G E N Ell ATk E - The Pine . 'free Wide has 1 a junior editor. - ---r-The Oxford Orphan Asylum is badly in need of funds. ' . Richmond & Danville Railroad Stock is selling at 136. , t . -The population of the United States doubles in 25 years. ::v The last mile of the Pittsboro railroad is beiug graded. .. i. 1 v. The Deciples of Illinois are said to be almost solid, for prohibition. -"Wake Superior Court is in ses sion, vith. Judge Phillips presiding. . The "short cut" railroan is com pleted to within 14 miles of Fayette ville. - The Democratic State Judicial Convention renominated -the 'old court. il-J -..;:. J;.- . The Greensboro Female College has opened with a srood attenden'ce. of pupils. ,i r-. ' - , Guilford county Superior Court is in session, Judge H. G, Connor presiding. Y A joint stock company has been formed at Concord to build a splen did female seminary. " . Charlotte is to have a street rail wav. About $2,000 have 'been sub- scribed to the capital stock. Mr. Robert W. Denny fell dead of heart diseasa at his home in this city last Sunday morning. Senator Evarts was badly injured last week bv bems tnrown irom a carriage at Windsor, Vermont. -Texas had a storm on the 20th of August that cost the state 3 lives and $5,000,000 worth of property. Raleigh is to have street railways and city waterworks; The propriety of having a city park is being discussed. The first , bale of , new North Carolina : cotton " was sold in New York on the 26th of August at SI cents. The Tabernacle meeting at Ruth erford College closed Monday. The meeting lasted twelve days, and was a success. Mr. George McCorkle of Newton, has been appointed to a position as chief of a division in the treasury de partment. - Rev. James C. Beecher, a brother of Rev. H. W. Beecher, committed suicide on Wednesday of last week in Elmira, N. Y. - 1 he death of the widow of Santa Anna is announced. A son of Santa; Anna committed suicide in Havana on the 14th ult The Wisconsin forest fires have robbed 3,500 people of that State of all they possessed, and driven 700 families out homeless and penniless. Patrick H. Terrell, who killed Buck Dunlap, in Stokes county, has been tried and "convicted of man slaughter in the second degree. A Convention of all the Female Editors in the South is called to meet in this city, -Wednesday, -Nov. 3d. Female writersas well as editors, are invited to attend. All the cannon foundaries oi Eu rope ' are over-run wan oruers auu are running day and night That looks war-like. Such things are not made for children to play with. PrAf"' pjL-KernodleT of Suffolk Collegiate Institute, Suffolk, Va., a native of this county, has been quite sick for some time. We are glad to , know that he is now convalescing. An enthusiastic congregation at tended the Peohibition pic-nic here Wednesday, f Some 'speeches . were made and the company spent a pleas ant and profitable day. High Point Enterprise. If yon would know the- value of the North Cabolina Peohibitio2t ist as'an advertising medium, inquire at the post office as to its circulation. Fortunes . are made- generally by judicious advertising. : - . Cholera is raging in Corea and Keishodo. alone 20,000 death are re ported. The na'es call the scourge a divine visitation nand refuse to give mediaal Attention to : those stricken with the disease.-' ' ' --Rev. P. LV Groom, author of the "Dead Issue"- mow., "running . in our columns, called to see us last week. Bro. Groom is suffering from - throat trouble." He went -from this place Jo the Tabernachle Meeting at Ruth erford. . . . Cutting, the Texas editor, has been released. : The ' Mexicans are not so silly as to provoke i a dificnlty with the United States. They do not hesitate to kill each; other, but tbpv are not- vet ready to commit national suicide. ,MrV Cutting wants them to pay him $500,000 damages. The editor of the Nokth Caeo- lin'a Prohibitionist .will speak at Dayton: Durham county on . the 3d . inst. in the -afternoon ; in Stokes Hall, Durham, the same day at night ; at Orange Factory on Saturday, the 4th ; and; at .Lexington on Tuesday evening the 7th. , . y , A number of primaries will be held by the