- I LOCAL JNTELLIGESCE. I ne residence of Mr. George Alley : wsb struck 07 lightning last Monday. No one injured A house containing 7 rooms, with good garden, orchard and lot, for rent Apply at this office. - ' ' J j -jms. u. jj.. x nomas store on tne cor ner of Sycamore and Pa vie streets, oppo site the Market House, will son be com pleted. , The" justices of the peace ; and , asses sors of the county, will hold a joint meet ing in the court house on the first Monday in June The walls of Mr. G. P. Vanstory's new brick livery stable are going up right along. Davie Street is coming to the front in jood earnest.' - Hendrix Brothers new brick store, on E Market gt. has been completed and they have opened their new stock of : gro ceries. Success to thenu - - Prohibition does not prohibit. Pro hibition does not prohibit any one from baying Pianos, organs, sheet music or ma. chine needles, of J. L. Stone, Raleigh Mrs. C. C. Qorrell has returned, home from her visit to' Hot Springs, Ark., much improved in health, though still unable to dispense with, her crutches. We are glad to have her back, even on crutches. ' The numerous applicants fox position on the police force are still in suspense It is expected that the hopes of : some of these gentlemen: will be confirmed and the expectations of others disappointed - to night. The Governor of -Missouri has be come jealous of ; the flattering attention given to the outlaws? but he still contin ues to recommend to all Lis constituents the famous Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup for coughs and colds. " "This will last out a night in Russia when nights are longest there" he said clapping Ms hand over the aching .tooth. Bat a friend suggested Salvation Oil, and he was fast asleep in twenty -seconds Price twenty-five cents a bottle. . me u. jr. & x. v.u. u. is in some sense a curse, as well1 as a - blessing, to Greensboro and vicinity in that many "of the convicts are released . here or here aoouts. Borne o tue3 gentry are now in our lau waiting only tui tne next ses sion of court to be sent back to - the road "The way of the transgressor ia hard,' ' and, it seems, hard to forsake. " Circumstances prevented us from at tending the memorial exercises Tuesday; "We copy the following from the Morning Newt : "The memorial exercises passed o3 pleasantly, yesterday, , and,' generally, in a cor dance -with the programme pub iiahed yesterday morning. - Tne proces sion, headed by the "Greensboro Brass Band, proceeded to the cemetery, where the graves were beautifully and profusely decorated with flowers. Returning to the city, the vast concourse of people were entertained in the Court Room by Mr. J. M. Leach, Jr-, in an able address of about forty -five minutes' duration. ; The speak er was complimented on all sides, and grand future is predisted for him." ' 'MILLINERY. Mrs. C. C. Gorrell has a full line of la dies and ehildrens hats, gloves, Batching &cJ &c., and the ladies will find it to their interest to see her stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ne w goods wi 11 be received every few days.'' GOOD WAGES AHEAD. 1 , Georob STinsbK & Co., Portland Maine, can give you work that you can do and live at home, making great pay. You are started free; Capital not needed. Both RRxes. All aees- 1 Cut this out and write at once; no harm will be done if you con elude not to go to work after you learn all. "All particulars free. Best paying work in the world. Mar. 18 '86 WORTH YOUR ATTENTN.v Cut this out and mailittoAiAKir&rCo, Augusta Maine, who will send you' free something new, that just coma money for all workers. - As wonderful as the electric light, as genuine as pure gold, it will prove of lifelong value an I importance to you Both sexes, all ages. Aixrk & Co., bear expense of starting you in . business. It will bring you in more- cash, right away than anvtfiine else in the world". Anyone anywhere can do the work, and live at home also. Batter write at once ; then knowing all, should you conclude that you don't care to engage, why no harm is done. , ' GENERAL NEWS. The debt of Virginia still remains unsettled.; - The Garfield statae was unveiled vesterday. Thff trial of Cbicaero's boodlers began on-tbe 9th inst. Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, is reported seriously ill. , Ohio Prohibitionists are holding meetings and poshing the, cause- in earnest. ' The French official, M. Schnaefo eles, who wa3 arrested some days ago by German authoritieshas been re leased. A nihilist printing office was discovered at Odessa,. Russia, last Saturday and 22 nihilists have been arrested.. - . - Of the' 105 news papers of Texas taking sides on the question of. Pro hibition, 84 favor and. 21 oppose the amendment. : . Tbe Rhode Island Legislature has enacted a law compelling railroad -ro?ao in bp!-, nassensrer cars from the locomotive. The commencement at Ruther ford College will embrace the 21st and 22nd of June. The Prohibitionists of Maine held a meeting on the 10th inst, for consultation and arranging plans for work for thd campaign of 1883. . Dr "W. T. Northnp, a temper ance worker of; xfaverhill, O., was waylaid on the streets and "shot to death a few days ago; " by, saloonists. The earthquake has changed its base, and when last heard from was having a tussle with Mexico, whose C t v r j 1. " . 1. muauiuiuts nave Deen tnerooy .un comfortably shaken up. -rlhe President has presented a gold watch and - chain to Captain tfeorge Richie, of the British"- bark x5achelor3, for rescuing the crew of the American steamship Saragossa, March 23. , . - - " ' - '" '. - J- -' -N ', The fight waxes hotter and hot ter in Texas and Tennessee. , When the smoke' is lifted from, the battle field, whether the Amendment carry or fail, the victory-will, be with the Prohibition party, r ' ; Warrants have been issued - in Nashville, N. C, for the arrest of 18 men charged with shooting at a train on the Western North Carolina Rail way. They were section , hands on the road and were out on a spree at the time 1 , " " j . Emanuel De Pretas, a youth xi 19 years, jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge last Wednesday. " He came out uninjured ; but was I immediate y arrested by a policeman. We won der whether the law makers and offi cials of New York hold the doctrine of pebsostal privilege as advocated by the whiskyites , We acknowledge, with thanks the recept of an invitation from Mr. A. A. Isely, one of the marshalls, : to attend the commencement exercises of Graham Normal. College, May 25th and 26th, 1887. The Annual Ad dress will be delivered by Rev. Thos. Hume, Jr. D. D., iJ: That card, Bro. Isely, is the moat handsome thing of the kind we have ever seen. Rochester, N. Y. April 29. In the town of Parma, Monrde County, David Trimmar was tried for selling liquor without a license, foand guilty, fined $50, and sentenced to th psni tentiary for 60 days. : This wa3 on the 16th. I. On.; Monday, by . some pf oce33, he was released pn hall, and his friead3 were so "dIiarhtel that they made an effigy of Dr. Samnel Holman, a leading temperance man, burned it, and while it - was burning shot it through with bullets. Two weeks from to-morrow, May 20, onr. Railroad Celebration comes ofL Let it be understood that every- body 13 invited to be present. Let no one - wait lor a special invita tion. The committee .on invitations was charged with the daty of secur ing sp Bakers and asking the few of the officials to be present. They are not expected to issue formal invita tions to individuals. - It they were to undertake it, they could not think of every one, and some . might feel slighted. Let all come who will The Home. ? - ' , The Rev. Theron Brown says ; There are in. this country 14,000 8a loons against 12,800 schools and 24,- 00') Churches, Manufacture! s and sel lers of strong drink, 5,000,000 twel- ve times the number of clergymen, four times as many as