LOCAL AND GENEftAfi -t-Thomasville is to 'have the electric A Brush Electric Light plant is to De established at Concord. - -: THB NOBTH CABOtilKA pKOHtfcl- tiohist and the Voice" both for $1.50. ' i . ' i "t" 1 I i ; A not promuikiuu usuipoigu xs ucmg fodght in a number of counties in Dako ta. - ' ' : Mr. Armstrong Is developing an iron mine five miles from . King's Mount ain. - ' " J - The Ohio Prohibitionists are making things hot for the old rum-ruled parties in that State. . . . The town oi Meriam, conn., gave last Tear 44 votes for Prohibition ; this year it gave 144. J. B. Morris and J.' C. McFarland have recently commenced 'developing mines in Polk county. The editor is attending the Fair this week. He-will fill two or three appoint ments on fiftfway home. Thirty two counties of the great State of Texas gave. majority for the Amend ment in the late election, The Prohibitionists of ITew York are hard at wor.'' "Tiey expect to poll lareer vote in that State thn - they have ever done. ' . li ' . : . The liepupneana or new xorc . are striving earnestly to stampede the Prohi bition vote of that State, but they are not at all likely tojtirtceed. ThOBTHCJl!BCiLI2I PitOHf BITIOH '.' Make home attractive Xothing adds so much to the pleasures of a home' as musicBuy a good Piano or Organ of J. L. Stone, Raleigh N. C. and you will nev r regret It. ' , ,Write to the Korth Carolina Furniture 0 v, (Factory )Slem, N. C, for prices on their nice,good and cheap Bedroom suits Extension Tables, Center Tables, Wash tands,Bureaus,Wardr6bestChrna Close ts irrovisiou aiea csc.esc. ; if your dealers do not keep them for sale. The assassin is again at work. . The fight must be in the right , spot judging from the firing; The new editor of the Sword and Shield" in Miss, whose former editor R. D. Gambrell Was assasinatri last spring, has been villianously attack el by a noted saloonist. ' Housekeepers should bear in mind that they can buy Blankets, Table Linens, Towels, Curtain Goods, Carpets, Rugs" and : Wide Sheetincra : from Samnla S, r- Brown at very low prices, and that the same Mr. Brown keeps the beet line of Fine Dress Goods and Ladies Cloaks in Greensboro. '0 '::.x7l '-. 7': -xSr' : Why pay the heavy freights, dray age, commission storage &c. incurred on Fur niture shipped: here from the North. & West, when you can buy equally as good, if noi better furmture.made here at home, by the North Carolina Furniture Co. (Factory) Salem, If. C," at much lower prices. If your Furniture Dealers do not keep their make in stock, write at once to the Factory and get their prices. b - An exchange tells of a new fuel that has been introduced in Iowa to take the place of coal in the prairie counties. This fuel is made by grinding cornstalks and coarse prairie grass to gethsr,; moistening and then pressing the buId into WASHINGTON LETTES: (From Out Eegular Correspondent.) thick. ? These blocks are then dried. It is claimed that one block will " give an hour's steady heat, and that the fuel can be produced for $3 per ton. The Knoxville Furniture Co.;- the largest manufacturing establishment- in in the South, have established in, Greens boro, N. C, (as well aamany;other places,) a branch house, where they will keep a large stocK oftneir goods as well as every other line kept in .