r 7. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. : PEISON WORK It has been said that eVery true mother sees her own boy in the face of every other boy, that the' mother yearns for the welfare of all.Fromheart this principle it is easy to comprehend why this State organization feels an Interest in all the boys of " the State, an! desires that they arrive at a true - and noble manhood Dear sisters, did your, mother heart ever 'ake in the thought that the majority of prisoners ure under twenty two years of age, that one-third are under s xteen, mere boys who need a mother's tender care! rossiDiy me motner n oniy on m name or she may sleep under the c ods of the valley, Boj s, mere chil dreu,notmore than eight years of age I could make it bright with' flowers. And the subeam's light wou'd play ' Where the kisses of toft hhowers ' ' Caressed each quivering spray. But alas! for living death, J : Alas for the prison gravel ' " Alas for the wasted breath, i Of him I wo 'Id die- to savel r- -: The, feet I had held and kissed K Have run the swift ways of sin,. V 1 Ah, Lord, wherein hare I missed That he should not enter in?" - ' ' '' ' ; The Reform Olub at Elizabeth C ity, organized by Messers. Mabee andE -Igish; is doi g a grand work. The Club holds pub ic meetings each Sun- day p. r. Crowds go to hear the songs a d ofti' es wittv speeches of thp. W isV ' . ' members, what a revolution i$ sent have been sentenced to the penitent-H16? mig'' tbe made b? ea"iestwork iary in our State this year, what a fu ture is before such children; Shut in with older criminals, instead of being improved by "punishment they are turnel out months afterwads train- d 'criminals who delight in vicious hab its, again and again to go behind pris bars until finally some dreadful deed . demands the life to pay the pena'ty It makes one's heart bleed to think of the childre n we see trained criin inals by long waiting in jail with old er experts who are anxious for a pu ..." . P l to whom to impart their abudan dance. Some steps ought to be taken ; : to remedy this pre4 eration of enmi , hal lives. The State has .a right to v protect itself ' It would be conomy to fill these idle moments in jail wit I' labor. ; Nothing so totures a child as to have nothing to. do. Hard labor - is far more desi abla.v An4 children 4n penitentiaries should not miss al mental , dis iplin. They have been idle, prof igate but now in the hands . of the State they should be turned , out improved. . Is it not- our duty as ; an -assembly of christian w men to pr esent to the legislature the propriety of making prov sion f r a State Re form School under the care of a Chris tian superitendent and matron and godly teachers, where those convict ed of crime, under seven-t en years o age, shall ba placed to be reformed. educated and established in ther'ght Way? It should be a manuel Jabor school, located upon a farm, with such appl a ces as are necssary to teach - trades., r Vagrancy itself shou'd be a sufficient officer to smd a boy to this home. "We need mjre of the Jewish idea of industry forming apart of the basis of morality irftraining children - which is expressed Jin their proverb "He that teacheth fcot his boy a trade -does the s me as if he" taught him to steal Often these young criminal ?are the . children ; bf drunkards who have inherited evil tendencies, often the crime is'thfeidiriect' result of drink itselL - ' T ' A few years of this reformatory life while the character is being formed will turn out to tne btate many a steady, educated citizen who, if his boyhood had been spent in a St .te penitentiary, would