LOCAL AN D GENERAL. An account of our trip tcrMooro -will appear in our next issue. v ! 5 The North Carolina. Prohibi tionist and the 'Voice" both for $1.50. Rev. Dr. J. F. Johnston and family Jiave moved from Winston to Raleigh. The Grand "Lodge of Good Templars meets on the 6th f October in Carthage. ;" It is rumored that a new hotel will soon be built at the Piedmont Springs. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion of Raleigh numbers 211 members. The News at Weldon, is bragging over a stalk of corn 14feet -4 inches high. . : Ground was broken at Ljrnchburg, Va., the past week, for the railroad to Durham, N. C In Greensboro, Sept., 21st Mr. J. D Mann, of Siler city, to Miss Eva L. "Wood burn, Rev. J. E. Mann officiating. Governor Scales has accepted an in vitation to be present at the Catawba coun ty Fair, Oct. 27th. " - TheNortti Carolina Prohibition ist until after the presidential election for $1. Subscribe at once and thus secure the benefit of this liberal offer. Rev.N. M. Watson, of Jonesboro has gone back to Vanderbilt University. He was accompanied by N. IK D. ; Wilson jr. from this place. : . v, . . . "Now, how must I do with this wed ding cake to dream on it ?" asked a gush ing damsel of a matter-of-fact young man. "Just eat it; that's all,' was the reply. The Grand Division Sons of Temper ance meets on the 11th of October in Statesville. All the Subordinate Divisions should send representatives as the Grand Division pays expenses. : - - - s "My friends, North Carolina is the most beautiful and richest portion of Ood's earth upon which my vision or feet have ever rested." Judge Kelly, of Pennsyl- vania.' : y : ! '.ij-c; The State C. T. U. Convention will be held at Goldsboro October 31st and November 1st and 2nd, and the; National Convention will convene at Nashville No vember 16th and continue in session until the 21st. . ; ; ' . :- - v " : '.' :;' ; .v' ; -; 'r. Mr. Richard Hackett, a recent grad uate of the State University, and a rery talented young man, has associated him self with Vernon W. Long, f the Winston Sentinel, in the management of the South ern Home. :"f" Those who are wishing to attend ; the Fair at Atlanta, Ga., next month, will be glad to know that they can go and return at one cent per mile each way, making the trip comparitively inexpensive Workman. Dr. Wm. Lynch, dentist, formerly of! Chapel Hill, arrived in Durham Saturday, went at once to his office, and had a call before he unpacked his instruments. ' He is pleased with Durham. His card appears in this issue of the Plant. His office is in the Parrish building. Tobacco Plant. Judge W. M. Shipp performed a gal lant act at Martin Superior Court last week, in becoming the prosecutor himself of a man who had slandered a young wo man. The slanderer, whose name is Au gustus Mizaell, was convicted- and got nine months in jaiL Charlotte Chronicle. One evening last week the passenge train was rocked between Mebane and Haw River. A large stone crashed through a window and came near hitting a .la'dy passenger. Miscreants who make a pas time of rocking trains ought to be appre hended if possible, and punished as ' they deserve to be. Alamance Gleaner. The Board of Missions met on Mon day, Sept. 12, and unanimously elected as Corresponding Secretary, to succeed Bro. John E.Ray, Rev. C.Durham, of Durham We congratulate the Baptists of North Carolina on this admirable selection.) Let the new Secretary have th hearty cU-op-eration and prayers of every Baptist in the State. Biblical Recorder, - Last. Snndav. at Castle llavne. nine miles north of Wilmington, Jim Wilbert cularefl, and his wife, who have been liv ing in that neighborhood, had a quarrel, when the man picked up the baby and threw it out of the window and then turned and caught his wife in his arms and deliberately cut her throat. . The wife died. The child escaped serious ..injury. State Chronicle. - ? Mr. S-S. Jackson who has been in' the employ of Mr. J. L. Stone of Raleigh, the well known dealer in Musical Instru ments and Sewing Mrchinesis no longer with him. Mr. Stone desires to notify all parties that Mr. Jackson is not authorized tn transact anv business wY ateoever for him.. - The Knoxville Furniture Co., lh largest manufacturing establishment in in the South, have established in Greens boro, N. C, (as well as many other places,) v.