- a; first-class"' Furniture House, viz : Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, "fiedXounges, Wardrobes Tables, Clocks, Pictures, Fancy and plain ;ehairs, of all ist until aftejefpresidentlal election, ,frj4ks about 13 inches long and. 4 inches $1. Subscribe at once ana. tnus secure the benefit of gbjsliberal offer The "Yicet- week before last began its visits to 60,000 clergymen from -now untill after tlre'eicction in 1888L May - it be as the voice .of many, .waters I " TheYe wilt be a special term of Cabar rus court for Ace trial rff civil cases on No vember 14thl, '.Judge Boy kin has been ap pointed to preskfe, as he is the only. Judge who will be idle atthattlmel - .. - -. . -' New YdrfcSUte has only six ticket in the field, and yet ; seme of our wise-inr their K)wn-coxietil friends -.say there can be but two parties. Well argutoent, is one to ing ana..iacia.u:uu iuiur. -Failures ameagUhe leading liquor deal era are becoming uncommonly common We wonder, whether the "'asaesment to defeat the Amendments in - Michigan, Texas and Tennessee have anything to do with these faif&res. Bad management on the -part of the prohibition leaden in the Tennessee cam- J paign.is said tobe the cause of the defeat of the Amen4UEnV. Perhaps r they will know betrjifxtctime. - ; - ; v Governor 5: Scales . has issued - a proclamation adoring $100 reward forJthe capture and' &UyerYfiP Samuel Under wood. whoYa&lfr stabbed Luther Hicks kindarhich wUl-be,-jwld -cheapejr, than eknown.in,Greensj3Qro. Don't forget the' "plifij n'earfy "opposite tne McAdob i Eor city trade gdbdlr Off installments. vWi B. Fokbis. Manager. r u . ,,,.,, ,1. ., -I.,, . . persona In auvanced Btagea 01 the disease Price 5 cts. Cau tion, I'ha Genuine Dr. Bull's i Vougn Syrup is bom only in white terapntcrs, nnd btiara our registered Trade-Marks to vrit . A Bull's Head in a Circle,aed- Strip Vaution-labclf ana the fac simile signatures of John W. Pull dt A. C. Meyer & Co Solo Prop's, Baltimore, lid, U S. A. 3KEEJSTSB0E0 MARKET . . . REPORTS. , Chew lounge's Plues The srreat Tobacco Au Udote: rrioe IO cti, oia uy au jurugsiata. ; 4VTOf IlKoa AUIKHIl 7 Geobge ',' 8tiK8oN ' & Co., " Portland Maie,xh give you work that you can do and" live at hobae making great pay. ; You arejatarte4fteW Capital not needed. Both sexes. ; AJ ages - Cut this out and write atonce; naharm will.be 4one if yon con olude hot to go to work, after you learn m...- i a . i . tr- 2 - 'wi ,. ' au particulars iree. na&i paying work im the world r -:- U&fi 18 '86 i t all Hicks died frcg Me wounthe 14t: The:Editorial Lunch (Drink) ! ! Look olt!3r3 counffirMU 1 See that you get thgetiuaiDriiBuITs Cough Syrup i Do notWetiEeTfieBJeBsell you some -jukfocbirtnsatUpon'g ting thejegtnfiid trademarkf npwJrjC"y v Ed warMufphy, flie neir ; Chairman of the Dcmocfatib Stated 'Committee of New York. is. almember of a large brewing firm. The "Patriot" is right. .- The fund amental 'WtricTDles of the Democratic party arejQpppsed to Prohibition h The Germans of New York have or ganized a newPersonal Liberty' party; the bject ofrbichVia .tojbing'the" canUidates of the old parties up lotie requirements of the liquor men and to force the repeal of the Sunday lawaT 1 "- "; . ; ' .' ' -'i Carroll county,' Va.,-nas voted $iC0f 000 to the extension" at a branch of the Norfolk aiid Western road through thai county, to connect with; Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road at MtAiry.by 250 mi. iority. This secttreB the,buiWing ot tne road. Xv..-t:sTA- The Chefokw iroVina'Jiarble Com- .n, eanlCal Mbck J500:000, ias.,been. formad to develop mineral and: Aar -Murphy. '"E&e company owns about 1,400 acres. dent, interested At GoldsbjrS reen-a committee -of busiaest men of Nwberae met 'the presU dent ef t?iliJp Onslow in4,Eai : rVt-Atf . VaiTftV irid ifitizeas of Wilminr ton, and disc8sed,thor.fugbJr t- prjCt of extending Teaaojnaj'jYy umington teNewbernV. I ie. .inyouri For I am armed aiyslrSii- with reinj&ly That I pass" pin by. asfia idlwoid-i Which I jefpect not s&ice the.discpyery of Salvation Oil. Twenty-five cent? a . . bottlei;; . : - u. Judge Shepherd is holding ouri" in Durham this week. We dropped into the eeurt room a few minutes Monday waiter A Gentleman