?SmJN THE RUMSELLERS 2X&ay have, to dri k, been slaves, '' And have come to drunkarks gr.wes ; - -,Sign and. keep the pledge tbat saves ; v And You never will.' - , Rumsellers will lead you on, ' -Ull your money they have won ; . ' .:: Then they'll bid you quick be gone. Wm'youtPu tthemBtiliy - ..Do not be deceived, my friend , By the friendship they pretend. . ' ifrty "wiw yu iQ end - .Others found it so. They care not how hard your lot,- - Whether you have homes or not; r When your money they have got - You will have to go. . Sign the pledge and take your stand ' : ; With the Prohibition band ; . -Jteep from the rumseller's hand, , . ' , ; - Your own property, .-s; . ,: : 1 Take. the pledgehere on the spot, ' And y&a will not be a sot. , '""Touch not, taste not, handle not,"." t LetyouT motto be.. . , . Nathan R Ttjexkr.' - ' ' Habmox Y, Jan. 12, 1887. W.C.I.1J. DEPARTMENT. . CLETTELS VERSUS BEER. There is no brain or bouI in beer -sipping, r If ayonng man could in . STATE PROIIIBI TION PLAT- . - . FROM. . ' Greensboro, Dec. 10, 1885. , Whereas:. 'The traffic in alcoholic liquors has grown and is growing out of all ratio to the increase, of population in this country; and, v ' r vv hereas, said traffic unjustly bur dens every legitimate industry, impos es snrievious taxation upon honest labor, curses social life, begets crime, breeds pauperism, , antagonizes the church, corrupts politics, nullifies law, is a menace to good government - and a peril to State: and, : ' . ; Whereas,' .The policy of licensing said j traffic has 'proved a 'policy of perpetuation instead of suppression with the perpetuity of all its alarming conditions and results; and, .,, v: Whereas, We believe license not only; -non-restrictive in tsuct, but im moral in principle, debasing in prac tice, criminal in effect, and an unwor thy national law; and that such pro hibition,' to be effective, must Jbe bed ded in the organic foundation" of na tion and state, and be secured through L be guaranteed by . a politcs party; - . Resolved,' : That as all ; secondary matters are treated by" political part ies " from the standpoint of expedi . . -r, , . , XT , , , pscticmg Fbysician. Greensboro i vuu. a u.u.vv.", - i i. .... (iii.'.r a nifl I'l-AtfiBOinn n I Ntrn tu D. P. Sdgendorph, Charlotte, M icb., to he .cilizaua 6 Greeribboi d &v d Vice Chairma.n. - surroundiBf eonntrv. O'ffira at A. J Jutkins, Chieagcglll Cor. Portei& Daitou's dru store. . When becretary. ; " : . - not there can be foil uA at' hiR re.fci b rr i , ni ' i i ' ' ii.. . . ; ( a. v an v loot, umeago. xn., aw. denco on :AhhnvJ-t.Tt-mm!.'- duce a friendly dog to share his glass .-..i-:.- f nT,,l enc Wlth the two old parties.of ; , X i - v iT . .f our former affiliation this question of the dog's stomach would erjoy quite i - - ' : , t -l clq the liquor traffic is and -must remian as mucn 01 tne supposea , oeueuif ; , - , - , , as the stomach of his human com- - - , , ,. s. .r.. t. iw w f support either of these old parties, m little ... WXU1G HiJLCkU. caao xuluavuu vj. ,1 if i ;i j. 'ji . , , rNortli Carolina and the nation, with average dog, Tower need possess xo , -j , ... . - , . ,J":T . 0 . x . 1 rn rnnraamtr t.h A -nownr or thfi salOOTi - :J-- '" in politics and aiding .to t perpetuate proper pom, in a je vr u , do he ; dedfflre otner quaimcauon wouiu uereuuucu. . . - - u , " , t ., , imperative necessity for a new pariy. But when the young man sits , down . , .v; . - Jf . -T ' the dog I IJCl III It 2 lij 1 LA A llUliiWI ' bAAV - , , , r tt rr prime object; we - urge . ana TT'"- r will labor to secure its prompt and U.U laic tuui&uii; uui ft ttiv. niy , pviui ' -i - i , , i T. t v 4 thorough organization everywhere, Ts:iiTr:s.K: of ai . ' ,- . , , v who cast ballots, and tne sympathy greater than the distance between the ' v ' . , A - J earth and the farthest star. -' . ,f H otne . ; - ; -V. i i xt. wA'wi,nca Resolved, That, with the liquor Only to the one being into whose x i i . . r , . traffic costing over two thousand nostrils lie nimseii oreauiuu - tue - . breath of life, did God give the pow- million dollars annually for liquors crime : and. .. .