ORGAN OF THE STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR. ENDORSED BY GREENSBORO TRADES COUNCIL -all 1 , MOTTO : ORGANIZATION. EDUCATION AND ELEVATION. - INTJMBER 3. VOIi. v. " J " ' : ' " " ' " "m't i. i I, . ', " - . - r " - r i i k ' ' -f " " - - r t AMERICAN FEDERATION OFFICERS. President anra w. Sme. Duncan-First V.-Ildent. jei Mitchell-Second V.-Presldent. Je. O'Connell-lJlrd VFent. Max Morris-Fourth V.- rrion-Secretnr. OFFICERS STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR President, E. S. Cheek, Raleigh, N. ' Secretary - Treasurer Samuel Wal- 'TecoVlcePresldent 80?hil5heVlllVice.Presldent - Beverly Moore, Rocky Mount. Fourth Vice-President H. G. Har rington, Raleigh. m Fifth Vice-President K. R. Thomp- on High Point. . Sixth Vice-President R. R. Wyrlck, Greensboro. . Seventh Vice-President J. D. Nash, A Eighth Vice-President W. S. Brad ford High Point. Ninth Vice-President Samuel Pate man, Granite Quarry. Executive Board. E. S. Cheek, Raleigh. W. C. Frank, Ashevllle. Jno. C. Benson, Greensboro. M C. Reaves, Winston-Salem. W. H. Singleton. Raleigh. LOCAL UNIONS. Greensboro Trades Council Jno. C. Benson, president; Vernon F. McRary, secretary. Iron Moulders R. R- Wyrlck, pres ident; C. L. Shaw, secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights in each month. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, No. 1432 J. W. Causey, president. Typographical Union, No. 397 J. T. Perkins, president; J. S. Pender, secretary. Meets 1st Sunday in each month at 3.30 p. m., in the Bevill building. Assoulat.on of Machinists A. J. Crawford .president; John M. Glass, secretary; R. M. Holt, recording sec retary. Meets every Tuesday night in hall over Hennessee's lunch room. Tar Hee! Lodge, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Meets every Wednesday night in Odd Fellows Hall on Fayetteville street. T. B. urn ton, Master; J. G. Whitehart, secre tary; J. T. Lashley, financier. ' si . wi-tvi WHY LOSE MONEY Why do you not, when you have a hard-earned dollar to spend, go where you can feel satisfied that you .get the full value of that coin? If we were to use this whole page we couldn't illustrate and describe the Teal down good bargains which we have for you, and goods that we can absolutely save you money on and are saving our customers money on every day. We don't run any skin games (and right here we would like to know if you haven't been skinnea more than once at these so-called special sales, give you 9 cents worth of nothing to skin you out of a dol lar and a quarter on something else) We have just opened one thousand dollars' worth of sample shoes. These we sell at 30 per cent discount. These are real bargains. We took the entire lot of odds and ends in children's clothing and men's cheap pants from one factory. These are real bargains, and It's all the way through our entire stock the same ay. There's not a line that we carry (and we carry almost every thing) that we can't save you money on. We have by far the greatest and "Cheapest line of goods that we have ever shown and you are standing In your own light if you do not at once decide to make our store headquar ters for your buying this year. Its only a pleasure to us to show you, so come and see. Yours for business, The Original Racket Store A V. SAPP, Prop. 318 South Elm Street. T.H.BRIGGS&S0NS RALEIGH, N. C. $T HE B I G Hardware Store. Sons of Mechanics Friends of Mechanics We will TREAT YOU RIGHT, Don't forcret to send 11s amount due for subscription. MMSBURY It Is With Pleasure That We Our Columns Are of Salisbury, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO. There are no lines of business where the business man and wage workers are more essential to each other than in the drug business. We are pleased to note that patrons of the above popular drug store, located at 101 North Main street, receive the sIHoratA treat- ment and hold the manager In the tm and confidence. He i"6UOT . . . - i .in EfT liberal LnF IntartU citizen and has always shown the most friend ly spirit toward organized labor. In- addition to a complete stock of drugs, he has a full line of patent medicines at lowest prices. A spec ialty of compounding prescriptions is observed atthis pharmacy. Many of our members have learned to know the progressive manager, and to know him well, and they give a good re port of his attitude on the question In which we are so vitally interest ed. KESLER SONS HARDWARE CO. General Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Each institution which increases the volume of business done in our city adds materially to the city's com mercial value and increases the pros perity of our citizens of whom the working people form so large a per centage. The Kesler Sons Hardware Company is a most popular institution and is located at 105 North Main street. They have a constantly increasing volume of patronage. Our people will be most satisfactorily and courteous ly treated when they call at this estab lishment and we do not hesitate to urge our people to endorse this con cern at any time. This establishment is well and fav orably known In our Tity and through out the