7. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. iTHE; TEMPEBAKOE KplVIVAL. . -. v .. ..- - . . . . It is, a cause of great rejoicing in temperance"ranks that such "efficient work; is being . done:;,by PIessrs. Maybee & English in so many places in North Carolina. We should think eyery city cursed -with the ruin traffic would hold '-out a welcoming 5 hand 'to these faithful workers. U They : are sowing seed in our state which ; will yield a rich harvest m the near future. Hundreds of women - are joining the w. T. U. u., and. many hundreds of all classes sign the iron clad total abstinence pledge. - ANNOUNCEMENT; V 5 Eev. 0. Mead, whose labors last year are remembered with pleasure, ig expected to Tisit North 1 Carolina in December, under the auspices of .the W. C. T. U., and lecture in-? a 1 few , cities. If iiis addresses are desired . at any points I for wlpch application f has not already been.madej it should De maae soon, as uie number oi aa dresses will Delimited. - 1 ' . Maby C. Woody. : i , - Prayers has ascended daily to the Throne of (Glory for the -recovery o: our sick Treasurer. ; Though we d6 not feel that God's work its depend ent on individuals, yet many anxioug hearts have queired what would be. come of our State W. T. C. U. jf this faitnful leader should e taken from our midst After days of anxiety we are thankful for more favorable re ports. 1' ; i So many pressing invitations were reeeived from different cities for the next National Convention of the W. C. T. U. that it could not be decided in the convention at Minneapolis. The matter was referred to the Ex ecutive Committee, i .The! Executive Committee were very much in sym pathy with the South and chose, 'Air lanta, Ga., or Nashville Tenn. The choice between the two places wil soon be announced. ather city is easily accessible from our State, and we hope many white ribbon women as well as other workers, will plan to visit the National Convention next Autumn ' Can we not as white ribbon Women rejoice that our sisterhood so nearly I encircles I the v. globe.' ? Miss Willard says of the world's W. C. T. U. : "We shall soon be receiving 'dues from the W. C. T; U. of Japan, for Mrs. Leavitt has already, by invita tion of government officials, organ ized a White Eibbon Temperance Union among women with whom it is fashionable to paint the teeth black." Our great " petition is circur lating to-day in all quarters of the globe. Japan has it, and China has it, and it is borne upon the breezes that "blowjsoft o'er "Ceylon's isle.? Siberia is circulating it, and Edward S. Morris, the philahthrophist, writes me, "Ii we could but reach Timbuc too and the centre of Soudan, one million orthodox Mohamenedan women would ' gladly singn their names, because they" practically be lieve in the law of their Koran' -that "fermented liquor is a snare 'and a curse from the devil." In the penpicturea of ladies in at ; tendance at the National Convention, ; .the one of Mrs. Caroline A? Leech, J Of. Kentucky, and 'Mrs. Ellen C. ' :Bryce, of Alabama, jour printer made the reporters proclaim thenfKorthern , hred and born. Vltii Southern bred - : and born. , ; b -J.he State organ Of . the,; VV. t. J. U. ' isInnusuaUy interestinff this month, . 'r, ' OWing partly to the large number Ot reTXrts from local nnionSrthough the editor informs ns that many" oth ers reached her too late for insertion. s 1 - K. C. W. Drs; GRIFFITltfi YHITSETT, i!vi:rv?i:fV;.'