-otiMi hnnsp . where thev will keep a large stock of their goods as well as every other line kept in a first-class Furniture House, viz : Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, Bed Lounges, Wardrobes, Tables, Clocks, Pictures, Fancy and plain chairs, of all kinds, which will be sold cheaper than ever known in Greensboro. Don't forget i,o rirfl nearlv onnosite the McAdoo . . House. Eor city trade goods on installments. , W. R- Forbis. Manager Millinery. Mrs. C. C. Gorrell lias a full line of la dies and childrens hats, gloves, Rutching &c. &c.t nd the ladies will find it .to their interest to see her stock before purchasing elsewhere. -N-ew goods will be Teceived every few days. Good Wages Ahead. Geouqe Stinsok & " Co., v Portland Maine, can give you work that you can do and live at home, inaking great pay. You e started free. Capital not needed. Both sexes. All ages- Gut this out and write at once; no harm will be done if you con clude not to go to work, after you learn all. All particulars free. Best paying jvork in the world Mar. 18 '86 I Consumption Cured... - - j An old physician, retired from practice! having ha l placed U his. hands by aa East India missionarv the"-form nbi nf simple vege a' le remedy for a speedyand pe manent cure o! Consumption, Bronchi tis, Catarrh, Asthma aud al! throat and Lung Affe lions, also a - o itive a -d radi cal cure for Nervous Debility and all Ner- r, vyuuipiainis, aiter n ving tested-its wonderfil. curative nower-i i i tbrnisanrla of cases, has felt ; it hi duty to make it known old- suffering feilows; Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suffering, I will send free of charge, to an wno desire it, this receipt in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using.. Sent by mail by addressing with st -nip-, naming she paper, W.-A. Notes, 149 Power's Block, RocJtester. JV. Y, - eow. Jan 28,'88 -. -; "Worth Tour Attention. Cut this out and mail it to Ailen & Co, Augusta Maine, who will send.: you free, something new, that just coins money for all Workers. ' As wonderful as the electric light, as genuine as pure gold, it will prove of lifeloug value and importance to you Both sexes, all ages. Allen & Co., bear expense 'of starting you in "business. It will bring you in more cash, right away than anything else in the world. Anyone any where can do the work, and live at home also. Better write at once ; then knowing all, should you conclude that you don't cars to engage, why no harm is . S BUELTJIGTION ITEMS Burlingtion, n. C, Sept 27-87. - . Mr Joe Ross of our town died dast Sunday ,and was hurried Monday evening from the Lutheran church. ; i Superior Court t Graham this week A number of our citizens are attending. Some damage to the tobacco by the frost Sunday morning. ' Mr W. W. White lias been very sick for several days but is comvalescing, so we learn.' J : . '" .- ;;; There is promise of much needed rain this evening. Protracted services' at the Union church will commence in a week or two. ; ... "!v - . V,;: Protracted meeting ; begins at New Providence next Sunday. Dotter. - ! KANSAS- "' Heavy JPuniBhmeat for Violation of the I I Prohibition Law. Wichita, Sept. 23. James A. Stewart of this city, was yesterday sentenced to seventeen years and four months in the county jail, with costs,, for violation of the prohibition law. He was a clerk in a west-end drug store and pleaded guilty to an indictment containing 2,080 counts at the saras time, as did Herman, proprietor of the place- The latter cannot be found, and it is thought that he has left the coun try The : punishment imposed upon Stewart is the heaviest