. .. mimt iwwwiaivr GENEIIAILNEWS. iJectioa tickets furaished at one dollar1 per uiousana, m Jots not less than 1000. liird shobthig begins to day. ""' Trinity College'has 110 students' Gen. Gordon was elected; ,Gov- enor of Georgia, , without opposition The pricelpf sprits of turpntine has advanced considerably recently. Diphtheria -prevail in several localities iir the State.: ' - " -The Cronicle says there are 1.299 children in the schools of Raleigh. : President Cleveland- will be present at the Virginia State fair which begins on the-21st The Prohibitionists will; haver a candidate in" the field - for " Congress from this district. ' Mr. J osiah Turner dropped in to our office this weak, and chatted us pleasently a few minutes. -- Mr. Ralph P. WiIliams,'of Dan ville, is now with his father at the Banner. Mr. Williams,, we understand "Is an experianccd tobacconist Rev. John W Heath is quite sick at his home near Pleasant Gar den, this county. ' xne w. u. ,.u. will nave a lunch counter on the New Garden Fair Grounds Oct 21., 1886. Judge Gray hasu f er ruled the motion for a new ti'aP in the case of the Chicago Anarchists. They will hang. Do not fail to read bur- advertise ing columns, Mr. Jordan & Mr. Moore each have a new ad. in this issue Read them. - - Missers Reid; Brower & Winston, candidates for Congress from this district,spo'Ke in the court house here on Tuesday of this week. Mr. M. K. Galium and Miss Lelia Harris were united in marriage at the'residence of the bride's parents, at High Point Thursday evening. The Wilson & Fayetteville branch of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail road has been completed to Fayet teville. " The twenty-fourth annual fair of the Cumberland county agricul tural society meets the 0th, 10th, 11th and 12th of Ko.v. Married, at the - Benbow House, this city, on the 12th. inst, Miss Mamie Benbow to Mr. T. D. Crawford, of Chicago, by Rev. Mr. Stubbs. Mrs. T. A. L von is now receiv- ing her fall and winter millinery.! She requests the ladies to "call and examine her stock and prices before buying. v f The Greensboro Prohibition Club will meet every Friday , night until the first of November. The members are earnestly requested to turn out in force. - 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble," there's no specific for pain like Salvation Oil. Price 25 cts, a bottle. The Chinese say a large nose in dicates shrewdness, but we say a red nonse and a barking cangh - indi ies the needof a bottle of Dr. Bull's Co ugh Syrup Delaney,yoiingest son of Dr. R.K. Greororv. acciden til v shot and " killed O J 7 ..... says Mr. Cude is;one of the best farmers in Guilford county,-and that' if his farm with' its decency,1 and' thrifty, coma, oe- taken around on- the cam paign so all could see .his nunierou8 stocks of fine clover and -other hay his well tilled and ke pt bottoms and steep hillsides, his large potatoes his beautiful largo orchard, his -fine fat cattle and hogs", his wheat driled in and soAved ready for rain,' the people would eertalnly vote for him. He i a sober upright christian gentleman worthy tne, confidence and support all clasees of our citizens, and - would be a model iri the office to 'all who mig ht have occasion to! have buisness with him. : g g ' ' - " v" ; :y t i i'- ! ! iii iii " i i I..