charged with"; the violation, ofthe Sunday liquor law wis be t.ir triad. -What would become of; our it it wra' not for the business fur nished them by the liquor business t Parties attending the W C. T. . V. n.ntinn which- meets ia Goldsborb eaa secure at there several station ire a--a tt ; Tickets will be D'acea on ale Oct. 3 and 31 good to return n ntl Nov 4th. These tickets can be purchased by visitors as well as membe r. Ta hbs of ten7 new subscribers' 'we iii ..nri tfia North '?abomka:' Pidki BmosiST one year for 7.50 J" Now. reader, if you are interested In v- ..na nf Prohibition, zo to work and He aaw - t us no a club. We hope to hear from our friends in various sectiojis ofthe State in imwar to thia nroposition. ? Oaf list is growing rapidly, but we want it to grow more rapidly. We want lu.uw names on our list by the 1st of Noy. 1888. Shal r. Iitn thm f " The' answer to this auction deoeuds in large measure tp'on the friends of the bause. ,Wlth the prop ar effort on the part of these hev:iO,000 i - From thJRafeigli papers we learn jtheje' is to bean-Editorial Ludch at the' Tautv Inlooking:o:th'e bill of fare - we"' find here are 3 leases-of :cake3 and crackers i 4 case, of canned, goods x. J bbl of . oysters 1-barbacued -pig AIL, Of the, above. beiraslfed down by S cases of . whiskey ; 2 kegs of beer ; 1 case of ciderr 1 - case-Mf wine; . ' ";' ': "c; : 'y " '- 'i ' . - R E. Pobtbb. t " . " ." j' ; Biget Boom of the Age.. i j China Crockery and Glassware, Larg est. Stock and'Lowest prices in the State we are prenared to wholesale and retail at Dalto. prices, . ' '' AKif DEFY 'COMPETITION we make;apecial offer 'for, the -next 3- davs', of :a handsome nickle clock free t all wlw?Ductiaseff iaoa wortn or gooos at one tfmeVa call w Jl; eon yince you that I mean what 1 say - . ;' v - Truly xours, - ' " " i i -.: .-- .-W.. T. CHICHESTER. 'Greensboro, 0.. ' - ? "There's no terror j : V WAsniWGTo'N, Oct. 18, 1887. Even thus early active , preparations are in progress for the long session of Congress, which will meet on the .. first Monday of December. Many Congress men froru the neighboring States can be almost daily seen on the thoroughfares of the Federal City, seeking out their .win ter quarters, "and looking after the riu Inediate wants of their constituents. It is the general opinion of well posted pol iticians that the Fiftieth Congress will be a busy and stormy body, as : much im portant legislation will .de considered especially inregard to the.BtirpluSj, the tar iff, and pensions seven of the latter bills already being in course' xT ; incubation to say nothing of projected legislation on the labor and railroad-1 "questions. And then; each of the great parties believes that It is possible to parctically decide the next Presidential e'ection by its ' course next winter. . '; 1 . : L Another indication of the nsar advent of Cengress ithe stir- and. bustle i the various Federal Departemts incident to the preparation of th. e annual reports some of which have already been submi- ted .to the Secretaries. These reports re view the business qI the past year,; and make pertinent suggestiona ' as to the needs of the service including nece sary appropriations of funds. - . " .The report of the Commissioner of the General Land : Office is of special interest on account of the wide spread and far reaching frauds that have been uncovered in the acquisition ef the public lands by soulless syndicates aad reckless - ad veil turers. -It is shown that within, the. past two and a half years .more than thirty one million acres of land have been ;, re- ENXJJSH Cheviots, . Corkscrews, ciaimea py tne uovernment; that about nveinousana iana entries were . secured by means of perjury1, "and that many otfi-- er :, aisreputaDie ana