Prohibitionists of this (Guil ford) county next Saturday to elect delegates to ,the county Convention. -rEncouraging news from Gaston and Durham counties. The old par ties are calling ns ' names and frying to ridicule us, but it is no use. Every thing is" doing well, y J , --Prof T. J. Corley has-been elec ted principal of the Charlotte Graded School in place of Prof. T. J. Mitch ell who has accepted the presidency of the Alabama State Normal School. Gov' : Scales has appointed the following gentlemen to compose the State Boartt of Pharmacy : H. R Home, Fayetteville; T. C. Smith Charlotte ; William Simpson, Ral eigh.' -J;-"' :. - . I " Arthur Avent, a ; young mar about 20, years of age, near JonesborOj committed suicide by shooting him self in the head a few days ago. " : : . A: construction ' train . heavily loaded, with dirt, ran away with the engine and all 'the! train : hands, : in cluding a nnmber of convicts, ' on $ deep grade on the Spartanburg v & Asheville. railroad, on- yesterday. The train, became unmanageable, and nea aiong two miles in . as many minutes J and . strewed convicts and guards along the road.: When the train was stopped, five,, convicts and one guard .were; picked up dead. Several 'fathers were injured. High Point Enterprise, LATEST FROM THE r h: " QUAKE. EARTH- Charleston, S. C.,' is almost totally destroyed.' It is estimated that ' at least three fourths of the houses will have to- be rebuilt. The number killed and wounded cannot at this writing be determined, as bodies 'are still being exhumed from the debris The killed were jprinciply colored. Writers who live in Charleston and who were witnesses of the fearful scene say that it ; was indescribable The inhabitants are camping out, as those whose houses are still inhabi table are afraid to ' remain in them. Only one business house in the city is open, ' and that is a drug store. The eras works were damaged, and it is likely the city is in darkness at night I All the clocks were stopped by the first shock. The fire which broke out in several of the fallen buildings was extinguished, by day light Wednesday morning, v The Savanah &? Charleston Rail road is under water 18 miles " from Charleston. The section master on the Atlantic & Cost Line Railroad 12 miles from Charleston reports the bridge at that place destroyed, and says that a negro from 4 miles north of Charleston says that, the water tank is down, the ground upheaved, the railroad track misplaced. , and boiling water coming up through crack s in the earths surface. Somer ville, twenty-two miles from Charles ton, was nearly destroyed. A passen ger tram from Columbia to Charles ton was thrown from the track, and the engineer and fireman killed. : Two rooms in the Governor's man sion, irfColumbia, were wrecked, and quite number of people in that city injured by jumping from windows in their frantic efforts to reach the open air. At Langley Pond a railroad ac cident occurred, in which the fireman was killed. At Horse Creek a istock train was thrown into a ditch and the fireman killed. The train is un der water. " The C. C. & A. railroad track was washed away by the m- breaking of a dam at Langlev and Bath. Tha railroad at Langley's Station has sunk down to a depth of ten feet, for a dis tance of forty yards. The large tres tle over Horse Creek was destroyed, and apassenger train on the S. C. railroad plunged ihto the chasm. The engineer . and fireman were instantly killed.," Some of, the .passengers are reported -killed and others wouned A passenger train whicn left Char leston! for, Wilmington Tuesday jiight has not' been heard from at last ac count Another violent- shock at Charleston and other-points Wednes day p. m. at 5:45 . ' ' BEAUFORT COUNTY CONVEN tion. mr r: Washington, N. C, August, 27th. 1886.- The Prohibition Convention met here to-dav. and was called to order by Hon. D. W. Jarvis, Chair man of the County Executive '.Cora mittee. .- Messrs. Walter Clark, Jordan Wil kin son, J. B. Bonner, Gaylord Shan ender and Jesse Mayo were appointed a committee on permenent organi zatio'n. - llev. G. D. Langston . was elected Chairman and K. T.