have been, by re peated offences, a far great expense to the country, beside the sorrow he may ha ree u-ed. This plan of treat ing criminal boys is both politic and ' humane, not to say rhristian. Many a boy just as guilty, and more, so, tian those m the jehetentiary,- continues at home "and becomes so improved and established by the home influeri ces as to ' ecome a popular and U eful . man -llome, one of the three bright est stars in every boy inner sky, is 'the great moral factor in determining his after life.,: We argue that he home influence cannot, with economy .0 the State' be d spensed with, even mr criminal children, and thst it should i be supplied in the Reform Home. A - . Mary C Woody of the Reform Clubs which are sct- tered ! throughout this State - The time has fully come when the christian people every where should petition for a more reformatory meth od of treating youthful ; crim nals The following pathetic l nes a- e the expressio n of many a n other heart who has been unable to exert an i flu ence sufficient to baffle the elfort to allure her boy. into ways of evil, but the poor heart beate in the race can only una renei in tne ioiiowi g out burst; Tliere is no use denying the fact. .The socallei third party is fast becoming a power which -mil have material effect in deciding the political, oconomical, and social dpctrins of the nation if a strong op position is cot at once brought against ly InJceepera journal. - : j D. E. SHERWOOD, DEALER IN STAPDE AND FANCY groceries ccn'ectioDer tobftcco ; 'cigars snoff, &c, " solicits a j i f hbf ral share of tte public patronage. ? D. E .Thoma's Brick Bui:din?, Davie street, - - Greensboro, Jv. C. i ' "H'gbest maikec piice pari for coun try proauce. ! Dae. 10-om. PICTURES! PICTURES ! Pictures froin Life in all Styles. Old Pictures Copied to any Size- Our office is supplied with best instruments and latest improvements. Call and examine specimens of our work. f All Work Guaramteed. Prices as Low as : the Lowest West Market Street. 2d door from Court House, Greensooro, N. C. PRINCE, Photographer, JAS. S. ED17ELL, Boot' and Shoe Maker ! HAS opened a shop in the Collins building, corner of Sycamore & Davie streets, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Besides he keeps constantly on hand for sale second hand boots and shoes, and will .take old boots and shoes in exchange for work. ':: If you have boots or shoes to make, mend, buy or sell, do not fail to give him a calL : sept 24 3 mos POMONA HILL NURSERIES!! POMONA, N. O. PROHIBITION PARTY. - iTONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. John B. Finch, Lincoln, Neb. Chm'n D. if. Bagendorph, Charlotte, Mich., v ice unairman. : - A. J. Jntkins, Chieago, 111., Qor. becretary. , A. Van Fleet, Chicago, III., Reo. Secretary. ' x . . D. Hastings Madison, Wis., Treas. N, C. Stato Executivo Committee I). W. C. BenboM?j Ch'n, Greensboro, W. F: Kteele, Secretary: - C. N. (jracdison. , ..'"' P. W. Bradley, -r DORMAN' T lu Vail, F. S. Blair, ; W. H. Worth, W P. Berry; - , A. J. Tomlic&on, " Sam'l L. Troffdon. T. C. Worth. Edwin Shaver, ' Gastoriia. Charlotte Snmmerfield, Kineion, r Mehane, Bush Hill,; Waddcll's Wovthville Salisbury. ; County Chairmen. By Congressional Districts 1st Dist. ' , D. W. Jarvis,' Washington, . 3rd Dist. Wayne, J. F. Miller, Goldsboro. 