-. ,y When, times are hard and money scarce, one. cannot afford to buy recklessly. Some ; - things however we must have, - sTichy for instance, ;as.li clothi n g, h ats, sh oes, d r ess goods &c. What every one wants 'to know is," where he 'can buy the'most goods for the money. Now," G'. Will Arinfield keeps all such goods, and offers them at . prices to ' suit- the ' times. Give I him a call, and see if he does not meet kour wants to a T.' , - - Sewin lac himself with a parlor rifle Thursday evening. He was getting over a fence when the rifle fired the. ballentering his heart. He died almost immedi ately. ' -v ' . '- ' Hon. J. C. Buton was nominate d at the Democratic Senatorial conven tiou at Germantown on the 25th ult;as Sfimtor from Stokes an Forsyth, ana . --.--, . w - has accepted. . - ' - . . Mrs. C. C. Gorrell, West Mar k ot Stereet, this cityr is now open ing a , new stock of, M ill jriery goods Her stock is complete, and her pric es suited to the times. - Do not- fail to call and examine it before pur: chasing elsewhere. lite - Ilaleitjh Evening Viseta says: i( The street, railway seems to bo ahead of the water works in the race Hteel rails have been purchacd and partly shipped for the railway, and we can soon lookout tor Mr Snod grass Hon. John G. Carlile: Speaker o the House of Jteprsontatives, wa .re nominated lor Congress by : acclama' tion at the recent meeting of. the Sixth Kentucky district convention at New port Ky, , - -rrW. D, louden, commissioner on the part of this State, and Q. TGreen leaf, surveyor, will begin, the survey of the d ispu ted boundary 1 ine between North Carolina and Virgin! a Novem ber 10th. . The line is the boundry, of Currituck, Camden", "and Gates count ties.It,was originally run in 727. -: ... . - j " - We cherf ally place the Durham Tobacco Plant on " our " exchange ist. The Plant comes out in a nice new. dress; and under its newmanagei dined at the hospitable board - of Mr. ment is vigorous and aggressive.' 'AYe Martin Cude, ourcandidate for: S. C. win me riant success in everything Clerk, on "last Saturday, He .. J. I 1 ...H7. - .- i-.. . . . W ,. . -: . " .. except pontics. . . , - - Th omas Jndson Cluverius .must hang by; the neck until dead, for the murder ofshis cousin, Fannie Lillian. Madison.-; In ihe irristings Court at Riohmond,Saturday,at2 o'clck,p. m., he was re-sentenced by Judge "Atkins tabe hanged onf the 10th of Decem ber, betwen the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. ; - v -. - - . ' . .Shot and K illed.--A shock ing tragedy was enacted just , outside the northern corporate : " limits of Winston last night. ' A. C. Snipe, of this'plaee, shot and killed oti the spot Jesse Smith, of Stokes , county, the scene of the killing is the barroom "of vMr. Snipe; on the extension of Liber ty street about fifty yards from the corporate line; of Winston. Ticin: City Daily, Oct. 12th. " 4 : Rev J; P. Barrett, editor of the Christian Sun, Raleigh, N., C, called to see'ns one day last week, on his way home from the Georgia and Alabama conf erense. ve happened to ba out of the office at the time but we met him abourd the train and had a few minutes pleasant conversation' with him. Judging from his looks and cheerfullness the world is using him well:'... , ' 'i .-v.; I The dissatisfied Democrats of Chatam county h ave put a new ticket out. Chatam cou nty politice are per haps in worse -co ndition than Moore county politics. Ce ntral Express The "electric c.urre nt of politics is broken. The days of ring rule in politcs are :well nigh ended. Men are beginning to think and act for them selve. The outlook for the future is more hopeful. Political thrauldom is the worst form of human slavery. Mr. J. E. Walker, a successful manufacturer and excellent gentle man of Randolph,has been nominated for Congress against Hon. John S. Henderson.1 Mr. Walker is too good a man to be slaughtered, and wTe,hope he will decline the nomination. State Olironicle. The Prohibitionist has been in formed that Mr. Walker