- Bonner. secretary. Moved and carried tha all Irom the' precincts not organized should be considered delegates. The following nominations were made : For legislature Hon:;D. W. Jarvis Sheriff, Jordan Wilkinson. Probate Judge, , J. A. Burgess Register, Henry E. Tripp. Surveyor, Geo. & Respess.' te Coroner, J; B. Bonner. Convention then adjourned. : jxxi iwo o cioc k a convention was Ail 1 i-1-'' held to nominate congressional and senatorial tickets.-; The v matter: was laid over until September . ' 24th," at which time' a convention will be held in Washington ' and candidates wil be nominated. ' f LAUGSHAUS. For Beauty, Utility; and Hardiness ; THEY SURPASS ALL OTHERS. - . . , ...... If you want a Fowl that will please you, send to me and get some Chicks of , the above breed. Also a few fine Plymouth Rock Cockerels. Price, $1 00 each. Satis faction guaranteed. ' . . . C. D. WHITAKER, : , j , : Durham, N. "C aug27 4t ; Dir: J. W, GRIFFITH, Surgeon Dentist, ffice on East Market Street opposite V Woverumetit building. , JMtracttng teeth without pain a specialty. Office furnished with all the latest i ua pro vam ants ia inUra ments. ' Give me a ealt r T " ''- Aug. 13 3 mo.' -' -ii j " HAYING, THIS 2ud DAITOF AUGUST, estate of Rankin TV Tti&hnn cording to law, I hereby notify, all persons uuv iug vituuiti Hginst iae estate -ot - saux DJA1 x i . , . . . ... "... SCribed bv law. or thi rntifin will ha nlaa1al iifs ill i ii ui iimifinr r.nnm virnin j net uma nm. iu uar oi uiue recoYery. , au persons indeb ted to fllft Slllrl HfAtA ATA VlOfflhw tn : 1 m . . . . . maKO immeaiate navmcnt or thnv will ra l. . . prosecuted to judgment. -' r ' j i Adininistratiz. Aug. 6-6w. i r , SUHUERRELD "HIGH "SCHOOL, j FOR BOTH SEXES. -....'l o n the C. F. & T. V- R. R., 12 miles north of Greensboro, has ; been in successful operation for 13 j'ears. ! This school of HIGH GEADE teaches all branches common in ' such Institutions. Student leave the ears within a few minutes walk of the Academy. Your patronage is solicited. F. S. BLAIR. ! ! : Snmmerfield, N. C. High 1 Point Classical Institute, HIGH POINT, N. C. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE OR Busi ness. Teacher's and Commercial Course. Both sexes admitted. Nest Session besins Acg. 23rd, 1886. Tuition per mo., $2.00 to f4 00. 1 Board per mo., in private families, $8 to $10 ; in clubs, $5.00 to $6.50. Copies of the Monitor and Catalogues free on ap plication. S. H. THOMPSON, Principal. University )f North Carolina. THE NEXT SESSION OPENS AUGUST 26th. ...Fifteen Professors open a wide range of instruction in Literature, Science and Philosophy. The Law School and the Department of Normal Instruction are fnllv equipped., - Special higher training in all tne departments is provided for graduates of the University and of other Colleges fiee of charge. Select Library of 20,000 volumes ; Reading Koom of . 114 Periodicals. Total collegiate expenses $88.00 a year,: Board $8 to $13.50 per month. Sessions begin last Thursday in AngugL For full informa tion, address ! , Pbekedekt KEMP P. BATTLE, LL, D., jy23-lm Chanel Hill. N. C. TTT MQOBE, Greensboro, N. jUi DeaUr in Organs and : Pianos 20 vears. Shonincer 790.000 in nsp. ii the best I know of for the money, at $36, $397 $41. $59, $65, $72, $75, $80, and np, delivered, Lsoia six in last lew nays, j oame styles on time, add $5, and pay $10 cash and $5 monthly till paid up. Circulars free. . jy 23 tf. : . t BELLEVUE i INSTITUTE, South Greensboro, N. C. BE ') SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING. KNOW ) SOMETHING. rrihb institution is -equipped with a full !L corps of teachers, and offers great ad' vantages at small prices. Thoroughness ; is - our motto. JTUtion from $5 to $10 per term. : I'aUterm begins Aug. 16th 1886. . For further particulars apply to " . jy 23 4t I R. A. FOARD, Principal. WANTED ! To employ a fewlive, energetic ' men on salary or, 'commission... to represent popular Life and Live J3tock Insurance Companies. Good pay to the right men. -Address, .Manager, Lock pox 45, ' ; -"'.j . -. -I ;. Greensboro, N. C. ' A book of 100 nasres. JifnfpnTioiiif! Tbo best book lor an HI iimii j'n i 1 r r HJ wu- t