. - ' , 7 , 9 . . '. 3 y- HIM (HKII I Hi H V- i i G ENi:it A L N E WS. ; Jjoca Jbpfcioh Is io&n)JoMbr ' tiom Proli thili Fanner, ' I-:'. public Prir ; dered his1 resignation, to ' ;f alc eftpc September the 1 5th. : l- ;;lv met iayefctilKrwaM001 vontion - yesterday.ns" I IVv 1; Pickpockets dccessful work in a masbrafe' . sensation in ijiiariotte, V v r-' v:: The fair of Mt, pleasant Grange,! Cabarrus county will; be 'Ijieldj at Mt Pleasant Beptemper venaaautn. The first iot&co7?fthi3'-iyearr8 oron was sold on theflbor of Arring ton's warehouse, Warren ton, July 29th, brought $6.75 per hundred Copt. J. W. Fry , has weri elected Sn-nprin tendent of ! the Cape Fear & Yadkin yeyiirjiJfJpla!9 Maj. 31. S. Dnnn, resigncL;,;. : , Gen. Gordon lias recieved i the 1 )emocratic nomination for: ; Governor of Georgia, ;eavngj ls lwmpe .Maj. Bacona lony ln-g The Prohibitionists had, a grand v.illv at SaratosaV Springs -yesterday. Pro A. 'A. Hopkins; MrsV Mary. T. Lathrcp and exittov. ;StvJohnweje the speakers.; . .. . .. I,;. . .. W-V A bill for the erection of a yni ted States building; at Charlotte, to cost $100, 000, has teen favorably reported by the btate Commiuee .on public buildings an d.v passed;: John. Card well, who was. released from jail in Wilkesboro by a mop - while under sentence -of death; has been recaptured. He tf ill no doub -fee-resentenced. . Ex-Governor Franklin J. Moses, of South Carolina, is dying in a cell in the Massachusetts Penitentiary. He was a man of more than ordinary ability and promise, but fell a victim to bad habits and became an.outcas James Hi; Iitter,!the) iiptoriqia Kaleigh gambler, was arrested and put in jail last week, and; on? Satur day sued out a writ of 1 habeas - cor pus which was to be hear strday before Judge Connor, at HiUsboro The tobacco vill be bbth small and infeiror this year, lleiice good ' grades are bringing betteJprwes. The nrospects are that all; common grades will continue low fjOod tobacco of the present crop vrill fce scarce. 0rpian7s ! riend. ' " . ' t The following Democratic nomi nations for Confess half: been mal& FonHh District Ma j.ohn V5Gra- men of the party uhder strict slavery." ham : Fifth, Hon. Janies Tleid; but when the wombn were spoken of Long's-majority was one Mr. J.4 A jjpngs was less iTinaja nail, a vote, iettv close liipnirthatJ.ii"' fi --The neK Baptist Clvurch oXlhis phico is getting wall 3dj?rway f gThe subsjeci pf ;Prihihiti6nl will be publictly Uistrpissed at High;?Point on gediie3day th8th:insj5 , 'prN."KMXs:-lwiJiwii came home Saturday fightr ile , iamproTm and 'itfd.ttbpdi to see hinvbntlotmi of; "this city wentbn-an excnrsibri to tute;Vlth;fc PtoR (IttHcNeiil as huvh'ji, ucYim ins session ui jDOffart nan, iasc Juonuay, ;( ; J u - iLThe' 61115 ( session rbt theGreensi boro; Female! College will begiii'AtW. 25thu2Ve patroijzef K Michj !a vi- ,Vjyi.uiut yj, i as an mr titniioni 3oarninff.fe Ifvon have daughters to 'educate,: we believe yoii rEtGbvernor!Ww.W.Holden nested Trimself withi'the Edenton Street I Methkis: dburcnVlMeigh; lairW tamed j to hia. first love; He; ,Kas hrsta. Methddijgt, theniahiSEpisco UIVVIUUUIU.1UUU.UUU tlVUUIIi , .. i. - I a A n -: ' Twist ' ;.nL . A.VIK "00 t-rV25 4 Exira Ma. . .r. '25 00 to-43 CO Cotters) rivt Xft OO.ta tT3,00 Bright FtUei. i ; 1. 