ever given in the State for violation of the liquor laws. Morning Star. i i - J0NESB0E0 DOTS. 1 he .Editor or the tTtoirrBrriosisT was in town last Saturday. His many friends were glad to see him and to know of the success of his paper and cause, during the week in Moore county. ' Mrs C. A. Boon and little son, of Pitts- boro, N. C, have been visiting friends around Shallow Well this week. Rev. C. A. Boon was, for several years, pastor St Shallow, Well Church. A Stong attach ment was formed between him and his members and it grows with time. Mrs. W. A., Thomas accompanied Mrs. Boon home.T ;" ;' y: The Cotton market is very active here and it is being brought in rapidly by the farmers. -The protracted meeting is going on this week at the Methodist Church," Jonesboro High School continues to in crease: in numbers. : The Baptists are building a parsonage. Rev. W. F. Watson, the pastor, has al ready moved to town. ; There is rumor of converting the Jumbo Warehouse into a Cotton factory ; . : Mr. Jas. Malloy of Fuyetteville N. C. has moved here and opened a "grocery store. f - - " " - PKOntBITIOSIST A Mutilated Body Found- From the Ashevillc Advance. Sunday t morning about 7 o'clock the body of a white man horribly mutilated was found beside the' Western North Car olina railroad track in this city, j ust oppo site the fair grounds. The body was sick eningly mangled. : Approaching from the depot, was first found W fore-arm 'lying beside the track; and a mutilated right hand lay between the rails. A few steps farther, on the west side of the railway, face downward, was the dead .body of the unfortunate man. The right arm was torn off above the elbow and the right foot was gone. When he was turned over the badly bruised face, though ; recognizable, wore an expression of horrible agony About fifty yards further up the road1 was found a piece of the palm of a hand, and still beyond that was picked up a little Qnger.i The clothing was badly torn, but it is a peculiar lact, tnat mere was veiy little blood about the scene of death. Jn the coat pockets of the dead man were found two roeks, weighing about a pound eachJ and a letter from his wife at Clifton, South Carolina, pitifully imploring him for help for his children, intimating, too, that he had been unfaithful . to her, but begging him to come back and be forgiven jno monies or vaiuaDies oi any Kina were found upon his person. ' : H The dead body proved to be that of man Jiamed Millard Yarborough. lie had beeh"o Fairview Saturday attending a shooting match, but returned .to- Swan annoa JunctioiTm the evening, and until 9 o'clock devoted himself assiduously to drinking. , Up to this hour, he was jn the ., company of a couple of boys named Ward, ..' "-: ' no left for Spartanburg on the 9'oclock train. ' From that lipur neither they nor Yarborough was seen until the latter's body was found, as above described, -on Sunday morning. " ' : ..".; - -Death of Col. Lightfoot. Col.' Lightfoot dropped dead in thc-par- lor of Col. Gibson, Warrsnton.: We pub-1 lish a tribute to his memory, prepared by a citizen' ol Durham who knew -him. His many friends anl comrades in this section willtlfank us for the space .we yeald to this tribute :' f " Afew short weeks ago news , flashed over the wires, that another one of our gallant heroes had passed over the river, Col. Charles E. Lightfoot, a name hon ored and loved by every brave man in Orange and Durham. Many v of his old comrades have inquired of me the partic ulars of his death, and ; not until ;. last week when a gentleman gaye me the clipping5 from the? Warrenton Gazette, could I satisfy ths eagerness to learn the particulars of the sudden death of their dear comrade. ' ' "Col. Lightfcot was tutor in Col. Tew's military sqhoolin Ilillsboro. At the be ginning of the war he was commissioned major by theState of North Carolina, end assigned to duty 1 to ? organize the 1st North Cj-olina regiment fat Company Shors, Col. Fisher; commanding.' This duty .he performed