irregular methods I orsteads cCC, SO va' H100 were -.employed by . these swindlers- to defraud the United States, The Secretary of the . Interior has giv-1 Onderwear, Shirts, v Collars, en orders to begin legal proceedings j against Jesse I Lee Hall, aeent for XiieV Kiowa, Comanche, and Wiehita lndiaBid V Neck . wear : in every variety in thc lndiaa Territory upoH: charges.of malfeasance- irl-offlrie. ? Tt Is HtntArl "iLtHiA Interior Departmennhatthe .defal(ion G? nim a cal1-.' of Hall will probably amount to from $20, 000 to $30, OOO.'bnt aa'his bond is" fori the latter sum, the Government will: not lose anything : j -v '" :: - Civil ' Service Ccmmissioner Oberly a aggressive and progressive sentiments, lately promulgate, (-find no . favor with partisan spoilsmen, bat meet with the cordial endorsement of all who would purify the public sevice of political influ ence and manipulation. It 1$- hoped that the conservative views.of Mr. Oberly will be adopted as the pronounced , policy of the Civil Service i commission for - such a corse would undoubtedly be a substantial gam for the cause of reforni that would meet popular approval ; Mr. -Graves,- chief of jngrying ana mnung, is having some trouble with the Knight of : Labor, be- J. G. EULISS, . caus he cltuma that better work can be I WILLv: R. HANKTN, done with other - machines : than with I rni:P RPOTT hand presses,. in the : pnnting.of Treasury j drafts, bonds,' stamps, and silver certifi cates; -The Knights say they" will being the controversy to the attention of con gress having already framed a bill em bodying their grievance. . - There is great and gaoeral Interest felt at the Capital as . well as In the - country H. H." CAETLAUD, MERCHANT TAILOR; UNDER CENTRAL HOTEL, Greensboro. N, C.;- a"! fine line SCOTCH an3 line i of Cuffs PRODUCE . MARKET. . ; BUYING PRICES. Appus green, .per bu. bAcon hog round . . ; .. eef . " " ' ." - . . Butter . Re swax " " " ." " Chickens old " sprins: Corn - - - Corn Meal - - Driel Fruit Blackberries ' Cherries' ' Apples. Peaches un pared '; " " pared Eggs- - - " ...... Feathers , Flaxseed - , ' - - Flour Family -" 'K Superfine ". . Onions Oats , . - Poxk - Peas . . - - Potatoes Irish-. " - Sweet ...... R Cotton ' Tallow Wool washed -..... . - Unwashed Wheat - - 25 10 a 11 a8 15 a 20 - 18 Ha 18 10 a 12 65 65 6 10 3a6 3a4 - 10 a 12 8 THE ROYAL ST J0HIT 40 400 375 - 40 - 6a7 60 25 ..... ' 80 ..... H 30 ' " - 20 ;retail PRICE OF GROCERIES. f J05ES3QS0 D0T3- MrrJ. K-.Perry of Forkade was 1b town last week. ' . .' ij r. - Winter V Harringtotf near. Concord has picked over 2CK01bsof seed Cotton front'one acre and expects to tret' 000 lbs good, farming. -,v r- Paterick, emigration agent, was here lat week. . ; Messrs. iL' HTWorthyv S. H: Buchanan and A? IL Bobbitt liare gone to theAtlan ia .ai putttttu.n:- " 'i - - -- ., - - . -r Several .farmers- in -this section had to knock thfrboarda.off their ribs. to get the corn in.; ..-r. f? Msstxjf the Cotton crop, has been gath sered w ails sectionv ; - . . ; t 5?' M H; E. 'PoBTEB. f r "Worth Your Attention. ; 1 Tfjut this-outiridimailt tdEriiriES & Co, Augusta! Maine, who will send you free soja'ething new,that,fus? coins" money for all workers. As wonderful as the electric light, as! genuine as puregold, it will prove of lifelong value and importance . to you Both seies, all ages. Allen & Co., - bear expensed starting you in . business. It will bring you in more cash, right' way than anything else in the world..; Any one ah v where can do the work and live at home also. Better write at once ; then knowing all, should .you conclude that you. don't care to engage, why no harm is done.