teachers, nearly doable all the lawyers, physicians ministers j and teachers combined. In these saloons, there 5", 600, 000 daily customers, one in seven of our whole population. Of these, 1,000,000 are annually imprisoned for crime, at an expense of $90,000,000, . and 150 go down to drunkards graves, leaving 200j000' beggared orphans. M. Ad vance.'' - - WHISKY MURDERS. A fatal shooting affray ocenrredat Chrisney, Ind., on the I8th. A man by the name of Thompson had been re fused a saloon license on account of the opposition of some citizens. The case was carried np to the com ts and decided -against . him. On the. day named, Thompson and soma of his frjends met some of the pa ties who had opposed the granting of license, on the street, - and attacked them. One of the assailed parties -was badly beaten and received 'some - severe cuts in the head, and another was fatally shot. It is thought that Tnompson was the one who did .the shooting. . MORE RUM TRAGEDIES. David Perkins of South Seabrook N. H. oh Monday '- evening, while under the influence of liquor, attem pted to assault all' whom he encount ered, ending by stabbing . :a young nian named Ellsworth "Eaton in , the ;Jback,' making a bad cut near the! shoulder blade. . '.- ' The town of Doylestown; O., de feite I prohibition on Monday, and the" liquor dealers, in r honor -of ' the event imbibed free y. At midniffnt a gang ot liquor dealers visited ; the house of ex-Marshal Smith and smas hed ' in the front, of his house. Smith came out and was shot at and wound ed. Ha was able to return the fire, however, and succeeded in wounding several of the mob and scaring the others a way. . A ' passer by was hit by.ohe.of Smith's bullets, and dang erously wounded. Portland Herald. FIRED FROM HIS OWN HOME - An editor died and 1 slowly wend ed down to where ne supposed a warm . reception awaited him. The devil mst him and said: .'For many years thou hast- borne the blame for the many errors that, the printers made in -the papers." The paper has gone alas for $1 and the $ alas had often failed to come in The printers have bedeviled thee for wages Saturday when thon hadst not one cent to ' your name. Men have takeu the paper without paying for it, and cursed thee for not getting np a better paper. ; Thou hast been called a dead beat by the passenger conductors when thou hast shown thy annual pass . to their envious gaze. All this thou hast borne in silence. Thou canst not v come in here.,, .And he fired him. As he did so he : muttered to , himself "Heaven is his home and - besides if we let him come in here he will be continually dunning his delin quent subscibers, and " thus create discord m my kingdom." Ex. CONFEDERATION IN CEN T 1 RAL AMERICA. - . The treaty concluded between the 5 republics of Central America Costa. Rica, San Salvader, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala has just been officially published. It consists of 32 articles. In case difficulties between two or more of the republics threaten their peace the dispute is to be referred to arbitration. It i pro vided that tbe - citizens of all the States shall have equal rights in ev ery State with the citizens thereof. Citizens of one republic can be natu ralize 1 in any of the others on one year's residence ; other foreigners in 3 years. . All articles indigenious to or manufactured in any of the signa tory republics shall be exempt from import, export and municipal (oc troi) taxes after September 19, 1890. The diplomatic or consular agents of any one republic are required to act for the citizens of any other republic when called upon to do so, and the legalization of a deed or paper by the consu' of one shall be sufficient evidence of its execution in all. The 5 republics agree to enter the Postal Union, and make ail printed matter free of postage. A uniform system Lof coinage, weights and measures and of the penal and civil codes is provided for. An international con gress of the five