with credit to himself and honor to his- adopted State. Upon the resignation of col. Dortch; he was pro moted lieutenant-colonel. He was with the gallant Fisher wiun he was kale lat M il assas. and was himself severely wound ed. He remained with the regiment un til assigned to command th3 21st Nor;h Carolina regiment at the bloody , battle cf Seven Pines. Whilo nobly endeavoring to save his wounded he was captured, and remained a prisoner but a short time. After his exchange hej . was assigned i to command all the artillery J around Rich mond, a duty he faithfully performed un til the surrender of Lee's army. I , I could write pages of praise to this no ble man, but others knew him as well as I did, but none better and while we brush a tear of regret to part with : one 7: whose dangers and privations we shared with so long and patiently, let us not forget the reveille will .soon sound to summon us to that grand camping -; ground on hiarh. where n passing lnuster may we win the plaudit of "Well done, good afld faithful soldiers." ; . L t -1 1 1 : R F. Webb- 1 : I I Tobacco Plant. VIRGINIA Oonferenca of Lsadarsof the Prohibition j Party at Staunton. . Stacnton, Sept. 23. The State Prohibi tion Conference met here to-day. " One hunded and forty delegates, about one- fouth colored, were present, representing nine counties and nine cities, r Hon T. E. Taylor of Loudoun, member of the National Prohibition t Executive Com mittee, called the conference to order, and in his opening address declared that the third party was in 5 Virginia to stay. Hon. W. J. Shelburn, of Montgomery, was elected temporary and p2rmanrnt chairman. R II. Bell, of Augusta, and J A. Smith, of iNotteway. secretaries. Short addresses were delivered by J. Lloyd Thomas j State organizer, and Rev- Mr. Young (colored) and others. After the appointment of committees the Conference took a recess until! 2 o'clock. The delegations embrace hitherto promi nent leaders of both political parties, and the Conference is a determined and in telligent looking body of men- The ut most harmony and enthusiasm prevail ed. ; 1 : ' :- ", f f The evening session of the Conference was principally occupied in discussing the platfonu Objection Was made to the in troduction).' of any issue savo prohibition . but by an overwhelming majoriiy the ob jection wa3 overruled and the platform as reported was ad op ted. The platform demands pro hibition of the manufacture and sale ofal- coholic beverages by ; State and national lawg,and that such laws.be vitalized by the party, based upon principle and uncom promisingly committed to their-, enforce ments . It declares i iu favor of disfran chising men "who buy orell votes, j and of restricting immigration ; declares ; for arouranon an i ;iuo t esiaousnmem ot a State labor bureau to guard the safety of miners and manufacturing employes ; favors giving; mechanics first liens; against further granting public land: ex cept to settlers ; favors the prevention of discriminations; against farmers and of discimination 'in railroad rates ; favors free schools and the Blair bill, and like measures. On the State debt it declares "We beljeve the Democrat'c '. and .Repub lican' parties have used the State debt us a distracting issue in ''State politics, cao this shifting policy ha3 delay its s-3tiC-ai3Jit We believe a final settlement, mutually satisfactory to the State and creditors, can be made.all legislation upon this mat ter should be directed to that end." The last plank provides : " We, beleve ex isting bossism and corruption in politi cal methodsfthe partisan administration of State affairs, and the iniquitious inters fernece in legislation by corporatios a and liquor lobbies, have all united to : defeat the best interests of the Commonwealth 'We,1 therefore call upon all good cittizrns to join in administration of the public, affairs for the g(jod of the State rather than; the benefit of; party." The plan of organization provides for a Central Committee of