00 fin.vrr ... r. . -4 Red OlOOisiaiiO 3HU .w 4 . v . i mm V 7, .- '. ' 5 "Office, pp. F.A(t .Itarket,. fetret opposit without pnin a i epscLkUj. 'v'Oflice ' furnished meitu. (tit mi eiilL - s . ., 1 , palian, lihenaBaptist and now Hetht,lgai:' mz lireensboro female uouegc, nnha Cist Sesioa vt this , jvell knot oxacid X profiperooa IosUtatop wil tgin ont- the departmtuta of iearnicsr oaaillys lacght Female Colleger of high grado, combined with tle fmfort pa wU ordifpd borne, Board.' axcla$iv , of washing, flights" aid sioB of 20 weeks, $75 CO: y - ' v . Tuition in English Oodree for day pupiU for aeasioaQf.,30 weak,..i ?W;s$20.00 ? r a j Thftproiiihitionifitfibf Xadkin Couril ilonse; ;aKmvUlkm Sardayngus( 2$)2 .cctoctfbr the; ptrrpb&e Lf oDominatipgf rit rfjQl conatytfcJcet? ' fAIso ?tfansacirany other DttsiTssthatniay claim "at- i t't.f-,ii-tKK 'V--rt tejlfrj. ''.,iif,t -4--. X -3 J- . ; ; , Aug. 13 tf. . ' A ' shocking murder, ; occurred pear New Salem in Bandolph county, last Tuesday ye! ning. negrtf named pavfjiHsffle niCjthe hroat' pf, a white mari by the name of Jphn Dean with a razor. 'from which he died ini pi about ten' minutes, At last accounts tlie murderer! had not been ' arrested. A large crowd, of .citizens ares nun ting for the negroi and if ;?ibundhe wiU probably be j summarily detiwith. Bigh Point) Enterprise Peter Rattiffanli editor of sthe UmetsV-IteraWP Butter County, thisftat4 H?-wiped until Blaclf and bTueaadb the 26th. W tent -or iwel ve ' of the leading jwomtiif ; th&fJUoyai Temp lars 6f Tew iterance,' The women TTAVINO. THIS ?nd DAY OF AUGUST, XX1886, qualifiod as ail minis tratix of the etate bMMAkfnT Jt Bisf decease, ac cord icg trt YTJ-Vtebjj l lpeet Biskon to nreaeut than! wit hm tke - 9 prf. scribed bT;law, r this notiee-wQl 4vi&desH mtex of tipie refioreyy. :?AJ 1 r -t; toel ted- to the said oitate ar harbCJ " "tifie1 ' to fe- VA ; ?i fc : .""I x' y I mm- 1. ,,- r iliUS ItASUTACTTXEES PT r Lrtd all titer kiiidi of Vi rblhr PeTfumory of eyeryr kind. from the cheapest to the best kinds, -Pm 25th of August. 1SS6,' y w iiereaa ?Ta-jt Thorn eoooa iaast,b jBolddiregaird- T: ;"f.. ineiu wbit sayrw meanniM prosfuttojadne' Av . . . ........ . iiiTrwn"ll t(rotir1; Aug. .ij-wf-j.,-,'. V'wivw.i Admiaistrati. VoflGreeiuiboro, 1 has beea in ! successful operation fbjll yaara. - fv, ; ; i j This achoot ifrfrit?-';1 branchea common , ia ,such Inatitatjoaa. fetndlfci la tiki) earn itLU tbvoa minutes Walk of ;theAem.jTow?tW t:h4Sf :d$. J-Sariiroerfield; S C. High Point ; Classical r Iustituter i i Lhigh pointnc. vi TiRKPARES FOR COLLEGE OKBUSI had ,been poteri; of lin Eattigan s Rexeadmitted. Nxt Searfon'.beRiB nflKpr aa ' "towsev-headed.' rea-noseaiArg- wro,'iwM '.iiuvu yt w faxTMlA jxn tar iyjwftr-iMiS to 10 vin claw. &.UU to S&60. iXpies Fica&A cull 0n ua befarft bnyinir, us w ara snrd'iro c&nmakeit to i-yoAirJpir;2:tf-:j Country Mcrcharits and farmers 4 when i" yon are in - need of anythiag in our iiner get, foiner; prices. 