will riot de cline, whereupon we rejoice and wish him success. - Col. J. T. Morehead, the Demo cratic candidate for the Senate from Guilford, declares himself opposed to prohibition and in favor of high license. Now will those Democrats who say that they are as good Pro hibitionists as -any lody, vote for tiimr or will they vote for Mr. .Men- denhall, who is in favor of prohibi- bition? We shall see. A reward of $400 for - the arrest of Charles L. Heitman, of Lexington, charged with embezzlement, has been of ferd by Goy. Scales. -On Monday S. A. Thaxton sold at public auction five acres of land, one mile from the depot, for $3,000, more than $600 per acre. The whole tract, 27 acres, was bought by Mn Thaxton. about two years ago for $3,800 this looks like Durham is alive Durham Tobacco Plant. At a purely religious camp-; meeting in Nebraska, some one can. vassed the 214 voters found in the tents. Of these . there were party Prohibitionists 167 ; Republicans 38; Democrats Our" informant says that the ministers are fast indentify- ing themselves; with the new party. The year before at the County Pro hibition Convention, several preach ers were present, but not one of them could be induced to lead in prayer at the oneninsr. But to-day many of them are out-spoken and fearless Bro. J. C. Stroup, of Gaston Co.j writing under date of 10 inst., say3:, " ". j .- - "Our Prohibition candidates are making warm work for those of the old parties? The worst they say of us is, that we have erred in leavr ing the old parties ... However, on one occasion a certain individual called'us sore heads and fanatics. He would have been nearer right to have calledLTis sore hearts, for with some of ns that 'would have been true. Now, let every christian voter" strike at least one blow at the saloon on election day. One vote" for God' and home and native land." -Tke Royal -St. John lie Runs either backward or forward, A ua uoes any ana an Kinits ot work per fectly. ? Cull and see tle machine and the ; thousand and one other useful things lor itirm ana iiouseuoM use, lor sale at ' ? W. H. VAKEFIi;l,D & CO., : . i . Greensboro, N. C. On Monday,1 1st day; of- November, ' 188G. At the Court House door in Greensboro, N. Cj by virulue of a decree of J. N. Nelson. Clerk of the Superior Court of Guilford couuty, the undersigned will expose for sale to the highest bidder, to create assets to pay aeDis, me lonowing aescriDoa tracts oi - 1 " .. ; First tract, on waters of Pole Cut Creek, adjourning the lands of John Dillon on South, Geo; Temples ou West, &o.', contain ing about 100 acres and known as the Hoover place. ; ;. , Second tract, beginniug at John Dillon's corne,r thence east 20 polea to a stone, thence north 16 poles to a stone, thence South 16 poles to the beginning, containing two acres more or less; Both tracts about seven miles South of town and VALUABLE PROPERTY, with improvements thereon. TERMS i OF isALE: One-third cash, balance in 6 months with interest Title reserved tfntil pnrchnse money is paid. 1 MALINDA'M; BISHOP, I Adnr'x of Rankin R. Bishop, oct S 4w. ' 1 886. ' sylvania is the most perfoct Force Feed Fertilizer Drill in ex- KiSAVfMStearn Engines Gin PowerSjCider Mills AwT&sh: Send for illustrated catalogue. .' - - - - A A. JS. FAROUHAR 'f .Vorks. York. Pa, n YOTJ. SHOULD KNOW; THAT; rIT01:lTGjSi & STRATFORD, Pennsylvania Agricultural AVorks, York, Pa, 37 it I ' - - - SLXITHDE AX BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - GREENSBORO, -N C.' ' IS the place and now is' the time to tike a Practical Business Course Teachers' Course; in Penmanship or Telegraohy We use onr own Text books-. Blanks,Pens, &c. - Send