- - Devosest's MontBXT is ' one of the .very best .magazines published, and the Noy ember number which ts now : on our table, is" exceptionally fine. v We : advise our lad V readers especially to examini it before subscribug for another. . -Published by W. Jet ntngs Demore'st 15 East 14th Street, N. Y. Mr. W. T. Walker, of the "North Carolina Prohibitionist,' gave an address on prohibition at the Ceurt house Tuesday night which was fairly attended and high v sDoken of bv those in - attendence. W, Sentinel. Mrs". C. C. Gorrell has a full line of la dies and childrens hats, gloves, llutchin &c. &c, and the ladies will find it to their interest to see her stock before purchasing elsewhere. New goods will be : received at large, in" the trial of the Vifffinia State I obtained. and . all: javtA r-A iiiSt't m os-si- L :. ' '- " I Uhded ttt for MODEimTE Ff.K& Our office s uiutiais ir wumauK. uow penumg on a otIKlsiIe lhe n 8--Patent Offico rlanrl wcU - writ of habeas corpus, before the Unh JJten" lew oiaiea pupreu.e vourt, as me issue joiaea involves the Settlement of a constitution al question of law between the State and Federal .Governments . f Another interesting case that ..may be presented before the Court this week - is the appeal of the' Chicago N Anarchists. The Preller murder caw of: SC. Louis, which has attained national notoriety is. also before that tribunal. ! . . . .'. ".The movement tohave the next Nation al Democratic Convention meet in Wash ington has materialized into a call for a public meeting to- , consider the project. As a means to the desired end it - is -the purpose of the j- Washingtonians to " giv the Deihocratic Committee a grand enter WHEN YOU WAN? TO BUY HATS AND FURNISHING ; goods, ; . 33on't Fail to Gall on ns. - fiKSPECTFULLT,"'- '" tV'-' . " F. FISHBIilf E, LEADING CLOTH IEK, ' - , ; GreenslxorQ.N. C. C.:M..VANSTOJitUNAaER. the Bureau of! SAIiESXEJi: - TOBACCO MARKET. Common darV lugs, $ 1, 00 a 3,50 " " filer-, a,U0a4,0u Dark rich fi lers : 5,00 a 7,50 Bright M 10,00 15,00 Common dark smokers , - 5,00 a 6,00 Bright sm' kers : , J : . 13,00 a 17,00 M dium cutters . , 17,00 a 22,00 Fancy. " - 25,00 a30,00 Medium wrappers 2U,UU 545,00 Fancy V . 40,00 a 60,00 Our market Is now very active for aTi gr-de-r of tobacc . :-. i.r. ' . Bacon Side , . - 10 H-inis - - - - - .15 - Shoulders - - 10 Cheese - 20 Coffee Rio - 22 a 25 ; - Laguyra 2 - Java 25a35 Kerosene Qil . 20 Lard - , 10 Leather Sole ' . 20 n 20 .VI lasses - - 25a55 Llice . 8al0 Syrup " 80 a 60 Soda " " . - 8al0 Salt Common v 70 . Fine . - ' - 85 Sugar Yellow - - 7a5 - White - 9a 18 Crushed. . 10 PHOTO of itirention. We adviM? a to tcnt ; ability frocofrlinrge andio nmtt QrO t HAkUi.. Kor circular.- advice, temm and references h. actual -licuui in tout own Stale. Ooujily. City ! lowp, write to rmXT'-mXVrsirTkSTrFTSl - .1 Opponte Fateat Office, Washington, U C THE COFFEE HOUSE AND - Free Heading Room Un.AVest Market street, unaer th saspious of the W. U. 1. u. is open every dy, except Sandals, and urich Served at all boars. Person having leisure moments can , spend them pleasantly in : the Beadinc tamment at this session here next winter, licom, where all- the latest leadint in the effort to capture that organization J Papers and Periodicals will be A Washington Judge has a decidedly found original way of disposing of a "boycott," country's trouble - troublesome impor ta -1 tioh from the, Emerald Isle.. His Honor declines it to be a common . conspiricy, : "only" that and nothing more." C3 J '. '?'i;. ; : i3 td txJ is the only machine made that sew's the same with- the machine running either backward or forward and without stopping or changing the direction of the work. ' - EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. " : - - Call and see the machine at W. H. WAKEF1EL0 & CO., Greensboro N; C. Dealers in all kinds of Hardware," Tainte. Oils. Varnishes