1(1 I fa him m Hi 1 1. 1, y - 31! if 'Pli J I . : f: t it .1. (f i NEWS Official Organ of the State Federation : of Labor. WW Published by The Labor News Publishing Company. A. J. WILLIAM8, 1 'i ; Editor. Advertising and, Circulation Manager. Subscription Prtcs: One year . Six months Three months .$1.00 . .50 - .25 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. P- O. Box 853. Publication Office: . 110 EAST GASTON STREET. Entered as second-class matter May 27, 1905, at fh ' postoffice at Greensboro, N. C, under act of Congress of March 3, 1897. UNtO EL TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. There are several of our patrons who are due us on subscriptions, to this paper, and we would appreciate it most highly if they would remit at once, as we need the money to pay current expenses. "While the amounts due by individuals is small, still in the aggregate it amounts to considerable to us. Please send in your subscription at once, and thus help us keep the mill running. And, by the way, the Chicago Federation of Labor is responsible for the newest campaign button to be issued. "Taft and Van Cleave" are the names there linked together. This may be rough on "Sunny Jim", of Utica, but is even tougher on Taft. We direct attention to the official announce ment of the American Labor Press Association on the first page of today's Labor News. Please read the same carefully. Our dealings with this association up to the present time have been very satisfactory to us, and our wish is that their business may grow and prosper, as we have good reason to believe it will. veneer which had been; applied" to him has : al- J.Qiitbrek i among ( the open shop falsifiers, it -read v worn "off. 4 Whv .'should not a man who 1 might; be added that the general government woxuu issue so sweeping' an lnjuncuun as iwtt uirausiraua :uas:iiucu. oyuro om.i,wmwj - be acceptable to practical 'men like E-. H. Har- woulci be . well - for - the i ignorant ; Van 1 Cleaves I rimaff andJ? J.KHill!But why should he Vbe Parrys,. Posts and others ; to study be6riney Rentable to organized labor ? - Working men begin- -to wag their ears. These figures, show have: not. yet forgotten either Taft or his col-. thatduring thfieighteen yaej pe leaeue. Ricks, and will '.not soon."" - rfod of greatest trade "union activity the pri- - - I vale weaitn ox Ausxrana nss more man cxuir- Tms minds of men beinW somewhat short duBled'Llim in,18 the- wealtll of the colony memorv: there mav be some who have forsfot (exclusive of public property values) was ten that on September 5th, 1906, r Mr. Taft- $713,000,000, while in 1908 it was $l,52370r went into iiame maKing sjnjecuej ui ucicusc i wu. ou juuuu iw ic ouu-umvu ouoiuiaiww. of Conffressman Littlefield, tfiehs ." """" y-' election, and who was opposed by organizerl ; LABOR BAY AT RALEIGH. labor as a unit. President Gompers led the Organized labor at Raleigh is oil the alert fight against Littlefiell: Taft led the .fight looking to a proper observance of Labor Day in his defense. In. a staunch Republican pa- Sept ember 7. uer of Chicago, the Record-Herald, under the it is a notable fact that the first trades union date line, "Bath, Me.," appears the.heading; f ever organized in the state was organized at I tat T Biua. iniJ?iAirj ,iu vxva.- i Kaleigh among the printers, ana is sxiix m IZED LABOR." Mr.. Taft was" In office, not existence, and today is a solid stonewall of re- seeking it if there has ever been a time when sistance to encroachments upon the rights of be was not seeking office. The speech wnieii organized labor. In the more than half a cen f olkrwed was a direct attack upon the methods I urV 0f jg existence it has carried on its mem- of organized labor and a defense of the in-lbership roll a Governor, members of the house junction, that weapon which he wielded soLan senate, a state treasurer, and a national well years before. The record can be chal- congressman, and county -and municipal offi lenged to show any point at which Taft, who an(j aldermen galore all chosen from has now won the favor of Wall Street, has amone? its members. said one word in favor of organized labor with- jr0r some years it stood alone .among labor out coupling it with a much stronger recora- organizations in the city, but at this date there mendation for the organization of capitalists are a dozen or more, in fact about every. craft and employers. He occupies the position that jo reDresented in eruild thus making it: for the Republican party assumed wnen alter nav- sjze the strongest union town m the state. ins been vainly implored tor years to estab- The exercises will be held at the Pair lish as a Cabinet office the department of la-1 Grounds, the Drivileee being erranted by Mr bor, it tossed a sop to the labor vote by creat- j, e. Pogue, secretary of the State Fair As- mg the