republics shall be held every 2 years, beginning Sep tember 15, 1 888. Appalachian t. PJd losopher. ; ; - ; - - THE UNION MEETING OF THE BEULAH ASSOCIATION AND ,THE DEDICATION OF THE ; . GREENSBORO CHURCH. . : The Union meeting of the Beulah Association will bi held with the Greensboro church, commencing ' on Friday before the third Sunday in M ay, at 11 A. M., instead of the fifth Sunday- 1 The . change of time has been made by the con s ent , of several of the leading members of the As sociation, and for the following rea sons: -'. . '. . , -1st.. On the third Sunday our new church will be dedicated, and quite a number of thav brethren wish to be here on that occasion, and cannot come then and on the fifth Sunday both. 2nd. The sermon to the graduating class of the Greensboro Female Col lege will be preached on; the fifth Sun day. " t We trn6 that the ching3 will keep none away, .but will induce the more to come. . ; " r. ProgeammeI At 11 A. M ,: Friday, sermon by Pev. W. B, Wingate. . The following subjects will be dis cussed. .'. 1st. Uhe duty of the pastor to the church, and of the church to the pastor. Dr. C. A; Rominger, Rev. S. F$ Conrad and Rev. J. H Lamberthi .. 2nd. The office, qualification and work of a deacon, Rev. W. H. Wil-r son, W. B. Wingate, H. W Battle and HrA. Brown. v 3rd. Our denominatio nal literature is the proper effort being made by pastors ana churches to place it in. the hands cf the 30pl3 ? -Rev. J. iL Vernon, J. , B. Richardson, S. IL Thompson C. T Bai y, and Prof. J. 'A. Delke. 4th. In the religious instruction of the present age is due -.prominence given to the'authority of Gcd'3 vrcrd, and . the . importance of rendering faithful obedie nee unto' the rama ? Ray; T. E. Skinner, D.'- D.,;' Thomas Hume, D. and Bra JIL- Hills. 5th. : Our Associational Hission work. Rev. W. L. Wright and C. A. Rominger. . - " . v r . 6th. Our Orphanage. . .J, IL Mills and J. N; Stallings. . :. . :W. R. GWAtTlSTET, , . . R.R. MOOBE, ; . Committee. .' PUBLISHERS' NOTICR, AN OFFER WORTHY ATTENTION FROM EVERY READER OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PROHIBITION ' 1ST. - - Your Choice of Four Good Papers, Free. ' " - . . . SUNSHINE: For youth ; also for those of all ages whose hearts are not withered, is a handsome, pure, useful and most interesting paper ; ? it is published monthly by E. C. Allen &- Co., Augusta, Maine, at 50 cents - per year: it is handsomely illustrated, v DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA. Lives full of usefulness are worthy oj renown ana imitation. rite nana that rocks the cradle rule the world,", through its gentle, guid8 ing mnuence. jmpnaucaiiy a wo man's paper in all branches of its work and exalted station in the world. "Eternal fitness" is the foundation from which to build. Handsomely illustrated. Published .monthly by True & Co Augusta, Maine, at 50 cents per year. THE PRACTICAL HOUSE KEEPER AND LADIES' FIUE SIDE COMPANION. This practi cal, sensible paper will prove a boon to all housekeepers and ladies who read it. It has a boundless field of ;fulne s, and its ability appears equal to the occasion. It is strong and sound in all its varied depart- ments. Handsomely .illustrated. Published month y by H. Hallet & Cd, Aortland, Maine at 50 cents per year. - . FARM AND HOUSEKEEPERS Good Farmiug, Good Housekeeping, Good Cheer This handsomely illus trated papers is devoted to the- two most important and noble industries in tne world tanning in all its branches housekeeping : in , every department. It is able and up to the progressive times ; it will be found practical and of great general useful ness. Published monthly by George Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, ' at 50 cents per year. w igyWe will send free for one year, whichever of the above named papers may be chosen, to any one who. pays for The Nobth Carolina Prohibi tiokist Tor one year in advance. This applies to our subscribers and all who may wish to