one hnndred and an Executive Committee f one from eadi Congressional District. . An Executive Committee whs elected as follows : J. '. T-. Russell, Accomac ; T.. M; Ramsey, Norfolk; J. B. Crenshaw, Richmond ; J. A'. Smi h, Notteway ; J. M "Pace, Danville ; T. T. Fishburn, Roanoke ;M. M. Sibert, Rock" ingham ; II. M. Foltz, Alexandria ; Dr. C. Bullard, Pulaski ; J. W-, Newton, Staun ton;1 and A U Fultz at large. - After discussing measures toriise mon ey and tallting over the proposed. establish ment of a State organ, the conference ad journed sine die, . Taking fright; at the above the editor of the;"Daily .Workman" cries out as follows : ' . ' "The State ; Prohibition ; Conference, which was held at Staunton,' V., lastl Friday, seems to have greatly 'enlarged the flaceof its tent' so as to embrace prettyrbroad set of political principles. It is just about Such ' an intrument as the friends of temperance who have all along opposed the" Third Party movement fear ed might ensue in a short while, only :t has coihe "sooner and is more dansrero s than any one seems to have imacrined. -- Will cuv neighbf r be kind enough ta tell us what-it : is in the above platform that ha3-so terror strickeL him? If the Prohibitionists adovcatt single idea, our non-part 'z n friends are frightened; and if we hap. pea to advocate more than one idea, they are panic stricken, v ,-' Whai terrors bet t their way ! ' ,. ' ly-the way, which is thepartizan The man whose vote is the expressioi of his principles, or the man whose vote expresses his, prejud i-..-b am amnositie3. - Bigest Boom of the Age. China Crockery and Glassware, Larg est Stock and Lowest prices in the Stat we are prepared to wholesale and retail at BaltQ. prices, v : AND DEFY COMPETITION we make a spec" al offer for the next 30 Jays of a handsome nickle clock free tc all who purchases $10.00 worth of good at one time, a call will convince you that I mean what I say - ' . Truly Yours, W. T. CHICHESTER Greensboro, N. C. '- ft... -m.-r A v 9 or; inicholas ior uctooer is on our table. The next volnme of thi. magazine begins with thenext num ber, and we cheerfully commend it tc all who desire a first class magazine for young folks. Address Century Company, Nei York. Our neighbor the North State has passed the tecond mile post 1 on life journey and entered upon the third year of its existence with health - and vigor. The North Siae is one of the verv best newsnanera in ihr. SlratA and, outside of its politics, we wish it great success. J? ederal Court here, next week Judge Dick will preside. State Fair begins on the-18th and closes on the 21st ' Ten nnessee voted yesterday od the Prohibitory Amendment. Last week the Governor appoint ed Dr. Hubert' Haywood, of Raleigh burgeon Ueneral ot JNorlh Carolina, vice lJT Hugrene. Unssom, ' resigned Dr. II. is a young man, but ranks high in the medical profession of North Carolina. 3- Duty Unto Death 2 If111?"1? ifa and work of the late Rev. Geerre - "aBck Apostle of lrohibitlon. In the .vuwxtk. uty urn uruuier, JOHN A. 11ADDOC& i5? refeJ mgrder of this jrreat man for him do. 7 - J?pl1?cipl?"ent tbria horror through the civiliTOd world. A wonderfully readable and lnapiringr book, and one indispensable to the Pro. hibition caniie. girintr as it does, the arguments j ..TqPIefitio. 01 "UcenRe or No Ijoense ii.innim rr-tMiiDiuon." infretner wltn a flill history of the Btrnpirle and growth of the tem- f" ubb ui urn norunren. raoe XU ecnu. I? J .f.n.. receipt of price. Address Pi. V. Obfciinel. and all 1A JA.AT iitAJvS ul U'iuied tn for STODFIiA 77? FEW Our oflTK-r- u opjiosile the U. S - ltitont Oflitre. niul we t-nn turn I'ntviitK in loss timo limn llts" n im'H- lnnt" ir Asm.xarox. semi uoohi.. jut a n im.