state. Employes are treated in a courteous and satisfactory man ner, and hold the management in high est esteem and confidence. We con gratulate them upon their success in business and gladly co-operate to fur ther the interest of this commenda ble concern. They carry a large stock of Monitor Stoves and ranges, paints, oils, var nishes, engines boilers, saw mills, buggies, harness and wagons, and are sole agents for Deering binders, mowers and rakes; Dixie and Lynch burg plows and plow extras, Spaugh wagons and C le's air tight heaters. Give them a call. . ROGERS CLOTHING COMPANY. Successors to Smoot Bros. & Rogers. We take pleasure in calling atten tion to the well known and prominent clothiers and furnishers, located at 120 North Main street. This Is a splendid enterprise, which should re ceive the hearty support and encour agement of all loyal citizens. This company is established upon a most solid basis, and has grown in prestige and popularity since the date of its inception. They are broad-minded and public-spirited citizens and thor oughly reliable business men. A com mendable enterprise of this kind is of jrrfiat benefit to labor, and we pre dict for this deserving concern an era of constantly increasing prestige and popularity. We take pleasure in placing their name foremost among the prominent concerns of the city which are to be depended upon as staunch and sub stantial friends of conservative organ ized labor. They : are polite affable, and deal with all; on lines of justice and kindness. " . , It has been a: pleasure to watch their successful career, and we gladly eive them honorable mention in this issue. The officers of this company are careful, painstaking men s whose individuality gives; a sfise of security to the instiution and it is to their ef ficient efforts that the Present high standing of the Rogers Clothing Com pany is due. J THE SALISBURV COTTON MILLS- A reliable firm such as the above, which has always; exhibited a most tr and friendly jattitude toward la bor, is. certainly worthy otthB h v support and co-operation orthe Souses of workmen throughout TWcompany has always tak kindly interest in labor, and has treat ed the great Questions pertaining to SSk S the utmost fairness and cdeVato -This company has, on numerous occasions, shown that Its attitude was neither antagonistic nor uncertain. ,. . r nni. The dealings of the Salisbury Cot ton Mills with labor andrthe public, have always been: uniformly consid erate and honorable. In extending to ! this company our hearty support arid co-operation we feel that we are but showings that spir it of reciprocity which is due to those concerns which treat labor -with the utmost fairness. - BUSINESS MEN !:ff!R3DENDJL:Sp:' Place Before Our Readers This Such Diversified Nature That and They All Will be Found Worthy bf your Patronage and are classed Among the Real Live People That Keep: the Wheels of Industry Moving. f i . . THE EMPIRE HOTEL. As to hotel accommodations Sails-) One bf -the very best equipped drug bury is amply supplied to care for stores m our city is that of the above any large convention or assembly of. concent! at 126 North Main street, any nature. Every city has "its ho- Here the. purest and most reliable of tel," Ne York has its Waldorf-Asto-; everything in the line of drugs and ria; Chicago its auditorium; Salisbury '. drug supplies is carried in complete its Empire, etc. But in speaking of stock and prices are fair and reason this hotel it has retained its suprem- able. - They carry an extensive : iine acy in many ways. It is conducted on of patent medicines, perfumes, 'and the American plan and is admirably toilet .articles. appointed- The hotel is one of the most beautiful structures in this city 18 locatea in ine centra section, n farriishlngB ot the house cannot Thfl flimtshlTlP'S rf th hniisn rnnnnr be excelled, and the equipments are as complete and luxurious as any house in the country. There are many well appointed sleeping rooms, many of which have private' bath. These rooms are fitted up with steam heat, electric and gas light, and furnished beautifully throughout. The dining room is one of the at tractive features of the house, the service being all that any. one could ask for.. The menu is unsurpassed, and food stuffs used by the manage ment are the very best obtainable. Mr. O. W. Spencer is one of the best hotel men in the South, and is noted for his genial and accommodating manner. He has made a life study of the hotel business, and has a faculty of making guests feel at home and happy. He has an interest in the welfare of the city, and Is very liberal in his donations toward anythng that has the good of the city as its aim. THE SALISBURY AND SPENCER RAILWAY CO. It has always been our aim to show that the interests of both capital and labor are identical. In order to bring about the best prosperity that Is pos sible, it Is necessary for the two great forces to keep in sight at all times the fact that their interests are mu tual and that whatever tends to dis turb the welfare of the one necessar ily reflects injuriously upon the oth er. When an enterprise such as the Salisbury and