Yh Reliable British Mixture Guano in stock. Mat. 188d 'Sheet ' Music PIANOS. A KRANICH 4- BACH. Behr Bros., OHIOKEIUNG, DAVIS. Speciality; . ORGAHS. KIMBALL, New Enfirlandg . MILLED.,: WMtney, BBIDGEP&T. -:o:- SHEET MUSIC; ALL THE NEAV AND POPULAR AIHS IN STOCK Novelties Received Weekly. TEACHERS ARE OFFERED SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS - - . Sewing Hachinei Needles. ' There are many qualities of Needles ; the Best are Cheapest. -Singer Needles 39 c-nts per .Dozen. All others o cents each, 50 cents per drzen. I can furnish ANY PART of any make SEWING MACHINE. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. Remittance can be made in postage. I am asking for business that will save buyers money. - Xiet the Goods Talk. J. L. STONE, ' RaleigliH.rC.; V MACHINE NEEDLES OFIEVEEYSSTYLE. Positively none genuine unless stamfed as t oIIottb : n 1 yy II aw w 'BTJBLUTGTIOH ITEMS The protracted meeting announced te te gin last Snnday at the Uuion Church is be ing conducted this week in the new tobacco warehouse on Main street. The change of place was made in order to get mora room and also for convenience. Large congregations have attended np to the present. ! -' . . ; We have had. a fine rain to day, which was much needed. Our weather service is usually about a day behind : of late in hoisting the signals., Our neighbor town, Graham, has opened a bar-room -again, unce more she Unas a negro with a good moral character uffi cient to entitle: him to the. privilege of dealing out to heir citizens the soul de stroying beverage. His character was es tablished, I understand, by , some of the leading Church jnembers of the - town! Alas I for'oar'hope of prohibition, .w.hile the church of the living God sees in a li cense bar-room a heaven appointed insti tution ! ; Of course they see it, or they would not support such a thing.. How many wounds the poor drunkard recieved in the house of his friends. ' certainly he has no better friends than those who pray for his . deliAerance, and . then vote for whiskey; to be Bit before him 't How many there are whose sober sense is bound in the spell that whisky sways over its vota ries. I ; trust that deliverance will 'yet come to) these spell-bound advocates of the LIFT Hakes a complete Fire Department foi any Country Home out of a common wood pump, at a very small cost: Worth lifty Times its cost if you need it to put out a fire, and extremely handy for lotsot otheT things. ; : - - ;.'v:. ::) " . Ready for action in Une-eightu or a minute. Enertretic business men who will give it proper attention are wanted to handle this ump in every town; in rennsyivania, few Jersey J Maryland. Delaware, Virgin ia and North Carolina, and will be accord ed control of suitable territory not already occupied;. MAN UPACTUlt E 11. Of all Sizes and Styles or Wood rumps. Office: 25 N. E. CITf HALL SQUARE, . . Opposite Broad St. Station if. li. K., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Over 9,000,000 worn during" the 'past six yeari ,: This marvelous success Is due ; 3 :. 1st -To the superiority of Ctorallne over all other materials, as a sUflenor for Corsets. 2nd. To - tho superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. - .. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. 