for particulars to : - - ?r : (President. J AS. S. ED17ELL, Boot and Shoe Maker:.! HAS opened a . shop in the Coi,iiiNB building, corner of Sycamore & Davie streets, where he is prepared to -do all kmds of work in his line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Besides he keeps constantly on hand for sale second . hand' boots and shoes, and will take old boots and shoes in exchange for work. 1 - ". i . - " ; If you have boots or 'shoes to make, mend, buy or sell, do not fail to give him a calL ' . ' ' , sept 24; D mos , , - - : Lj. Mcduffie, . 4 ' DEALER IN ' ' ; : Drugs, Chemicals, Patent-Medicines, DYE STUFFS, Perfumery Toilet-Articles, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Combs of all" - Kinds, -' ! ' A nice Celluloii Comb for 25cents. ; Keep on hand a , nice line of . Pancy Goods all the . time. The best place for Ladies to visit when in need of any thing in the Toilet, or Fancy Goods - line: x The best Soda Water and "Milk Shnkftv in the city drawn from one the finest Soda tit rr . ... w ater f ountains in tne Btate. Agent for "Rickseckers" fine extracts. An lAirnt Cne of Faney Soaps. " iry tne 'luutaao ; Soap, la cakes for 50c. Try the "Pride-of the South," the best 5c. Cigar in the city, "Solace" Fine Cut Tobacco, and in truth anything you can ask for that is usually kept in a first class Drug Store. ? Special Drices to Phvsifinns nnd rinn. try Merchants.- - uive me a call. . Respectfully, T. Afp.DTTFFIR Trogdon Building, West Market St, s ureensuoro, JN. u. Sept 173 mos. V ",- A VALUABLE FARM FOR SKE v ... "KEP THE - -' ; . , - J , : V"-' " called -."eiverton.", "" v : " . - . - - ''',"' ROCKLAND, MAINE LIME. TOO. . CALCINED PLASTER, "JAMES RIVER" Cement, rone bettor- -Listers Guano. Navassa Guana, Orchilli Guano and Land roaster, ( J rain Drills Mowers", Hay Rakes, Plows and Plow castings,- Tennessee vvagons AC L.' just received, cheap and that they do th.e best Tin Roofing now that is done in Greensboro and use nothing but the best grade of tin - and guarantee evewjoo &nd are anxious to do your work at bottom prices. Come iri:' to" see us on prices and if you can't come just write us-a letter or postal card. ' v r , , ti - xt'-o : ',' ' " - ' WHARTON & STRATFORD. JX.1 ii. vYou should keep it in- mind too that we now lmve Mr. James B. Davis to do our work ; a thoretical and thoroughly practical tinner of many years active experi ence. - - , - - . ; . ... J, -, . : ... ., .. - oct 8 1m. - ,-- - . ' - , ' IdLm ft -EV- BOYD & CO., , SOUTH ELM STREET . - : -v '. ' m ..' .- ' T: :- T ' - -"v.. ' -- -r" Gi eensboro, NV C, OTS,SlipFs. SH01S Wholesale and Retail For Beauty, , Utility and Hardiness THET SURPASS ALL OTHERS. ' If you want a Fowl that will please you, send to me - and, get some Chicks of the above breed, AJsaa few fine Plymouth Rock Cockerels. Price, $1.00 each. Satis faction guaranteed. - " CD. WHIT-AKER, - . - Durham, N. C aug27 it. - ' E. M. Galdcls'jgh & Oro.r -DEALERS IN- Staplc and Fancy GROCEHU33, Confectioneries, FOREIGN d DOMESTIC fUUlTS Now Glass Front, opposite Ben bow HalL; South Elm Street T. S. SHELTOW, -DEALER IN- IT JS- F3 o3 Best for the Merchant I Best for the Farmer ! Best for the Mechanic j Best for the Lawyer ! . ... - ' - - - " . -,,"-' ' . i-, ' - : - " . - -- ' . . . ' .i- - : - '.-' i r :-.( - i" ...''. " - Best for the Doctor ! , Best for All! Give them a trial N i - R. P.- BOYD & CO. Wishint5 to make room fr ,our Fall Slock, which will t larger than ever before, wo have -conchittod to reduce ti ts prio.o on cvt-rj article we have m store. , Pare nnhis Farm is situated in Guilford Coun- - JL ty, N. C. on Reedy Fork, on the line of the R. & D. R.