Department ot Commerce ana iaoor, Uociation. and Republican presidents ever, since have Arrangements are in charere of W. H. Sin taken pains to see that a representative of , the giet0n, H. E. Upchurch and M. S. Oldham, employing class should be at its head. Mr. Following is the program issued: Taft's bold defiance to organized labor as noted Brabecue will be served at 1 :30. Admission by his Chicago newspaper organ is not so bold to tbe tables will be by ticket, today, but the spirit which led him to put it Addresses will be delivered at 2 :30 p. m. by It. osea&mitne to ome WhateveOroa want fop use In your home aoDrovaL If von don't find m. xrlro- nfn.u will be sold toyo o eradit., Voor clioic ot z. per cent, nnder tha. lowest prices, casta or 3,000 articles will be chipped on approval Use " credit, anywhere. a or 30 Days Free Trial As yon can't come to otxr store, we send the Snoods to yon on approvaL Use them a month and decide how yon likethem. Cosapare oar prices with others. If not satisfactory, return .tMhKQOd at on, expense. The month's use will not cost yon a penny. Small : Monthly Payments If you are satisfied; yotr can pay a little each month what you can- afford. Take from lo to 24 months to pay, while yon use and enjoy the articles. We charsre no interest and" ask no security. You simply-buy as- we buy on creaic ana our aesanss are au confidential. otir foods 30 days before you decide to keep 'thenr. Then, if satisfactory, pay-a little each month. . We mean that exactly. When a person wants to make bis home more attractive, his credit is good with us. - Per Cent:. , We are the larsrest concern of our kind in the World. Our combined capital ! $7,000,000. On eur books are more than 450,000 customers. Wewn25 mammoth retail stores, located in the principal cities, and we control the output of a- score of great factories. Thus we buy tod sell at! prices which no other concern can . compete, with. We invite any sort of com parison. You can return any SToods sent on Four Free Catalogs 3,000, Articles forth obviouslv still exists. I. T. U. CONVENTION. The International Tvnoffraphieal Union closed its fifty-fourth annual convention Sat- urdav. the 15th. at Boston. It will meet next v 7 next year in St. Joseph. President Lynch was sustained on every ap- Mr. M. L. Shipman and Hon. B. R. Lacy. The speakers will be introduced by Mr. W. H. Sin gleton, chairman of the committee. Beginning at 3:30 p. m., the following ath letic features will be pulled off: POTATO RACE (Open to all). First prize. Pocket knife, donated by C. H. Stevens & Co., and 5 pounds of Sugar, do nated by W. A. Myatt. Second prize. Merchandise, donated by W The heavy rains for the past weeks have done great damage throughout this tate, as, well as other states South. Carolina in partic ular. The damage to crops, cotton, tobacco, and corn has been fearful. The running of trains was abandoned for a considerable time on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad in conse quence of rain. As yet there is no way of as-1 certaining the amount of damage done. Immediately after the adjournment of the Democratic convention at Denver, at which Mr. William J. Bryan was nominated, Mr. Samuel Gompers, head of the- American Fed eration of Labor, came out with .a formal stated ment in which he declared that every union labor man should support Mr. Bryan be cause he stood on a platform which was emi nently, satisfactory to organized labor, while at the same time it was eminently just to all involved. Mr. Gompers has continually since that time written and spoken in favor of the election of Mr. Bryan and in opposition to that of Mr. Taft. In Chicago, in Cleveland, in St. Louis, the local branches of the Federa tion of Labor have approved the course of the president of their order. There has been prac tically no serious opposition to the endorse ment of the Gompers' .policy. There may be have been individual labor leaders whose loy alty to party exceeds their loyalty to labor who have been willing to give interviews in op position. But they have been few, far between and somewhat inconspicuous. If any labor leader desires to know on which side the contending forces of corporate capital and organized labor have lined up, it might- be well for them to consider the fact that the president of the Manufacturers V As sociation, Mr. Van Cleave, is annpuneed in all of the Republican papers, as having "Flayed Bryan. ' ' Perhaps it was a hard job for Mr. Van Cleave, but it is what his association pays him for. Van Cleave represents the great or ganization of employers formed for the pur pose of combating and if possible destroying organized labor. Its former head was a manu facturer of cereal foods at Battle Creek, Mich., one of the heaviest advertisers in the eauntry who can never print an advertisement of his own products