THE MORHING-NEWS. By J S. HAMPTON. Published Daily, lIcept- Sunday. V bates or suBsciumow, m aovajnck : . One Year (by ifafl). Postage paid,........."... 4 00 Si Months, " " Three Months, " " M ............ ioo Two Months, " " - rs ' fil f- - THE ilOR'IIKG HEWS. i ) To ctcysubscriberf. delivered in inv mm if at 10 cu per week. No advertisements inserted in Local column at aay price. An extra charge will be made for double-column or tripJe-colttun advertisements. AH annooacements and recomendattons of Caadi Lites for office, will be charged as advertisements. Advertiseints to follow reading- matter, or to occupy any specta place, will not be received. Amusement, and Official advertisements 50 cts per square for each insertion. ' Advertisements kept under the head of 'New Advertisements' will be charged fifty per cent, extra. Payments for transient advertisements most be made in advance. . Remitances must be made by Check, Draftj Postal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the pub tikhtrs. - Under the head of "Special City Items," business notices will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line every insertion. THE BAIUIOABS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RA1LKOAD. Arrives Irom Richmond at.....,......."g.4j'aB, .. 10.32 p m Leaves for Richmond at.... .. ...... ........ 8.32 am - 0.55 pm NORTH CAROU MA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at 8.33 a m .................. 0.40 pm Leaves for Charlotte at... . 0.48 a m 10.44 pm Arrives from Goldsboro at. ... .......... ,'.7 0.30 p m tt -- .f. ............ 10.20 p m . 7.40am Leaves fr Goldsboro at. .................. 9.50am " . 6.00 am " ........... ....10.30 pm NOUTH-WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD rrivcs from Salem at..... ......... ........ 8.00 a n 1 M ' ...................... 9.34 pm Leaves for Salem at.... 10.00 a m " " ...10.54 pm C P. AND V. V. RAILROAD. Arrives from Fayette ville at.... ............ 7.35 p m Leaves for Fayetteville at..... .. 9.50 a m Arrives' from Walnut Cove at...... ...... ..5.00 p. m. Leaves ibr Walnut Cove at.... .. .... ..,.10.00 a. hi. . .-. - : ,M. ' ' - -THE POSTOFFICE. Mails for the North close at 8.00 a. m. and 9.00 p.m. Charlotte " 9.00 9.00 " Raleigh " 9.00 ' " Salem " 9.00 9.00 Fayetteville " 79.00 The money order and registered letter office will nly be open from 900 a. m. to 6 p.m. General Delivery is open froni 8 a. m. until 7 p. nv -except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pening the Eastern night mail. Sunday hours, for general delivery, 8.00 a., m lor alf hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails from both North and South. ' . The lock-boxes are front 6.60 a.m. to 10:30 p. m ' BSSIDENT CIiEHQMEN. JrloabyterUn j Dr. J. Henry Smith, N. Cnurch St. Rev E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greensboro Baptist : ..-' . Rev. W. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. , ' Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " G,F. Smith, S. Greensboro. Uthodiit Protestant : i Rev. J. L. Michaux, N. Greene St " J. R. Ball, Spring Su " Episcopal : . ' Rev. A. II. Stubbs. N. Elm St. PRODUCE MARKET. Apples Kreen, per bu. 50a 60 Bacon hog round.... Ueef ................................ ...........508 Butter .....isaao . Beeswax... ........ ...r..ai8 : Chickens; old . ; l' . . '. I ............ ..... . . . .. . . j 8aao spring .............jpais flPW t 1 1 'a : tt t .i...aS tJfifH .,4;.... . , t'.... , . ..865 Uripd FrKijsTr-liinckberries, .6 1-7 s' Cherries..,,,..,.,, ...T. ...... 13.14 - Apples , ...'....,.. 7a6 Peaches, unparcd 1-2, - - ' 41-3 " unpared 1-4, . - , 3 " pared loais Eggs..... .... ......;..X..........,.......,..10 Feathers.. ................ .......... .......40 Flaxseed... ...i. 75 Flour Family ........ ....,400 Superfine v . aj 75 Onions................ ......i...5oa6o 0. 35 ..-. ? 67 rfUft rtt!,!tt'' :;! I tt'!!' PW?S . PiH.i tces-I r il . , . , ; . . , " ............. ,5 . " - ' Sweu.. ......................... ..J....50 Rags Cotton ......... ,...t - Fallow 1 t " Wool-washe4 ..................... V. . ... ... 30 iinwhad....,, . tq : wbwt M.:...f.....,:,..;..,5q RTAIL PRICES OF GROCRRIES. ' - Bacon Sides... Hams. .4...,..,...,..,...- .........;i6 -' Shoulders. ........'.............8 Cheese ... .!!.."ao Co (Tee Rio. ................ t. .2275 '"'PATEHf g. , Inventors-and patentees and all hav ing business with the .JJ. S. Patent Oi fipe aj-p jnvitefJ o porflrriunigate with PAP With confident reliance qpon my fidelity to their interests. - . - 4 Kew inventions patented. Old inven- , tions improvedL and rejected applica tions revived, f Caveats filed. Trade marks registered. . ' . Prompt attention. Skillful service. . . Moderate charges. Send model or sketch for tree report as to patentability. Preliminary information cheerfully furnished. ' ; . A. s. yantis; Solicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents, 816 F Street, N. W., Washington VOL. 2. THE' LATEST NEWS. JOore rieltttne Expected. . IMORJEHEAD. Kv A tic on ri TolUver, the lad who wis spared by the Logans during the nassacre.'in which Craig ToIHver was killed, was nredpn by some person hidden in UUSUUS. DUX. lift rwwrtfvl i i I 'ww'wt''V. iJUlil ' nuni dot or tne Logan followers who urn supposed to have participated in the massacre ma were Indicted, are "Wing in tho mountains heavilv armed and cannot be arrested. It is expected that fighUnrr will! bo bnin as soon as the troops leave, which will be when the court adjourned. Celebrating: Her ' 101fv nirth- .1 'i Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 29. Miss Phebe Harrod completed to-day her 101st year. A special rclitrions service was held at her home, con ducted by the Rev. Mr. Merton, of AmesDury, who is in his eighty fourth; year. Letters were red from several former pastors, -R. Spofford. iiamet Prescott Spofford and others. Of those present fully half were more man seventy-five years old. The centenarian retains her men tai and physical powers to a remarkable, de gree and repeated in .clear tones the nymn lI m Kneeliner atlhe Thresh oia.' Maud S.'s Great Performance, ' - - -1 ' Tarrytown. N. Y., Aug. 29. -Mr. Robert Bonner drove Maud S. this afternoon on the tnree-quarter-mile track on his farmie fastest mile thit has ever been made to wagon. The first half was trotted in 1.08 W and the last half in 1.04, making the; mile in Mr. Bonner urged the mare only on the last half, when she made the. marvelous time of 1.04. Mr. Bonner weighs thirty pounds more than the rugulation weight. He says the world has never seen Maud Ss equal, and, that she is a better mare to-day than she ever was before. 1 Gone to Demand the Body. Denver, Cal , Aug 29. A special from Camp Adams says that Lt. Leslie and escort have gone to the reservation to demand the body of Colorow and the two Indians! want ed for horse stealing. Sheriff Ken dall gays he will hayq the three In dians at all hazards. l U believed by some that all the Utos have ribt returned to the reservation. A small band may have done so as a rule, while the1 rest. are fortifvinc thnm- - I! .. . i " O I selves in the mountains and laying in a supply of provisions for a Ion engagement. tti Important Order- Wasiiinqton, August 29.' Acting land commissioner, Mr. Stockslager. has issued an order directing the nec essary steps to be taken to restore to the public domain the indemnity