Spencer Railway Co., pursue a policy of strict fairness and consideration In its relation with la bor, that company should receive the "hearty support and encouragement not only of their own employes, but also of all fairminded citizens. The managing official of the com pany is H. W. Frunu, who is a man of affairs in the community and of high standing in a wide circle of bus iness friends. Ever fair to organized labor, he has evinced an interest in all conser vative movements for its advancement and is justly entitled to a place in this review. JAMES PLUMMER. This well known druggist has a well stocked store and handles only the purest of drugs and toilet articles at the most reasonable prices. He makes a specialty of prescription work, and is an expert in that line. Painstaking care in compounding prescriptions and the using of only the purest of drugs will be readily recognized. You should choose your druggist with as much if not more care than you do your physician. We cannot lay enough stress upon that fact. We recommend this valued pharmacist to you, located at Main and Fisher streets. Mr. Plummer has always been in clined to friendliness towards labor, and we wish it understood that in be half of the laboring men in this vi cinity we take this means of thank ing him for his efforts in that direc tion in the past, and wish him a fu ture of prosperity and brightness. OVERMAN & COMPANY. A concern favorably known in Sal isbury in its line of business is that of Overman & Company, wholesale dealers in grain and provisions. This enterprise controls an exten sive business and its name is well and favorably known throughout the entire section of this state. They do an extensive business in and outside of Salisbury. They have always shown themselves to be friendly to wards the cause of labor, and we are pleased to recommend them to the oo-operation of all of our working- men. . The manager of this company is one of our leading, broad-minded and public-spirited citizens, who is too -well known in social and business circles to need comment. . We congratulate this business Insti tution on its success, and hope the business will continue to prosper, as long as its affairs are conducted In the present commendable manner. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN. Consistency is a jewel. One of the leading grocery stores in Salisbury which shows its consistency in main taining a friendly relation toward or ganized labor is the above. There a?T7o better friends of the unions here than these gentlemen. They neither handle , scab goods W; J they sell to scab trade. Get together and patronize them when you can. Week Our "Annual Revibw Our Readers Not Hdp to'K SMITH DRUG COMPANY. j Courteous treatment is accorded to I everyone, and this, establishment is j one oi we ; mosx. popular in ine City 1 -nHtVi nhn msmhara anri Manila . TTlitt management has shown : the proper in terest in.the affairs promoted for r the welfare! of Salisbury and the progress of the 'i cause of labor. Our people should 'at all times give this concern the. beiiefit of their patronage and hearty -co-operation. A specialty is made of filling pre scriptions, and expert registered phar macist are in charge of this depart ment. "Only the purest-drugs are tar ried by ;this house, insuring the Telia bility and accuracy filled by them At this store you will find one of the most popular soda fountains in our city, and all the pleasing and' ex cellent .summer drinks are properly served. Your patronage is courteous ly solicited. Phone 133. r: A. B. SAl.EE BY & COMPANY. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, i - x i This confectionery store owned by the above, is one of the worthy in stitutions of our city and Is pleasant ly located at .13 North Main street. His plant is well equipped for the work in hand and his products are noted for their extreme excellent qual ity and purity. He has built up a large and lasting trade, and has I al ways treated his customers with the utmost courtesy and attention, pis prices are especially fair when fSxi consider the high grade of goods he offers you. Mr. Saleeby has always, been noted for his square and honor able dealings with his patrons. F. It is a pleasure to speak in the highest terms of this gentleman and itj- is the duty Jf every citizen to support and co-operate with, him. j Mr. Saleeby is also a wholesale and retail manufacturer of ice cream and you are sure to be pleased with his famous Ice Cream. Phone 17. GEO. W, WRIGHT. Salisbury's Leading Furniture Dealer. Th n Virvvo oAttAAWt of 11K.1Q Wait! Inniss street, is one of the well es tablished and growing enterprises of our city. Mr. Wright Is personally In charge of the affairs of this store, and is a merchant of wide and valuable experience In the furniture business. He is in a position to offer patrons the very latest patterns and best val ues for the least money. You willbe pleased with the stock shown at this store, which includes furniture, car pets, mattings, draperies, shades, bed ding, iron beds, pictures, baby car riages, lamps, children's cribs, etc. The store is one ot the largest arid best stocked