-):!:.: a. ' Teeth extracted without pain. ; "Office on E. Market streetifopposite 175. Court House, j - v - ' Aug. 13 3 mo. THOMAS, UEECB & CO. Book und Jot Printers., T ' s 1 Opposite the NationalB&nk, ; GBXXirSBOBO, K. c. Iteroan tile and School work spe ciaity. satisiactson i Pricee Iow.;iv;v. cuarauteed norncixui m 0:!S!O'IT: l7AG0:i CCALES, "-r n - r--n In Unn, 3CL.P and Trim IM mMm Uiia pmptr 4 JOKHWitnlktlnlfU-tatta LiMeDUFFIE, s l DEALER IN Do, UGais, Patent-LlcioEs, DYE STUFFS. Perfumery, Toilet ArticlesyTooth and Hair Brushes, Combs of all . . . - ' ' j - KindSr " ' 1 1 nice Celluloii Comb for 25 cents. Keep on haad Ta-nice .line of Fancy .Goods all the time.- The best place ior ljaaies to visit wnen in neea or anr thlntf in the Toilet, or Fancy Goods line. The beet Soda Water and "Milk Shakes'' in the eity drawn from one the finest Soda Water Fountains in the State. Agent for Bickseckers" fine extracts. An elegant line oi jj ancy ooaps. . Try the "Mikado"- Soap, 13 cakes for 50c Try th "Pride of . the South,' the best 5c. CSfirar in the fiity; "Solace" Fin Cat Tobacco and in truth anything yon fcan ask for that Is usually kept in a first class Drag Store. -' ' Special prices to Physicians and conn. try Merchants. GiTe me a call. . v Respectfully, L. McDUFFIX Trogdon Building, West Market St,- . t .k ft Greensboro", N. 6ept 17 -Smos. PICTURES ! PICTURES ! i PictiirES from Life in all Styles, Old Pictures Copied to any Size. i Onr. office I is supplied with best instruments and latest improvements. Call and examine specimens of our work.1 Prices as Low as 'the Lowest West Market Street 2d door from Court House; Greensooro, H. C. f PBJNCE, Photographer. JAS. S. EDUELL, Boot and' Shoe Maker ! HAS opened a shop in the Collins building, 'corner of Sycamore & Davie streets, where! he -is "Drenared to do all kinds of work, in his line. Satisfaction guaranteed .c Besides he keeps constantly on hand for " sale second hand boots and shoes, and will itake old boots and shoes in exchanare for work. . , If Toa have "boots; or .shoes Ito- make, mend, buy or sell, do not' fail to give him a calL1 - . sept i 3 mos ' POMONA HILL NURSERIES!! POMONA, N. C. fTlHESE NUESERIES - are located 2i X miles west of Greensboro, on the Rich mond & Danville and Salem Branch Rail roads. ' There you can find ONE I AND A HALF MILLION OF TREES AND VINES GROWING. Parties wanting Trees, &c, are respect folly invited to , call and examine , stock Stock consists of all the leading and new and learn the extent of .these Nurseries varieties oiApme, .i-each, Fear,(standard inu uwmi;, riujug, Apncois urapes, ICherries- Mulberries, Nectarines Firs, Quinces, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Cur rants, Pecans, English walnuts, Japanese Persimmon, Strawberries, Shrubs. Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c. and in fact everything of the hardy class usually kept in a first-class Nursery, d SUITABLE FOR NORTH CARO LIN -Urn and the Southern Border States. -New Fruits pf special note are the ; Yel low transparent Apple,' . Lady 4 Iogold Peach the Lawson, Keiffer, : Lucy Duke and Beaufort Pears, " Lutie, Niagra, and the Georgia Grape, .Wofford'a Winter. 3ff"2?5njpM Cataloffus fr Correspondence solicited. Special in. docements to large planters. Address. - Jj VAN. -LINDLET, ; Pomona, Guilford Co., N. C. jul9 6mo - t rihis Farm Is situated in Guilford Coun X ty, N- C. on Reedy Fork, on the line ui me xv. a, xt. u.. d. , kuu.uiuuuui) some thing over 700 acres. It has on it a good Granite) quarry. ' The soil is adapted to the growth of ; Tobacco, urain ot .all kinds, Cotton and Grass. It has a larg frame J dwelling of nine rooms, smoke.hojwp, Idouble kitchen, ice house, store house. barnesi stables, cribs, tenant houses &c. Thece hi on the place, besides several' old orchards, young orchard of , some 150 trees of seleet fruit, just begining to bearj The dwelling is U mues from Brown's Summit a station x Hne H., Sc D.. R. . R., 12 miles from the city of jzeensboro, and within half a mile of a saw'aiidi err aia mill. The location is one of the -moat ,dsrabl in the countrv. . ' , v , n . , . Call on or address the Editor of his; PROHIBITION PAHTY. .TONAL EXECUTIVB COMM1TTXX. John B. Finch. Lincoln. Neb. Chm'n D. P. Sagendorph Charlotte, Mich;j . vice unairman: : . T A. J.! J utkins, Chicago, 111., Cor. Secretary. A. Yan Fleet, Chicago; HI, Reo. Secretary.'' - ' - ' ',J V; ' D. Hastings Madison, .Wis Treaa. NU. State Executive Cbmmittoeii I). W CBenbow, Ch'it, "Greensboro, vv . j?