'None are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" Is printed on inside of steel cover. . FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. - warner" brothers, 3B9 Broadway, New York City. THE COMMON SENSE km FORCE PUMP PICTURES ! PICTURES ! v f tir li ni i res irom lits in an oiyies. Old Pictures Copied to any Size. Our office is supplied with best instruments and latest improvements. Call and examine specimens of our work. - hi Work - Guaraiteeb. Prices as Low as the - Lowest West Market Street, 2d door from Court House, Ureensooro, N. C. r PRLNpE & WHITE Photographers, mm classes ?s?iz prepared to furnish all classes with em ployment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new lieht and profitable. Parsons of ei'her sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5.00 perl evemntr, and a proportional sum Dy cievoi ing all their time to the, business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their ad dress, and test the business, we make this offer. To such as are &ot atisfied we will send one d- llar to pay for the trouble of writing. J? uil particulars ana outnt iree. Addres George STiusONifc Go;, Port- and-Maine. . . A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE This Farm is situatd in Guilford Coun L'tv. N. C. on Reedv Fork, on the line of the R. & D. R. R , and contains some thine over 700 acres. It has on it a good Granite quarry. - The soil is adapted to. the growth of Tobacco. Gram of all kinds Cotton and Grass. It has a larere frame dwelliner of nine rooms, smoke-house double kitchen, ice house, store house barnes. "stables, cribs, tenant houses &c, There is on the place, besides several old orchards, a vounsr orchard of some 150 trees of select fruit, just begining to bear. The dwelliner is 1 miles from - .Brown i summit a station on the R. & D. R. R 12 miles from the citv of G reensboro. and within half a mile of a saw and grain mill The location is one of the most desirable in the country. Call on or address -the Editor of thip Made in Congress, Button A Lace. : Best Calfskin'.' ' This is.the original $3 Shoe, and .the only one which -' I endures the test' of time and constantly grows in public favor. It la made ' '" to please the wearer by its durability and comfort. It is not . m ; . made to catch his eye by false appearance of excellence when held in the hand. Consequently our sales aro now 'and have -been from the first, larger than those of any other mann. factarersof shoes of this price. A postal card sent to i will bring you information how to get thie Shoe hv - any State or Territory. -: JAMES & CO., . 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Masm. . "A FULL LINE ,OE THE JAMES MEANS SHOE For Sale By FARRI0R & CRABTBEE, Wholesale fc lielail DEALERS In BOOTS AND SHOES. Greensboro N. G. ' . ; Exclnsive Asts. for ZElGLiiU BUG'S. Fiiie Shoes. ft - H - W - t-t t n ao - XI W &2 O o o H to : & 125 m O - , ' co 3 s - OQ CO CO CCS cu I I 01 p o O Pi 15 i o EH o ' P4 o O " "C u at M q P3 ' OQ 9 o 5 - pi t3 T3 O o a : U o a o i i i I is T3 O B D U OS T3 a -5 at O o ts o 9 Si - .1 m o H. P o tr CO : JAS. S. EDVELL, Boot and Shoe' Maker'! ... - - - " - -, - : - ' HAS opened a shop "in the old' Post Office building tJouth :-Elin streets, where he is prepared to do all kinds of "work in his line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Besides he keeps constantly on hand for sale second Laid boots and shoes, and will take old' boots and shoes in exchange for work. - If you have boots or shoes to make, mend, buy or sell,do'not fail to give him a call- - . sept 24 3 moe 1VS. SHELTOH. -DEALER IN- n o o im-t CD o CD PS CROCKERY, YQQden GLASSWARE r : ' . ' Ami UrillA... Vf. .'i:' GENERAL M 3 ROHAN DISS &Q apr:& Skeksbcko, N7:C. "VTTTcan live at home and make more X J U money at work for us than' at anything else in this world Capital . not needed ; you are started free. Both sexes; all ag-s. Any one can do the work. Large earnings sure from firs' start. Costly out fit and terms free. Better not delay.' Costs you nr thing to sehd:us your address and find out; if you are)wise you.will - do so at once. H. Hallett'& Co., Portiann, Maine.'. "... Will be 'enrolled. i every few days,- - liquor traffic and use. - paper.