contains lists of newsnatiers and estimates oftbe cost of advertising. The advertiscrwho wants to spend one dollar, finds in it the in formation he requires, while forhim who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising, a scheme is indicated which win meet his every requirement, or can be mad to do toby flight change easily arrived at by cor respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 centa. Write to GEO. P. ROWEIX A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING . BUREAU, (10SpruceSt.PrintingHouseSq.), New Yortc THIS PAPER AdvertlHtafr Bureau (10 Spruce 8t A where vert ising oatraut augr b vutOa Ux it IN WIW iU1m A -188 6. Wishing: to make room for onr Fall Stock, which will be larger than ever before, we have concluded to reduce the price on every article wt have in store. " . Patent Medicines 4 Chemicals, . ' Paints, ; . - lard Oil, ' . ' ; Castor Oil,' . . - ' Fish Oil, " ' - Machine Oil. and every other kind of oils. Copal Varnish, , - A v Coach Varnish, -' ' j ' . ; ' -Japan Varnish, J ' - Black Varnish, and all other kinds of varnishes. Perfumery of evere kind: from the cheapest to the best kinds. I These eroods must be sold regard less t.f profits they must go.- .We mean wnat we say we mean bui ness. , . -l ' . Please call on us before buvinf. as we are sure we can make it in vnur advantage.- x . , .fi Country Merchants and Farmer when vou are in need of anvt.hino in our line, sret" other nrices. then get ours and see the difference. We can afford, to sell goods low down, and from now on. we intend to do i For'Fall Dlantinsr we have to ar rive a large fresh stock of r. Orchard Grass, '. Herd Grass, Lawn Grass, , Hungarian, : Millet, - - '" . - Eye, . L Rd Clover, . And nearly evenr.other kind oi Field and Garden Seeeds whir.h will be perfectly reliable, .v 'lhankiflsr the public for their liberal patron acre and soliciting continuance in the future we remaii. " ' . Very truly, Callum Bros, & Co., . -, . . , , . . - .... - . s . .. , , . Druggist and eedsmen. GREENSBORO, N. C. a!2 6m All Temperance People STOP AND THINK When vmi nnm a in tnvan tVta rtrtK. em to solve is. where can von bar rf J the most goods for the least money; or more plainly speaking, you say J nave Dut iuue money ana want to buy lots of goods!, flow can it b done, you ask. Echo answers how? Li you will call at my store, spend a few moments and see my prices you will have your answer. .You ask, and very naturallv how comes it vou can sell goods' so low? ' I answer, roy expenses are LOW. I can sel aroods lower than I could if mv ex penses were $25 per day. Thus yoa see at once tne wny.-. All l ask oi you is to call and see my goods and prices; if not satisfactory do not buy; but you will be convinced whe nyou nee how low my goods can be bought. Below are some of my : Wonderfully "Lot? PBIC"ES: Cottage clocks, $1: Bis job cast Steel Scissbrs, 10c; Ladies' & Gent's stockings, 5c; good steel Table Knives and Forks, 50c. and 75o. per set; good plated Table Spoons, 60c. per set) gooa plated Tea Spoons 25c. per set: good Wool Hats, 30a., 50c. and 75c; good Caps, 15(f; good Clocks 90e; 14 Quart "Tin Bucket, 25c; 10 Quart Tin Bucket, 20c8 Quart cov ered Bucket, 25c; 4 (.uarf iUpffee Pot, 15c; 10 Quart Dish Parr, 25c; 14 Quart Block Tin Dish Pan, 40c; 6 Quart Dish Pan, 15c; " good . Plow Shoes, .$1; 5 Button Poster Kid Gloves 75c; Seamless Balbregan ELose, 20o; good 2 blade Jack Knife, L25c; 2 Spools Cotton, 5c; Large Box Blacking, oc; a Box Blueing, 5c; Graduate Quart Measures, 5c; - 24 Sheets Paper" 24 Envelopes all for 1 Oo; Solid Nickel: Watch Chain, 10.; 20 inch Pire. ShoveL . 10; good Lan- tern;r50c;. 50 foot Reel Tape Meas ures, 25c; 60 feet Eope, 10c; . 30 feet 5c; good Table- Spoons, 15c r per Set; Feather Dusters 1U ana. iJoc; good Tea' Spoons luo. per: a at; b uuart Milk Pans 10c; Spittoonfif 10c; .Spring Call Bell, 25c; Wood Bowls 10c; RoU mg Pins, 10c; Mugs, oc; Straw Mats, 10, 15 ana Joe. nave a o ana iu cent counter full' ot iiselul goods, Also keep all kinds-of Groceries, such as Fish by ' the barrel, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Tea,. Coffee, ; Molasses. Oil, &oap, . iStarch, &c., &c. ; 1 Re spectfully ask you to calKand see prices. Will guarantee satisfaction. ;-Very''llespectfulIy.