of its kind in Salisbury and has been in existence many years. Mr. Wright is one of our truest citi zens, and has many pleased patrons among its people. We wish him more years of continued success. He has a nice line of coffins, cas kets, funeral goods, etc., and makes a specialty of embalming. AREY HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail. In compiling a friendly list for the guidance and patronage of union men throughout the coming year, the com mittee appointed for that purpose has eliminated all firms where warranted objection could be made, and the list thus presented embraced only those who are entitled .to receive this pa tronage and support. A most prominent name on this friendly list is that of the Arey Hard ware Company, located at 123 South Main street, where they carry an extensive stock of gasoline enginep, ttnotor,cycles, automobiles, talking ma chines', kodaks and supplies, firearms, cutlery, mechanical tools, and athletic goods. They have a full line of Scar rett's machinists tools, which are considered to be the finest in the country for perfect work. They make a specialty of repairing promptly. This concern has treated the great question of labor with the utmost fairness and consideration. At all times has their attitude been reasons able and fair. In recognition of this existing good will this enterprising concern receives a unanimous eh dorsement to extend throughout the coming year. '' SALISBURY MILLING CO. The Salisbury Milling Company are leaders in their line and have long since discovere'd that labor and capk tal are mutually dependent, and that what adversely affects one necessar- what aaverseiy -macum "rwoo7:i. npedes the progress c One of the principles ti. '"'-if l. . "5 i' '.t - V T.- : -' 2 "' of the Friendly List"; The Different ; Ones Represented in ism is to foster and encourage to the fullest extent a deserving, enterprise which is hot antagonistic .to our.catisQ. We are pleased to state that ; this company can be classed as a friend. They are manufacturers of r liigh grade flours and feedstuff s, and are also large dealers . in coal and - wood. Location, 600 Long street. V . ROWAN HARDWARE CO. Shelf and Heavy Hardware. In this 'review of our city's business houses which have shown a spirit of fairness and liberality, toward em ployes and the principles of organized labor, we , wish to make special men tion of the Rowan Hardware Co., lo cated at 118 North Main street. In the transaction of their business this concern gives employment to a considerable force of people and we are pleased to note that this company is held in the highest esteem not only by Its employes, to whom Is accord ed the most fair and considerate treat ment, but also by conservative or ganized labor in Salisbury. This company has advanced along progressive lines, and has, through business integrity and uniformly fair and honorable dealings reached the position of prominence it now holds. We have no hesitancy in placing this firm among the prominent ones in our city. DIXIE FURNITURE COMPANY. There is no furniture store in our city more entitled to the support and co-operation of labor than the Dixiq Furniture Company. They carry a most complete lineOf furniture, stoves and house furnishings, mattings, baby; carriages, couches, and lounges, pic tures and mirrors, clocks, counter panes and lace curtains, and they count a large number of our members among their regular customers. Their attitude towards the general public and their employes has always been most fair, and honorable, and in this, our harmony and prosperity number, which will be read by many wage earners, we are pleased to give them a foremost position. They have a beautiful store at 118 East Inniss street, where you will find a grand display of furniture. Odd pieces a specialty. Toward labor the attitude of this firm has always been reasonable, and they are entirely worthy of our sup port and patronage this year. SALISBURY LAUNDRY COMPANY. Few if any branches of industry play a more, important part In the daily transaction of business in any city the size and important of Salis bury than a first class and reliable laundry. We desire to especially rec ommend the Salisbury Laundry Com pany, located at 210 South Main street. Phone 72. The work of this establishment has met with univer- sal approval and the business has shown sDlendid gains. Our members are staunch patrons of this laundry and all speak of the work turned out in the highest terms of praise and commendation. The greatest care is taken of all garments and with their latest improved machinery and ex pert operators the wear and tear on gannents has been reduced to a mini mum. All work, is of the highest class and prompt and courteous ser vice given to all orders. They will call at your door and deliver with all possible dispatch. The business is under the experi enced and able direction of the pro prietors, and these pleasant gentle men have always shown the proper in terest in the cause of labor and are exceptionally popular with orgnalzed labor. DAVIS AND WILEY BANK. Our intelligent citizens everywhere realize that for continued prosperity