-. .. , i ' bought and drunk, for to a soul was given the privilege of paupism growmgput of thon. .. .6. .:. r. -i-i-IsumiStion. for iudiciarv and constab pouring its griei or joy, ixs entreatv - , ... . , - , - ... V1 . ,. . . - :x1 T.U . -nrhii-o ""'J " , - . , n , ?i . LU lions, -muue ueceBearv uy . e"" X , 1 nmn nnH noiiiviriam tat nnnrrvIiiOT.- ive life resulting from it, for unpro ductive labor involved in it and the PROHIBITION PARTY. a. w; tate, w. S. M 00 RE; GREEXSEOr.O, C.; N. C. State Executive Committee. ). W. C. Benbow, Ch'n, Greensboro. W. P. .Steele- Secretary, . a li. Grandieon. . ' - THE ; - v COSTEE SOUSE' AND WILLINE11Y, G x vixvn . BIT G-OOI3S. 10 . cent counter- Goods ? In great yanety. - " - ORGANS from $20 Ur $130 delivered. PIANOS from $lTto $40, deUvered: T) e Old Reliable f SHONINGER (2S sold F.W. Bradley, -. T Jj. Vail, - ' P. S. BUir, , - W. IL WortV, V P. Berry,'.; A. J. Tomiinson, Sam'L i Trogdon, r. C. Worth. . , ; Edwin Shaver, ? Gastonia.1 "T .'UJiZ.2 . a.j;oXJLS. I of them since June) is. the best for the 1 i-- iif .. .1 1 1. 1 . Charlotte wu lv JBil wev Bireei, UDaer tne money, is . my experience oL 21 years Suinmerfield au9PGes 01 ino v . u.. r. U, is , open o-"' f, easy mommy terms,, M oV rM luuwaooiveu .111 iiour. - rersuub Hnah Ti ill naving ieisuro moments can -epeno i -i ' .. . j i -r- . - j: W itfli a nicui picas Jtiiny. in - i uw xvoauiut' Wort hvillo "com wuero au tne latest feaairg Salisbury. ' . County Chairmen. u v ' By Congtessional Districts 1st Disk 't - ; D. W. Jarvis; Washington. , 3rd Disc. : - v v"-- '. . Wayne, J . F. M illor, Goldsboro.: : Papers and found. ' "- ' Subscribe for - the Periodicals -will bo -DEALS B, IN- PKOHIBITIOiT ist. Only on 6 dollar per;year. - PATENT! CAVATSj TSAnE MABKS AND COPY- riirhts obtained, and ' all business in the U. S. Patent Office attended to nRnP.XFnY.- ) URATE FJJES. . - at MOB, O nr office , is opposite the IT. . S. Patent Oxli e, and we can obtain l Pateiits in less time tli an 'those re- GLASSYARE Wooden and Wiilov WaraV 4ch Dist. Alamance. Daniel Wortb, Co. Shcnp Johnson. J. C. Ellington, Srhuhfiaid. mote rfrom Washington. Ktk DIsL . 3 "- We adviseas to patent ability, lree olf"-" o..:i,t t -ir t.:,.a.. n.-c-rnicnarfre: ana we mate no -cnarge. uu- , j , s less we obtain patent. . Wo reier here to the: Postmaster, apr:2:tf Grensboro, -H"- C. 7th Dist.' Davidson; W. n:Moffitt, Lexington upen the Superintendent of Money Order Randolph,' M . llarainoud, Busvh llill Rowan, 15. Shaver; Salisbury. ; Yadkin, T. M. George . . Cress R ads Church. to 5 Bather- 8LhDist. u:.; - . Burke, B. L Abernetby,' :-- '".ford Ciege.;:.-;" Gaston. , B.'G. Bradley,? G;vstcnia - Let al! Coiintiet hold Convention? I and organiza at once. ; officials of tbe U. S. Patent-Office Por circular, advice, terms and reference to actual cli ents in your own State' or county, write to- u. iv. jn u vv m ua, Opposite ' Patent Office, Washington, Iov. 17-ti. v D. C. ,D. E. SHERWOOD, , DEALER- IN : STAPLE AND FANCY locerit-oc-nfeoti'Mi'S tbai-co cigar noff, &c, noci-- a j libt ra! sJiarn ot t e i-ul:c ' r.afroi-afre. D. E- Thoma's Lrxk Hniidinc. Davie street. - - -. Greensboro, 2V (7. CH g-.est market piioe pai 1 r caui- tr prodace. , . - l.