--''v-T:i:!s.i?; : i - H. J. WILLIAMS, (Under Benbo w Hall,) -may 28 3mos. ' Greensboro, N. C.: E. 1.1. CaldGls-jgh & Dro.V -DHULEas N r " Ctaple and Paacy -.GSCfCEHIBsAt Confectioneries i - : :: c ..!" t -. T i" x'. 'V. FOUE1UN & DOMESTIC FRUITS New Glas Front, opp r8ito Ben bow Hall, S,uth Elrji Sirtet T, S. SHELTON, -DEALER IN- CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ; Vooden and Willow Ware. GENERAL MERCHANDISE fcC. apr:2:tf - Grensboro, N. C. " ' . . - . . , W. F. Dorsett & Son, PROPRIETORS OF-f ORE MIL II0TEL, ' ' ' ' ' AND-DEALERS IN ' Fancy aud Family Groceries! ' ORE HILL, N. C - 00 P3 m w to i-i t-H 30 ' I I - 09 A O o 9 :.o - - 1 5 US oi S M TO EH H V3 Si2 Baggies, Carriages' AND I have just received a car load the of . . .' Best cheap Buggies and Carriages Ever brought to this market, which 1 propose to sell very low, also a nice line of - "VERY FINR SXlQQim- f Cont-i sting of the following cele brated bi aads: U- S , made at Co lumbup, Ohio; Studebaker, made at South bend, fnd.; ;Babcock, made at Wateftbwn, -N: Y.;"Milburn niade at Toledo, Ohio.1 1 . These are some of the leading brands of fine work, and are as good as the best. Thoy are finished in the best style,and any one wanting a good and handsome vehicle could not do better than to buy either of the above and save money. I - can also furnish any style of Strictly .Hand Had ' harness vr A From a good common Harness to to the finest made I have in stock a full line of ;! ' . " . Saddles, " - ' ' . ' Harness, . , - " , r ' Saddle pockets, - - " Medical cases, Curry combsj Mane and Tail Brush es, Bristle Brushes, Harness Oil and Soap, Buggy and Wagon Whips, Buggy Va9here. Lap Dusters.Horse Covers, Traveling Bags and Valises, it In fact, everything that is kept in . . ' A . 1. I I. 1 a nrsi-ciasH esiaousnment. ; LEVI HOUSTOIl Manufacturer of find Harness and Saddles. . over Houston -& Bro's Wholesale Gioccry Store, valso in the Fields & Causey Block, ; v Greensboro, N, . C. ul2Gmo 'S' lOi ' 5 't 6 - ... FK THE SALE OF. . .... , g I A .2 Hrt - - - ' W 3 U kiwi To all iiio will send will send the NORTEC CAIIOLIITA : ; PK OHIBITIONIST and the AMERICAN FARMER for one year. " I i W k mhA k i A sisteen-page Agricultural Magazine, jnoiitlily, published by E. A. K. Ilackett, XXat Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which is rapidly taking rank as one of the leading Agricultural publication of the country. It is devoted exclusively to the interests of the Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyman, Gardener, and their household, and every species of industry connected wtth that great portion of the people of the world the Farmers. The subscription price is One Dollar per Year- Farmers cannot well get along without it. It puts new ideas into their minds, It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. n- SERGEANT 1IANUPACTURHIG GO., u Groonsboro. 2r. n -l , HANT77A.CrrUSSBS OI jy FARRAR TURDIIJE WATER . VIISEL, IK ,A WUIl AND HEATING QTOVFn. Sawilills, .Caiie Hills, Horss Power:, riows 5traw Cutlers, Andirons, And Castings of Every Description. S3 Send tor Price-List. . , J CLOSING WHITE EMBROIDERIES, 9 Laces & Zephyr Girigliams, niiiie a)ui Colored JJnibrouhn'cd Robes. ; :. Via have-marked bown all' ouV SHOfe and SHIPPERS' in order to reduce oiir stock, which js still 'large. In our GlotliiEie: Department ! ni?1 . will sell iuoi, iiuuiu .lino- w lUBDuun laai W8 navj mst received a new lot nf OUT wlflhrotol nfiTPnrPOO o nn crrnno tit. i . .A-m t v a r " ""fvuujaog W.UU OOWXiO. . 