lands held by the following railroads in accordance with the recent " decis ion of the'f?ecretary qf the Interior j Soqthern fyciflo Railroad Co., hold lug 4,000,000 of acres ; Alabama and Chattanooga Co.. 2,500 acres; Dallas Military Road Co., 1,2Q0,00Q acres and Vicksburg & Meridian Co., j 1,500 acres, JLargrc Comet Visibie. , Indianapolis, , August 29 The largest cornet that has appeared in many, years' was visible here last night in the northern sky. Its outline is somewhat dim, but is perfectly plaii) to the naked eye." "It was first. noticed about iq o'clock. . 1 - - fn Evening- Paper 1 to be , Started. . j : New York. August 29! It is" stated. on good : authority,-., that Henry GeorgeV friends have subscribed I $15. 000 for theVstablishmcnt of an; even ing paper to" be called the " -1 Evening. Journals - It Wiil make its appearance on Sept. 15th. - :: - - ' )M ;1 devoted to THg iKTggrara or ruz cm or otcrKssoao. aiid or the state. Greensboro, N. C, Wednesday. Rug. 31. THE G.1. JR. WJTD TnC - pimsiDEjrr. - - Mocag Uniterm or the Order TalUlngr .lb out the Jrhetlln Fias Incident. Horace Greelcv Pdit. No. c-on 1A R .accompanied by their friend t and represenatives from Naval, Dakio Keno, Gen James Sheildand Mansfield Posts, boardejd a birge at the foot of Brooms-street yesterdiy afternoon; and in tow of a snorting little 40-foot tug started off on their annua! excur. sion down the bay. The fife and drum corps of the.volnnteer Firemen's As sociation and a band furnished music to younger ones for dancing. After going down the bay as far is Fort Hamilton, the excursion turned about and running over to Stapleton gave every one a close view of; the Thistle While on the excursion the views ol number of Grand Armv nffiriaU a on Cleveland's administration and the incident ,at Wheeling, where Grand Army men refused to pass under a flag that'had Prsident Cleveland's pic ture on it. were ascertained by THE World reporter. Horace Greely Post number 80 veterans, 45 of whom are Democrats that voted , for Cleveland" in 1884. and 3$ republicans. In 1888. it is said, not more than ao will vote for the President, should be renomi-. nateft. . George H. Moore, the senior Vice- Commander, said: 'lt is a peice of foolishness and the Grand Army, men acted like children. - All this talk of Fairchild and Tuttlc should be stopped Cleveland; as President, should certainly be paid respect.' Officer of the day John W. McGeveran, agree with these views. Senior Vice-Commander David C. Warring, of Dakin Post, said that the post was solia Democractic. That they would again vote for Cleveland, be very much - doubted 'The action of the post in Wheeling .1 consider outrageous,' said Mrl Warring - "The Grand Army, by the action of Fair- child and Tuttle, has shown too little respect towards Cleveland. If I had been obliged .to leave" the' lines ,1 would have gone under, the flag." Naval Post 516 contains 150 men. two-thirds of whom are Democrats. It was asserted that : not over, ten would vote for Cleveland in 1888- Regarding the Wheeling incident the- two representatives on the excursion were divided one thought the Pitts burg men did right, the other that they did not. " v , Ji'ame of a Child. - '.'" .. -v. . . New York. August 29. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould, ' born a week ago, has-heen named Kingdom GOuld. 