-c. iu-um. 11 After Forty years hau One Hundred iL5aiuAi preparation elisor PICTURES !' PICTURES ! Pickss ki Ufa in al Styles.; enve - andfinda a welcome in mothers N llfe resultinS fr?m . fr ' : .. i-'j enormous waste inevitable under it; ' So the vounsr man as he sips his iv"""0 . . . . ... -Za n0T,;D eol-o .loiJ with political corruption its legiti what his dog might do if it had been mate child, public aoueseus natural trained; and when hei writes i the i r" "l tT V Vi .. vrt i;nv, in-n,if; . counted because cf , it, helpful con ,i.i...-w,-tl-hP sumption himted, the equitable dis , ---V1: ; - r tribution of wealth and the equitable frr i ' OT,ai ,f adjustment of, public burdens made not true, every leitrr wouiu , 1 W 0RK1HS CLASSES prepared to furnisli all classes -itli em ployment at home, tlie whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new 1 i o-h t an d nrofit ble. : : Parson s of ei : her - - . rt I sex easily earn from 50 cents to o.uu pern j p:p.rQC frniArl !n nnv siZP evenine, and a proiortional sum by devot UIQ rlClUreS LCpieQ lOany inscalltheirtmxe to tne Dosines3. xoys - . i- -fT. tri Pm T,riv rs much as men. Our office is supplied with best That;all wlo see this may send their ad- ingirriments and latest improvements. lTISSES CJIF.EK & VEA.TFEP.IVY dress, and test the business, we maka this 4. I lVlve opened a stock of entir. ly ; N w m m x. . X ; U r w n -r. III! 1 - T .. Iril- oner. 10 suen risary ioi musjeu w c send one d liar to pay for the trouble or -writing. Full particulars ana outnt iree. Thonsaed applications for patent m PiJ tria. th nnhlisliers of the Scieotifio T Amorioan oontinr.e to not s solicitor 3 -it. i foi-thn ITntmd hat. and 10 obtain patents in Canada, England, , Eraaco, Germany, and o other couutiph. Their expen enco is unoqaalod and thoir facilities era nnsnr- Drawings nnd npecifloations prepared ind filed . in the invent Ofllcooa eiiort uotioo. iorina lory ,s reasonable.. No charge for examination of modals or drawinpra. Advice by ojilfroe. . Patents obtained throufrft Vnnn Cxn notipod Intho SCIKWTIPIC AMEKICAS,irhiehJiu the largost circulation and is the most m&aential newspaper of iU kind published in the world- - Tu advantage oT such a noUco every pateniej - UJTh's UKe"and rplendldly illnstrated newspaper ; Is published WEEIviYat 93.00 h .year, and admitted to be tho best paper devoted to scienee, mechanics, Inyentions, engineorinK works, ana ' other departments of Industrial progress, pub lisoed in any country It contains the names ot ail patentees and title ef every in vention patented each week. Try it four mouths for one dollar. Bold b7 all newsdealers. . - : . . If you have an invention to patent wnt to Mnnu A Co., publishers of Sciontiflo American, 851 Broadway. New York. - ' . Handbook about patents mailed free, y .. . DORM Priatiag Presses are I fie 33 est Jfade, Send stamp for cataloguo to J. P. W. DOliHAN . - BaLTIMOUE, Ml. V i"-Ennraver, Electrotvper and manuracturor ot . rrinter' Supplio, r, Jlibboi! and steel ' Stamp,'-: SLoncils, Metal and; Ildbbcr Cards lead in Rubb Chocks, etc., etc. T'"--T'" Ut.' JJ. STONE ; ; Haleigh, 2J. C. Pianos Aad .'GRA's ' - FUMIffURE SMf? THE ffi ft - ' ORGANS, : Kimball; ' . - . i- Miller, EMESSOIxT, " GEEAT WESTERN, PIxKOS, - Stein ay. . BMAIR BEOTS. V SEVICK, ii, n moral interest enforced by its : organ lzeu seinsnness; tne issue oi us pro- ; this were rightfully seem a miracle 'ur?Tjrr 'r:ri- mho. va u .1 ;xt.x 1 , CT the repeated action of the liquor 1 x, x- it. v .,.,1 dealers themselves, more closely m 1 i. x v j x 'jraQOIr Volve the welfare of all the people ""ur and is of far greater concern to state thp. issues of life and death. , he . .. .? . , , .x , , and nation, tnan any otner or an !. v ' ... 