'it-nen trot oars and see the diffurencfiJW Wtf can aff .rd oto sell goddsloir dpvn, ana jrpm Bow.on ipiony .w aoiw For'Fali pUntlpwi hav& ;o ar rive a largo frosb stock of; s; ' ' llord Uras, ; . . ,;..':. IlaDgariaa, ' - - ;T; '. ' And nearly ovorr other V kind 1 01 Field aodv iGardon Seeeds 1whica will be, perlocuy rvhable ? 3 Thanking ho ipuMicr forLheir liberal patroaif: attd iolicitisg a eontmaftuce 10 the iuture we remain - a.. . H?.;;-. , Very,, truly,' . f.'f HivfeDruggisi audi Seedsmen. . geisMb6r6z juU Gra ;,, . -.. - ."4 CROCKERT,i?lvffl:GLASSWARE i . ! VJUKfllBUBUttO AX. . V...... ' FACIlAIlilTlJROSIlE iUATER UIIEEL, .V:.-v:COOItriD?HEATIlJC'OTOVECfx ' JiPIowsStrawjCutters, Andirons, ;7:"j::f''v,lf'And Castings of .Every Descriptioa. e ' " -s- y 1 I ;;t -!. V'. :,;-' f ,'.-V iliiiiiiSMKS . s , '' ' r- 4- "' '': V; ' L ::-yp " -. ; A- WliitcmdX Color ifiprero'fCMiuteur; M In our ; QJiE HILL, r. C. M Tg; co.- : i . - m l ISO Oil mm - m 11 Ia oar clothins department we .defy eoinpeiitioa as to stylo and price. W"e will sell . now lower than ev..r. 'Last, 'bnt not least, 'we would like to mention that we havj jnat received a new lot of jom leprated iIATCHLESS $3.00 SHOE3..; We keep tbem in' f. s ,' . u J:K;-;!?:,f.-,;' order to suit, everybody iafour different stjlea,: viz:. Lfleed Enttoaed and .Congress, if . Ht IV v?viKf,-l' -0 in' need of any shoes look' 'at 'these before tiaying any others,.?.. "-'-" f.t:',,-:,'.-.;-;-,-'-,; 'X.;- . . tvn DEALERS III .'. .v:V'l-1 i.....;.-------- ' ;'. .-- - jj .i...:..-..-tw-cs " GQ f "7-- K-l v 1 FOH THE SALE OF TOBACCO ' " . SL7 . Sixth, Alfred EowlandEsi.; Seventh, as "ugly uzziers tncrosejn Jnlin' S. Tfpndersorf: EihtHT "ttT. H.I might and made arrangements to go for II. Cowles; Ninth, Hon. Thomas t). llatHgan. ccordirjgl thef ap t. .vn-toB. ' 1 pointed' time, he was met at the post- The North Carolina - Handle oflSce of which he is riostmaster, the Works, of this city ' together with the ladies being armed with heavy iow- machinery and stock on hand, were hide whips, and when iattigan ap bnrned Tuesday nighU Insured, peared they went for him and whijv Thev were to be sold next5 Saturday, ped him until he was black and blue- No satisfactory theory; as td the On tho'.liog'VTOorngas origin of the fire. .." hung in effigy by,thwomen,Jdva p1 J Titim the ffreat paper containing jHfpJWTjte Democratic leader am statesntonV of words was tacked upon thdfigarcgg W VrV -dt'anAJl-lmrthe J "My back's as sore as blaze. ; ,. jn . , i t.- t. . "I'll print no more Heralds, Iks .lasus. j muiluuS Ui tuc UJOh'a,, UW i:w; The action of the women receives The death-rate- among our great men proval at both Millerstowri has been wonderful for, the pasE fe & ... , A i .: - 6' h g tuu and iJutler. . ,,5..- J years. ,f .;- of the Monitor and Catalognes free on ap- plication, a IL THOMrSUN, Principal. All temperance People . v STOP AND THINK When nu como to town the prob- .... . ... P lJLT3uf4 V CrreXia the most, foods for thw leaa money; iiipjufcvejf y "t." , , -" or more plainly tpeaKio, you jPy j have but jllllo mopey ard ;wanttQ hnv Iota of eoods. How can it be done, you ask; Echo answers how? cal tal your iSprlng and Summer Millinery m i r.