without giving two-thirds of the space to attacks upon the system of union la lxr. Van Cleave is enthusiastic about Taft, "who invented the injunction against organized labor and who handed down from one of the appointive judgeships which he held an or der prohibiting and restraining and enjoining such conservative representatives of organized labor as T. M. Arthur and F. P. Sargent, the former as we all know, now dead, from promul gating, issuing any order, of any kind that would require, request or command any mem ber of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers or the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men from refusing to work or in other words request them to strike. This was the entrance of Taft upon politics. This was his first strike which gave him national reputation. iNo doubt this is the reason why, as Colonel VTjat terson Said the -other day, his candidacy is ac ceptable to "Wall Street, while the Roosevelt 1 peal made from his decisions, lne proposi tions for union to extend its benefit system so as to have an insurance benefit of $1,000 waslR. Dorsett & Co., and package Coffee, donated referred to the executive council for investi-1 by M. T. Norris. gation and data. The executive council was! Third prize. Package Coffee, donated by empowered to act on the old-age pension ben- I M. Kosentnal & lo., and isox ol fcoap, donated efit svstem. oy w. 5. Mann. Local secretaries were ordered to ascertain ONE-LEGGED RACE (Open to all). at once and send to headauarters the asre ot First prize. Pair Link Cuff Buttons, do- each member, date of admission to union andlnated by H. Mahler's Sons if membership has been continuous. All com- Second prize. Package Coffee, donated by mittees were enlarged from five to seven mem- Carolina Feed Store, and 5 pounds Sugar, do bers and the laws committee will sit five days nated by Crowder & Rand. in advance of each convention instead of three Third prize. Pair Lisle Socks, donated by Heller Bros. days as in the past. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PAYS. According to reports transmitted by United States Consul Halstead and published by the department of commerce and labor at Wash ington last week, municipal enterprises in Great Britain show remarkably efficient man agement. lne .Dirmingnam gas department last year turned over $298,378 to the general funds of the city, besides putting $166,872 in the sink ing fund. This was in spite of a great increase in the cost of coal The street railway department turned over $131,281 to the general funds of the city, put $180,242 into a reserve fund, and paid $238, 826 on debts incurred for the acquisition and equipment of the lines. The average faie charged was less than two cents, different fares from one cent up, being charged according to distance. The electric supply department, which fur nishes the municipal street railways with pow er and also sells light and power to private establishments, paid $121,074 on the debt in curred in establishing it FOOT RACE, 75 YARDS. (Open t. union men only.) First. rize. Violin, donated by Darnell & Thomas. Second prize. Hat, donated by Edgar E. Broughton. Third prize. Razor, donated by Thos. H. Briggs & Son. LADIES FOOT RACE, 25 YARDS. First prize. Pair Silk Hose, donated by Boylan, Pearce - & Co., and one Picture, do nated by Capital Furniture Co. Second prize. Lamp, donated by Raleigh Furniture Co., and Picture, donated by Wynne & Redford. . Third prize. Picture, donated by Royal & Borden Furniture Co., and Glassy donated by G. S. Tucker & Co. TUG-OF-WAR (Between teams of five). A prize will be given to each member of the winning team, as follows: Knife, donated by A. S. Womble. Shirt, donated by J. Klein. Shirt, donated by B. Harris. Trunk, donated by Ike's Bargain House. Necktie, donated by Whiting Bros.; Pair We tesue four handsome catalogs, showing; pictures, paices and descriptions of 3.000 thinsrs for the home. M any of the pictures show the actual, colors. Simply write us sv postal and say which catalog- ybu want. They are free and we pay postage. Furniture and Carpets Catalog Ndu 10 shows a new and wonderful line of Furniture, jiousefurnishingrs. Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths and Portieres, illustrated in actual colors. Also Lace Curtains. Clocks, Silverwares Crockery, SewinEr Machines,Wash ingr Machines, .Refrigerators. Baby Carriages and Go-Carts. ' 4664 of stoves and ranges the sVoims 'that save fuel enougn to pay tof wemtemst in six months. Columbia Graphophones Cataloer No. 30 is devoted to the greatest of all talking machines. We send a complete Gtapbophone outfit, freight prepaid. You don't pay m- penny until you have - tried it ten days. Thea send ua small monthly, payments. Pianos on Free Trial No Money Down Catelor No. 40 shows the celebrated Meyer non ana oecjunann riauos, irom 144.oU up. We send a piano on 30 days' trial, with no' payment down. Pay ua nothing at all until we convince you that we- save yen at least flOQ. Then pay a little each month. Stoves and, Ranges .Catalog No. 20 shows the whole E mpxre Use Send us a postal today, saying which catalog yon want Spiegel, May, Stern Co. 1 - - 3329 35th Street, Chicago - i i i G R E SBR MM THE y NHL BRUK Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits, $60,000 ' ; for this space, and wo want you all to remember that it will be bard to find a better place to do your banKing. OFFICERS: Neil Ellington, Pres. W. 8. Hux, Vice Pres. A, H. Alderman, Cashier. DIRECTORS: L. McCulloch, C. M. Vanstory, A. G. Kirkman, W. E. Bevill, W. H. Ragan, Neil Ellington, R. R. King, W. S. Hill, W. J. Armfield, R. M Rees, O. D. Benbow. TT! a rescript Work The water department is still a source of gocks' donated by Peebles & Edwards; Pair expense, on account ot tne enormous cost to which the city went in constructing the plant, going clear to Wales to get a supply of pure water. The deficit last year was $398,766, which is less by $17,880 than the previous year s deficit. A. F. of L. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the American Federation of Labor most firmly and unequivocally favors the independent use of the ballot by the trades unionists and workingmen, united regardless I the winning team and manager, as follows; Suspenders, donated by Anderson & Thiem THREE-LEGGED RACE, 25 YARDS. (Open to all.) First prize.-Two Shirts, donated by Guar antee Clothing Co. Second prize. 1-16 Sack Flour, donated by Peebles Bros,, anil Package of Coffee, donated by Phillips & Penny, ( Third prize. One Can M, &, J, Coffee, do nated by D. T. Johnson & Son. BASEBALL GAME. A prize will be given to each member o ion We are the best equipped of any Drug Store in the State for prescription work, with 24 years experience we are familiar with the Purest Drags and Chemicals; know here to obtain-the same, and how to compound ihe most difficult prescription, using no substi tute,, therefore the pby- ' t sician obtains de sired effects. OUR DRINKS WITH A REPUTATION WIL.L AID YOU IN KEEPING COOL, , AS THEY ARE BEFBESHJNG, CALL AND SEE US. Heirn' Drug Stc 210 S. Elm Street, opposite tlcAdoo HeteL Razor, donated by Carolina Hardware Co. Cradle, donated by Goodwin-Smith Co. Hat, donated by J. M. Kohn & Bro. Watch, donated by D. LeyineV Fancy Vest, donated by N- Y. Bargain of party, that we may elect men from our own rank to , make new laws and administer them along the lines laid down in the legislative de mands of the American Federation of Labor, and at the same time secure an impartial judi ciary that will not govern us by arbitrary in-THonsi. junctions of the courts, nor ftet as tne pliant Shirt, donated bv J. Rosencrarten & Co. tool of corporate wealth.Resointion of the! Umbrella, donated by Hunter Bros. American jfeaeration oi ljaDor, aqoptea nnan. I brewer. imously by convention. Knife, donated by Hart-Ward Hardware Co. Resolved, lhat as our efforts are centered Scarf Pin. donated bv Jollv & Wvnne Jewel- againsx au iwrms oi mqusiriai slavery ana eco-1 ry Co. nonuc wrong, we must also direct our utmost I Umbrella, donated bv Cross & Linehan Co. - - r - r energies to remove all forms of political slav tude and party slavery, to the end. that the working people may act as a unit at the polls at every election. Resolution of the Anierk iean Federation of Labor, adopted unanimous ly fey convention. CHANGED HJS TUNE. " I beard that somebody in this erowd said I was a scab, blnst$re.d a Fpnrth ward bully, as he approached a fenot of men ne tho'ught e knew. Which of you was itt xxvx. strapping stranger from the docks as he whip A year or so ago, as though by some pre-lped off his coat and proceeded to roll up his arranged plan, the open shoppers began to yell I sleeves. in chorus that Australia was being ruined be-j "Tnat's all right i" exclaimed the Fourth cause of its domineering trade unions. The! warder. "Keep on your clothes! I didn't open shoppers figured that Australia was $o$ay I wasn't, &d I? far away that nobody would take the trouble to investigate their charges, put in a short 1 If a man earns $3 XX) dav in a union shoo time the lies of the labor haters were exposed ! and jsnends it for non-nnion iraods. if he loses nnd.fhej' haven't peeped about Austnyja J hjs jemion fid has his wagc rednced, lie gets ..SV.. J A M L 11 'It 1.1 J. . . . -mm - since, in otuct w loresxau anv nossiDie new I tne rarait ne worsen Tor. WORKERS UH103 drotdeh nmoriisT Tjbftt tne tot made sboes-the shoes made an4er th mt maAuftPTing eonditlons the ehoes that best stand AoH your &ealor fpi Urloia Otamp Qboqo, Afld if h& cannct otipply Boot and Shoe Workers' Union S40 C 0 O I- W I T U Green c&oro Electric Cpftipany i t-' X: '1 ' 1 ''X