6 Keep lOeUl in order to suit everybody in, four" difierent styles, viz: Laced, Buttoned and Congress.' If C. : & . M. ' PRETZFELDER, Greensboro, N. C. Personal attention to every pile ' jsest accommodations lor farmers, v, " Highest market prices guaranteed on every sale. R. B Hines, " - - T. A Lyon, -' W. R. Land, lloor Manager, Auctioneer - Proprietor. POMONA HILL NIJRSERIES!! POMONA, N. C, v THEiSE' NURSERIES : are located 2 miles west of Greensboro, on the Rich mond & DanvUle and Salem Branch Rail rot 5" roads. There you can find ONE AND A ' HALF MILLION OF TREES AND VINES GROWING. Parties wanting Trees, &c, are respect fully invited to caU : and examine stock and learn the extent of these Nurseries. Stock, consists of all the leading and new varieties of Apple, Peach, Pear, (Standard and, Dwarf), Plums, Apricots . Grapes, Cherries, Mulberries, " Nectarines Figs Quinces,' Gooseberries, ' Raspberries, Cur rants, Pecans, English walnuts, Japanese Persimmon, Strawberries, Shrubs, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees. &e. and in fact everything of the , hardy class usually kept in a first-class Nursery, SUITABLE "FOR "NORTH CAROLINA and the Southern Border States. New Fruits of special note are the Tel low Transparent Apple, Lady Ingold Peach, the Lawson, Keiffer, Lucy Duke and Beaufort Pears, Lutie, Niagra, and the Georgia Grae) Wofford's Winter V IS" 'Descriptive Catalogues free;' Correspondence, solicited." Special ; in ducements to large planters. " t. Address, " J. VAN. LINDLEY, ' ' ' Pomona, Guilford Co., N. C. -jul9 6mo ''.. , , -" FAIRYIEW ACADEMY, ; Near . Gribsonville, N. C. s B. Yoik 1). D.; and Rev. B. V. York, Principals. , - - t : We Propose to do tborough work for comparatively low prices. ' ' ' No teacher, is allowed more than 20 students. ; : A Literary society will be t organized nex t term. Es . pacial attention given to-Elocution and the J&nglish lauguage. Penman ship and a business department will be annexed. f - 1 . Tuition from $6.00 tc $15 00 per term. , - Next term begins. August 4, 1886 junI8 , DH. R: 7. TATE, Practicing , Phy siciaD, l Greensboro, K. G., offers, his Professional Services to the? citizans of Ureensbor6 .and surrounding country. Ofiice at Porter & Dalton's drug store. Whei not there can be found, at his resi dence on Asheboro street, opposite Col. T. B. Keogh's". - -ul2tf - : m wii wi .'Li Li . tis $1.50 in acZzaiicj, OUT SALE! -OF- aoOIDR 0 LEE1 ... TOBAGOO, Greensboro, N. 0, - of Tobacco, DON'T FAIL TO READ THIS Agents;, wanted every where to sell The Hamilton Harp or Musical ( em, one of the ; prettiest best and cheapest musical instruments ever offered to the public. : . It is the . simplest instrument played with keys in the world- . lit is so arranged as anybody can play it and make sweet and DELIGHTFUL 2IUSIC, And can be tuned and played with Other instuments. You can play one or two parts . upon -it, , it will last you a lifetime. Now any family can have good music. Its price is with in reach of all. Its design was not to take the place of Organs aud Pi anos, which the wealthiest only can buy but to put good and lasting mu sic in every family at a price that any body can pay, but since -it has been brought out and submitted to the inspection of musial men it turns out to be an invaluable teacher and trainer of the human voice, it trains the voice to step the scale of fifteen sounds or two octaves, the great trouble with- new beginners has been to learn to finger music. This little Gem thows wide the door and the pupilvCaft see'at a single glance and can sing and play delightfully almost from ' : ' - - . .. TIic Very Start. . The .Hamilton Harp or Musical Gem is made of the best material, it 3 thirty inches high, fifteen incises wide, two and' a half inches deep, stands erect on two feet, the steel wire strings run up and down on the inside; secured near the top with screw eyes by which it is set in tune. 'I'o each of these strings is fixed a wire key projeccts out in front. There are fifteen in num; ber, making two octaves (three C's in the natural scale,) above these key s is fixed a board containg the shaped notes so when you tap a key it gives you the sound of that note, thus, when Do Ra Me, just tap the key under these shaped notes and it will play Do RaMe. The Gejn is of a beautimi cherry color trimmed in green and yellow, weighs about seven pounds, makes a magnifflcent show and glorious, sound and will be sold at the as tonishing low price of $7.50. Good oommission to agents. Apply to the undersigned near Wauhtown, and Salem, Forsyth Co. N. C. E. C. HAMILTON, Gen'l Agt. 2 . . Salem Po. N. C