-. toere: Secretarv. . ' C. N. Grandson. - - a F. W. Bradley . t, j , v Gastotiia. T. li. Vail, - 'i . w" 1 . , Charlotte FJ SI Blair. Sammerfield, W. H. Worth, L. P. Berry, ; ", Av,J. Tomlin8ou, Sam'l Ij. Trogdon, T. C. Worth,' i Edwin Shaver,:1, JLinston, : Mebane. t; lBueh Hill, J W&ddeira ' i Worthville SaliBbury.':! ' . i County Chairmen. V v . By Congressional bwtricta: 'lrtDist3'' ,;- '". " D, W. Jarvis, Washington. , 3rd Dist. " Wayne, J.JF.iAlUler, Goldeboro. i i ' : ' 4th Dist. v ' Alamance. Daniel, Wortb.'Co. Bhops Johnson, J. C, Ellington, bmithfield ' : . . 5 th Dist ' V Guilford, J. Van Eindley, GreensDoro f 7th Dist. ! Davidson, W. Moffitt, ' Lexington Kandolpb, M. Hammond, Bash liil Kowan, li. Shaver, baliebury. Yadkin, T. Mi Geortre, - v 1 1 f - f Cross Roads Church 8th Dist. '.'-V Burke, R. L. Abernethy, : Kuther- ford College. .. Gaston. B. G. Bradley, , Gastonia Let all Counties hold Conventions and organize at once. - M flf CflTI Q C Q pi 6thi,wh to xmcn AIIW Ell I lOCUv th paper, or obtain stinwtet on advrtiing space whon in Chicago, will find it on file at LORD &TI10UAS A valuable remedy for the cure and relief of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Mor bus, Cramps, Cramp Colic, Kidney Complaints, Gravel n Bladder, Pains in the Stomach and Bowele, Ilheuma tism-y Neuralgia, , Swellings, Mead aches, ' Toothache, Xame or Stiff Back, Bri'ises, sprains, JVettlerash, Poison Oak Itch, Frost Bites, dec. For Ca tarrh and Cold in the Head it gives instant relief and is an infallible cure. The demand for Tar Seel lini ment has been greater than we an ticipated, and sales have exceeded our most sanguine expectations. All who have tried ; this , liniment speak in favor 6f it,' and woufd not be without it for t several times its cost ;Our liniment is growing in popular .' favor, and is destined to become the leading liniment on the market. It does al! we claim for it. It has been tried for complaints for which we do not recommend it and proved good in such cases. It is a grea t Pain-Killer, Try it and you wW be convinced. 2tfvery family in , North Carolina should keep a DOtue in case or emerjrency. Unit dree are constantly: meeting witb accidents oi some kind. Tar Heel liniment will euro cuts, w burnt sprains, &c., and .will be handj to have in the house. Your little child may have the-colic,' one dese of lin lment wilt relieve the child instant ly, and will eave you trouble of run ning for a doctor (irown chijdror. and older people have the colic and many other pains. In all cases Tar Heel liniment will be found a vaiu able and timely remedy: Remember Tar Heel liniment Ask your druggist;or merchant for it and take no other. It is the i5st, Surest and Safest- liniment on the market. : . : : , ; : - . ' t Price 60 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggista and Merchants 'gener ally. If you cannot get it from your uruffffisi, or mercoani : oruer uireci j : 1 j a from I the i miuiiiifactQrera.l::h6ir once trpod you will not be without ic. it? mi aivsvilQu v.wkb; every V. Houston & Emerson, ; 1 1 V Sole 'Prop'rs and Mf.'rK." . : . ' : GEENSBOfcO,' K. C. Wholeald depot at . , tl f . ' V Wholesalia Druggists, : , ; won poiwt x, c, - : .,-tPorSaleby'''t.':l Tomlinson, Bro. & Co., Bufa Hill, Chas. Hundly and B. L. Lineborry Oct-l-15mo , , r, Trinity Collge. i DR. B.iV. ,TATE, : Practicing JJbyj&ician; ' Greensboro N. C.;oflfers his rofeajonai Services to tne : ciiizans oi -urreensvofo jjDjj surrounding i country. Office at Pjcrlcr& Daltoq's drug store. When not there' Can be found 'at' his rest decce on Asheboro street, 'Opposite Col. T. B. K-eogbJ, . H.