-ral Sup"t V J R KKNLY. Sunt Tran T. M. EMERSON, Ge.VI Pais. Agmt R !inif": AXII Ir.NVIM.i; f?i.i. - - - - w - ItOlD. fOSbflNSCr MT1IEDUI.U. Tuu.vs ivcs uy 3i!:i:;;u rnir. i i,., ; .wv 1,,'.!r- ! ,,Ui:. l.4ti.u 1.1., ,. ... 4 1 1 h ( . M i4.c r.iu.:,:, u .. t i rmtni czz 'a c . ..... 1 . i;u,: 'm Ir- S )VM,. 2f mfm ';.!i.i..t . ..ai3 1, ilata A-i O - t ... ! t 21 t,. J jj p .r r .... ;r4t . arM. -:'f . t-. . ,nz ! i:r, mt9 .!.-.. .... i-..jIBI jin .-. vrr.;c A-I.t -.j - i ' . i t i St y ii u In,;, . .v. -7?u. .. ' ; . : u. J. II w tl - . . nJ j . - Sv vitr. .. .... rm I ...j n v, . a Zl h i c n , 11 D.i 9um ; la i7f... j li .. ; i 4 j. , - j Arr" L i !- . . ,0 . u 'i . " ii. ;t.K .... .. n A" I- ci. -tn . S I !S J lr ' O .-r;;U .? .i j,,! 4 X,, mtm ;-. f 1 I.i , .'.:!. i ! . .. : )4, ;. 1; JM " it. z j, .H D . t. ft- . .it.1 x .ys7:. u v ft.:fTi L. ' 1 7 i -. . 5 3 ! zc N .1. ... . - t. :n ... Vi 31. SLEEVING Ci: aKKVICF. Or. tains S 51, I'ulim ti. i;u;f Virrpr brtnern At! ..- .r.-t YWVn'i. Nrv 0'U-a.v in ft WHsSittoi i Iln rill--. , (.: tfiir 52-an I 55. Vu'.'r.xn ikilWi Sic. (k r:.!un:-;u:n.r ai.J .Va V.ingi... Ail.cn a-.! Wa-.h;r.tf:.r,. ii IJ(I7 t'.l '.' On trarr. ',1 a:. I Jj IS: f. 4". Vtjkr lKt Arn l.'ichm.'! r:i I'. r. 4i-Ur..f un.i GrrcaV i v-v .V.-r.' H th C.'pi , t fl tt' k i. ft jxs L.rAYL'.tR 1 i 1 ,, V;i:.'. tlnl )