become subscri bers. t-We will send free for one year, whichever of the above named papers may be chosen, to any subscriber for The North CarolinaProhibition- isxwhose subscription may not bejpaid up, who shall pay up to date, or be yond date ; provided, however, that such payment shall not be 'foi less than one year To any one who hands us pay ment on account for this paper, for three years we will send free for one year, all of the above described pa pers ; or we will send one of - them for four years, or two for two years, as may be preferred. BThe above described papers which we offer free with ours, are among the best and most successful L published. We specially recommend them to our ubscribers, and believe all will find them of real usef uln ess and great in terest. - - , W; T.Walker, Publisher. ' :' N. C. Prohibitionist. W. S. M00EE, . GREENSBORO, N. C. has j ust received a large assortm- nt of cheap and fine Millinery,. White and Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions. 5 and .lOcts counter gBods, to exchange, for . cash ur country produce. JK.ing's 500 yard cotton 5cts and 1,000 yards French thread 5cts. 500 flower Dots Shonineer Organs at reduced rates of four dollars each. $41 to $137. Easy terms of $10 cash $5 monthly. Biglsales on them last year. : - ,,.3m. 4,pr. 15 86. The Bolid South . is no - longer feared, but the rum power is the foe to fear. . . ' ., t5 KSE0r.O MARKET REPORTS. - PRODUCE . 1IARSET. BUYtXG PEICES., Apples greeri, per bu. ...... - Baconhog round 10 a 11 a8 13 a 3 13 IS a . 15a3 3 C5aT3 Beer - . - Butter , lie swax Chickens Kld - - spring " Cora ' Cora Heal Driel Fruit Blackberiies Cherries Apples , , 6 23 10 a 11 10 11 Peaches nnpared - " pared" Egsrs . Feathers ' Flaxseed Flour Family 400 875 buprnne Onions Oats Pok Peas,- : CO a CO i 45 ico Potatoes Irish - - 1.101 Sweet ' 801 Rgs -Cotton -, - -Tallow. . Wool -washed : - Unwashed ., Wheat RETAIL PRICE OF GROCERIES, Bacon Side ;; : . . H 1 ma - Shoulders Cheese Coffee Rio. - Laguyra Java . Kerosene Oil Lard Leather Sole i M lasses , ' , -Rice 18,20 25 25 a 30 1 20 ! -10 20 n 5 25 a 0 8 a 10 SO a 60 6a 10 TO Syrup Soda Salt Common - Fine - 85 aS .810 10 Sugar Yellow White Crushed " TOBACCO MARKET. Common dark lugs, ' $1,00 a 8,50 1 flier. - 2.O0a 4.001 Dark rich fi lers - .5,00 a 70 1 Bright. " - . ,10,00a 15,00 uomrooa aancsmoKers 5.00 a 0.00 1 Bright sm kers 13,00 a 17,00 M dium cutters 17.00 a 22.00 Jfancy - 25,00 a 30,00 Medium wrappers 20,00 a 25,00 1 mnay 40Ua60,00 Our mauet is now rerr active for an graaet)i tvDacco. GIVEN AWAY. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Contains 820 Pages of IS mo. Size, 22 Fine' Engravings, and U Substantially j Bound In Leatherette Tree Calf, Gilt. Not . A CmtAP pAXFHIiST XDCK MOStI kew&papeb Book Pbexxuxs. " Tuis History is upon an entirely novel and original plan, which makes it indis pensable to every person, no matter ho m -ny other histories he may have. Ti i 1 .1 1 111. It is arranged chronologically by year,! rom 432 f 1835. Every ev-nt la narrated I n the order of its date. These are not confined, as in ot'-er works, . to political I mit er, but embrace every uranen oil human action. It describes under its! proper date all important patents : all dis-l coveries in science ana tne useful arts; tne I durging 01 canals and the building of rail- ,ds ana taiejrrapn lines, tne xounainar oil towns, and the erection of notable build-! ings and bridces; the first performances of I neers: fires, floods, hailstorms, tor-1 and tne first firDnearanees of actors I nadoes. cyclones, epidemics; accidents and disasters on s-a and land; riosand crimes. 