it is necessary that capital and labor should co-operate for mutual good. It is therefore only natural that a movement which has for Its object the bringing of employer and employe into closer touch should meet with great and growing favor on all sides. In discussing the economic situation in Salisbury from the standpoint of labor we wish to call attention to the Davis and Wiley Bank. We are pleased to note that in the conduct of their large volume of busi. ness they have always adhered strict ly to the principles of fairness and justice and have made a splendid rep utation for the bank among the or ganized workmen. The kindly attitude of the officers of this banking institution towards or ganized labor and the broad minded policy ever demonstrated toward the cause is but worthy of our most en thusiastic endorsement. McCUBBINS A HARRISON COM PANY. Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00. ' Thfl subiect of i insurance is one of tZZrk atotv working man. Sopflirhc& r -ty -i - the wage earner's income ' and - the comfort of his family as well as the necessity for Judging wisely in the, choice of the : companywith which to insure t4s 'recognized, byr all.. In. this connection we 'haver: no hesitancy in recommending McCubbins and Harri son ..Company, who represent .; the strongest and best company in exis tence to those who are noted for the prompt and liberal adjustment of all claims. The firm have earned a well deserved leadership in real r estate, loans . and .insurance, and have . the highest esteem of . the public and we feel - that they are entitled to the en dorsement of organized labor and: the hearty support -of all -wage earners. Their well furnished offices are locat ed at 107 W. Innis street. r MRS. W. R. BARKER. .Millinery and Fancy Goods, z There is no business that has In creased more or become more popu lar in every city than has the milli nery business. In these days we find all kinds and so many different shapes for ladies' headwear, the - store . that does not keep a great variety would not' be in it at all. But this up-to-date and experienced milliner carries a very fine line indeed. She procures the most select from the Parisian Mid eastern markets each season, making selectiona from the largest importing houses Of , all the different shapes, flowers, plumage, buckles,- satins, etc., for trimming, and she understands making wonderful transformations of these BhapesV Mrs., Barker's original styles and reasonable prices, combined with her ability to make your hats on short notice when necessary is 'one of the many reasons you ''should find it to your interest to trade with her. ;Mrs. Barker enjoys a large and con stantly increasing patronage, to which she is fully entitled because of honor able dealings. 'She has a splendid repu tation among, her ' acquaintances- as well as in "busmssclf cles,Tier strict integrity being fully recognized and appreciated by all. THOS. J. JEROME. Attorney and Counselor at Law. We are pleaBed to note that this gentleman is held in high esteem, not only by his clients to whom is ac corded the most fair - and courteous treatment, but also by organized la bor in the city. Union men will make no mistake in extending their co-operation to this deserving gentleman. We place his name in our annualv review with great pleasure, heartily " recommending him as one to do business with, as it will be to the interest of all in need of ex pert legal assistance. To such a com petent man as Mr. Jerome success is assured. He will advise you right, and you may feel safe to have him handle any of your legal business. He is located at the Court House annex.. This tribute to him is a recognition justly merited as a friend of labor. THE GRAFT-DAVIS-COLLETT CO. We. are desirous of calling the at tention of all organized labor to the fact that the Graf-Davis-Collett Co., have always felt yery kindly towards the labor movement and we in turn should patronize them to the fullest extent, thus aiding in our small way to make this commendable firm a greater and more splendid success. We unhesitatingly commend them to the favor of the laboy masses, knowing full well that your interest will be well looked after. They devote their entire time to the business ,they have chosen and have built up a large , partonage: by their progressive methods and strict ly honorable dealings with. alL They are located on North Long street, where they manufacture sash, doors, blinds, mouldings and North Carolina pine lumber. TAYLOR MATTRESS CO. It is pleasing to fill concerned that after touching upon many different important business concerns of r pro gressive Salisbury, that we are in structed by the special committee to say that the above concern is enti tled to a favorable ' mention- In our annual labor review, an - issue which should be read by every union man of this section. ' ...-" . This staunch firm, was established years ago and have advanced to the recognized , position they now hold in the city's commercial circles.' ii liliolesalel Fsncy Groceries Salisbury, N,C (Other firms friendly to i labor x con tinued on3rd P5r' - Robertson Grocery Company v:j it." , 1