'v...; .: ' ' ' vx," STATE 'jTEirS. A telegraph office is soon to be es tablished at Dalton. ' The Argus: There are other and independent raiload schemes being de veloped abroad, that if duly cared for and encouraged may ho hrought this way nd he of inestimable benefit to Goldsboro. ' The case of McE! wee vs BlackweU will be heard in Salisbuay this week. Col. T. C. Fuller and W. W. Fuller. as attorneys, and Messrs. Ed. Lyon Jas. B!acknaJl W. T. Blackwell and Hon. Jno. Nichols as witness, left for dishury Suid.iy evening. Recor&r. Mr. O. W. Telfiiir; of Washington. N. C dftd in New York about ten day a ago. -He was before the war, the leading merchant of the town of Wash ington, and for some time after, the war was one of the principal mcr chants of thai . t iwn. He was buried with Masonic honors "in- the Episcopal qhurch yard at VYashinglon on Satur. day, " August 26th 1887. Neubern ,? 'our tut I. ' . , J. B. Warren . Esq.. of the firm 6l Varren & Pope, proprietors of the Globe Warehouse made an assign nient to-day. for . the benefit otx his creditors. Liabilities. S30.000, or th5reabjat3; assetV unkn wal bat sup poseftcTbs ; nearly the equal to the liabilities. This was an honest fail ,ure. Lawyer J.- A, Long is the trus tee.Durham Recorder. " '. 1 - u y. . Gladstone has evidently taken a new lease of life. In fact, he looks younger and more hnpeful than he hat for years past. Marshall P. Wilder has reached Saratoga in his tour among the Sam- pier resorts. Being an 31. P.. he will of course snub Congress water. Secretary Endicott. it Is said, has quite recovered his tpirits since he returned to the State where his May flower, ancestors' once flourished. Mark Twain is said to be engaged in the most gigantic financial enterprise of his life. There is never anything funny in Mark Twain's money ven. tares that is, for other people. Norman L. Munro.the wealthy pub lisher, is ndt more than forty-three years of age. He has a pretty wife, an interesting family, lands, houses. boatsiand, above all. good health. He Is a dark-haired manr with ruddy com plexion, gray eyes, tall figure, inclined to stoutness, and a nervous, active manner. , The season at Saratoga is thus sum med up by an observant correspon dent: 'Lucky' Baldwin has been the great representative of wealth, Tom' Ochiltree has been the prince of good fellows, John Graham, has boscd as the intellectual giant of the pjace, while E. Berry Wall has sparkled as the Apollo of the great resort. '' XIorriblc Dlctu. " Another assault heat Kernesville this time the order pf things ' reversed, a-while boy becomes the victim and threA negro women are charged with the unnamed crime.. We do nnt know of any law applicable to the offence, so our boys are beyond the pale Of protection as far as these mat- tersiircvconcerned. ' Wc can but warn them to be particular about, travelling "n the woods. I Later. The three Mromen, in de fault of payment of fines and costs amounting to $27.50, were "brought to Winston to-day and incarcerated in jhe county jail. Winston Daily. Slight Shock at Auguita. Augusta, (la.. August 29. A slight shock of earthquake .was felt, here about 10 :jo o'clock last night. Polities' began when Joseph was sold out by his ' brothers. New Or leans Picayune. j Politics originated long before that. Has -uur esteemed Southern contem porary never, heard how they were all paired in the Ark? New York Worldi jEarlier even than that. Politics bef gan with the appearance of a third party in Eden. New York Sun. If you are going way back, why stop short ol the original Mugwump. Satan, who led a bolt in heaven ? New York IVorU. J 0:. THE MCGANLESS HOUSE, DAN BURY. N.C. ' . " m ... Dr:W. H. HcCanless", Prop. This house haf been enlarged and newly fitted up for the special accnm modation of summer visitors to Pied mont Springs and the mountains. John Verralla's popular Italian String Band (consisting of harp, two violins and flute) has. been engaged to make music Tonne guests of this house during the cas n. , m Board 5i6 per montb."