- I'tlOTtt ttt invention. We advise an li -ytt-m nlmitv five of chiirgo ih1 we miiKc JNO LJIAkiit UMJXS PATENT JS SE:UJitl- For cimilar. advice, terms and refwnrv l nctunl cliriils in your own Watc.fJimiily. (iiy r- lewn write U Opponic ratent Office, Washington. O C COFFEEHOUSF -AN1- Free Reading Room On AVebt Market stroot, under th auspices of Iho W. C. T. U. is open every -day, - ex;-j t Sunday 8, and uoch s rvod at all hours. ioions having loiauro m metits can ppntio tlioiu pleasantly in tho litiadiu;. Iloom, wbore all the latest ladii--Papers and Periodicals will be fouud. : . : .. ., Over 9,000,000 worn during the past six years. This marvelous success is due-; 1st. To the superiority of Coral! ne over , all otbef" materials, as a stiffoner for Corsets, 2nd. To the Superior quality, shape and workmanship' of our Corset s. combiiied with their low prices. , - Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORALtNE" is printed on inside of steel cover. '. .", FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. . WARNER- BROTHERS, 399 Broadway, New York City, GREENSBORO MARKET - - REPORTS. - - BTIOZTJCS" MARKET. Bunsj KRICES. A nrns crreen, j er bu. -25 10 a 11 a8 15 a 20 ' 18 1418 10 a 12 Bacon hog round . . -. . eef fButter Re swax v Chickens old '' : siring Corn - - " ' . Corn Meal . 65 - 65 Driai "Fruit , ' Blackbenies - - 6 10 - 3a6 Cherries ' ; :- ' Apples " - feaches- unparea - -3 a 4 10 a 12 pared 8 . 40 Feathers - f'laxse d v - ' - 75 Flour Family t- - 4C0 ' Sup rfine 37o Onions Oats - 40 40 PoJt ' Peas Potatoes Irish Sweet - ; Rig a Cotton . 6a7 60 25 80 U 3i Tallow Wool washed Unwashed Wheat 30 20 lal.25 RETAIL PRICK OF GROCERIES. Bacon Side . . . . 10 Hiffls . 15 Shoulders in Chee83 ' - -' ' 20 Coffee Rio . 22 a 25 . Laguyra " '2 Java 25a35 Kerosene Oil , - - 20 Lard ' "10 Leather Sole-" 20n20 M-.lasse9 25 a 55 Rice 8 a 10 Syrup ' SOaCO ioda 8al0j ajt Common ' 70 Fine - 85 Sugar Yellow ' 7a5 . White 0a-18 Crasl-ed" , ' .10, TOBACCO MARKET. - ; Common dart lugs, $ 1, 00 a 3,50 " " fi ler , 2,00 a 4,0" Dark rich fi lers 5,00 a 7,50 Bright " 10,0015,00 Common dark smokers . 5,00 a 6,00 Bright sm kers 13,00 a 17,00 M dium cutters - 17,00a22,00 Fancy " 25,00 a 30,00 Medium wrappers 20,00 a 25,00 Fancy " 40,00 a 60,00 Onr market is now very active for an grades of tobacco. t THE COMMON SENSE . LIFT AND FCROE PUMP Makes a complete Fire Department for any C mutry Home out of a common wood pump, at a vt-ry small cost. Worth Fifty Times iiscost if you iiecil it tt jmt out a lire, and extremely handy for lots of othei things. Keady for action in One-e'ghth of a minute. Energetic business men who will give it proper attention are wanted to handle this pomp in every town in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virgin ia aid orth Carolina, and will be accord ed control of suitable territory not already occupie . - - ' 4- CHARLES (1. BLATCIirEY, !r A N LT F A O- T U U E Of all Si!os and Styles of Wood Pumps. Office: 25 N. E. CIT1T II ALL ; SQUARE, Opposite Uioad bt. bt ai ton t K. K., . PHILADELPHIA, PA. WOTURES ! PICTURES ! from Liie WJ Stjb. Old Pictures Copied to any Size Our office is supplied with best instruments and latest improvements. Call and examine specimens of our work. - lu. Work Guaranteed. , -Prices as Low as the Lowest West Market Street, 2d door -from Court House, Greensooro, N. C. . PRIKCE SuWHITE Photographers. A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE rilhis Farm is situated in Guilford.Coun JLty, N. C, on Keedy Fork, on "the line of the R. & D., R: K , and contains some thinfir over 700 acres. It has on it a good Granite quarry. The soil is adapted to the errowth of Tobacco. Gram of all ku.ds, ('otton and G rasa. . It has a large frame dwelling of; nine rooms, smoke-house double , kitchen, .ice liouse, store house, 'barnes, stables, cribs, tenant houses &c, There is on-the place, besides s&veral old 'orchards," a young orchard of, some 150 i trees of select fruit, iust beininff to bear. iThadwelling is lt miles from Brown's ' 1 !i il,. 