&E. J'! I. Printing J are the Send stamp for catalogue to J. F. W. DORMAN " : BaLTIHORS, Md. lAnHintr Engraver: Electrotvner and Tl'll J i 1 n Checks, etc.,. etc ' - Established "by J; Pi NISSEN 1834. -r ( - Geo. E. Nisseh & Co., WAGON MANUFACTUEE11S, Salem, N. 0. VERY BEST WORK AT LOWEST PRICES. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. " BUY PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND DIE STUFFS, AT- an mm STOEB. "We have also a large stock of fresh and genuine FIELD AND GRASS SEED, Such as Clover Seed, Orchard Grass, &c, &c We have the largest stock of the above goods in Greensboro, and we guarantee to sell them cheaper than you can Duy tnem ; ana, it ail be return and we will take them back. A rt vh nil Aninn Q-a vrxn Vh.m w MthOU. WX Oil ItllC V1UUU IJCbO JUU Ul All t CJAlxL U M C.F&Y.V.R.R. COSrnXNSKD TIMK TABLS. Went into effect on Monday, No vember 23rd, 1885. : : TKAIHS NOBTH XJU.YX BennetUville, S. C. 8 20 a m Shoo Heel, N. C, 9 50 a m FayetLeville, 12 25 p m Sanford 2 25 p m Ore Hill, 3 43 p m Liberty, 4 37 p m --Greensboro, 6 00 p m. Dinner at Fayetteville. 'f ' Train South Leave Greensboro, 9 50 a' m Liberty, II,- 05, a m Ore Hill, 12 .00 m San ford. 1 45 v m Favettoville. 4 00 -r-Shoe Heal, (i 15 p m -Bennetts villeVft. C., 7 30 p m. r - Pinner at Sanford. Freight and bapsenger traia leaver Dennettsville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2. 30 p m, arrive ing at Shoe Heel at 4 30 p m and Fayetteville at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays Xburisdavs ud Saturdays at 6 30 a ,c,;arHviiig t Shoe Heel at XO a m and arrives at HenncUviHc gt 12 m Freight and passenger train leav- es irajeueyuie ,uaiiyi at .a am. (connecting at San lord with freight and passonger : trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a m, arrives at Greensboro at 5 40, - p m. - Jttiitvvn Greensboru daily at 5 am, " m - - - - rm I - . A s n. aiiU awg as r ayettevuie at js. W. M.S. DUNN, : General Superintendent. . mTldSES CHEEK IfXbave opepe4 a gtflcj MiUrnery Qoo&it in iheM Wtlspp fipopff1' bank building, 8Bth Elm -!$twet, Greens boro, N.. Tbir stoefc ? iflPJades yery thing in their lins, Tfifiaaio soit the times, Call and examine their goods bew ; buying e8ewhere. ' oct 8 --3 m , , :-, EGEopQ OMMERCE ismiiii scicmcc. Opn U the year eeit two s.i. fcr miuio( w aw ywvi'iiliMi 4 eodoeiaf vrtTun4 plilla mfUirs. Sena 6irMotrtelef 9Q Presses & est Made, manufacturer, ot Printers' Supplie, Dl ' If at 1 and RiiKKav TV a YOUR goods are not as we represent tnem to We wiU also pay , $ 4 25 per bushel aAvkl ma I PjtWMta Ui BC.UU. US. UUU bXUXCIl US. rlxiUo. & LU., UBSENSBOBO, JN, U. JVb Family Should be without a - Ueligious Paper. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE Blue Ridge Baptist, The only Religious Journal publish ed in Western North Carolina. " It contains matter for 'Sunday reading and for week day : road in?. SUNDAY SCHOOIi LESSONS Best published. ' ' I Select Short Sermons, from the fin est Preachers. General "News, including local, acme and foreign i I ems, is a - nut-: ahell. Selections for the. Farmer i and his Wife, and for the - Young For the Children. JB6TAble correspondence. . Mis cellaneous Matter. ' The best advertising medium for our Mountain Section, as it knows no Coun ty lines in it large and in creasing ciculation all ovvr our sec tion west of the Blue Hidge. RtSV, J OS. E, CABTEK, Editor and Proprietor. Publisbe d weekly in Hendrsonville, N. O. at S 1.50 per annum T5 fbr 6 mo. Adress BLUB RII B B A PTIST Heudersonville Henderaoti Co. N. C SULLIVAN 'HOUSE gg '702 , I 0 G0Oj ACCOitSIODATIONS AT ' LOW BATES I iiii 1 J- - - SAMPLE B. MOOT, : FALL AND WINTER STOCK- is ncrw complete aud ready fbr inspection.