-li , and contains some thing over 700 acres". It has on it a erood Granite quarry. The soil is adapted to the growth of Tobaeco, Gram'of all kinds. Cotton and Grass. It has a large . frame dwelling of nine xooms, smoke-house, double kitchen, - ice house, store : house, barnes; stables, cribs,- tenant houses $c, There is on theplace, besides several old orchards, a young orchard of some 150 trees of select fruit, just begining to bear.. The dwelling is' miles from Brown's Summit a station on the - R. & D. R. R.. 12 miles from theity of Greensboro, and within half a mile of a saw and grain mill. The location is one of the most desirable in the country. Call on or address the Editor of this paper. , ..; Patent' Medicine.-; Chemicals, PalntH, !i.rd Oil, .. Castor Oil, : Fish Oil, . Machine Oil, and tvery other kind of oils. -Copal Varnish, ; . Coach Varnish, , .. f : Japan .Varnish, K; ; i Black Varnish, and all 'other kinds.of vjniiihH. Perfumery of .every-. kiwi, fr.in tlie cheapest 1 thes bet kiiids. Th e g Als must be Bold regir.J less J prjifits-they must go. Wi iueau whav we say we nuau bui ness. .);".,- "PU ase call "on us bef re bti) iiig, a a c re nuro wo ran make it to youi advanta-fe. . Coimtrv JMercfiantR t a'nd Farmei when y 11, are in xeid i'f any t ii n in our iiue, -et .tier -.f r ci, t.h-i jret our j a.d s h diff- reou. Wt can bff ad fLn Ktll go-d 1 -w do vn and from r no w on wo int-iid f.t dr it. . For Fall pUnting we h ave ; o ar rive-a largo fresh stoek.i-f - j ; For the rohihitionist - Our county "canvass opens the- ,20 inst We propose to meet the old partj candidates' oh every stump, in the county Some of the Republican leaders of , the county. 'have actually made a proposition tg. the Democrats for a joint canYass between them, the D's and R's, and leave the ' Prohi bitionists out, but I- think they : have failed toxget ' thd matter arranged. How they do dread to meet the Pro hibition question ! Bnt theyll have it to face. I ' 1 ' r friend tells 13 that j he with a pary c $ lad ies and - gertlem e Orchard Gran, : Herd Grast, I V r i II Kg r vi, Mtl et, - CWT Ku-i h. 1 1 . j.. 1, :iri- ' v.ry lhr, ki y 1 Q : mi it-' S r 1m o t.ich iu-j t. iSii re POMONA HILL NURSERIES!! Pomona-; n: c. THESE NURSERIES are located 2f miles west of Greensboro, on the Rich mond & Danville and Salem Branch Rail roads. There you can find ONE AND A HALF MILLION . OF TREES AND VINES GROWING. Parties wanting Trees. &c, are respects fully invited to call and examine stock and learn the extent of these Nurseries. Stock consists of all the leading and new varieties of :Apple,- Jfeacn, Fear, (Standard and Dwarf),. Plums,' Apricots Grapes, Cherries, Mulberries, Nectarines Figs, Quinces, Gooseberries, 'Raspberries, Cur rants, Pecans, English walnuts, Japanese Persimmon, Strawberries, Shrubs, Roses, Evergreens Shade Trees, &c. and in fact everything of the hardy class usually kept in a lirst-class Nursery, SUITABLE FOR NORTH CAROLINA and the Southern Border States. New Fruits of special note "are the Yel low; -Transparent Apple.. Lady -Ingold Peach,' the Lawson. Keiffer, " Lucy Duke and Beaufort Pears; Lutie, Niagra, and the Georgia Grape, Wofford's Winter. - LEAF TOBACCO OUtl -ACCOMMODATIONS for, rtian and;, beast cannot, be surpassed, , and we intend by Close Personal Attention to the Planters' interest to keep the BANER first-class in all her compartments. t - vve havB none but experi enced men in our-.emplymerit X? ATDU II WITT TntJC JLPn Drive for the Banner; first or a iwl,i 1 1 lj, M M litturuiiw vi ...... .V VPROPRIETOBSN ' last sale. Sept 24 3m Pt ARTHUR JORDAN, ' - - Dealer In TOMBSTONES : ANT) MONUMENTS, ; Italian and American Marble, : ALL WORK : WARRANTED. - v; c ' - GREENSBORO, N C. : -' jDscriptiv CaUdogus fr.