$5 per week Si per day. "cw School, Miss Nellie Dixon will open her school for boys and girls of all ajcs in the Lindsay office adjoining her home Aogust 8:h. , Primaiy instruction a specialty. English.Music. French and Elocution taught.- Xots on the , Lindsay Tract for ' ; . Sale.. . . - The tract of land in the part iif Greensboro which was'Utefy purch.ised ly me is now-plotted and laid out in most desirab e bui'ding lots, which I propose to dispose of at most reasonable rates. Intending purchasers will please apply , to me. B J. Fisher. Jy26 ira. Benhor House. 1RR7 No. 48 Try It. What f Bread. Medicated Graham Bread, Rye Bread. Diamond Cakes, Dacbess Care. Cnf!V rV ri.r r m Cake. Wafen and you will hare no oiner. uaiMor thera at the Cty F. J. II. WST. Heturncd. King. Uie Baker. - mm . Ana ne can be found at the Ci:v ww. " M luw otate. and resnectfanr thit LMjcrr. lie is ine rvt u iv. give his bread a trial. Hi hiVin- 1. too well known for farther coramenU . " w mmt m mm uuyonce and Xoa win hive no other bread. Respectfully. Wliito is Doughty, .-Z?TIJ rn2T. groceries. Coo- r" I mm . . &c. under Bcnbow Hall. C.u . iciimnx. ulnars. 1 onarrn nr.nM call. Goods delivered to all vjijr rcc 01 cnarge. Call and see the bicwit mMnn, ; town. Fresh lot fust receifed from rayeueviue, HOUSTON & Bro. bear ik imro f That I will call on thebusineti m.n of in the interest of the "Sketch or thc Battle ok Guilford COurt House. which will be issued, in neat naranhlet lorm. Irom thc nre?i nf fr r . Thomas. Ueccc & Co.. about the first 01 September. No better medium has ever been offered our business men through whirh fn nlir tk.t. k...:.... K (nr. . L, I : 1 . . shoddy. Cheap John advertising sheeL hni will K v..L- il.i T served by all, on account of lis histor- ical nature. I guarantee SATisrxc TION Hold you thrv plenty of it. Respectfully. auga h. J. Elam. " uir mini. u mJ? w.nice rooral in "Central Hotel building at $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50 per month. Ann vln 1 M nr-l tf ActlvoSoap FrocI tered throughout the city yesterday .....w. wwt.i uicjcnicu o Messrs. ai- Dri2nt CC AlCrvntr'. Tnrnh Inn., selves the holder of the card will unc case oi -Active &oap." Save your . i .... ... M o cara ana geiacaice ol No. one laun- ary soap. Houston & Bro. ' ' ' Agents. Whether from swamnr land or star nant pool, or from the deadly crates nf city sewers, malarial poisons are thc same. Ayei s Ague Cure, taken ac- cording to directions, is a warranted . ... . . pcanc mr maianai disorders. 1 1 1 Come and see our butter cups; Greensboro Candy Co. People's Fiva Cents SaviM Bank IncorDorated Anril 20th. iMt. fin der the laws ol North Carolina. Open for business July 1, ZV7l Under rigid examination of Cora raissioner aDDointed bv the Governor ol the Statj. . Character and ahioants of its invest raents carefully limited by Statute. Receives deposits fmm five rent tn two thousand dollars Irom any one person. Pays all profits to depositors. Makes loans on nublic bonds, real estate, and Grit-claw personal security. orricEKS : President). M. Win stead. VicePresidenfs-V: F. Steele. J. A. Odell. J. H. Hams. Treas. (or Cashier. Samuel L . Trot den. - i . Clerk or Secretary) H. H. Cartland. TUE GOJLDEJT BEET Devoted exclusively to the . interests ' . . of the TOBACCO GROWERS Tobacco manufacturers, and tobacco dealers of . NORTH CAROLINA, .Virginia, West Vircinia. Tennessee and South Carolina. , - The only paper in the State1 and. with one cxceptin. the only one in the South publhhcd in the interest ol tobacco. . Published every Saturday atGrcent boro, N. C Will G. Kirkmiu. editor and proprietot. Subscription . price &2.o per year Send for sample copi and adver t sing rate. " . P(jr Sale. - ' .... I Ten shares -Co-cpcratirc Building Company stock. S-;cond year, ucirjy completed. Address I ick box izz ity p r.tM(TiCj. (WVtm,. . f , J ;j 1 aw. 10 tV rlr v uv l"1" WIM"' WELDO?; HAIL- KUAU LOMPANY. r it r 1 conde:csed sqiedule. TRAINS GOINGUtTl I . . .f No, aS I No, a 3 t No. WW -K . M 1 1 1 " t UxiST Da,!. Daily I T JLc,.ua.?J P $ 3 P t to an I ocxyAiti yj p a I Lt Tarboro. 