4th Dist. , s ... Alamance, Daniel Worth, Co. Stiops Johnson, J. C. Ellington, Smithfield 5th Dist. : 1 Guilford, J. Van Lindlay, Greensboro 7th Dist. j i f Davidson, W. njMoffitt, LexiDgton Kandoiph, M. Hammond, Bush Hill Kowan, ii. bhaver, bausbniy. Yadkin, T. M. George, ; i i Cross Roads Church 8th' Dist. : : " ' ' Burke. B. L. Abernethy, Buther 1 : rford College.' Gaston; B. G. Bradley, Gastonia Let all Counties hold Conventions and organize at once. B nil CDT8 OCDO or othert.who wish to examine MU bit I IWbllW this paper, or obtain estimates on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at i . . . 45 to 49 Randolph St., the Advertising Agency of LORD &THOMHS. O o CZ3 - . 1 - AVe dp: - Printing Presses are the Sesl Jlfade, Sef'd stamp for catalogue tQ7 - J. F. W. DORMAN , Baltimore, Md. i--j: T7 v -V.4.fw'.i-nAr and manufacturer ot-rrintew :bupjiie, , , lM,.i.fitur,; ." cjfAr.Pir- M etat and llubbcr Car-i.- aUODi'r, UlUliur v,im uwci ... , .. Chocks, etc., -c... - . , V Established by J. IV NISSEN 1834. s Y Geo. E; Mssen & Co;, WAG C MANUFACTURE, Salem, XT.G. . VERY BEST WORK AT-LOWEST PRICES. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. fm lit eiiaMe arid lleiieliie PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND DYE STUFFS, YOU CAN BUY OVERcOATS SUITS, I MM f a Si it "9. BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS JfcSPor less money than you pay elsewhere, ' " " ' AT ' M p c IT IS '. ' - Greensboro, IS". C. A FACT. GO AND SEE FOlt YOURSELF V CARPETS,' HUGS and. CURT1 AN GOODS. And the most complete line of LADIES CLOAKS, JACKETS STIAWLq ana vtiii' oi all kinds in the City. -AT- 2f mHESE NURSERIES are locatfl JL miles west of Greensboro, on the Rich mond & Danville and Salem Erancli Rail roads. 5 There vou can find ONE AND A HALF MILLION OF TREES AND VINES GROWING. Parties wanting Trees &c. are respect fully invited to call and examine stock and learn the extent of these Nurseries. Stock consists of all the leading and new varieties of Apple, Peach. Pear (Standard and Dwarf), Plums, Apricote Grapes, Cherries, Mulberries. Nectarines Fic-s. Quinces, Gooseberries. Raspberries. Cur-; rants. Pecans English walnuts, Japanese j r ctsiimuuu oirawuerncs. snruos. noses Evergreens Shade Trees &c. and in fact every thins: of the hardv class usu all v 1 A. I J. 1 -T . ' " Kepi m a ursi-ciass nursery. SUITABLE FOR NORTH CAROLIN AT : THE PRISON GATE! "They buried my boy today- : In a stone vault br ad and high, They shut his bright look away From his mother's yearning eye. A pitiUss iron door Builded a wall of despair Between the two hearts so sore, Betweeo gray and golden" hair. It would not be hard to say Thy will, OFather, be ddnel , Had I laid my boy " away In a bed by grasses spun " ' and the Southern Border States. : New Fruits of special note are the Yel low Transparent Apple. Ladv Infold Peach, the Lawson. Kei?er. Lucv Duke and Beaufort Pears, Lulie. :Niacra. and the Georgia Grape, Woff ord's Winter. l'Dseriptw Catdlogu fr. Correspondence . solicited. ; Soecial in aucements to large planters. -Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, ! Pomona, Guilford Co., N. C. ju!9 6mo A VAIUABLE FARM FOB Svl LE nphis Farm is situated in Guilford Coun JLty,N.: C, on Reedy Fork, on the line of the R., & D. R , and contains some thing over 700 acres. It has on it a good Granite quarry. - The soil is adapted to the growth of 1 obacco. Gram of all . kinds. Cotton and Grass. It has a large frame dwelling I of nine rooms, smoke-house, double kitchen, ice house, store house, barn es, stables, cribs, tenant houses &c, There is on the place, besides several bid orchards, ! a young : orchard of gome , 150 trees of select fruit, just begining to bear The dwelling is 1 miles from Brown's Summit a station on the R.