- Correspondence solicited. . - Special dncements to large planters. m- .Addreas,' J. VAN. LINDLEY, ju49 6mo .Pomona, Guilford Co., N. C. t - t'uMtikii: ih. -I'ul'ho for their M r:l .nj rii' a;ro . ami toiic!ting ' eoi4i!i umcv in t he finuro we remain - - " ' .Very trulj, - - ' ' ' - ' H'- ? . '.' 't-: 1 ' V ' ' ',: V-. " ; r ; . f- ' - - '. ; .': ' Callum Bros, & Co., - , : j Druggist and Seedsmen.-V r GREENSBORO C. jul2 6m : .'- ' PICTURES ! PICTURES"! Pictures from ife Jn all Siyles. Old Pictures Copied to any Size. -.Out office .is supplied iwith; best instruments and latest improyements. : Call and examine specimens of our work'. "- ; - - ; III" Work- Guarahteeo. 'Prices as iiow as: ths Lowest West Market Street, 2d' door, -from Court House,' Green sooro, .If. ,G7-jy?.yt : 'PRINCE, Photographerj mm m m . 'With Universal Log Beam Rectilinear Simultaneous - Set Work and Double Eccentric Friction Feed. .; ACCDRATE! 1 S1MPIE! CHEAPI ' DURABLE! . Ok . . mm - - - . v . -a r.--r -j - m.' .1 mm 1 n fti-'.- 1-11 . m-1 t i.. :.-if isrJ - MANUFACTURED BY- , , , , SALEDI IRON WORKS J j Salem, II. C. S. A. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Wooden and Willow Ware, GENERAL MERCHANDISE fcG. apr:2:tf . ; Grensboeo, N.'C. W a - :' - t-t H ... H - I S , -. CO :QC. O w o o r-t - ay -1 1 - 02 25 CO n w, , 1 4 CO H 00 - ' W -' 'A 53 00 oi 03 n o o o n 3 to o & o o o o ja -- 9 CO r4 - . to , I- -03 X, c oJ - "3 & -" CO 1 1 o P too .2 o OS s CD fx . 03 u o a . an 03 3 m H .. I z3 a 13 aa . OS n 4 s o at o P a o h P5 CO 3 Bndes, Carriages HARNESS. I have just received a car load ihe ' - of Best cheap Buggies and Carriages Ever brought to this market, which I propose to also a nice line of sell verj' low, Also Hanufactarers of ; - . ,v Steam Engines Wood Planers, Pulleys, Ac i V Write for 4 Descriptive Circu-. Ian and Prices to SALEEI IRON. WORKS, .SAXSEIr'Na MISSES CHEEK " WEATHERLY have opened a stckfc of entirely Naw Milliwry Goods in the old AVilsoa & Shober bank buildLug," Sooth Elm -Street, Greens- N. G, Their, stock' xnclwdes every thing in their line, mces to kuii uhj uui Call and examine their gnotla before buyiug esewhre. ; ' .- . : -.. , oct 83 in. " - , . 1 VERY FINE BUGGIES, Consisting ofT the following cele brated brands: U- S , made at Co lumbap, Ohio; Studebaker, made at South bend, Ind.; Babcock, made at Watertown,- N. Y.; Milburn, ' made at Toledo, Ohio. .These are some of the leading brands of fine work, and are m good as tbe best." They are finished in ihe best etyle,'and any one wanting a "good and handsome vehicle could not do better than to buy either of tbe above and eave money. can also furnish any style of ; Strictly Hand Ilado HARHESS From a good common Ilarnem to 10 the tin est maae. 1 nave in block k full line)f - Saddles, - - liarnetJs, ' -. ' . Saddle pockets, ! - : . .. MedicHl. vases, furry :.e.irn. Maito . nd lull ISrUnli en, Jii tM v. BnTf : us. 1 1 a ri.i Hn Oil at i S:j, lUity ui VVug- 11 .Whipn, Cov.i"-.'l tuVx lirv Brttsai'd Val.sC'w, In fact; everything that is kept in a first-class establishment. : DR. R: W. TATE, Practicing 'Physician,'' Greenbboro, N. O., offer8 his Professional Services m 'the citizans - cf Greensboro and hurnnnding country. Office at PprK r A Dalton's drug store When not iiere can be ion nd at his resi dence dn Asheboro .street, opposite Col. T. B. Keoh'w. :7 - . LEVI IIOUSTCII, ; Manufacturer of fine Harness and Saddles, oyer Houston & Bro's Wholesale Giocery Store, also in the Fields & Causey. Block, i Greensboro, N. G. " 2 fimo . "