11 tanm I Ar Wilson.. U 05 p tn6 5S p rr. Jc7ra I XT ll tVl '. Ml Ar i IT" 1 v . . p Ar Fayettev. p m LvGoldsboxoa 54 p tnj 40 p itJ j 5S a m Lv Magnolia 6 09pm 1 jSpra'c i$am Lv Bcrgaw. J7 copra iJijan Ar Sorcv95Spral7coan, TRAINS GCn;G NORTH. Lv Wilming '11 40 p3 $ 53 a rn S 52 p in Lv Burraw. U ti V r I umj. uxxx. Dailr. Lv Magnolia 12 $2 Wio2j am 1042 Ar GoUsbor i 55 a m ujj am'tt 5S am I Ar Scfma. .. Ar Wilson.. ut raycucr. !7ooa in' !o 9 rn1 :.fiI2S,ml. I Lv Wilson .. 2 J2am;i2 25 pm;i2si am Ar RoTcyMtj 1 00 d m 1 27 a m Ar Tarboro. U $0 pmi Lv Tarboro. . ti to ann Ar Weldon.. 4 05 a m: i$ p m 2 4S m I Triint rn V-iM 4 V L T). i . I ,CATca HEUx lor ScotlaaJ Neck at t oo I Dm. Returning. Ijvm 'sdi.i vT-.-.i. 30 a m.. caiiy except Sundav. . ra:nf. i"v Tarboro, N. G. I T Danjr GCCcPl Sunday. 5 00 a m. Sun- Va)r9oa arnvc Tarboro. N. C. mo 05 am. ana 11 jo am. I irams on Mid and C. nri. leaves Goldsboro. U C. daily, extent Sunday. 5 30 p m.; arrive Smithfield. N. r r. r D-...-.t-- f . field. N. C 7 Jo a rn.. arrive Go! Jilioro. ii.uoooarn, - Southbound train on Wi!nn A r.v,t. teville Branch Is No. 50. Northward is I N2iSi Trains No. ao Souih u.I!l tfn-i nnwt Wilson, Goldsboro and tgnoa, ' Train No 47 raaUcloc conn cctbn at Weldon for all points Npnh daily. All rail ria Ridimond. and r!ii' mi. cent Sunday via Bay Line. iiijr.j mi cwie connection lof al points North Via Richmond and Waih. ington. ! trains run solid between Wilming. ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. juti.N r. DIVINE. v General Supt h ,,KJ;NLY' SuPl Transportitio,, T. M. EMERSON'. Genl Pais. Agent -piCHMOND JLND DANVILLX ILUL XV HO AD. condcxhedschuddle. trails run by meridian time. TRAINS GOI.VO KOUTU. inlj. 1&S7. I Na. CO, . So, CI T l PA"!' ...... Leave PbiUddi Lia Lenv tUIUracre Lev WbingUa. . Leave CtuxlctttvU). Leave Ljnchbarg Leave DahvIIW. 4 33 ra 7 2i am VIZ ma 11. Ixa GZ7 pta 0(2 p o 11 OO pri 3 to p rn 3OT eta 5 fo ara 8 IC am 5 Id) ptu 5 pm Lmi IUeboon J. 3 13 p ra 2 3 ) m ra Loave GJliboru Leave lUleigU 51 I 1 Mia Le.veHlih Point. . ,..11115 - I016aa Imve Sihbsry li23anJ 11-3 m 041 " Leave CUrloil 1 23 am . 1 tO pea LeiveSrAuUtbnt j Z2Zjs 3 34ra VT 'jrvuvilk j C Z 1 4 45 pta Arrit AlUnU.... ...j X 3 p3l; ia4afa rKALNS OOIXq NQIfTH. Jn'j 21 A 17. :NvM.i No.w Arrif ClMrltt. . . .. 2 c 11 f C 4 jini! fidlnn ' .... H2i .'-n! a KJ t.ta Darfa ..?12 47 m 3 SO .tn lUlcb . . . ..CI I'ijrcj C 3.1 a G(.:.,Uno i 4 Upnj II 23 aui Amrr DovlUe 1c 11 20 ro " Hu.huvjuL i 3 JCijMa- C 15 ata Atrirc Ljrclitoxjc 1 1 1G tea 2 fr a.a M Caarlo'.toivilU ...:'JpDU 10 Wfcla-toa......! OpB', l' fUltfmrr ..I1C3i-i"1uuJ 3tr)a-j 12 3- ra N- York I C0sui. 3 20 Vm - N .W . C. IIAI LIU) a d . r corso vjvth tux A Lv. fvi:m 7 2J ra 5 21 ar. fUl' tn 0 ll Twj tra 1 a .'3 SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains so ani ?i. Iu!lman T',.r , Sleeper between Atlanta and Yrw W.ri New Orleans and Washington via Dan VllL. On trains 52 ar.l'5j pulL-nan . Pu.Tct Slcr pr r M or.torr.t ry 1 r.d s K i n -t n , Aiken and Washington, via" On trains 52 ar.d -53 Pu!!; Slee-r between ISichm:nd and G'ct tisboro, kr Greensboro and Gol Jsbcra. For rates rn.i tr.: 31.) vj;c:.i ci in? v. r .t " .'. r. v or to SOL HAAS. T. M jArL-TAYLO::. Or.. :.- . A . f . ! - J

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