- & D; R. R., 1 miles from the city of Greensboro, and within half a mile of a saw and grain mill. The location is one of the most desirable in the country. , Call on or address the Editor of , this paper. - ' .".";"- I' ' ,r- .. 2 o - X. . .o :. ' - -S !'". 2 ; q ( b "We have also a large stock of fresh and genuine . FIELD AND GRASS SEED, Such as Clover Seed, Orchard Grass &fi., &c. We have the largest stock of the above goods m Greensboro, and we. guarantee to selr them cheaper than you can buy them; and, if all goods are npt as .we represent ; them to be return ana we win taue tnem oactc. ;vv.e,wi i aiso pay $4 iJo. per, , ounei cash for all the Onion Sets you bring or send us. Don't forget us. , CALLUM BROS.. & X'O '.Gbeexsboro, N,.C b- Ya f & Y.V. ii.fi No CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Went into t-ffect on Monday. vember23"U, 1885. TRAINS NOKTH LEAVE Beuneltsville, S. C.,, 8 20 a m Shoe Heel;N. C, 9 50 a m FayetteviHo, 12 25 p nr. Sanlbrd 2 25 p m Ore tliii. o 4o d m- j-lioyrtv, 4 oi ? u m Gr.eti8boro, G CO p m. . Dinner at Faj etteville.j Trains South Jje.tve Greensboro, 9 50 a in tiibertj ; , 11,- 05, a m Ore Hill, 12 00 m Sun ford. 1 45 t m FavotieviHe. 4' 00 Si-Od Ilooi. ( 15 p ik BeiiiietiH vifie, ,S. C, 7 30, p in. Dinper at SarifordJ ;.. Freight and pntfBengcr train leaves Benneitsvilie Tuesdays, Tbarwdays and Saturdays at 2. 60 p m, arriv ing at Shoo Heel at 4 30 p m 'and Fnyettevilio at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturday at 6 30 a 'i), amving at anoe ueei at iu & m and arrives at JieiinetHViilc at 12 m Freight and passenger; Wain leav s ' Fayetteville . daily "at 8 am. (connecting .at ban lord with freight and passenger trains ; to aieigb), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a 10. arrivts at jreentDora at o iu, p ill. Leave Greensboro daily at 5 am, ..od arrives as Fayetteville at 2. 40 t m. JOHN il. EOSE. Gen'M'abs Agent. vV. M.S. DUNN, vieneral SuperintendMit. . ' . , : MS DR. R. ;W, TATE, radio ills' ; Ph sieian, GienVloro N. C, offers-bis Professional S;i vices to the citizans of Xireoiisbrto and Hurroonding country. Office at Portci& unit mi s drusf storo. when not there can ba found at his resi- det.ee on Asheboro street, oppote Col. T. ' B. Keogb's. ISSES CHEEK & WEATHEKLY ave r.neueil a Stock ; of entirely , New Millinerv Goods in the ol J "Wilson & SShober bank building. South Elm Street, Greens boro, N., O. , Their stock -inolodfs every thing in their line. Prices to fiaii the times. Call and examine their goods before buying enewhere. - . , - - oot 8 3 m. Office. 1200 Cbestirafbi.. fhtlarfelpW. A Leading School or BusiKtssScicct. oceunct Two.coMHODioua VJtLcmfiv Open al) the ynr. P in i' nt. m.r . wri-nius "' Yrnr of current fc?rr.f. yvr. t-,r fiver.'ul... Cm.lctOf privm :.fA p''ir j.nir. fV;;.J Mr (l!o-lr . 1 M)J J 1 ' i : After Forty r..- I i-t J M r rrAv,vl exnenencs in the HiaTnr'inm'wn preparation or more tn han One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the ITnited Slates and Foreign coun tries, the publishers of the bcientilio American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveatstrado-mnrks. copy rights, etc.. for the linked States, and lo oDiain patents in uanaaa, tngnnu, rruico, Germany, and all other countries Their experi ence is nnequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawing and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terras Tery reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. - AcVico by mail free . Patents obtained thromrh Mnnn ACo.arnotioed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMEKICABrwhich has the largest circulation and is tho most, mtluentini . newspaper of its kind publiuhed in the world The advantage of eucb. a notice every patentee understands. . . This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is published WEEKLY at S3. 