0 other issues now politically . recog- from the far north, or South or East r J x i xv , - -x v vr nized and that as 'such it deserves or West, and though it has no life , , . .,.a . .. . , ; 11 ana ior 1I7Y3 inav lusnv iciciim. thoughts of a friend's as thougii tnat and for it "Y9 may jusLiy sclaim -' the acceptance of every candidr citizen; Resolv rf, That we deen unwise fSrt.ll and examine specimens of our 1 .Mill n rv G joos ia iho oM "Wllsou & tfhober . ' , . . v. ... lJ:auk bniUimg, Rfrtth Elm btreet, G ' " EASTERN COTTAGE. iowprices, very easiest terms. A rite for prices and catalogne.-iSa Dec2ly. - Address, SST" J. L. STONE, Raleigh, N. C. WOT Addr&o Geohoe land. Maine. Stessos & Co., Port- HuWcRK OuiRAKTtEO, uue, rsrtrttUiilm t-treer, tir.fns- bin" in th-sr lire. Prices to an.it the tirncs. Call and examine tlieir goods before buyiug i.dw!t-re.: - . HAIUDllESSIXG. SALOON. I Prices as Iicw as .-th.2 Lowest West Market Street, 2d door from! Court House, lirecnsooro, N. C. PlvINCE, Photographer. ost 83 m. I. EDWELL SAMUEL WHEY, 3 Sho3 Maker ! fi . t., V, ;a ni-n Poa-I TTAS onened a shop in tlio Coixncs uiuintiao . . x JLLbuilding, corner 'of Sycamore & Davi r ' xxv. v.i; c-r. Rt.rt(ts. where lie is Dreuareu to qo. ui . V " , kinds of work in -his line. . Satisfaction lie ts a liberal snare oi its patronage. 3 pr- South ElmSt, 2 doo s South of U. S. Court House. s-aaranteed. Besides lie keeps constantly on hand for sale socond a and boots and shoes, and will take old boots and shoes in exchange for work. - If vou nave boots or snoes to maKe mend, buy or sell,-do not fail to give hin; call eept 24 3 mos J i x j xn ,i i. r..nr, x menu sab auu uxiacu. iaj yuu iauc m . .... . - ... , J. , . and unpatriotic the coujsc of any vet wide as is the contract between j x , . v, c,, IrZA man or party, or any locality or State, yuju wMch denies the. vital relationship each have their price m money, and of lo it is rather a startling thought that " the beer is the" most costly. It is true, that while this drink isi of Prohihition to our nation at large, and which proclaims it a local issue only to be settled by each locality or state in its own way; that as the ha- only five cents a glass, that one glass (i , - , , - w-. . J . , . , fe, . tional government alone can prohibit importation and inter-state transpor tation, has fall jurisdiction over each - furnishes the materials for many let- . ters. , So it is possible for the very mod-L and the District of Colum- A 32 H 1. Xa ' in r -rfn m . Ana I one Kio onl rl n.ims n Brifi.rp. ,in flip. Tvrofits week, twenty-four letters to his home H Her in the Uuaion, circle. Add to thi3 another week's indulgence in the same ratio, and we reiterate our demand for national sovereignty over the liquor traffic to ponder the result. ; Four glasses of gnprggs it instead of to legalize, to beer for good fellowship's sake, forty- prot(ict and to perpetuate it. - - 1 llJ.i X- XI- XI 1, T. : '.' c- i - . . eigm lebters to tue jnutuer. wnwxiuic. inolved. That we recosrnize m you, and who loves ;yon second lonly sucll demand the new' national issue it' r w . Of KLORAi GUIDS F03, 1887 . ITow xeadr, contains 2 Colored Tlalcs, hnndrpds of II lustratioiis, nnd nearly 20) pacj S3 iortaininsi tf Gar dening and Flower Culture, cud oror l. 0 containing an Illustrated List of nrarlv till tho rLOWES and YZQ2 T.4BLXS grown, with directions hvy prow thorn, where the beet SEEDS PI4ANTS. nnd BTTIBrt can be procured, with pi ices of each, 'rlus book mailed free on receipt of 10 cents, and tae 10 cents may he de ducted from the first order sent ur,. Uvcry one Inter ested in a garden, or y-lio desires pood, fresh seeds, should bare this work. We refer to the millions who have used -our seeds. Bay only Vict's Seeds at Head quarters. JA3IES