- - -.' 4-' J CO . o I I H-l s C-- -s fV.w-! 52' as Ti-H 'Oj:3;2;'tQca . fit -3 ' o tr a 3 CO rPerso'nalatontibhio every pOe of Tobacco, -;rN ( , s. V ; ? Hesi acommodatiohsifxrrtbers, " ' , ,' . .siii ; &4 1 5iHiffhe8t mai ket -prices ' guar antced on! every sale. '. ; . tPloor 'Manager; ikf. -Auctioneer, VP: -u " : r. Proprietor, f - rr : .... - Tv-"; SALE . By. viiture of a jddgiaent of fdreclosare and sale made by the .Superior ; Court " of Guilford county at June Temi A: ia the: 'ease of VV lUiattr 11. ixoier, piaaim !- DR. R: W. TATE,; Practicing -Physician,1 Greensboro, N. C.i offers his Professional Servicos to the citizans of Greensboro apd.. i " S j,'!o,P ffsrt Madora Johnson and ottorsAfie-i Bt Otnf at f;g :- ffc'iiSetfi stored When 'S , appointed by tliefc a,- '.2 ' iPor 18S6; and you are respectfully ifyou will call at my store, spend a solicited to examine "the samo. fe4 moments- and see my 'prices ou This stock iscladdS a full line oi rii . have four -answer.' You asks tVo.BCtpopular shapes of lint aftlj tiatui'ally how comes it you atid Bmaet3 both trimmed and n can iols so 16w? y J ans werj trimraed toeether with , a lull as Expenses 'ire LOW." I cao self scrtniniofan'Ty Goods goods lower than I could if -ay '.J'-'i.fS i , . ' neDses were 125 per'day.- Tbo too CJniverily o! North Carolina, see at onctf the wbyi Ati I ask of miXT6ESlONOPEN3 AUGUST U is . Jf XsCth. Fifteen Irofesaors open wide priJelf ftOt Satifirty do 0t bliy, range of instruction in Literature, Science but youslirbefeonl?tn5t:d woe liyou anaPbilcwopiy' The Law School and the jehow low my good3 Ctn bohought: :glinIr?Ul Below are some of p ' ' V . the departojeats is provided for Rradaates f ; ; -. , , ? nfiba iTJairersitT and Of other Colleges free ,:?.., rr - 'J'j - 5 r 7w V-S I 111 I4lk5 n o js Pi CO r I i AKD v.a- Fnrp,f nnlbap. on the 30th ulL One half, or the whole of thispaper J. R. Dnetran, Ph. T).- and Fellow of will be sold on easy terms, to a .V.r of Tintfr.? Prossor' of 'Latinand editor, anddoing general W. HfMichael, A. H., of West, Virg- This is a chance for some younfij inio, Assistant., - " ' man to engage in . a permanent and ,r... tv 't. f:.:-. !, CTOW1112 business. o-uc turned matron of tM itiiW-Mfoneftou (10) t . .jiv VrA-r . None but the sober need apply. trust mat me jjoiu wiv v.c i - , M1 0 f-itrnr r n ii. a ' Tilw ? ?hat Onr exchanges will confer a tavor fully with "Aunt Becky, , and tnat ,t , & . !-tir.WrY7 she may soonreturnUo her duties. PJ- T' T T ... Orphan's TYieud;f$ZS Rev. I). AI I3ng, President of program of Teachers' Institute Antioch College, Yellow; Springs, -; ; 1 : I '; r- V con ' .nrL.:-,Ai .fit ino-rQ. Opening Exercises, con . . .-.- - .v-ii w -v,.f2Wfnai Concert Kecitfiop oi inlaw, UollJ. J3. iieu,i.ini8tc . -r 15ro Long has laid wtolbto-c ai.d is looWquita weil Ile isiww , ;-9t Wj fft MS v among his ' relatives ; in Alamaiice I Prop w eiig 4.; 4 M county. ' " - Q rSXic-i " rlH-r' -Mr.''