1 ptnics ana ouisness xuinres; "corners and phf nominal prices In all mark ts: labor trouble, strikes and lockouts: and hundreds of other matters never mentioned by historians. Besides being a history In he ordinary s use, it is a condensed news paper file for four nun Jred years. With the gift of the above History the Nohth uaboltka montBmoKisTa and the weekly Now York World will be mail ed to any subscriber for $2 for one year. . - LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Guilford County 1 shaU sell on the premises, on Monday the 6th day of June 1887 at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a tract of land in Guilford county known' as the Lemuel Coltraine old place on which' Henderson Wilson lately resided, on the waters of Deep River, adjoining the lands of Lewis Rey nolds, B. N. Smith, S. V. Lamb, Joshua Murrow, snd others containing about 90 acres. - Persons desiring to examine the land will please e&ll upon the- undersign ed., . Thos. W. Coltbaisk, Com.' June 6th '87 COOO Hook Agents WantsdizEzZl the RrrprT"" , LIFE OF tefcabkuU-o o h z til Q Ml Z r By Lyman Abbott and Rev. G. C KaSM.z? Asa't." pastor of Plymonth Chnrcta. and dictated lai-goly by Mr. Beecher himRclf, ftud received bm aid and approval; the book also contains cow tributlona of personal reminiscent frora over 30 prominent u-ritem. This I the rteii book : don't be induced to get any other. Co tains entire life of the Event preacher. Agents wanted ia every town: OrDiKtHnre bo binder- .ao'w.-an yro dve SFFCIAXj TE1UIS bnd PAY ritiU-a.'IT C1IAK.GSS. MOT10U. All our. Agrats are given tT a foil bci.fit. of o'ir Library Abhocia'Tio, wWcA Im g owcrful lover ta a.ld theia ia BOlieiting aubecri ers for this book. . 1 . . . Kover lwfore has such an opportunity present ed itself to Agrenta a im here offered ia placing this publication before the public. tf-Write for full particnlara and SPECIAL TERMS, sent flee to all. or aeenre an agency at once by sending f 1.00 for outfit. Book now ready, Address, A CO., PubSsnetn, Cprinsfii3t Cass. 3RE ft. k 11 t i ' 1 a 51 sward cr forward and without stopping or changing ths dircit.rn f nvnflV f.f AfiTTIflT T7AT1V. A WTr?n WTVr vr jrrr Call and eee lt rwir In Bdiabla British Mixture Guano in if1'' . Lf?m 1 AH1 rr x . s i IInlIirD.iI!iIIITr.CQLDriTe for the fanner, fiKJ cr 11 - PnO?niCTCnG . Sept 24 3n . . ARTHUR JQRD AisT, TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS, Italian and f.mriccn Ilcrbla, 5 'J j ALL 70HH T7AHBAHTED. " v - GE2ENSB0EO,N.a . " . . - ggjp " P ajHssMMtsswdF 4HasS aBSBSPsMa i - - . . ' . - f O ? fT 1 " O J J KJ LJa LJ AND FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES! IT""" fm J ys. 101? - Va Vfcfc. jk.jmJLV ii BOOTS AKD tZTFOU EVERYBODY AT, A full line of ZEIOLER BRO&.fjur SH0Z3 fast TccdrcX ii H. FARRIOR & CO'S.1 ; , V.-. . (South Elm Street?) Dec, 7-3x3. ' ; , .-:' , ,:.5 ' Gr:::::, H. a a .05 o M a 1 1 ft o 14 So rT H a 1 f ' o - O H CO 1 n 3 O rt I; u 'S CO - ( ' .-O q too o I1 I o C3 t ml O f1 0 o .2 ' O t5 . i j t O T3 a o CO -f i the mzehiae ct: r"Tr stock. : . 11.10,7 oxjb AccbinioDATioirg for man ana beast can net bo surpassed, and ttc intend by ivultiLv. i ui - IJj l-l A lLoi u . 1 : to keep the B ANUH in all her coiapdrtricats. ,j We hare none but experi enced . men in our empljmcnt. last sale.. f .j', U 9 ' GnHENSZOO, 17. '.'V 1 r 'it 9 'm ... SHOES LOWEST, CASH ..rr.icz3.i THE VALLEY MUTUAL LIIU AES0C1ATI01I vicai:;'Lx- db. cAirmt cmiiiLY, riALr'iii, 21. Ct U A2TA.G HI 70 This Association wtl crlr.:rcl C C I 1373. .It'bte3ti'ilii ia ct- ery way wortiy bi trtct It has fumizhed rcllltls Il-'a irr-:.--o at less than ona-ha! i ti7:l . j old lino Ufa insiranca -cc-ia c j. tl 3 Eaaa risks. It3 Death Gaia IL3 tr:c ir.t cf c tC00,CD, hava beca iU ta f It3 membership exceeds ITlt tic". - - carefully selected rL:!a, corr-.-e cf r - resentative mea in all x!::: :i cf 1 ' , whose names on it3 rtla of n;::;.'. :: " eertify their unqualified endorse::: cr.t It is confidently belled tLit tll3 c?n- pany presents the ictt f ;:fici j'.a cJ surance now ia tlistcr.es. Try i- l 1 leave your family inc-enlzt ia cr. r 3 death. . - L. A. Batxet, ) f Agt's. II. C. HOBTON (Jreenstoro, N. C. Ilarf lCli 1ZZ7.

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