- - In addition FINE DRESS GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTH ING; BOOTS PIECE GOODS, STAPLE DRY We. offer 300 FAIR BED ; BLANKETS from $1.25 to -$12.20 per "pair. A full line of - CARPETS, RUGS amd CtJRTIAN GOODS.. And the most complete line of LADIES CLOAKS, JACKETSfSHAWLS . ;: - - and WRAPS of all kinds in the City. Our stock of CLOTHING is one of the LARGEST in the , State. OVERCOATS from $2-50 to $25.00 . v,. Respectfully, - .SAMPLE S; BROWN, S . S M.-PRETZFELDEB, ; ' 3 Sole Agents. Jaly 23 tf THE AMERICAN FARMER To all who will send us $1.50 in advance, we will send the NORTH CAROLINA PROHIBITIONIST and the AMERICAN FARMER for one year. THE AHEniGAH FAnLlER ! i sixteen-page Agricultural Magazine, zteen-page Agricultural Magazine, monthly, published by E. A. Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which is rapidly taking rank as one c -at ort wayne, inaiana, and -which is agiKUkiuu puuucnuou ui mo wiuiirj. the Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyman, species of industry connected wtth that the Farmers. The subscription price is One Dollar per Tear- Farmers cannot well get along without it. It puts new ideas into their minds, It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. jbi mm With Uaiyanal Log.Beam RectHiacar Simultaneous i (i ( StWrk tmd Doable Eccentric Friction Fe4 ACCIIAItl SIMPLE! -CHtAfl IDSAItEl -''-AlHSknMimtf ,V"V;:'.:.. ", team Kngtnes, Wood P!aners( Pulleys, I .... H J IRON WQWSB, SAI33II, N. a SERGEANT HANUFACTURING CO., . Crroeiistooro, O. ' UAjmriCTuszBs of . FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATINC STOVES, Saw Hills, Cane Hills; Horse Powers, m Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, . j And Castings. of Every Description. ; Send for Price-List. FOR BOTH SEXES. V On the C. F. &Y.Y.SL It., 12 miles north of Grepnsboro, baa been in suocessfnl operation for yep. . This fephool of EXGfS (?EAS teaches b1 branches common In snch Iqstitutions. Staden le?e the carg vithin a few minutes walt pf the cftdemy. fonj pfttrpnage is solicited. ,;,fi. Bt418, , ; Suiatnerfield, S. C. S. MOOBE, ,, Denier in Organ Dealer in Orpans and ' Pianos 20 rears.' snomnger tu.uw m use), ij the best I know of for the money, at $36, $39, $41 $59, $65, $72. $75, $30, and up, delivered, B08ix . in last few aays. Same styles on time add $5, and pay-$10 cash and $5 mnthlv till paid tm. Uroalan firea H83.it to full lines of . AND SHOES. GOODS and NOTIONS of all kin monthly, published by E. A. K. Hackett, ramdlv takmc rank s onn of tlm leoiixio- , xi its uevotea exclusively to the interests of. Gardener; and their household, and everv erreat nortion of the Teoile of th wm-M mj" ;:J,P;c;-::.;;.iIANUFAeTUIIBD BY X C! A TP fT T TT3 pVtT TTT inirn tt c?9 - . I . pi 11 '( r o.s.a. 65, ii 3 I Write for Descriptive Circu Ao. lars and Prices to High- Point ; Classical - Institute, : HIGH POINT. N. C. PEEfAUES FOR COLLEGE OS BUST. Jit'.s. Tesicher'KHi.diViniiutrptalCourHP." Both uexe ndtniUed. r N- xv N.-8ioti bPins Ai g.-iidrV 1S86. Tuition per mo.. $2.01) to M OO. lJojird in i ipo., in nriynta tamili.es. $8 to $10 J in clhl) S5.0Q to '$0.5(L Con na of tlm Mouitpr vit Catalpgnes free on; "iaps plication. S. It. THOMPSON,. Principal ams. ; On?1; 15 IlodJ Po97f.r 8 at't ry ensrinoaa) H ilor. ' One 20 H P E gtnti an i IJjilor. Two 8aw Milirt. : : All new and for salo low dorn easy terms. , One Cotton Gin. Three V7iilor Wheels. . Apply to . J. H. BURGESS, Columbia Factory, N Ck .... - T. r. . 7 .....-... i . ' : , J J paper