-GritCWinia.Wag ofehAxz- - Select ijirraryoizu,uwToiaineB; v w-f' - Readinrfioom of 11 Wriodioala.: gotol X70liderfally JUOX ,tl oolleciate expenses-$88.00 a year, ; Board v. . , -...t - S tT$13.50 per month. Sessions begin fti, s- v , last Thursday in Augugt Por foil informs- n-i t , . vet i i jt - A i i' v EJIP PI BATTLE. LL, D.. . Chaoel Hill N. C " FREOTSS: TTr MOOtC Hi. tireensooro, VT C, T-fc t i ..Mkatc Pi.nna OA years: Shoninger 90.000 in use), 1 th Cottage clocks; $ Ij'vBig job beet I know of for the money, at, 136, 9SJ, y jaanra IjtuHt' Jt' G rff : nt 7s so aid no.deUTered. oteel scissors, iuo, iaoies 5C J cast - . . - . ... j inieei nuiBeuiB. iuu. unuics u vvm ?!:irL;Ltt f. i Kame atTles on i stockings, 5o; good steel 1 able Hma orlfl S3, ana IJIIT 1U ciiku ouu w j XVUl V CO SI) U I' Ul no. vrv m iwvi monthly till paid tip. Clrenlars free. . got; good plated Table Spoons,- 60a. oer set; good plated Tea Spoons 25o. I - w ; - T-r t riA ir DEllEYllE t JNSTITIJTE, 2d c;ood baps, 15c; good Clocks, i t t s I ; - 4 90cj 14 uart Tin Jiucscet, xoc; iu '1 'ft!. ered Bucket; 25c: 4..(iuart'Ot,ifee BE DO something: SOMETHING. ered Bucket, 25cj 4 (iuart Ocffee Pot, UclOQuartUish in, a; H Quart Bhcfc Tin Pish? Pan, -40c; 6 I have just reoeived a car load of the ' . - ' Best chaao Busiies and Carriages Ever : brought' to 'this , market, wbieh 1 ipropose to sell very low, also a mco lino of " , ' Consisting of the following cele brated .m-andK S , made at Co lumba. Oh)o:,Stndebakt r, made at Snnth bench Jed.-: J5aococK..maaa ai VYateTtOWirriir M-HDumy-TDaut: at. Toledo. Obior ' . Theso aro some -.vt r the ieaaing brands of oe .work and arenas goou as-the best-nT bey sro. finished; " the best stt lo. aad atiy onei waotiog - - , S . . . V .1 i 1 a good . ana nana8ome TCDici wuv not; dot better tnan yta uy eitowi. the abovead eaveoDjDyii gli c& also fiiroiah any.:-styJe;titf:. k l r r ' mf . -- - - fc&-'',K'..'sl'P Court House door, in lireensboro jn. S r-- - 7 . on Saturdav. the 28th day of Augnst,18Sfr, at 13 o'clocK, DOon. OI tnai uay m reai estate arid ft mortsraffed prerniaes directed by said judgment to be oia ana onnq,ea All that tract of land in G uilf ord. county and State of Kortk Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Kortn West corner of St James Presbyterian jChurck lot, Forbes Street, thence eastr jaine ;,rods to' a .stone. Charges : Albright's" corner, thence west nine rods to Forbes; Street, thence south, five rods and three feet to beginning,? containing ; one-fourth ,of an A'crs more or 'lessi,! I X ;:':;ViSv Tbms. pne-half cask, the residue in six: months from day of sale, tne purcnaser to" gire ea.'seeai'-tootefdrJ deferred Sayment, six, per f cpnt, inifBrca ify ate;'6r puTcllaser may pay all cash dowil jly IS 4w;v otnmisipper ol.a?e! not there can bo found at bis resi dence on Asbeboro streut, opposite KjO. a. jd. Ji.eogb's. , u!2tf SERIES'!.!;., . : t i JL1..VJ-W THESE NURSERIES : are , located -.22 mileq west Of G reensborO, ba the Uich raond & DariviliandlSalem: Branch Eail- roads. There you can find :. j ,v . ONE" A AiipiOX ,F M TREES ANDVlK ES GBO WIIs (i. Pftrtifia? wantlnsr Trees. &c ax respect fully, mvitedfto atall arid ieiamlne s stock ana xeam tise.cxien oi. , Stock consists of all the leading ano; new varieties bf AppIe.M'each, reartstanaaru and - Dwarf), Plums, Apricots Granes, Cherries, Mulberries, IN ectannes , igs, OviiaeAs Gooseberries.' Raspberries, Cur rants, pecans. English wlnuts, Japanese Persimtncm. Strawberries.' Shrubs; Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees. c.--ana in iac everything; of r the - hardy t class jusually kept in a first-class Kursery,.,; StlSaiid Had .'n.theeQrgiaJJrapeQffordWp fiill line of - t . CtomspoiMieacwj, soweKecu, opwruw SUITABLE FOR ORTH CAROLINA H fend the uiera Border States.1 r-?v: U I?ew:Fruits bf special note are the ; Tel low Transparent, Apple, i ffyh Tngold Peach; the LAwsorwKwSer, 'Lucy Duke v A ffenlaf ' "wanted ' eyery - where to : soil The Hamilton Harp or Musical vaem, one oi the r prettiest best and cheapest musical' insttumrits ever offered to the public. - lt is the simplest Mhstriirnent played with kaya in the world. It -is so arranged as apybody can , 'play it and make sweet and ' : . . iilELIGHTPTiJLi I VAnd can be tuned arid played w ith other instuments, Xou can play on o or two parts .upon - n,, i wm tqu a lifetime. Ndw any family can nave gooa music, a to pnuc wiku itf reach of ail. ; Its design was not to take the place of vrgans ; aua 1 1 an os which .tho wealthiest only can buy bqt to put gooa ana lasting mu siq jihvery fainijy "at a price that any body can pay, dui since 11 na been brougat out ana suDmiwea io fche; inspection 01 musiai men it turns out tp be an invaluable' teacher and trainer of the hnman voice it trams the voice; to step the scale of fifteen. -sounds ' or ' twonoctaves, tbe great troubles iwith'-new? beginners, has been to learn W finger music, This little Gem tho ws wide the door and the pupil can see at a single glance and can sing and play delightfully , almost irem, ' - - .it' morning Mrv Williams started' field with a rope for, the purpose of confining him,';'vhen;htt;.wftyer- powered and badly-mangled by the the infuriated beast Orphan1 Friend ' 'k ''"TWty ; . Mr. B. P. Ixng, of Iredell, has ij been nominated for. Solicitor by.the b .Democrats pf the sixth Judicial dis ptrict; and his brother, Mr. rJ'i , A - Long, of Durham,' has been nbmiha- ? ted by the same party for the same i!""omce in the fifth district.' Mr, B.F. msy..rittre,oritert;suggc 20 incn Fire i Shovel, 10: good Lan nen utes, 230?O eetEopelCkf ieet x KhtUi:-,' 'VaU-knMtnuhl fid 'rierSat: vantages at small prices. ; Ft!?ilg:a T?. ifilh raduateQaart Measures; 5e: 24 - For further particolars apply to , Sheets- Paper 24 Envelopes alMor lMJJxfe41w 1 A. FOARD. Principal. ,0J. SlJiid Nickel Watch Chain, 10c; i- ; -' - . : .. ' - - ,- on tip Slirtl: 10' traaA Ian- WANTED ! former living near Oxford, "was killed j 10:50-11 :20- -oPU,nS-ur 4Vca , To employ a few live,; energetic men oy a bull iastfcunaay mprniux-Mc jug, ... animal had chased, several persons a r t :zoizj ilnrinor flio nfusf wwtr.i Slid Kundav Neill . 