VlCIi, STJEDS3IAN, : ZCocIicatcr, K. Y. to her God. Young miu which pays best? LydiaStravmin Union. Sig- The liquor interest has been labeled dangerous by every civilized govern ment on' earth,' It must be taken out of the catalogue of ordinary commer cial transactions.. The men who eell liquor are the men who steer the ship of state. ;. They wield the strong est influence at election. When they cannot gain all they wish they delib erately break the Jaw. .Why is this traffic ' given such priviles? Dr Howard Crosby, . The 'Missouri Housa of Eepresen tatives tabled the resolution for subr mitting to a dopular vote the ques tion of constitutional prohibi tion. Tho Missouriahs are determine edthat prohibition shall not obtain a foothold among then, They -prefer .to gaze at the strange and uncanny thing as it looms up above the Kansas drug-stores. World needed - in -our politics, to overcome sectional bitterness, to Unite North ern and Southern patriotic ' sentiment and to promote those conditions o political amenity essential to nation al peace and ' perpetuity. V Resolved, ' That, with confidence in the justice of our cause, with faith in God and prayer for ' divine , guid ance! we will go forwaru from this day, - embodying . Prohibition in, our ballot-box, as everywhere, in favor of sobriety and economy m government of exalting "citizenship, and the no ble upbuilding of the State. : TI T" ATT?"7to he made. Cnt this out JLt vXi JLi A and return to ns, a-d we will send you free, tomethinp; of g eat val ne and importance to vou, that will start yon in busioess which will bring you in more money Tight away than anything else in the world. . Any one . can do . the work and live at home, iuther sex ; all ages. ; Something new, that just coins money for all workers. We will start you capital not needed. This one cf the gen nine, important chances of ; lifetime. Those who are ambitious, . will , delay. Grand outfit free, Addrcsr True & Co., Augnsta, Maine. ." A book of 100 pftnrefc nu ocat D00K.101- an advertiser to con. suit, bo he experi enced or otlicrwise. itcoutainb list.s ol newspapers and estimates of the costoiadvertisiiyK.'lhe advertiser who wnnts to suenri one dollar, finds in it tho in v formation he reqnires, while tor him who will invest one hundred thousano aoiiara in ad vertising, a scheme is indicated which will mftut hia cverv reauirrmnnt. or can be made to do so by alight changes easily arrived at by cor resitondenco. U'J editions liavo been isf-ued Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to J1X. IV KOWKx.Ii A CO.. F.WSPAPEH .ATJVETiTISINt BCRKAU. tlOSpraceSt-rriiitingxlouseSq.), Kovr York... POMONA HILL NURSERIES!! POMONA, N. O. - THESE NURSERIES are ' located": U miles west of Greensboro, on tbe Rich mond & Danville and JSalem Branch Rail, roads. There you can find ONE AND A .HALF MILLION OF TREES AND VINES GROWING. - Parties wanting Trees, &c, are respect fully invited to call and examine stock and learn the extent of these Nurseries, Stock consists of all the leading and new varieties of Apple, Teach, lJear (standard and Dwarf), Plums,- Apricots - Grapes, Cherries, Mulberries, Nectarines Figs, Quinces, ' Gooseberries. . Raspberries Cur rants: Pecans. English walnuts:' Japanese Persimmon Strawberries, bhrubs. Roses. Evergreens. -Shade Trees &c. and in fact everything of the h-ardy ; class usually kept in a first-class Nursery, - ' . 1 SUITABLE FOR NORTH CAROLINA and the Southern Border States. New Fruits of special note are the Yel low Transparent Apple, Lady Ingold Peach, the Lawson, Keiffer, -Lucy .Duke and Beaufort PearsY Lut!e,. Niagra, and the Georgia Grape, -WofCord's Winter. , y . - WDscriptvo Catalogue fr. , -. ' ' Correspondence solicited. ' Special in ducements to large planters. " .:.