1 r 1 1 . I summit, n SLiuiou uxi ui. j. jl. j. 12-miles f rom the city of Greensboro, and within nait a mils oi a saw ana gram mm The location is one of the most desirable in the country. ' , - - - Gallon or address the Editor of this ipaj-er. - :'t '. Ill 1 THE ROYAL C3 5 S3 P3 E-i W . - . pZ-.:- .... B - - jis J-. a is theory machine made tbat ews th same with the machine ranninr either backward or forward and without stoppigrchHgaji? the direction of the work. , EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. ' Call and see the machine at W. II. WAKEFIELD & CO., Greensboro N. C. Dealers mall kinds of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c. The 0r Reliable British Mixture Guano in stock. , Mar. 188d. - Sheet: Mus& PIANOS. KRANICII BACH. - - Behr Bros., CHIDKEJUNG, ; Enunerson, lHALLETT:& DAVIS. SHEEt'mTJSIO; AT T TTTW V1?W A"Wn TWVrvfTT i ma tt nmAntv Novelties Received T7cokly. TEACHERS. ARE OFFERED SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Sewing Machine Needles There are many qualities of Needles: the Best are Cheapest." Sineer Needles iX- cpnts per Dozen. All others 5 cents each, 50 centa per dozen. I can furnish ANT PART of any make SEWING MACHINE. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. Remittance can be made in postage. - I am asking for business that will save buyers money. et tlie Goods Talk. . J. L. STONE, v Raloigfci 'XTJOL PoeitiTely non genohxe MLk wm mm Made In Congress, Button A Lace. Best Calfskin This is the original $3 Shoe, and the only one which endures the test of time and eoostantty grows in public favor. It fa made to please the wearer made to catch hia held in the hand. been from the facturers us will i SHOB IBUTTOM A PULL LINE OF THE JAMES , MEANS SHOE For Sale By FARR10R & Wholesale & Retail DEALERS In BOOTS AND SHOES. - - . - Greensboro, N C. Exclusive Aste. for ZE1GLER BKO'S. iicc Shecs. w nniiitrn ai iro &.ttektiok are now prepared to fmish ail dashes vtji era- ployment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Ktisjiiess new light and .profit ble. Parsons of ei her sex easily earn from. 50 cents to 5.00 per evening, and a proportional sum by devot ing all their time to the business. Boys and girls cau e&xn nearly as much as men Thai all who see this may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this offer. :- To snch as aie rot t atisfied we wil I send one d liar to pay for tiie troubie, of writing. Full particulars and outfit free Addre s Geokgis Stinsok & Co. , Port land Marue. V Cl, -a -6 CO I I m p o o So d o CD o CP eS b- c &; at S CO o 14 CO c3 fl M-f B 5 1 - "v rn. 3 fi C3 So - 8J 3 3 '- - -o O 03 o M H O I S H w g-P' CO -a i2 o s CD O a od r 1? u a a Si - a o CO CO -22 "73 ST JOHIT Speciality. 0RGAIJS. KIMBALL, New Enrianf1! MILLER, Wlritnoy, beidgep(5bt. onlass tampd as follows! 9 mm w m mm v by its durability and eoaafort. It la not eye by false appearance of exceUence whs Consequently onr sales are new and hare first, larger than those of any other iasi. of shoes of this price. A postal card seat to bring yon information hdw to get this Shoe la m- nnTfitiitrl nrTnrrltrm- JAKES KSAltt 'C0.t . 41 Iasooui St Bostok, Mass. CRABTREE, JAS. S. ED17ELL, Boot and Shoe- Maker !. TTAS opened a shop in the old JLJLPoat Office buildini? south Klm streets, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his, line - Satisfaction guaranteed. Besides he keeps constantly on hand for sale second haxd boots and shoes, and will take old boots and shoes in exchange for work. ' If you have boots" or shoes t make, mend, buy or sell do not fail to give him a - call sept 243 mos T.'S. SKELTON, -DEALER IN- i CROCKERY, . - GLASSWARE : WnnHan anrl Villnui Waro iiwwuuii uiiu iimun iiuW. GENERAL If 3JROHANDISE KJ (jRENBBOUO. Ni C. ""TTcan live at home and make mora X. J U money at work for ns than at ' anything else 1n this world - Capital not needed ; you are started free. Both sexes; all ag s. Any one can do the work. Large earnings sure from firs start. Costly out fit and terms free. Better not delay. Costs you n thing to eend ns youraddref and find out ; If you are wise yon will do so at onw. H, Ham.ktt & l;o rortlahn, q-3 mm m mm -ivfiii iies