1 :4s 2 too -2 :00 2 :)0 rt Prof McNeill v - -. .. . . . i ".ir:- - -y i 2 : ?o -3 50i Antrjrneuct mr... a-. JtrnpnTI -1 f 1 H bebe "eVperf. iUo keep atl kin:lS bfGrbceries .MmtmrLi:A - Inanrance P-Duiteiatd.Od Kettl J J - S ,, J .v I : f r. Address. Harder.' wcr ox .4 AV'ftnwUlRolT- !"r UG Sfct!"P-: ansboro-N. C. K, Hats! . f i". History, UXS. of . HTO-rU-ott!' Z vt .-a. t is , i k' -i 3tn t fTica 5 and 10 j "l - f . ; 1 V ; wants to spena one aonar, nnuji ia um it- i - r o i , . , . ucai. : , . i fnrmnttnnliareaTiirea.'nli lerornim-wnowin iJti: ' iao. ? o wren. : ow.-f va J 4 :20 - Query' lOX anC:iiOSe. V invest one bnmlred thousand dollars in ad- j .1, , . v ,;. tn ti-a! anii i ' drnrirnrdcrbv Yerttota6awbemlsiidi nomts rnadle' bvbe IrtructorsV?ill fn nnch less an.- and snort recesses 5!rrvU.M tnn-v dfin for 10 c 1 .Tlsboye'f.arrao new... & jfjjridet limr3 wu-lk$&tt4:f' Re SOV -4ii mii;t fvW M -'Saddle' pd6ketH'. "f U'i v-ri7.;S:Pomonai Guilford Co., N. : ?.vf-iii ;f ' : Meical ''cases,' jul9 6mo r. V , f eS Bristle Brushes, Harness Oil and Buggy I asnerB.Mjap unsiera, ixunsc 06fii':,Tra;Telipg" Bags and Valtses -' f--.n lit fact j4 every thi ng th at; is kept in a firetciass establishment. , meetnis every wqnireeumir w loriees. - W HI Q)traiiiw iia...n.'M. rSi'Xvy " ery xvejreuuuiy.. , :N . fei iarraxicreinent maV be inflTmeAStkPrintiBlrHoaseSa Kew l mmA -- ..- Vttf LEVI HOUSTON, . J- Manufscturer cf finevJlarness and Saddles, over ; Uoustoa & - lira s Wholesale (iiocry. btore, also ir. the fields ;& CaupeyBlock, , EA1RVIEWS-ACADE51V, !Yotb?'!l)4vandtRiv y : We Propose todo thoroogh : work for comnarativelv low prices. - - ?i ! . . . T it. no teacher is .aiiowea more man 20 students. AiLiteram society will -be organized .next 'term. - Es pecial atientiori given , to Elocution ana tne jiingusD iwgungc. g . kuuiu ship and a Business department will - Tuition from $6.00 tc $15,00. pot Next termi begins August 4, 1886 The Yer) Start. v Tho i Hamilton llrp or Musical : Gem "is made of the best material, it s tUirty incnes nign, niteen . iuuuus. wide,twd and, a. half inches deep, stands erect -oh ! two ; feet, the steel wiro strings run up and down on tho . inside: : secured near . the top with screw, eyas by which it is set in nn. io each of these strinca is, fixed a; wiro key projeccts out in front. j Tbero are"1 niteen in nucu-, ber, making two octaves (three C's in the natural scale,) above , these keys is fixed a board eontaing the -shaped notes sd when you tap a key it gives you the souna oi mai noie, thus when Do B.a Me, just tap the kev ' under these shaped notes and - it will play DoRaMe. ; xne;ueia i vi a-.ucftuuiui vucuj olor trimmed in green and yellow, weighs about seven pounas, maicos a' msgnifiloent show and glorious ' sound ana: win. d boju i iuo tonishing low price of $7.50. Uood -odmmission vto agents.: Apply to the u 'dersigned near Wanghtown, -and Salem, Pursy th Co. N. C. i E. C. HAMILTON, Gen'l Ar" ; 2 " . Salem Po.,. 0, ' i' r Iff! h