-."-' : .'.? Address J.' VAN. LINDLEY, :.. Pomona, Guilford Co.; N. C. ju!9 Gmo rh J -.mm ii II i III fc V W V. . QRSEPP - 1 FIE To all rvho tvitl .sen d us $1.59 in advance, ive xvill send ihe NOllTIl CAR OL1NA niOHIBITIONIST and tlie - . ; AMUllIVA N: FAlZM-EIt . , . for one year, : THE MEPJOAfJ FARMER ! ' A sixteen-page Agricultural Magazine, monthly, published by E. A. K. Hackett, xJLat Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which is rapidh' taking rank as one of the leading Agricultural publication of the country- It is devoted exclusively to the interest of the Farmer, Stock Breeder, Dairyman, Gardener, and their household, and every species of industry connected wtth that great . portion of the people of the world tno I? armers. ihe subscription price is Ccs Dollar jjeY Yesf. J? arm era cannot well get along without it. . It pnts new ideas into their minds, - It teaches them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, the young folks cheerful, the " growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest . - , Over 9,000,000 worn during the past sis years. " This marvelous success 13 due- ; - 1st. To the superiority of Coralino over all othormatorials, as"a stiffenor for CJorsets. :: 2nd. To' the superior . quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices, ; . ' . Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless " dr. war n errs coraline" is printed on inside of steel cover. . FOR SALE EY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS, v r-.. WARNER BltOTHERS, 359 Broadway, New York City. - Dk. GEIFFITII, ; - - Su rgeo n Dentist, -.; Teeth extracted without pain. , 0 fice -on South Elm- Street, Wilson & Sh her;Bank building.. De 2o.; A VALUABLE FARM FOB S4LE phis Farm is situated in Guilford Coun- .tv, N.:C, on Reedy Fork, on the line IUSUBANOE AGENCY.' Tornado,. - EIRE; LIFE. O. W. CARR, & Co., Greensborr, N. C , " o; y. CABR . Trinity , College and High Point, NV C. Assets over '200,000,000. T of the 11. & D. R. Ii i and contains some thing over 700 acres. It has on it a good Granite quarry." The soil is adapted to the growth of Tobacco," .Grain of all kinds. Cotton and Grass. It has a lartre -frame dwelling of nine rooms- smoke-house, double kltchen. ice house, .store house, barnes, stablest cribs, ' tenant houses &c, There is on the place, besides several old orchards ' a young orchard of some 150 trees of select fruit, just begining to .bear., The dwelling is 1 miles from Brown's summit a station on the ti. & D. it. 11 12 miles from the city of G reensboro, , and ntlun naif arailocf a saw and srrain mill The location is one of he most - desirable in the country. ' - - Call on or address the Editor of thip paper. . ' " - . ... ARMEl SEEGEANT MANUFACTURING CO., o. MAOTFACTUIlllES OT FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Saw Mills,- Cane Mills, Horsa Powers, Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Every Description. SS Send for Price-List. J. Established iy " - P.-NISSEX ,1834. r Geo: E." Uissen & Co, WAGON MANUFACTURE!?, Salem, B". Gt VERY BEST -WORK AT LOWEST PRICES. - Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. - - Is VI ... w-j SULLIVAN HOUSE Iva vy J aj xi vy v. j tixin j ts v lu.i j xxx LOW RATES. mm w hill With Universal Log Beam Rectilinear Simultaneous Set Work and Double Eccentric Friction Feed. ' ACCU5ATII SIMPLE! CMEA?I DURABLE! ' r . . MAKUPACTURED BY y't -ts i i . c ' r- UiUUllIf lit Wi U. C. A. ' 3 : .,- -- Also llaaatBctcrers of Steam Engines, Wood Planers, Pulleys, Ac. i . J ... ..a "Write for i -J Descriptiye Circu lars and Prices to SAIiELI IRON WOSKS, SAISII, i;. (:

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