00 a year, and u admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lisbed in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every i nvention patented each week. Try it fonr months for one collar. i Sold ly all newsdealers. - . . ' If you have an invention to patent write to Munn, 4 Co., publishers of Scientiiio American, . 801 Broadway, Hew York. - , " -Handbook about patents mailed free. . Drs. GRIFFITH &WHITSETT, Surgeon;Dentist, -TeetK extracted without pain.'-,, 1 -J- Office on hi.. Market .street, opposite U. S. Courf House. ; : Any 133 mo. - S ,c " -M. PRETZFELbEF, jjjjj Sole Agents. July 23 -tf ' . . - To alltvlio will send it a $l.Ohv advance, trc; iv ill send the NORTH VAUOLINA FIl OHIBITIONlS T a a d ih a AMERICAN FARMER for one year, THE AfdEBIGAN $hfflMM I A sixteen-page Agricultural Magazine, monthly, published by 15. A. Jxs Ilackett at. Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which is rapidly takiner rank as one of tb lp.nrHno Agricultural publication of the country. It is devoted excl usivrfy to. th the J? armer, btock ISreeder, Dairyman, Gardener, and . their household, and every species of industry connected wtth that great portion of tbe people of the world the Farmers. The subscription price is Cue folkr Ucr'YcaT Farmers cannot well gefc along without it. It puts new ideas into their minds, It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the voun? folks cheerful Hip growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest mn mum mm SAW HILL With Universal Log Beam Rectilinear Simultaneous Set Work and Double Eccentric Friction Feed. ACCURATE! ' . SIMPLE! CHEAP! DURABLE! MANUFACTURED BY ' jS& SALEM IRON W aaaa mm IMWrn" -oT m r..rm - I - l . . J -i'LVi-i , ' .. tl S3. Sa!em, tl C, - U. S. . -. Also Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Wood Planers, Pulleys, &c. "Write fop 3 i rT"Ti Descriptive Circu- J 1 J T. aiiu prices 10 S A T.EEI IRON WORKS, SALEU, H. O- SERGEANT 1IANUPACTURING bo., v Greensboro, XT. O. MANTTTACTtJEEES OF . FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Powers, v Plows, Straw CuttersAndirons, - . And Castings of Every Description. SSend for Price-List. i Jja SULLIVAN.HOUSE SUMUERRELD HIGH SCHOG. FOr. LOTH SEXES. - - ' F. & Y. V. R. II., 12 !a l n..r-l. ireensboro, has been m tii.-i-esKn: SSQMA.SIEi. sr. o. , GOOD 'ACCOMMODATIONS . - JUOW RATES. ' - AT On tleC ortJree operation for 13 years. This school of EI5H $21.22' branches common in .nb lustiMi'i is. Students leave the cars '.vitliiii fvw uuar.t- wa k of the Acaderuy, Your j alrou .ye is -oicivd. - - F. S.' BI.A1IX. ' SunimerfiU, N. C. MOORE, Grer-nslwr 2. itler in Orgtuis a-nl Piams 2f v&irs. Sbonm!?cr (90.000 m two), i -tli- best I know of tor tbe.mouey. nt $33, S39, S11S59, $G3, $72. S75. $33, aud n ;,a3ii4reil. sonix in la-it fer diys. S.i-ue styles im time A d $3, aud pay $10 c;i-b jiml $5 mnthly till paid np. Cironlar.s freg. " j 23, tf. VV C, Dea Higii Toint Classical HIGH l'OINT, N. Instituts, EPAltES- FOR COLf.EGE OR T.USl Ijotli s. xs adtMit't-d. X.-xt Stui-iori- ii A n. 2:ir , Tin:iii ., , ni'., I 'I.- ft (!). 1'iijd p r ifi-., i)l j-rii-sitH la;rili tc, 8 i'i $l : i cijit-. &5 1 0 u 0 .i. - V 'r rh-.i ivI;iotor and (liitiiU-nrs fe ia mi plicarii)? Ji. 11 Trl lMI'-:iN', rri.rii-il iiergains. O io 15 IL tj O 20 II l E iin tin 5 - i'vro lvS..--w MiIih. . "All ntjvF afci far al -. I v ii u - fiv t.errr.. 0- C -IV (r P ,r.ii WiJ-r U'hi - . . A;ifUr t-o ' ' J. H!5UUGES,